Message about urania. Urania urania (ο ρανία, lat.

Message about urania.  Urania urania (ο ρανία, lat.

URANIA (Ο ρανία, Latin Urania “Heavenly”) is one of the nine muses of ancient mythology, the patroness of astronomy. Daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, goddess of memory. In another meaning, Urania is an epithet of the ancient Greek goddess Aphrodite - an allegory of sublime, “heavenly” love.

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Muses, Muses (μ ονσαι, “thinking”) = Aonids, Aonian sisters, Parnasids, Castalids, Ipokrenids, Pierides (nicknames from the habitats of the Muses) - daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. The Muses - in Greece and Rome - are the goddesses of poetry, arts and sciences, nine sisters born in Pieria and bearing the name "Olympian".

Calliope, muse of epic poetry, Clio, muse of history; Melpomene, muse of tragedy; Talia, the muse of comedy; Polyhymnia, muse of sacred hymns; Terpsichore, muse of dance; Euterpe, patroness of music; Erato, muse of love comedy; Urania, muse of astronomy. As goddesses of art, the muses were associated with their leader, the god Apollo.

The Olympian muses of classical mythology live on Helicon, singing the praises of all generations of gods. The classical muses are inseparable from the orderliness and harmony of the Olympic world. Just like the other gods, the muses had their own temples, which were called museions. From this word comes the modern designation of buildings where collections of works of art or other monuments of past times are exhibited for viewing.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev...Urania alone, like the sun between the stars, Preserves Harmony and rules their paths: At the behest of her mighty rod, good enlightenment flows from end to end; Where before the night was gloomy, There the luminous appearance of the day... "Urania 1820

Joseph Brodsky

Uraniborg Tycho Brahe Observatory, built at the end of the 16th century on the island of Van (near Copenhagen) USA

Urania always holds a celestial sphere and a compass in her hands, wears a cloak of stars, and wears a crown of constellations on her head. Urania, along with her sisters, accompanies, inspiring, the Greek god Apollo, she enjoys having fun and dancing at festivals in honor of Dionysus, and at the same time she personifies the power of knowledge and contemplation.

The Muse Urania calls everyone to move away from the chaos of everyday existence in order to immerse themselves in contemplation and study of the majestic life of the Cosmos and the movements of the stars, reflecting earthly destinies.

Now it is difficult for us to imagine how such an exact science as astronomy can intersect with poetry or other art. However, astronomy during the formation of Greek mythology and the emergence of the cult of the muses was more an art than an exact science.

Astronomy is the science of the muse of Urania, one of the most ancient disciplines. It was studied by Babylonian magicians and soothsayers, Greek philosophers and storytellers, astrologers, mystics, monks, nobles of the Renaissance, and great thinkers of more recent times. The content and concepts of astronomy have always been at the epicenter of the confrontation of ideas and served as the basis for the worldview of a particular time.

More than one century has passed since the heyday of Ancient Greece, but the muse Urania has always inspired not only astronomers and scientists associated with her. The image of Urania can be found on the canvases of artists. Writers and poets did not ignore it.

Lomonosov, displaying his enormous knowledge and exceptional abilities in the field of astronomy, believed that it was here in Russia that “astronomy will grow along with the host of all other sciences,” and that “the most glorious of muses, Urania, will primarily establish her home in our fatherland.” .

He mentions Urania in his ode for the birthday of Empress Catherine:

This is what Russia tells you

And along with it is the cathedral of sciences.

Forerunner Urania

Raises a quick glance to the top,

Heavenly Runs is watching

And with joy he makes up

A crown of new stars for you.

For you, art is earth-measuring

Space to show immensely

Desires unknown places.

Fyodor Tyutchev dedicated the poem “Urania” to the muse (the text is given at the end of the article).

Joseph Brodsky published a book of poems “To Urania” in 1987.

It is planned to install a monument to the poet in the form of three steles with the verses “To Urania” engraved on them. The Moscow Planetarium even created a Urania Museum, where a star globe created by Jan Hevelius is exhibited, on which constellations known in the 17th century are drawn.

Lesueur Estache is a French artist. Urania.

The asteroid (30) Urania, discovered in 1854, is named after Urania.

Poems dedicated to Urania

Fyodor Tyutchev

It's opened! - Isn’t it a dream? New light!

Nova Power

My enthusiastic spirit has become like a flame!

Who, boy, gave me the soaring of an eagle! -

This is the priceless gift of the muses - this is the inspiration of the wing!

