What document defines the work of preschool teachers.

What document defines the work of preschool teachers.

On June 3, 2016, the preschool institution held a final teacher council, at which an analysis of the institution’s activities for the 2015-2016 academic year was carried out.

Topic: “Work performance for the 2015-2016 academic year”

Purpose: to analyze the work of preschool educational institutions for the academic year according to annual tasks, the work of educators and specialists.


1. Analysis of educational activities of preschool educational institutions for the 2015-2016 academic year. Kashezheva O. A.

2. Analysis of monitoring the development of children. Naurzhanova M. Kh.

3. Analysis of children's readiness for school. Malaeva D. B.

4. Reports on the activities of educators and specialists for the 2015-2016 academic year.

5. Approval of the plan for the summer health period.

6. Criteria for the performance of educators. Kashezheva O. A.

7. Approval of the LNA of the institution “Rules for admission to the institution”, “Regulations on intra-garden control”. Kashezheva O. A.

8. Decision of the pedagogical council. Naurzhanova M. Kh.

The work of the final teachers' council began, as usual, with an opening speech by head O.A. Kashezheva. , who, after a brief overview speech about the past educational period, announced the work plan of the teachers' council.

Naurzhanova M.Kh. The senior teacher in her speech said that

Methodological work in preschool educational institutions is generally optimal and effective, there are positive changes in the professional capabilities of personnel and factors influencing the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions. The result of the ongoing internal practice-oriented seminar for teachers on the topic “Studying and working on the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education” was that educators studied the legal recommendations for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and began to implement the recommendations of teaching aids into the practice of working with children. Analysis of data from monitoring the level of development of preschool children, carried out in preschool educational institutions at the beginning and end of the school year, showed positive dynamics.

All teachers presented their creative report in the form of presentations. All teachers had the opportunity to compare their results and achievements with the results and achievements of their colleagues. The teachers' meeting was very productive, eventful, meaningful, relaxed, in the form of exchange of experience and business cooperation of all teachers from young specialists to mature masters of their craft.

Kashezheva O.A. congratulated her colleagues on the end of the academic year, wished everyone creative success and good luck in their future work. She noted that summing up the work for this academic year, the work of the team should be considered satisfactory. The discussion and approval of the kindergarten’s work plan during the summer health period took place in a constructive atmosphere.

Teachers who took part in competitions at various levels and published their articles were awarded well-deserved diplomas, diplomas and certificates.

The decision of the teachers' council:

1. Based on the results of work and teachers’ reports for the 2015-2016 academic year, the work of the team as a whole is considered satisfactory.

2. The teaching staff organize work for the summer period in accordance with the plan. Responsible: group teachers

3. During the summer, teachers of all groups will update lesson manuals, didactic games, attributes for outdoor games, and work programs. Responsible: group teachers

4. Create a travel folder for child safety in the summer. Responsible: Naurzhanova M. Kh.

5. During the summer, teachers should develop a plan for self-education. Responsible: teachers

6. Approve criteria for the performance of teachers.

7. Approve the LNA of the institution: “Rules for admission to the institution”, “Regulations on intra-garden control”.

On June 3, 2016, the preschool institution held a final teacher council, at which an analysis of the institution’s activities for the 2015-2016 academic year was carried out.

From work experience

“Minutes of teachers’ councils 2015-2016.”

Savchenko Lyubov Alexandrovna,

senior teacher of MBDOU d/s "Joy",


Pedagogical Council No. 1 “Innovative guidelines for the development of preschool education. Strategy for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education"

Form: round table

Target: Analyze the work of the institution in the summer, the work of the institution in preparation for the school year. Determine the prospects for the institution’s work for the 2015-2016 academic year.

There are 13 people present.

Preparing for the teachers' meeting:

  1. Study the program according to your age groups (responsible educators).
  2. Preparation and execution of documentation in groups (responsible educators).
  3. Selection of methodological literature and methodological recommendations (senior teacher).

4. Updating groups with play equipment (head, teachers)

  1. Marking furniture according to the height indicators of children in the group. Conducting anthropometry in preschool educational institutions (responsible educators).
  2. Preparation of reports on summer recreational work with children (educators, music director, physical director)


  1. Analysis of work during the summer health period, (manager).
  2. Introducing teachers team with the annual curriculum of the MBDOU, calendar schedule for the 2015-2016 school year. g. (responsible senior teacher).
  3. Abstract and approval of the list of programs and technologies used in the work of MBDOU (senior teacher).
  4. Approval of a schedule of activities and plans for group work with children (senior teacher).
  5. Approval of work programs for teachers and specialists of the MBDOU d/s “Joy” in Tsimyansk.
  6. Decision of the teachers' council.

Progress of the meeting:

1. All kindergarten teachers organized their work according to their plans for the summer health period. The system carried out hardening procedures: barefooting, water, water, air and sun baths. Much attention was paid to sporting events and entertainment, which took place in all age groups. The children received a second breakfast - juice and fruit. Much attention was paid to theatrical activities, I would like to note the work of the music director. Full name. Purposeful work was carried out with children and parents on traffic rules and life safety (full name of teachers). The entire waking period, except sleep, was spent in the fresh air , the time for walking in the summer has increased. In this regard, the physical activity of children increases due to the organization of various types of activities on the site - morning exercises, sports and outdoor games, entertainment, organization of play, work, and experimental activities for children.

With older preschoolers, teachers organized excursions around the city, parks, and visited the local history museum. In conclusion, I would like to thank all the teachers for their responsible attitude towards the health of our students and for their close cooperation with specialists. Please accept my congratulations on the beginning of the school year, health, creativity, patience.

Speakers:(teachers full name). In the summer, the day began with the morning reception of children, morning exercises for children in the fresh air, in the kindergarten areas, talking with parents about the children’s well-being, health, and in bad weather, the reception and care of children was carried out in a group.

We accomplished what we had planned for the summer; sporting events, outdoor games and other games requiring physical activity were implemented.

2. On the second question listened to Art. teacher Savchenko L.A.. She submitted the annual plan for the 2015 - 2016 academic year for approval. g., its tasks, activities to be performed by the team.

Annual objectives for the 2015-2016 academic year:

  • Organize a health-saving space as an environment for raising a healthy child.
  • Create organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions. Develop planning and regulating working documentation in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Introduce into the work of preschool educational institutions new forms of cooperation between teachers and parents to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

Speakers:(Full name of educators) We believe that the Federal State Educational Standard provides for a rapid transition to the design of a modern educational space, changes the content of the educational process, in which it is possible:

  • identifying and unlocking the potential of each child, developing his individuality, creating optimal conditions for enriching life experience and personal growth, providing resources for children’s self-realization, preparing them to achieve success in life, teaching self-control and self-regulation;
  • promoting the transmission of culture, transferring to children the experience of previous generations;
  • teaching children to effectively interact and cooperate with other people, etc.

To complete our tasks, we need to work more closely with parents, give them more information in which areas we are working, to develop general requirements and rules in this or that issue.

Full name, I believe that annual planning for this year needs to be approved.

Head of MBDOU: Who is in favor of approving the plan?

For - 13 people, against - 0

The annual plan has been approved.

3. On the third question listened to Art. teacher Savchenko L.A. for approval of complex and partial programs and technologies. As a result of discussions, the following programs were approved:

Approximate basic educational programs: “Kindergarten - a house of joy” N.M. Krylova; “World of Discoveries” by L.G. Peterson. Program “Rhythmic mosaic” A.I. Burenina.


