Modern educational technologies in the correctional work of a teacher-defectologist in a preschool. Speech at the teachers' meeting Corrective technologies in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Modern educational technologies in the correctional work of a teacher-defectologist in a preschool.  Speech at the teachers' meeting Corrective technologies in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

“The use of innovative technologies in correctional work with children with special educational needs for the purpose of their adaptation and socialization in the modern world”

(from work experience)

Relevance of experience . The health status of children with autism spectrum disorders, mild mental retardation, and Down syndrome prevents them from mastering all sections of the educational program of a preschool institution outside of special conditions of education and training. They have limited ideas about the environment, objects and their functional purpose, which subsequently negatively affects their further development, socialization in society, and adequate interaction with others. The problem of raising and educating children with disabilities in the general education environment requires a sensitive and flexible approach, since not all children with developmental disabilities can successfully integrate into society. Children with disabilities can realize their potential only if the process of upbringing and education is started in a timely manner and adequately organized, and the satisfaction of both those common to normally developing children and their special educational needs, determined by the nature of the disorder in their mental development.

The acquisition of social experience by children with disabilities and their inclusion in the existing system of social relations requires competent decisions and actions from teachers dealing with this category of children. This includes the development of special programs and the use of innovative technologies in correctional work with children with special educational needs with the aim of their adaptation and socialization in the modern world.

Corrective education for a “special” child, started as early as possible, can lead to significant positive changes in the child’s development, which will affect his future fate. Education, which focuses on the current level of development of children and the possibilities of the “zone of proximal development”, is based on the leading activities of preschool age, and plays a decisive role in the acquisition of knowledge by a child with special educational needs. During the learning process, this knowledge is systematized, and all this contributes to the child’s cognitive development, his adaptation and socialization in the modern world. In this regard, there is a need to study innovative approaches and technologies, adapt them to the conditions of a special preschool institution and introduce them into work practice.

The main idea of ​​the experience is that the use of non-traditional forms of conducting classes, innovative technologies and methods helps to increase the activity, independence and social mobility of the child, and the development of his cognitive abilities.

Innovativeness of experience and its practical significance consists of constantly searching and implementing new, most effective technologies for teaching and raising children with disabilities. The result of this work was the formation of an individual with special educational needs adapted to the conditions of society. The effectiveness of using selected innovations and technologies is evidenced by the results of diagnostic examinations of students.

Manufacturability of experience is to develop and implement a systematic approach to organizing correctional work using selected innovations and technologies, which together guarantee a result that affects the level of skill of the institution’s teachers and the degree of development of each child. The experience is presented in the form of a project on the topic “The use of innovative technologies in correctional work with children with special educational needs for the purpose of their adaptation and socialization in the modern world.” The content of the project covers goal setting, formulation of general and specific goals for achieving results, the appendices reveal the content of educational material: a card index of thematic walks in order to familiarize children with disabilities with the world around them; description of methods and forms of organizing the correctional educational process; assessment of current results during monitoring; final evaluation of results.

Work experience confirms that one of the important tasks of correcting developmental disorders in children is to expand their ideas about the world around them, their ideas about life, opening up new opportunities for them, teaching them to perceive the world around them with all their senses. Only then will this world become wider and more multifaceted for them.

Orientation in the surrounding space is carried out through its active development in the following directions:

Familiarization with the objective world;

Familiarization with nature (living and non-living);

Formation of basic social knowledge (family, family relationships, human activities, etc.);

Formation of safe behavior skills.

The formation of a child’s first ideas about himself becomes the first essential link in attracting him to the social world and a stimulus for learning about the environment. Throughout preschool age, a child's ideas about himself are constantly changing. In our pupils, the first manifestations of self-awareness, the identification of their “I” and the “I” of other children, do not arise without special training. It is necessary to constantly form in children a holistic perception and a correct idea of ​​themselves and people in general. This work is carried out both by a speech pathologist teacher, a speech therapist teacher, and a group educator during all routine moments and in everyday life, in individual and group correctional classes.

