The charade of my three first letters is pronounced. Learning to make verbal charades

The charade of my three first letters is pronounced.  Learning to make verbal charades

Questions for New Year's competitions, games, quizzes

1. What is the name of Santa Claus's brother? (Santa Claus)

2. Where does the Russian Father Frost live? (In Verkhny Ustyug)

3. Where do his relatives live? (In the North, in Lapland)

4. Each new year has its own name. Name it! (Year of the Rat, Year of the Ox, Year of the Tiger, Year of the Rabbit (Cat), Year of the Dragon, Year of the Snake, Year of the Horse, Year of the Sheep (Goat), Year of the Monkey, Year of the Rooster, Year of the Dog, Year of the Pig)

5. What fairy-tale snow heroes do you know? (Frost - Blue Nose, Frost - Red Nose, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Grandmother Snowstorm, Snow Queen, Snowman, December, January, February: brothers-months, Old Woman Blizzard, Uncle Snowstorm, Mister North Wind, etc.)

6. Name words associated with winter. (Winter, north, Arctic Ocean, polar explorer, penguin, polar bear, walrus, blizzard, snow, snowflake, icicles, drifts, frost, ice, sleigh, Christmas tree, skates, skis, ice slides, frost, blizzard, blizzard and etc.)

7. Remember poems by phrases -.

a) Wavy fogs, sad meadows, bellsmonotonous.

"Through the wavy mists

The moon is breaking through.

To the sad meadows

She sheds a sad light.

On the winter, boring road

Three greyhounds are running.

Single bell

It rings tiresomely..."

A.S. Pushkin. "Winter Road"

b) The horse smells the snow, the carriage is flying, the yard boy is running.

Winter! Peasant triumphant

On the firewood it renews the path.

His horse smells the snow,

Trotting along somehow...

A.S. Pushkin, novel “Eugene Onegin”

c) The sorceress winter lay down in wavy carpets, the frost flashed. And we are glad.

Here is the north, the clouds are catching up,

He breathed, howled,

And here I am

The sorceress winter is coming.

She came and fell apart; shreds

Hanged on the branches of oak trees.

Lay down in wavy carpets,

Among the fields, around the hills...

A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin"

d) The sky is covered with darkness, like an animal it will howl, what are you doing, my old lady.

The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds;

Then, like a beast, she will howl,

Then he will cry like a child,

Then on the dilapidated roof

Suddenly the straw will rustle,

The way a belated traveler

There will be a knock on our window.

Our dilapidated shack

Both sad and dark.

What are you doing, my old lady?

Silent at the window?

Or howling storms

You, my friend, are tired,

Or doze off to the buzzing sound

Your spindle?

A.S. Pushkin "Winter Evening"

d) A wonderful day, lovely friend, of northern Aurora.

Frost and sun; wonderful day!

You are still dozing, dear friend.

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open, closed eyes

Towards northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies,

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice

A.S. Pushkin “Winter Morning”

8. Name fairy tales associated with the winter period of the year, with snow, etc. (“Snow Maiden”, “Snow Queen”, “Moroz Ivanovich”, “Morozko”, “Grandmother Snowstorm”, “Umka”, “12 months”, “ Silver Hoof”, “About Emelya the Fool”, “Winter Hut of Animals”, etc.)

9. Winter Games. Name them. (Hockey, snowballs, building fortresses and snowmen, sledding down the mountains, winter football, walruses, etc.)

10. Winter sports as you know them. (Hockey, speed skating, skiing, bobsleigh, luge, biathlon, figure skating, ski jumping, figure skiing, fishing (ice fishing), etc.)

11. Name winter-themed riddles.

White as chalk, it flew from the sky. He spent the winter and ran into the ground. (Snow)

The tablecloth was white and covered the whole world. (Snow)

In summer - gray, in winter - white. (Hare)

It grows upside down.

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die. (Icicle)

What kind of asterisks are they through?