  • “Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood” S.P. Nikolaeva;
  • “Teaching storytelling to preschool children” by Korotkova;
  • “Teaching preschool children to read and write” L.S. Zhurova;
  • “Program for the development of speech for preschool children in kindergarten” O.S. Ushakova;
  • “Musical education program in kindergarten” M.B. Zatsepina;
  • “Moral and labor education of a preschool child” L.V. Kutsakova;
  • “Introducing preschool children to the history of the Don Region” N.V. Elzhova;
  • “Psycho-gymnastics” M.I. Chistyakova;
  • “Isotherapy of communication” M.A. Panfilova;
  • “Lessons of Goodness” by S. Seminaki,
  • "OBZH" R.B. Sterkina;
  • “Developmental pedagogy of health improvement” T.V. Kudryavtseva;
  • "Healthy Baby" ed. Z.I. Beresneva;
  • “Zdorovyachok” health improvement system for preschool children T.S. Nikonorova, E.M. Sergienko;
  • “Education of the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle for children” N.S. Golitsina, I.M. Shumova;
  • “Physical education in kindergarten” L.I. Penzulaeva;
  • “Theatrical activities in kindergarten” A.V. Shchetkin;
  • “Didactic games and activities, integration of artistic and cognitive activities of preschoolers)” I.A. Lykova;
  • “Folk games in kindergarten” L.A. Lyalina;
  • “Methodological work with personnel on patriotic education” E.I. Shalamova;
  • “Technology of integrated classes in preschool educational institutions” S.D. Sazhina;
  • “Comprehensive lessons on moral education for children 4-7 years old” L.B. Fesyukova" and others.

4. On the fourth question listened to Art. teacher Savchenko L.A., who submitted for approval the MBDOU curriculum, calendar schedule for the 2015-2016 academic year, and a schedule of classes.

For - 13 people, against - 0

5. On the fifth question listened to Art. teacher Savchenko L.A. which submitted for approval the work programs of teachers and specialists from the MBDOU d/s “Joy” in Tsimlyansk.

Approved as follows:

For - 13 people, against - 0

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. Approve the annual plan.
  2. Approve the list of programs and technologies used in the work of the MBDOU.
  3. Approve the schedule of classes, the curriculum of MBDOU, calendar schedule for the 2015-2016 academic year, schedule of classes.
  4. Approve the work programs of teachers and specialists of the MBDOU d/s “Joy” in Tsimlyansk.
  5. Recognize the educational work during the summer health period as satisfactory.

Teachers' Council No. 2. Extraordinary

Form:"Round table"

Present: 12 people.


  1. Discussion and approval of the candidacy of L.A. Savchenko with the teaching staff. to be awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
  2. Decision of the teachers' council.

1. On the first question listened to the head Full name: Savchenko Lyubov Aleksandrovna has been working at the MBDOU d/s “Radost” in Tsimlyansk since 2004 as a senior teacher, she has proven herself to be a responsible, competent, demanding, professionally competent teacher; has an analytical mind and erudition. The system of activities she built is aimed at improving the skills of each teacher, at generalizing and developing the creative potential of the team. Particular attention is paid to the interdependence of the quality of education, the requests and needs of parents, the capabilities of employees, and the interests of children.

Lyubov Aleksandrovna widely uses methods of stimulating and supporting creative teachers, creating conditions for their professional growth: out of 17 teachers, 5 teachers have the highest qualification category, 7 teachers have 1 qualification category. Constantly encourages the team to actively participate in regional and district competitions, which significantly increases the rating of the educational institution.

WITHlistened to the teacher FULL NAME. Lyubov Aleksandrovna developed for the transition period the “Educational Program of the MBDOU for 2014-2018”, which focuses on the formation of a developmental environment, the professional skills of teachers, and improving the quality of the educational process. For eight years he has been the head of the regional methodological association “Social and communicative development of preschool children,” where he creatively develops and improves innovative methods of the educational process. Took 2nd place in the regional competition “Best Methodological Association”, 3rd place in the regional competition “For the best head of the commission “For traffic safety” among preschool educational institutions.

Teachers spoke Full name: since 2012, Lyubov Aleksandrovna has been an expert in the certification of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions. She has created dozens of presentations and projects at the level of an institution, district, city, region (“Creativity and professionalism in the name of safety”, “For the best head of the commission “For traffic safety””, “Car disco for children and parents”, etc.). Educational projects in preschool educational institutions - “I go to kindergarten without tears”, “New Year is at the gate!”, “Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families”, “Image of MBDOU d/s “Joy””.

The manager spoke Full name: Lyubov Aleksandrovna took part in the All-Russian scientific and practical seminar (with international participation) “Current problems of management in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education” (September 2014). She was awarded a Letter of Gratitude for active participation in the seminar and assistance in strengthening and developing professional and international relations.

Savchenko Lyubov Aleksandrovna deserves to be awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Head of MBDOU: Who is in favor of approving the candidacy of senior teacher L.A. Savchenko?

For - 12 people, against - 0

The candidate has been approved.

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. Submit a petition for the candidacy of Lyubov Aleksandrovna Savchenko for consideration by the head of the education department of the Tsimlyansky District Administration for awarding her with a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Teachers' Council No. 3. Thematic: “Creating a health-saving space in a kindergarten”

Form:"Business game"

Target: Systematization of teachers’ knowledge about health and methods of organizing health-saving space.

Present 15 people.


  1. On the implementation of the decision of the teachers' council No. 1 of August 28, 2015.
  2. Help on the results of thematic control.
  3. The use of health-saving technologies in correctional work with children.
  4. "Brainstorm"
  5. Making decisions.

Progress of the meeting:

1. On the first question listened to the head's full name. She introduced the teaching staff to the implementation of the decision of the teachers' council No. 1 of September 15, 2014.

2. On the second question listened to the senior teacher L.A. Savchenko, she announced a certificate based on the results of the thematic control “Motor activity of a preschooler in the daily routine.” It was noted that during the thematic inspection, morning exercises are carried out in all age groups. Complexes of morning exercises correspond to the age of children. In the senior preparatory groups, the organization and conduct of outdoor games during a walk were reviewed. All games were played according to age. Recommendations were given to teachers. When conducting control, the organization and conduct of educational activities in all age groups was analyzed. Most teachers use health-saving technologies in educational activities. In the middle group, full name. uses gymnastics for the eyes using objects - a pyramid. In the senior group, full name. uses physical education with a ball. In the preparatory group, educators, full name. used physical education, finger exercises, and playing with a ball. Physical education classes are organized in all groups in accordance with the preschool educational program and the age characteristics of the children. It is noted that in order to create a holistic system of children's health, it is important to organize a motor development environment. There are physical education corners in every age group. It was noted that in all groups, in the corner for parents, material for parents is posted on the organization of physical activity and health improvement. Physical education celebrations were held. Next, educational work in groups was analyzed. It was noted that the work is being carried out in accordance with the calendar plan. Planning of physical education and health work is available in all groups.

The teacher spoke Full name: I would like to acknowledge the work of the physical education instructor, full name. strives to ensure that physical exercises and games give children pleasure and joy, encourage them to be independent and strive to perform them well. Takes into account the capabilities of children when setting goals and objectives, coordinates its content with the program and plans of the preschool educational institution. The teacher creates the necessary conditions for the implementation of work in the direction of “Physical Development”

3. On the third question listened to the teacher-speech therapist F.I.O. She spoke about health-saving educational technologies (HST), the purpose of which is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health during the education period, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in healthy lifestyle. It was noted that ZTO are divided into two groups: 1. Those requiring interruption of educational activities (physical training, eye gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, etc.) 2. Directly accompanying educational activities (increasing motor activity, changing dynamic posture, normalizing the psycho-emotional state, taking into account the dynamics of mental performance, optimization of the activity of the visual analyzer, ensuring harmonious interaction of the cerebral hemispheres, etc.) They are “built-in” into the educational content on the topic of the lesson. If RTO is used in classes, children will be physically healthy, have independent thinking, and will develop attention, memory and will.

4. Regarding the fourth question Senior teacher Savchenko L.A. spoke. . She held a brainstorming session with teachers. Continue the sentence: The process of changing the forms and functions of the human body - ... (physical development).
The main specific means of physical education is ... (physical exercises).

Children's tourism is ... (walks and excursions).

Walking, running, jumping, climbing and throwing - ... (main types of movement).

What does children's health depend on? (organization of optimal motor mode; walk; ventilation; prevention of colds; safely organized environment; compliance with the daily routine).

You are on a walk with your children and it starts to rain. How can this weather phenomenon be turned into a factor in child development? (organize an outdoor game: “Let’s run away from the rain”; in summer, in an ecologically clean area, use it as a hardening factor), etc.