In the process of work, I came to the conclusion that our students have difficulties, first of all, in understanding the events of their lives, the lives of the people around them, and the events of social life. All this affects the formation of the ability to build relationships with adults and peers. The skills of establishing interpersonal relationships that we form in children help them master a culture of behavior, all this in turn contributes to the development of self-awareness and self-esteem, and social feelings.

The success of forming basic knowledge about the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, about social life depends on the choice of teaching methods, taking into account the psychophysical capabilities of children with special needs. The forms of work I have chosen, innovative technologies, methods and techniques aimed at developing ideas about the world around us in children with special needs, the entire strategic program of long-term classes is structured in such a way that each stage prepares the next. And until convincing and time-stable results are achieved at this stage, moving on to the next means entering an unprepared field of activity.

Experience confirms that the use of traditional methods of working with children with disabilities is not enough for correction. Therefore, I decided to build my work based on modern non-traditional methods and innovative technologies:

- Structured learning based on visual support (TEACCH elements). The goal of the program is to increase the level of independence of the child, his self-confidence, but only in special, limited or artificially created conditions.

- Elements of applied behavior analysis (ABA - THERAPY) is an intensive training program that is based on behavioral technologies and teaching methods. With this approach, all complex skills, including speech, creative play, and eye contact, are broken down into small blocks - actions. Each action is learned separately with the child, then the actions are connected in a chain, forming a complex action. Correct actions are reinforced with encouragement. To achieve the desired behavior, cues and incentives, both positive and negative, are used.

For each child, an individual stage-by-stage development plan is drawn up, the teacher builds a clear system of complication and stage-by-stage development.

mastering more and more new skills. The ultimate goal of ABA is to give the child the means to independently master the world around him.

- Picture Exchange Communication System or PECS is a modified applied behavior analysis (ABA) program for the early learning of nonverbal symbolic communication. This program does not directly teach spoken language, but it does help develop speech in a child with autism. Some children, after starting the PECS program, begin to use spontaneous speech and acquire more effective communication.

- Global reading according to the method of G. Doman. The essence of this teaching method is that the child regularly perceives words, phrases, and short sentences written in their entirety visually and auditorily over a long period of time. As a result of the information processed by the brain, the child independently develops the technology to read any words and texts.

- Communicative games for the formation of emotional interaction and prerequisites for communication with peers and adults according to the CIRCLE system. The purpose of the technology is to change the motivational side of communication: increasing the child’s own activity; developing the ability to see his dignity in another person and support him verbally or through touch; deepening awareness of the sphere of communication; learning the ability to cooperate, feel the mood and empathize with others.

- Correction of sensorimotor integration disorders is based on the approach of E. J. Ayres, the main idea of ​​which is that the child’s enrichment with sensory experience and the formation of his polysensory perception occur in conditions as close as possible to life. Only then is the brain able to integrate sensations and form an adaptive response that “fits” the child into the context of the situation.

The effectiveness of the work carried out was assessed by monitoring, which was carried out as a way to control the process of adaptation and socialization of children with disabilities by collecting and processing information about the results of correctional interventions using innovative technologies and techniques. Thus, systematic, targeted correctional work with children with disabilities leads to clearly expressed positive results: improvement of verbal and non-verbal communication, development of interpersonal relationships between adults and peers and, as a result, increased activity, independence, which is expressed in the growth of social activity of these children.

Summing up the results of the project, I came to the conclusion that the technologies and methods I chose contributed to the correction of not only cognitive, but also communicative-speech, emotional, and general mental development of children with special educational needs. In future work I plan to continue working on

chosen topic, studying and implementing new innovative technologies in close cooperation with the teaching staff and parents.

Taking into account the results obtained, the teaching staff of the institution considers it necessary to introduce experience and a project developed on the basis of experience into the work of all groups of the institution.

