What does the expression strike while the iron is hot mean? Explanation of the saying “strike while the iron is hot”

What does the expression strike while the iron is hot mean?  Explanation of the saying “strike while the iron is hot”

Strike while the iron is hot- Russian proverb meaning: You need to act when circumstances favor it.

The proverb arose from the life of blacksmiths - when exposed to heat, metal becomes softer. Therefore, the metal was heated with blacksmith bellows, and forged until it began to harden.

The expression is also used in English - strike while the iron is hot. It is listed in the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer, 1992, which notes that the expression has been used in English since the late 14th century.


(1891 - 1940)

"The Life of Monsieur de Molière"- “The powers of this world are fickle!” Moliere said to Madeleine. “And I would give advice to all comedians. If you fall into favor, immediately grab everything that is due to you. Don’t waste time, strike while the iron is hot. And go away yourself, don’t wait until they kick you out!”

(1749 - 1832)

"Faust" (translation by B. Pasternak)

"War is not your shoulder to work with,
Do not confuse questions from strangers with her.
And if there is an opportunity, seize the moment,
Strike while the iron is hot,"

(1897 - 1937) and (1903 - 1942)

" " (1927), part 2 ch. 25: “A time of hardship has begun for the concessionaires. Ostap argued that chairs need to be forged while they are hot."

" " (1931), part 2 ch. 16: "The accountant, seeing that the iron is hot, I began to forge it. He pushed the good doctor and let out a long scream, which alarmed all the patients, especially the little idiot, who sat down on the floor..."

(1823 - 1886)

“Your own dogs are fighting, don’t bother someone else’s”: - Young Balzaminov is looking for a rich bride. The young widow sent him a letter inviting him to meet. The matchmaker (Krasavina) tells him: “strike while the iron is hot,” urging him to meet as quickly as possible.

(1738 - 1833)

“The life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov, described by himself for his descendants,” 1771:

About the King of Prussia - “He did not have time to reach Prague and unite with all his separate corps, no matter how much hesitation and despite all the advantageous location occupied by the Caesars and their very trenches and batteries with which they were surrounded, he decided to attack them, telling his generals, who advised against it, what is necessary strike while the iron is hot."

“Here at the general’s place we have nothing more to do. The piece has already been cut off and will not stick, and so we need to hurry and try, while the idea about us has not yet been written, and how to write it for anyone else, as I need, then I will try already Meanwhile, how long can they hesitate? Go, go, there’s no point in delaying, gentlemen! strike while the iron is hot. Look for benefactors and patrons and come to me again tomorrow and much earlier."

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, November 21, 2012

SaLuSa, November 21, 2012

You have the saying “strike while the iron is hot” and this is true, for those who are still slumbering leave themselves much to understand. First of all, these are those who do not believe in God, but at the same time blame God for what is happening in the world. We would like them to see that everyone is given free will, and with it, you created exactly what you are experiencing now. It would be easy for us to intervene, but by doing so we would deprive you of the opportunity to see what your actions lead to. Many still talk about the triumph of justice, as they call it, by attacking and exterminating another nation. They obviously don't know or are deliberately oblivious to the anger and hatred it causes. How many wars does a Man still need to understand that they are fruitless to achieve peace or a long truce? The lesson that never seems to be learned is that peace comes with accepting that you are all One, living in harmony and love for all life.

It is with sadness that we see your Earth in turmoil and turmoil. But at the same time, we also see how Light is emitted from many places, forming a grid of Light around the Earth. This is your guarantee that you will rise from the lower energies and that the old paradigm will continue to break down. It no longer has a place in your lives, and as the end times quickly approach, it must give way to a new paradigm that promises everything you could ever want and more. The Galactic Federation of Light is here to ensure that you will no longer be disrupted in your Ascension plans and that you will enter the New Age safely. During this process, the changes you expect will materialize, but you must be aware that there may be delays as the entire plan is extremely complex. It involves thousands and thousands of people, and it must be done at the “right time.” You can look at Obama as the initiator of events, and then everything will happen in a rapid manner.

We are pleased to see that Lightworkers have taken up our call to speak openly about your knowledge and understanding of what is to come. Of course, many people are trying to sort out their feelings that something strange is happening. This is precisely the opportunity to sow seeds of information that will help awaken them to the truth. Perhaps many will begin to see a picture emerging that will tell them the purpose of what is happening. Our greatest desire is for as many people as possible to know about the opportunity that Ascension gives them. This is not a religious event, but one that occurs at the end of the cycle that you are currently in. The changes are universal in nature and are not limited only to the Earth. This is a great opportunity for humanity to leave the lower vibrations and enter the higher ones, leaving duality behind. We must ask, do you really want to spend many lifetimes once again learning lessons, or would you rather live more in joy and harmony and lead a peaceful life?

Our dear ones, the New Earth will soon accept all those who have chosen to move to a higher level. With this will come higher vibrations that will allow you to use your newfound powers of creation. The love and peace around you will be simply indescribable, and it will truly be Heaven on Earth. The leap from one Era to another will pleasantly surprise you, for its beauty will be incomparable to anything you have experienced before. Life will become so easy and promising without any of the limitations that you have now on Earth. The greatest change will be in the freedom you will have as an ascended Being. It comes with accepting responsibility to all forms of life that you will respect and care for. Trust is also something that you are not used to, and you will find it so nice to know that in the higher vibrations no Being is conspiring to harm you or be dishonest with you. This is the level where only truth exists and there is no room for anything less.

You have come a long way to get to this point in time, and the goal has always been whether you can raise your personal vibration and be ready to ascend. Already many of you are experiencing a new level of consciousness, and it will continue to grow even more rapidly. Likewise, your Light is expanding, reaching more and more people, and you are helping to awaken those who are just beginning to stir. Whether through their life plan or in some other way, each soul will be helped to more easily understand that they are presented with a great opportunity to move to another level. Your teachers have been talking about this for eons, and now the moment has come. As a group soul you will not be complete until each individual soul has risen up.

Remember that each soul has chosen its own path to complete its experience in this cycle of duality. You cannot know what motivated them to seek out a particular type of experience, even if it is unpleasant for you. These are times when you need to clear any remaining karma and for many souls this means a very difficult and stressful time. Normally you can progress at your own speed, but with Ascension approaching, there is little time left. Of course, you could change your life plan, but it may be a bad move if you lose the opportunity to ascend. Be that as it may, free will is paramount, and the final choice is yours. In reality, you have been held back and made to believe that you have no such choice and that decisions are made for you. You now realize that this is not true and that you have the power to create your own future. You don't really depend on anyone else and you don't have to follow their advice or directions. No matter how useful they may be, no one except you knows about your true needs. Be true to yourself and follow your intuition, which will not lead you astray.

