Methodology of speech therapy work for the correction of whistling sounds. Methodology of speech therapy work for sigmatism and parasigmatism of whistling sounds

Methodology of speech therapy work for the correction of whistling sounds.  Methodology of speech therapy work for sigmatism and parasigmatism of whistling sounds

Articulation of sounds S, S", Z, Z", Ts.

Before considering the shortcomings of the pronunciation of whistling sounds S, S, Z, Z, Ts, you need to know their correct articulation.

Articulation of sound C:

Lips- not tense, stretched, as when smiling.


Language- the tip of the tongue is wide, located behind the lower teeth, at the lower alveoli; the front part of the back of the tongue is wide, it rises to the upper gums and forms a groove-shaped line with them; the middle part of the back of the tongue forms a longitudinal groove in the middle, the back of the back of the tongue is slightly raised, the lateral edges of the tongue fit tightly to the inside of the upper and partly lower lateral teeth, closing the passage of air to the stream on the sides.

Soft sky- raised, blocking the passage of the air stream into the oral cavity.

Sound- a noise similar to a whistle.

Articulation of sound C":

Lips- stretched into a “smile” more than when pronouncing a sound WITH, and tense.

Teeth- brought together by 1-1.5 mm, the upper and lower incisors are exposed.

Language- the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors, rests more strongly on the incisors; the mid-anterior part of the back of the tongue is more curved and slightly moved forward than when pronouncing a sound WITH, as a result of which the cavity between the tongue and the incisors is significantly reduced (narrowed); the lateral edges of the tongue are wider than when pronouncing a sound WITH and touch the sky more directionally, forming a narrower passage for air.

Soft sky

Sound- sounds soft, dull; the noise is higher than when pronouncing a hard word WITH.

Articulation of sound Z:


Teeth- brought together by 1-1.5 mm, the upper and lower incisors are exposed.

Language- the tip of the tongue is wide, located behind the lower teeth, at the lower alveoli; the front and middle part of the back of the tongue rises slightly higher to the upper gums than when pronouncing a sound WITH, but the tension of the tongue is somewhat weaker and in the form of a longitudinal groove between the back of the tongue and the alveoli is narrower than with deaf WITH And WITH"; the back of the back of the tongue is raised, the lateral edges of the tongue fit tightly to the inside of the upper and partly lower lateral teeth, closing the passage of the air stream on the sides.

Soft sky- raised, closing the passage of the air stream into the nasal cavity.

Air jet- narrow, cold, but weaker and less tense than when pronouncing a sound WITH.

Articulation of sound Z":

Lips- not tense, stretched, as with a slight smile, then take the position of the vowel that follows it.

Teeth- brought together by 1-1.5 mm, the upper and lower incisors are exposed.

Language- the tip of the tongue is wide, located behind the lower teeth, at the lower alveoli, vibrates; the mid-anterior part of the back of the tongue is more curved and slightly moved forward towards the upper gums than when pronouncing a sound Z, a gap in the form of a longitudinal groove between the back of the tongue and the alveoli is narrower than when pronouncing deaf people WITH And WITH"; the back of the back of the tongue is raised, the lateral edges are wider and denser than when pronouncing a sound Z adjacent to the inner side of the upper and partly lower lateral teeth, (closing the passage of the air stream on the sides), tense, touching the palate, forming a narrower passage of air.

Soft sky- raised, pressed against the back wall of the pharynx and closes the passage of the air stream into the nasal cavity.

Air jet- narrow, cold.

Articulation of sound C:

Lips- when pronouncing a sound C in a neutral position.

Teeth- slightly open at a distance of 1-1.5 mm.

Language- the tip of the tongue is behind the lower teeth; the front part of the back of the tongue at the first moment touches the upper gums and alveoli, forming a closure; then, under the pressure of a blown stream of air, the front part of the back of the tongue moves away from the upper alveoli and drops slightly down, touching only the upper gums and forming a groove-shaped gap; the middle part of the back of the tongue at the moment of bowing is slightly hunched, then rises higher, forming a longitudinal groove in the middle; the back of the back of the tongue is slightly raised; the lateral edges of the tongue touch the upper molars.

The soft palate is raised, pressed against the back wall of the pharynx and closes the passage of the air stream into the nasal cavity.

Air jet- moderate.

To understand the shortcomings of whistling pronunciation S, S", Z, Z", C sounds you need to know all types of sigmatism. (Sigmatisms include the absence and distortion of whistling sounds). If one phoneme is replaced by another phoneme, e.g. T (dog - tobaka or fobaka), such violations are called parasigmatisms.

Types of sigmatism.

Let's look at the main types of sigmatism.

Interdental sigmatism. This type of sigmatism is the most common in this group of disorders. Characteristic of sound WITH there is no whistle. Instead, a lower and weaker noise is heard, caused by the position of the tongue inserted between the teeth: the round gap is replaced by a flat one. The same disadvantage applies to paired voiced Z and affricate C.