Application of modern correction technologies

The main task of a teacher at a social rehabilitation center– choose methods and forms of organizing work with children, innovative pedagogical technologies that optimally correspond to the development of the child’s personality, his successful adaptation and socialization in society.

The activity of a teacher at a social rehabilitation center has its own specifics, since the entire educational process is aimed not at learning, but at the development and upbringing of children, and, often, correction. Therefore, it is advisable to talk about pedagogical technologies not as teaching technologies, which have the ultimate goal of developing knowledge, skills, and abilities in children, but as technologies that help make this knowledge, abilities, and skills a means of developing the child’s personal qualities.

The priority direction in my activity is the development of the socio-cultural competence of children, therefore in my practical professional activities I use the following pedagogical technologies and methods:


Justification for choice

    Priority of personal relationships.

    Individual approach to students.

    Providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for the development of the child’s personality.


For example, during classes on productive activities, children choose materials (pencils, paints, gouache, cereals, beads, etc.) based on their interest.

When planning a lesson, I take into account what knowledge, abilities, skills on this material have already been accumulated by the pupils and think through various problematic, creative tasks that allow the child to choose the type and form of work.

At the end of the lesson, I give evaluation (encouragement) to each child, I note what he did especially well, etc.

I create a positive emotional mood in class. This contributes to more successful mastery of the material. In order for a child to have a desire to acquire knowledge, the child must have the experience of positive emotions from the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities or from the result of their acquisition. I take into account the personal characteristics of children, remembering that the same emotion cannot always be evoked in different people in the same way.

Didactic games

I use didactic material that varies in content, volume, complexity, methods and techniques for completing tasks.

Figuratively - role-playing games


Intonation games with words

The number of conflict situations and aggressive manifestations in the group has decreased. The level of self-esteem and self-confidence among students has increased, they have become more open, relaxed, and communicate more freely with teachers and peers.

Gaming technologies

Justification for choice

The integrated use of gaming technologies of different target orientations helps the formation of motivational and emotional-volitional readiness for successful socialization in society; each game situation of communication between a pupil and adults, with other children is for the child a “school of cooperation”, in which he learns to enjoy the success of his peer, and calmly endure your failures; regulate your behavior in accordance with social requirements; equally successfully organize subgroup and group forms of cooperation.

Description of the implementation of technologies in practical professional activities

Educational games.



Round dances.


Games with rules.


Intonation games with words.

Trainings and brainstorming (brainstorming)

Result of using technology

As a result of the use of this technology, children demonstrate organizational skills, initiative, and communication skills. They master the skills and abilities necessary for full mental and personal development. The foundations of basic personal culture are being formed, children’s gaming experience is being developed, gaming skills are being used in everyday life, and the creative potential of students is being developed.

Children recognize the emotional manifestations of others and respond correctly to them.

Development of interaction “child - child”, “child - adult”.

The student is able to evaluate himself through his own efforts.

The barrier between teacher and child is destroyed.

Children are peer-oriented, which means they are not obedient followers of the teacher’s instructions.

Children are independent and proactive, they set the rules of the game themselves, negotiate, communicate, help each other, and also control each other. It gives insecure children the opportunity to overcome their complexes and indecisiveness.

Art therapy technologies

Justification for choice

Solving a variety of problems through art and creativity.

Description of the implementation of technologies in practical professional activities


Music therapy.

Dramatherapy. For example, subgroups of children stage, act out an episode of a fairy tale or situation.

Fairytale therapy.

Result of using technology

A positive result is achieved in the field of communication, the emotional-volitional sphere, and intellectual abilities develop more intensively. As a result of the use of these technologies, children develop curiosity, fulfill cognitive needs, overcome shyness, develop imagination, speech and general initiative, increase the level of cognitive and creative abilities, and the ability to interact in a team. The use of art therapy technology contributes to the realization of children's needs for creativity, movement, preservation of their psychological health, and self-organization.