So many wonderful opportunities await you that will take you into the Golden Age. The perfection of everything will amaze you, and the energies will envelop you, and you will feel the Oneness of all life. Can you imagine being able to talk to God, yes, God is not beyond your reach. You have been taught that you need a mediator to do this. God has a connection with every soul, how could it be otherwise if you are all truly Divine sparks.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I encourage you to think freely to speed up your evolution. I leave you with our blessings for your future.

Thank you, SaLuSa.

Mike Quincey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Translation: Sergey Z


Self-pity as a manifestation of selfishness


Life is an ocean of desires that surrounds us. And on the path to fulfilling our desires, various obstacles often arise that test a person’s fortitude and strength of the Spirit. People's reactions to these obstacles are different: some look for a way out, and then the process of self-improvement and renewal of character qualities begins, and, accordingly, the transition to a new level of spiritual development. Others also try to figure out the cause of their failures and “succeed” so much that they find someone to blame! - In others! And then all their energy is not directed towards further searching for a way out of the problematic situation, but switches to blaming, condemning, resenting and justifying themselves. This is where closedness and self-pity begin to arise. And this indicates a manifestation of selfishness, because... the person begins to consider himself a victim and defend himself, trying to hide from the problem. Such a serious Soul Signal must be responded to immediately, because... there can be very dire consequences. How to prevent the development of this harmful quality in yourself?

When a person has some kind of problem, this is a Signal about the need to renew his character qualities. A person, apparently, needs to rise to a new level in his development and self-improvement, and this requires additional energy. He has already reached a certain energy and information limit, so life forces him to move further forward in order to master a new level. And a new level requires appropriate energy and a search for a solution; new actions force a person to tense up, and, therefore, receive an additional supply of energy and information. By launching his internal human psychological factor to search for a solution to a problem, he always increases his operational energy potential, which contributes to spiritual development. But not everyone succeeds. Why, you ask?!

Some, weak in Spirit, begin to feel sorry for themselves at the first failure, fall into depression, inaction, hide behind bad habits, empty entertainment and gradually give up. What difference does it make to them that many friends had a similar problem, and they solved it! They do not know how to learn from someone else’s experience; someone else’s decision is not an example for them. If someone tries to help or suggest, then all offers are most often aggressively rejected. There are many excuses for this: “my situation is completely different...”, “I was underestimated...”, “I was used...”, “oh, I’m poor, everyone offends me, doesn’t love me, doesn’t appreciate me, how unfair...”, etc. d. Thus, selfishness begins to speak about itself through self-pity. As soon as a person begins to feel sorry for himself, it will immediately tightly close your path to any changes! And this testifies to the triumph of egoism, which tightly closes a person from reality and leads him into the unreal world of illusions.

Egoism is a principle of life orientation and a moral quality of a person, which manifests itself in preferring one’s own interests to the interests of others. A person’s ego manifests itself in the totality of his memories, which over the years become more and more important for him and fill his entire personality. A selfish person connects everything to himself and seeks only personal advantages. His thinking is narrow and thus he becomes self-centered, which leads to arrogance and self-interest. But in order to look good in the eyes of others, egoism begins to “dress up in different clothes.” And one of them is self-pity.

Self-pity completely paralyzes a person, depriving him of action. Apparently, this is why at the root of this word there is a “sting” through which destabilizing energy enters, paralyzing human activity. His thinking is not aimed at finding a reason within himself, but at finding someone to blame and justifying himself. All means are used: accusation, condemnation, refutation, slander and even threats. Gradually a person becomes irritated, pretentious, dissatisfied with everything and even aggressive if something violates his selfish interests. All a person’s energy is aimed only at protecting himself. You have probably heard more than once how such a person is always indignant at others: “How long can you tolerate this disgrace?”, “Why aren’t they punished?”, “We’ve had enough of everything...”, etc., but at the same time does not take any action, to change something for the better. A person feels sorry for his loved one, considering himself an unfortunate victim of circumstances, and blaming others for everything.

Self-pity can be expressed by resentment. She hides deep inside, without exposing herself, and slowly poisoning a person’s life. But at the same time there is a huge internal struggle with oneself and external circumstances. All energy is directed at the offender, at analyzing his negative qualities, and not at his own, which led to this situation. And again, there are no actions to update your lifestyle and self-improvement of your character traits! At the same time, stubbornness, closedness and refusal to accept any other information that in any way violates the internal “rightness” of a person is formed inside. He stupidly stands his ground, and the state of the victim holds him tightly in its arms.

A person voluntarily deprives himself of energy-information exchange and becomes de-energized, which certainly leads to illness. Then, in order to feed on the missing energy, such a person turns into a vampire, constantly complaining about the offender, bringing new accusations against him and trying to remake him for himself. Instead of gritting his teeth and trying to figure out the cause of the problem, a person is looking for someone to “drain” the negative energy that overwhelms him, while being fueled by someone’s sympathy (high-vibrational positive energy). A trusting interlocutor wastes his precious time and energy in vain, trying to reassure, advise something, but no reasons and arguments for solving the problem are accepted, because... they do not coincide with the internal decision, tightly, like a shield, closed by “your own opinion” and self-pity. That's how strong and destructive self-pity is! It is this quality of character that forms in a person a closeness to new information, laziness in thinking, illusoryness and an inflated bar for oneself (and therefore underestimation of others!), conceit that is not confirmed by life. This condition leads to loneliness and illness - a person begins to live like a cancer cell in himself, which leads to cancer.

Sometimes self-pity leads a person to the other extreme, and he himself becomes an energy donor for others. Weakness of the Spirit, self-doubt, inertia, inaction, lack of will, lack of thinking, fear that they will not understand him anyway, force a person to adapt, humiliate himself, remain silent, curry favor and suppress his desires. So he “for free”, using someone else’s energy, receives leftovers from the master’s table, but, oddly enough, this does not provide any benefit or increase in psychic energy, because resistance was not overcome, efforts were not made, and character traits were not renewed. As a result, this also leads to diseases, bad habits and personality degradation, because the development of such a person stops and the formation of Love and the power of the Spirit does not occur.

Problems in life are given to a person for his spiritual development, so that he can radically change something in his life, become stronger, wiser, brighter, more independent, learn to think, analyze, and show willpower to change his lifestyle. A person can only cure himself of selfishness and self-pity through self-love (see “Self-love as a technology of life”) at the expense of himself, with his own hands, because when a person loves himself, he is guided by the heart, not the ego. Then he will have no time to condemn and blame others. He will not waste his precious time and energy.

If a person wants a lot and aspires to something, but does not take any steps to get what he wants, you have a real egoist who feels sorry for himself, thereby covering up his laziness and helplessness. So it turns out that you need to deal with your egoism, take concrete actions to renew yourself and self-improvement of your character qualities (see “Qualities of a person’s character and his Destiny”), and stop feeling sorry for himself, then the person will have strength, and positive things will appear , and the desired results will certainly come.