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through, cut-out,

And if you take it, there is water in your hand. (Snowflakes)

It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. (Ice)

Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (Wolf)

Winter and summer in the same color. (Christmas tree)

He doesn’t run, he doesn’t tell him to stand. (Freezing)

No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing)

There is snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, a blizzard is blowing. When does this happen? (Winter)

Light, white fluffs fall from the sky in winter and circle above the ground... (snowflakes).

You will always find her in the forest -

Let's go for a walk and meet:

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter - in a summer dress.

And he will come to us on New Year's Eve.

The guys will be happy.

The troubles of the merry ones are full:

We are preparing her outfits. (Christmas tree)

12. What proverbs, sayings, signs do you know about winter?

A lot of snow means a lot of bread.

January is the beginning of the year, winter is the middle.

How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.

No water in March - no grass in April.

Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter.

Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.

December ends the year, winter begins.

Summer day - for a winter week.

Summer is a supply, winter is a pick-me-up. (Summer collects, winter eats)

You'll spend the summer, but in the winter you'll run away with your bag.

It's not winter, but summer in a winter dress.

The grain is harvested, so the winter is cold.

It’s not the snow that’s blowing, but the snow that’s coming from above.

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.

The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.

In the winter cold everyone is young.

The tooth does not touch the tooth. (from the cold)

A good owner will not throw his dog out into the street.

Smoke in a column means frost.

The cat hides its nose - to the cold weather.

13. Name female names associated with snow. (Snezhana, Snow White)

14. Name the fabulous snow berry. (Snowman)

15. Charades.

The cuckoo will tell you the first syllable in the forest,

The second syllable - it will lie like a wedge in the sea,

The word in general is milk, but not cow's milk,

They say it is good for health. (Ku-mys. Kumys)

You will see the first syllable in the score,

The other two are on elk or aurochs,

The whole thing - when you go on a hike,

You will find it under your feet. (Road. Road)

The first syllable is a large, heavy instrument,

Layer two - some poets are called that,

In general - at a difficult moment in life

They will give us a cash loan. (Pawn bard. Pawn shop)

The initial syllable is a dance movement,

The second syllable - it is in the theater and cinema,

In general it is a word or a sentence,

It serves as a pass for the military. (Password. Password)

The first syllable is the former measure of weight,

We bring the second syllable from the forest

On a winter day on a snowy road,

The whole thing is a four-legged friend. (Poodle-el. Poodle)

The first two syllables are a bird,

Nests far from noisy places,

The third syllable is a small animal,

He could have met you in the forest.

Connect the animal and the bird,

And the city should work out. (Raven-hedgehog. Voronezh)

On the first syllable we go for mushrooms,

The other two are the creation of poets,

The word in general has become fashionable these days

This is a man's decoration. (Bor-oda. Beard)

The first syllable - it comes from snow,

The second syllable appears on the body,

The whole - completes dinners,

Children love this dish. (Compote. Compote)

The initial syllable - do not be remembered by night,

The other two syllables give life to all of us,

And by the way, in general, people are all eager to:

They communicate and get to know each other. (Bes-food. Conversation)

The first syllable in the spring will be filled with birdsong,

Connect a two-syllable pronoun with it,

The whole word, when the time comes,

The tractor will pull you into the field. (Bor-ona. Harrow)

The first syllable in a thunderstorm makes noise and sways

(but one letter in it is excluded),

The second syllable is a story about what happened,

What actually happened.

