Yu. Khait, P

Yu. Khait, P

We were born to make a fairy tale come true
From “Air March”, written (first edition with notes: 1922) by composer Yuri Khait on the poem “Everything Higher” by the poet Pavel Davidovich German (1894-1952). In the USSR in the 1930s. This march song glorifying Soviet pilots was extremely popular:
We were born to make a fairy tale come true,
Overcome space and space.
The mind gave us steel wings,
And instead of a heart - a fiery engine...

Used: ironically in relation to discredited socialist doctrines and political slogans. Also used as humorous self-praise.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “We were born to make a fairy tale come true” in other dictionaries:

    fairy tale- , and, w. ** We were born to make a fairy tale come true. // The opening line of “Air March” by Yu. Hight, based on poems by P. Herman, 1920/. poet. pathet. A popular slogan of socialist construction enthusiasts. ◘ We were born to make a fairy tale come true... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

    Air march ... Wikipedia

    liquor- a, m. LIQUOR s, f. liqueur f. , German Likor, lat. liquor. 1. Strong, sweet, aromatic alcoholic drink. Ush. 1938. Very sweet vodka, mixed with spices, fruit juices, etc. Dal. From making liquor and duty free from them... ...

    liqueur- LIQUOR a, m. LIQUOR s, f. liqueur f. , German Likor, lat. liquor. 1. Strong, sweet, aromatic alcoholic drink. Ush. 1938. Very sweet vodka, mixed with spices, fruit juices, etc. Dal. From making liquor and duty free from them... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    tomato- a, m. pomme d amour, it. pomodoro pl. pomidori. Tomato or cupid apple, among gardeners, tomato, pomme d'amour. Schroeder 552. We were born to drink everything that is liquid, To overcome fusel and leker, Mosgortrest gave us various drinks, And for a snack... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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    fairy tale- , and, w. ** We were born to make a fairy tale come true. // The opening line of “Air March” by Yu. Hight, based on poems by P. Herman, 1920/. poet. pathet. A popular slogan of socialist construction enthusiasts. ◘ We were born to make a fairy tale come true... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies


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April 12, 1961 - Cosmonautics Day - a memorable day for all the people of our planet, the day when their cherished dreams and aspirations came true. This day became the day of a breakthrough for scientists in the exploration of outer space, when for the first time in the world a man made a space flight and opened the way to the stars for subsequent generations.
The launch took place on April 12 at the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 9 hours 7 minutes Moscow time, and landing in the Saratov region near the village of Smelovka at 10 hours 55 minutes. The orbit traveled 41 thousand km, apogee – 302 km, perigee – 175 km. Flight duration is 1 hour 48 minutes. The space flight was carried out on a spaceship with the Vostok launch vehicle; one revolution was made around the globe in outer space.
At that time I was studying at secondary school No. 40, which was located on Komsomolskaya Street, Kaliningrad. Later, after schoolchildren made a request, in memory of the first human flight in space, our school was awarded an honorary title: school No. 40 named after Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. What my classmates were very proud of and are still proud of today, remembering with warmth in their hearts our young and bright Soviet school days.
It so happened that on this memorable April day I was at a brass band rehearsal in the House of Pioneers on P.I. Tchaikovsky Street. In passing, I will note that at the Pioneer House I was involved in various circles and learned a lot of new, interesting and useful things for myself, learned a lot, which, of course, was useful to me in later life, for which I am grateful to the teachers and mentors. I studied in the local history circle, and in the art studio, and in the marine modeling circle, and in the “Skillful Hands” circle, and in the sculptural modeling studio. It was a golden time! The training was free. It never occurred to anyone then that in the future we would come to the point where we would have to pay a lot of money for the education of our children.
So, the rehearsal is underway. We play old and new melodies. The head of the orchestra, Alexander Lvovich, announced a break. And at about 12.00 the broadcast suddenly turns on and on the Moscow radio we hear a message about the flight of the world's first man into space, USSR pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.
We cannot express our excitement, joy and delight from what we heard. We were then boys of twelve to fifteen years old. And then the incredible happened! The fairy tale has become reality! Now! On this day! At this hour! Fantastic! We couldn’t even think about this at that time! Human flight! When else?.. Someday in the future... But not today and now! Incredible! Dreams! Dreams of space flights, flights to Mars and other planets of our Galaxy are coming true! A new era in the development of humanity begins.
We were filled with inspiration and delight. My head was spinning from the incredible and joyful news. We are on the threshold of the future! And in the USSR the doors to this space future have already been opened!
After more than half a century, I will say the following: there is no doubt that we, boys, felt joy and pride for our Great Country, for our united Soviet people. The emotional experience at that moment was so vivid and strong that to this day, when remembering the events of that day, the heart beats faster and the soul is filled with the bright joy of life.
Our orchestra leader Alexander Lvovich appeared - we took our wind instruments (I had a tenor), and our orchestra, with extraordinary enthusiasm and enthusiasm, clearly and unanimously struck out the recently learned and well-rehearsed “March of the Aviators”:

We were born to make a fairy tale come true,
Overcome space and space,
The mind gave us steel wings,
And instead of a heart there is a fiery motor.

