reading material (grade 3) on the topic. Quiz on Krylov's fables

reading material (grade 3) on the topic.  Quiz on Krylov's fables


Lesson type
Lesson format: quiz.
Lesson Methods

Age category: 5th grade

- Literature.
- Literature. 5th grade. Textbook-reader for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock /Aut.-state. M.A. Snezhnevskaya and others - M.: Mnemozina, 2011
— Lesson planning based on literature. 5th grade: Methodological manual for textbooks by Korovina V.Ya., Kurdyumova T.F. and others. “Literature. 5th grade.” /O.B. Belomestnykh. - M.: Publishing house "VAKO", 2002
- Handout;
— technical training aids

Visual aids :
— handouts: cards with fable texts;
— visual clarity “Lesson presentation”





  1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.


III . Quiz.

1) Warm-up competition.

- Name the heroine who saw her image in the mirror. (Monkey)
— Who had both the table and the house ready for winter under the leaf? (at Dragonfly)
— Who “wants to get into big bullies” without a fight? (Pug)
—Who was “led through the streets as if for a show”? (Elephant)
- What color was summer for the dragonfly? (Red)
— What type of tree was the crow perched on? (Spruce)
-What captivated the fox? (Cheese spirit)
—What was the first part of the crow’s body that the fox admired? (Neck)

2) Contest“Bulletin board” (Slide 2)

Read the announcements. Which of the fable heroes could they belong to? Name what fable this hero is from.


4) "Captains Competition"

Execution time - 5 minutes.


Naughty Monkey,

Yes, clubfooted Mishka

They fight, but it makes no sense.

“Stop, brothers, stop! - Monkey shouts.-


I, the prima, will sit opposite the second.

Wolf at the kennel

I ended up at the kennel.

They run: another with a club,

Other with ______________.

Wolf and Lamb

But we don't write history;

And something bad must happen,

5) “I know you”

Everyone is not fit to be musicians. ("Quartet")

Things won't go well for them. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

The swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

We'll probably get along,
Let's sit next to each other. ("Quartet")

Tearing up a pile of manure,
The rooster found a grain of pearl. ("The Rooster and the Grain of Pearls")

6) “Rebuses” (Slide 13)

I stand firm and straight.

8) “Larchik” (Slide 15-20)

This chest contains various items. You must remember which hero they belong to and which fable this hero is from.

acorns-pig"Pig under the oak"

piece of cheese - Vorone “The Crow and the Fox”

plate of fish soup-Demyanu "Demyanov's fish soup"

violin-monkey “Quartet”

a bunch of grapes - I wanted to get the Fox “The Fox and the Grapes”

9) “Homework”

During the lessons you became acquainted with the genre of fables. We read a lot of fables by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. And now, I think it’s time to find out what kind of fabulists you are. We check your homework.

10) Summing up the lesson.

IV . (Slide 21).

Teacher. In 1855, a bronze monument to the great fabulist was erected in the Summer Garden of St. Petersburg. Krylov is depicted sitting in a chair, thoughtful. On each side of the high pedestal there are bas-relief images of characters from Krylov's most famous fables. The monument was built with money collected throughout Russia. Such is people's love!

Question for the class

Teacher. Indeed, in our lives we constantly encounter well-known Krylov characters. Still among us are the Crow and the Fox, the Swan, the Cancer and the Pike, the would-be musicians the Monkey, the Donkey, the Goat and the club-footed Bear. And if you look closely, we will discover some shortcomings in ourselves. After all, there are no people without shortcomings, and now, as in the old days, intelligence coexists with stupidity, hard work with laziness, modesty with boasting, talent with mediocrity. I really hope that Krylov’s moral teachings will help you become a better person.

Poem by P. Vyazemsky (Slide 22):

He corrected people with fun,
Sweeping away the dust of vices;
He glorified himself with fables,
And this glory is our reality.
And they won’t forget this one,
While they speak Russian,
We confirmed it a long time ago,
Her grandchildren will confirm it.