Collaboration technology

Justification for choice

Implementation of the principle of democratization of education, equality in the relationship between teacher and child, partnership in the system of relationships “adult - child”.

Description of the implementation of technologies in practical professional activities

Joint creative activity of the teacher and the child.

Joint production of manuals, holiday gifts, greeting newspapers, artistic products for participation in competitions of various levels and exhibitions.

Individual and differentiated lessons.

Result of using technology

Humane attitude towards children, which includes: the teacher’s interest in their fate; cooperation, communication, absence of coercion, punishment, evaluation, prohibitions that oppress the individual; treating the child as a unique individual (“there is a miracle in every child”); tolerance for children's shortcomings, faith in the child and his strengths (“all children are talented”).

Research technologies

Justification for choice

The main advantage of experimental research activity is that it is close to children and gives real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied,about its relationships with other environmental objects. During the experiment, in addition to the development of cognitive activity,mental processes are developing -enrichment of memory, speech, activation of thinking, mental skills, since the need constantly arises to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization, the need to give an account of what was seen, to formulate discovered patterns and conclusions. Not only does the child become familiar with new facts, but also the accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations. In addition, it should be noted the positive impact of experimental research activities on the emotional sphere of the child, on the development of creative abilities, the formation of work skills, and the ability to bring what has been started to a victorious end.

Description of the implementation of technologies in practical professional activities

Experiments, experimentation (mastering cause-and-effect relationships and relationships). (State and transformation of matter, movement of air, water, properties of soil and minerals, living conditions of plants).

Work assignments, actions.


Didactic games.

Result of using technology

Develops the ability for a research type of thinking, expands and refines knowledge about the world around us.

I consider my work successful: children’s interest in direct correctional activities has increased, attention, memory, imagination, and mental abilities are developing; moral qualities and communication skills are fostered; conditions have been created for a positive psycho-emotional state of children, which has a beneficial effect on the health of each child.

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. Until the age of 7, a person goes through a huge developmental path that is not repeated throughout the rest of his life. It is during this period that there is intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, the basic personality traits are laid, character and attitude towards oneself and others are formed. It is very important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports. A preschool educational institution must constantly master a set of measures aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his learning and development. There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the general name “health-saving technologies”.

The main purpose of such new technologies is to unite teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents and, most importantly, the children themselves to preserve, strengthen and develop health. So what is “health-saving technology”? Health-saving technology is an integral system of educational, health-improving, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between a child and a teacher, a child and parents, a child and a doctor. The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, and to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life. Health-saving pedagogical technologies are used in various types of activities and are presented as:

  • technologies for preserving and promoting health;
  • healthy lifestyle training technologies;
  • correction technologies.

Our group has created pedagogical conditions for the health-saving process of raising and developing children, the main of which are: organizing various types of children’s activities in a playful way; construction of the educational process in the form of a cultural model; organization of cultural creativity for preschool children; equipping children's activities with equipment, toys, games, play exercises and aids. All this work is carried out comprehensively, throughout the day and with the participation of medical and pedagogical workers: teacher, music director. As a participant in this general process, I pay special attention to teaching preschoolers the basic movements and skills of a healthy lifestyle, putting into practice the introduction of various methods and techniques to create an environment for a health-saving process in their age group.

