Louise Hay table of diseases toothache. Teeth (psychosomatics)

Louise Hay table of diseases toothache.  Teeth (psychosomatics)

Everyone is familiar with toothache, because caries is the most common infection in the modern world. But pain is not always associated with the destruction of teeth and gums from pulpitis, gumboil, periodontitis and other manifestations of dental diseases.

If a completely healthy tooth suddenly hurts or you can’t get out of your chair, and the result is not pleasing, you should think about the deeper reasons that provoked such pain.

Teeth and psychosomatics

  • simplify eating and digestion;
  • perform a protective function. Children are especially aggressive in this regard: they begin to understand the world around them by trying everything;
  • play an aesthetic role: the standards of a “Hollywood smile” are an important feature of people’s attractiveness.

All of the listed physical aspects can also be classified as metaphysical: a person with strong teeth is able to protect himself, he chews and assimilates incoming information more easily.

If your teeth often bother you, from a psychosomatic point of view this means that you are not doing well with the assimilation of new ideas, thoughts and self-defense.

Michele Caffin, a world-famous French dentist, guided by her many years of experience, revealed that dental hygiene plays an important role in diagnosing the psychosomatic prerequisites for dental disease.

If the tooth in the right half of the upper row is sick, this means that you cannot decide on your purpose in this life. The left half of the upper teeth reminds you that you need to be more open to people in order to become yourself.

The lower dentition (right side) characterizes determination, a person’s ability to choose the right direction in life. The left half is responsible for the ability to build family relationships.

A wisdom tooth will hurt if a person has not laid a solid foundation for life. He is responsible for processing higher level information. It does not hurt everyone and not always, but only at the moment of spiritual growth, revaluation of values. By pulling out this tooth, we lose the ability to process such valuable information.

Psychosomatics of dental diseases

Dental problems have been studied at a subtle level by many famous experts - psychologists, doctors, parapsychologists, and traditional healers.

General problems

  • indecisive people who find it difficult to cope with new circumstances and who do not know how to analyze events experience such pain;
  • when we are unable to do something and cannot “bite” the enemy, defending our interests. Although, making decisions is more on the male side.

You may notice that specific people may have permanent problems with either their molars or their front teeth. Research on this issue by surgeon M. Kaffen is presented in the table.

Location of teethWhat does toothache symbolize?

The opportunity for self-realization, finding your place in this world.

Your inner worldview: feelings, wishes, emotionality, personality traits.

The opportunity to concentrate on the main thing, to navigate life.

The ability to get along with loved ones on a mental level. The dentition should be straight.

The place a person occupies next to his father and mother.

The place intended for father and mother in your life.

The right half of our body characterizes the relationship with the father. The pain of these teeth indicates conflict situations with it. The left half of the body reflects the relationship with the mother. It is important that they are harmonious.

Any deviations warn that it’s time to sort out your desires and move on to decisive action. Any everyday situations must be assessed objectively and, if necessary, seek help from specialists you trust. If you have a grudge against someone, it is better to switch to yourself in order to restore your self-defense abilities.

If your teeth are quickly worn out (erased enamel, short-lived fillings and crowns), then you are allowing yourself to be used by those around you. Such people like to criticize everyone (mentally), but this does not manifest itself outwardly; they prefer that everyone else change except themselves. Feel unconditional love for your loved ones and the tension in your relationship will disappear.

Sh. Shalila and B. Baginski in their work “Reiki - the universal energy of life” indicate such prerequisites for dental pathologies. Problems with the oral cavity signal that new impressions are not perceived by an ossified conservative who greets everything new with hostility. If you accept all new ideas with interest, your mouth will again be able to calmly accept food. Bad teeth are a sign of weak penetration power. You should not suppress healthy aggression, which can transform into creative energy, for fear of spoiling the impression of yourself and the relationships of people who place their hopes in you. It is important to remain honest with yourself.

Dr. O. Torsunov’s book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” describes the psychological background of dental pathologies as follows.

  1. Bone tissue grows stronger from our faith in ourselves, in the purity of our thoughts, in the firmness of our desires and actions. It will strengthen the defenses and increase efficiency; its absence suppresses vitality and provokes the development of infection.
  2. The core in character provides stability to the musculoskeletal system and teeth. Conformity has the opposite effect.
  3. Decent actions reduce the chances of getting inflammation; negligence and indiscriminateness in choosing the means to achieve a goal aggravates the picture.
  4. Meticulousness and pettiness lead to increased sensitivity of teeth.
  5. There is a concept of “ecology of thoughts”. If what we think about does not develop us, does not give us vitality, this is a program of self-destruction. A dirty, defiled mind creates all the conditions for inflammatory processes.
  6. A lost tooth is retribution for our mistakes, excessive cruelty to someone.

