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Quotes from the great and famous about life, love, money, success, dreams and much more.

Quotes from the great and famous about life, love, money, success, dreams and much more.

 Rumi - aphorisms, catchphrases, phrases, sayings, sayings, quotes, thoughts Aphorisms, quotes, sayings of Rumi

  • Mevlana Jalaleddin Muhammad Rumi was born on September 30, 1207, Balkh, Afghanistan. An outstanding Persian poet - Sufi. Died December 17, 1273, Konya, Türkiye.
  • Aphorisms, quotes, sayings of Rumi
  • Love is the astrolabe of truth.
  • Die before you die. Be born while you're still alive.
  • Repeating someone else's words does not mean understanding their meaning.
  • When wise men teach a fool, they throw the crops into salt licks.
  • May retribution strike with disaster those who pay for friendship with enmity.
  • Make friends with smart people, because a fool friend is sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.
  • And the heat of the day will not scorch the one who is tempered in proud patience.
  • This earth is not dust, it is a vessel full of blood, the blood of lovers.
  • And no matter how you darn, the next day there will be a hole wider than yesterday.
  • The body is our veil in this world: we are like the sea hidden under a straw.
  • Without your speeches the soul would not have ears, without your ears the soul would not have a tongue.
  • Do not look for our grave in the ground after death - look for it in the hearts of enlightened people.
  • In the mirror, as you know, everything is the other way around. But without him we would never see ourselves.
  • Being a precious silk fabric, man became a patch on worn-out clothes.
  • As soon as Allah asked the people: “Am I not your Lord?” – I instantly comprehended his law! I've been in love for a long time.
  • O man, you do not know the value of your own soul, since out of His bounty Allah gave it to you without payment.
  • Only when a person finds himself deprived of external existence, like winter, is there hope that a new spring will arise in him.
  • In the slaughterhouse of love, only the best are killed, Not the weak, the ugly and the unlucky. There is no need to be afraid of such a death. Killed not by love? You know, he lived like carrion!
  • You seek pleasure in sweet things - what an absurdity! After all, you are a sea of ​​comprehension hidden in a drop of dew, you are the Universe hidden in a body one and a half meters long.
  • If the secret of the universe were to reveal itself during a sigh, you would realize the nonsense of this life, killing yourself in the blink of an eye. But drunk with yourself, in eternal darkness, you are doomed to doze until the wine of the prophet awakens in the destroyed tavern.

The outstanding poet Rumi, also known as Mawlana, inspired by the ideas of Sufism, created magnificent works of oriental poetry. Over the centuries, his poems and sayings continue to touch the soul of millions of people around the world, inspiring love and faith. Here are 30 of Rumi's most inspiring quotes.

2. Beyond the ideas of right and wrong actions there is a field. I'll meet you there.

3. If every hair of mine became a tongue, I wouldn’t express even a fraction of gratitude!

4. My religion is Love. Every heart is my temple.

5. Without your speeches the soul would not have ears, without your ears the soul would not have a tongue.

6. When the world brings you to your knees, you are in the perfect position to pray.

7. You, wise one, first know the essence of things, do not trust deceptive appearances.

8. What you are looking for is also looking for you.

9. Watch God open the door. Why are you immersed in a thought that closes this door?

10. What seems like a stone to an ordinary person is a pearl to someone who knows.

11. Without being awake in heart, you and I will hardly achieve what we passionately dreamed of.

12. The Almighty answers in three ways. He says yes and gives you what you wanted. Says “no” and gives what is best. He says “be patient” and gives the best.

13. He who has great love has a great test.

14. Let the heart be the eye. And with this eye you will see a different world.

15. You will become what your aspirations are directed towards, for “a bird flies with the help of its wings, but a believer flies with his aspirations.”

16. Be who you are. Or be what you appear to be.

17. Instead of lying or deceiving, keep silence - you will hear the sound of wondrous music!

18. If you cleanse your heart of rust, prayers will reach any height.

19. The wound is the place through which light enters you.

20. Why do you knock on every other person's door? Go and knock on the door of your own heart.

21. Always add a word of gratitude to any phrase - “if God wills” - then go.

22. They say that there is a door that opens the passage from heart to heart, but what is the use of a door if there are no walls?