Higher and higher and higher
We strive for the flight of our birds,
And every propeller breathes
Peace of our borders.

Throwing into the air your obedient apparatus
Or creating an unprecedented flight,
We realize how the air fleet is growing stronger,
Our first proletarian fleet in the world!

Higher and higher and higher
We strive for the flight of our birds,
And every propeller breathes
Peace of our borders.

Our sharp gaze pierces every atom,
Our every nerve is dressed with determination;
And, believe us, for every ultimatum
The air fleet will be able to give the answer!

Higher and higher and higher
We strive for the flight of our birds,
And every propeller breathes
Peace of our borders.

That spiritual and spiritual musical upsurge of ours, the extraordinary joy from the accomplished event, that bright, long and distant spring day today, April 12, 1961, are unforgettable for their sunshine and feeling of delight in my soul and the souls of my classmates’ friends to this day!
I congratulate all the people of planet Earth on Cosmonautics Day and wish you optimism in work, joy in life, cosmic health and high, daring flight of dreams of happiness!

Size 4 / 4

We are born

let us tell you a fairy tale

Overcome space and pro-

We have reason

gave steel-

new hands-

fiery mo-

higher, higher, and

mime we are our flight

in every pro-



Current key: before major

G 7

A 7




D 7

G 6



I. Strings from 6th to 1st (from left to right).
II. Fret number.
III. Open string.
IV. No sound is produced on the string.
V. Fingers: index (1), middle (2), ring (3), little finger (4).
VI. Barre with his index finger.




Bust 4/4

Bust 3/4

Bust 6/8

Bass + chord

Picking + chord


Fight + bust

Six string guitar. Accompaniment and rhythmic patterns

Very often, after learning the arrangement of chords on the guitar neck, beginning guitarists ask themselves: how should the right hand behave when playing accompaniment? Which rhythmic pattern is more suitable for a particular song? Should the accompaniment be played with strumming or strumming?

Strictly speaking, any song can be played with any rhythmic pattern, but there are some “rules”. It all depends on the nature and genre of the piece being performed. Thus, lyrical songs are usually performed by fingerpicking (in classical guitar terminology this technique is called “arpeggio”), marching songs by strumming (rasgueado), songs of a restrained nature by chords. For an experienced guitarist, all this may seem self-evident, but for a beginner, at first, some kind of “cheat sheet” or short reference book would not hurt. This small program, which presents the most common rhythmic patterns for popular song sizes (2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8), is a similar reference book.


We were born to make a fairy tale come true,
Overcome space and space.
The mind* gave us steel wings,
And instead of a heart there is a fiery motor.

Higher, higher, and higher
We strive for the flight of our birds;
And every propeller breathes
Peace of our borders.

Throwing into the air your obedient apparatus
Or creating an unprecedented flight,
We are aware of how the air fleet is growing stronger,
Our first proletarian fleet in the world.

Our sharp gaze pierces every atom,
Our every nerve is dressed with determination.
And believe us - for every ultimatum
The air fleet will be able to give an answer.

* option: Stalin


Soviet composer Yuliy (Ilya) Abramovich Khait (1897-1966)


Julius Abramovich Khait was born on November 3 (15), 1897 into a Jewish family in Kyiv. In 1921 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Kyiv University. He took composition lessons from M.I. Pruslin. In the same year he moved to Moscow. In 1923-1949. - employee of organizations for the protection of copyright of Soviet composers. In 1949, he was repressed and was imprisoned until 1953. In addition to “Air March,” Julius Khait wrote many other musical works: songs and romances (“In short, there will be meetings,” “You and I are not a couple,” “I won’t forget,” “For the guitar chime”, “No need for meetings”, “Not on the way”, etc.), as well as military-patriotic marches for brass bands (“Change”, “Our Coat of Arms”, “Red Sailors”, “Red Navy March” , “Soviet Hero”, “Greetings to the Winners”, “Guards Banners”, “Glory to the Heroes”, etc.). Died on December 6, 1966. He was buried in Moscow at the Vvedensky cemetery.