L. Hay's bestseller “Heal Yourself” draws attention to the negativity that provokes disease and the harmony that ensures healing. Long-term timidity and reluctance to analyze information in order to make the right decision spoil the dentition. If you are convinced that your actions are dictated by the principles of kindness, life will turn out well.

Video - Psychosomatics - illnesses from the mind, says Louise Hay

S. Lazarev describes the situation from the point of view of a parapsychologist in his work “Diagnostics of Karma”. He calls the main cause of illnesses a lack of love and warmth. If a person places money, power, or some material goods above unconditional love for God, which should not be a goal, but only a means to achieve divine love, feedback from the Universe is lost. In order to realize our mistakes and make the right decision, illnesses come to us in a variety of manifestations and other tests for spiritual growth.


L. Burbo describes the mental causes of gum disease: the patient is not able to realize his plans, he is afraid of failures and consequences. He cannot realize his desires, so he feels helpless. To remove the blocking, you need to understand whether the fears are justified. If there is a negative experience, this does not mean that the events should be repeated, because any failures make us stronger and wiser.

Sh. Shalila and B. Baginski describe the psychosomatic prerequisites for unhealthy gums as follows: gums are the basis of the dentition, if self-confidence helps you achieve your goals, then healthy gums are a guarantee of the ability to bite. If you don't have the courage to bite a tough nut, then you and your teeth are very vulnerable and sensitive. Only those who have learned to love themselves do not depend on other people’s opinions and are able to materialize their plans.

Louise Hay explains such defects by the inability to realize her own plans and lack of position in life. To achieve harmony, affirmations are useful: “I am decisive, I go to the end and support myself in everything.”

Bleeding gums

V. Zhikarentsev, in the bestseller “The Path to Freedom,” explains bleeding by negative attitudes, lack of joy in life, and dissatisfaction with one’s decisions. Any aggression causes the production of adrenaline, which impairs blood supply to blood vessels. Affirmations that lead to healing would be: “I am confident that everything in my life is reasonable, so I am calm.”

Bad smell

L. Burbo emphasizes that healthy teeth have no odor. It appears with caries, gastrointestinal disorders and other pathologies.

At the mental level, such a symptom speaks of pain, envy, hatred, anger towards oneself and others. Subconscious shame for bad intentions and thoughts kills a person. A bad smell allows you to keep everyone at a distance, although in fact, a person really needs them.

On a mental level, it is important to know whether a symptom is related to some disease. If everything is in order, then you need to reevaluate your attitude towards people and life in general. Sincere forgiveness heals any wounds. Get rid of helplessness and false shame, convince everyone that you are a pleasant person in all respects.

Sh. Shalila and B. Baginski believe that we breathe what our thoughts contain: if they are unpleasant, it means that our breathing has become bad. Control your thoughts, fill them with the constructive energy of love, and then your breath will clear and all complexes will go away.

Psychotherapist-homeopath Valery Sinelnikov wrote the bestseller “Love your illness” about psychosomatic problems. , in his opinion, is a signal that old thoughts have already completely “stank” and it’s time to replace them with fresh ones. If there was an unpleasant situation that caused a desire to take revenge for grievances, you need to change the “rotten” intentions to pleasant experiences. If past events bother you, part with them without regrets.

Wisdom teeth

If a “wise” tooth erupts with difficulty, L. Hay explains such problems by blocking consciousness, in which there is no foundation for the future. Affirmations will help harmonize life: “I open the door to my consciousness for a fulfilling life and personal growth.”

Sh. Shalila and B. Baginski talk about petrified aggressive intentions, frozen in stone in the teeth. If you solve problems in a timely and conscious manner, and don’t complicate your life by building up who knows what, they won’t be deposited in your mouth.

L. Bourbo believes that we are given teeth to prepare food for digestion, and if we literally do not digest someone or something, then we experience negative feelings that are ready to develop into the same actions

Caries is a symptom of a person’s attitude to life with animal seriousness, not allowing himself to laugh and enjoy simple things. Deal with your unsatisfied desires, learn to enjoy life, otherwise your stubbornness will respond with pain not only in your teeth, but also in your soul. Of course, sugar and other sweets will not make your life happy or your teeth healthy.


Grinding your teeth in a dream, according to parapsychologist Liz Burbo, speaks of anger accumulated during the day and great emotional stress, which the body is trying to get rid of in this way. But this is only temporary relief. Grinding teeth in a dream demonstrates helplessness and aggression, since during the day the desire to bite is suppressed. Realize the cause of your annoyance, do not force it out into the night. It is necessary to find the problem that causes such negative emotions, otherwise you can get into more serious troubles than bruxism.

The pulp, which fills the cavities in dentin, is a bundle of blood vessels and nerves that feed the tooth. This disease characterizes the stage of recovery after a conflict, when a person makes no sense to feed his aggressiveness. It is curious that this disease often affects people who are forced to listen a lot but talk little, including psychoanalysts. You still need to find an opportunity to get a word in, but you definitely shouldn’t be like your client, a psychologist.