To do this, you need to develop openness to accept new information, develop diligence in understanding and applying it to yourself, develop self-love and share this love with the world around you, be always ready for change and not be afraid of difficulties that only harden you. Of course, this will require a revision of one’s life values, awareness of oneself as a Man fulfilling his important role in the Universe.

Start living life to the fullest, give yourself the right to be a Human, i.e. gain your personal experience, overcome your fears, change your beliefs, achieve your desires and don’t judge yourself too harshly. Just live in the present and know that any decision you make will have consequences, pleasant or not, so you need to take responsibility for your thoughts, for your feelings and actions - for your life. And, most importantly, learn to accept yourself as you are, because you are unique and very important to the Universe just like that.

Egoism will desperately resist such attempts at renewal, but determination for spiritual development and painstaking “work on oneself” to improve one’s character traits and change one’s lifestyle will certainly give a positive result and lead to the goal. By developing and renewing yourself spiritually, you accumulate love in your soul, feed yourself with love and create a space of love around you, rather than pity and selfishness. By making your world a better place and renewing yourself, you make an invaluable contribution to the Universe.


Declaration of love from Tatiana

One day the thought came to me that the root of many of our problems is that we don’t love ourselves or do it
wrong. Perhaps someone will look at themselves from the outside and improve. I wish everyone the best!


Dedicated to the dearest person - me! Confess your love to yourself - this is important. If you don't love yourself, then no one can love you.

I try to eat only natural food because I care about the health of my only body, given for my entire life.

I don’t drink alcohol because it makes me feel bad, and I don’t like it when I feel bad.

I try to get enough sleep, so I don’t go to nightlife, I prefer walks or an evening with a book on the couch. I have only one body, and there is no one to take care of it but me. Giving him enough rest is an important part of self-love and care.

I don’t take to heart the nasty things that bad comrades say about me, because their petty dirty tricks are not worth my heartache. There are many evil tongues in the world, but my nervous system is one. And I take care of it.

I forgive myself for my weaknesses and shortcomings, because if I don’t forgive myself, no one will. Self-love also includes the ability to forgive yourself for everything you have done: in anger, stupidly, by coincidence, etc...

I try not to engage in self-criticism, not to torment myself with the same thought for a long time, since this will also not bring me any benefit. I chastise myself for doing the wrong thing, draw a conclusion about how best to act in this situation, and try to stick to the decision I made in the future.

If it doesn't work out, I forgive myself. There are no errors. There are decisions made, actions taken, their consequences and the experience that we gain as a result.

I allow myself to be sad if my soul wants it, but I don’t stay in this state. Otherwise, sadness will turn into depression, and good energy will transform into negative energy - and illness is not far away.

I try to meet bright people more often, read good books, watch good films, listen to good music, especially classical music, and attend good events.

When you communicate with bright people, you yourself are filled with light. And then I share this light with other people, smiling at some baby, or a funny picture, or an unexpected rainbow, or the tracks of a pigeon on the sidewalk. I give light energy to people, the Universe, and they return it to me - this is the most important law in the world: what you gave will return to you.

I love when people around me are in a good mood, so I often try to joke and “tease”. It's great when people around you smile, they feel good - and I feel good.

I taught myself to enjoy various little things: a funny picture, a baby’s smile, a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, a piece of candy that was given... I lived for many years in a state of unhappiness and depression, and after trying to enjoy the world, I realized that it is much better to live in a happy state.

This is my choice: to enjoy life in all its manifestations. It brings me a lot of pleasure. I give my joy to the Universe, and the Universe returns it to me and fulfills my small and big desires.

I do all this because:





Original in English

Are you tired lately? Don't you think that no matter how much sleep you get, you feel like you still need more rest? That's exactly how it was for many of us. Indeed, some of us have discovered something we are tired of. We are tired of the low frequency of the third dimension. The juxtaposition between the frequency of the light that enters our consciousness and the frequency of the material world becomes so different that it becomes increasingly difficult to stay in both worlds at the same time.

Despite this energy discrepancy, we are NOT as tired when we focus our attention on the creative expression of our Multidimensional Self. When we are engaged in something creative, we forget about fatigue and become quite energetic. On the other hand, when we have to take care of our responsibilities in the third dimension, such as commuting to work, paying bills, keeping the house in order, etc., we often feel drained. Fortunately, when we are creative, and we have so many types of creativity, we come alive again.

In addition, the term “creative” itself is also changing. Previously, when we said "creative", we meant something that we learned, or something that we had the innate ability to DO, such as singing, painting, dancing, sports, etc.. Now the term creative means that we learn to use our innate ability to be the creators of our lives. When we are the creators of our lives, we can choose to DO whatever we want, except that there are certain earthly responsibilities that hold us back. Due to the ever-increasing frequency of vibrations of light and unconditional love coming from the Galactic Center, our ability to be the creators of our own lives is steadily increasing.

December 21, 2012 Earth will be directly in front of the Galactic Center. Therefore, in just 11 months, the “time” we have been waiting for for many millennia will come, and the energies of transformation that all religions and sacred groups have prophesied will flow directly into our personal and planetary body. The Galactic Center is so close now that these increasingly intense energies are already creating rapid changes in our world. We can already see on the Internet or in traditional news how people decide that they want to be the creators of their own lives.

People all over the world say, "I love myself and I know I deserve a better life." Now, I love myself enough to expand my consciousness and open my heart to a new perception of reality.” We feel this way because unconditional love mixes with the high frequency light that passes from the Galactic Center and enters our planetary consciousness. Unconditional love is not an emotion like human love. Unconditional love is the highest frequency of light. It is the creative force of the Universe that activates our healing, creativity and transformation when we download and integrate it into our consciousness.

In addition, unconditional love is the force that connects the Universes. Therefore, it creates feelings of the Unified Consciousness for everyone it embraces. Because of our ever-expanding Unity Consciousness, reality is no longer something that lies outside of us. Reality In each of us, but we also share our reality with everyone. But if everyone has his or her reality within, how can it be that we seem to be in the same reality? Some questions must remain unanswered until we can stabilize our multidimensional thinking.

The answers to some questions are beyond the comprehension of our physical brain and only have a multidimensional answer. These multidimensional answers will come to us as we continue to expand our consciousness to embrace higher frequencies of light. In other words, in order to understand, or even feel, multidimensional messages, our consciousness must resonate with the frequency of this information. As a result, whenever we expand our consciousness, our perception of reality also expands.

And returning now to the question “How does the inner reality of each individual person integrate with the reality of others?” The answer is that there is no separate and no "other". At higher frequencies of our Self, we are ONE with all life. To be One means that there is nothing outside, or even within us, since there is not even the concept of outside or inside. There are only moments in which we are completely connected with the One. In these moments we are calm, peaceful, joyful and loving.