23. Why are you in prison when the doors are so wide open?

24. In you there is the presence of that which will exist when these stars are no more.

25. Bare branches, seeming to sleep in winter, secretly work, preparing for their spring.

26. This world is mountains, and our actions are screams: the echo of our scream in the mountains always returns to us.

27. And with the thought that is born in the hearts, one can plunge a hundred worlds into dust.

28. Die before you die. Be born while you're still alive.

29. As soon as you accept the misfortune sent, the gates of heaven will open before you.

30. Everything other than God leads you astray.

Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Jalal ad-Din Rumi was born in 1207 in Balkh, located in modern Afghanistan. His father Baha Walad, a jurist and Sufi, traced his spiritual lineage to Ahmed Ghazali, brother of the more famous Muhammad Ghazali and mentor of famous Sufis. As a jurist and Sufi, Baha Walad was a recognized authority in both the exoteric sciences associated with Sharia (Divine Law) and in the esoteric knowledge related to tariqa (the path of spiritual perfection). Rumi followed the path of spiritual improvement under his guidance.
In 1240, Rumi became the spiritual mentor of the population of Konya. He became widely known as an expert on Sharia law and at the same time continued to engage in spiritual practice as a Sufi. By this time, notes S. H. Nasr, Rumi had become a true master of Sufism. However, outwardly, Rumi's life, despite his spiritual achievements, remained the life of a venerable jurist with all the attributes of this high position.
The turning point occurred in 1244, when the mysterious Shams ad-Din Tabrizi appeared in Konya. The influence of Shams ad-Din Tabrizi was decisive in transforming Rumi from a sober jurist into an intoxicated admirer of the mysteries of Divine Love. It can be said that without Shams ad-Din there would have been no Rumi. For a year or two, Shams ad-Din was inseparable from Rumi, and then, to the latter’s great disappointment, he unexpectedly left Konya. Rumi managed to convince him to return, but soon, around 1247, Shams ad-Din disappeared again, this time forever. Numerous ghazals are dedicated to him - love poems of the “Divan”, which bears his name. In most of these poems, Shams al-Din embodies the image of the Divine Beloved, the Divine Sun, reflected in the perfect saint. Although these lines glorify the perfection of the teacher, in reality Rumi is talking about the mysteries of his union with God and the high level of spiritual perfection that such union implies.

About Divine Love

Creations are set in motion by Love,
Love - Beginningless Eternity;
the wind dances due to the rotation of the celestial spheres,
the trees sway due to the wind. (Sofa)

God said to Love:
“If not for the sake of beauty, then for what else did I pay attention to the mirror of existence?”

The world is like a mirror, demonstrate -
destroying the perfection of Love.
O friends! Who has ever seen a part be larger than the whole?

Love is the core, peace is the shell; Love is sweet candy, peace is a candy wrapper.

Like Adam and Eve, Love gives life to a thousand forms; the world is full of her arts, but has no form.

O Love, which has a thousand names and a cup of sweet wine!
O You who bestow a thousand arts! O formless One, possessed of a thousand forms!
O Giving shape to the Turk, the Greek or the Ethiopian!

If not for pure Love, then why would I give existence to the heavenly spheres? I created the celestial wheel so that you can understand the delight of love...

The king whispered secret words into everyone's ear - into everyone's soul.
He sent various messages. War between creatures, hatred between the living - He pacifies them every minute:
That is a wonderful friend! He spoke tender and joyful words to the rose, thereby making her laugh.
He made a subtle remark to the cloud, and she burst into tears.
He told the rose: “The best thing is to rejoice.”
He told the cloud: “The best thing is to cry!” No one takes the advice of another.
He said to the branch: “Dance!”
leaves - “Clap!”
to heaven - “Revolve around earthly palaces!”

That world is like an ocean, this one is like foam. Almighty God wanted to keep the foam in order, which is why He made some people turn their backs to the ocean to maintain the foam...

If you do not see the hidden River, see how the water wheels of the stars constantly rotate.

The skies are white, knowing no peace, driven by Love,
You, heart, do not demand rest - be a whirling star.

How wonderful is the surah about Love;
Before Love
four holy books
Not worth even one verse.

Convictions of the law
Lasts only until death;
Science of Love
Has no end.

Love has come
and flows through the veins,
like blood under my skin.
She emptied me of my self
and filled me with the Beloved. Beloved penetrated
into every cell of my body.
All that's left of me is my name,
everything else is Him.