Technologies for preserving and promoting health:

  • Rhythmoplasty Conducted once a week in the form of group work. During classes, children develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, flexibility and plasticity, and correct posture is formed. Attention is drawn to the artistic value, the amount of physical activity and its proportionality to the age of the child.
  • Dynamic pauses are carried out during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. During their implementation, elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing, finger gymnastics and others are included, depending on the type of activity.
  • Outdoor and sports games are carried out daily as part of a physical education lesson, during a walk, in a group room - small, with an average degree of mobility. Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of the game.
  • Relaxation. Children's mental health requires a balance of positive and negative emotions to maintain mental balance and life-affirming behavior. Our task is not to suppress or eradicate emotions, but to teach children to feel their emotions, manage their behavior, and hear their body. For this purpose, in my work I use specially selected exercises to relax certain parts of the body and the whole organism. Conducted in any suitable room. Depending on the condition of the children and goals, the intensity of the technology is determined. Calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature are used for work. Children really like doing such exercises, because they have an element of play. They quickly learn this difficult skill of relaxing.
  • Finger gymnastics carried out individually or with a subgroup of children daily. Trains fine motor skills, stimulates speech, spatial thinking, attention, blood circulation, imagination, reaction speed. Useful for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time.
  • Gymnastics for the eyes carried out daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time, depending on the intensity of the visual load, helps relieve static tension in the eye muscles and blood circulation. During its implementation, visual material and a demonstration by the teacher are used.
  • Breathing exercises carried out in various forms of physical education and recreational work. In children, oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which helps to normalize and optimize its functioning as a whole.
  • Game recreational gymnastics carried out daily after a nap for 5-10 minutes. Her complex includes exercises on beds for awakening, exercises for correcting flat feet, cultivating correct posture, and extensive washing. For preventive purposes, each parent made a rug with buttons. Children enjoy walking on it after a nap. The track perfectly massages the baby’s feet, strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the foot, protecting the body as a whole.

Health-saving educational technologies in our group are, first of all, a technology for nurturing a valeological culture or a culture of children’s health. The purpose of these technologies is to develop a child’s conscious attitude towards health and human life, accumulate knowledge about health and develop the ability to protect, support and preserve it, acquire valeological competence, allowing a preschooler to independently and effectively solve problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to provision of basic medical and psychological self-help and assistance. In other words, it is important for us to achieve such a result that our children, crossing the threshold of “adulthood,” not only have a high health potential that allows them to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also have a wealth of knowledge that allows them to do it correctly.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

  • Morning exercises carried out daily for 6-8 minutes. with musical accompaniment. Music accompanies every exercise. At the same time, children develop rhythmic skills.
  • Physical education classes are carried out 3 times a week for 20-25 minutes. in accordance with the program under which the preschool educational institution operates (traditional, plot-game, integrated recreational). They are aimed at teaching motor skills and abilities. Regular physical exercise strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in classes helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child’s body.
  • A series of game classes “The ABC of Health”. Classes are held once a week in the form of group work. I have developed a system of valeological education for preschoolers and the formation of children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle. The introduction of developed activities using non-traditional methods and techniques made it possible to increase the child’s interest in acquiring valeological knowledge and captivate them with the game plot and unusual content. Children easily develop the concept that every person should take care of themselves and their health. The understanding of how to take care of maintaining health is expanding.
  • Self-massage. Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself. It improves blood circulation, helps normalize the functioning of internal organs, and improve posture. It contributes not only to the physical strengthening of a person, but also to the improvement of his psyche. For children, self-massage is a prevention of scoliosis, colds, and vegetative dystonia. It promotes psycho-emotional stability to physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body. Self-massage is carried out in a playful way every day in the form of a five-minute lesson or in the form of a dynamic pause in class. Funny poems, vivid images depicting massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, and the ability to use in different settings and at any time contribute to changing the child’s position from an object to a subject of pedagogical influence, and this is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation, correctional and developmental work.
  • Leisure(physical education leisure, physical education holiday, musical leisure, “Health Day”). When spending leisure time and holidays, all children are involved in direct participation in various competitions, competitions, and enthusiastically perform motor tasks, while children behave more directly than in physical education classes, and this looseness allows them to move without much stress. At the same time, those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered are used, so children display a kind of artistry and aesthetics in their movements. Physical education holidays and leisure activities are necessarily accompanied by music: this has a beneficial effect on the development of children’s sense of beauty, strengthens the ability to move to music, understand the nature of a musical work, and develops an ear for music and memory. The kindergarten site has sports equipment that allows children to achieve maximum physical activity during a walk.