We don't have to try to BE or DO anything to be calm and peaceful. Just now and always, we experience a feeling of Unity with all life. How did we get here, and what must we do to stay? We ask such questions only when we lose the sense of Unity. The concepts of “here”, “there”, “doing”, “being” are alien to us when we are in a state of Unity. Trusting this moment NOW is the best decision we can make for OURSELVES. Also, since we truly are all ONE, when we are kind to OURSELVES, we are kind to everyone. In fact, no matter what we DO for ourselves, we DO it for everyone.

When we have these ever-increasing moments of merging with the One, we become less tired. Our bodies are no longer heavy, we feel like light. In fact, we feel that We are LIGHT. It becomes difficult to keep our eyes open because we want to see with our Third Eye and hear with our HIGH Heart. Additionally, when we close our eyes, we are not as caught up in the illusions of our 3D reality. Without this involvement, the feeling of unity with all life increases. With our eyes closed, we can better see our inner light, as well as the inner light of others. At the same time, we can understand our experience more clearly with the help of the high vibrational energies of our open HIGH Heart.

What will happen if we begin to perceive only the highest frequencies of everything in our reality? What will happen if the world does not change on 12/21/12, but our perception of the world changes? Will these changes be real then? And if we see OURSELVES as a great Being of radiant light and love, and we see everyone else in the same way, will we be bothered by the question - “is this real?” Have you ever had a dream that was so wonderful that you didn't want to wake up? What if we WAKE UP and discover that everything we thought was real is actually a dream? Would we want to go back to a dream that we thought was real, or would we want to stay in a reality that we thought was a dream?

What is Dream?

Sleep is experiencing reality at the frequency to which we are tuned when our third-dimensional self is asleep. Sleep is a state of consciousness. Just as our consciousness controls our “waking” life, it also controls our life during sleep. From a three-dimensional perspective, our consciousness is awake when we are awake on the physical plane and our consciousness is asleep when we are asleep on the physical plane. However, from the fifth dimension onwards, when we are awake in our physical life, we are asleep in higher dimensions, and when we are asleep in our physical life, we are awake in higher dimensions.

As we are in the process of merging with our Multidimensional Self, we are reminded that we can BE in many dimensions in the moment NOW. However, as we remember this innate skill, we get an information overload, which often tires us. Therefore, we call upon our Arctuan friends to guide us to higher levels of sleep while we are still in the material world. In this way we can practice holding multiple frequencies of reality within our consciousness.

Dear Ascendants,
We Arcturians are pleased to guide you during your sleep while you are awake. Sleep is a four-dimensional state of consciousness. Just as in your 3D world there are many realities at different resonant frequencies, in the fourth dimension there are sublevels with different frequencies.*

At the threshold of each of these levels, there are Mystery Schools that you often visit at night. Mystery Schools are etheric schools that resonate with the frequency of each of the sublevels of the fourth dimension.**

Each of you, our ascenders, creates a Vibrational Pathway from the third dimension, through the fourth and into the fifth dimension during your “sleep”, connecting with the seven aspects of the third/fourth dimensions of the Higher Self. ***

Your dreams record the sub-level, as well as the aspect of your Self, that you visited during the night in your fourth-dimensional body. "Nightmares" are often the result of visiting the Lower Astral Plane, which is the lowest resonance of the fourth dimension. Many of you, dear ascenders, are volunteering to do "Rescue Work" at this lowest frequency of reality (often lower than many of your 3D realities). During Rescue work, you are looking for any lost souls who are ready to look to a higher expression of themselves. Often this dream experience is remembered as a spy movie or a war movie.

When you sleep, you return to the fourth dimensional sublevel that resonates with your state of consciousness at that time. Therefore, it is highly advisable to relax and enter an expanded state of consciousness before you fall asleep. On the other hand, dreams about Rescue Works do not mean that you have a lower state of consciousness. In fact, it is important to have a higher state of consciousness before falling into the dream in which you have volunteered to do Rescue work in this lowest Astral plane of the fourth dimension.

On the other hand, your high frequency 4D dreams occur when you attend Mystery Schools. When you complete your journey through one of the subplanes of the fourth dimension, you enter the Mystery School, which is on the threshold to the next subplane. The Ascended Masters, Angels and Elohim who serve in this School will help you transform and release any remaining mental or emotional “baggage” so that you can move to the next higher frequency. ****

You are entering the highest Mystery School of the fourth dimension, the Violet Temple of Transfiguration, on the threshold of the fifth dimension, which is the gateway to the fifth dimension. We will accompany you in your “dreams” on your way to this School...

Close your eyes for a moment so that you can see through your Third Eye. Imagine that you look down and see yourself sleeping peacefully. Now move inside your sleeping self to ensure that your Soul is anchored in the body. Feel yourself inside your sleeping body as you look up (in frequency) into the fifth dimension. Bring your attention to the fifth dimension so as not to be distracted by the many realities of the fourth.

Now, allow your night body to rise from your body, remaining connected to your physical form through the Silver Cord. Feel your body change as you release the density of your physical form. We say "form" because you are now in your etheric body. Feel your consciousness expanding and your attention to your earthly body decreasing as you slowly rise into the higher planes of the fourth dimension. Your etheric body gradually becomes larger and larger with less and less resemblance to the physical form. *****

After all, you carry your Astral body, in which you can travel even when you are awake. Visualize yourself floating above your sleeping physical form. Because you trust the process, you feel like you are flying through the worlds of the fourth dimension *6*

Finally you see a violet glow, which gradually takes on the image of a huge Violet Temple, which you are approaching. You all experience this reality through your own perceptions. You hear your Inner Guidance telling you that you have reached the Violet Temple of Transfiguration. *7*

When you enter the Temple, you are immediately taken into a familiar circular room with a roof and open walls. Group lessons take place here, and everyone perceives these lessons according to their own expectations. Each person brings his or her experience into the Unified Consciousness of the group, and instantly expands the consciousness of each participant.

And as you relax in your imagination, you begin to see a beautiful Light Being saying:

“I have permission to send you information about why you are feeling VERY tired. When I say "You", I mean the many awakened ones on the body of Gaia. A huge number of decisions are currently being made at the highest levels of your world. These decisions are being made because the energy signature of planet Earth is moving into a higher frequency of expression. Since you have connected your Essence with planet Earth, your energy signature also increases.