I’m rushing, - and the world of the valley has disappeared before me, -

This world, foggy and cramped

Of excitement and vanity entwined in a veil, -

Disappeared! - Like a golden ray of sunshine,

The heavenly ether has touched...

And the dust of the earth blew away...

I see wonderful villages of the highest...

From here - to the opened mysterious gates -

By the grace of fate

The daughters of Mnemosyne are flowing to us,

Honor, joy and beauty to peoples and centuries!..

The boundless sea lies under your feet,

And in the light azure of calm waves

With burning stars the sky is ablaze,

As in a pure heart - the face of the gods;

Like a quiet trembling - expectation;

There is sacred silence all around.

And behold! Like the moon rises from behind the clouds

Urania is an island of silver foam;

An unflickering light spread around,

Born from the smile of goddesses...

The sounds of lyres rush from above;

The world is drowning in enchantment!..

Ethereal shadow folded blankets

And the magic belt harits the omnipotent,

Here Urania took on her image,

And the star crown on the goddess is burning!

What captivated us with dreams on earth,

How the Truth awaits us here too!

Only here under a clear sky

The gloomy current of life will become clearer;

Only here, forgotten by Aquilon,

It flows, both bright and deep!

Only the genius of life is beautiful here,

Here, where the roses of pure pleasures are eternal,

Forever young Poetry wreath!..

Like Pharos for the souls and minds of the sanctified,

The Heavenly Temple is erected high;.-

And Wisdom welcomes the captives to the heavens

Taste from a nutritious meal there.

Around the blessed one in the golden dawns,

On high thrones, in the radiance of the gods,

The saviors of mortals sit magnificently,

Creators of goods, devices, cities;

This world is forever young, with golden chains

Bound families, nations, kings;

The court is right with eternally motionless scales;

Fear of God, guardian of holy altars;

And you, Charity, are the joy of sorrow!

You, Fidelity, are bowed to the anchor with your brow,

Love for the fatherland is the fence of the fatherland,

And cold Valor with a burning sword;

You, with eternally bright eyes, Patience,

And Labor, your unwavering doctor and slander...

This is how the higher powers hold their advice!..

Among them, around them in holy reverence

Accomplishes over the hills of cloud-shaped rop

In circles of mysterious currents

Science and knowledge bright chorus...

Urania is alone, like the sun between the stars,

Keeps Harmony and rules their paths:

By the mania of her mighty rod

Good enlightenment flows from edge to edge;

Where before the night was dark,

There is a luminous appearance of the day;

Like a river of stars, all around the sky

Having prostrated itself, it embraces the universe

And pours out the blessings of life

To the West, to the East, to the North and to the South...

Open up to me, the passing years of the universe!

Urania, tell me where your first temple was,

Your throne and your people, teacher of all

The East is mysterious! - Your streak is perfect! ..

Your early day has passed! From the nearby Sun gates

The birth of his abode arrogantly

It comes and flows, the languid and doubtful king...

Where is Babylon here, where is Thebes? - where is my city?

Where is the glorious Persepolis? - where is Memnon, my


There is none of them! - Its rays are lost in the steppes,

Where the catcher or oratai will mournfully meet them,

Digging fruitlessly in the fiery sands;

Or, bashful, they glide sadly

Along the mossy ribs of the pyramids...

Hide, the gloomy appearance of mortal greatness!..

And the sun strives for a distant journey:

Aegean on the banks of the welcoming chapter

The laurel bowed towards him; and on the hills of Hellas

His altar was surrounded by the green myrtle of Pallas;

The blind singer called him in the hymns,

Horses and riders, leaders and chariots,

A meeting of the gods who left Olympus;

The blows of the right hand of Ares are disastrous,

And sweet are the songs of the shepherds;-

Rome has risen, and Mars thunders and sweet songs

A hundred times the Tibrov hills resounded;

And the swan of Mantua, the explosion of Troy and the ill-fated ashes,

He ascended and poured eternal light on the seas!..

But what catches your eye? -Where, where did you hide?

Heavenly! - Runs like a ghost pale in the darkness,

The day of light has set,

There is chaos and darkness everywhere!

"No! the light of science is eternal; it does not embrace

Riotous darkness; its fruit is incorruptible

And he won’t die!..” -

Rekla Urania and anoints the scepter,

And a pale, ulcerated head

Italy liberates from the iron crypts,

Breaks the bonds of the fierce snakes that stand on the neck of the lion!..

It all starts here! .. The earth is blessed,

Valleys, mountain interiors, springs, forests

And you, Vesuvius himself! you, hot abyss,

Nature's formidable and terrible beauty!