Soviet poet Pavel Davidovich German (1894-1952)


Pavel Davidovich German was born in Kamenets-Podolsky in 1894. In 1914, with the outbreak of the First World War, he moved to Kyiv. Here the first collection of romances based on Herman's poems was published. The poet was also in Kyiv during the Civil War. In 1920, he worked together with the composer Yu. Hight at an evacuation point, and also performed together with Hight at the cafe “HLAM” (Artists-Writers-Artists-Musicians). In 1921 he moved to Moscow, becoming the head of the literary section of the Moscow Circus. From 1924 to 1928 he lived for some time in Riga, and then in Paris. In 1928, he began to engage in journalism, preparing for publication, together with N. Agnivtsev, several pop collections at the Teakinopechat publishing house. In addition to “Air March,” German also wrote the famous “Song about the Brick Factory” (music by V. Kruchinin, 1923), which quickly became popular among the people under the name “Bricks.” This was greatly facilitated by the fact that the song began to be performed by K. Shulzhenko, whom German met in 1924 in Kharkov. Among Herman’s other popular songs, we mention “Meetings happen only once in life”, “I don’t regret” (music by B. Fomin); “Days Roll After Days”, “The Song Remains a Song” (music by S. Pokrass, 1923); “Columbo” (music by Yu. Hight); “Never” (music by D. Bitsko); “Note” (music by N. Brodsky). Pavel Davidovich German died in 1952 in Moscow.


Soviet poster with text and notes of “Air March”

This march is full of joy, vigor, and life affirmation. It sounded especially sunny, with some new jubilant power, when Moscow welcomed Yuri Gagarin and his other cosmonaut friends. “Everything higher!” - the very lines from the song became, as it were, their motto. And the march was created in that distant time when our aviation was just in its infancy - in the fall of 1920. And this happened in Kyiv, which had only recently been liberated from foreign invaders, where everyone for whom Soviet power had become native tried to help it in any way they could. People of art also found their place in this patriotic movement.

The Soviet country did not yet have its own airplanes, but the young poet, the young dreamer Pavel German composed poems in which he confidently saw the future of our aviation, called upon to “overcome space and space,” capable of giving a proper response “to every ultimatum” of enemies. The poet introduced his friend, the young composer Yuli Khait, to the poems (both actively participated in cultural and educational work among the fighters, wrote several songs for them). Hight was carried away by the poetry, and the melody was born quickly. A day later, a new song sounded at the propaganda center in front of the Red Army soldiers leaving for the front.

“Air March” was greeted with enthusiasm: of course, it had its own Soviet song, one of the very few at that time!

And the song fell into place. According to newspapers, in 1925 it was sung by participants in the first long-distance flight of Soviet aviators Moscow - Beijing. Five years later, orchestras carried the sounds of this melody at the May Day demonstration in Berlin, when a delegation of Moscow workers welcomed Ernst Thälmann. Words taken from the “Air March” were included in the headlines of numerous newspaper articles dedicated to our aviation, and were cited in the address of the IX Congress of the Komsomol in 1931. In greetings to the VII Congress of the Comintern, they were delivered by the famous athlete Nina Kamneva, speaking on behalf of the delegation of Soviet paratroopers. “The native sky,” she said, “is the air fortress of the beloved Fatherland. We confidently sing: “And in every propeller breathes the calm of our borders.”

This song was heard both in Republican Spain and overseas, when Chkalov’s crew, who very clearly brought to life the lines from “Air March,” was enthusiastically greeted in the United States.

Significant fact: on August 7, 1933, the People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs signed the order: “Install an air march of the Military Air Forces “Everything Higher!”, music by Julius Khait, words by Pavel German.”

In the same year, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, speaking on the radio from Kaluga to the May Day columns passing through Red Square, in particular, said:

Probably the orchestra in the square is now playing the march “Higher and Higher!” Wonderful music! Good and wonderfully correct words!

Konstantin Eduardovich then expressed confidence that “heroes and daredevils will lay the first take-off routes Earth - the orbit of the Moon, the Earth - the orbit of Mars, Moscow - the Moon, Kaluga - Mars...” A quarter of a century passed - and Soviet heroes really broke into space, and then The earth greeted them with precisely this “Air March”.

An enviable song destiny!

There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of.

(Quote from Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet”, d. 1, sc. 5, words of Hamlet.)