Parapsychologist O. Torsunov in his work “The Relationship between Diseases and Character” explains that sloppy, aggressive and distrustful people destroy their immune system and provoke inflammation. If hidden aggression and isolation are involved in the process, suppuration begins. This means only one thing: negativism and distrust of people have reached their maximum. Animals also obey these laws. People always chose a calm and hardworking horse based on its teeth.

Video - Psychosomatics of diseases

Is it possible to get rid of somatic pain?

To understand exactly what experiences nature has loaded onto the teeth, we need to remember what functions she has endowed them with. The main biological task is to pull, grab, bite. This is necessary both in a fight with the enemy and when getting your daily bread.

There are two main conflicts that can affect dental health:

  • this is spontaneous aggression (I want to tear, throw, destroy the enemy, but I can’t for objective reasons). The conflict provokes tissue death and tooth decay;
  • and “grabbing a piece” (money, authority, desires), causing deformation of the dentition.

Getting rid of toothache of this nature does not fit into the framework of one visit to the dentist. First, analyze your ability to absorb new information. Perhaps, at the subconscious level, you are afraid of any incoming information, so that it does not “get stuck” in your teeth, causing discomfort, open your mind to fresh emotions and impressions.

Think about it: you also have reliable psychological protection from energy vampires and other ill-wishers. If you lack the determination and self-confidence to fight back against any opponent, on a mental level you will have the desire to bite the offender. Even a maniac or thief intuitively chooses his victim among timid people with low self-esteem. Of course, your teeth will hurt from such an unbearable load.

It is important to remember that bones (including dentin) become stronger if we believe in our strengths, have a strong point of view on everything that happens, our thoughts and desires are pure and do not harm others.

We go to the dentist when we need to make a decision. By taking care of our teeth, we strengthen ourselves in making the right choice. Nibble on carrots more often: by strengthening our front teeth, we strengthen our grip on life.

Dental prevention:

Brush your teeth morning and eveningRegular brushing is key to keeping teeth in good condition and preventing further decay.
Floss your teeth once a dayFlossing your teeth is important. A toothbrush cannot clean the cavity between teeth, where bacteria that causes tooth decay usually hides.
Rinse your mouth with mouthwashMouthwash is an excellent addition to dental hygiene. It slows down tooth decay by killing bacteria in the mouth
Eat more vitamin D and calciumVitamin D and calcium are important for dental health, so getting enough of these two key nutrients will help fight tooth decay.
Eat unprocessed foodsHighly processed foods contain a lot of sugar and starch, which can get stuck in the mouth (making them difficult to remove) and promote bacterial growth

To ensure that somatic toothache occurs as rarely as possible, work on yourself. Charity will help you become kinder. Yoga promises relief from all problems. Control your thoughts and emotions, show your best character traits more often, and spend more time on self-analysis.

Yoga is the path to harmony and health

Video – Psychosomatics of dental problems

Almost every person is familiar with toothache. For some, dental problems begin at an early age, while others go to the dentist for caries treatment as adults. Pain does not always accompany the development of dental disease. Why do unpleasant sensations and discomfort sometimes occur in perfectly healthy teeth and gums? Psychological factors can provoke the problem.

Teeth and psychosomatics

To determine exactly how psychological aspects and dental diseases are connected, one should remember what the functions of the dentition were, inherent in nature. Initially, the purpose of human teeth was to grab, bite and pull, to participate in the manifestation of aggression or friendliness, they were actively used in two types of situations:

  • the process of obtaining food;
  • fights with enemies.

In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to tear opponents with your teeth or grab as much food as possible in order to have time to get enough before the rest of the tribe eats the prey. For this reason, some experiences due to conflict situations can affect dental health.

Theme of conflict"Capture a Piece"Unexpressed aggression
DescriptionThe desire to get a “piece” in the form of the realization of any desires - from objects and things to money and authorityThe desire to “tear” the enemy, unrealized for some reason
ConsequenceNon-ideal shape (for example, crooked teeth)Teeth crumble, decay, and their tissues die (we recommend reading:)
ExampleThe child’s upper teeth are set back in comparison with the lower row - internal depression, which prevents him from going forward to get his “piece”, or there is a situation where he is constantly “slowed down”. The upper row of teeth protrudes forward - the child is very hasty (strives to get his “piece” as quickly as possible in any situation) or he is always rushed by his parents (usually the mother).When teeth decay in children (problems with enamel or dentin arise), you should pay attention to the relationship between brothers/sisters - perhaps they constantly quarrel and subconsciously want to “bite” each other. If there are no problems in the relationship between children, then the provoking factor can be parents, who sometimes unwittingly “unload” their experiences onto the child.