Corrective technologies:

  • Articulation gymnastics - exercises for training the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw), necessary for correct sound pronunciation, help to quickly “establish” the correct sound pronunciation and overcome existing sound pronunciation disorders. A speech therapist works with children who have sound pronunciation defects.
  • Musical influence technology. Music has a strong psychological effect on children. It affects the state of the nervous system (calms, relaxes or, conversely, excites, excites), causes various emotional states (from tranquility, peace and harmony to anxiety, depression or aggression). In this regard, it is important to pay attention to what kind of music we and our children listen to.

When using music, I remember the peculiarities of the impact of the nature of the melody, rhythm and volume on the mental state of children. I use it as an aid, as part of other technologies, to relieve stress and improve emotional mood. I widely use music to accompany the educational activities of preschoolers (in classes on art activities, design, familiarization with the outside world, etc.) Calm music, evoking feelings of joy, peace, love, can harmonize the emotional state of the little listener, as well as develop concentration. I also use music before bed to help children who have difficulty falling asleep calm down and relax. When the children go to bed, I turn on calm, quiet, melodic, soft music and ask them to close their eyes and imagine themselves in the forest, on the seashore, in the garden or in any other place that evokes positive emotions in them. I draw the children’s attention to how every part of their body relaxes and rests.

  • Fairy tale therapy– used for psychotherapeutic and developmental work. The story can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story. In my work I often use original fairy tales, because... there is a lot of instructive stuff in them. I not only read fairy tales, but also discuss them with children. Children love to “personify” them and play with them. To do this, we use puppet theater and role-playing games in which children transform into various fairy-tale characters. Children also compose fairy tales themselves, because a fairy tale invented by a child, which reveals the essence of the problem, is the basis of fairy tale therapy. Through a fairy tale, you can learn about children’s experiences that they themselves are not really aware of, or are embarrassed to discuss with adults.

Thus, each of the technologies considered has a health-improving focus, and health-saving activities used in combination ultimately form the child’s habit of a healthy lifestyle.

The family and kindergarten are chronologically connected by a form of continuity, which facilitates the continuity of the upbringing and education of children. The most important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting business contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is adjusted. We can say with confidence that not a single, even the best physical education and health program can give full results if it is not implemented in collaboration with the family. I organized the “Healthy” family club. The goal of the club is to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, including in matters of improving the health of children, and to include them in the process of active interaction with preschool educational institutions. In the process of organizing a single health-preserving space for preschool educational institutions and families, I use various forms of work: open classes with children for parents; pedagogical conversations with parents - general and group parent meetings; consultations; classes with the participation of parents; exhibitions of children's works made together with their parents; Open days; participation of parents in the preparation and holding of holidays and physical education activities; joint creation of a subject-development environment; work with the parent committee of the group, questionnaires.

Visual stands introduce parents to the life of the group, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the age-related physiological characteristics of children. Information is widely used in parent corners and in mobile folders (“Child development and health”, “Games with movements”, “Movement is the basis of health”, “Formation of correct posture and prevention of its violations”, “Winter games with a child”, etc. .d.).

Thus, the physical education and health work I do allows me to involve parents in joint efforts to improve the health of the child’s body throughout their entire stay in a preschool institution.

The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in work increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms in teachers and parents value orientations aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students, and in the child - persistent motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


1. E. I. Podolskaya, Forms of health improvement for children 4-7 years old., Uchitel Publishing House, 2008.

2. N.I. Krylova, Health-saving space in preschool educational institutions. , Publishing house "Teacher" 2008.

3. T.G. Karepova, Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. , Publishing house "Teacher" 2009.

4. O.F. Gorbatenko, T.A. Kadrailskaya, G.P. Popova, Physical education and health work., Uchitel Publishing House, 2007.

5. O.N. Arsenevskaya, System of musical and recreational work in kindergarten., Publishing house "Teacher" 2009.

6. T.A. Tarasova, L.S. Vlasova, Me and my health. M., School Press. 2008

7. Belaya K.Yu. Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions: Method. manual.- M.: T.Ts. Sphere, 2005.

8. Novikova I.M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschool children. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. – M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2010.