You returned everything, in an insatiable rage

Furious Saturn wanted to hide us from us!

Hellas, Rome, the color came from the ashes!

And the sun flowed again on its gifted path!..

There are no menacing battles for the Ferrara Eagle,

No enchantment, no charms of languor,

Neither hordes of thousands, nor angry hell

The highest paths will not be prohibited anywhere:

On fiery wings he brought him to the temple of Solima

Victory and crown;-

There are the nymphs of Tara, there are the ramparts of Guadalquivir

At Candlemas they flow to you, young Singer,

Brought songs to us from the shores of another world;-

But who are these two geniuses?)

How luminous are the seraphim,

Guardians of the Gates of Eden

And the priests of incomprehensible mysteries? -

One from the British waters, the other from the Alpine mountains,

They offer miracle-working hands to each other;

Strangers from the earth, they raise their gaze to the sky

In the fire of divine dreams!..

Why does the face of the deep sea burn?

Where do Tamiz waters run enthusiastically?

Why are you in holy awe, Alps, Apennines!..

Reverence, earth! Incline your ears, peoples!

The immortal singers tell God to you:

One, like the son of thunder, the fall thunders among you;

Another, like grace, brings salvation

And the path leading to heaven.

And behold! among the snows of deep midnight,

Under the shine of cold dawns, under the whistle of icy blizzards,

He rose from Kholmogory - like a strong cedar, tall,

He rises, ascends and embraces everything around him.

With its strong branches;

Rising to the clouds, his head shines

Immortal fruits.

And where the shining metal is hidden,

There he digs the earth with deep roots, -

So the Russian Pindar stood up! - raised his hand to heaven,

Let him forbid the flaming thunders;

Minerva hits the bowels of the earth with a spear -

And the golden treasures flowed out;

He gazed commandingly at the sea,

And his light burns like Pollux and Castor!..

Singer, on the coffin of the father, the hero king,

He bowed his fresh laurels

And days of priceless bliss and peace

Elizabeth was illuminated!

Then, spilling out, the light from the northern lights

Gave a reflection on the steep banks of the Araks;

And the geniuses stretched out their eyes and hands there,

And new Thebes glowed in the rays...

There, there, in the land of the morning star,

Felitsa's Singer has appeared!..

The mystery of fate prophesied

The Tsar-Hero in the cradle...

He is with us today! He came to us from heaven,

The councils of royal geniuses flew away with him;

They surrounded his throne;

God's spirit rests upon him!

And the muses sang joyfully

You, O king of hearts, are on the throne Man!

by your omnipotent hand

The gates of Janus have closed!

You protected us with silence,

You are our glory, beauty!

Humbly bowing to your throne,

The Peruns sleep on high and low.

And here, where everything is from your goodness,

Here again is the genius of enlightenment,

Shining with the light of renewal,

Bless your joyful days! -

Here he makes sacred vows,

What, constant, unchanging,

In its brilliant height,

The monarch, following the precepts and example,

Will ascend, leaning on Faith,

To your divine meta.

In the modern world, it is not customary to talk about the art of science the way we talk about choreography, poetry, theater or vocals. The fact is that the ancient Greeks, unlike us, perceived the Cosmos as the most perfect work of art and the muse Urania was perceived by them as the inspirer of its knowledge. The first time her name appears in Western literature is in the work of Hesiod. Before learning more about Urania herself, let's get acquainted with her divine relatives.

According to the Hellenes, the muses are the nine daughters of the supreme god Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. Each area of ​​activity that was considered important, according to the ancient Greeks, had to have its own patron - the muse, and thanks to her, it should have developed and prospered. In addition, all the muses, including the muse Urania, accompanied and inspired Musageta-Apollo, the god of arts and harmony, personified all that is wise, bright and beautiful, including morality, science and all types of art.