Psychological background of toothache

From a psychological point of view, the dentition is a symbol and reflection of a person’s decisions. So, if a person needs to make an important decision, but he is not able to do this, fearing the possible consequences, if he cannot adequately analyze the situation, is not ready (due to fear or indecision) to recognize, analyze and use additional information to make decisions, his teeth hurt.

Why do my teeth hurt and my gums become inflamed?

If you abuse sweets and alcohol, smoke a lot, do not follow the rules of oral hygiene and ignore preventive examinations at the dentist, then you will have to deal with dental diseases and gum inflammation without any psychosomatic reasons. However, in some cases, diseases may occur due to internal reasons. Problems with wisdom teeth and bad breath are often explained by psychosomatics.

What suffersProblemPsychosomatic cause
TeethDestructionA person has a habit of thinking and speaking negatively about his parents, life, himself or other people.
CariesThe psychosomatics of caries is associated with the fact that there is a lack of a solid and definite system of worldview. Instead of overcoming the difficulties that arise, strength is spent on self-pity.
BruxismRepressed nervous tension, anger or tears.
Any problems with wisdom teethThere is no place in a person's mind to lay a solid foundation for his subsequent life.
Psychosomatics of pulpitis, periodontitisThe tendency to ignore important “root” problems, the ability to “immerse” in life firmly and confidently is lost.
Gums and psychosomaticsBleeding gumsThe decisions made do not bring joy and do not make a person happier.
Gum pyorrheaDifficulties in implementing decisions made, accompanied by constant anger.
Gum inflammationA clearly expressed attitude towards one’s life has not been formed, and there is an inability to implement decisions already made.

Causes of stomatitis and other oral problems

Psychosomatic causes can provoke many problems of the oral cavity, and not just diseases of the teeth and gums. Currently, the existence of a connection between stress, conflicts and a number of pathologies has been proven in clinical trials.

It is believed that oral diseases arise due to bias, rejection of new ideas, or, on the contrary, excessive concentration on ideas that are harmful to other people or to the person himself. Psychosomatics can also cause bad breath.

The famous homeopathic physician Sinelnikov devoted an interesting and educational work to identifying the psychosomatic causes that cause oral problems. Separately, you can consider the jaw - the stiffness of the jaw is explained by the constantly suppressed desire to take control and begin to exercise leadership over everything that happens around:

How to approach treatment?

The approach to the treatment of any pathology must be comprehensive. While engaging in self-analysis (in some cases you may even need to visit a psychologist and get help from a specialist in this area), you should not neglect contacting a dentist. Only then will it be possible to quickly cope with the disease and prevent relapses.


First of all, you cannot “run away” from problems - if a person simply refuses to acknowledge them, then coping with the disease will be quite difficult (or even impossible). Avoiding stress, eliminating the source of accumulated grievances, aggression or sadness, accepting your mistakes and forgiving yourself for them - these are the main ways to get rid of dental disease that has a psychological basis. It would be a good idea to devote some of your time to the following activities:

  • Analysis of your thoughts. If your teeth hurt, in some cases it is enough to identify, analyze and solve the problem that caused the pain, and the problem will disappear.
  • Yoga. Sometimes it is enough for a person to detach himself from endless current and future perceived problems, to feel inner peace, and he suddenly realizes that the tooth no longer hurts.
  • Charity. By helping others, you can bring a sense of harmony, warmth and kindness into your own life.
  • Addition of negatives. Find your own negative qualities, analyze them and eliminate the circumstances that caused them - in some cases this is enough for even a severe toothache to subside.


Elimination of problems with gums can be carried out according to a similar scheme, as well as for problems with teeth. If your gums are sore, the factors that provoked this need to be identified. Having reconsidered your priorities, casting aside fears and uncertainty, you need to begin analyzing your own decisions and the processes for their implementation. If everything a person plans is fulfilled, then perhaps the reason is that he makes decisions not according to the call of his heart, but based on a cold, but not always pleasant calculation. Perhaps it is time for him to do something for his own happiness, and not out of considerations of duty or responsibilities. Then your gums will be healthy and strong again.

Louise Hay's psychosomatics of diseases is a system of knowledge expressed in a table of relationships between psychological factors and somatic ailments. Louise Hay's table is based on her own observations and many years of experience. Her vision of the cause-and-effect relationship between the psyche and the body is published in the book “Heal Your Body,” where she outlines her thoughts, observations and recommendations for people. The woman claims that negative emotions, experiences and memories are destructive to the body.

The psychosomatics of diseases in Louise Hay's table shows how these internal destructive impulses affect the health of the body. In addition to the root cause of diseases, Louise Hay gives recommendations regarding self-treatment using the settings that she lists next to the disease.

Louise Hay cannot be called a pioneer in science. The first knowledge about the influence of the soul on the body appeared in Ancient Greece, where philosophers talked about the connection between psychological experiences and their impact on health. Along with this, the medicine of eastern countries also developed this knowledge. However, their observations are not scientific, but are only the fruit of guesswork and assumptions.