9. Pavlova M.A., Lysogorskaya M.V. Health-saving system of preschool educational institutions/ - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

The work is accompanied by a presentation which you can download.

Corrective technologies: Technologies of musical influence - in various forms of physical education and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals. Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve tension, increase emotional mood, etc. Art therapy - Sessions of 10-12 sessions of 30-35 minutes each, starting from the middle group. The program has diagnostic tools and involves keeping training records. Fairytale therapy – 2-4 lessons per month, 30 minutes each. from an older age. Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children, and the rest of the children repeat the necessary movements after the storytellers. Color influence technologies – as a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the tasks. Correctly selected interior colors in a group relieve tension and increase the child’s emotional mood. Psycho-gymnastics – 1-2 times a week from older ages for 25-30 minutes. Aimed at the development and correction of various aspects of the child’s psyche.

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Preschool education

"Innovations of preschool education" - Magic astronomy. Preschool education – traditions and innovations. Innovation. Project work plan. Work training programs. Innovative project for kindergarten. Project implementation stages. Project name. Project method in preschool educational institutions. Innovations in preschool educational institutions.

“Preschool education” - Evaluation of the results of introducing into practice the model of the municipal preschool education system. PRESCHOOL EDUCATION IN BELOGORSKY DISTRICT: problems, tasks and ways of development. EDUCATIONAL MAP of the municipal formation Belogorsky district. Increasing professional competence of personnel. Ensuring continuity of preschool and general secondary education.

“Planning in kindergarten” - Planning of educational activities. Long-term plan for the year. Thematic planning. Plants. We live in Russia. Determines the content of the work. The plan includes 3 blocks. Fundamental changes in preschool education. Calendar plan in the educational process planning system of preschool educational institutions.

“Technologies for teaching preschool children” - Forms of work. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle. Cognitive and research activities. Classification of children's games. Corrective technologies. Classification of projects. Exploratory learning. Game functions. Hardening activities. Gaming technology. A special type of human activity.

“Financing of preschool education” - Meetings. Parental fees for child care and supervision. Average parental fee. Supervision and child care. Composition of expenses. Average monthly fee. Financing of preschool education. Subvention. Founder. Amount of children. Private educational organizations. Expenses. Compensation for parental fees.

Arkhipova E.F. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow.

Health-saving educational technologies (HST) are considered in the modern interpretation as the technological basis of health-saving pedagogy, which is currently one of the most promising educational systems of the 21st century.

Recommendations on the use of health-saving (correctional) pedagogical technologies in the education of special children (CHD) are becoming increasingly common. The introduction of inclusive education into the preschool organization system forces preschool teachers to look for pedagogical technologies that provide adequate preschool education techniques with a correctional focus in relation to children with disabilities who entered the preschool group under the conditions of inclusive preschool education.

The Federal State Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO) reflects state guarantees of free, accessible, high-quality education for all children. State guarantees also apply to special children with special educational needs. This category of special children may include children with disabilities and disabled children.

We will present only some of the tasks recommended for implementation in preschool educational institutions in order to implement the requirements of fulfilling state guarantees in obtaining a free, accessible, high-quality education for all children. In first place is the task of expanding opportunities for the development of the personal potential and abilities of every preschool child. Next, the task is to ensure conditions for a healthy lifestyle and safety of each child. One of the most pressing tasks is the introduction of all children (through the individual and age characteristics of their activities) to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state. We omit other tasks in this article, although they are very significant.

