The letters o and e after ts and sibilants. Reference book on the Russian language The word at the root after c is written ы

The letters o and e after ts and sibilants.  Reference book on the Russian language The word at the root after c is written ы


After f, w, h, sch, c letters are written a, y (and are not written I, yu ),

eg: sorry, Zhanna, boundary; ball, noodles; hour, candle, silent; platform, raincoat; heron, father; creepy, I'll say; noise, Shura, enormous; feeling, silent; pike, forgive me; in a row, to father.

Note 1. In several foreign language common nouns after f, w letter is written Yu : jury, julienne, brochure, parachute and some others, more rare.

Note 2. In some foreign-language proper names, ethnic names after f, w, c letters are written I, yu , eg: Samogit Upland, Jules, Saint Just, Zyuraitis, Siauliai, Zurich, Kotsyubinsky, Tsyurupa, Qu Yuan, Tsyavlovsky, Qianjiang, Qiang(nationality). In these cases, the sounds conveyed by letters f, w, c , are often pronounced softly.

Letters Yu And I are written according to tradition after h in some surnames ( Yu – mainly in Lithuanian), e.g.: Čiurlionis, Steponavičius, Mkrtchyan, Chyumina.

Letters And, s


After w, w, h, sch letter is written And (and not written s ),

eg: fat, camelina, interpublishing, tell, sew, reeds, clean, rays, shield, look.


After ts letter is written And or s .

Letter s is written in the following cases.

1. In the roots of words: gypsy, chick, chick, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, chick chick, chick, chick, chick(and in derivative words, e.g.: gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, chick, chick, tut, tut, tut).

2. At the endings of nouns and adjectives, for example: cucumbers, archers, capitals, Klintsy, Lyubertsy; short, pale-faced, narrow-faced.

3. In the suffix of adjectives −yn, eg: Sestritsyn, Lisitsyn, Tsaritsyn, Trinity Day. Geographical names are also written on -tsyn, -tsino, eg: Tsaritsyn, Golitsyno.


In all other cases, after ts letter is written And , namely:

A) in the roots of words, including foreign proper names, for example: circus, cycle, cylinder, tsigeyka, scurvy, mat, figure, shell, civilization, specificity, cyclone, barber, vaccine, revolution, tsutsik; Cicero, Circe, Zimmerwald, Cincinnati;

b) in suffixes of foreign language origin, for example: organization, electrify, medicine, calcite, publicist, skepticism;

V) after the first parts of complex and compound words and in sound abbreviations, for example: blitz interview, special boarding school, Central Election Commission.

Letters O, e, e after the hissing ones

Letters O, e, e in place of stressed vowels


After f, h, w, sch uh letter is written e ,

eg: tin, swing, rustle, ginseng, twitter, same(letter name), on the boundary, about a candle, a soul, a sling; Zhenya, Jack, Shannon.


After f, h, w, sch to convey a stressed vowel O letter is written O or e .

Letter O is written in the following cases.

1. At the endings of nouns and adjectives, as well as in the suffix of adverbs −o, eg: shoulder, knife, shoulder, Ilyich, hut, cloak; boundary, rein, candle, soul, sling; stranger, big, stranger, big; fresh, hot, good, general(short forms of neuter adjectives and adverbs).

2. In suffixes of nouns:

  • OK, eg: circle, hook, cockerel, borscht, jump, push, and in derivatives from such words: circle, hook, jump and so on.;
  • onok And − chonok, eg: little bear, little mouse, little pebble, little barrel, little little arap;
  • onysh: uzhonysh;
  • He to(a) and −onk(and), eg: little book, little hand, shirt, vest, money, trousers, rhymes;
  • ovk(a) (in denominative derivative words), e.g.: chizhovka(female siskin), mouse(rodent), khrychovka, small things;
  • about(A): thicket, clearing(deforestation); same in word slum, where the suffix does not stand out in modern language, and in the ironic formation created on its model Khrushchev. Exception: in the word studies is written e ;
  • open(A): ratchet;
  • sheepskin(A): stabbing.