How do you understand the lines?
Do you agree with the author?

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"Lesson-quiz "Experts of Grandfather Krylov's fables""

Quiz: “Experts of Grandfather Krylov’s fables” in 5th grade

The purpose of the quiz lesson:

Summarize and systematize the children’s knowledge about the fable as a literary genre and the fables of I. A. Krylov;

Planned educational results


    check students' knowledge of the fable as a genre of literature.

    check your knowledge of the texts of the studied fables by I.A. Krylov, the ability to find the moral of a fable, the skills of expressive reading of fables.


    development of speech and creative thinking of students;

    formation of communicative competence (formation of the ability to interact in collective activities, development of students’ skills such as expressive reading and the ability to construct their own oral statements).


* ability to work quickly and harmoniously in a group, self-control;

    nurturing interest in classical literature.

Lesson type : combined, generalizing.
Lesson format: quiz.
Lesson Methods : verbal, visual, creative activity, explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partially search.
Form of organization of educational activities : individual, group, collective.
Age category : 5th grade

- Literature.
- Literature. 5th grade. Textbook-reader for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock /Aut.-state. M.A. Snezhnevskaya and others - M.: Mnemozina, 2011
- Lesson planning based on literature. 5th grade: Methodological manual for textbooks by Korovina V.Ya., Kurdyumova T.F. and others. “Literature. 5th grade.” /O.B. Belomestnykh. – M.: Publishing house “VAKO”, 2002
- Handout;
- technical training aids

Visual aids :
- handouts: cards with fable texts;
- visual clarity “Lesson Presentation”

Equipment : cards with texts of works, works by I.A. Krylov, computer, projector.

Decor: portrait of I.A. Krylov, illustrations for fables, exhibition of books by I.A. Krylov.

Educational technologies used: computer presentation for the lesson.


I love where there is an opportunity to pinch vices.


Organizational structure of the lesson:

    Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

The teacher's introductory speech, which states the purpose of the lesson, the form of work, and the rules of the game.

Guys, a few lessons ago we got acquainted with the work of the wonderful Russian fabulist I.A. Krylov.

II . A word about the fabulist I.A. Krylov.

February 14 marks the 245th anniversary of the birth of I.A. Krylov. He left us a legacy of more than 200 fables, imbued with satirical sharpness, bright and apt language. They exposed social and human vices. N.V. Gogol called Krylov’s fables “... the book of wisdom of the people themselves.” And today we have to remember and consolidate the knowledge gained.

III . Quiz. Two teams participate in the quiz.

1) Warm-up competition.

Name the heroine who saw her image in the mirror. (Monkey)
- Who had both the table and the house ready for winter under the leaf? (at Dragonfly)
- Who “wants to get into big bullies” without a fight? (Pug)
-Who was “led through the streets as if for a show”? (Elephant)
- What color was summer for the dragonfly? (Red)
- What type of tree was the crow perched on? (Spruce)
-What captivated the fox? (Cheese spirit)
- What was the first part of the crow’s body that the fox admired? (Neck)

2) Contest“Bulletin board” (Slide 2)

- Read the advertisements. Which of the fable heroes could they belong to? Name what fable this hero is from.

Answers: Monkey “Monkey and Glasses”, 2. Dragonfly “Dragonfly and Ant”, 3. Rooster or Cuckoo “Cuckoo and Rooster”, 4. Crow “Crow and Fox”

3) Competition “Picture Gallery” (Slides 3-12)

Task: guess which fable the illustration belongs to. Slides with illustrations for the fable are shown on the screen.

4) "Captains Competition"

For the competition, the teacher prepares cards; text of the fable with missing words (equal in number) for each team.

Task: restore the texts of I. Krylov’s fables by filling in the missing words.

Execution time – 5 minutes.

Scoring: 1 point for each correctly inserted word.