Lateral sigmatism. This type of sigmatism is characterized by the fact that the exhaled stream of air does not pass along the midline of the tongue, but through the lateral gap, one-sided or two-sided, since the lateral edges of the tongue are not adjacent to the molars. The tip of the tongue and the front part of the back form a bridge with the incisors and alveoli. With such articulation, instead of WITH noise is heard. The same noise, only voiced, is heard when pronouncing Z. With lateral articulation it can also be pronounced C. The defect also extends to the corresponding paired soft whistling sounds.

Labiodental sigmatism. With it, in addition to the tongue, the lower lip, which moves closer to the upper incisors, participates in the formation of the gap (as in the formation of sound F), so the acoustic effect is distorted WITH close to sound F. a similar defect is observed when pronouncing other sibilants.

Nasal sigmatism. With this type of sigmatism, a stream of air enters the nose, which most often depends on the raised root of the tongue, and the sounds are replaced by snoring into the nose. The necessary movements of the jaw and the formation of a groove in the tongue are not formed or are not dense, only intended.

Dental sigmatism. This lack of pronunciation is distinguished by the fact that when pronouncing whistling sounds, the tip of the tongue rests against the edges of the upper and lower teeth, forming a barrier and interfering with the passage of air through the dental gap, as a result of which there is no whistling characteristic of these sounds and instead of sounds N, W sounds are heard T And D.

Hissing parasigmatism. With this type of sigmatism, the language takes on the articulation characteristic of Sh, or the articulation of a softened hissing sound, reminiscent of a shortened SCH.

Techniques for producing whistling sounds.

The production usually starts with a dull hard WITH. The main technique for producing the correct sound is interdental pronunciation WITH, and then Z, which is an opportunity to visually control the correct position of the tongue and the correct closure of the jaws (the line of the tongue groove and the midline between the upper and lower incisors must coincide, and the entire tongue must be spread out). In cases where a groove is not formed, it needs to be produced. The following preparatory articulation exercises can be used: spreading the tongue, rolling it into a tube, and then blowing it onto the tip of the tongue (blowing out a burning candle with the tongue sticking out, blowing cotton wool, a narrow paper strip, etc. from the tip of the tongue)

To use the articulation of sounds that are similar in pronunciation, you need to use the following techniques:

Staging whistling sounds from sound F, which prepares a directed, rather long, smooth air stream passing along the midline of the tongue. Protrusion of the tongue between the teeth and retraction of the lips with mechanical assistance, and then independently with mirror control during pronunciation F gives sound WITH.

Exercises in pronouncing combinations IE with tension they prepare the desired shape of the tongue (its flattening and groove along the midline) and produces a concentrated air stream. Direct transition to sound WITH its normal and good sound.

In cases labial sigmatism It is enough, with mechanical help, to lower the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth and thus get a gap instead of a bow.

At labiodental sigmatism it is necessary to remove the labial articulation. This can be achieved by demonstrating the correct position of the lips when articulating this sound, or with mechanical assistance (using a spatula or finger to move the lower lip away from the teeth). Preparatory articulation exercises can be used like: “tube”.

At interdental sigmatism, to avoid associations with a broken whistling sound, you need to pronounce the syllable SA with clenched teeth at the beginning of his utterance. Possible when pronouncing a syllable SA slightly lengthen the pronunciation of the consonant, and on the vowel A drop your jaw. Particular attention is paid to visual and auditory control.

When correcting lateral sigmatism first you need to teach the child to blow with the front edge of the tongue stuck wide open between the lips. With this type of sigmatism, special preparatory work is necessary to activate the muscles of the lateral edges of the tongue, which, as a result of the exercises performed, can rise to close contact with the lateral teeth. To obtain a clear pronunciation, you need to use a two-step method for producing this sound: cause interdental pronunciation to get rid of the squelching noise, and then move the tongue to the interdental position.

When eliminating nasal sigmatism, it is also necessary to first work on the formation of the correct exhalation of an air stream through the middle of the oral cavity. Exercises should be carried out with the interlabial and then interdental position of the front part of the tongue. Having achieved a lisping sound pronunciation WITH, you can give your child exercises on this sound in syllables. In this way, the skill of pronouncing a sound with correct exhalation will be consolidated - the child can feel the air stream on the tip of his tongue, inserted between the teeth. When the tongue is finally strengthened in this position, you need to gradually move its tip behind the lower incisors, and the temporary lisp pronunciation will be replaced by a correctly articulated one. WITH.

Sound C placed by sound T with the tip of the tongue lowered to the lower incisors and the front of the back of the tongue pressed against the upper incisors. The child must make a sound T with a strong exhalation (while pronouncing as if sequentially T And WITH). The whistling sound element turns out to be drawn-out. To get a fused sound with a shortened whistling element, you need to invite the child to pronounce the reverse syllable with a vowel A(when pronounced, one hears a combination ATS), then you need to bring the front part of the back of the tongue closer to the teeth (until they touch both the upper and lower incisors) and pronounce the combination again ATS with a strong exhalation at the moment of transition from A To TS. In cases where it is difficult for a child to hold the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors, mechanical assistance is used.