In the mid-19th century, there were attempts to isolate psychosomatics, but it was not yet popular at that time. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, tried to study diseases caused by the unconscious. He identified several ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraines. However, his arguments had no scientific basis, and his hypotheses were not accepted.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first serious observations were systematized by Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar. It was they who then laid the scientific foundations of psychosomatic medicine, formulating the concept of the “Chicago Seven,” which includes seven major psychosomatic diseases. Towards the middle of the 20th century, a journal dealing with psychosomatic illnesses began to be published in the United States. Another popular author who deals with the psychosomatics of various diseases is.

Louise Hay has no special education. Almost all her life she was looking for part-time work and did not have permanent employment. She was prompted to study the influence of negative emotions by childhood and adolescent psychological trauma. In the 70s, she found herself and began preaching in a church where she realized that she was involuntarily counseling parishioners and partially healing them. While working, she began to compile her own reference book, which eventually turned into Louise Hay's psychosomatic table.

The impact of psychological problems on physical health

Psychosomatics is now a scientific system that contains knowledge from biology, physiology, medicine, psychology and sociology. There are several theories that explain in their own way the influence of psychological problems on the health of the body:

Who is at risk for psychosomatic problems

There is a risk group that includes people with certain personality traits and types of thinking:

It is important to remember that the temporary appearance of one of the points does not affect health. However, constant stay in this state has a detrimental effect on the body.

Description of the summary psychosomatic table of major diseases

Louise Hay's summary table describes the psychological causes of illness. The most common of them:

How to work with this table correctly:

On the left are diseases or syndromes. On the right is the psychological reason for their occurrence. Just look at the list and find your ailment, then – the cause.

How can you heal yourself?

You won’t be able to completely recover on your own; to do this, you need to see a psychotherapist. Often thoughts or emotions that lead to the development of diseases are not realized. They exist somewhere in the unconscious. Only full-fledged work with a psychotherapist will give a healing effect.

However, you can carry out prevention yourself. Psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis are the only things that can help a person prevent the development of psychosomatic diseases. Psychohygiene includes the following subsections:

  1. Psychohygiene of the family and sexual activity.
  2. Psychohygiene of education, training at school and university.
  3. Psychohygiene of work and rest.

Ultimately, psychological hygiene is aimed at satisfying the basic needs of life:

Louise Hay's model of healing

Louise Hay used an integrated approach in the healing process, which in 1977 allowed the woman to get rid of cancer on her own. She abandoned the methods of traditional medicine and decided to put her knowledge into practice.

Louise Hay created several exercises for everyday work on yourself:

The woman herself did this: every morning she thanked herself for what she now has. Louise then meditated and took a shower. After which she began morning exercises, had breakfast with fruit and tea and got to work.

Affirmations using the Louise Hay method

Louise Hay gained popularity with her affirmations. These are positive verbal attitudes towards life, repeating which daily, a person gets rid of internal experiences and negative ways of thinking. The author of the book “Heal Yourself” has compiled a number of such affirmations that she recommends repeating to achieve success and healing. She created installations for everyone: women, men, children and the elderly.

The most common settings:

  • I am worthy of a good life;
  • I enjoy every day;
  • I am unique and incomparable;
  • I have the power to solve any problem;
  • I don't need to be afraid of change;
  • my life is in my hands;
  • I respect myself, others respect me;
  • I am strong and confident;
  • expressing your feelings is safe;
  • I have great friends;
  • I find it easy to cope with difficulties;
  • all obstacles are surmountable.

How to use the book “Heal Yourself”

Reading this book means more than just skimming the chapters. Reading psychological literature presupposes a deep awareness of every thought of the author. In the process of studying the material, it is necessary to form an internal review of what you read, analyze your feelings and thoughts. This is not only working with the text, but also working on yourself while reading.

Ecology of health: Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it...

Do you have problems with your teeth? Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of dental problems.

Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of dental problems:

Emotional blockage.

Since teeth serve to chew food, they are associated with the way a person chews new ideas or circumstances in order to better assimilate them. Teeth usually hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze life situations.

Teeth are also needed for biting, so dental problems can mean that a person feels helpless and is not able to bite someone in real life or stand up for himself.

Below I present an excerpt from the results of many years of research by the French dental surgeon Ms. Michelle Caff-fen:

EIGHT RIGHT TEETH OF THE UPPER JAW associated with a person’s desire to manifest and express himself in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that the person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world.

EIGHT LEFT TEETH OF THE UPPER JAW connected with the inner world of a person, with his desire to express his feelings, emotions and desires; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that it is difficult for a person to reveal his personality, to become himself.

EIGHT RIGHT TEETH ON THE LOWER JAW associated with the ability to clarify, specify; A problem with one of these teeth indicates that a person is having difficulty giving his life a certain direction.

