Primary school student's report card. Report card for primary school students School report card template print

Primary school student's report card.  Report card for primary school students School report card template print

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When working with large or similar documents at the same time, if the documents are open as usual, that is, in different windows, you have to constantly switch between them, leaf through, etc. It's not entirely convenient. To make this work easier, Word has the ability to simultaneously open two different or the same document on one screen and work fully. How to do it?

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The most important factor in learning that has become widely available today with the advent of new technologies is interactivity. However, the method of cognition through interactivity does not always and not immediately become obvious - if, for example, in chemistry you can visually see the mixing of two reagents, then what about computer science and physics? How can you visualize, and most importantly, apply your experience in life? The question is easy to solve - you need to take something simple and interesting, use a little imagination and technical skills, and visually observe the result of your actions. To implement these tasks, ready-made construction kits based on microcontrollers are produced under the SmartElements brand - electronics and programming have never been easier!

Poorly developed attention can lead to learning delays that will be difficult to catch up with later. It is necessary to purposefully develop voluntary attention so that at school the child can concentrate on the teacher’s explanations or completing a task, without being distracted by extraneous sounds, the view outside the window, or communication with a neighbor at his desk. The learning process is much easier for a child with developed attention: he does not need to spend a huge amount of resources just to sit through the lesson.

When enrolling in a school in Taiwan, you may be asked to provide documents from the school: a sheet with grades in all subjects, or otherwise called a student report card. If a student moves in the middle of the school year, then they may be asked to provide grades for the last completed class and intermediate results for the current year.

Let's look at a detailed example of this document with the grades of an 11th grade student from a Russian school.

First, you need to make a notarized copy of the sheet with the student’s grades. The original must be issued on the letterhead of the educational institution. Please note, legalize the document— performing actions that give the document legal force. Legalization of foreign documents:

  • Apostille- a special sign affixed to official documents of a non-commercial nature emanating from institutions and organizations of countries participating in the Hague Convention on...
" class="glossaryLink" target="_blank">consular legalization based on the original of this document is not possible. Be sure to make a notarized copy and only then make a translation and further certification.

The grade sheet from the school must be translated into English or Chinese. All marks must be translated from a notarized copy (translation is not from the original). Report card translated as “Report card”. The translation must be performed by a certified specialist qualified as an English or Chinese translator.

It is important to note that not just a translation is needed, a notarized translation is required. This means the translator must sign the translation in the presence of a notary.

In the sample below you can see the translator’s signature and immediately below it the notary’s certification (there must be a stamp and signature).

The next stage - legalization in the Ministry of Justice - is carried out using ready-made notarized translations of the report card. The original document is not required at this stage.

An additional sheet is attached to the translation, on which the results of checking the authenticity of the notary's seal are indicated.

This sheet is attached with a special tape, the place of fastening is sealed with an imprint of the seal of the Ministry of Justice (see the bright red sticker on the last page of the document). A standard inscription must be added below: “Four sheets stitched, numbered, signed and sealed.” Do not use regular paper clips. According to the law, the document must be stitched and signed and sealed.

After this, you need to have the documents certified by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. When submitting documents, you only need a notarized translation certified by the Ministry of Justice and the original receipt of payment of the fee.

At the last stage, you need to contact the Representative Office of the Taipei-Moscow Commission. The representative office performs the functions of consular certification for Taiwan.

Conditions for submitting documents:
1) If you cannot come to Moscow on your own and want consular legalization to be carried out by a specialist from Document24, you will need to make a power of attorney, which gives the right to certify documents for Taiwan. A notarized power of attorney is not needed, an ordinary one will do - you can simply print it out on your computer and sign it by hand.

Sample text of a power of attorney:
“I, (full name), (passport data), trust (full name), (passport data), to represent my interests in the Representative Office in Moscow of the Taipei-Moscow Coordination Commission for Economic and Cultural Cooperation on the issue of legalization of documents: (documents that need to be prepared) for Taiwan for the purpose of (specify the purpose of document legalization)"

Grades list

Report card- a table of student performance, which lists the subjects studied and gives final grades for the periods (for academic quarters). The report card allows students and their parents to see changes in academic performance, notice difficulties and take measures to overcome them. The report card serves to inform parents about the student’s milestone performance. In modern conditions, the report card is an integral part of electronic systems for recording academic progress.

The report card can be prepared as a separate form or as an insert in a school diary. In the USSR this was a separate form of a single sample. Now the form of the report card and the procedure for maintaining it are regulated by the internal documents of a particular school.

The report card may contain a section for teachers to record specific comments about the student's work and behavior.

In Russia, the school year is divided into four quarters(September-October, November-December, January-March, April-June). Usually, a new report card begins to be filled out after the end of the first quarter. Grades for subsequent quarters are added to the same form, that is, the report card is updated four times during the academic year.

School report card in the USA

In the United States, in elementary school, the school year is divided into three semesters (September-December, December-March, May-June). At the end of each semester, students receive a separate report card. In high school, students receive a report card twice, but may also receive an interim report card mid-semester. Example: the first semester lasts from September to January, the second - from January to June.