Spheres of patronage

The very first mention of the muses is found in the works of Homer; other sources also contain information about the nine daughters of Zeus and the areas of science and art they supervised:

  1. Calliope (“wonderful voice”) is the muse of sacrifice and patriotism, epic poetry. It was her who the Hellenes considered the supreme muse and depicted with a laurel wreath or crown on her head.
  2. Clio (“giver of glory”) is the muse of history, who, according to the ancient Greeks, wrote down any, even the most insignificant events in her scrolls so that the memory of them would not be erased.
  3. Melpomene (“song, singing”) is the muse of tragedy, dressed in a theatrical robe, holding a dramatic mask in her hand.
  4. Thalia (“good nature”) is the muse of comedy, wearing a simple ivy wreath on her head and holding a comedy mask.
  5. Polyhymnia (“many songs”) is the muse of sacred hymns and the patroness of speakers.
  6. Terpsichore (“cheerful dance”) is the muse of dances, including wedding ones. She is dressed in a simple tunic, has an ivy wreath on her head, and holds a lyre in her hands.
  7. Euterpe (“joy”) is the muse of lyricism and poetry, whose head is decorated with a wreath of fresh flowers. Her instrument is a double flute.
  8. Erato (“sweetheart”) is the muse of love and wedding poetry. She was depicted wearing a wreath of roses and always with some kind of playful and cheerful musical instrument in her hands, for example, a tambourine or a lyre.

  9. Urania is the muse of science and astronomy. The youngest of all the daughters of Zeus and wise on a par with Pallas Athena. Urania always holds a compass and a celestial sphere, wears a cloak of stars, and wears a crown of constellations on her head.

The most serious muse

As already mentioned, the muse Urania (you see the photo of her sculpture) is the youngest among the nine sisters, but she is also the most knowledgeable and intelligent of them. She is beautiful, like all the other muses, because the Greeks professed the principle of kalokagathia, which was that what is beautiful on the outside is just as beautiful on the inside. Therefore, patronesses of the arts and sciences simply could not have an unsightly appearance.

Despite the fact that Urania, together with her sisters, accompanies and inspires Musageta, dances with pleasure and has fun at the holidays in honor of Dionysus, she personifies the power of knowledge and contemplation. The Muse Urania calls everyone to move away from the chaos of everyday existence in order to immerse themselves in the study and contemplation of the majestic life of the Cosmos and the movements of the stars, reflecting earthly destinies. As already mentioned, all muses have certain attributes, for Urania this is the celestial sphere and a compass.

What is she responsible for?

Our modern ideas about such an exact science as astronomy do not allow any points of intersection with poetry or other art. However, during the formation of Greek mythology and the emergence of the cult of the muses, astronomy was more an art than an exact science. Urania is the muse of astronomy, which began its development together with mathematics and astrology in ancient Greece.

Over time, the Hellenes managed to achieve significant heights in the study of the firmament, stars and space. It was in ancient Greece in the 3rd century BC. e. Aristarchus of Samos was the first to formulate the hypothesis of heliocentrism, and the calculations of Eratosthenes of Cyrene, made around the same time, formed the basis of the calendar we use today. Hipparchus of Nicaea in the 2nd century BC. e. managed to compile the first catalog of “fixed stars” according to their brightness and completed tables of the motion of the Moon and the Sun. But Urania’s sister, Clio, is a rather ironic person: today the erroneous geocentric theory put forward in the 2nd century AD is widely known. e. Claudius Ptolemy, and served as the basis for the Christian church teaching about the structure of the Universe, and not the earlier discoveries of Greek scientists.

As already mentioned, astronomy is the science of the muse of Urania, one of the most ancient disciplines. It was studied by Babylonian soothsayers and magicians, Greek philosophers and storytellers, monks and nobles of the Renaissance, astrologers, mystics and great thinkers of more recent times. The content and concepts of astronomy have always served as the basis for the worldview of a given time and have been at the epicenter of the confrontation of ideas.

Aphrodite Urania

Indeed, in Greek mythology the epithet "Urania" was used.

in relation to the daughter of the sky god - Aphrodite, who personified the physical strength of nature. Aphrodite Urania - the Heavenly One was revered by the Hellenes not only as the patroness of pure love and family, but also as the goddess of fertility and plant powers, who was in charge of fields, gardens, groves and vineyards.

The image of Urania in art

More than a century has passed since the heyday of Ancient Greece, but the muse Urania has always inspired not only astronomers and scientists associated with her. The image of Urania can be found in the paintings of Simon Vouet “Muses Urania and Calliope”, Louis Tocquet “Muse of Astronomy”, Angelika Kaufmann and Louis de Boulogne, Johann Heinrich and Eustathia Lesours, engravings by Jan Hevelius and Hendrik Goltzius. Of course, the muse in these paintings is depicted in robes in accordance with the fashion of the time when the artist worked, but a celestial sphere and a compass in his hands, or a stylus and a map of the starry sky are always present.