The USSR was re-established by the SVPO USSR in 2006 on the basis of the Testamentary Will (Will) of R. Gravett\Richard Gravett, which entered into legal force on October 31, 2006, the world behind the scenes knows and recognizes this. Now, in fact, there is a division/closure of balance sheets (and termination of management) between management companies - the Russian Federation / Government of the Russian Federation (closed from 01/01/2017, liquidated from 04/01/2018, registration in Kaliningrad and Birobidzhan. - there in the period 2007- 8yy was founded, with re-registration in the state of Delaware, they say its central office is in New York, the head is M. Mishustin, its balance sheet and budget have been closed since January 1, 2018) and the trading company of the USSR - “Government of Russia” (founded by SVPO USSR in 2012 , – General Director D. Medvedev, closed 04/01/2018), managing the rights of the RSFSR\USSR (distributes funds received from annuities of the USSR and earns money for defense, social services, housing and communal services, education, etc. () from them 40% is sent to the personal treasury accounts of citizens of the USSR in the RSFSR, in VTB and SB banks, so over the past year, each citizen of the USSR in the RSFSR was credited with 36,650,000 rubles, according to code 643.

These funds must be received before September 1, 2018 or they will be written off to the depositor. (Instructions on how to obtain them for USSR citizens are promised to be published in the near future). The division of existing departments and the closure of their balance sheet must be completed before July 1, 2018, since from September 5, 2018, the collection and circulation to the income/benefit of the USSR of all benefits from the activities of all structures such as the Russian Federation/Russian Federation of persons and structures associated with it/them (including the Central Bank, Investigative Committee, Moscow Region, State Enterprise, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc., etc.), including possible search and prosecution (up to liquidation, in accordance with the provisions of the UCC and the “Testamentary Will” ( "ZV") R. Gravett", ) persons associated with her/them. All activities and existence of the Russian Federation\Russian Federation\Government of the Russian Federation\Central Bank of the Russian Federation, all structures established by them and all beneficiaries, including all persons\persons, will be terminated on December 31, 2024, globally, finally and unconditionally. All persons and/or structures that interfere with this will be liquidated/removed from life in accordance with the UCC and “ZV” form of R. Gravett/, by its enforcement body, the “Control Group”.

The problem is that the current leadership of Russia is confident that they are “exceptional” and “kind of immortal,” and their R. Gravett is alive and “hanging out” somewhere on the island of Guam and/or Taiwan! Apparently this blind faith is the consequences of the conspiracy of R. Gravett and E. Primakov back in the late 70s, when they finally agreed on the “Washington Agreements” (“WAC”) with the Central Committee of the CPSU, as the manager of the USSR and its transfer to the field of Roman Law , for which, in 1977, a hidden coup d'état and treason at the top of the Central Committee and the special services were carried out, with the destruction and beginning of the liquidation of the sovereign statehood and economy of the USSR and with the introduction of the anti-human “Roman Constitution of the USSR of 1977” and principles into the USSR. Karensi board"(currency board) - the regime of external “CURRENCY MANAGEMENT” in the economy and monetary system instead of the three-circuit financial system created in the USSR by I. Stalin.

As a bonus to traitors, an auxiliary Trust of the CPSU was signed for 25 years, which in 2002 was actually privatized by M. Gorbachev. And now “they’re kind of being given a chance” to manage these resources, for one thing already in August replacing the “not shaking hands” V. Putin with the “progressive successor” A. Vaino and reviving the “strength of the CPSU” in the new USSR 2.0! And it seems they are even preparing a CPSU congress for October...

They say that some naive “generals” and former party bosses of the CPSU, “under the wise leadership of Comrade. V.I. Dolgikh" (they chatter that M. Prokhorov is his illegitimate son)" are planning to "revive/extend the "Washington Agreements", not realizing that they are being used in the dark and these are games of the Jesuits and Zionists, because if the main one is finally and irrevocably closed global Trust “New World Order” (NWO) of 1943, then from December 26, 2016 the entire “Imperial Trust” or “Global Divine Trust” of 1302 is closed! It is impossible to revive them, extend them and/or create new ones legally!

In fact, we are only talking about how to give a new, “legal” emission status to the “fake” (fake world money issue worth 230 trillion dollars) hanging on the Rothschilds\Vatican\CPSU\V.Kobzar, and try to write it off with USSR real assets (according to the Trust “NMP” and “ZV”) - “for violation of the principle of “karensi board”, which is prescribed by them in the same “VS”! Using, for this purpose, “in the dark,” for example, the same S. Shashurin (rights “TAN”, etc.) and associated rights to 786 metric tons of gold 99.99%; at the cost of funds - an amount of at least 5'772'000'000'000 Soviet rubles and 736'000'000'000 US dollars and liabilities - not less than 72'000'000'000'000 US dollars, its derivatives and derivatives...