“Your energy signature changes your earth vessel, turning off outdated genetic codes and rebooting DNA that has been turned off for millennia. In fact, the DNA genetic codes for your 3% human genome are gradually being turned off because the frequency of light is too high to activate this DNA. And at the same time, 97% of your DNA code, known as “junk DNA,” is turned on because it is receptive to the higher frequencies of light entering your reality. In fact, 97% of your DNA is the DNA of your LIGHTBODY. Therefore, the DNA of your LIGHTBODY is activated by the expanding frequencies of light coming from the Galactic Center. *8*

Due to your newly activated DNA codes, your awareness moves from the limited perception of ONLY the third and some fourth dimensional worlds into an expanded, multidimensional practical experience. However, until your biological computer/brain is fully loaded and integrated with your Multidimensional Operating System, you are limited to linear thinking. Consequently, you experience sensations that are beyond your ability to understand and integrate into your daily life.

“This perceptual overload creates great fatigue for your brain and therefore for your entire system. As you know, when you reinstall an operating system, there is little your computer can do to help you. In the same way, when you change the Operating System code from 3/4D to multidimensional, there is not much you can do. Your Multidimensional Operating System receives a constant flow of information through your Pineal Gland and Open Third Eye. Your Third Eye opens through the fusion of the Pineal and Pituitary Glands. *9*

“This incoming multidimensional information is sent to Your Open High Heart, and will be translated and understood by Your unconditional love. *10*

Therefore, those of you who have activated your Pineal Gland and opened your High Heart are able to sense and understand the multidimensional information that is coming. On the other hand, since your Portals between dimensions are completely open, you receive information from higher spheres, which creates fatigue, confusion and disorientation in time. In fact, you are expanding beyond the third dimension until you fully connect with your multidimensional Self. *11*

In fact, you are at a crossroads. You have not fully made the transition to your Multidimensional Self, but you are receiving many interdimensional messages. Consequently, you can no longer believe the illusions of the material world, but are isolated in your knowledge of the Truth. We know that many of you still have to "play the 3D Game" for the sake of your families and employers. However, for those of you who have the ability to “make time for it” (we love this expression, despite the fact that time is an illusion), we strongly recommend that you do so.

“If you direct a lot of attention externally, it will slow down the process of loading and integrating your new Operating System. However, if you need it to "play the Game", your process will continue at an even slower pace. In our reality there is no time, we are a higher expression of your Self, supporting your decision to allow this transformation, back into your Multidimensional Self, to occur in the best way for your earthly body and your earthly responsibilities. However, you are the Pioneers who volunteered to go through this experience first, and relatively quickly, in order to help others.

“We want you all to know that your transformation is a miraculous event that you have been waiting for during countless incarnations on the body of Gaia. By transforming fear into unconditional love and great light, as much as you are able to receive and project, you are helping the earth's gentle ascension process. Therefore, you are the catalyst for many of the decisions that are currently being made. Please remember that YOU and EARTH/GAIA are ONE Being. Additionally, your dedication to personal and planetary ascension allows us to make these decisions. As you know, Earth is a Planet of Goodwill and we need the people of Gaia to ask for our help before we can intervene.

“Yes, we hear your questions about what these solutions are, but you must find the answers within your own multidimensional perception. Your leadership training has already begun, and we, the Galactic and Celestial expressions of Your Self, are your teachers. All major shifts in reality must be made in a certain way. In your 3D reality there are sequences of events that must be lined up so that the process of change can occur in a specific order. On the other hand, the process of change in the fifth dimension is beyond the limits of time. Therefore, the process of change is not sequential. Instead, many possible versions of reality are mixed and merged.

“This merging of possible realities resembles the joining of cells that gradually, or rapidly, come together to create the embryo of a new expression of reality. In other words, certain patterns of light are mixed within the creative power of unconditional love to manifest a matrix in which a new reality can be born. When the matrix is ​​created, ALL possible and probable realities also change. Therefore, your future can no longer be predicted because you are all transmuting your form into a body of light that resonates with the omnipresent fifth dimensional NOW.

“Because the fifth dimension resonates outside of time, everything that is in the process of creation in the third dimension has always existed in the fifth and higher dimensions. We know that while you are still tied to your linear, time-bound thinking, this style of thinking is difficult. Therefore, it is important for you all to relax as you integrate the new Multidimensional Operating System with your biological computer brain. Your three-dimensional brain functions are like your personal computer. On the other hand, the computer/mind of your Multidimensional Self functions like the Internet and allows you to communicate with the Group Consciousness of the ONE.

“The information that is about to emerge may short-circuit the linear human brain, and create strange behavior and erratic emotions. Therefore, it is vital that the awakened ones fully integrate and adapt to their Multidimensional Operating System. Then they can better help others understand. Those who are new to the new information that is about to appear will better accept explanations from members of their community and from those with whom they are already familiar. So it is important that we give our Trailblazers a little “push forward” as “time” is running out. We all want the transformation from the physical Earth to the New Earth to be very harmonious and peaceful.

“From our perspective, we see that many of you have already embraced much of your multidimensional nature. Thus, you are at the stage of “fine-tuning” your process of merging with the Unified Consciousness of the Group Mind. For those of you who still harbor the illusion of pure individuality, the concept of Group Mind may seem threatening. Please know that sharing your beautiful individuality with the Unity Consciousness of the ascending Earth will be one of your greatest contributions. Your countless adventures and ascension stories will be one of Gaia's greatest treasures.

“YOU, participants in Earth's ascension, have an amazing diversity of thoughts, emotions, creativity, societies and manifestations that will greatly enrich the ONE upon your return Home to the New Earth. You are all brave pioneers who have taken form in a dual reality based on separation from the ONE. You have experienced extremes of individuality that are rare in our Galaxy. The most amazing thing in all this is that you found in yourself Wisdom, POWER and Love and returned to the ONE to share your great EXPERIENCE.

“For millions of years, Gaia has been home to countless evolving communities who now surround Her in their ascended forms to help their great Mother Earth return to her true self. You, the Pathfinders, are deeply connected to Gaia. In addition, you have taken so much light and love into your forms and shared them with Gaia that you can now refuse the possible “disasters” of a quick and strong transition. You have also been able to awaken Your Power and stand firm in your beliefs that You are FREE Beings of Light who DO NOT need, and will NOT tolerate, further domination by “Service-to-SELF” beings.

“As you have looked into your own Self and found Inner Strength, Ancient Wisdom and Unconditional Love, you, the people and the planet, will see your Homecoming. Since the transformations of your earthly body will be synchronized with the changes of the Earth, there will be little point in separating your existing reality from the reality of the New Earth. There are some who may wish to create another reality in which many ascending people separate from the planet and go to "another place." However, separation from the Earth is a 3D concept that you have become accustomed to as a result of experiencing death in many earthly incarnations.

“Death is an illusion. The energy that you are does not die. The energy is simply transformed. Some of you will choose an experience in which you transform into a light body and appear to “leave” the Earth. Others will want to remain with Gaia, and your transformation into a body of light will facilitate the transformation of Gaia into Her body of light. Within this ascension choice, there will be no “ascension moment”, it will be a gradual process of activating your Light Body DNA that will rewrite your thoughts, perceptions, creations and form.