The listed tasks relate directly to the education of special children who have special educational needs. When implementing these tasks in preschool educational institutions in the educational process with a special child, the individual characteristics of each child, his potential capabilities will be taken into account and, as a result, more successful communication with others will be formed and, thus, the socialization of children with disabilities will be ensured.

When implementing programs, including adapted ones, the Federal State Educational Standard for Education calls for the fulfillment of certain requirements. One of the main ones, in our opinion, is the requirements for the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education.

Signs of the health-saving nature of educational technology include:

– individualization of psychological and pedagogical influences;

Coherence, compatibility, richness of the use of various sensory channels of perception (vision, hearing, touch, smell, motor sphere and others);

Taking into account the characteristics of the mental, emotional, motor and speech development of a preschooler;

– taking into account the characteristics of the type and pace of activity;

The use of interactive forms of education for preschool children;

Creative nature of the educational process;

Taking into account the age characteristics of a preschooler;

Construction of the educational process taking into account the physiological characteristics of a preschooler.

The concept of “health-saving pedagogical technologies” combines all areas of activities of preschool educational institutions to form, preserve and strengthen the health of students. And if we consider the category of children with disabilities, then naturally, another direction is added for the correction of disorders in mental, physical, emotional and speech development.

The category of preschoolers with disabilities may vary in composition. It may include children with various developmental disorders: impairments of hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, intelligence, with severe disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, including ASD; with delayed psycho-speech development (DSD), as well as children with complex developmental disorders. Therefore, a preschool teacher needs to find the optimal integrated use of health-saving (corrective) pedagogical measures that will improve the emotional mood and performance of all children in the group. This will help preserve and strengthen the health of ordinary children and children with disabilities. But the most significant achievement should be success in mastering adapted programs by children with disabilities, correcting deficiencies in their development, leveling their lag behind healthy peers.

Health-saving (corrective) pedagogical technologies mean a system of measures to protect, strengthen the health of children and correct developmental deficiencies in children with disabilities. Health-saving activities in preschool educational institutions may include different areas:

medical and preventive technologies;

physical education and health technologies,

technologies to ensure the socio-psychological well-being of the child;

health-saving educational technologies.

Health-saving educational technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of influence on children’s health. Their main feature is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, and approaches to solving emerging problems.

We present list of basic health-preserving (corrective) educational technologies:

Articulation and facial gymnastics;

Breathing exercises;

Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills;

Visual gymnastics;

Psycho-gymnastics; Psychocorrectional games;

Finger gymnastics; Finger Theater; Finger gymnastics with a ball;

Games for spatial activity;

Self-massage, pencil massage, massage of reflexogenic zones: Plantar massage (feet); Auricular massage (ear), Scalp massage (Professor Auglin);


Tactile and sensory paths, physical rolls, massage balls, trampolines, walking paths, health paths;

Myofunctional stimulation for the prevention of speech and orthodontic disorders in children (myofunctional simulators) during the formation of malocclusion in children;

Muscle relaxation; Swimming pools (water and dry);

Hagotherapy, Holding therapy;

Imagoprophylaxis and imagocorrection;

Aromatherapy; Phytotherapy; Lithotherapy; Sand therapy;

Bibliotherapy; Vocal therapy; Art therapy; Chromotherapy;

Sensory stimulation using the Glen Doman method;

Logorhythmics; Physical education minutes; Dance creativity;

Music therapy, Pantomime;

Game therapy; Fairytale therapy;

Games with water; Montessori therapy;

Nitcography; Construction; Legotherapy; Puzzle therapy;

Drawing: plasticine, natural material;

Modeling from clay and plasticine, testoplasty;

Origami; Papermaking; Macrame;

Animal-assisted therapy, canistherapy, hippotherapy;

Occupational therapy; Occupational therapy; Self-service;

Calligraphy therapy;


Speech motor gymnastics and other pedagogical health-saving technologies.


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