As soon as Love opened her arms to embrace me, the thought flew away.

Clear your chest of thoughts
and imagination! Quit the grass and contemplate the Meadow!

Enough thought! Enough is enough, because every minute she says to you: “Oh, I wonder what happened to that one? Oh, what should I do? Where is this or that?” (Sofa)

Cleanse your heart from melancholy, for it is the home of His Image!
The image of him deceiving the Idol is very skillful.

The home of my heart is empty, free from desire, like heaven. There is no other matter in it than Love for God, no inhabitants except the image of Union with Him.
I have cleansed the house of good and evil - my house is full of Love for One.

Don't think about anyone other than the Creator of thought! It is better to see the thoughts of the Beloved than to think about bread. (Sofa)

Every time you entrust your heart to a thought, something internally will be taken away from you.

Parable of the ant
who is satisfied
with one single grain, dragging it from there,
where there are many grains

Poor ant one grain
It drags from the heap, where there is plenty of grain.

And his work is so hard and persistent,
That he doesn’t even see the rest of the grains.

Master of the current, experienced sage,
Looking at the thief, he thinks: “Blind!

You, clinging your soul to a trifle,
You don’t see the abundance in my current.”

So many of us are caught in deception
They cannot comprehend the wisdom of Soleyman,

Blinded by a small speck of dust,
We see neither the sun nor the moon.

Meanwhile, any creature is just an eye,
To see the Truth at happy hour.

Translation by N.Grebnev

Life without love has no meaning Love is the water of life, Drink it with both heart and soul

Life without love has no meaning
Love is the water of life,
Drink it with both heart and soul.

What does the mystery of hearts look like?
To the abyss, where you will see your end...
You will disappear like a speck of dust in Him,
When you understand why we live here...

Every pain brings healing.
Ask the toughest question! and look...
The beautiful answer will be reborn from within!
Build a ship... and the Ocean will come in an instant!

Your mind is unable to comprehend Nothingness.
Love is a sea of ​​worldly oblivion.
Between the fact that there is power and service - She!
The Lover's Path is an abyss without a bottom...

If you didn't take off, who broke your wings?
And who at that moment you didn’t recognize in yourself...

He who has seen through the Truth knows no compulsion.
He serves Us as the Desire of eternal burning.

This world is like a Tree, but we are
Unripe, growing fruits...

Coming to the Truth! Don't get stuck on the Path.
Do not turn the Spiritual Gift into a frozen paradise.

Know, constant, who is free from the clock,
A liberated spirit knows no fetters.
And for those who know Time, life is patience.
There is only one way to leave slavery, through frenzy...

He who is naked is afraid to change his clothes,
He who is poor is in a hurry to protect his wealth.
The worldly man owns nothing
Only death explains to him what, why...
The rich man finds out that he has no gold with him,
And the smart one will understand that talent is light...

When you forget about your own self,
That happiness will find you with love.

Sew up your eyes, let your heart become your eye.
And with this eye you will see a different world.

An ignorant person does not see the beauty of a rose, but clings to its thorns.

What you are looking for is also looking for you.

Repeating someone else's words does not mean understanding their meaning.

Make friends with smart people, because each other is a fool
Sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.

In the slaughterhouse of love, only the best are killed
Not weak, ugly and unlucky
There is no need to be afraid of such a death
Killed not by love? You know, he lived like carrion!

Try not to resist the changes that come into your life.
Instead, let life live through you. And don't worry about it turning upside down. How do you know that the life you are used to is better than the one that will come?

The worst loneliness is to remain among those who do not understand you.

Find the sweetness in your heart
Then you can find the sweetness in everyone's heart.

When wise men teach a fool,
They throw the crops into salt licks,
And no matter how you darn - wider than yesterday,
Tomorrow there will be a hole of nonsense.

Why do you knock on every stranger's door?
Go and knock on the door of your own Heart.

This world is mountains, and our actions are screams:
the echo of our scream in the mountains always comes back to us.

A smart person wants to control himself, but a child wants sweets.

Someone asked me: what is this knowledge that I speak of and how to feel the love that I mention.
I answered: if you don’t know, what should I say? And if you know, what should I say?

Every loss is a gain. Every gain is a loss.

Your job is not to look for love, but only to look for and find barriers
inside yourself, the very ones that you erected to hide from it.