3. In the suffix of adjectives −ov, eg: hedgehog, brocade, penny, canvas, as well as in nouns on −ovka, −ovnik, derived from adjectives with the suffix −ov (−ev): pear And pear tree(cf. pear), hacksaw(cf. knife and option knife), cherry plum (cherry plum), guzhovka (horse-drawn), punch (punchy), tick‘cliff-billed heron’ ( tick-borne), fight (pugnacious, from brawler‘kind of plane’), raincoat (raincoat), chant (speech), hogweed (borscht), zhovnik (snake). The word is spelled the same way gooseberry, where the suffix is ​​not distinguished in modern language.

4. In the suffix of adjectives and adverbs −okhonk, eg: fresh, good, good.

5. In place of a fluent vowel O in nouns and adjectives, for example: glutton, glutton, gluttonous(cf. eat), pulp(cf. I press), burn, arson, overburn, heartburn(cf. I'm burning, I'm burning); trouble(cf. gen. p. why the hell), the seam (seam); princes(genus plural from princess), scabbard(genus from sheath́ – outdated. variant of the word sheath), scrotum, scrotum(genus plural and diminution from purse), intestines, intestines(genus and diminution from guts), squash(decrease from sauerkraut), cat And terrible(from nightmare), glasses(from glasses), point(from point), ridiculous(short form of masculine gender from funny); This also includes words with the suffix −ok: hook, jump(gen. p. hook, jump) etc. (see above, point 2). However, in words accounting, accounting, account, account, calculation(cf. I will take into account, I will count, I will begin, I will count, I will count) the letter is written e (see § 19, paragraph 7).

6. In those roots of Russian words where the vowel O after sibilants there is always shock and does not alternate with uh(in writing e): click(And keep quiet), zhoster, zhokh, glutton(and option glutton), already; clink glasses, crazy, grebe, prim, clink, clink; shuffle, rustle, blinkers(And saddlery, saddler).

The word is spelled the same way evening(And evening), although it is related to the word evening(And evening) (cf. § 19, paragraph 7).

With letter O some Russian proper names are written, for example: Zhora, Zhostovo, Pechora(river), Pechory(city), Sholokhov.

7. In the roots of borrowed (foreign) words. List of basic words: borjom, joker, junk, joule, major, dude, drum major, force majeure; anchovy, kharcho, choker; hood, gherkin, cruchon, offshore, torshon, shock, ramrod, shop, shorts, shorts, show; the same in proper names, for example: John, Georges, Joyce, Chaucer, Shaw, Shchors.


In all other cases, to convey the stressed vowel o after f, h, w, sch letter is written e , namely:

1. In verb endings -eat, -eat, -eat, -eat, eg: you lie, cut your hair, bake, push.

2. In imperfective verbs −yowl and verbal nouns in −yowling, eg: demarcate, uproot, migrate, obscure; demarcation, uprooting, shading; in passive participles −bathed, eg: demarcated, uprooted, shaded.

3. In verbal nouns on −yovka, eg: overnight stay(from spend the night), uprooting, migration, delimitation, retouching(from retouch), peeling(from peel).

4. In the suffix of nouns −yor, eg: conductor, retoucher, trainee, boyfriend, trainer, massager.

5. In suffixes of passive participles and verbal adjectives −yonn And −yong, eg: tense(And tense), burnt, baked, softened, detached, simplified; loaded, burnt, baked, baked, stewed, waxed; the same in words derived from such participles and adjectives, for example: tension, detachment, simplicity, erudition, tense, detached, simplified, strained, burnt, stewed, condensed milk.

6. In the place of the fugitive O in verbal forms of the past tense husband. kind: burned and prefixes ( lit, burned, burned, burned, set fire and etc.; the same in participles: set fire and etc.; Wed I'll light it, I'll light it), − person (read, took into account etc., cf. read, studied), walked and prefixes ( came, left etc., cf. went, came, left). At the same time, writing verb forms with the root burned contrasted with the writing of cognate nouns with the letter O : burn, arson, overburn(see § 18, paragraph 5).