Solve pedagogical problems:

  1. The family went for a walk in the forest. While on vacation, my 9-year-old son climbed to the top of a tree. My 5-year-old daughter also tried, but she didn’t succeed. She cried and began to ask her parents to help her. Which of the proposed reactions of parents is the most correct?
  2. The parents shouted at their son, demanded that he immediately get down from the tree, and both children were strictly forbidden to climb trees, explaining to them that it was dangerous.
  3. The father praised his son for his dexterity, helped his daughter climb to the bottom branch of the tree, then climb down on her own. The girl repeated the exercise several times.
  4. The mother calmed her crying daughter, gently asked her son to get down to the ground, and then spanked him.
  5. The child does not want to eat. The grandmother tries to make him eat the prescribed portion, using fairy tales and jokes. Mother promises to buy a new toy. The father says: “If you don’t want to, don’t eat.” Who is right?

Reflective role-playing game: “What prevents a child in our kindergarten from being healthy”

We deliberately raised the question of negative impacts on a child in kindergarten, since it is necessary to start with those reasons whose consequences we can influence without affecting global ones: unfavorable ecology, hereditary predisposition, etc. Participants in the game are united in the following groups:

  • "Educators"
  • "Parents"
  • "Administration"
  • "Specialists"

Participants in each group need to identify in writing those reasons that, from their point of view, prevent a child attending our kindergarten from being healthy (in writing). The teachers were divided into two subgroups and completed tasks proposed by Lyubov Alexandrovna. Both subgroups were active.

5. On the fifth question

Approved as follows:

For - 15 people, against - 0

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. Enrich group physical education corners with equipment in order to develop motor skills and regulate the motor activity of children.
  2. Plan a “Health Day” in kindergarten.
  1. The physical education instructor should finalize and bring into compliance the “Awakening Gymnastics” card index for all age groups.
  2. The physical education instructor should include his classes in more detail in the teacher’s calendar plans.

Teachers' Council No. 4. Thematic « Federal State Educational Standard: from new goals to new results"

Form:"Business Game"

Target: Improving the quality of preschool education for pupils through the organization of an effective educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Present 13 people.

Teachers' council plan:

  1. On the implementation of the decision of the teachers' council No. 3 of November 19, 2015.
  2. Results of the thematic audit “Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions”
  3. Analysis of questionnaires “On professional difficulties of teachers at the stage of introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard”
  4. Business game “New Federal State Educational Standards – New Opportunities.”
  5. From the experience of educators: a creative approach to the subject-development environment.
  6. Decision of the teachers' council.

Progress of the teachers' council:

1. On the first question listened to the manager's full name. She introduced the teaching staff to the implementation of the decision of the teachers' council No. 3 of November 19, 2015.

2. On the second question listened to the senior teacher L.A. Savchenko, she read out an analytical report on the results of a thematic audit carried out according to the annual plan. Under the conditions of the Federal Educational Standard, fundamentally new requirements are imposed on education. The main result of education should be its compliance with the goals of advanced development. This means that children need to be exposed to information and technology that will be useful to them in the future. The following issues were studied: the educational environment of the kindergarten; creation of a developing space as a necessary condition in the upbringing and education of children. Lyubov Aleksandrovna noted the pros and cons of organizing a developmental environment in groups, identified a number of problems, and gave recommendations to teachers on the formation of a developmental space in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Made a speech teacher-speech therapist Full name: The subject-spatial environment must ensure the child’s own activity. This means that the subject environment must be rich, transformable, multifunctional, accessible and safe, and must have the character of an open, open system, capable of adjustment and development.

Made a speech teacher Full name: The result of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard should be systematic work, and we are still only on the threshold of this long journey.

3. On the third question listened to senior teacher L.A. Savchenko. An analysis of teachers’ questionnaires on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards in the educational activities of the MBDOU showed that not all teachers are sufficiently competent in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards, not everyone sees and understands the importance of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards in the educational activities of the MBDOU. This means that further work is needed to familiarize the teaching staff with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and to study regulations and resolutions of the Ministry of Education.

Made a speech teacher full name: The standard requires changes in the interaction of adults with children, which implies the presence of a number of competencies in the teacher: the ability to arouse the child’s interest in various types of activities, the ability to support the child’s own activity, develop curiosity, the desire to comprehend this world, raise “ whychek”, and not just transfer any knowledge.

4. On the fourth question listened to senior teacher L.A. Savchenko, who held a business game “New Federal State Educational Standard – New Opportunities.” Before the start of the game, she offered the group of participants one ticket from the pack with a question, giving them time to prepare. The answer was assessed by colleagues using signal cards. If the answer is correct, teachers raise a green card; if the answer is incomplete or incorrect, they raise a red card.

Made a speech teacher Full name: The fundamental goal of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is to create a developmental environment that can provide creative activity to every child, allowing him to most fully realize his own capabilities. At the center of the developing subject-spatial environment is the child with his needs and interests, and the educational institution (teaching staff) offers high-quality educational services aimed at developing the identity, uniqueness and individuality of each individual. In such an environment, a preschool child is actively involved in cognitive creative activities, his curiosity, imagination, mental and artistic abilities, communication skills develop, and most importantly, his personality develops. The subject environment of childhood provides various types of activity for a preschool child and becomes the basis for his independent activity. Together with Varvara Andreevna, we issued a passport for our group, which provides information about the teachers working in this group, about the educational program implemented with children 5-6 years old, about their age characteristics, developmental and physical education centers, etc.

6. On the sixth question listened to Art. teacher Savchenko L.A., who made the decision of the teachers' council and invited the team to express their opinion.

Approved as follows:

For - 13 people, against - 0

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. To improve the quality of the educational process, create a development space in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education. Responsible: educators. Time frame: within a year.
  1. To improve the professional skills of teachers in organizing a developing subject-spatial environment through various forms of methodological work. Responsible: senior teacher. Time frame: within a year.
  1. In order to intensify the efforts of the teaching staff in developing non-standard forms of work with children and analyzing the work of teachers using the project method, organize project activities

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Today we are holding a presentation of the work of the teaching staff of the Romashka kindergarten for the school year.
“We have something to be proud of and something to strive for” – we took these words as the motto for our presentation. Because we really have something to be proud of, and there are goals to which we strive.
Life is a movement towards a goal. To reach your goal, you must first move forward and not stand still.
Today, one of the urgent tasks in the field of education is the prevention of professional stagnation, which reduces the effectiveness of teaching activities. Its solution requires an innovative approach to work. We try to organize work in such a way as to develop the professional mobility of teachers and to reveal opportunities for self-realization for each of them.
Today, all teachers in our team actively participate in methodological work and in the life of the garden. <Application >

Successes and achievements of the teaching staff over the past academic year

Why couldn't they build the Tower of Babel? For the simple reason that the builders, not knowing languages, not understanding each other, could not agree. So in any work, without finding common ground, without wanting to understand each other, it is impossible to achieve any success.
Fortunately, our preschool educational institution employs people who not only understand each other perfectly, but what is called half a glance. These are teachers who work and feel on the same wavelength. That is why they quickly and, what is very important, willingly accept new ideas and implement them in their practice.
It is very pleasant, easy and interesting to work in such a team. People, one might say, are “infected” with the bacillus of indifference. And this, I hope, is incurable.
But fate man, his satisfaction life, physical and mental health is largely determined by:

  • sense of self-realization in activities,
  • attitude to the profession
  • level professional achievements.

If this is not the case, then the person does not feel satisfaction from work, does not achieve self-realization, and therefore does not develop a value-based attitude towards himself as a professional.
Exists formula for a happy person. This is when you want to go to work because you are valued, respected and expected there. And you want to return home, because they also love you and wait for you there. It seems to me that such happy people work in our preschool educational institution.
And today’s topic (bold and deliberately defiant) - “Vanity Fair” reflects the desire to teach how to position oneself, a teacher, as a bright personality, to form professional pedagogical pride, a value-based attitude towards oneself as a professional.

(1st slide)

Statistics (figures and facts)

The kindergarten has been operating since 1978.
Groups – 10
Pupils – 245
Employees – 45
Teachers – 24
Manager – 1
Teachers – 18
Specialists – 5 (2nd slide)

Troshina G.P. – Head of the MDOU. Excellent student of public education. Head of preschool educational institution No. 186 since 1997 (3rd slide)

It is very important to correctly build a development strategy for an educational institution. Our preschool educational institution builds its work based on the requests of parents, the level of development of children, responding to current changes in the field of preschool education.