Writers and poets also did not ignore her: Urania is the muse of astronomy, who inspired Lomonosov and Tyutchev to “odic reasoning.” Our famous contemporary Joseph Brodsky published a book of poems “To Urania” in 1987. In St. Petersburg, it is planned to erect a monument to the poet in the form of three steles with the verses “To Urania” engraved on them.

The Moscow Planetarium even created a Urania Museum, where a star globe created by Jan Hevelius is exhibited, on which constellations known in the 17th century are drawn. In addition, the museum displays many interesting items related to the study of outer space and stars.

In the modern world, it is not customary to talk about the art of science the way we talk about choreography, poetry, theater or vocals. The fact is that the ancient Greeks, unlike us, perceived the Cosmos as the most perfect work of art and the muse Urania was perceived by them as the inspirer of its knowledge. The first time her name appears in Western literature is in the work of Hesiod. Before learning more about Urania herself, let's get acquainted with her divine relatives.

Who are the muses?

According to Hellenic ideas, the muses are the nine daughters of the supreme god Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. Each one considered important, according to the ancient Greeks, had to have its own patron - a muse, and thanks to her, develop and prosper. In addition, all the muses, including the muse Urania, accompanied and inspired Musageta-Apollo, the god of arts and harmony, personified all that is wise, bright and beautiful, including morality, science and all types of art.

Spheres of patronage

The very first mention of the muses is found in the works of Homer; other sources also contain information about the nine daughters of Zeus and the areas of science and art they supervised:

The most serious muse

As already mentioned, the muse Urania (you see the photo of her sculpture) is the youngest among the nine sisters, but she is also the most knowledgeable and intelligent of them. She is beautiful, like all the other muses, because the Greeks professed the principle of kalokagathia, which was that what is beautiful on the outside is just as beautiful on the inside. Therefore, patronesses simply could not have an unsightly appearance.

Despite the fact that Urania, together with her sisters, accompanies and inspires Musageta, dances with pleasure and has fun at the holidays in honor of Dionysus, she personifies the power of knowledge and contemplation. The Muse Urania calls everyone to move away from the chaos of everyday existence in order to immerse themselves in the study and contemplation of the majestic life of the Cosmos and the movements of the stars, reflecting earthly destinies. As already mentioned, all muses have certain attributes, for Urania this is the celestial sphere and a compass.

What is she responsible for?

Our modern ideas about such an exact science as astronomy do not allow any points of intersection with poetry or other art. However, during the formation of Greek mythology and the emergence of the cult of the muses, astronomy was more an art than Urania, the muse of astronomy, which began its development together with mathematics and astrology in ancient Greece.

Over time, the Hellenes managed to achieve significant heights in the study of the firmament, stars and space. It was in ancient Greece in the 3rd century BC. e. was the first to formulate the hypothesis of heliocentrism, and the calculations of Eratosthenes of Cyrene, made around the same time, formed the basis of the calendar that we use today. Hipparchus of Nicaea in the 2nd century BC. e. managed to compile the first catalog of “fixed stars” according to their brightness and completed tables of the motion of the Moon and the Sun. But Urania’s sister, Clio, is a rather ironic person: today the erroneous geocentric theory put forward in the 2nd century AD is widely known. e. Claudius Ptolemy, and served as the basis for the Christian church teaching about the structure of the Universe, and not the earlier discoveries of Greek scientists.

As already mentioned, astronomy is the science of the muse of Urania, one of the most ancient disciplines. It was studied by Babylonian soothsayers and magicians, Greek philosophers and storytellers, monks and nobles of the Renaissance, astrologers, mystics and great thinkers of more recent times. The content and concepts of astronomy have always served as the basis for the worldview of a given time and have been at the epicenter of the confrontation of ideas.

Aphrodite Urania

Indeed, in Greek mythology the epithet "Urania" was used.

in relation to the daughter of the god of the sky - Aphrodite, who personified the physical strength of nature. Aphrodite Urania - the Heavenly One was revered by the Hellenes not only as the patroness of pure love and family, but also of plant forces, who was in charge of fields, gardens, groves and vineyards.

The image of Urania in art

More than a century has passed since the heyday of Ancient Greece, but the muse Urania has always inspired not only astronomers and scientists associated with her. The image of Urania can be found in the paintings of Simon Vouet “Muses Urania and Calliope”, Louis Tocquet “Muse of Astronomy”, Angelika Kaufmann and Louis de Boulogne, Johann Heinrich and Eustathia Lesours, engravings by Jan Hevelius and Hendrik Goltzius. Of course, the muse in these paintings is depicted in robes in accordance with the fashion of the time when the artist worked, but the celestial sphere and a compass in his hands, or a stylus, are necessarily present.