In general, there is a reason for sadness:

A man lives alone. (Bo(r)-byl. Bobyl)

The first syllable is what is convenient for us on the way,

The other two are leading soldiers into battle,

And the whole is beautiful and incomparable,

When gardens in Japan bloom. (Sak-hurray. Sakura)

The initial syllable hovers over the water,

The second syllable adorns a man,

The word as a whole is friendly with the free wind,

At sea it serves as a motor for yachts. (Parus. Sail)

The first syllable is a big shock,

The next one is a cry of admiration,

The third syllable is agreement, unity,

Overall, a tasty treat. (Choco-o-lad. Chocolate)

The first syllable - it is in any ballet,

The other two carry trouble within themselves,

The word in general is pronounced by children,

That's what they lovingly call their father. (Dad-bullet. Daddy)

Dancers adore the first syllable,

The second syllable is swimmers’ equipment,

The whole thing is loaded into the ship,

To be stable in movement. (Ballast. Ballast)

The first syllable is made of seven notes,

The other two are a board game,

The whole thing will punch a hole in the board,

What is it - ask the carpenter. (Do-lotto. Chisel)

Everyone wants to look at the first two syllables,

Add to them the syllable - a ravine of great length,

And the word as a whole is before others

Dog lovers should find out. (Kinolog. Kinolog)

The initial syllable will turn green in the spring,

You take it without a letter, without one,

And add to it a word of two syllables,

It contains the result and meaning of the auction for the seller.

Whole, when you add up all the syllables,

You can see it on the river in the spring. (Le(s)-income. Ice drift)

The first syllable of the word connects,

The other two flow in Russia,

You fold them, and the songbird

Will fly in the spring to nest in the forest. (I-Volga. Oriole)

The initial syllable is pulled by a horse or a bull,

The second syllable is good when the gardens are in bloom,

We don’t notice the whole, everyone is used to it,

But if it weren’t for him, there would be no life on the planet. (Air spirit. Air)

16. Proverbs and sayings with the number “7”

Measure seven times, cut once.

Seven do not wait for one.

Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

Seven Fridays a week.

Seven with a spoon, one with a bipod.

Seven feet under the keel!

Seven kids are better than three pigs.

17. Tongue twisters.

Whey from yogurt.

The Greek was driving across the river,

He sees a Greek: there is a cancer in the river.

The Greek put his hand in the river -

Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC!

Put the coal in the corner.

There is grass in the yard, and firewood on the grass.

Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila swallowed the soap.

Karl stole corals from Clara, Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.

Varya’s mittens disappeared on the boulevard.

A goat walked with a sideways goat,

A goat walked with a barefoot goat.

A goat walked with a sideways goat,

A goat walked with a barefoot goat.

We all know the benefits of solving riddles for children and adults. These entertaining puzzles are an excellent simulator for developing intelligence, expanding vocabulary and improving a huge number of useful skills. In addition, solving riddles is an extremely exciting activity that can captivate boys and girls of different ages for a long time and make them compete with each other.

A special place among riddles for children and adults is occupied by charades - unique puzzles composed in poetic form. Although charades can be simple, in the vast majority of cases they are incredibly difficult to solve, which is very popular with those who like to train their intelligence.

What is a charade?

Charade is a verbal entertainment that presents a short riddle in the form of poetry or prose. Moreover, the answer to such a riddle may consist of one or several words, depending on the complexity of the charade and the nature of its composition.

In most cases, the charade involves one rather long word that can be divided into several parts. Each of these parts represents another word, mostly monosyllabic. To solve the charade, you need to break it down into several riddles, determine the answer to each of them, and then put these parts together.

Meanwhile, charades can be somewhat different. In particular, in such a riddle a pair of words can be guessed that differ in one letter or in any other way. In this case, the text of the charade will contain explanations of each of these words, as well as an indication of one or more differences between them.

Charades are an extremely exciting and useful entertainment that helps expand vocabulary, develop ingenuity, and with the help of these interesting puzzles you can arrange a fun competition between children of the same age or family members. In this case, charades will additionally contribute to the development and improvement of socialization skills, as well as the unity of the children's team.

Children's charades with answers

For children who are just getting acquainted with these unique riddles, even the simplest charades may seem too complicated. That is why, before playing this game with a child, it is necessary to clearly explain to him what exactly it is.

For better understanding, the text of the first charades should be written in large block letters and accompanied by simple drawings illustrating the hidden words. As a first experiment, charades in which not one, but 2 words are guessed, are best suited, for example:

There is a little word

From just one syllable.