Thus, knowing the correct articulation of whistling sounds, their violations in pronunciation and production techniques, you can correctly construct correctional work.

Let's consider a specific case.

While undergoing an internship at children's clinic No. 5 in Ivanovo, a girl, Katya, was taken in for correctional work. Was held speech therapy examination. After the examination, collecting data from specialists and talking with parents, an entry was made in child's speech card.


1. Last name, first name of the child Katya Petrova

2. Age 5 years 7 months

3. Home address u. N. Neman, 83, building 2, apt. 54 _

4. History: Child from the third pregnancy (second birth). The mother is registered with a urologist. In the second half of the pregnancy there was a threat of miscarriage. The birth went well. Disease of the first year of life - measles rubella (at 3 months), otitis media (at 10 months), acute respiratory infections (at 1 year 7 months), ARVI (at 10 months).

Started walking at 1 year 1 month. Babbling appeared at 8-9 months, she uttered her first words at 10 months, and phrases at 1 year 7 months.

5. State of general and fine motor skills. There are no disturbances in the development and condition of the musculoskeletal system and general motor skills. She is mobile, coordination is satisfactory, but she does not have enough command of some basic movements according to the age group program, fine motor skills of the hands are poorly developed: she has difficulty in shading, she is not confident in using scissors, her movements are imprecise.

6. Hearing - without pathology.

7. Vision - without pathology.

8. General development of the child. The stock of knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality is within the age norm.

Memory: visual - out of 6 pictures, remembers 4

auditory - out of 6 words, remembers 4

associative - from 6 pictures -5

verbal-logical memory - remembers the listened text and retells it quite fully and accurately.

Attention, efficiency. Concentration is not bad, but volumetric stability is insufficient (easily distracted); performance is low: he takes on work with interest, but is not diligent enough and gets tired quickly.


Constructive activity - + (composes a pyramid, a cut picture, puzzles using the method of visual correlation)

forward and backward counting - + (within 10)

counting operations and simple tasks - + (within 10)

classification, generalization - + (sometimes with explanations)

cause-and-effect relationships - + (lays out a series of plot pictures in a logical sequence).

10. State of the articulatory apparatus.

The structure is normal (minor prognathia).

Articulatory motor skills - lip movements are slow; there is sluggishness of the tongue, there is no “groove”, “cup”, “coil”, “bucket”; the child experiences difficulty switching articulatory organs from one movement to another, or maintaining a given position.

11. Features of sound pronunciation.

Whistling C , S, Z, C- interdental and

Hissing Ш Ж, Ш, Ш- interdental.

12. Phonemic hearing is normal. Identifies a given sound from the sound range (p - t - k - x)

syllabic sequence (pa - ta - ka - ha)

a series of words ( port - cake - court - choir)

Distinguishes similar sounds by ear in:

pairs of sounds ( p - b), (s - h), (w - g)

pairs of syllables ( pa - ba), (sa - for), (sha - zha)

pairs of words ( kidney - point), (juice - click), (ball - heat).


sound series (b - p - b); syllabic series ( ba-ba-pa)

a series of words ( kidney - point - barrel), (som - com - house).

13. Sound analysis:

highlighting the first stressed vowel ( at weave,O wax,A ist)-+

highlighting the last voiceless consonant ( suP , toT , ThatTo )-+

highlighting the first consonant ( d oh,R from,P from)-+

14. Pronunciation of words with a complex sound-syllable structure is slightly impaired (rhythmic contour, stress, number of syllables are preserved)

strawberry -+ coman assignment - “business trip”

frying pan -+ poetryT stealing - “poem”

medicine -+ ledO WithAnd pedist - “bicycle pedist”

15. Vocabulary. Makes mistakes in interpreting the lexical meanings of words:

cup - mug, key - lock, hat - hat, jacket - sweater;

He doesn’t know the meaning of words or abstract concepts.

Understands antonyms and synonyms.

Knows and names baby animals, common professions.

Knows general (specific, generic) concepts (clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes).

16. Grammatical structure. Makes simple sentences based on a picture (with a given sound using reference words). Makes mistakes in agreeing cardinal numerals - “ five apples" Understands the meaning of simple prepositions and uses them correctly in speech. Can form: adjectives words from nouns stone (stone), nouns from adjectives - wooden house), nouns from verbs - glue (glue), nouns with a diminutive meaning - hand (handle)).

17. Coherent speech. Logical, consistent, but not expressive, schematic.

18. Conclusion on the state of speech development: Complex dyslalia.

Normal articulation of whistling sounds

Normal articulation of sounds s, s", s, s". The lips are stretched as if in a smile, in a grin position, the teeth are at a distance of 1-1.5 mm, the tongue is wide, the tip of the tongue is lowered down and is located at the base of the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is curved, a groove is formed in the middle of it. The passage of a stream of air through the groove causes a specific sharp noise, similar to a whistle. The lateral edges of the tongue are raised and adjacent to the inside of the upper teeth. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage into the nasal cavity. Vocal folds when pronouncing a sound With open when pronouncing a sound h closed and vibrating. When pronouncing palatalized s", z" the front part of the back of the tongue becomes more curved, the longitudinal depression in the form of a groove is destroyed, the middle part of the back of the tongue rises upward more than when pronouncing sis.