EIGHT LEFT TEETH ON THE LOWER JAW associated with the manifestation of sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that the person is not at peace with his family on an emotional level. The signs mentioned above also include the uneven arrangement of the corresponding teeth.

Mental blockage.

Since the right side of your body directly reflects your relationship with your father, problems with teeth located on the right indicate that there is still some kind of conflict in this relationship. This means that you should change your attitude towards your father and show greater tolerance. If the teeth on the left side hurt, you must improve your relationship with your mother.

Besides, FOUR UPPER INCISERS(front teeth) represent the place you want to occupy next to your parents, and FOUR LOWER INCISERS- the place your parents occupy.

Any problem with your teeth indicates that it’s time for you to take action and specify your desires. Learn to objectively perceive life situations. Let other people help you with this if you see such a need. Instead of having a grudge against someone, take care of your own desires. Reconnect with your power and allow yourself to protect yourself.

If you are suffering from WEAR teeth - that is, if the enamel is gradually worn off from them - this means that you are allowing your loved ones to use you. As a rule, the one who most often allows himself to be used is the one who actively criticizes internally, but does not show himself in any way externally. Such a person always wants others to change. If you don't want your loved ones to continue to use you, try to feel true, unconditional love for them.

in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of dental problems.

Problems in the mouth area show you that you are to a certain extent unable to accept new impressions and ideas. You are guided by ossified views and adhere to old patterns of behavior. Say "Welcome" to new ideas and concepts! and accept new things readily. Be fluid and open, then your mouth will again become capable of receiving food.

With our teeth we bite. They are an expression of whether we can achieve our goal, energetically get down to business and overcome difficulties, whether we can show our teeth to someone, snarl. Bad teeth are a sign that you do not demonstrate your punching power well and cannot show your aggressiveness to the outside world, and you don’t see it or don’t want to notice it.What is it that is so hard for you to get your teeth into?

Often you cannot decide to do something and suppress your inner aggression out of fear that you will lose the love and recognition of others if you allow your aggressiveness or desires to manifest themselves. Be completely yourself, no matter what others expect of you. Accept your aggressiveness, let it show, don't judge yourself for it. This way, aggression can be transformed into a positive creative force that will help you achieve your goals with ease. Be honest with yourself.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of dental problems.

The skeletal system and teeth receive strength from faith, firmness and cleanliness in a person’s desires, will, speech, emotions, thoughts and actions.

Faith strengthens the immune system of the skeletal system, it also gives enthusiasm and joy in work, which leads to an increase in the strength of the skeletal system and teeth.

Mistrust reduces immunity. As well as the strength of the skeletal system and teeth.

Unbelief causes suppression of the immune system and causes infectious processes in the skeletal system and teeth.

Strength of character gives perseverance and elasticity of the skeletal system and teeth.

Weakness of character leads to a decrease in resistance and an increase in softness of the skeletal system and teeth.

Stiffness causes increased fragility of bones and teeth.

Cleanliness in character leads to a decrease in inflammatory processes in bone tissue.

Sloppiness increases inflammation in bone tissue.

Pinching causes increased sensitivity of bone tissue and teeth.

There is external and internal purity.

  • External cleanliness means cleanliness of the body.
  • Inner purity is purity of actions.

Both types of purity depend on purity of mind and purity of mind.

There is a dirty, defiled mind, and a pure mind. A pure mind always has pure, sublime thoughts. We can check whether our mind is pure or not. What are we thinking about, such a mind. If the mind is dirty, then there is a high probability of developing inflammatory processes in the bone tissue and oral cavity.

If a person’s thoughts and will are not strong and persistent, then the teeth are not strong either, they quickly begin to crumble and fall out. And there are overly rigid and categorical thoughts, then the teeth will also suffer on the left. Quality: persistence, firmness, confidence. Inconsistency, indecision, uncertainty, desecration, uncleanliness, injustice, rigidity, aggressiveness in thoughts cause dental suffering on this side.

If a person has lost a tooth- this means that he did not act as expected. Excessively violent activities lead to the fact that a person loses his teeth. You see that everything is natural and there are no accidents.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the occurrence and healing of dental problems.

Prolonged indecision. Inability to recognize ideas for subsequent analysis and decision making.

Harmonizing thoughts: My decisions are based on the principles of truth, and I know that only the right things happen in my life.

Sergey N. Lazarev in his books “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future” he writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is a deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he rushes to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge and many, many other material and spiritual values...

But all this is not the goal, but only the means for acquiring divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, illnesses, problems and other troubles come as feedback from the Universe. This is necessary so that a person thinks, realizes that he is going in the wrong direction, thinks, says and does something wrong and begins to correct himself, takes the right Path!

There are many nuances in how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from the books, seminars and video seminars of Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of gum problems.

Gums are that part of the oral mucosa that covers the roots of the teeth. The description below applies to gum pain.