7. In those roots of Russian words, where the shock sound O corresponds in other words or forms of the same root to the vowel (stressed or unstressed) conveyed by the letter e. The following is a list of basic words with such roots (in parentheses, words with the same root or forms with the letter e after f, h, w, sch ).

Roots with combination same :

  • chewed (chew),
  • gutter (gutters, groove, grooved),
  • yellow (yellow, yellowish, turn yellow, yolk),
  • acorn (acorns, stomach'little acorn', acorn),
  • bile, gall(cf. options bile, gall; biliary, biliary),
  • wives, wifey, little wife, newlyweds (wife, woman, woman, feminine, getting married, getting married),
  • perch (pole, pole, pole),
  • millstone (millstone, millstone),
  • hard, rigidity (tough, harsh),
  • overarm (fathom And fathom),
  • heavy (heavier, grow heavier, outdated heavier).

Roots with combination what :

  • twine (twine, twine),
  • evening (evening, evening),
  • liver, hepatic (liver),
  • honor, honorable (honor),
  • bees, bee (bee, beekeeper),
  • counting, counting, crediting, report, accounting, counter, counting, crediting, accounting, crosswise, even, odd, even, rosary (count, recount, count, set off, take into account, deduction, accounts, accountant, odd),
  • shit (chebotar),
  • bangs, bangs, bangs(plural) ( brow, petition, beard),
  • canoe (shuttles, shuttle),
  • cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, underline(cf. option scribble; cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, cross out, underline),
  • black (black, blacken, rabble, blackness, blackish),
  • callous, callousness (callous, become callous),
  • damn, damn, little devil (devils, devils, devils, devils, damn, devilry),
  • dash (devil, damn, devil, draw, drawing),
  • comb, comb, comb, comb, comb, comb, comb, hairstyle, comb, comb, comb (scratch, scratch, comb, comb),
  • clear, clear, distinct (rosary),
  • tap dance (taps).

Roots with combination she :

  • cheap, cheap (cheap, cheap, cheaper, cheaper),
  • Koshevka (kosheva),
  • wallet (wallet, purse),
  • millet, millet (millet),
  • lattice, sieve(plural) lattice(option: lattice; sieve, sieve),
  • silk, silk (silk, silky),
  • whisper, whisper (whisper, whisper, whispers),
  • fur, long-haired, short-haired (wool, woolen, woolen).
  • Roots with combination more :
  • dandy (foppish, foppish, flaunt, flaunt),
  • cheeks, cheek, slap, cheek (cheek, cheeky),
  • tickles (tickle, tickle),
  • lye, lye (crack, cracks),
  • click, click (click, click),
  • lye, lye (alkalis, alkaline),
  • puppy (whelp, puppy),
  • brush (bristle).

8. In the sentence n. pronouns what: about what, on what, as well as in words how much, no matter, and; in a word more.

9. In some borrowed words, where the letter e conveyed under special stress, different from Russian O, vowel sound of the source language, e.g. wives premier, Schönbrunn, Schönberg.

Letters O, e in place of unstressed vowels


In an unstressed position after f, h, w, sch letter is written e uh(in writing e ), and with the drum O(in writing O or e ).

This applies to roots, suffixes, and endings. Examples: a) tin(cf. tin), cap (cap), leg (schenkel), ironing (angling), cloudy (candle); b) turn yellow(cf. yellow), whisper (whisper), peas (cockerel), punch, raincoat (penny, borscht), watchman (siskin), more(cf. big), redhead (to someone else's), more powerful (hot). Some spellings with e after hissing ones they are not checked by the shock position, for example: wish, stomach, gelatin, attic, move, lisp, rough, latch.


In a number of words of foreign origin after f, h, w a letter is written in an unstressed position O .

List of basic words: Jonathan, jockey, juggler, majordomo, majoritarian, banjo, harmonic; chonguri, lecho, poncho, ranch, capriccio(cf. option capriccio); chauvinism, chocolate, highway, driver; proper names, for example: Scotland, Jaurès, Chopin, Shostakovich, Boccaccio. Derivatives from words of foreign origin with stress are also written O after sibilants (see § 18, paragraph 7) and forms of such words where the vowel after the sibilant is unstressed, for example: shock(from shock), torsion(from torchon), choker(from choker), cleaning rod(plural from ramrod).