  • A material and technical base has been created that makes it possible to solve the assigned tasks.
  • The groups have created a developmental environment that provides the child with the opportunity to express himself as actively as possible not only in class, but also in free activity.
  • There is a methodological room equipped with modern methodological literature, manuals and periodicals
  • Physical education and music halls
  • Art studio for developing children's creative abilities.
  • Speech therapy room and psychologist's office.

The kindergarten has access to the Internet. (4 slide)
Pulargina O.P. – senior preschool teacher
Pulargina O.P. – Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation.
Works at preschool educational institution since 1983 (5 slide)


And these are our specialists, people responsible for a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work of the preschool educational institution: educational psychologist, music director, physical education instructor, speech therapist and arts teacher.
These are people who are faithful to their profession and chosen path, true professionals. These are teachers you can always rely on. (6 slide)

"Romashka" teachers. What are they?

Our preschool educational institution is:

D – kind, sincere, benevolent;
O – sociable, responsible, charming;
U - smart, successful, passionate teachers (7 slide)

Human resources. Education

Having deeply and comprehensively analyzed the educational process, identifying the potential professional and creative capabilities of educators, we came to the conclusion that the teaching staff is mobile and professionally competent.

Of the total number of teachers (24 people):

13 people have higher pedagogical education.
7 people – secondary pedagogical
4 people – secondary technical

In the conditions of the information explosion, the emergence of new trends in the social, political and economic life of the country, it is no longer enough for a teacher to have a diploma in pedagogical education in order to become a real professional. And educators understand that it is necessary to constantly improve professional competence, improve their knowledge, broaden their horizons, and engage in self-education. (8 slide)

Our pedagogical credo:

  • love and respect for the child’s personality;
  • breadth of soul and sharpness of mind;
  • quality of training and education;
  • originality of ideas and thoughts.

Code of honor for preschool teachers

  • Learn to see and respect the individual in another person.
  • Learn to see the shortcomings in yourself and forgive them to others.
  • Be honest in your thoughts, do no harm with your words.
  • Share your teaching skills generously, for “the hand of the giver will never fail.”
  • Learn to enjoy the successes of your colleagues.
  • Don't allow yourself to be in a bad mood.
  • Remember that your appearance matches your inner content.
  • Make full use of your strengths and capabilities in your work.
  • Improve yourself.
  • Carry out your professional duties conscientiously.

Our preschool educational institution is a kindergarten not only for everyone, but also for every child, where they will be helped to realize their individual qualities and abilities, where they are always loved and expected.

(9th slide)

Areas of activity of our preschool educational institution:

  • health conservation;
  • cognitive development;
  • artistic and aesthetic;
  • social and personal

(10th slide)

Tasks of the preschool educational institution

Based on the above, we have defined our main tasks for the academic year as follows:

1. Organize the educational process at all levels without compromising the health of children. Introduce an optimal motor mode, positively influence the health of children, correctly using health-saving technologies. Reduce disease incidence by 1%.

2. Continue work to optimize the play activities of pupils. Arouse children's interest in role-playing games by changing the subject environment, activating communication between the teacher and children, and competently integrating games into the general system of preschool education.

3. Start developing a model for organizing legal education in kindergarten, based on the social partnership of the preschool educational institution with parents, increasing the level of legal culture of all participants in the educational process. To search, develop, test and generalize the most effective methods, technologies and forms of legal education for preschool children.

4. Develop creative imagination, moral and emotional responsiveness to musical and artistic works. To cultivate the need for meaningful leisure in 60% of preschoolers. (11th slide)

Development mode

We were aware that the desired result would only be achieved when teachers had an internal attitude and desire for professional growth. This means that the kindergarten must function in development mode.
– absence of stagnation in professional activities;
– improving the quality of education through the professional skills of teachers;
– search for effective pedagogical technologies;
– application of innovative techniques in practice. (12th slide)

Components of preschool educational institution development (components of success)

  • Comfortable creative atmosphere and friendly microclimate in the team.
  • General motivation of employees for positive results.
  • Flexible response to emerging problems
  • The use of both traditional and interactive forms and types of work with personnel.
  • Improving the professional level of teachers. (13th slide)

Let's play and develop

The programs used in the preschool educational institution serve the purposes of achieving the set objectives:

– typical comprehensive program by Vasilyeva M.A. – 5 groups
– “Development” – a comprehensive program of Wenger.L.A. – 5 groups
- “Pre-school time” Vinogradova– 1 group


– “Mathematical steps” by E.E. Kolesnikova. – 2 groups
- "Safety" Avdeeva – 3 groups
– “Development of speech” by Ushakova O.S. – 1 group
– “Environmental education” by Nikolaeva S.N. – 2nd group
– “Colored Palms” by I.A. Lykova – 2 groups
– “Listening” according to O. Radynova’s program – 10 groups (14th slide)

Additional education

The preschool educational institution provides additional educational services and actively conducts club work. There are clubs and studios for our students:

  • “Miracle child” on the sensory development of children (10 people)
  • Learning to play musical instruments (15 people)
  • “Heel” – rhythm (40 people)
  • “Rainbow” – drawing (20 people)
  • “Crane” – origami (12 people) (15 slide)


The selection of these programs and the level of competence of teachers make it possible to provide high-quality training to students. From the data presented, a positive trend in the assimilation of program material is clearly visible. The overall percentage of program completion is 89%, which is a high figure compared to the beginning of the school year (73%).
The diagnostic results confirmed the effectiveness of the work done. (16th slide)

Certification and courses

Modern personnel policy places serious demands on the training of teachers and the assessment of their work. Certification of teachers is an assessment not only of the level of their professional competence, but also of the activities of preschool educational institutions as a whole.

In the 2010-2011 academic year. year certified:

Professional competence of teachers

This table illustrates the results of advanced training and certification of teachers. Thus, the work carried out with personnel allowed us to achieve the following results.

  • By the end of the year, the majority of teachers, 87%, had a qualification category.

These are newly arrived teachers who do not have sufficient work experience. For the current academic year, 6 applications have been submitted from teachers, including for early certification.

  • All teachers, except one, completed course training.
  • There was no staff turnover. (18 slide)


The work experience of teachers was presented in the following publications:

  1. Art. teacher Pulargina O.P. magazine "Handbook of senior educators of preschool educational institutions" No. 10 for 2010. article “Design project for a developmental environment in a preschool educational institution” (19 slide)

Participation in regional competitions

Highly qualified employees allow us to adequately present our work at events at various levels.

  • Soldatskova V.V. - TO Professional skills competition “Educator of the Year 2011”. Participant.
  • MDOU kindergarten. – 2nd place in the traffic competition. (21 slides)

Participation in city competitions and conferences

  • Rudakova N.V. City scientific and practical conference on psychological support for children. Report “Emotional development of preschool children with increased levels of anxiety.” Participant. (Diploma)
  • MDOU kindergarten No. 186. City review-competition on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries. (April 2010).
  • MDOU kindergarten No. 186. City competition of children's drawings for the 30th anniversary of Firefighters Day on the theme “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy.” Participants. (22 slide)

Participation in Russian competitions

  • MDOU No. 186 Competition “Best kindergarten in Russia – 2010”. Laureate.
  • Pulargina O.P. All-Russian competition for preschool education workers “Methodologist-innovator - 2010” – finalist.
  • Kapnina I.A. Moscow competition for the best development of lessons on patriotic education for Victory Day, organized by. Scenario of a concert for veterans of a WWII hospital. “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” Participant.
  • Gorbunova Zh.A. Moscow competition for the best development of lessons on patriotic education for Victory Day, organized by. Scenario for sports entertainment “Winning Soldiers”. Participant.
  • Gomtsyan G.A. Moscow competition under the Development program L.A. Wenger in the “Developing Environment” category. Laureate.
  • Garasevich N.A. And Soldatskova V.V. Moscow competition under the Development program L.A. Wenger in the “Developmental Activity” category. Laureates. (23-24 slides)

Open classes for teachers of preschool educational institution No. 186

  • On legal education:

Kapnina I.A. junior group
Garasevich N.A. With middle group
Nemtseva O.A. With senior group
Gomtsyan G.A. With senior group
Kuznetsova M.A. Preparatory group

  • Mathematics:

Ivleeva L.V. middle group

  • Certificate:

Silyacheva T.S. preparatory group (25 slide)

Methodological associations for teachers of the Industrial District

  • Pulargina O.P.. - for beginners teachers of preschool educational institutions m/o on the topic “Writing an annual plan.”
  • Gorbunova Zh.A. – for physical education instructors Sports festival “Winter Olympics in Romashka”.
  • Rudakova N.V. And Makarova I.A.– for teachers of nursery groups of the m/o “Charming Kids”.
  • Ivanova T.V.– for preschool teachers Fire safety entertainment “Don’t joke with fire!”
  • Teaching staff – Final teaching council “Vanity Fair” for senior teachers in the district. (26 slide)


The life of teachers is not limited only to their professional activities. Our teachers are bright, interesting, extraordinary personalities. Their energy and talent are used in various fields. So they are indispensable participants in all public events and holidays, both for children and for employees. This gives them great pleasure and joy. (27 slide)


A significant achievement in the activities of the teaching staff was a significant increase in the methodological activity of educators.