Naughty Monkey,

Yes, clubfooted Mishka

Play Quartet.

We got sheet music, bass, viola, two violins

And they sat down on the meadow under _____________,-

Captivate the world with your art.

In the bows,

They fight, but it makes no sense.

“Stop, brothers, stop! - Monkey shouts.-


How the music should go! After all, you are not so __________.

You and the bass, Mishenka, sit opposite__________,

I, the prima, will sit opposite the second.

Wolf at the kennel

The wolf at night, thinking of getting into the sheepfold,

I ended up at the kennel.

Suddenly the whole _______________ yard rose up.

Smelling gray so close to the bully,

The dogs are flooded in the barns and are rushing to __________;

The hounds shout: “Wow, guys, thief!” -

And instantly ________________ for constipation;

In a minute _____________ became hell.

They run: another with a club,

Other with ______________.

Wolf and Lamb

The strong always have ________________ to blame:

We hear countless examples of this in history.

But we don't write history;

But this is what they say in fables.

A lamb on a hot day ___________ to the stream to drink;

And something bad must happen,

That there is a hungry ____________ Wolf near those places.

He sees a lamb and strives for the prey;

But, to give the matter at least a legal look and feel,

______________: “How dare you, impudent one, use an unclean snout

There's pure turbidity here __________

5) “I know you”

Based on the passages, determine which fable they are taken from.

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,
Everyone is not fit to be musicians. ("Quartet")

The crow croaked at the top of its lungs. ("A Crow and a fox")

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

The swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

You are gray, and I, my friend, am gray. ("Wolf in the kennel")

The powerful always have the powerless to blame. (“The Wolf and the Lamb”)

And Vaska listens and eats. ("The Cat and the Cook")

We'll probably get along,
Let's sit next to each other. ("Quartet")

Tearing up a pile of manure,
The rooster found a grain of pearl. ("The Rooster and the Grain of Pearls")

6) "Rebuses"(Slide 13)

Answers: 1. Dragonfly “Dragonfly and Ant”, 2. Pug “Elephant and Pug”, 3. Cuckoo “Cuckoo and Rooster”, 4. Pike “Swan, Pike and Crayfish”

7) Playing with the audience (Slide 14)

Assignment: in an excerpt from Krylov’s fable “The Oak and the Reed,” the author used 32 letters of the Russian alphabet. Find the missing letter. (b)

It’s not just the sun that I block the rays of,

But, laughing at both whirlwinds and thunderstorms,

I stand firm and straight.

As if surrounded by an inviolable peace.

Everything is a storm to you - everything seems like marshmallows to me.

Even if you grew in a circle,

Covered in the thick shadow of my branches,

I could be your protection from bad weather;

But nature has assigned Brega, the stormy Aeolian domain, to your destiny.

Of course, she doesn’t care about you at all.

8) “Larchik” (Slide 15-20)

– This chest contains various items. You must remember which hero they belong to and which fable this hero is from. (The teacher displays objects one by one from the “chest”. The students’ task is to name the hero and the fable.)

acorns-pig“Pig under the oak tree”

piece of cheese – Vorone “The Crow and the Fox”

plate of fish soup for Demyan "Demyanov's fish soup"

violin-monkey “Quartet”

a bunch of grapes – I wanted to get the Fox “The Fox and the Grapes”

9) “Homework”

– During the lessons you became acquainted with the genre of fables. We read a lot of fables by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. And now, I think it’s time to find out what kind of fabulists you are. We check your homework.

10) Summing up the lesson.

Announcement of the results of the competition between two teams.

IV .Final speech from the teacher . (Slide 21).

Teacher. In 1855, a bronze monument to the great fabulist was erected in the Summer Garden of St. Petersburg. Krylov is depicted sitting in a chair, thoughtful. On each side of the high pedestal there are bas-relief images of characters from Krylov’s most famous fables. The monument was built with money collected throughout Russia. Such is people's love!