Letters O And e after ts


After ts to convey a stressed vowel O letter is written O , to transmit percussion uh– letter e, eg: cluck, cap, dancer, dancer, dance, facing, crimson, face, face, cucumber, cucumbers, sheep; valuable, whole, whole(letter name), tsetse(fly), sheep, about father.


In an unstressed position after ts letter is written e – in accordance with the drum uh, and with shock O, for example: a) price(cf. prices), strain (squeals), censorship (censor), bird (pollen); b) dance(cf. dancer), turn crimson (crimson), calico (pepper), swamp (porch), like a bird (pollen), fingers (wise men), little(cf. big), kutse(cf. Fine). Some spellings with e are not checked by the striking position, for example: kiss, cellophane.


In some words of foreign origin in an unstressed position after ts letter is written O : duke, intermezzo, mezzo, palazzo, scherzo, canzonetta, zoisite(mineral), pozzolanas(rocks). The word is spelled the same way clatter and its derivatives clatter, clatter(cf. clatter).

Letter uh after the hissing and ts


Letter uh written after letters f, h, w, c only in the following special cases.

1. In abbreviations, for example: ZhEA(housing maintenance office), ZhES(railway power station), CHES(frequency electromagnetic sensing), CELT(color cathode ray tube), TsEM(Tsentroelektromontazh is the name of the trust).

2. After the console between, the first parts of complex and compound words at the beginning of roots starting with a letter uh , eg: interfloor, interethnic, Vnesheconombank, blitz emission, special exporter, special effect, special electrode.

3. When transmitting some Chinese words, for example: she(nationality in China), ren(the basic concept of Confucian philosophy), Lao She(Chinese writer) Chengdu, Shenyang(cities), Zhejiang(provinces), Shenzhen(industrial zone in China).

After ts under stress if the sound is pronounced O , the letter is written O ; written without accent e , For example: ts ó kol, ts ó staked; finger ó , cucumber ó m(But dresses e , mountaineer e m); flatterer ó V(But adherent e V); dance ó r, faces ó vka, sample ó vyy(But gloss e vyy), facing ó howl(But faces e vát).


In an unstressed position O written after ts only in words ts O cat(from ts ó cat) and in some foreign words, for example: palace O (castle), skérz O (musical piece at a lively, fast tempo). Letter e after ts not written.

E after sibilants under stress

IN roots of words after sibilants under stress, if the sound is pronounced O , it is usually denoted by the letter her) . When forming related words or changing a word, in these cases there is an alternation e With e , For example: w e sweat - sh e pchet, h e mouth - h e mouths, w e little red face e hello, cat e lka - kosh e uh, uh e lka - sch e l.

Only in a small number of words in the root after sibilants is written in accordance with pronunciation O , For example: mazh ó ryny, obzh ó ra, prozh ó zealous, h ó repent, h ó porno, w ó h, w ó mpol, w ó mouths, w ó roh etc. In these cases there is no alternation O With e , For example: h ó porno - h ó porn, live ó zealous - prozh ó zealousness, sh ó roh - sh ó rohi.


1. You should remember the spelling of words with obscured composition or unproductive suffixes, where O or e written according to tradition, for example: 1) kryzh ó sank, slum ó bah, thicket ó bah, bang ó weave; 2) uch e ba(cf. uch é tion), decide e weave(cf. decide é woven), bech e vka(cf. bech e va), desh e vyy(cf. bech e va), desh e vyy(cf. desh é ow).

2. To distinguish the meaning of words in writing, letter O written in adverb evening ó R- “yesterday evening” (as opposed to V é black; evening e rka- “evening newspaper”); in nouns burn ó g, cool ó G- unlike verbs burn e G(straw) cool e G(hand): izzh ó ha.

3. In some foreign words the letter O after sibilants it is also written in an unstressed position, for example: and O kay, w O ngler, sh O colád, sh O ssé, sh O fur, sh O Vinism.