  • All teachers took an active part in teacher councils and seminars.
  • 10 open classes were held.
  • The experience of organizing a subject-developmental environment in a group is summarized.
  • 87% of teachers took an active part in various events, competitions, and exhibitions.

Our anniversaries.

The kindergarten is our second home, and the teaching staff is a friendly family. And just as anniversaries happen in any family, our team celebrates holidays and significant dates. (29 slide)

Final teaching council at the preschool educational institution for the 2015-2016 academic year. Broadcast "Pedagogical relay race".

Motto: “By helping myself and others, I preserve my health!”

“Grapes are a symbol of prosperity, wealth, they contain solar warmth, and we receive this solar energy from these berries. But if you look closely at this bunch, you will notice that each berry is individual, not like the others, each berry is individual! But look - all the berries together make up a single bunch and the strength of this unity lies in the individuality of each one. So, we were able to try a “piece of sunshine”.

Training “Me and my name.”

The exercise is aimed at creating a positive atmosphere in the group and raising the self-esteem of training participants. It emphasizes the value of each group member. Each participant writes their name on a piece of paper. And then he comes up with positive adjectives about himself, starting with the letters of his name.

For example:

F - cheerful

A - active

N - unusual


Optimization of the educational process, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education and increasing the competence of teachers, through active forms of work; increasing the socio-pedagogical competence of parents.


1 Task. Continue to develop the professional competence of teachers in the field of mastering the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, through the use of active forms of methodological work: training seminars, master classes, opening views, self-education, creating a data bank of innovative ideas of teachers and maintaining personal websites.

Pedagogical Council:“Professional competence of pre-school teachers in the field of mastering the Federal State Educational Standard for pre-school education, through the use of active forms of methodological work” (round table).

Forms of methodological work.

Presented in the table.

Conference. On January 29, 2016, the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “Federal State Educational Standard: On the Path to New Educational Results” was held in the IRO Ivanovo Region. The participants of the Conference were Leontyeva T.V., Kartashova N.A. and Yaganova O.V. Teacher of the 1st qualification category, Natalia Aleksandrovna Kartashova, invited the Section’s listeners to discuss the experience of MDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Alyonushka” on the problem of “Preparing children for school in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.”

At the Festival of Methodological Excellence, the following presented their work experience and creative projects:

Dmitrova Tatyana Leonidovna, spoke with the theme of the master class “Wonderful fantasies” (toys and aids for children made from waste material).

Gareeva Irina Sergeevna, spoke with the theme of the master class “The Miracle of Modern Technologies: Magic Sand” (experimental activities with sand).

Kirsanova Irina Gennadievna, spoke with the theme of the master class “The World at Your Fingertips” (finger games for children using improvised objects).

Regional competition “First steps into the world of professions: career guidance projects in preschool education” (Ivanovo region IRO):

Kartashova Natalia Aleksandrovna - The theme of the project is “There are so many professions and all are good, everyone can find something for the soul!”

Leontyeva Tatyana Vladimirovna - The theme of the project is “The Amazing World of Fabric” (introduction to the professions of light industry workers in the textile region).

We share our work experience: “We are holding a seminar.” On March 11, 2016, on the basis of our preschool educational institution, a creative workshop of music directors was held on the topic: “The use of art therapy as an innovative health-saving technology in preschool educational institutions.” . Musical director - Skaraeva Marina Stanislavovna, introduced the audience to her experience in conducting and organizing music classes with elements of art therapy.

VIII Interregional festival-competition of vocal creativity with the support of the Department of Education of the Ivanovo region “Ringing drops of spring”, dedicated to the year of Cinematography. Our city of Teykovo was represented by a student of preparatory group No. 1 “Friendly Family” - Polina Kapitonova and musical director - Marina Stanislavovna Skaraeva. Polina performed a song from the feature film “Dunno from Our Yard” - “Where the Wizards Are” (authors: M. Minkov and Yu. Entin). We congratulate Polina Kapitonova, who became the 2nd degree Laureate, and teacher Marina Stanislavovna Skaraeva on her victory! We wish you further creative success!

Regional competition “Photo carousel: educators and children” (Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region and OSAU DPO “Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region”). 12 teachers from our preschool educational institution took part.

On January 21, 2016, our preschool educational institution held a master class for parents “Secrets of Grandma’s Chest: Making a Doll.” It was conducted by the teacher Ekaterina Mikhailovna Savinova. The goal was to familiarize parents with the traditions of making folk dolls and the practice of making dolls - kuvadki made of fabric.

On March 10, 2016, on the basis of our preschool educational institution, the additional education teacher of the MUDO TsRTYu, the head of the Association “Artistic Design from Paper” - Alina Leonidovna Bogdanets, conducted a master class “Quilling is interesting” for parents and teachers.

Task 2. Introduce children to a culture of life safety, ensure their emotional well-being, based on pedagogical health-saving technologies, through the implementation of innovative approaches and the use of new forms of interaction with parents.

Pedagogical council “Formation of the fundamentals of life safety and a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers.” The result of the work.

City seminar - workshop for city teachers. On February 10, 2016, on the basis of our preschool educational institution No. 1 “Alyonushka”, a city workshop was held for teachers of preschool educational institutions on the topics: “The ABCs of safety” and “Health conservation: the formation of a healthy and safe lifestyle for preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” . It was held under the motto: “Let’s raise children healthy!” Teacher Kartashova N.A. conducted “The ABCs of Health” with children of senior preschool age as part of this seminar. The work experience of teachers in developing a healthy lifestyle for preschool children was also presented, in the form of master classes.

Su-Jok therapy is the latest achievement of oriental medicine. Translated from Korean, Su means hand and Jok means foot. Su Jok therapy affects bioenergetic points in order to activate the body's protective functions. (aimed at influencing areas of the cerebral cortex in order to prevent speech disorders.) Now we will perform a “Su-Jok” finger massage; it will be presented in poetic form. This massage is performed with a special massage ball.

Here are simple objects and waste material. In 5 minutes you can come up with or make non-traditional physical education equipment or a beautiful product from them.

Category “Magic transformation”. The next method I want to introduce you to is Sand Therapy. In front of you is ordinary sand. How to turn it into a modern miracle of sand? Gareeva I.S. knows about this.

Sand therapy is one of the methods of art treatment. Sand therapy directs one to self-therapy and self-correction. Scientists believe that playing with sand relieves children's irritability, aggressiveness, tearfulness and at the same time rapidly develops imagination, has a positive effect on the emotional state of children and adults and is an excellent means for development and self-development.

Category “Dynamics for us” during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for all children as a preventive measure against fatigue. May include elements of eye gymnastics and dynamic pause, as well as finger training. They invite you to play - Kirsanova I.G. and Maksimenko T.N.

Finger gymnastics

What benefits does finger gymnastics give to children?
Helps develop fine motor skills.
Helps develop speech.
Increases the performance of the cerebral cortex.
Develops mental processes in a child: thinking, attention, memory, imagination.
Relieves anxiety

Category "Relaxation". If you cannot concentrate on what you are doing, it means your brain is tired and relaxation can effectively help it. Musical accompaniment.