Question for the class . What do Krylov’s fables teach us?

Teacher . Indeed, in our lives we constantly encounter well-known Krylov characters. Still among us are the Crow and the Fox, the Swan, the Cancer and the Pike, the would-be musicians the Monkey, the Donkey, the Goat and the club-footed Bear. And if you look closely, we will discover some shortcomings in ourselves. After all, there are no people without shortcomings, and now, as in the old days, intelligence coexists with stupidity, hard work with laziness, modesty with boasting, talent with mediocrity. I really hope that Krylov’s moral teachings will help you become a better person.

Poem by P. Vyazemsky (Slide 22):

He corrected people with fun,
Sweeping away the dust of vices;
He glorified himself with fables,
And this glory is our reality.
And they won’t forget this one,
While they speak Russian,
We confirmed it a long time ago,
Her grandchildren will confirm it.

How do you understand the lines?
Do you agree with the author?

Do you like I. Krylov’s fables and why?

Dear guys, if you want to improve your literature grades, I suggest you answer the questions in this quiz, compiled by you yourself.

Quiz on Krylov's fables:

1. Which fable contains the following words: “The cart is still there”

A) Monkey and glasses

B) Wolf in the kennel

B) Swan, crayfish and pike

D) Demyan's ear

2. Who did Moska bark at?

B) To the lion

D) On the elephant

3. What is the Lamb’s fault in the fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”?

A) In the fact that he muddied the waters for the wolf

B) The fact that the wolf wants to eat

B) In waking up the wolf

D) In ​​scaring the wolf

4. Continue the sentence from the fable: “The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies and sewing boots...”

A) Pie Man

B) Ice cream maker

B) Janitor

D) Road worker

5. Where did the crow land with a piece of cheese?

A) On a stump

B) On a branch

D) On a tree

6. Where did the cunning wolf go in the fable “The Wolf in the Kennel”?

A) On the run

D) Into negotiations

7. “How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future, and a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.” What fable is this moral from?

A) Crow and grapes

B) Crow and fox

B) Pig under the oak tree

D) Wolf in the kennel

8. “Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster?”

A) Because he is beautiful

B) Because he praises the Cuckoo

B) Because he is her friend

D) Because he helped her

9. What did Dragonfly do in the summer?

A) I was swimming

B) Helped Ant

D) Flew to my sister

10. “It often happens to us

And work and wisdom to see there,

Where you just have to guess

It’s easy to get down to business.” What work is this moral from?

A) Dragonfly and ant

B) Passers-by and dogs

B) Wolf in the kennel

D) Chest

11. From what fable is this sentence: “They are trying their best, but the cart is still moving.”

A) Elephant and Moska

B) Swan, Cancer and Pike

B) Monkey and glasses

D) Chest

12. From which fable are the following words: “My dear, how beautiful!”

A) Elephant and Moska

B) Raven and Fox

B) Frog and Ox

D) Wolf and Lamb

13. From what fable are these words: “In the village, on a holiday under the window...”

B) Monkey and glasses

B) Dog friendship

D) Wolf at the Kennel

14. Who crawled towards the Ant from the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”?

A) Seal

B) Caterpillar

B) Dragonfly

15. Who pulled the cart under the water in I. A. Krylov’s fable “Swan, Cancer and Pike”?

B) Swan

16. What made the Pig fat in the fable “The Pig under the Oak”?

A) From the crows

B) From acorns

B) From sheep

D) From lambs

17. What was the fox holding in his mouth in the fable “The Crow and the Fox”?

B) Fox

B) Pig

D) Ritsky Edam (a type of cheese)

18. From what fable are these words: “They run: some with a club, others with a gun”?

A) Wolf and Crow

B) Pig under the Oak

20. From what fable are these words: “Where is it? What an empty thing! Isn’t it stupid that he is so highly regarded?”

A) Crow and Fox

B) Pig under the Oak

B) Rooster and pearl grain

D) The wolf and the lamb

21. To whom did the Wolf say these words: “How dare you, insolent one, muddy the pure drink here with your unclean snout”?

