Levels of professional education: features, conditions for admission. Concept, levels and forms of education All levels of education in the Russian Federation

Levels of professional education: features, conditions for admission.  Concept, levels and forms of education All levels of education in the Russian Federation

There are different levels of education in Russia. They are regulated by a special Law on Education of the Russian Federation 273-FZ Chapter 2 Article 10, which was recently supplemented.

According to the law, levels of education in the Russian Federation are divided into 2 main types - general education and vocational. The first type includes preschool and school education, the second - all others.

General education

According to Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, all citizens are guaranteed to receive free general education in municipal institutions. General education is a term that includes the following types:

  • Preschool education;
  • School education.

The second type is divided into the following subspecies:

  • Initial;
  • Basic;
  • Average.

Preschool education is primarily aimed at developing skills that will help in the future when mastering school material. This includes the primary elements of written and oral speech, the basics of hygiene, ethics and a healthy lifestyle.

In the Russian Federation, both municipal and private preschool education institutions operate successfully. In addition, many parents prefer to raise their children at home rather than sending them to kindergarten. Statistics says that the number of children who did not attend preschool institutions increases every year.

Primary education is a continuation of preschool and is aimed at developing students' motivation, honing their writing and speaking skills, teaching the basics of theoretical thinking and various sciences.

The main task of basic education is the study of the foundations of various sciences, a deeper study of the state language, the formation of inclinations for certain types of activities, the formation of aesthetic tastes and social definition. During the period of basic education, the student must develop the skills of independent knowledge of the world.

Secondary education aims to teach people to think rationally, make independent choices, and study various sciences in more depth. A clear understanding of the world and the social role of each student in it is also formed. More important than ever before pedagogical influence of the class teacher and other teachers.

Professional education

In Russian federation levels of professional education are divided into the following subspecies:

  • Initial;
  • Average;
  • Higher.

Primary education is provided by institutions that provide blue-collar jobs. These include vocational schools (vocational schools, which are now gradually being renamed PTL - vocational lyceum). You can enter such institutions either on the basis of 9 or 11 classes.

Secondary education includes technical schools and colleges. The former train basic-level specialists, the latter implement a system of advanced training. You can enroll in a technical school or college on the basis of 9 or 11 grades; you can enter some institutions only after 9 or only after 11 grades (for example, medical colleges). Citizens who already have primary vocational education are trained under a reduced program.

Higher education carries out training of highly qualified specialists for various sectors of the economy. Universities, institutes and academies (in some cases also colleges) train specialists. Higher education is divided into the following levels:

  • Specialty;

A bachelor's degree is a required level to obtain the other two. There are also various forms of education. It can be full-time, part-time, part-time or external.

Education levels in the world

In the world, a huge number of educational institutions and institutions are engaged in educating students.

  • One of the best systems operates in the USA; more than 500 thousand foreign students study in institutions in this country. The main problem of the American education system is the high cost.
  • Higher educational institutions in France also offer a very high educational level; education in universities in this country, as in Russia, is free. Students only have to provide their own support.
  • In Germany, population countries and foreign applicants are also entitled to free education. There was an attempt to introduce tuition fees, but the attempt failed. An interesting feature of education in this country is that in the legal and medical fields there is no division into bachelor’s and specialty degrees.
  • In England, the term Higher Education is used only to refer to institutes or universities from which graduates receive a doctorate or advanced degree.
  • Also recently, getting an education in China has become popular. This happened thanks to the teaching of most disciplines in English, however, the cost of education in China is still quite high.

The methodology of the British publication Times Higher Education (THE) was the basis for this rating, created by Times Higher Education together with the Thomson Reuters information group. Developed in 2010 and replacing the well-known World University Rankings, the ranking is recognized as one of the most authoritative in determining the quality of education in the world.