And in that word, inside,

Replace "U" with "I"

And instantly the bird

It will turn into a fish. (Lun - Lin)

This is the word

Here's what it means:

With the letter "I" -

Health is depressing.

And will you change “I”

Starting with the letter "O" -

He gives health

One hundred percent. (Alcohol – Sports)

Classic charades, in which only one word is asked, for beginners should not include more than two parts. In most cases, the length of the searched word in such riddles is from 6 to 8 letters. In particular, the following word problems are suitable for younger schoolchildren:

You will find my first syllable then,

When water drips into the drops.

Pronoun - second syllable,

But in general, the school table is yours. (Steam + Ta = Desk)

There is a sentry on the first one,

The second one turns green in the forest,

And in general - it just gets dark,

You go to bed, and your working day is over. (Post + Spruce = Bed)

My first syllable is a preposition,

The second is a summer house,

But the whole thing is sometimes difficult to solve. (For + Dacha = Task)

The beginning of the word is forest,

The end is a poem

And the whole grows

Although not a plant. (Boron + Oda = Beard)

The end is at the bottom of the pond.

And the whole thing is in the museum

You will find it without difficulty. (Kar + Tina = Painting)

Complex charades with answers

In more complex charades, 3 or more parts are already connected. Here, prepositions, pronouns and musical notations are much more common, which are quite difficult to explain in the text of the riddle. Such charades are perfect for organizing a small competition between bored children or in the company of adults.

In addition, to solve such riddles, children often have to be grouped into groups of several people, since one student cannot cope with them. Try offering your child the following charades with answers, which are also suitable for a fun company:

Chalk at Grandfather's Seryozha the Loafer

I painted the entire fence on Monday.

Afterwards, I stood there thinking for a while,

He painted the upper part of the face.

And after this Seryozha added

A letter that looks a lot like a hoop.

Swamp swamp, without any rules there,

In essence, who is he, Seryozha? (Forehead + O + Shaking = Shaking)

You will find me at the bottom of the blue sea.

And in me from beginning to end

Two prepositions and three “tsa”. (U + C + Three + Tsa = Oyster)

First, dancing until you drop in the palace

And the first letter follows this, and at the end

The dog is the one who was the first in space.

These are some very nice things!

The charade is written out exactly. Here's the result:

I was able to hide a musical instrument in it. (Bal + A + Laika = Balalaika)

I thought about it and wrote down in a charade:

First, a large and friendly team,

Who can sing any tune.

He is something like a jackdaw, a nightingale,

But only without the letter at the beginning,

So that you all know the island on the Dnieper. (Choir + (P)Titsa = Khortitsa)

Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 1 and 2
● There is a sentry on the first one, the second one is green in the forest.
And in general, as soon as it gets dark, you go to bed, and your working day is over.
● Dance step - first syllable. All physical education is the second syllable. And in a charade, I encrypted the most important document in one moment.
Level 3 and 4
● My first three letters are pronounced when the enemy is beckoning mice towards them. The second three letters are brought into the house at Christmas, when they especially want to please the children. And the whole thing is eaten.
● The first one hums, the second one buzzes. The whole lies calmly on the head.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 5 and 6
● The first syllable is fabric for curtains. The second syllable is lord.
In these two syllables, my friend, I encrypted a flower.
● First an iron rod, sharpened, then a poet, singing his poems with a guitar.
And now - an institution in the end, giving everyone money on bail.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 7 and 8
● At first, the citrus fruit is more sour than sour. And so I wrote down the whole underworld for that fruit later.
And it turned out to be the famous fizzy sweet drink.
● It helps inside the body, but if we add a vowel to it at the end, it immediately becomes a confectionery product that we offer to guests for tea.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 9 and 10
● The first syllable is a school mark, followed by a low voice, and at the end there is a conjunction, which is by no means rare.
And together, how to find a meat product.
● When we add the belonging of all cats to precipitation, we get units for measuring angles.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 11 and 12
● If you take the pronoun and add the tip of the ear, it will become a depression on my sister’s cheek.
● If we assign an evil grandmother to a small place on a large deep river, we will immediately introduce a beggar.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 13 and 14
● Which close relative immediately appears when you do a dance move twice in a row?
● What will grow on the face if the performers of their own songs are floundering around a floating water sign?
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 15 and 16
● Our first syllable - there is nothing more dangerous, it can explode inadvertently.
The second is a graceful pirouette, and together - a lot of people.
● The first syllable is needed to measure a circle. The second two together mean a century.
In general - a firearm, it would be better if a person did not own it.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 17 and 18
● The car fits into two syllables here. The noble title fits into a syllable. And together - a signature.
● First a cross, and then a ford, and it turned out to be a flower - a fruit.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 19 and 20
● At the beginning of the word - cliff, ravine. Then there is a postal mark on the envelope.
In general, this is the place where merchants in Rus' brought their goods.
● Which city's name is made up of a bird and an animal?
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 21 and 22
● What does the red cunning animal turn into if electric charges begin to move through it?
● You add a preposition to the structure, but in general you melt the ore.
Game "Riddles Rebuses Charades": answer to the section "CHARADES" Level 23 and 24
● The first syllable in the word is poison. The second is a flock of bees without a letter on the right.
In the old days they fired whole cannons, but now they use sports equipment!
● First - a deuce, then - a man, he has a high title and rank.
And the whole word is a designation that splits learning into doses.

Charade- one of the popular types of word puzzles. Charade consists of guessing a word, parts of which can be independent words (syllables). Unlike other types of word puzzles (anagrams, metagrams, loggriffs), in charades the highlighted parts of the word do not have to be nouns, they can be any parts of speech. For example:
- If you combine two notes, you can make soup from the resulting new word. (Beans).
- If you add the necessary seasoning of the housewife, which is always on the dining table, to the third note, you can get a legume plant (Fa-sol).
- The first is a preposition, the second is a girl, the whole is a mandatory attribute of a fisherman. (Fishing rod).
- The first is used in the game, the second is the mainland, the whole thing can be found in a fantasy fairy tale. (Fantasy).

Most often, poetic charades are used:
The beginning is sung by a group of people,
The second one bites us painfully,
And together it will turn out
New Year's game. (Chorus gadfly).
My first syllable is a big pile of papers,
And from the second, the porridge will be thicker.
But in general - the tree is slimmer
Not a single alley knows. (Cypress).

The first charades appeared in ancient Rome. But they were especially loved by noble people in the 18th century. Charades were often played in noble salons. Here is a charade composed at that time by an unknown author:
A barely noticeable worm, but dangerous for furs,
- There is my first one.
The sign in the alphabet is silent
- Second. And the poet and comedian-magician
There is a whole charade of this. (Mol-er).
Nowadays, charades have become an integral part of any competitions for both children and adults. They have also become popular in Internet games.

But the most interesting thing, especially for smart kids, is not making and guessing charades, but composing them. Using the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren, the teacher can organize a game.

Games involving solving and composing charades can be very diverse. For example, you can invite several micro-groups (teams) of students to find 5-6 words in the dictionary that can be divided into parts equal to independent words. During the game (at any lesson as a warm-up-rest or at recess), the teams will collectively compose charades and take turns telling them to their opponents. Guessing time - 30 seconds. For each correct answer - 1 point, for an error or lateness 1 point is deducted. For example, the word “ash” is chosen. It can turn into a charade: “The first is a pronoun, the second is coolness, the whole is a tree.”

Another version of the game is making charades using cards, on which various syllables are written. In this game, mini-groups (teams) or individually will need to put together charades from existing parts. For this version of the game, the teacher needs to prepare in advance identical sets of cards with written parts of charades, which will then need to be handed to each participant or each team. In one minute, the participants of the game must create words from the available parts.