Heading"Help yourself". Art therapy technology– in various forms of health work it is used as an auxiliary tool as part of other technologies; to relieve tension, increase emotional mood, etc.

Category "Vocal pause." Musical intonations have great impact. Singing has a beneficial effect on all internal organs of a person. From time immemorial, people have known about the healing properties of individual sounds pronounced by voice. A wide variety of diseases were treated with their help.

In order to enhance the impact of sounds, you should put your hand on the area of ​​the body where the organ is located and sing sounds or sound combinations:

U – has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, and activates the respiratory system.

O - has an active effect on the activity of the pancreas.

A – has a healing effect on the heart and gall bladder, relieves muscle spasms.

E – brain function improves.

S - this sound has a healing effect on the ears and lungs, improves breathing.

And - treats diseases of the ear, nose, throat, organs of vision, and has a stimulating effect on cardiac activity.

OM – chanting these sounds reduces blood pressure.

AY, PA – pain syndromes in the heart are eliminated.

AH, OH, OH - these sounds help stimulate the release of negative energy and waste substances from the body.

At the signal: “Sea” - step back.

"Shore" is a step forward.

“Sail” - raise your arms up above your head, connect your fingers.

Category “Our successes”. Visit to St. Nicholas Church and Sunday school on November 13, 2015, with the goal of spiritual and moral education of children, introducing them to folk culture and traditions.

Continuity of preschool educational institutions and secondary schools. On December 22, 2015, preschool teachers attended lessons in three first grades of MSOS No. 4. During the break, teachers and children had time to communicate better. Preschool teachers were interested in observing the structure of the lesson, methods and forms of work, types of tasks, and the interaction of teachers with students.

Pupils of the preparatory groups “Friendly Family” and “Romashka” (musical director Skaraeva Marina Stanislavovna) came to perform as part of the Festival of Methodical Excellence.

Dance “Matryoshka” and Dance “The Stars Are Lighting Up” (teacher Tatyana Vladimirovna Leontyeva).

Campaign "Library Night 2016". Pupils of preparatory group No. 1 “Friendly Family” took an active part in this event: Natalya Maksimova, German Kulikov, Ksenia Pushkareva, Victoria Gubina, Olga Kvachko and Polina Kapitonova. They were awarded letters of gratitude and gifts.

Color therapy- this is one of the most promising and reliable methods of treatment and recovery. Color serves as a powerful stimulator for the emotional and intellectual development of children.


Red ensures health, physical strength, endurance, stability, self-confidence increases internal energy, promotes activation of hematopoiesis, normalization of blood circulation and metabolism.
Orange increases the level of neuroendocrine regulation, helps overcome fatigue, blues, depression, uncertainty, anxiety and fear.
as a symbol of the sun, it relieves stress and gives hope.
Green promotes the rhythmic functioning of the heart, relaxation of the eyes, and has a moderate anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. In addition, it helps with coughs. calms, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Blue helps with insomnia, relieves fears, causes a feeling of comfort and peace, relieves tension, lowers blood pressure, calms breathing.
Violet has a gentle, stimulating effect. Gives strength in case of energy depletion, does not give room to depression, pessimism and powerlessness.
(Depending on the chosen color, teachers are given a task to use health-saving technology)

A pile of dirty dishes will quickly disappear if you drop a weight on it.

The glass will be more shiny if you also wash the outside of it!

If you are going to visit empty-handed, then at least go with a full stomach.

You need to try to get better before they start treating you.

If you are not sure of the freshness of your breath, do not breathe.

To lose weight, you need to either sleep while eating, or eat only while you sleep.

If you have lost control of yourself, the teacher urgently needs to go home.

Your dress will last you for many years if your husband earns a small salary.

If you feel the urge to scream, it’s dangerous and you can get used to it.

He who lives in joy is numb to sorrow.

The curls curl in joy and split in sadness.

Category “RESULT OF WORK”. The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms in teachers and parents value orientations for preserving and strengthening the health of children, and in the child a strong motivation for creativity and a healthy lifestyle.

Psychological attitude: “I’m very proud of myself!”

1. I’m very proud of myself, I’m good for a lot!

2. I solve any problems, love and luck are always with me!

3. I attract luck, every day I become richer!

4. I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best!

5. There are no obstacles in my way, everything will work out as it should!

6. I always cherish peace and a smile, and everyone will help me and I will help!

7. Any situation is under my control, the world is beautiful and I am beautiful!

8. The Universe smiles at me, and everything works out for me!

Our program “I take care of my health, I will help myself” has come to an end. We had a good time with you, may you have a great life too!



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Slide captions:

Motto: “By helping myself and others, I preserve my health!” Program “Pedagogical Relay Race” FINAL TEACHING COUNCIL AT PRESIDENTIAL EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ENTITIES

“Grapes are a symbol of prosperity, wealth, they contain solar warmth, and we receive this solar energy from these berries. But if you look closely at this bunch, you will notice that each berry is individual, not like the others, each berry is individual! And all together the grapes make up a single bunch and the strength of this unity lies in the individuality of each. Exercise “Bunch of Grapes” So, we were able to try the “piece of sun”.

The exercise is aimed at creating a positive atmosphere and raising the self-esteem of training participants. Each participant writes their name on a piece of paper (vertically) and then comes up with positive adjectives about themselves starting with the letters of their name. For example: F - cheerful A - active N - new N - unusual A - artistic Training “Me and my name!” At the end, all training participants read out their names and invented adjectives for the letters.

TASKS OF THE TEACHING STAFF FOR THE 2015 - 2016 SCHOOL YEAR ANNUAL GOAL: Optimization of the educational process, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education and increasing the competence of teachers, through active forms of work; increasing the socio-pedagogical competence of parents. Category "Business page".

1 task. Continue to develop the professional competence of teachers in the field of mastering the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, through the use of active forms of methodological work: training seminars, master classes, opening views, self-education, creating a data bank of innovative ideas of teachers and maintaining personal websites.

“Professional competence of pre-school teachers in the field of mastering the Federal State Educational Standard for pre-school education, through the use of active forms of methodological work” (round table) Pedagogical Council

Conference. On January 29, 2016, the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “Federal State Educational Standard: On the Path to New Educational Results” was held in the IRO Ivanovo Region. The participants of the Conference were Leontyeva T.V., Kartashova N.A. and Yaganova O.V. Teacher of the 1st qualification category, Natalia Aleksandrovna Kartashova, invited the Section’s listeners to discuss the experience of MDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Alyonushka” on the problem of “Preparing children for school in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.”

Dmitrova Tatyana Leonidovna, spoke with the theme of the master class “Wonderful fantasies” (toys and aids for children made from waste material). Gareeva Irina Sergeevna, spoke with the theme of the master class “The Miracle of Modern Technologies: Magic Sand” (experimental activities with sand). Kirsanova Irina Gennadievna, spoke with the theme of the master class “The World at Your Fingertips” (finger games for children using improvised objects). At the Festival of Methodological Excellence, the following presented their work experience and creative projects:

Kartashova Natalia Aleksandrovna The theme of the project is “There are so many professions and all are good, everyone can find something for the soul!” About the regional competition “First steps into the world of professions: career guidance projects in preschool education” (IRO Ivanovo region) Leontieva Tatyana Vladimirovna The theme of the project is “The Amazing World of Fabric” (introduction to the professions of light industry workers in the textile region).

We share our work experience: “We are holding a seminar.” On March 11, 2016, on the basis of our preschool educational institution, a creative workshop of music directors was held on the topic: “The use of art therapy as an innovative health-saving technology in preschool educational institutions.” The musical director, Marina Stanislavovna Skaraeva, introduced the audience to her experience in conducting and organizing music classes with elements of art therapy.

Regional competition “Photo Carousel: Teachers and Children” (Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region and OSAU DPO “Institute for Educational Development of the Ivanovo Region”). Leontieva Tatyana Vladimirovna Kartashova Natalia Aleksandrovna Shchekotkina Elena Vladimirovna Gareeva Irina Sergeevna Kirsanova Irina Gennadievna Kokurina Irina Anatolyevna Korotkova Klavdiya Georgievna Ragulina Valentina Viktorovna Savinova Ekaterina Mikhailovna Samodolova Natalia Sergeevna Shapovalova Elena Vitalievna

On January 21, 2016, our preschool educational institution held a master class for parents “Secrets of Grandma’s Chest: Making a Doll.” It was conducted by the teacher Ekaterina Mikhailovna Savinova. The goal was to familiarize parents with the traditions of making folk dolls and the practice of making dolls - kuvadki made of fabric.