Criteria for evaluating universities:

  • Academic reputation of the university, including scientific activity and quality of education (data from a global expert survey of representatives of the international academic community)
  • The scientific reputation of the university in certain areas (data from a global expert survey of representatives of the international academic community).
  • Total citations of scientific publications, normalized relative to different areas of research (data from an analysis of 12 thousand scientific journals over a five-year period).
  • Ratio of published scientific articles to the number of teaching staff (data from an analysis of 12 thousand scientific journals over a five-year period).
  • The amount of funding for the university's research activities in relation to the number of teaching staff (the indicator is normalized by purchasing power parity, based on the economy of a particular country).
  • The amount of funding from outside companies for university research activities in relation to the number of teaching staff.
  • The ratio of government funding for research activities to the overall research budget of the university.
  • The ratio of teaching staff to the number of students.
  • The ratio of the number of foreign representatives of the teaching staff to the number of local ones.
  • The ratio of the number of foreign students to the number of local ones.
  • Ratio of defended dissertations (PhDs) to the number of teaching staff.
  • The ratio of defended dissertations (PhDs) to the number of bachelors pursuing a master's degree.
  • The average remuneration of a representative of the teaching staff (the indicator is normalized by purchasing power parity, based on the economy of a particular country).

How is the score determined?

The maximum score that the university under study can receive is 100 points.

  • For the level of teaching activity, quality of education, and the number of highly qualified teachers, a university can receive a maximum of 30 points.
  • A maximum of 30 points are awarded for the scientific reputation of the university.
  • For citation of scientific works – 30 points.
  • For developing innovative projects and attracting investment to them, the university receives a maximum of 2.5 points.
  • For the university’s ability to attract the best students and teachers from all over the world – 7.5 points.

World ranking of universities 2014-2015

The name of the university

A country

Score (according to the 2014-2015 study)

Caltech USA 94,3
Harvard University USA 93,3
Oxford University Great Britain 93,2
Stanford University USA 92,9
Cambridge University Great Britain 92,0
Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA 91,9
Princeton University USA 90,9
University of California at Berkeley USA 89,5
Imperial College London Great Britain 87,5
Yale university USA 87,5
University of Chicago USA 87,1
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Switzerland 84,6
Columbia University USA 84,4
Johns Hopkins University USA 83,0
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova Russian Federation 46,0

Hello, dear readers!

Our country has a system of continuous education. This is a legal term and it was introduced back in the Soviet years. Continuing education makes it possible to improve the personality in many ways, its development and the realization of spiritual and moral needs, passing through all existing levels of education in the Russian Federation.

Education regulated by law

On September 1, 2013, Law No. 273 came into force. It seriously changed the familiar idea of ​​the educational process for our citizens. The Bologna education system, used in many European countries, was taken as a basis.

According to the new law, there are levels of education in Russia - those stages, steps that every citizen goes through in order to receive an education, socialize and master a profession. Some of these levels are optional.

Let's look at them in detail.

Preschool education

This is the first stage in the education system, aimed at raising, teaching, forming, caring for and improving the health of children.

Preschool education programs are implemented in kindergartens. These institutions work with children, taking into account their capabilities and needs. There are combined, general developmental, compensatory, special education centers.

According to experts, it is the garden that shapes personality, determines mental and physical characteristics, and helps the child enter society.

Children under the age of 6 receive preschool education.

General education system

Education in schools consists of several stages and generally represents one of the levels - general education.

Primary general education

Primary school starts at the age of six and a half and lasts for three years. At this stage, the formation of the child’s personality continues. They prepare him for school, lay down basic knowledge and skills (writing, reading, develop logical thinking, teach him to build the right relationships with other participants in the educational process.

Basic general education

Having entered the fifth grade, the student takes a step to the second stage of general education and will have to study until the 9th grade. This is a mandatory stage in the educational system. During this period, the personality develops diversified, its abilities and inclinations are revealed. Schoolchildren are prepared to master high school programs, begin work on vocational guidance, and are introduced to physical labor.

Secondary general education

By mastering the program of secondary general education in schools, lyceums, gymnasiums (grades 9-11), children are formed as citizens, participants in social processes, demonstrate their abilities, self-realization and self-determination, acquire knowledge that they will need in life, further study and work.

Primary, general and secondary education is received in general education institutions. Children who have not received general education are not allowed to the next levels.

Professional education

Secondary vocational. Institutions of secondary vocational education prepare specialists in areas that meet the needs of citizens and the state. These are all working professions.

Children with basic or secondary general education can enroll in secondary vocational education institutions (technical schools or colleges).

The duration of study for graduates of 9th grade is 4 years. Those who enter after 11th grade will have to study for 2 years.

Higher education

Higher professional education. Its goal is to train personnel in all specialties and professions that are relevant to society at the present time. Persons with secondary general or secondary vocational education are allowed to study. At the same time, the law adopted in 2013 provides for several levels of higher education:

Bachelor's degree is the first level, providing basic knowledge and theoretical ideas in the specialty. A bachelor's degree is awarded after four years of study after passing an examination.