“Dear Ascendants, since you have become Masters of your Higher Self, you can be Masters of your Ascension. We are watching your process from many starships. When you invite us to land, we will be happy to share your experience. And in order to be able to “land”, we are waiting for Gaia to reach a critical mass of Light. As you know, there are millions who would be scared by our landing. Therefore, we depend on the Trailblazers to unconditionally love and teach those who are subject to this fear. You may think this is an impossible task. However, you and Gaia are steadily (and now quite rapidly) increasing your resonance, and many of the fearful will emerge from your reality. They will belong to another reality.

“We hear your questions: “Will they die?” “Will they know what they are doing?” “What about my loved ones?” You must find answers to these questions within your Self. What kind of reality do you want to create? What do you want to focus on? Some of you must be pioneers to create the Energy Path to the New Earth. Others may want to stay with the unawakened. Some may want to stay asleep. What do you choose? Can you believe that you can choose a gentle transition into your True Self? »

As soft and tender as a flower blooming
As quiet as a whisper at midnight

Like a feather slowly rising in the air currents
We trust in ascension without worry or care

We find the moments we created as we move through life.
And as we become aware of them, we find ourselves in a fog.

This fog is the gap between where we are and where we are going.
This is the space between the past and NOW, which sways, trembles and flashes with radiance

We let go of what is over to find what we treasure.
And let go of a completed life that may slowly fade away

And through the ashes of what has been done
We find the shining of our true Sun

Sun, Stars, Sky, Sea
Everyone tells us what we will soon BE like

Because we are ONE with the whole Earth
Together we WILL experience rebirth

The ONE we become and the ONE we have always been
Remember we are free from fear and forever free from sin

As we return back to the Sender
To the One that we NOW remember

WE ARE ONE, we always knew it
WE are the light we emit

We step into our future to live in the NOW.
Be our Higher Self with every breath, for we remember this.

And as we remember that we truly are ONE
Together with dear Gaia, we will become a STAR

A star so bright and filled with love
From the depths to the heights

We light the way for everyone
And how can we be free

Finally free forever
The bonds of love are unbreakable

In our Higher Self inside our heart
We found the place where we started

We start again because we've been through that
To be a separate "I" and "you"

We can NOW BE everything we SEE
And know that love is always FREE!

Final message from EL MORYA

All Ascended Teachers entered the vibrations of Group Consciousness at the moment of ascension. Until now we have spoken to you as individuals to make you feel comfortable, but now we are speaking to you as our multidimensional expression. Many of you have already integrated your Multidimensional Group Consciousness, but your physical Self is not yet aware of this integration. In other words, your Multidimensional Operating System is not active all the time. Consequently, you still find it difficult to hold more than one concept of reality in your mind.

Because you are new to the concept of multidimensional thinking, you may feel that you cannot exist in the paradigm of oneness and unconditional love while living in the third dimension. It may still be too difficult for you to hold the frequency of unity and love within your consciousness while you are still living in the 3D illusions of separation and limitation. Because of this conflict of thinking, you may feel bad about yourself. But fortunately, when you fully restore your multidimensional thinking, you will be able to simultaneously live in two different realities. At the same time, you may find that you often forget about your 3D obligations as you feel so much better when you focus on love and the light of the higher frequencies.

Even though it may seem that you live only on the physical earth, we want you to know that you are also present among us, in higher dimensions. You are in two places at the same time, which is a simple concept for multidimensional Consciousness, but difficult to perceive in third-dimensional thinking. Being in two places at the same time means that you are living in two worlds at the same time. Until you are aware of your dual presence, it will be difficult for you to understand and maintain yourself in multidimensional reality. On the contrary, you are now fighting to remain connected to only one reality. Many of our incarnates feel somewhat disoriented, and they may or may not be aware of the reason.

Fortunately, many of you are in the process of reconnecting with your multidimensional/group consciousness. We say “multidimensional” or “group” consciousness because for us they are the same thing. In your 3D thinking, a group is a group of physical beings. On the other hand, within your multidimensional thinking, the group may include beings from many different dimensions of reality. For example, as you read this message, it may seem that you are alone in your room, when your room is filled with life resonating at a higher frequency, but you cannot perceive it with your 3D brain.

You are not aware of this expanded reality because your window of perception is primarily open to the third dimension. While you are still maintaining your physical earth vessel, you typically direct your attention to individual 3D consistent habits and routines. For example, you have to put on your socks and then you put on your shoes. In the fifth dimension, you imagine that you have shoes and socks - and immediately you get it! Also, because 3D life is based on separation, if you suddenly collide with something or someone, it can cause an "accident", such as if a car collides with a tree.

And when you are in a fifth-dimensional car and it collides with a fifth-dimensional tree, the car and the tree experience a fusion of molecules to become both the tree and the car. In this case, nothing will be damaged. They will simply experience a moment of complete unity. A tree that is alive will experience the reality of being a car. Likewise, a living car (all "things" in the fifth dimension are alive) will experience a moment of oneness with the tree.

As you have more and more vivid multidimensional experiences, you will be responsible for continually distinguishing the third/fourth dimension from the fifth dimension and above. This discrimination is a responsibility because you live in two divergent realities, with completely different mental constructs and frequencies of expression. You are learning the art of experiencing more than one reality at the same moment NOW. Most of you still have the habit of focusing on the third dimension. However, when you do this, you feel empty, tired and lonely. These feelings tell you that you must remember that YOU are a multidimensional being and should not limit your perception to one low vibrational reality.

For example, do you only look at one-dimensional rocks, or only two-dimensional plants? Do you look only down at the earth or only at the sky? No, you don't do that. Also, can you sense that people feel differently? Some people drain you, while other people give you strength. The first group is still asleep, but wants this FEELING that they subconsciously recognize in you. Because these people are still not aware of their power, they are not aware that they are putting on your energy field. They are not trying to harm you; they just don't realize.

On the other hand, the second group of people are AWAKENED, and they are feeding you with their wonderful energy field. In fact, both of you are filled with energies because you are pulling each other into UNITY. These are the people you look for when you want to relax and recharge. Those of you who have become aware of your multidimensional consciousness are learning to distinguish between these two types of people. As part of this discrimination, you will want to spend less of your “time” with those who drain you and more time with those who are grateful to you and appreciate you.

You are the CREATOR of your life and have every right to let go of everything that devastates you. You should not be with people, places or situations that are unable to return light for light or love for the love you send them. If you feel that you cannot leave this person, place, situation or thing, then you must go within yourself and find the reason why you energetically attracted it into your life. If you choose to remain in those situations, there is a great temptation to forget about your highest expression and fall into your wounded ego.