ABOUT after sibilants under stress

After sibilants under stress, in accordance with pronunciation it is written O :

  1. in endings
    • nouns: candles ó th, cloak ó m, reins ó y, shower ó th;
    • adjectives: great ó wow, great ó mu;
  2. in suffixes
    • nouns: -OK- , -He to- , -onok- And -He- (with fluent O ): download ó k, cock ó k, hand ó nka, bear ó nok, prince ó n(princesses);
    • adjectives: -ov- And -He- (with fluent O ): canvas ó vyy, brocade ó howl, funny ó n;
    • adverb: hot ó , total ó (But: yet e ).

In other cases, under stress after sibilants it is written her) . These include:

  • verb endings: oven e sew, bake e t, oven e m;
  • suffixes of passive participles -yonn- , -yon- (and also the suffix -yon- in adjectives formed from verbs): armed e armed, armed e n; oven e ny;
  • suffixes of verbs (and nouns formed from these verbs): demarcation e howl (demarcation e vka), as well as the suffix -yor (experience e R).

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There is almost nothing to add to the wording of the 1956 rule: “After C letter Y written in endings and in the suffix -yn, for example: birds, sheep and sheep, cucumbers, white-faced, sister, lisitsyn, as well as in the words gypsy, chicken, on tiptoe, tsyts (interjection) and in other words of the same root. In other cases, I is always written after C, for example: station, cibik, mat, dulcimer, zinc, medicine."

History of the rule

The whole history of this rule is the history of the gradual abandonment of old exceptions and the search for new ones.

Nikolai Grech wrote about the choice of I and Y like this (see paragraph 2):

When trying to formulate a rule in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, researchers gave different lists of exceptions.

Dahl uses the word snort.

Grotto cites as exceptions tsybik, barber, scurvy, tsyfir, armor, chicken, gypsy, tskat.

Ushakov tsybik, armor, scurvy, gypsy, chicken (tsifir,he has a barber with I).

In 1956, the number of exception words with Y in the root was reduced (removed tsybik, tsynovka, barber, scurvy, tsyfir, armor). Word snort not mentioned in this list.

In 1963, Vinogradov’s commission proposed changing the rule and always writing I after T, even in endings. This proposal does not pass.

In 2007, Lopatin added the word snort to exceptions.

What to pay attention to

  • Words ending with -tion, written with the letter I after C, although strictly speaking the letter at the end: nation, police, station, receipt.
  • Words in which after C is written E. The spelling of such words must be checked or memorized: cement, price, chain etc.
  • Modern exceptions are easy to remember like this: “Tsyts, a gypsy on tiptoe carries a chicken.”

Spelling of vowels -И (-ы) after Ts.

The chicken performed in the circus,
He played the cymbals
Rode around on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.
He took it out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And there was only one thing I didn’t know
Where do they write qi, where is qi?

After q the letter and or s is written.

Letter ы is written in the following cases.

1. In the roots of words - exceptions:

gypsy, chick, chick, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, chick-chick, chick, chick, chick(and in derivative words, e.g.: gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, chick, chick, tut, tut, tut).

2. At the endings of nouns and adjectives ,

cucumbers, archers, capitals, Klintsy, Lyubertsy; short, pale-faced, narrow-faced.

3. In the suffix of adjectives -yn,

sisterstritsyn, Lisitsyn, Tsaritsyn, Trinity Day.

Geographical names are also written on-tsyn, -tsino,

Tsaritsyn, Golitsyno.

Note. In Russian surnames, the letter i or ы is written after c in accordance with tradition and with registration in official documents, for example: Tsipko, but Tsybin; Kunitsyn, Kuritsyn, Sinitsyn, Skobeltsyn, Solzhenitsyn, But Vitsin, Yeltsin, Tsitsin.

In all other cases, the letter and is written after c, namely:

a) in the roots of words, including foreign proper names:

circus, cycle, cylinder, tsigeyka, scurvy, mat, figure, shell, civilization, specificity, cyclone, barber, vaccine, revolution, iutsik; Cicero, Circe, Zimmerwald, Cincinnati;

b) in suffixes of foreign language origin:

organization, electrify, medicine, calcite, publicist, skepticism;

c) after the first parts of complex and compound words and in sound abbreviations:

blitz interview, special boarding school, Central Election Commission.