Normal sound articulation c. Lips, teeth, velum, vocal folds when pronouncing a sound ts are in the same position as when pronouncing the sound With. In articulation of sound ts There are two stages. Stage I: the tip of the tongue is lowered down, rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is sharply curved and with its front part forms a bow at the necks of the upper incisors. Stage II: the front part of the back of the tongue, after the explosion, moves away from the necks of the upper incisors, forming a gap, in the middle of the tongue there is a groove.

Types of violations of the pronunciation of whistling sounds

In the speech therapy literature, the following main types of sigmatism are identified, which are also observed in mentally retarded children:

1. Labiodental sigmatism. With this type of sigmatism, the lower lip approaches the upper incisors, pronounced

sound close to sound f. A predisposing factor in the occurrence of labiodental sigmatism is prognathia.

    Interdental sigmatism. The tip of the tongue is pushed between the teeth. The following factors predispose to the appearance of this type of sigmatism: anterior open bite, change of teeth, absence of incisors during the period of whistling sounds, flaccid tip of the tongue with erased dysarthria, adenoid growths when the child is forced to breathe through the mouth, etc.

    Dental sigmatism. With this type of sigmatism, the tip of the tongue is at the level of the gap between the incisors. Pronunciation produces a dull noise rather than a whistle.

    Hissing sigmatism. With this deficiency, the tip of the tongue is pulled into the depths of the oral cavity, the back of the tongue is raised high, humped, and a groove is not formed. Instead of a whistle, a hiss appears.

    Lateral sigmatism. Bilateral and unilateral lateral sigmatism are distinguished. With bilateral sigmatism, the lateral edges of the tongue do not touch the molars. Slots are formed on the sides through which exhaled air passes. With unilateral lateral sigmatism, a gap is formed on one side, the tongue deviates to the right or left. Predisposing factors may include anomalies of the dental system (lateral open bite, the presence of a tongue that is too long and narrow), pareticity, and laxity of the muscles of the right or left sides of the tongue.

    Nasal sigmatism. With this type of sigmatism, the sound takes on a nasal tint. Nasal sigmatism is caused by loose closure of the soft palate with the posterior wall of the pharynx, paresis of the muscles of the soft palate and posterior wall of the pharynx, cleft of the hard and soft palate.

Parasigmatisms appear most often in the following substitutions: c - s, c - t, s - t, s - f, s - s", z - d, z - v, z - z",s-s.

Correction of sigmatism of whistling sounds

At the stage of sound production, work is carried out on the formation of phonemic perception, phonemic analysis and the development of speech motor skills.

Articulatory gymnastics includes the following exercises:

for lips: smile, tube, smile-tube; lower the lower lip, raise it; raise the upper lip, lower it;

for the tongue: make the tongue wide; wide - narrow tongue; lick the upper and lower lips with the wide tip of your tongue; raise the wide tip of the tongue onto the upper lip, lower it onto the lower lip; raise the wide tip of the tongue onto the upper teeth, lower it onto the lower teeth; the wide tip of the tongue - behind the upper teeth, the same - behind the lower teeth; blow on the protruding wide tongue so that the air flows in the middle of the tongue; blow into the hole of the bubble, make a “boat” outside the oral cavity, make a “boat” inside the mouth.

When developing phonemic analysis at this stage, the following tasks are offered:

    Raise your hand and flag if you hear this sound in a word.

    Select pictures whose names contain this sound.

    Determine the place of a given sound in a word (beginning, middle, end, which sound is in the word, after which sound, before which sound is this sound heard).

    Mark the place of the sound on the graphic diagram of the word, on the sound line.

Forming the skill of correct pronunciation of whistling sounds - recommendations for parents and teachers.

A four-year-old preschooler does not make whistling sounds. What to do? You can try to trigger the sound yourself. However, most likely, this will not work, since the child has not formed the correct articulatory pattern. Special preparatory articulation exercises will help in solving this problem.

To make your efforts more effective, use a few tips:

1.​ Be patient. Find words of support and praise your child for his patience.

2. Don't let your child get bored during classes. Preschoolers do not perceive monotonous activities well, so it is better to choose a playful form of activity.

3. Repeat the exercises. Skill development is determined by time and practice.



Smile without tension.

Hold your lips in this position for up to 5 – 7 seconds.

“We woke up, smiled,

We reached out sweetly and sweetly"


Smile without tension, show closed upper and lower teeth.

“They showed their teeth together

And we weren’t at all tired.”


Open your mouth wide enough. Try to do it so that the upper and lower teeth are visible.

Hold the articulating pose for up to 5 – 7 seconds.

“The sun is shining through our window.

We make everything easy"


Open your mouth slightly, put your tongue on your lower lip, and, smacking it with your lips, say: “Five - five - five.” The front edge of the tongue should be wide.