In the UK, secondary schools traditionally issue report cards once a year. However, many schools have now begun to produce report cards more regularly. In 2010, a requirement was introduced that report cards and current progress for all students in secondary schools be provided to parents via the Internet.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Report card
  • Tabera Araoz, Arturo

See what a “Report Card” is in other dictionaries:

    Report card- (from Latin tabella board, table) an ordered list of something, schedule, sheet. Table of ranks Service number Service weapon Report card Work time report card Masonic report card Calendar report card ... Wikipedia

    report card- clerk a list of any indicators compiled in a certain order (for example, a report card, a report card) ... A brief dictionary of terms from the field of office work

    SCHEDULE- (from Latin tabella board). Schedule in columns, a kind of wall calendar. Table of ranks. Decree of 1722 on ranks, with their distribution into classes. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TABLE OF GERMAN... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    report card- I, m. TABLE and, w. table f. Goal. tabel, German Tabelle, lat. tabula board. 1. List, list of things. in sequential order, indicating data regarding the items listed. BAS 1. Yesterday, before reaching this place, I got caught... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    SCHEDULE- TABLE, I, plural. and, to her and (colloquial) I, to her, husband. and (obsolete) TABLE, and, female. 1. Schedule or list of things. in a certain order. T. posts (document on the composition of the guard and the number of posts; special). T. urgent reports (to a higher commander; special) ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    SCHEDULE- (from Latin tabula board table),..1) table, a list of something in a certain order, by columns2)] A report on the progress of schoolchildren ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    report card- TABLE 1, I, pl and, her and Razg. i, her, m A school student’s document, which is a sheet that summarizes grades (for an academic quarter or for quarters and for a year). The school year has ended, we have already been given report cards. TABLE2, I, many... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    report card- I; pl. report card, her, (colloquial) report card, her; m. [German] Tabelle table] 1. Special. List, list of things. indicating which l. data regarding what is being listed. T. penalties and fines. Provisions T. T. shells. T. repair shop equipment... encyclopedic Dictionary

    report card- I; pl. ta/beli, her, (colloquial), report card/, e/th; m. (German Tabelle table) see also. service 1) special List, list of things. indicating which l. data regarding what is being listed. Table of penalties and fines. Provisions package... Dictionary of many expressions

    Report card- m. 1. A schedule or list of something, presented in a systematic or sequential order. 2. A sheet or a special board designed to record the time of attendance at work and departure from work of workers and employees. 3. outdated Leaf... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Primary school student's report card. This publication is a "Report Card" that is given to children at the end of the school year. Each teacher can remove those subjects that are not taught in their school and add those subjects that are taught.

View document contents
“Primary school student’s report card.”


Municipal educational institution "Pobednenskaya School"

Dzhankoy district

I quarter




Russian language.

Literary reading.

English language.


The world.



Physical Culture.

Parents' signature


academic performance of student(s) 2 – A class

Municipal educational institution "Pobednenskaya School"

Dzhankoy district

Republic of Crimea ________________________________________

I quarter




Russian language.

Literary reading.

English language.


The world.



Physical Culture.

Signature of the class teacher

Parents' signature

School director: P. S. Ptashinsky


academic performance of student(s) 2 – A class

Municipal educational institution "Pobednenskaya School"

Dzhankoy district

Republic of Crimea ________________________________________

I quarter




Russian language.

Literary reading.

English language.


The world.



Physical Culture.

Signature of the class teacher

Parents' signature

School director: P. S. Ptashinsky


academic performance of student(s) 2 – A class

Municipal educational institution "Pobednenskaya School"

Dzhankoy district

Republic of Crimea ________________________________________

I quarter




Russian language.

Literary reading.

English language.


The world.



Physical Culture.

Signature of the class teacher

Parents' signature

School director: P. S. Ptashinsky

“We all learned little by little, Something and somehow, So through education, thank God, It’s no wonder to shine with us...” This article is dedicated to helping all living teachers and those who taught Alexander Sergeevich. And to those who tried to teach something to your humble servant. You can download a sample “Student Report Card” for free from our website.

It seems like the 21st century is just around the corner, but many habits and traditions are still alive today. You can send students’ report cards directly to their parents by email, but in printed form, it’s more familiar and somehow, and more solemn or something. Please forgive me in advance for any spelling errors and unnecessary punctuation. Alas, school is left behind and there are no teachers who would correct me and send me on the righteous path. At least my teacher of Russian language and literature has been living in New York for a long time and we communicate very rarely, and she doesn’t have a Russian keyboard, and my religion doesn’t allow me to read Latin. Joke.

You can download a standard sample of the “Student Report Card” completely free of charge, without any registrations or SMS messages, directly from the link located at the very bottom of this page.

Report card and certificates of a primary school student

A short video tip on how you can create a table of student performance in “Excel 2007, 2010, 2011”:

Just in case, to help teachers and instructors, I’m inserting another video with tips on how to create a grade book using “Google” Spreadsheets:

I sincerely hope that my efforts will not be in vain and that at least someone will thank me. He will remember you not with an angry, quiet word. I wish everyone more diligent and nice students, and fewer quitters and majors. Good luck in your difficult craft.

P.S. “There’s no money, but you’re going strong...”

You can download the student’s report card completely free of charge in Word format by following this link.