Emotional blockage.

A person whose gums hurt cannot put into practice an already made decision, because he is afraid of the consequences. He is also afraid to express his desires and needs, and experiences despair and helplessness.

Mental blockage.

You must find out how real and justified your fears are. If you have failed often before, this does not mean that you will not succeed this time either. Remember that there are no mistakes in life, there are only experiences that make you wiser and help you cope with new problems. Your body wants you to set goals and move towards them gradually, without trying to get everything at once. Believe in your strength and ability to create your own life.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of problems with gums.

Just as your gums are the foundation for your teeth, self-confidence and self-belief are the foundation for your ability to get things done and to bite. Gum problems indicate a deficiency in this area, usually due to the fear of losing the love of those around you. You don't have the courage to crack hard nuts, you're too vulnerable and sensitive. When you learn to love and respect yourself, you will become independent of the love and respect of others and will find within yourself the strength to realize your real desires. And then you will be able to truly love others, because love will be in you.

Wonderful! Reiki will help you regain lost faith in yourself.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of gum problems.

Inability to carry out decisions. Lack of a clearly expressed attitude towards life.

Harmonizing thoughts: I am a determined person. I go to the end and support myself with love.


Lack of joy in the decisions you make in life.
Harmonizing thoughts: I believe that only right actions take place in my life. There is peace in my soul.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev in his book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life" indicates the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath.

A healthy person's breath has virtually no odor. Bad breath can be caused by a physical disease - DIGESTIVE disorder, DENTAL CARIES, etc. The description below applies primarily to cases where bad breath is not associated with any pathology.

Emotional blockage.

A bad smell of this kind comes as if from the depths of a person’s soul and indicates that this person is experiencing severe internal pain, as well as hatred, anger and a thirst for revenge - towards himself or towards people who have somehow hurt him. Thoughts about this cause him deep shame - that's why he doesn't even want to acknowledge them - and gradually kill him from the inside. With the help of this unpleasant smell, he keeps people close to him at a distance, although in fact he needs their presence more than anything else.

Mental blockage.

If you think you have bad breath, ask a few people who know you well. Find out if this smell is associated with any disease. If not, then this means that you should reconsider your attitude towards some things, since it greatly harms you. There is no wound that cannot be healed by true forgiveness. You don't have to feel helpless anymore. Also get rid of the false shame that you have maintained within yourself for so long. Tell yourself that you are a nice, pleasant person, and become like that in reality.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath.

You breathe out what is in your thoughts, and if it smells bad, then something in your intentions is rotten or spoiled. And in this case, the symptom makes us honest with ourselves and shows what we are like internally. Therefore, pay attention to the world of your thoughts, what are they primarily aimed at? If your thoughts are again filled with love, friendliness and honesty, then you will exhale only goodness, your breath will again become pure and others will again be able to enjoy smelling you.

And here Reiki will lead you to self-knowledge.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Sickness” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath.

Your “dirty” thoughts and feelings, your past are so outdated that they have already “stinked”. It's time to bring something new and fresh into your life.

A young guy came to see me. He held a handkerchief near his mouth.

Doctor,” he said, “a year ago I started having bad breath.” I don't know what this is connected with.
- Maybe from inflammation in the nasopharynx?

But the doctors examined me and found nothing. And I feel that something is wrong there.

From communicating with the subconscious, it turned out that the cause of the problem was an unpleasant situation that happened just a year ago. And now, for a year now, the guy has been harboring anger and a desire for revenge.

I was able to convince him to reconsider his attitude towards the past and learn a positive lesson from it.

“Change your rotten old thoughts that have been preventing you from living all this time with new, fresh ones that will bring only pleasant experiences into your world,” I told him.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of bad breath.

Angry thoughts, thoughts of revenge. The past gets in the way.

Harmonizing thoughts: I'm happy to part with the past. From now on I express only love.

WISDOM TOOTH (with obstructed slot)

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of a wisdom tooth with an obstructed eruption.

You don't make room in your mind to lay a solid foundation for later life.

Harmonizing thoughts: I open the door to life into my consciousness. There is ample space within me for my own growth and change.


Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about the possible metaphysical causes of tartar.

From them you will learn about frozen, undeveloped aggressive moods that have actually petrified. This condition indicates to you that you must better consciously solve your problems, then they will not need to be deposited on your teeth.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about the possible metaphysical causes of caries.

Emotional blockage.

Since teeth are necessary for chewing, that is, preparing food for digestion, tooth decay indicates that a person does not want to accept someone or something. He feels intense rage, and therefore cannot take action and express his desires.

Caries also indicates that a person does not allow himself to laugh and takes life too seriously. If you want to find out what area of ​​your life the unsatisfied desires that caused caries relate to, see the article TEETH (PROBLEMS).

Mental blockage.