Graduates are issued a diploma of higher education, which includes a bachelor's degree. Such a person may be employed in accordance with the requirements applicable to the position.

Master's degree is the next level after bachelor's degree. Those who already have a bachelor's degree and want to deepen their knowledge enroll in the master's program. You can also complete a master's degree as a second higher education. The duration of study is two years.

Additional education

In our country, additional education provides training for children and adults under additional education programs. It is aimed at realizing a person’s needs for self-development, demonstrating one’s talents, capabilities, and mastering additional skills and abilities that other levels of education do not provide.

For children, preschool education is most often represented by clubs and sections of physical, artistic, scientific, technical, and natural sciences.

Adults receive additional education through courses.

The education systems in the Russian Federation and the USSR are often compared with each other. Of course, some aspects remain the same. But in general, one can observe a number of innovations, without which it is simply impossible in the conditions of the scientific and technical process, the state of the economy, and the revaluation of moral and cultural values.

The modern education system in our country is built on the principles that are used in European countries and has only just begun its development.

And I want to believe that sooner or later our new Russian education system, like the Soviet one, will be recognized as the strongest and most effective.

is a set of training programs and state standards that are in constant interaction with each other. The levels of education that implement them consist of institutions that are independent of each other. Each level of institution has its own forms of organization and legal subordination bodies that control it.

Education in Russia

At all times, our country has paid special attention to education. However, with the change of centuries and political regimes, it has also undergone significant changes. Thus, in Soviet times, the education system worked under a single standard. The requirements for educational institutions, the plans according to which training was carried out, and the methods used by teachers were uniform and strictly regulated at the state level. However, the revaluation of values ​​today has led to democratization, humanization and individualization in the education system. All these terms, inapplicable in the past, have become commonplace for modern participants in the educational process. There is variability in educational programs, which allows each institution, regardless of its level, to develop its own training plan, provided that it is approved by the regulatory authority.

However, despite all the innovations, the modern Russian education system remains federal and centralized. Levels of education and its types are fixed by law and are not subject to change.

Types and levels of Russian education

Today, in the Russian Federation there are such types of education as general education and vocational. The first type includes preschool and school education, the second - all others.

As for the level of education, this is an indicator of the mastery of educational programs at various levels, both by an individual and by the population. Educational programs, in turn, are stages of education. This indicator characterizes the real and potential capabilities of society, the state in general, and the individual in particular.

Education levels:

  • general education;
  • professional;
  • higher.

General education

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to receive every level of general education free of charge in all government institutions. Levels of general education are:

  • preschool;
  • school.

School education, in turn, is divided into:

  • initial;
  • basic;
  • average.

Each level prepares for mastering the educational program of the next level.

The very first stage in our country is preschool education. It prepares future students for mastering the school curriculum, and also provides initial knowledge about hygiene, ethics and a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, according to research, children who did not attend preschool, at the next level - school, experience difficulties both in social adaptation and in mastering educational material.

All subsequent levels of education, like the preschool level, pursue a single goal - to prepare for mastering the next stage of education.

At the same time, the primary task of basic education is to master the basics of various sciences and the state language, as well as the formation of inclinations for certain types of activities. At this stage of education, it is necessary to learn to independently understand the world around us.

Professional education

The levels of professional education are as follows:

  • initial
  • average;
  • higher.

The first stage is mastered in institutions where you can obtain various working professions. These include vocational institutions. Today they are called vocational lyceums. You can get there either after 9th grade or after graduating from 11th grade.

The next level is technical schools and colleges. In institutions of the first type, you can master the basic level of your future profession, while the second type involves more in-depth study. You can also enter there either after the 9th grade or after the 11th grade. However, there are institutions that stipulate admission only after one specific level. If you already have primary vocational education, you will be offered training in an accelerated program.

And finally, higher education prepares highly qualified specialists in a variety of fields. This level of education has its own sublevels.

Higher education. Levels

So, the levels of higher education are:

  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty
  • master's degree

It is noteworthy that each of these levels has its own training periods. It should be taken into account that the bachelor's degree is the entry level, which is compulsory for obtaining the rest.

Specialists with higher qualifications in various professions are trained in educational institutions such as universities, institutes, and academies.