On March 10, 2016, on the basis of our preschool educational institution, the additional education teacher of the MUDO TsRTYu, the head of the Association “Artistic Design from Paper” - Alina Leonidovna Bogdanets, conducted a master class “Quilling is interesting” for parents and teachers.

Task 2. Introduce children to a culture of life safety, ensure their emotional well-being, based on pedagogical health-saving technologies, through the implementation of innovative approaches and the use of new forms of interaction with parents.

Pedagogical council “Formation of the fundamentals of life safety and a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers”

City seminar - workshop for city teachers. On February 10, 2016, on the basis of our preschool educational institution No. 1 “Alyonushka”, a city workshop was held for preschool teachers on the topics: “The ABCs of Safety” and “Health Saving: Forming a Healthy and Safe Lifestyle for Preschool Children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.” It was held under the motto: “Let’s raise children healthy!” Teacher Kartashova N.A. conducted “The ABCs of Health” with children of senior preschool age as part of this seminar. The work experience of teachers in developing a healthy lifestyle for preschool children was also presented, in the form of master classes.

Here are simple objects - buttons and various waste materials. In 5 minutes you can come up with or make a beautiful product from them. Rubric “Our workshop: a great duel” Ragulina V.V. Dmitrova T.L.

The next method I want to introduce you to is Sand Therapy. Scientists believe that playing with sand relieves children's irritability, aggressiveness, tearfulness and at the same time rapidly develops imagination, has a positive effect on the emotional state of children and adults and is an excellent means for development and self-development. In front of you is ordinary sand. How to turn it into a miracle of modern technology? Kinetic sand and hydrophobic sand. Rubric “Magic transformation” Gareeva I.S. knows about this.

Dynamics - recommended for children and adults, as a preventive measure against fatigue. May include elements of eye gymnastics and dynamic pause, as well as finger play training. Rubric “Dynamics for big and small” Maksimenko T.N. Kirsanova I.G.

If you cannot concentrate on what you are doing, it means your brain is tired and relaxation can effectively help it. Category: “Relaxation”

Rubric “Nakhodka: Using art therapy methods as an innovative health-saving technology in preschool educational institutions” Art therapy is art treatment. The goal is the social adaptation of the individual in society. It solves three main tasks: - actualization of creative possibilities. - expansion of emotional range. - acquisition of new social experience. Art therapy techniques promote emotional health through contact with art. Skaraeva M.S.

U – has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, and activates the respiratory system. O - has an active effect on the activity of the pancreas. A – has a healing effect on the heart and gall bladder, relieves muscle spasms. E – brain function improves. S - this sound has a healing effect on the ears and lungs, improves breathing. And - treats diseases of the ear, nose, throat, organs of vision, and has a stimulating effect on cardiac activity. OM – chanting these sounds reduces blood pressure. AY, PA – pain syndromes in the heart are eliminated. AH, OH, OH - these sounds help stimulate the release of negative energy and waste substances from the body. In order to enhance the impact of sounds, you should put your hand on the area of ​​the body where the organ is located and sing sounds or sound combinations: Section “VOCAL PAUSE” Musical intonations have great impact. Singing has a beneficial effect on all internal organs of a person. From time immemorial, people have known about the healing properties of individual sounds pronounced by voice. A wide variety of diseases were treated with their help.

Form a line. Adopt correct posture. At the signal: “Sea” - step back. "Shore" is a step forward. “Sail” - raise your arms up above your head, connect your fingers. Game “Sea, Shore, Sail” Rubric “Practice”

Visit to St. Nicholas Church and Sunday school on November 13, 2015, with the goal of spiritual and moral education of children, introducing them to folk culture and traditions. Category “Our successes”

Continuity of preschool educational institutions and secondary schools On December 22, 2015, preschool teachers attended lessons in three 1st grades of secondary school No. 4. During the break, teachers and children had time to communicate better. Preschool teachers were interested in observing the structure of the lesson, methods and forms of work, types of tasks, and the interaction of teachers with students.

Pupils of the preparatory groups “Friendly Family” and “Romashka” (musical director Skaraeva Marina Stanislavovna) came to perform as part of the Festival of Methodical Excellence. Dance “Matryoshka” Dance “Stars Light Up”: teacher Leontyeva Tatyana Vladimirovna

Action “Library Night 2016” on April 22 at 17.00 on the square named after V.I. Lenin held the All-Russian event “Library Night - 2016” under the motto “Reading the Movies!” Pupils of preparatory group No. 1 “Friendly Family” took an active part in this event: Natalya Maksimova, German Kulikov, Ksenia Pushkareva, Victoria Gubina, Olga Kvachko and Polina Kapitonova. They were awarded letters of gratitude and gifts.

Category: “Toy: Flower of Health” Color therapy is one of the most promising and reliable methods of treatment and recovery. Color serves as a powerful stimulator for the emotional and intellectual development of children.

Red provides health, physical strength, endurance, stability, self-confidence increases internal energy, promotes activation of hematopoiesis, normalization of blood circulation and metabolism. Orange increases the level of neuroendocrine regulation, helps overcome fatigue, blues, depression, uncertainty, anxiety and fear. Yellow, as a symbol of the sun, relieves stress and gives hope. Green promotes the rhythmic functioning of the heart, relaxation of the eyes, and has a moderate anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. In addition, it helps with coughs. calms, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. Blue helps with insomnia, relieves fears, causes a feeling of comfort and peace, relieves tension, lowers blood pressure, and calms breathing. Violet has a gentle, stimulating effect. Gives strength in case of energy depletion, does not give room to depression, pessimism and powerlessness. COLOR GRAMM

A pile of dirty dishes will quickly disappear if you drop a weight on it. The glass will be more shiny if you also wash the outside of it! If you are going to visit empty-handed, then at least go with a full stomach. You need to try to get better before they start treating you. If you are not sure of the freshness of your breath, do not breathe. To lose weight, you need to either sleep while eating, or eat only while you sleep. If you have lost control of yourself, the teacher urgently needs to go home. Your dress will last you for many years if your husband earns a small salary. If you feel the urge to scream, it’s dangerous and you can get used to it. He who lives in joy is numb to sorrow. The curls curl in joy and split in sadness. Category “Our advice: Frivolous advice”

The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies increases the effectiveness of the educational process, forms in teachers and parents value orientations for preserving and strengthening the health of children, and in the child a strong motivation for creativity and a healthy lifestyle. Category “RESULT OF WORK”

Psychological attitude “I’m very proud of myself!” 1. I’m very proud of myself, I’m good for a lot! 2. I solve any problems, love and luck are always with me! 3. I attract luck, every day I become richer! 4. I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best! 5. There are no obstacles in my way, everything will work out as it should! 6. I always cherish peace and a smile, and everyone will help me and I will help! 7. Any situation is under my control, the world is beautiful and I am beautiful! 8. The Universe smiles at me, and everything works out for me!

Our program “I take care of my health, I will help myself” has come to an end. We had a good time with you, may you live a healthy life too!

Final teaching council for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

"Find the treasure!"

Dear Colleagues! Our teachers' council today is called “Find the treasure!”

Throughout our meeting today we will be looking for the treasure and, perhaps, at the end of the meeting we will find it if we complete all the tasks.

Do you want to find a treasure? Are you ready for the journey?

Then I suggest you stand in a circle.

Organizing moment "Candle"

A candle will help me start our meeting today.

Candle-Tuning Fork of the Soul: The tuning fork tunes musical instruments, and the candle tunes the human soul. This little light represents the good emotions and warmth that comes from us. It will help warm everyone's soul. As you accept and pass the candle, feel it. I will read a poem, and you, passing the candle, try to think about our profession, find in it all the good things that it gives us.

Everyone chooses for themselves:

Woman, religion, road,

To serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A word for love and for prayer,

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle -

Everyone chooses for themselves..