A) Pig

B) Dog

D) Lamb

22. Whom does I. A. Krylov make fun of in the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”?

B) Nobody

B) Ant

Note. Correct answers are marked with a “+” sign

Quiz for elementary school students with answers.

Quiz on the fables of I. A. Krylov

1. Who did Dragonfly ask to “feed and warm” her?

b) Anteater

c) Cockroach

d) Ant +

2. What fable had such a moral?

“It’s a disaster if a shoemaker starts baking pies, and a cake maker starts making boots, and things won’t go well.”

a) “Pig under the Oak”

b) “Swan, Pike and Cancer”

c) “Pike and Cat” +

d) “Pedestrians and Dogs”

3. Who said these words?

"Friends! Why all this fuss? I am your old matchmaker and godfather...”

a) Wolf (“Wolf in the kennel”) +

b) Rooster (“Cuckoo and Rooster”)

c) Pike (“Swan, Pike and Cancer”)

d) Leopard (“Lion and Leopard”)

4. Which characters undertook to carry luggage in one of I. A. Krylov’s fables?

a) Crow and Fox

b) Crow and Chicken

c) Swan, Cancer and Pike +

d) Frog and Ox

5. What fable is this passage from?

“Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! What if, sister, with such beauty, you are a master at singing...”?

a) “The Crow and the Fox” +

b) “Crow and Chicken”

c) “The Fox and the Marmot”

d) "Quartet"

6. What was the name of the dog that barked at the elephant?

a) Toska

b) Moska +

c) Doska

d) Amvroska

7. Who in I. A. Krylov’s fable didn’t know what to do with glasses?

a) Professor

c) Monkey +

d) Moska

8. Which animal is not the hero of the fable “Quartet”?

a) Monkey

9. What fable is this passage from?

"Even if the eye sees,

Yes, it hurts..."

a) “Swan, Pike and Cancer”

b) "Tit"

c) “Pedestrians and Dogs”

d) “The Fox and the Grapes” +

10. How many violins did the animals have in the fable “Quartet”?

d) four

11. What did the main character of the fable “Tit” want to do with the sea?

a) drink

b) buy

c) burn +

d) clean

12. What event that happened in Russia is discussed in the fable “The Wolf in the Kennel”?

a) about the Patriotic War of 1812 +

b) about the accession to the throne of Alexander I

c) about the birthday of Nicholas II

d) on the abolition of serfdom

13. Who did the Donkey offer to learn singing from in the fable “The Donkey and the Nightingale”?

a) at the canary

b) in a parrot

c) at the crow

Quiz on Krylov's fables.

1. Which fable contains the following words: “The cart is still there”

A) Monkey and glasses

B) Wolf in the kennel

B) Swan, crayfish and pike

D) Demyan's ear

2. Who did Moska bark at?

A) On the hedgehog

B) On the snake

B) To the lion

D) On the elephant

3. What is the Lamb’s fault in the fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”?

A) In the fact that he muddied the waters for the wolf

B) The fact that the wolf wants to eat

B) In waking up the wolf

D) In ​​scaring the wolf

4. Continue the sentence from the fable: “The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies and sewing boots...”

A) Pie Man

B) Ice cream maker

B) Janitor

D) Road worker

5. Where did the crow land with a piece of cheese?

A) On a stump

B) On a branch

B) On spruce

D) On a tree

6. Where did the cunning wolf go in the fable “The Wolf in the Kennel”?

A) On the run

B) In the corner

B) Into the forest

D) Into negotiations

7. “Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster?”