Caries says that your stubbornness only harms you: it causes the same pain in your soul as a bad tooth causes pain in your body. Instead of being constantly angry and keeping this anger inside, you should reconsider your attitude towards what is happening around you and understand that not all people think the way you do. Learn to laugh at yourself, see the funny in people and events. Also, stop thinking that sugar can make life more enjoyable and eat as little of it as possible.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes.

GRINDING of teeth, which usually appears at night, indicates that during the day you have accumulated anger within yourself and felt strong emotional stress. Your rational body helps you during sleep to get rid of the tension that arose while awake. But this is only a temporary relief.

You must immediately begin to find and solve the problem that is causing you constant anger and emotional stress, otherwise you will face much more serious troubles than grinding your teeth.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of teeth grinding.

Grinding of teeth at night shows helpless aggression. The desire to actually bite is suppressed during the day, so the sharpness of the teeth decreases slightly at night. Be aware of your aggressiveness, your frustration and helplessness, do not push them into the night. (See also the information above on dental problems.)


Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” he writes about the possible metaphysical causes of periodontal disease.

All this is due to the fact that a person is distrustful and sloppy. Mistrust reduces immunity, and sloppiness increases inflammatory processes. Periodontal disease begins when the gums become involved in the disease and purulent processes begin. This means that distrust and negativism have reached a fairly high level.

The same can be said about sloppiness. Even the horse obeys these laws. People have always determined the stamina and obedience of horses by their teeth; if a horse has good teeth, it means it will be calm and hardworking. published

Toothache is an integral part of adult life. Only a few people over the age of 18 have never experienced toothache caused by various diseases such as caries, periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Unfortunately, children are increasingly experiencing toothache, but for them this phenomenon is transient and usually disappears after the baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. Adults may suffer from dental problems repeatedly over several months or even years, not realizing that toothache can occur not only due to poor diet and lifestyle, but also be associated with psychological trauma.

Psychosomatic features of toothache

Psychologists say that dental diseases may be associated with disruption of the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Adults are often nervous, cannot protect themselves from stress, both in everyday work life and in the process of personal contacts, and experience a feeling of psychological discomfort. All this negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel and leads to problems.

Recently, young people aged 18 to 30 most often suffer from toothache. The appearance of acute toothache precisely during this period, as well as dental diseases, their loosening and loss are often associated with psychosomatic problems, such as:

1. Indecision, inability to decide on the most important positions in life. Youth is the time when a person has to decide on his future destiny, choose a profession, build personal relationships, and decide on fundamental changes in thinking and lifestyle. All this can confuse you and make you hide your true feelings, shy away from new ideas and ways of development, for fear of making an irreparable mistake. This behavior often causes toothache in the teeth located on the upper and lower jaw on the right.

2. Lack of understanding on the part of loved ones. Adolescence does not always occur at the time indicated in the scientific literature. Sometimes problems with relatives arise in adulthood, as evidenced by toothache in the teeth located on the left side of the lower jaw. The psychosomatics of the disease indicates the need to find a way out of the current situation, otherwise toothaches will continue even after treatment.

3. The inability to reveal oneself to others, to fully demonstrate all one’s abilities. If the teeth hurt on the upper left side, a person should think about whether he is fully realizing his creative potential, or subconsciously trying to hide it, for fear of being incomprehensible and disgraced.

How to deal with psychosomatic toothache

The beauty and health of teeth depend not only on the efforts of the dentist to clean them and maintain a healthy external and internal appearance, but also on how well a person gets along with his heart, knows how to admit mistakes made and refuse regrets about actions that were not once taken. If your teeth bother you more often than usual, you need to start looking for psychological causes of toothache, try to avoid contact with people and things that cause negative emotions, and close your heart from all kinds of experiences and fears. In addition, it is recommended to devote more time to:

1. Charity. By doing charity, people become kinder and achieve harmony with themselves. Most who can afford it enjoy not only receiving, but also giving money, which allows them to understand what role the latter play in their own lives. Charity allows you to show most of the positive human qualities and bring something good and bright into the lives of other people.

2. Yoga classes. People who have been practicing yoga and meditation for several years seem much happier than those who prefer to visit a psychologist and other doctors. Toothache definitely does not bother such people, since the teachings of yoga are associated with detachment from future problems and devoting oneself to today.

3. Analyze your own thoughts. If you have a toothache, you should start thinking about whether the person is facing an insoluble problem, whether there are difficulties at work and in family life. If a problem exists, you need to analyze it and try to find a suitable solution. Most likely, after this task is completed, the toothache will disappear.

4. Addition of negatives. If you have severe toothache, you should delve into yourself and try to find negative situations and character traits. Once this is done, you should put them together and move on to eliminating the reasons that caused the appearance of negative qualities.

So, the psychosomatics of toothache can have different causes, so you should try to control negative thoughts and emotions, show exclusively positive qualities and devote more time to self-analysis of your actions.

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