This level of education is also characterized by the fact that it has different forms of training. You can learn:

  • in person, attending all classes and passing the sessions;
  • in absentia, independently studying the course material and passing the sessions;
  • part-time, when training can be carried out on weekends or in the evening (suitable for employed students, as it allows you to study without interrupting work);
  • externally, here you can complete your studies whenever you see fit (this involves issuing a state-issued diploma, but it will have a note on it that you graduated from the educational institution as an external student).


Types of education and its levels look like this. It is their totality that makes up the education system of the Russian Federation. All of them are regulated at the legislative level by normative documents of various nature and content.

It should be borne in mind that the purpose of the educational system is not only that it allows one to master various professions. During the learning process, a personality is formed, which improves with each educational level overcome.

Education is the process and result of mastering systematized knowledge, skills and abilities.

The following levels of education are established in the Russian Federation:

General:1) initial2) basic3) complete


4) initial

5) average

7) postgraduate

General education is compulsory in our country

Initial vocational training

Carried out in all main areas of socially useful activities on the basis of basic general and full general education

Can be obtained in educational institutions of initial vocational training and in educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, which have a license to conduct initial vocational training

Vocational schools, lyceums, 2-3 years of study.

Secondary vocational training

Focused on training mid-level specialists on the basis of basic general education, complete general education or primary vocational education. Available from the following educational institutions:

1) institutions of secondary vocational education, technical schools (technical specialties), schools, colleges

2) higher professional institutions. Education if they have a license

2-5 years depending on primary education

Higher professional training.

Provides for the training and retraining of specialists at the appropriate level.

The following have been established in the Russian Federation. higher professional levels Education:

Bachelor's degree 4 years

Specialist training – at least 5 years

Master's degree 2 years

Can be obtained at universities, academies, institutes

You must have either complete general education or primary or secondary vocational education

Postgraduate training

It represents an opportunity to improve the level of education of scientific or pedagogical qualifications on the basis of higher professional education.

Can be obtained in graduate school, adjudication, doctoral studies, internship, residency

Postgraduate study is a form of education that involves preparing a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences.

Adjudication is a form of training for military personnel that involves the preparation of a dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences.

Doctoral studies are a form of education that involves preparing a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science. To enroll, you must have a PhD degree.

Internship is a form of primary one-year postgraduate training for persons who have received a medical or pharmaceutical education and is a condition for these persons to work in their specialty.

Residency is a form of training, retraining, and advanced training in medicine. Institutes, advanced training institutes and advanced training institutes. Usually 2 years.

On-the-job training methods.

The main methods of on-the-job training are: coaching, rotation, apprenticeship and mentoring.

Instruction is an explanation and demonstration of work techniques directly at the workplace and can be carried out either by an employee who has been performing these functions for a long time, or by a specially trained instructor.

Rotation is a self-paced learning method in which an employee is temporarily moved to another position in order to acquire new skills. Rotation is widely used by enterprises that require multivalent qualifications from workers, i.e. mastery of several professions.

Apprenticeship and mentoring are traditional methods of vocational training for artisans - since ancient times, young workers have learned a trade by working alongside a master. This method is widespread today, especially where practical experience plays an exceptional role in the training of specialists - medicine, winemaking, management.

Off-the-job training methods

Off-the-job training is more effective, but is associated with additional financial costs and distraction of the employee from his job responsibilities. LECTURE During the lecture, which is a monologue by the instructor, the audience perceives the educational material by ear. A lecture is an unsurpassed means of presenting a large volume of educational material in a short time. Allows you to develop many new ideas during one lesson and make the necessary accents. Lectures are extremely cost effective. Since one instructor works with several dozens, hundreds and even thousands of students (if video is used).
Business games represent a teaching method that is closest to the real professional activities of students. The advantage of business games is that, being a model of a real organization, they simultaneously provide the opportunity to significantly shorten the operating cycle and, thereby, demonstrate to participants what final results their decisions and actions will lead to. Business games can be both global (company management) and local (negotiations, preparation of a business plan). The use of this method allows students to perform various professional functions and thereby expand their own understanding of the organization and the relationships of its employees.
Selfeducation is the simplest type of training - it does not require an instructor, a special room, or a specific time - the student learns there, when and how it is convenient for him. Organizations can greatly benefit from self-learning if effective support tools are developed and provided to employees - audio and video tapes, textbooks, problem books, training programs.
The main feature of independent learning is its individual nature. The student can determine the pace of learning, the number of repetitions, the duration of the lesson, i.e. control important parameters of the learning process that are specified in other methods. At the same time, the individual nature deprives independent learning of one of the most important conditions for effectiveness - feedback - the student is left to his own devices

Career concept. Relationship between career and business assessment of personnel

A career is usually understood as an employee’s individually conscious judgments about his work future, the expected ways of self-expression and work management.