A) Because he is beautiful

B) Because he praises the Cuckoo

B) Because he is her friend

D) Because he helped her

8. What did Dragonfly do in the summer?

A) I was swimming

B) Helped Ant

B) Sang

D) Flew to my sister

9. “I know you.” What fable is this moral from? (connect the fable and the moral with an arrow)

“How many times have they told the world,

That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,

And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.” "Casket"

"Forward someone else's misfortune

Don’t laugh, Dove!”"A Crow and a fox"

“When there is no agreement among comrades,

Things won't go well for them,

And nothing will come out of it, only torment.”"Siskin and Dove"

“It often happens to us

And work and wisdom to see there,

Where you just have to guess

It’s easy to get down to business.”"Swan, Pike and Cancer"

10. From what fable is this sentence: “They are trying their best, but the cart is still moving.”

A) Elephant and Moska

B) Swan, Cancer and Pike

B) Monkey and glasses

D) Chest

11. From which fable are the following words: “My dear, how beautiful!”

A) Elephant and Moska

B) Raven and Fox

B) Frog and Ox

D) Wolf and Lamb

12. From what fable are these words: “Where is it? What an empty thing! Isn’t it stupid that they value him so highly?”

A) Crow and Fox

B) Pig under the Oak

B) Rooster and pearl grain

D) The wolf and the lamb

13 . "Larchik."

– The chest contains various items. You must remember which hero they belong to.

Mirror -

grain –

snare -

a piece of cheese -

acorns –

14. “Rebuses. Guess the name of the fable."

15. “Bulletin Board”

- Read the advertisements. Which of the fable heroes could they belong to?

16. “Who said such words?”

  • “My dear, how beautiful!

What a neck, what eyes!”

  • “Everyone just lied to me about the glasses;

But they are of no use for hair.”

  • "Friends! What's all this fuss about?

I, your old matchmaker and godfather..."

  • “Don’t leave me, dear godfather!

Let me gather my strength..."

  • “Wait!

How should the music go? That’s not how you sit.”

I. Krylov. Fables. Games, Competitions. Quizzes. Our people have long called the great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov Grandfather Krylov. At the foot of his monument in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, characters from his fables are depicted.

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"AND. Krylov. Fables. Games, Competitions. Quizzes."

Guessing competition.

The cards indicate the heroes of the fables. What fable heroes are encrypted here?

Answers: Fox, Donkey, Pug, Nightingale, Wolf, Ant, Dragonfly.

Game "Confusion". Guess what's mixed up here?

1).“The cheat approaches the shore on tiptoe, twirls his tail, and does not take his eyes off the cuckoo.”

2). “How, dear Kochetok, you sing loudly, it’s important!”

3).“One day Swan, Cancer and Pike harnessed a cart with luggage.”

4).“The crow barked at the top of his lungs.”

6). “Neighbor, stop being ashamed,” the grandmother tells her.”

(“He approaches the tree on tiptoe, twirls his tail, does not take his eyes off the crow”).

(“Dear Cockerel”).

(“Got it”).

(“Through the eyes”)

(“The crow cawed”).

(“Mongrel speaks”)



PURPOSE OF THE QUIZ: Summarizing students' knowledge about fables

I.A. Krylov, develop attention,

memory, cultivate love for


Our meeting is dedicated to the fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov. And today we will conduct a quiz called “Fables of Grandfather Krylov”

Rules for quiz participants. The presenters will ask you questions and give you various tasks. In order to answer, you need to raise your hand. Whoever raised his hand first is the one who answers. If the answer is incorrect, another student answers. For each correct answer you receive 1 point. Whoever scores the most points wins.

Our people have long called the great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov Grandfather Krylov. At the foot of his monument in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, characters from his fables are depicted.

Fables were written before Krylov, but Ivan Andreevich wrote fables so simply, intelligibly, in a popular way that everyone remembers them easily.

Many different animals appear in Krylov's fables. But under the guise of animals he portrayed people. Behind lions, foxes, and crows there are genuine human characters.