Writers and poets also did not ignore her: Urania is the muse of astronomy, who inspired Lomonosov and Tyutchev to “odic reasoning.” Our famous contemporary Joseph Brodsky published a book of poems “To Urania” in 1987. In St. Petersburg, it is planned to erect a monument to the poet in the form of three steles with the verses “To Urania” engraved on them.

The Moscow Planetarium even created a Urania Museum, where a star globe created by Jan Hevelius is exhibited, on which constellations known in the 17th century are drawn. In addition, the museum displays many interesting items related to the study of outer space and stars.

Muse of astronomy. This Muse personifies the power of contemplation; she calls us to leave the external chaos in which man exists and to immerse ourselves in the contemplation of the majestic running of the stars, which is a reflection of fate. This is the power of knowledge, the power that pulls towards the mysterious, pulls towards the high and beautiful - towards the Sky and the Stars.

Today I saw...

Today I saw Urania, the Muse of Astronomy, the Muse of the Firmament. To see it, you just need to raise your eyes to the sky. But today it is very difficult to do...
Today we, indifferent to the highest inspiration, are far from the Muses. We bless the bonds and chains that pull us more and more to the ground. And we remember less and less that the sky exists and that the stars shine despite our blindness, and that the sacred laws that govern the universe inexorably continue to be fulfilled, even though people try to abolish them with a simple decree on paper. Today I saw Urania, and in her hands was this very Sphere, moving according to universal Laws, this huge fantastic Universe in which harmony is expressed through numbers, movement, cycles and endlessly renewing life. The sphere seemed to me blue, transparent, in a halo of shining stars, in the light of which it was clearly visible that in this sidereal world everything that exists is connected to each other by the thinnest threads.
Forgetting about the abstractions to which science has taught us, I saw that stars are living beings, full of vital energy. They walk their universal path, clothed in their shining bodies, just as we mortals resort to the medium of our bodies to understand the world around us and communicate with each other. I saw that the rotation and revolution of the stars is similar to the daily bustle of humans and our more or less long trips, which we embark on from time to time to settle our current affairs. The appearance and disappearance of stars in the sky is surprisingly similar to what we call sleep and wakefulness. And I saw how the stars gravitate towards the center of their circulation and inextricably follow their Sun, just as people rush towards God in their constant quest for perfection. I felt how perfect the knowledge of the ancients was if, after studying the temperament of each living star, they gave it the name of the corresponding deity, trying to piece together a symbol and its meaning, which would help a person to better feel part of the Universe.
This sight made me think about the parallelism of the paths that people and stars follow towards a single destination, each based on their own capabilities. We are dark, they are brilliant, but our essence is the same. We are left alone and in despair, Urania accompanies them, showing them the trajectories along which they outline their mathematical curves. We are below, they are above, but our desire to meet is mutual: they send us their eternal radiance, and we learn to raise our eyes to their presence in the night sky, full of signs.
When the Sun goes out, and with it the worries and labors of the day go away, raise your eyes, dear reader, to the sky. Do not let the dark clouds covering it mislead you, through them you will see how the veil of Urania shines, dotted with lights that flicker in the same rhythm in which your heart beats. Having seen Urania, you will understand that you are not alone, that the Universe, which she brings to you in the palm of your hand, is endless, and in return for human suffering, you are promised a great eternity in the world of our star brothers, who have taken one step more than us on the path of Life and have learned to reverse the dark into light, and the ephemeral was turned into the eternal. Do you see Urania? As soon as you raised your eyes, she lowered hers to you and, with the language of stars shining with the highest light, she tells you about your star.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Only difficult things are worth taking on, for there is a mysterious connection between the difficult and the valuable.... But where would we get the strength if we did not have an Ideal that, like a guiding star, shines for us in the night and shows us the way? This star lights up every evening, and its radiance allows us to move directly towards the goal, and not write useless circles... This star is our Ideal.

HA. Livraga

This is how the sacrament of communion occurs: the star of fate shines, the eyes that see it sparkle, and a magical contract is sealed that will remain in force as long as the star lives and shines. While it flickers in the sky, life will glimmer in the human heart; while she walks along the heavenly paths, we will walk along the earthly paths.

D.S. Guzman

Be like one who is patient, not afraid of failure and not striving for success. Fix the gaze of your soul on the Star from which your spiritual Self radiates, on the flaming Star shining in the lightless depths of eternal Being, in the boundless fields of the Unknown.

E.P. Blavatsky