A career is a progressive movement up the career ladder and the development of an employee’s abilities.

Professional career

A professional career represents a gradual change in stages of development in the process of working activity. The following stages of development are considered: 1) training 2) entry into work 3) professional growth 4) support of individual professional abilities 5) retirement.

Intraorganizational career

Represents a sequential change in the stages of employee development within one organization

It is implemented in three main directions:

Vertical – rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy

Horizontal – moving to another functional area of ​​activity.

Centripetal is understood as movement towards the core, the center of the organization.

Basic career models

Management specialists combine the existing variety of career options into four models: " springboard ", "staircase ", "snake " And " crossroads ".

"Springboard." This type of career is most widespread among managers and specialists. It lies in the fact that an employee’s career consists of only climbing the career ladder with a parallel increase in his potential, knowledge and qualifications. The positions he holds are gradually changing to higher and better paid ones. The stage in which a person occupies the highest position for him, he tries to extend as long as possible, since it will be followed by a “jump from the springboard” - retirement. This type of career has a negative impact on a person, because after withdrawing from active work, he feels useless, which often leads to suicide.

"Staircase". This type of career consists of the fact that each stage is a specific position that the employee occupies for a certain period of time (usually five years).

"Snake". This model involves the movement of an employee from one position to another through assignment. The duration of tenure in each position is one to two years. In order to occupy a top position, an employee goes through all positions and comprehensively studies the organization, gains experience and improves his qualifications, as a result of which he becomes capable It’s important to look at the situation and calculate the possible risks.
"Crossroads." This career model is based on the certification of the employee (manager) after a certain period. In accordance with the certification data, the following decisions can be made: promoting an employee in a linear position, if the manager’s potential is average; demotion if the manager does not have authority among his subordinates, has low qualifications and conflicts often arise in the team.

  • 3. Legal regulation of relations in the field of education. Legislation on education.
  • 4. Educational management in the Russian Federation: federal, regional and municipal levels and their powers.
  • 5. State supervision and control in the field of education.
  • 6. Licensing of educational activities and accreditation of organizations carrying out educational activities.
  • 7. Educational organizations in Russia: structure and characteristics.
  • 8. Organizations carrying out educational activities as additional ones.
  • 9. History of education in Russia.
  • 10. Educational and methodological support for education.
  • 11. Expenditures on education: dynamics of federal budget expenditures and problems of financing for education.
  • 12. International ratings of educational systems and places of Russian educational organizations.
  • 13. Preschool education in Russia.
  • 14. School education system in Russia.
  • 15. System of higher professional education in the Russian Federation.
  • 16. Problems of higher education in the Russian Federation. And ways to solve them.
  • 17. Main directions of development of modern education.
  • Pros and cons of the Bologna process
  • 22. The problem of quality of education and pedagogical theory and practice.
  • 23. Features of teaching economics in secondary and higher schools.
  • 24. Foreign educational systems: comparative characteristics and opportunities for using experience in domestic educational practice.
  • 25. The main historical stages of the integration of science and economics.
  • 26. Scientific and technical potential and patterns of its development.
  • 27. Organizational structure of science.
  • 28. The main structural units of the scientific and technical complex of modern developed countries (nip, kits, rip, region of science, technopolis, technopark, incubator): general characteristics.
  • 29. Federal and regional programs to support scientific research. Federal research centers and universities.
  • 30. Functions of the modern state in relation to science.
  • 31. Expenditures on science in modern industrialized countries and Russia. Production and export of high-tech products in the world.
  • 32. History of the development of science in Russia.
  • 33. Modern state policy in the scientific field.
  • 34. The main problems of the development of domestic science.
  • 35. Current directions in the development of modern economic science. Problems of theory and practice of economic development.
  • 1. The education system in the Russian Federation: structure and general characteristics.