Everyone chooses for themselves

Shield and armor, staff and patches,

The measure of the final reckoning

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

I also choose as best I can...

I have no complaints against anyone,

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, and for some it was only recently, you and I (so different) chose the same profession: kindergarten teacher.

Some came to kindergarten deliberately, others came by fate. But since you and I work in a kindergarten, we want to believe that our chosen profession was given to us from above. Outsiders don’t stay here for long, they look for another job (and that’s their right!). And the most devoted people to this profession remain in kindergarten. So who is a teacher?

I Exercise. Portrait of an ideal teacher

So what attracts you to your profession? Let's draw a portrait of an ideal teacher. (Answers from teachers)

L.N. Tolstoy said that raising children is the self-improvement of the educator. How modern are his words? (answers).

Is a modern teacher capable of restructuring public preschool education? (answers).

One more question : “Is being a teacher a profession or a calling?” (answers). Portrait of an ideal teacher

According to children's teachers, from early childhood it is necessary to develop in children perseverance, hard work, and the ability to recognize the need to make efforts to achieve results.

And most importantly, the teacher must love children. If this is not the case, a person will not make a good teacher.

So, we talked about the importance of our profession, we were convinced that being a teacher is not easy, you need to know a lot, be able to, and most importantly, do it! Working for children, for the benefit of children and giving all of ourselves to our beloved profession.

We completed the first task. For each task, each of you will receive a mug of tea. So the first mug of tea goes...

II Exercise. History of the preschool educational institution .

Please come to the photo album. Here is the history of our preschool educational institution. Let's see how you know her.

  1. Opening date of the preschool educational institution? 1982

  2. Which company has our kindergarten belonged to since its founding?

  3. The first preschool teachers?

  4. When was the first release?

  5. When is the next anniversary of the preschool educational institution?

We give a second mug of tea………

III Exercise. GEF DO

Objective: To increase the professional level of competence of teachers in organizing educational activities based on the implementation of work programs.

  1. What document defines the work of preschool teachers?

  2. Every year we set ourselves the task of studying the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

What task did we solve according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education this academic year?

  1. What activities were aimed at solving this problem?

We give the third mug of tea......

IV Exercise. Speech development of children

Objective: To improve forms of work with children to improve the quality of speech development.

    What activities to solve the annual task do you remember?

I earned my fourth mug of tea……

And now I give the floor to our speech therapist teacher A.V. Tsygankova. She will talk about the work on speech development in the compensatory group for children with speech disorders “Pinocchio”.

We are giving away the fifth mug of tea……

V Exercise. Development of children's play activities.

Objective: To optimize conditions conducive to the development of gaming activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

What activities to solve this problem do you particularly remember?

The sixth mug of tea goes to......

VI Exercise. Children's entertainment and parties.

Children's leisure time was very busy this year!

There was all kinds of entertainment in the kindergarten: holiday matinees, fun leisure time with parents, and visits to performances, children's films and puppet shows and tours of visiting artists.

1. Are you satisfied with the organization of children's entertainment events and what are your suggestions for organizing holidays and entertainment in the next school year?

We have entertained and amused the children all year, and it’s not a sin to relax ourselves. Our musical director I.V. Semyonova has prepared something interesting for you. Over to her.

The seventh mug of tea goes to I.V. Semenova.

VII Exercise. Monitoring educational activities.

Every year, at the beginning and end of the school year, a comparative diagnosis of the level of development of children is carried out. I suggest you look at its results.

As you can see, the best developmental results for children are presented in the Firefly preparatory group. Let's ask E.V. Ignatenko, the teacher of this group, talk about the system of work on developing educational skills and preparing children for school.

We give the eighth mug of tea to E.V. Ignatenko.

VIII Exercise. Self-education of teachers.

As the scientist and writer Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin said

“Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that no matter how much you study, no matter how much you know, knowledge and education have no boundaries or limits.”

Dear colleagues, what are the forms of self-education?

- open classes

- mutual reviews and analysis of GCD

- publication of teaching materials

- participation in professional competitions at various levels

- generalization of teaching experience

What forms of presenting teaching experience can be used?

- obtaining professional education

-organization of master classes

- creative report on the topic of self-education

- presentation and dissemination of teaching experience

This year, the teacher of our preschool educational institution Valeeva Marina Vladimirovna received a professional secondary special preschool education, let us congratulate her once again and this ninth mug is yours.

It should also be noted that this academic year the participation of our teachers in various competitions at various levels, including international and all-Russian ones, has become unusually intensified. All of you have greatly enhanced your teaching portfolio with colorful and powerful diplomas and certificates of publication.

According to the total data on the provision of Diplomas and certificates of publication, the leaders are. N.V. Glazyrina, E.V. Ignatenko and S.B. Turygina.

S.B. Turygina, this 10th mug is yours!

Well, I also get a mug as the only teacher who has created his own personal website, and on two sites: on the website of educators and on the Multurok website. And also, as the only teacher who published an entertainment script based on the works of A.S. Pushkin “On the road for fairy tales” in the collection “And I awakened good feelings with my lyre!”

We are finishing the school year, congratulations to everyone!

I went to the Methodists and carried out instructions!

Plans, games and walks are under my control,

Seminars, teacher councils... You, colleagues, are lucky!

Although everyone lived in worries, you didn’t get it, you’re in trouble!

Never been bored, masters of all trades!

We carried out all the lessons and never let you down!

And I will tell you in response: “You are beautiful, no doubt!

When asked when to rest, I will answer – never!

After all, being born a teacher means brothers forever!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness, peace and goodness!

Let the love of our children warm your hearts!”

Marina Anatolyevna!

Give us your answer, Are we hard workers or not?

What are our successes? Do we need to work harder?”

Word to the manager. M.A. Vorobyova:

At the end. So you little by little got to the treasure. Let's open it and see what's inside?(Awarding with certificates and thanks)

And here is a sweet prize for you -cake!

Well, we, in turn, thank you for your skillful leadership and appreciation of our work and give you a cup of tea.

And now, dear colleagues, I suggest you summarize our work as follows: you have already assessed your work in the 2015–2016 academic year. year.

I propose to give you an assessment of our overall work. You have red, green and blue cards on your tables.

Red color - we did a great job

Green – we worked “Okay”, but there are still unresolved problems.

Blue color - we did not work at full capacity, and therefore there were many unresolved issues. Choose the card that you think is necessary for the assessment and put it in the box.(cards are counted, work results are summed up)

And now I propose to find out in what mood we are ending the school year.

Mood reflection “Mood flower”

Let's create our clearing of mood. Here is the grass in the clearing, the sun is shining, the clouds are floating across the sky, and you can place your mood flowers here.

You have cards with mood flowers on your table. You choose the mood with which you associate the end of the school year and place it on our mood clearing.

I propose to create our “Flower Glade of Mood” at the stand

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the draft tasks for the next academic year:

I ask you to approve the accepted tasks by raising your hand.

Dear Colleagues!

We have something to be proud of and something to strive for.

Life is a movement towards a goal. To reach the goal, you need, first of all, to go forward and not stand still, because our preschool educational institution is:

D – kind, sincere, benevolent;

O – sociable, responsible, charming;

U – smart, successful, passionate teachers

Our pedagogical credo:

Love and respect for the child’s personality;

Breadth of soul and sharpness of mind;

Quality of training and education;

Originality of ideas and thoughts.

I propose to summarize our pedagogical advice:

The decision of the teachers' council:

1. Recognize the work of the team of MBDOU - d/s No. 18 “Cinderella” for the 2015-2016 academic year with a grade of “………”.

2. Continue work on organizing a subject-development environment and

methodological support of the educational process.

3. Continue to take an active part in competitions at different

levels, in city methodological associations. Continue work on network interaction between the city’s preschool educational institutions and other social institutions. (Secondary school No. 1, museum, library, arts center, recreation center)

4. Approve the work plan, GCD schedule, daily routine, system

hardening and recreational activities for the summer recreational period of the 2015-2016 academic year.

5. Teachers to continue working on self-education: determine

topic for the 2016-2017 academic year.

I ask you to make a decision by raising your hand.

Well, the cups are on the table, the well-deserved cake is held in high esteem. Everything is ready for tea.

Dear colleagues, I propose to celebrate the end of the school year with a tea party!