Every year in reading lessons you encounter Krylov’s fables and today we will find out who knows Ivan Krylov’s fables best.

The quiz begins!!!

Quiz on Krylov's fables.

1. Which fable contains the following words: “The cart is still there”

A) Monkey and glasses

B) Wolf in the kennel

B) Swan, crayfish and pike

D) Demyan's ear

2. Who did Moska bark at?

B) To the lion

D) On the elephant

3. Where did the crow land with a piece of cheese?

A) On a stump

B) On a branch

D) On a tree

4. “Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster?”

A) Because he is beautiful

B) Because he praises the Cuckoo

B) Because he is her friend

D) Because he helped her

5. What did Dragonfly do in the summer?

A) I was swimming

B) Helped Ant

D) Flew to my sister

6. What fable is this moral from? (connect the fable and the moral with an arrow)

“How many times have they told the world,

That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,

And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.”

"Forward someone else's misfortune

Don’t laugh, Dove!”

“When there is no agreement among comrades,

Things won't go well for them,

And nothing will come out of it, only torment.”

“It often happens to us

And work and wisdom to see there,

Where you just have to guess

It’s easy to get down to business.”

(“Casket”, “Crow and Fox”, “Siskin and Dove”, “Swan, Pike and Cancer”)

7. From what fable is this sentence: “They are trying their best, but the cart is still moving.”

A) Elephant and Moska

B) Swan, Cancer and Pike

B) Monkey and glasses

D) Chest

8. From which fable are the following words: “My dear, how beautiful!”

A) Elephant and Moska

B) Raven and Fox

B) Frog and Ox

D) Wolf and Lamb

9. The competition is called “Mysterious Animals”

Name the animals that are written here. All of them are heroes of I. A. Krylov’s fables.

K V O L wolf

P U H E T rooster

Y E V A R U M ant

G U B O L dove

Y S O L donkey

L S O N elephant

A C I S I L fox

L E Z O K goat

I SH K A M bear

A N O R O V crow


10 task. " Black box".

· In the box there is an object with which one could see “what kind of face is there”

· In the box there is an object, of which the heroine took out half a dozen.

· The fruit that the fox wanted to eat.


· A milk product that was lost by a representative of the raven family


So, guys, you have completed all the tasks of the competition program. At the same time, they showed very good knowledge of Krylov’s fables. But the best experts on fables turned out to be....... The floor is given to the members of the counting commission.

Krylov's fables do not lose relevance today. In his fables, Krylov ridiculed human shortcomings - cowardice, flattery and servility, unfair relationships between people.

Fable Fox and grapes

The hungry godfather Fox climbed into the garden;
The bunches of grapes in it were red.
The gossip's eyes and teeth flared up;
And the brushes are juicy, like yachts, burning;
The only problem is that they hang high:
Whenever and however she comes to them,
At least the eye sees
Yes, it hurts.
After wasting a whole hour,
She went and said with annoyance:
He looks good,
Yes it is green - no ripe berries:
You’ll set your teeth on edge right away.”

The fable was first published in 1808.
The author himself classifies it as a “translation or imitation.” Its plot dates back to antiquity and was used by Aesop. However, it is very close to the Russian folk proverbs “The eye sees, but the tooth is numb”, “Green grapes are not sweet.”

To blush is to become plump and blush in the sun.
Yakhont is a precious red gemstone, ruby.

Swan, Pike and Crayfish

when there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.

Once upon a time Swan, Crayfish and Pike
They began to carry a cart full of luggage,
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!

P the salary would seem easy for them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame and who is right is not for us to judge;
Yes, but things are still there.

The fable was first published in 1816. It expresses a skeptical attitude towards Alexander I.
Like the Quartet, it satirizes the troubles in the State Council. The reforms and committees initiated by Alexander I were unable to move the deeply bogged cart of autocracy.

The fable was interpreted as a response to the activities of the State Council, to disagreement between its members.