Execution time – up to 10 seconds.

“We’ll knead the dough now,
We'll treat everyone to pancakes"


Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth. Do not pull the lip over the lower teeth.

Hold your wide tongue in a calm position with your mouth open for up to 5 – 7 seconds.

“Our pancakes are big,
These are very tasty"


Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip and, as if pronouncing a long sound “f - f - f,” blow along the midline of the tongue. Do not puff out your cheeks.

“The pancake needs to be cooled,
Put it on a plate"


Smile, open your mouth slightly. From the inside of the teeth, use the wide tip of the tongue to move from bottom to top several times.

Perform the exercise 4 – 5 times.

"We'll go for a walk,
We will remove the snow from the path"

Smile, open your mouth slightly. Hook the wide tip of your tongue over your lower teeth. Without lifting your tongue from your teeth, bend it like a hill. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.

Hold the articulating pose for up to 5 – 7 seconds.

“They made the slide big
Yes, what a wide one"


Smile, open your mouth slightly. Hook the wide tip of your tongue over your lower teeth. Without lifting your tongue from your teeth, bend it like a hill and lightly press it with your teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth. Blow on your tongue. The air stream flows along the midline of the tongue. If the exercise is performed correctly, a sound similar to the sound C will be heard.

“The wind is blowing - a breeze.
It's blowing cold - chill"

The next stage of work will be the formation of the ability to correctly pronounce sounds in a syllable, word, phrase, text and, finally, in spontaneous speech.

Ionova O. Yu.,
teacher speech therapist

A game: "Pump"

Target. Sound automation p.

Description of the game. Children sit on chairs. The teacher tells them: “We are going to ride bicycles. You need to check if the tires are well inflated. While the bikes were standing, the tires were a little flat, we need to pump them up. Let’s take a pump and inflate the tire: “s-s-s...” Children stand up and take turns, and then all together inflate the tires, pronouncing the sound s and imitating the action of the pump.

If a child fails to make a sound, it means that he is not performing the movements accurately. The pump is being repaired.

A game: "Ball"

Target. Automation of sound in words and sentences.

Description of the game. Children stand in a circle. They play ball.

My ball, fly high (throw up),

Run across the floor quickly (rolls the ball on the floor),

Jump on the floor, bolder, bolder (throw 4 times on the floor).

A game: "Fox"

Description of the game. A child (fox) sits behind a bush. He has a tourniquet. The rest of the children are chickens. Chickens walk around the field, pecking grains and worms. The chickens say:

The fox hid close -

The fox covered herself with a bush.

The fox turned his nose -

Run away in all directions.

At the word “scatter,” the fox runs out and throws a tourniquet. The one who is insulted becomes a fox.

A game : "Owl"

Target. Automation of sounds s, s’ in text.

Description of the game. Before playing the game, children are shown a picture of an owl and told about this bird.

The game is played as follows. One of the children is chosen, he is an owl. The rest of the children are birds. An owl sits on a tree (chair). The children run around her, then carefully approach her and say:

Owl, owl, owl, owl eyes,

Sits on a branch

Looks in all directions

Yes, suddenly it will fly away...

At the word “fly” the owl flies from the tree and begins to catch the birds that are running away from it. The caught bird becomes an owl. The game repeats itself.

A game: "Vanka, stand up"

Target. Automation of sounds s, s’ in text.

Description of the game. Children make movements: stand on their toes and return to their starting position. Then they squat, stand on their toes again, and squat. The movements are accompanied by the words:

Vanka, get up,

Vanka, get up,

Squat, squat.

Be obedient, look what,

We can't handle you.

A game: "Sawmills"

Target. Sound automation

Description of the game. Children stand in front of each other, join their hands crosswise and, at the teacher’s count, reproduce the movements of the saw on the log, pronouncing the sound z for a long time. Anyone who pronounces the sound incorrectly is taken out of the game and asked to pronounce the sound z correctly. The teacher reminds the child how to hold the tongue when pronouncing this sound.

A game: "Snowstorm"

Target. Sound automation

Description of the game. Children pretend to be a blizzard. At the teacher’s signal, they begin to quietly pronounce the sound z, then gradually strengthen it, and then gradually weaken it. In the initial stages it is possible to carry out

this game in front of a mirror (the duration of sound utterance for each child should be limited to 5-10 seconds).

A game: "Flowers and Bees"

Target. Sound automation

Description of the game. Before the game starts, it is agreed who will be the bees and who will be the flowers (for example, boys - flowers, and girls - bees). Then everyone scatters around the room or area. As soon as the teacher’s signal is heard (strumming a tambourine or clapping your hands), children pretending to be flowers take a knee. The bees flap their wings and fly from flower to flower, while they imitate the buzzing of bees: z-z-z-z. When the tambourine hits again, the children change roles, scatter around the playground, and the other bees practice pronouncing the sound z.

A game: "Zina and raisins"

Equipment. A rubber doll.