Write I:

  • at the root of the word: circus, number;
  • exceptions: tsy gan, tsy tsy, on tiptoe, chick.
  • in words starting with -TSYA: section I, station I, station.

Write Y:

  • in suffixes: Sisters n, Birds n, Queens but.
  • in endings: streets, villages, sisters.


The traditional spelling is retained in surnames: Birds n, Qi Qi N.


1. Correct errors:

I went on an expedition. The weather is unfavorable: cyclone. We managed to collect a collection of insects; we even found cicadas. Birds interfere with work.

2. Insert the missing letters. Illustrate the spelling graphically.

Ts...gan, militia...ya, akats...ya,, armor...ry, on c...kidneys,

ts...nga, foxes...n, ts...plata, from the streets..., section...i.

3.Insert the missing letters. Illustrate the spelling graphically

Ts_trusovy, ts_ganka, ts_ferblat, from the streets_, sisters_n, for martens_,

scissors..., ts...geyka, akat_ya, ts_kory, from behind the doors_.

4.Insert the missing letters. Illustrate the spelling graphically .

Rat_ya, Tsarits_no, Afghan_, ts_geika, cartoon, take under uzts_.

5.Insert the missing letters. Illustrate the spelling graphically .

Ts...gan to lecture...and flipped through the pages...and Sinits...n read ts...tats.

6.Insert the desired letter and graphically indicate the spelling pattern being studied.

1. The starling owners are flying to their hanging palace...
2. The hen admired the c..films: no matter the c..films, she’s smart!
3. There were trained dogs and cats in the church.
4. Due to a lack of vitamins, the sailors suffered from
5. The father brought a gift for the children...
6. Many sports came to us from Ancient Greece.

Vowels after -ts- and hissing - a difficult topic for those studying Russian. In most cases, such words are written differently from how they are pronounced. Spelling determines the part of speech and vowel position.

Using -a-, -u- after hissing and -ts-

After -ch-, -sch-, -zh-, -sh-, -ts- only written -a-, -u-(although it may be heard -i-, -yu-).

For example: miracle, pike, thicket, whole.

The exceptions are words jury, parachute, brochure. Some linguists want to adjust the spelling of these words to the rule, to “pour” them into the Russian language. Perhaps this will happen in the future, but for now it should be used -Yu-.

Also, foreign-language proper names do not fall under the rule. We write them according to pronunciation: Jules Verne.

Using -i-, -ы- after hissing and -ts-

What vowels should be used after -ts- and sibilants? The rule is: after -ch-, -sch-, -f-, -sh- only written -And-(however, it is often pronounced [s]).

For example: live, car, repair, shield.

After -ts- two options are possible - -And- or - -s--. Spelling depends on which morpheme the vowel is in.

Write -s-:

  • in endings ( dancing, fathers, merchants, starlings);
  • in suffixes -eun- (Kuritsyn, Sestritsyn, Sinitsyn).

Write -And-:

  • in the roots of words ( quote, compass, mat, medicine);
  • in nouns on -tion, -tion (station, provocation, aviation, receipt, strontium).

Remember the exceptions to the rule with a simple sentence: The gypsy on tiptoe tsked at the chicken: “Tsits!”

Now let's look at when to write vowels -o-, -e- after the hissing and -ts-.

Using -o-, -e- after -ts-

In the striking position:

  • [o] rendered as -o- (dancer, clatter, face);
  • [e] is conveyed as -e- (price, tsetse, valuable).

A letter is written in an unstressed position -e-: dance, strain, calico. Exceptions: clatter and its derivatives .

A number of foreign words in which it is written -O-: duke, palazzo, intermezzo, scherzo, zoisite.

Exercises on -i-/-s-

We looked at the first part of the topic “Vowels after sibilants and -ts-" The words below will help reinforce the material covered. Find the "uninvited guest" with the error.