Why? Because the magpie on its tail brought the story that the Central Bank of the Russian Federation contains documents from the USSR SVPO for its liquidation and a demand to the “Vatican/Rothschilds and Co.” to pay and transfer to the USSR assets/funds worth more than 809 sixtillion rubles of the USSR. How did this “fake” come about (various “left” ones: “Alpha and Omega”, “White Spiritual Fight”, etc.)? Primus and Gravett stipulated this in 1975-77, and the Central Committee of the CPSU\Vatican\Jesuits\Rothschilds\Satanists carried it out. And they not only stipulated this, they generally agreed on the division of influence in the world (the USSR and CMEA go to Primus as the king of the Jews, and now, (until his granddaughters “fledged”), he is replaced by V.A. Ivanov) and even agreed on the personality the fake Gravett, whom Primakov “discovered and exposed,” and the major-colonels of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR, misled by him, even “recruited” him. To ensure the authenticity of this fact and this identity, the true Gravette even provided a false “account security record” in his favor for 943 trillion. USD at Hang Seng Bank ()having identified all this with a very well-developed package of false documents, even duplicating this asset in HSBC. () “Recording” these figures as “a single security asset of the entire global financial system.” (they say that the Rothschilds recently sold this leftist to our “generals” so as not to pay the USSR)

So it turns out that the current leadership of Russia does not recognize “ZV” (apparently their “partners”, who themselves recognize “ZV”, deliberately provoke and push our leaders to death) “ours are confident that Gravett is alive and continues to serve him by inertia false entity and his agents - Satanists of all stripes who do not recognize the “Testamentary Will” of the real Gravett. And all because at one time the major-polkans, who “recruited and supervised” the fake Gravett, received awards and stars, became generals and, apparently, still advise the leadership of the no longer existing Russian Federation, intentionally and/or not, introducing him misleadingly so as not to reveal the fact of one’s own worthlessness and incompetence. It's time to start seeing the light. I just want to shout, like a child in H. H. Andersen’s fairy tale: “But the king has no clothes”! “Save yourself before it’s too late”! The country's top leadership is surrounded by sheer illusions and organizational and legal “shams.” Well, it’s a shame for those who blindly trust those who cannot be trusted in principle, they (the Vaticans/Jews/Satanists) again want to deceive everyone...

Let me remind you that on August 19, 1991, during the State Emergency Committee, the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the USSR transmitted the conditional signals “Tarkhany” and “Frontier / Barrier” and according to them, therefore, all governing bodies of the USSR were transferred to martial law and military-territorial administrations. That is, power legally passed completely to the military commandants, headquarters and authorities of the USSR, assigned for the war period. And it remains so today! And the entire leadership of the USSR had to switch to reserve command posts, creating the USSR State Defense Committee and territorial headquarters (but for the most part, they took the path of betrayal and separate agreements with Satanists). Based on this, all power in the USSR passed to the Special Military-Political Organ of the USSR, created by I. Stalin in 1929 (in case of a similar crisis of governance in the USSR) Citizens of the USSR, officers of the General Staff, GRU, KGB of the USSR, where are you!?! Don’t forget, in connection with what was mentioned, you are in the active reserve until the age of 72 and have been mobilized since 08/19/1991. Under “pension and unconsciousness” - don’t “miss it”. You will have to answer before the Tribunal. Back in May 2012, the USSR SVPO ordered everyone to decide who remains faithful to the Oath of the USSR or not, and all structures of the Russian Federation and other offices on the territory of the USSR received 5 years to close their balance sheets, reorganize and liquidate. In fact, it is urgent to restore all governing bodies of the USSR, first of all locally, because according to the current legal status, the territory of the USSR has been captured. This means that citizens of the USSR, throughout the entire territory of the USSR, need to remember the military-administrative division of the USSR, the Oath, the laws of the USSR, Decrees of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR during wartime and act on their territory through self-organization and the creation of a military-civil territorial administration of the USSR and their territorial headquarters defense and so on until the complete restoration of all governing bodies of the USSR (including field branches of the State Bank of the USSR) and their functions, in accordance with the Constitution and Legislation of the USSR! Other forms of restoring competence and legal personality are legally impossible, illegal and unacceptable because they allow the invaders and their accomplices to divide the citizens of the USSR and provoke them to legally insignificant initiatives and actions. (By the way, from a legal point of view, it is easiest to restore the bodies of the USSR in the LDPR, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria and Crimea, because smaller commercial companies that manage the territory and population are created and operate there and are not directly included in the structure of the balance sheet of the Russian Federation / Russian Federations, they are co-founded by the Russian Federation and other legal entities and individuals. )…..