Examples of components of charades (cards):
1. Whale, trace, spruce, experience, pass, steam, port, mustache, bale, floor, rice, wasp, sack, weight, tour, point, gas, dock, spruce, fret, hay, mouse, shaft, yak, fair. The answers may be as follows: jacket, pathfinder, passport, sail, cypress, culture, news, gazelle, report, hayloft, arsenic, fair, strip.
2. Choir, re, pass, fort, count, yar, cult, truck, fight, tulle, vat, tack, knock, count, spruce, punishment, shooting range, go, bone, mark, para, gadfly, com, pan. Possible answers (words): brightness, oboe, quiver, tavern, astrakhan, paragraph, tulip, round dance, compass, trick, remark, tie.
3. Ar, at, kar, lot, om, pa, pi, son, tick, yew, tol, tone. Possible answers (words): arat, lobster, dad, python, pilot, attic, crowd, carat, sonar, cardboard, aroma, squash.

It’s even more interesting not to pronounce the charade, but to depict it in the form of a skit. You will need rich imagination and ingenuity to depict objects. But how much delight and positive emotions!
Here are a few words that are easy to use to make charades:
- balalaika, mumble, beard, grapes, domino;
- oriole, sausage, cabbage, Krylov, fist, aspen;
- panorama, story, tailor, dishes, conversation, family;
- dog, magpie, temperature, cod, lesson, injection, seagull;
- ditty, drawing, sneak, anchor.

And these are examples of more complex words for composing charades:
- ram duct (ram duct), air duct (air-air duct);
- hunger (hunger-knapsack), long-term construction (long-term);
- comparator (com-para-tor), mood (mood);

One of the popular types of charades is making up new words, which must contain the originally specified word. Compiling such charades can be done in any lesson as a warm-up and relaxation.
1. Add any other word to a given word and get a new one. For example, what new words can be obtained from the word “kol” by adding independent words to it? (Col - lecture, bone, ode, vat. New words: collection, barb, deck, quiver).
2. Attach any independent words to the given word and get a completely new one, the ending of which will be the originally given word. For example, what new words can be obtained from the word “spruce” by placing independent words in front of it? (Grifel, whale, post, pood, staff - spruce. New words: stylus, jacket, bed, poodle, stack).
3. Put any words, prefixes or conjunctions in front or behind the words “cat” or “dog” to create a chain of new words. Who can do it faster? Who can make up the most words that must contain the words “cat” or “dog”? (Kettle, hiccup, scotch, rumble, clatter, arctic fox, song, sand, arrogance, elbow, pulp, boycott, gurgle, pestle, sandy loam, herpes, kettle, cutlet, knapsack, cottage, cattle, nicotine, tickle, small fry, slush , chirping, gudgeon).
4. Who can make up the most words ending in “me”? (Name, udder, seed, crown, burden, time, banner, flame, tribe, stirrup, etc.).
5. Who can come up with more and faster words that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second. For example: me (...) pancake. Answer: shock. Word options: according to (current) ar; run (mot) or; pi(.lot) ok; to you (pir) amida; go (fight) cat; talk (thief) from; on (genus) din; ku (ma) ma; on (gar) already; at (vet) ka; about (white) ka; at (stup) a; at (count) wasp; com (pass) port; im (port) tick; at (gar) already.
(Source - Dick N.F. One is a word, two is a word: entertaining games with letters and words in elementary school / N.F. Dick. - Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2008. - 285 p.)

This material was suggested to us by our regular author N.A. Yeskov, and we were very happy about him: isn’t it nice to once again be convinced that two hundred years ago people were having fun, making fun of each other, and playing parlor games? And it’s even more pleasant to get to know a long-forgotten Russian writer...