Description of the game. The teacher brings in an elegant rubber doll and says: “Guys, this is Zina’s doll. It was bought in a store. It's rubber. Zina's legs are rubber, Zina's arms are rubber. Rubber cheeks, rubber nose.” And then he asks the guys: “What is the name of the doll? Where did you buy it? What are her arms, legs, cheeks, nose made of? The children answer. The teacher continues: “Zina loves raisins. Lena, go and treat Zina to some raisins.” Lena comes out and says: “Take, Zina, raisins.” So the children take turns, treating Zina with raisins, and pronounce this phrase.

A game: "Name the picture"

Target. Automation of sounds з, з" in words and sentences.

Equipment. Pictures with the sound z, for example: bunny, castle, eyes, factory, fence.

Description of the game. Children are sitting at tables. On the teacher’s table there is a stack of pictures with the pictures facing down. Each child has the same paired pictures. The teacher calls one of the children and asks him to take the top picture from his pile, show it to the children and tell him which picture he took. The one who has the same picture stands up, shows it to the guys and says: “And I have a bunny in the picture.” Children put both pictures on the table. The game continues until all the pictures from the teacher’s table have been sorted out. (By analogy, the game can be played using other sounds.

A game: "Horned goat"

Goal Automation of sound з in text.

Description of the game. The house is fenced off with a line (chairs). A goat is walking around the site. The children speak in unison!

The horned goat is coming,

There's a butted goat coming,

Legs top top,

Eyes clap-clap!

Oh, he's goring, he's goring!

The goat makes horns out of its fingers and runs after the children, saying: “I’ll gore, I’ll gore!”

The children hide in the house, the goat catches them. Those caught become the goat's helpers.

A game: “Who is more attentive?”

Description of the game. The teacher shows the children pictures and asks: “Who knows how a whistle blows?” (Children answer: ssss...) How does the bell ring? (Children s-z-z...) And now I’ll see which of you is more attentive. I will show first one picture and then another, and you pronounce first the sound s, then the sound z.”

A game: "Broken phone"

Target. Differentiation of sounds s-z.

Description of the game. Children sit in one row and pass sounds to each other, then z, then s. The one who heard the sound z passes it to his neighbor, etc. Whoever gets it wrong pronounces any sound 5 times.

A game: "Make no mistake"

Target. Differentiation of sounds s-z.

Equipment. Pictures “Whistle” and “Bell”.

Description of the game. Children are given two pictures. On one there is a whistle, on the other there is a bell. Children take the picture with the whistle in their left hand, and the picture with the bell in their right. The teacher shows them and names pictures whose names contain the sound s or z, emphasizing these sounds a little with his voice. If the word contains the sound s, then the children raise the picture with the whistle and say: ssss.,. and if there is a sound z, then with a bell they say: z-z-z.... Repeating the game, you can enter pictures whose names do not contain either one or the other sound. In this case, children should not pick up their pictures.

A game: "Hares and Fox"

Description of the game. According to the number of players, holes are drawn along the edges of the court or chairs are placed. Children (bunnies) stand at their holes. One of the players is a fox. The bunnies say the text: The gray bunny is jumping near the wet pines, It’s scary to fall into the paws of a little fox, It’s scary to fall into the little fox’s hands...

Bunnies run out of their holes and jump on both legs. Then they form a round dance and jump in a circle. The words of the teacher are heard:

Bunnies, prick up your ears, look left and right, is anyone coming?

The hares look around, seeing a fox that is slowly making its way towards them, shout: “Fox!” - and scatter into the minks. The fox catches hares. The game repeats itself.

A game: "Bunny"

Target. Automation of s-z sounds in text.

Description of the game. Option 1. Children stand in a circle holding hands. A sad bunny sits in the middle of the circle. Children sing:

Bunny! Bunny! What happened to you? You're sitting there completely sick. You can't even stand up and dance with us. Get up, get up, jump! Here, get a carrot, get it and dance!

All the children come up to the bunny and give him a carrot.

The bunny takes the carrot and starts dancing. And the children clap their hands. Then another bunny is chosen.

Option 2. Children form a circle. One of the players is a bunny. He stands outside the circle. Children sing a song and clap their hands:

Bunny, jump into the kindergarten.

Gray, jump into the kindergarten.

Just jump into kindergarten like that.

Just jump into kindergarten like that.

Children are jumping. (Bunny jumps in a circle.)

Bunny, jump. Gray, jump. Jump like that. Jump like that.

They make jumps. (Bunny jumps.)

Little bunny, dance. Gray, dance. Just dance like that. Just dance like that.

They are spinning (Bunny is dancing.)

Bunny, go away. Gray, go away, go away like this. Just leave like that. They walk calmly in a circle.

Bunny leaves the circle. The game is repeated, another bunny is chosen.

A game: “What to whom?”

Target. Automation of the sound ts in words.

Equipment. Items whose names contain the sound c (cucumber, button, sugar bowl, scissors, inkwell, egg, saucer, etc.).