And yet, I would like to remind everyone who “did not know” or “forgot” that, according to international law, the current legal status of all so-called “citizens of the Russian Federation” (as subjects of Roman law) and “citizens of other “powers” ​​of the USSR is determined as follows way: “crazy slaves (June 12, 1990 proclaimed their voluntary renunciation of the status of the Living Sovereign, a free citizen of the USSR, thereby passing under the statute of Roman law) born in the property of the Crown of Aragon (owned by the Vatican) and the biological property of the Roman Pontiff, transferred to the use of the Manager (RF/Government of the Russian Federation and/or similar), transported by the manager through Puerto Rico to the USA, registered as slaves, migrant laborers and US residents in the state of Alabama, each in accordance with his full name and issued passport of the Russian Federation, established a company whose accounts are annually credited with annuities from the NMP trust. Slaves and their companies are under the full management of the Manager, the owner - the Crown of Aragon (Vatican) \Pope - managers (for the use of slaves), the so-called “Roman taxes” are paid, VAT and income tax. (from 01/01/2018, payments were officially stopped due to the liquidation of the “legitimate” Manager - the Russian Federation. But they are again trying to introduce them for us on behalf of an incomprehensible entity.) Next are slaves, or rather “citizens of the Russian Federation”, by the decision of the Manager (B. Yeltsin / RF / Government of the Russian Federation) in transit, on September 5, 1991, as if moved to the territory of the USSR / RSFSR, where they are located temporarily, as transit property necessary for the Manager to manage and ensure control of the territory and property of the USSR. So, so-called “citizens of the Russian Federation/Russia” (and “citizens” of other “independent powers” ​​of the USSR), do not have any illusions, you have no Motherland, sovereignty and “independent Russia” (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, etc.), yes and there are no rights at all - you, for the “West”, are not people, but slaves and property of the Vatican / Pope - movable biological property and transit migrants! And 182 Federal Law was adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation precisely at the request of the USSR, for the expulsion within 72 hours from its territory of those who betrayed the Oath of the USSR (Article 64 of the Criminal Code of the USSR\RSFSR), members of their families and other those who do not consider themselves and/or is not a citizen of the USSR! So wake up yourself and “wake up” your neighbors, especially in the “offices”, the process of recycling slaves and “extra and worthless property” has begun and “the State Department’s sanctions lists will help everyone.” And by the way, 294 “newly made Gruuzian polynomials” of the Committee of 300 were scammed like suckers and will pay in full for its “leaky balance sheet,” or did anyone have any illusions as to why this “tempting offer” was suddenly made to them at one time? Well, the real, new Committee will meet again and hurry up... Strongly….already in August/September 2018… And already started with a zero balance… where the funds of the “sanction victims” taken away, “acquired through backbreaking labor” will go…. As they say - without a sucker and ..... ha, ha, ha!

Whoever wants help, understanding and salvation will receive it... The Soviet people are kind and merciful. We always forgave, helped and saved everyone... And with R.Gravett and his “Control Group”, it is impossible to come to an agreement, beg, or ask for forgiveness....he is waiting for everyone who does not fulfill his will in the “city of the dead”....and they have no pity and mercy for anyone... “removal from life” ", "disembodiment", "direction to an immediate personal audience with R.Gravett", is the irrevocable destruction/annihilation of a Man (soul/spirit/essence), and possibly his entire Family, - in the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th generations , (their body\soul\spirit\essence) without a chance of any reincarnation or rebirth…. This is really scary, think about it, everything will start on September 5, 2018..... The creation of various insignificant “commercial and public-private partnerships” or some kind of new Russian Federation - such as the successor to the Far Eastern Republic (FER) ( - ) , or its similarities, is a deception and a path to the abyss... one just wants to shout: “Gentlemen, comrade officers\generals\admirals\deputies\senators\leaders! Come to your senses and look around! The Satanists are again dragging you into “fornication” in order to make you extreme in front of Gravett and write YOU off as “battle losses!”... remember, September 5th is coming soon...