Alexander Efimovich Izmailov was born in St. Petersburg in 1779, and died there in 1831. He came from a poor noble family, received his education at the Mining School (1792–1797), after which he served in the State Revenue Expedition. Later (1826) he rose to the post of vice-governor of Tver.
He began writing and publishing at the end of the 18th century, and immediately gained fame thanks to the satirical novel “Eugene, or the Pernicious Consequences of Bad Education and Society” (1799–1801), which continued the tradition of Russian educational prose. True, the late lyrics of A.E. Izmailova was openly official.
In 1802, the writer joined the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Science and the Arts, but, unlike most other members of this society, he showed himself to be a staunch opponent of the archaists. In this he gets closer to the followers of N.M. Karamzin, although the sharp unsmoothness and a kind of democratic inelegance of his writing style clearly do not correspond to the tastes of sentimentalists.
Favorite poetic genres of A.E. Izmailov had a fable and a fairy tale (the latter differed from the first in that it involved people, not animals). The poet considered J. Lafontaine, I.I. to be the best fabulists. Khemnitsera, I.I. Dmitriev and I.A. Krylova.
While serving in Tver and Arkhangelsk, he collected dialect words and expressions, local anecdotes, legends, selections of which were published by him. From the beginning of the 1810s, as a critic and journalist, he participated in the publication of various magazines, and the pinnacle of his journalistic activity was the appearance in 1818 of the magazine “Blagomarnenny”, which he published, focused on unpretentious, good-natured fun.
With A.S. Pushkin and his “ill-intentioned” friends A.E. Izmailov was not close, although he tried not to quarrel with them, only once he slightly “poked” Pushkin in an anonymous note, to which he immediately responded with an angry epigram “Ex ungue leonem” (1825) (also without naming names). However, this did not deteriorate the writers’ relationship. Life went on as usual, and time put everything in its place...

Based on materials from the biobibliographic dictionary “Russian Writers. XIX century"
(M.: Education - Educational literature, 1996)



Dancing first they use mine
With water second drinking,
And sometimes without water,
And he causes a lot of trouble here;
On in general they're moving
Across the river, across the canal -
Really, reader, you haven’t guessed yet?

Reader! First mine is a pretext
And the name - this only happens in some ovens;
Second God gave to everyone.
Disaster and shame to the one who loses it!
On in general served
What they eat and drink.

Syllable first for me that place means
Where do the ships come from?
Second– savior of animals on earth;
A whole- the one who dresses us all.

From first in the forest you will become numb;
Second the same pronoun
Which we now use
In business papers, even in sermons
And sometimes in poetry;
A whole- the flower is beautiful, but charming,
Fragrant and very famous.

Syllable first I have a letter or sign;
Second– flower, grain; A whole- Cossack.

AND first, And second - the same syllable
A the whole- God forbid.

Reader! First mine is a pronoun;
Second- a person whose ability -
It's someone else's property to clean up,
A whole– plant.

How first mine, so second Part
They are always made of wood.
God forbid the enemy first get in!
Second pour liquid
And you can put different things there too.
And in in general ancient weapons are kept,
Which is now unsuitable for battle.

There is in the water first, and also second;
But whole with water second three times better.
How about three times? Four times, five times!
Yes, he can cause a lot of mischief.

Reader! First you probably ate mine:
Every gardener here has this thing;
IN last once upon a time a prophet sat;
A whole- an actor... also a dead poet.

By first we walk
And this is in all houses;
Second in the alphabet we find;
A whole- in the cupboards.

Syllable first consists of a letter with only a vowel;
Second from a consonant:
It’s not far from the first one in the alphabet,
A whole– river.

When for whole my children are being imprisoned
That first they will always show them first;
On the contrary, second
They are often intimidated.

First two syllables– plant.
Although it is bitter, there is no urine, it
But many of us put it in wine.
Last syllable – pronoun;
And in in general It’s not surprising to drown in winter.

Explanation of charades

1. Steam.
2. Under the nose.
3. Tailor.
4. Lion Coy.
5. Er-mak.
6. It's hot.
7. I am a thief.
8. Kol-chan.
9. A-cancer.
10. Bob-ditch.
11. Half.
12. Oh-ka.
13. Az-buka.
14. Wormwood-ya.