Description of the game. The teacher lays out on the table objects whose names contain the sound c, and says: “Now, guys, you have to guess who needs what object.” Calling the children one by one, he says: “We will give a schoolboy... (inkwell)” or “The dressmaker needs... (scissors) for her work.” The called child guesses, shows and names the appropriate object. (Similarly, the game can be played with other sounds.)

A game: "What's missing?"

Target. Differentiation of sounds s, s", z, z', c in words.

Equipment. Several objects whose names contain the sounds s, s’ з, з’ з (umbrella, zebra, dog, goose, bag, castle, heron, ring).

Description of the game. The teacher places objects on the table. The child remembers them, then he is asked to turn away or close his eyes. At this time, the teacher removes one of the objects shown. The child must guess what is missing.

A game: "Vaska the Cat"

Target. Differentiation of sounds s, s', з, з", ц in the text.

Description of the game. Children (mice) sit on chairs or a carpet, one child is a cat. He walks on his toes, looks first to the right, then to the left, and meows.

Teacher and children: Vaska walks white, Vaska has a gray tail, But he flies like an arrow, And he flies like an arrow.

The cat runs to a chair standing at the end of the room and sits on it and falls asleep.

Children: Eyes close - Are you sleeping or pretending? Cat's teeth - Sharp needle.

One mouse says that she will go and see if the cat is sleeping. After looking, she waves her hands, inviting other mice to join her. The mice run up to her, scratching the chair where the cat sleeps. Vaska the cat:

As soon as the mice scratch, Gray Vaska is right there. He will catch everyone!

The cat gets up and runs after the mice, they run away from him.

A game: "Two Frosts"

Target. Differentiation of sounds s, s’, z, z’, c in the text.

Description of the game. Two houses (chairs) are placed at different ends of the room. Children are located near designated houses. The teacher selects two drivers who stand in the middle of the room, each facing the team. The teacher says: “This is Frost with a red nose, and this is Frost with a blue nose.” Both Frosts say:

We are two young brothers,

Two Daring Frosts:

I am Frost - Red Nose,

I am Frost - Blue Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?

All the children answer Frost in chorus: We are not afraid of threats, And we are not afraid of frost.

All the players run into the house to the opposite end of the room, and Frosts try to freeze the children, i.e. touch with your hand, and each Frost must freeze children from the opposite team. The frozen ones stop where Frost captured them. The Frost who freezes the most children wins. Then Frosts face their team, and the game continues.

Normal articulation whistling sounds

Normal articulation of sounds s, s", s, s\ The lips are stretched as if in a smile, in a grin position, the teeth are at a distance of 1-1.5 mm, the tongue is wide, the tip of the tongue is lowered down and is located at the base of the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is curved, a groove is formed in the middle of it. The passage of a stream of air through The philtrum causes a specific sharp noise, similar to a whistle. The lateral edges of the tongue are raised and adjacent to the inside of the upper teeth. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage into the nasal cavity. Vocal folds when pronouncing a sound With open when pronouncing a sound h closed and vibrating. When pronouncing palatalized s", z" the front part of the back of the tongue becomes more curved, the longitudinal depression in the form of a groove is destroyed, the middle part of the back of the tongue rises upward more than when pronouncing sis.

Normal sound articulation c. Lips, teeth, velum, vocal folds when pronouncing a sound ts are in the same position as when pronouncing the sound With. In articulation of sound ts There are two stages. Stage I: the tip of the tongue is lowered down, rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is sharply curved and with its front part forms a bow at the necks of the upper incisors. Stage II: the front part of the back of the tongue, after the explosion, moves away from the necks of the upper incisors, forming a gap, in the middle of the tongue there is a groove.

Types of violations of the pronunciation of whistling sounds

In the speech therapy literature, the following main types of sigmatism are identified, which are also observed in mentally retarded children:

1. Labial-dental sigmatism. With this type of sigmatism, the lower lip approaches the upper incisors, pronounced

sound close to sound f. A predisposing factor in the occurrence of labiodental sigmatism is prognathia.

2. Interdental sigmatism. The tip of the tongue sticks out
between the teeth. The appearance of this type of sigmatism
have the following factors: front open with
bite, change of teeth, absence of incisors during the period of appearance
whistling sounds, flaccid tip of the tongue with erased dysart
ria, adenoid growths, when the child is forced to
move your mouth, etc.

3. Dental sigmatism. With this type of sigmatism
The tip of the tongue is at the level of the gap between the incisors. At
pronunciation creates a dull noise, not a whistle.

4. Hissing sigmatism. With this disadvantage the tip
the tongue is retracted into the depths of the oral cavity, the back of the tongue
raised high, humped, no groove is formed. Together
A hundred whistles arise and hissing occurs.

5. Lateral sigmatism. Double-sided and one-sided
third-party lateral sigmatism. For bilateral sigmatism
the lateral edges of the tongue do not touch the molars. Side about:
slits open through which the exhaled cart passes
spirit. With unilateral lateral sigmatism, the gap image
on one side, the tongue deviates to the right or left.
Anomalies may be predisposing factors
dental system (lateral open bite, nali
chie too long and narrow tongue), pareticity, vy
Looseness of the muscles on the right or left side of the tongue.