I died as a mineral and became a plant,
I died as a plant and rose to become an animal.
I died like an animal and I became a Man.
What should I be afraid of?
When have I suffered the loss of dying?

Silence is the language of God, everything else is a poor translation.

So the truth is like the depth of the sea,
Sometimes parables are not visible under the foam.

If one day you find yourself in great trouble, do not turn to the Almighty with the words: “Oh Almighty, I am in great trouble.” Tell trouble: “I have a Great Supreme One.”

And as for the thought - from her game
Sometimes entire worlds depend.

I lived on the edge of madness. Wanting to know the reasons, he knocked on the door.
It opened. I was knocking from inside!

What seems like a stone to an ordinary person is a pearl to someone who knows.

You love yourself, admiring yourself,
You are protected from me by a strong wall,
You yourself are that barrier, you yourself are that barrier.

Without being awake in heart, you and I can hardly
Let's achieve what we passionately dreamed of.

This Persian poet is less famous in our country than Nizami, Avicenna, Saadi or Khayyam, although undeservedly. Rumi Jalaluddin had the opportunity to become famous in various fields, he achieved success in Islamic theology, jurisprudence and Sufi mysticism. Many of his scientific works had a huge impact on the culture of the ancient Middle East due to the ability of this outstanding man to destroy established barriers, the ability to look at life from an unusual angle and have his own opinion on a variety of issues that concern humanity today.

The fate of the poet

Rumi (Mevlana) was born into the family of the famous Persian lawyer, theologian and preacher Behaeddin in 1207. The father of the future poet had to flee persecution for his free-thinking views, from which we can conclude that the ability and desire for free-thinking was inherited by his son. However, the young man grew up inquisitive and received an excellent education, and not only the humanities (legal and theosophical), he also studied the exact sciences.

Rumi's worldview was formed under the influence of Islamic religious doctrine; he firmly believed in the immortality of the soul, and defined atheism with the rather crude word “bestiality.”

Literary heritage

After his father's death (1231), the poet took over his position as court scholar. Years of wandering, the disorder of Iranian social life and other circumstances finally made him a Sufi pantheist, which led to a conflict with the clergy.

Rumi did not leave very many literary works (but also quite a few; over fifty thousand couplets are included in just one of his didactic poems), and all of them, of course, deserve the reader’s attention. In his poems, philosophical and ascetic ideas and frank eroticism, characteristic of other poets of the East, peacefully coexist. Below are 20 quotes that give some insight into Rumi's work. Perhaps they will arouse interest and encourage someone to read his poems in more detail.

Poetry and prose

“You won’t find your love anywhere.

She's in you all the time"

“Fly through the secret skies, when clothes fly off in an instant,

Firstly, to escape from life,

The second is to walk without feeling the ground.

This is love!

“You don’t need to look for love,

But just find the barriers

Inside themselves, interfering with her"

"And a thousand half-lovers are not worth

Only one truly loving heart"

“No matter how much we strive to describe and explain love, we are ashamed of our words when we fall in love.”

“Love is only a bridge between us and everything else”

“If you haven't found me in yourself, you'll never find me. For I have been with you from the very beginning"

“Words can explain a lot, but they make love even more inexplicable.”

“The mind is powerless to express love”

“Only with a heart can you touch the sky”

“Let the beauty of your love be the beauty of your deeds”

"I am yours. Don't let me come back to you"

“When I’m with you, I can’t sleep all night.

And without you I can’t sleep either.

Thank God for these two insomnias,

And the difference between them"

Recognize you when they see you around the corner.

Inhale your scent

Entering the palace you abandoned.

A light gait with the clicking of heels...

To know your lips, even just a little,

When I lean over to kiss you.

I want to feel the thrill of my heart,

When you whisper to me “more!”

“From your light I will learn to love,

Your beauty is like writing poetry.

You dance in my chest, where no one sees us,

But sometimes art is visible"

“Farewells for those who love with their eyes.

For those who love with heart and soul, there is no parting."

“Only two will never get enough,”

Lover of women and lover of knowledge"

“Wherever you are and whatever you do, always love!”

“Allow yourself to be at the mercy of a strange craving

To what you really love.

By allowing, you will never get lost."

“There is a place between the righteous and the sinful.

I'll wait for you there"