    2. Types of education and forms of training in the Russian Federation

    3. Legal regulation of relations in the field of education. Legislation on education.

    4. Educational management in the Russian Federation: federal, regional and municipal levels and their powers.

    5. State supervision and control in the field of education.

    6. Licensing of educational activities and accreditation of organizations carrying out educational activities.

    7. Educational organizations in Russia: structure and characteristics.

    8. Organizations carrying out educational activities as additional ones.

    9. History of education in Russia.

    10. Educational and methodological support for education.

    11. Expenditures on education: dynamics of federal budget expenditures and problems of financing for education.

    13. Preschool education in Russia.

    14. School education system in Russia.

    15. System of higher professional education in the Russian Federation.

    16. Problems of higher education in Russia. and ways to solve them.

    17. Main directions of development of modern education.

    18. Education in the context of globalization.

    19. The essence of the concepts of “competence” and “competence”. Basic ideas of an integrated approach to teaching.

    20. The concept and essence of the innovation process in education.

    21. Problems of reform of domestic education and implementation of the principles of the Bologna process.

    22. The problem of quality of education and pedagogical theory and practice.

    23. Features of teaching economics in secondary and higher schools.

    24. Foreign educational systems: comparative characteristics and opportunities for using experience in domestic educational practice.

    25. The main historical stages of the integration of science and economics.

    26. Scientific and technical potential and patterns of its development.

    27. Organizational structure of science.

    28. The main structural units of the scientific and technical complex of modern developed countries (SRI, CIC, RIP, region of science, technopolis, technopark, incubator): general characteristics.

    29. Federal and regional programs to support scientific research. Federal research centers and universities.

    30. Functions of the modern state in relation to science.

    31. Expenditures on science in modern industrialized countries and Russia. Production and export of high-tech products in the world.

    32. History of the development of science in Russia.

    33. Modern state policy in the scientific field.

    34. The main problems of the development of domestic science.

    35. Current directions in the development of modern economic science. Problems of theory and practice of economic development.

    No 9,10,17,18,19,20,22,24,29,35

    1. The education system in the Russian Federation: structure and general characteristics.

    Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on July 24, 2015) Ch. 2. Education system. Article 10 Structure of the education system.

    1. The education system includes:

    1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational programs of various types, levels and (or) orientations;

    2) organizations carrying out educational activities, teaching staff, students and parents (legal representatives) of minor students;

    3) federal state bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, and local government bodies, exercising management in the field of education, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them;

    4) organizations providing educational activities, assessing the quality of education;

    5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

    2. Education is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, ensuring the possibility of realizing the right to education throughout life (lifelong education).

    3. General education and vocational education are implemented according to educational levels.

    The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

    1) preschool education;

    4) secondary general education.

    5. The following levels of professional education are established in the Russian Federation:

    6. Additional education includes such subtypes as additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education.

    7. The education system creates conditions for lifelong education through the implementation of basic educational programs and various additional educational programs, providing the opportunity to simultaneously master several educational programs, as well as taking into account existing education, qualifications, and practical experience when receiving education.

    2. Types of education and forms of training in the Russian Federation

    Education is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, ensuring the possibility of realizing the right to education throughout life (lifelong education). (professional education)

    General education levels:

    1) preschool education;

    2) primary general education;

    3) basic general education;

    4) secondary general education.

    Levels of professional education:

    1) secondary vocational education;

    2) higher education - bachelor's degree;

    3) higher education - specialty, master's degree;

    4) higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

    Additional education:

    1) as additional education for children and adults

    2) additional professional education.

    Forms of training

    In Russia there are three main forms of education: full-time (day); part-time (evening); correspondence.

    Restrictions on obtaining education in one form or another may be established by education legislation and (or) educational standards.

    It is also possible to receive education in the form external studies(self-education) and family education with the right to undergo intermediate and state final certification in educational organizations.

    - network training. The network form of implementation of educational programs is the implementation of an educational program using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign ones, and also, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations;

    - electronic and distance learning.

    Article 17. Forms of education and forms of training

    1. In the Russian Federation, education can be obtained:

    1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;

    2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

    2. Training in organizations engaged in educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of compulsory activities of the teaching staff with students, is carried out in full-time, part-time or correspondence form.

    3. Education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequently pass, in accordance with Part 3 of Article 34 of this Federal Law, intermediate and state final certification in organizations carrying out educational activities.

    4. A combination of various forms of education and forms of training is allowed.

    5. Forms of education and forms of training in the basic educational program for each level of education, profession, specialty and area of ​​training are determined by the relevant federal state educational standards, educational standards, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law. Forms of training for additional educational programs and basic vocational training programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