  1. Tsekotuha, duchess, tsetse, face.
  2. Gypsy, tut, revolution, sister.
  3. Life, cycle, tire, chicken.
  4. Pike, nonsense, Jules Verne, julienne.
  5. More often, thicker, thicker, nimble.

Answer: 1) clatter, 2) revolution, 3) chicken, 4) pike, 5) thicket.

Vowels -о-, -е- in suffixes and inflections

We continue to explore the spelling of vowels after sibilants and -ts-. Use -o-, -e- depends on the part of speech and morpheme.

In suffixes and inflections of nouns and adjectives:

  • under stress should be used -O- (girl, brocade, hook, key, fighter);
  • in unstressed position we write -e- (padlock, plush, comrade, finger).

The exception is nouns with the suffix -yor: fitter, trainee.

  • under stress we use -O-(hot);
  • in an unstressed syllable we put -e- (burningly).

Remember that the participle has no inflection because it is an unchangeable part of speech. Here -O- And -e- act as suffixes.

The vowels -o-, -e- are at the root of the word

Let's delve into the topic “Vowels after -ts- and sibilants.” After -ch-, -sch-, -f-, -sh- at the root under the stress it is written -e-, if we can find a cognate word with -e-.

For example: whisper - whisper, cheap - cheaper, count - count, walked - walked.

If such a word cannot be found, we use -O-.

For example: rustle, clink glasses, prim.

But in practice this rule is difficult to use. We cannot always be sure that we have checked all related words. So you just need to remember the spelling.

Vowels in verbs and verbal words

It is possible to use at the endings of verbs -e- or -e-.

  • The letter is written in the stressed position -e- (bakes, flows, protects).
  • In unstressed position you should write -e-(waves, jumps).

The rule applies to verbal nouns and participles.

  • We use stress -e- (overnight, stew, armed).
  • Without accent - -e-(weighted, built).

About her Linguists have different opinions. Often a letter e replaced in writing by e. Therefore, in this case, vowels in verbal words are more a matter of correct pronunciation.

Note! Rechovka- non-verbal noun with stress -O-. Overnight- verbal noun with stress -e-.

Words should be distinguished burnt(verb) and burn(noun) , set fire(verb) and arson(noun) .


In the following words, vowels are inserted correctly after -ts- and hissing. Find the "outsider" from the other rule.

  1. Burn, stew, flow, whisper.
  2. Raincoat, girl, hot, boot.
  3. Erected, cries, month, whispers.
  4. Cucumbers, Sinitsyn, well done, well done.
  1. Whisper- a noun, the rest of the words are a verb and verbal forms.
  2. Hot- adverb with suffix-o-, the rest of the words are nouns.
  3. month - noun, the rest of the words are verb and verbal forms.
  4. Tsyts- an exception to the rule.

Use vowels correctly after -ts- and hissing.

Burnt, slum, river, stuffed cabbage, furious, chocolate, highway, flowing, ts_kada, yellow, jumping, wants, peas, finger, sun, cucumber, condensed milk, on ts_buds, conductor, night.

Answer: burn, slum, river, cabbage rolls, enraged, chocolate, highway, flowing, cicada, yellow, jumping, wants, peas, finger, sun, cucumber, condensed milk, tiptoe, conductor, overnight.

Choose examples to match the spelling.

  1. Stressed vowel in the suffix of nouns.
  2. A vowel after a sibilant at the root of a word.
  3. An unstressed vowel in an adverb suffix.
  4. Vowel after sibilants in participles.
  5. An unstressed vowel after sibilants in a verb.
  6. And/s after -ts-- an exception to the rule.

Whispers, less often, more, gypsy, editor, highway, alarmed, silk, ring, burning, on tiptoe, waving, disheveled, yellow.

  • editor, ring;
  • highway, silk, yellow;
  • less often, more, more intensely;
  • alarmed, disheveled;
  • whispers, waves;
  • gypsy, on tiptoe.

We studied the spelling of vowels after sibilants and -ts-. In general, the rules are not complicated, but writing requires a thoughtful approach. Two similar words can often be spelled differently simply because of stress or different origins of the words.