If you can align your perception with the higher vibrational expressions of your Self, you will better understand the cause of this problem in your life. From this higher perspective, you will be able to understand why you believe you deserve such treatment. Then, you can go to the source of this conflict and heal it with unconditional love. You are too important to Gaia to get lost in quarrels and conflicts based on a lower vibrational perception of life. You are wonderful, multidimensional beings who are engaged in the ascension process of your planet. ANY person, place, situation or thing that interferes with your Mission must be healed and/or released.

Feel your Multidimensional Self around you and unconditionally love the embryo of your New Self within you. Remember who you are and why you are currently in your earthly body. You are in the process of ascending beyond the polarity of conflict and confrontation and moving into a frequency where EVERY emotion and thought is immediately manifested. Therefore, your biggest problem is not with those around you, but in your mind and heart.

Every change has two parts: creating the change and maintaining the change. Therefore, in order to live permanently on the fifth dimensional New Earth, you will need to perceive this. To perceive this, you must expect to be able to perceive the New Earth. To perceive the New Earth, you must deeply believe that you are a multidimensional being in order to let go of any third-dimensional fears, attachments and habits. Fortunately, since there is no “time,” you can live in both worlds as long as you like. In this way, you can allow the higher frequencies of Light and Unconditional Love to slowly and gradually unite with your consciousness so that you can gently move out of who you thought you were and back to who you have always been - your Multidimensional Self.

WE are always with you

El Morya

Unconditional LOVE YouTube


“Strike while the iron is hot” is a common saying that has a real basis in the imagery used.

Contents [Show]

Literal meaning

Forging is a method of processing various types of metal, during which a specialist, called a blacksmith, obtains artistic, industrial, household or other necessary forged products from raw materials, the price of which depends on the complexity of their manufacture. The processing of the metal blank from which the final product is made is carried out under the influence of high temperature, due to which the metal becomes plastic and is easily exposed to external influences that change its shape. Thus, work on forging metal is feasible only during the period of time while it has the so-called forging temperature, that is, a sufficiently high temperature.

Figurative sense

The figurative meaning that the speaker usually puts into his words when using the expression “Strike while the iron is hot” indirectly uses the original meaning of forging work. It is used to encourage another person to take advantage of favorable circumstances while they still have power, that is, to seize a successful situation, to take advantage of the moment. At the same time, it is advisable to use this saying specifically for situations characterized by high variability, that is, those in which favorable circumstances can quickly change to the exact opposite.
The specified meaning in Russian can also be conveyed using other words and figurative expressions that have a similar semantic background. For example, it can be replaced with the phrase “Take the bull by the horns”, “Catch luck by the tail” and the like. At the same time, the original version of the saying itself has several variations, which, however, are less common: “Strike while the iron boils,” “Strike while the iron is red.”

This saying has quite a long history, so it was used by figures of art and literature in Russia at various periods of time. Moreover, it can be found in literature, cinema and other genres of art, both in its original and modified form. For example, this saying can be found in the works of the famous Russian writer Alexander Ostrovsky. It was used in personal correspondence by Emperor Peter I. And in modern times it is known in a slightly modified form: the phrase “Strike iron without leaving the cash register,” obviously based on the original source in the form of the proverb in question, was used in his famous film “The Diamond Arm” by the famous Soviet director Leonid Gaidai.

This means do some kind of work, business, or carry out some kind of plan when there are conditions for this. Some kind of opportunity, a chance, presented itself. Another time this situation may not exist. That is, the iron, which is spoken of here in a figurative sense, can cool down. The person himself and his fuse may cool down. I mean, don’t hesitate, take the opportunity, bring your plans to the end. Otherwise, next time there will be no opportunity or conditions for this.

So, do it while it makes sense. Then it will be too late. There is a time for everything, which is important not to miss and to use wisely in the situation that arises at a certain point in time.

Do what you have in mind right away, without putting it on the back burner, while you have the opportunity... Iron can be processed (forged) while it is hot and, accordingly, soft.

You need to be able to do everything on time, and not later, when it is no longer necessary or too late. For example, a person got sick and put off visiting a doctor. First for a day, then for a week, then for a month. He came six months later, and the doctor told him that he came too late. There is no cure, only surgery can save it. After all, there were symptoms and pain, but I kept putting it off, but I had to go to the doctor, while in hot pursuit, then I could have made do with pills.

This means that while the girl is in the mood, you need to try to give your all to give her pleasure.

Here in Siberia this proverb sounds harsher. If you live beyond Lake Baikal, don’t crack your mouth.

Well, in general, this means that you need to hurry when the stars in the sky align for you, so as not to miss your luck.

If you take on something, you can’t stop and waste precious time. If you are lucky in something, you need to seize the moment and act, moving in the right direction, since there may not be a second chance. Or rather, it will definitely no longer exist, and you will have to start all over again... Folk wisdom is always supported by the richest folk experience, immortalized in a few words of ancient proverbs.

The meaning of the proverb Strike while the iron is hot is that you should not waste your chance or time, do not wait for anything, but do something while you have the opportunity to do it. In the same way with forging iron, it is forged only while it is hot, that is, when it is possible to forge it.

I figured it out and got it. But these are just verbs. If in essence, then so; (example) You are working in a parking lot. A cool car pulls up and you are out for a walk. Meanwhile, your partner earned money and went home. This suggests that striking iron is work. While it’s hot, this is an opportunity. If you put everything together, you’ll get a successful business.

Do it while you can; Do it while the moment is right.

STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT. Hurry up to do something while there are opportunities, favorable conditions, etc.; take advantage of the moment. Wed. Catch Peter in the morning, but he feels so tired and stinks; An hour is not precious with time, but precious with a trick; If you miss an hour, you won’t make it up in a year; If you let the fire go, you won’t be able to put it out; (opposite) An hour passes, a century you live. - Why were you in such a hurry to start lectures? Let's prepare well! “I remarked to Sleptsov. “We had to hurry,” he replied. “If we had delayed the start of the lectures, then the animation would have passed, and then, perhaps, they would not have been a success; There is a proverb: strike while the iron is hot! The main thing is done - the impetus has been given. Panaeva, Memoirs. [Balzaminov:] What should I do now? Teach me, do me a favor! [Krasavina:] Why teach you! Come in the evening, that’s all here.. It’s a well-known fact, there’s nothing to yawn about! Strike while the iron is hot! Ostrovsky, Your own dogs fight, don’t pester someone else’s. - Do you like it? - Never mind. We should talk to her in private. - And tomorrow we will send the malt to them. - Why? - To woo and negotiate a dowry. - Isn’t it too early? - You know the proverb: strike while the iron is hot - the sooner the better. Reshetnikov, Protege. But - such is the fate of the artist, he is a toy of the public, nothing more. The voice has disappeared, and the person is gone, he is forgotten by everyone, abandoned... And if you don’t want to experience undeserved humiliation, “strike while the iron is hot, work while you can, without sparing yourself! Chaliapin, Pages from my life. - I, your lordship, am a Yaik Cossack by birth, Ostafiy Trifonov. Here is a letter for you from my comrades, if you please, your lordship, get out of bed. The state businessman is before you, the hottest thing you can see from this cedul. Strike while the iron is hot, as they say, your lordship,” Dolgopolov poured out words like peas without stopping. Shishkov, Emelyan Pugachev.- How much I had to fight then (last year) to evoke in him [Sukhoruchko] even a small movement of the soul. And nothing! And now - do you understand? So excited!.. - This is good! - said the head teacher.. And this should be used, Alexey Dmitrievich, and developed! - Develop in every possible way and immediately! - the director agreed. “I’ll ask you to send Kozhin to me right after class, and I... I’ll call my father.” Strike while the iron is hot. G. Medynsky, The Tale of Youth. - Well, let’s go, soldier! - Let's go, honey. Strike while the iron is hot! E. Fedorov, Stone Belt. No,” Galuzin firmly decided. “We can’t put it off.” Leonid is in great shape now. Strike while the iron is hot! B. Raevsky, Only forward.
My stories about all my adventures received general attention and surprise, and even an invitation from Grigory Alekseevich not to leave without tea, and then to stay for dinner. It seemed to me that it was necessary to forge iron before it got cold. Dahl, Unprecedented in the Past. A difficult time has begun for concessionaires. Ostap argued that chairs need to be forged while they are hot. Ilf and Petrov, Twelve Chairs.
From the 18th century: A local landowner is selling a whole forest of timber for cutting down; so if in logs those that would sell for more, then a hundred would be ours: after all, while it’s fashionable, it’s hard to take a ruble for a penny; - the proverb says: strike while the iron is hot. Melters, my benefactor. [Naumych:] We ask you, sir, not to put off judgment: Iron is still being forged hotly. Kapnist, Yabeda. Nowadays it is necessary to confirm more often to Matveeva and Lita, so that they bring their deeds as quickly as possible with God’s help to a good end (before you strike the iron as it boils). Peter I, Letter to Count G.I. Golikov, September 21. 1707.
- Simoni: When the iron boils, then it is forged; Dahl: Strike while the iron is hot (while it boils); Mikhelson: Strike while the iron (boils) hot; Rybnikova: Strike while the iron is hot.

Life is a stream of constantly slipping opportunities. That’s why it’s so important to understand the essence of the saying (its meaning) “strike while the iron is hot,” because it will help you understand what life is, but first let’s look at history.


The saying was born among blacksmiths. We don’t know how it is now, but previously artisans worked only with water and fire. The product was obtained due to the temperature difference. Iron could be shaped into any shape when it was hot. The problem was that the iron hardened quickly, so it was necessary to work deftly. Knowing the history of its origin, it is not difficult to understand the saying and its meaning (“strike while the iron is hot” is meant): a person should not hesitate or doubt when he sees that the situation is developing in the most favorable way for him. In modern language, you need to seize the moment before the red-hot steel of life becomes dull everyday life.

As always, the semantic content of proverbs and sayings is best learned through specific examples. Let's move on to them.

Boy and girl

Let's say there is a good guy Vanya who likes a girl Katya. He's too shy to talk to her. And she is too beautiful to wait for him to make up his mind. And now a great opportunity is presented for the boy to overcome his fear - an evening of dancing. Let's also imagine that Katya likes the slightly boring and smart guy Vanya, so at a dance evening she props up the wall and waits for the young man to invite her. The further development of events depends only on Vanya. Life provides him with an excellent opportunity to get the most wonderful girl in the world, the main thing is not to hesitate, not to doubt. If the hero knew the meaning of the saying “strike while the iron is hot,” then he would have helped him make up his mind. True, only if he came to the dance party, Vanya could study, read and forget, without assuming that his fate was being decided very close by, and it would be good for the young man to take a direct part in this. We are not worried about Katya, she will be happy one way or another. But fate does not favor boring “smart guys”.

The film, beloved by more than one generation of viewers, offers us our own version of the saying. It is noteworthy that its authors are bandits whose life does not imply relaxation even for a minute. Some may think that such a life is too tiring and nervous, but it all depends on temperament. Okay, enough preamble. The modification is as follows: “strike iron without leaving the cash register.” By the way, the popularity of the film has misled people: some people think that this is the original form of the saying. Although we know not only the true form, but also the meaning of the saying “strike while the iron is hot.”

When Semyon Semenovich Gorbunkov is running away from the bandits, he meets a driver in a Muscovite, he stops, asks what happened, Yuri Nikulin’s hero reports: “A matter of national importance, perhaps a pursuit!” The owner of the Muscovite says that he will take him, Gorbunkov asks him to hurry up, desperately shouts: “What are you talking about, time!”, and the unexpected savior answers him with a ready-made aphorism: “Time is money, as they say, when you see money, don’t waste time. Strike iron without leaving the cash register.” Witty filmmakers merged the proverb in question and the Soviet phrase that adorned all the country's retail outlets: “Count your money without leaving the cash register” or “Count your change without leaving your cash register.” At one time, the same wording adorned Russian markets and distribution centers for products and things, but when the popularity of plastic cards began to grow, everyone forgot about it. When a person does not pay in cash, change is not an urgent problem for him; the latter simply does not exist. Everything is taken into account.

It must be said that the proverb and its original meaning (“strike while the iron is hot” we are still considering) have not suffered. In the Soviet humorous interpretation, it means the same thing: you should not miss opportunities, especially when they concern money. There is a saying that money is no joke.

The proverb is useful not only for blacksmiths and bandits

The reader thinks: “Well, this doesn’t concern me. There is nothing interesting in my life. Work-home, vacation at sea in the summer, and that’s it. That’s the game plan for the next thirty years.” As Arnold Schwarzenegger said in one of his films: “Thinking like that is a big mistake!”

In fact, the cozy everyday life that a person painstakingly builds is embedded with its roots in a bustling life, and it only seems to him that nothing is changing, but it also takes a lot of effort to maintain stability. People follow the semantic content of the proverb every hour. The proverb “strike while the iron is hot” can be a good choice for the motto of our life. Man these days tends to constantly look for new opportunities. And not because he wants to do it, but because if you don’t do it, you will lose what you have, just like in “Alice in Wonderland: “You have to run very fast in order to stay in place all the time.” Who would have thought that the book would become not only a cult, but also prophetic.

If I may say so, then the saying “strike while the iron is hot” (we discussed the meaning of the proverb above) is the hero of our time, and heroes need to be known by sight.