6. Nasal sigmatism. With this type of sigmatism, the sound takes on a nasal tint. Nasal sigmatism is caused by loose closure of the soft palate with the posterior wall of the pharynx, paresis of the muscles of the soft palate And posterior wall of the pharynx, cleft of the hard and soft palate.

Parasigmatisms appear most often in the following substitutions: ts - s, c - t, s - t, s - f, s- s", s- d, h - c, h - z% z- With.

Correction of whistling sigmatismsounds

At the stage of sound production, work is carried out on the formation of phonemic perception, phonemic analysis and the development of speech motor skills.

Articulatory gymnastics includes the following exercises:

for lips: smile, tube, smile-tube; lower the lower lip, raise it; raise the upper lip, lower it;

for the tongue: make the tongue wide; wide - narrow tongue; lick the upper and lower lips with the wide tip of your tongue; raise the wide tip of the tongue onto the upper lip, lower it onto the lower lip; raise the wide tip of the tongue onto the upper teeth, lower it onto the lower teeth; the wide tip of the tongue - behind the upper teeth, the same - behind the lower teeth; blow on the protruding wide tongue so that the air flows in the middle of the tongue; blow into the hole of the bubble, make a “boat” outside the oral cavity, make a “boat” inside the mouth.

When developing phonemic analysis at this stage, the following tasks are offered:

1. Raise your hand, flag, if you hear dan in the word
new sound.

2. Select pictures whose names contain given
new sound.

3. Determine the place of a given sound in a word (beginning, middle
dyna, end, what number of sounds in a word, after which
sound, before which sound this sound is heard).

4. Mark the place of the sound on the graphic diagram of the word, on
sound line.

Making sounds s, s

1. By auditory imitation. Sound With compared to svi
the sound of wind, with the sound of water flowing from a tap, the sound h compare
sounds like a mosquito.

2. Both imitation and display of normal ar are used
sound ticulation after preliminary testing
ny elements of sound articulation.

3. By imitation using tactile sensations
ny. Attention is drawn to the narrow cold stream of water
spirit, which is felt on the back of the hand.

4. From other sounds. Sound With can be set: from sound f
(the child is asked to smile, make a sound f and about
put your tongue between your teeth - you get an interdental pronunciation
sewing sound With, or while pronouncing a sound f drawbars
move your lower lip down), from sounds i, t lower article
tions (it is suggested to blow on your tongue to make the breeze flow
along the back of the tongue, and on the back of the hand, located

horizontally just above the chin, a cold stream of air was felt).

Setting the sound ts

1. Staging by imitation is possible.

2. Pronouncing sounds quickly yew.

3. It is suggested to pronounce the sound T with cum drooping
lump of tongue, while blowing strongly on the back of the tongue,
while moving your tongue back.

Specific techniques for correcting various types of sigmatism

With labiodental sigmatism, attention is paid to the position of the lips. The sound is pronounced somewhat exaggerated. When pronouncing, you should pull your lower lip down.

With interdental sigmatism, attention is paid to the position of the tip of the tongue. The tip of the tongue should be moved to the tooth position. It is suggested to pronounce the sound with closed teeth or bite the tip of a match. Special probes are used to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, and a depression is formed in the middle of the back of the tongue. In case of malocclusion, orthodontic intervention is recommended.

Similar work is carried out when correcting dental sigmatism.

For interdental s-z Due to the anterior open bite, to create a narrow gap, it is recommended to sharply raise the anterior part of the back of the tongue.

For hissing sigmatism, exercises are offered to raise and lower the middle part of the back of the tongue with the tip of the tongue lowered, blowing on the tongue with the middle part of the back of the tongue lowered, as well as exercises to form a deep groove.

With lateral sigmatism, air placement takes a long time due to the complexity of this speech defect. In many cases, lateral sigmatism is caused by organic reasons and is a symptom of erased dysarthria. In this regard, in the process of correcting this type of sigmatism, a large place is given to articulatory gymnastics. It is necessary to ensure that the child is able to make the tongue wide so that the lateral edges of the tongue touch the upper molars. Attention is drawn to

The tongue did not deviate to the right or left, and a groove formed along the midline. It is proposed to blow on a wide tongue, the side edges of which touch the molars, blow on the tip of the tongue, which is first located outside the oral cavity, between the teeth, and then inside the oral cavity, blow into a bubble, into the hole of the key. In this case, the tactile sensation of a narrow stream of air when blowing on the back of the hand is used as control.

When correcting nasal sigmatism, attention is paid to the density of the velopharyngeal seal.

At the automation stage, sounds s, z, s", z" are automated first in direct open syllables (sa, sy, se, so, su, etc.), then in reverse syllables (as, os, us etc.), closed (los, sot etc.), last of all in syllables with a combination of consonants. Sound ts fixed first in reverse syllables (ats, ots, uts), zatyam in direct open syllables (tsa, tsy, tso, tsu and etc.). After fixing the sound in a syllable, they move on to automating the sound in words, phrases, phrases, and coherent speech.
