Name day of the novel. Name day of the Roma, congratulations to the novel Is the name Roman Orthodox or not?

Name day of the novel.  Name day of the Roma, congratulations to the novel Is the name Roman Orthodox or not?

Name day is an important holiday for every Orthodox believer. It is similar to a birthday because it is associated with baptism - spiritual birth into eternal life according to the teachings of the church. When a person passes by, he is given some name, always in honor of one or another saint. From this moment on, the newly baptized person has in the person of this saint of God a heavenly patron, with whom he will be spiritually connected throughout his life. Therefore, an unbaptized person, in general, does not have the right to celebrate a name day, because he bears his name without reference to the personality of his heavenly patron.

For those who are being initiated into a name, the patron is chosen by the parents (if a child is being baptized) or by the person himself. The day on which the memory of the chosen saint is honored according to the church calendar becomes the name day. If someone was baptized in childhood, but there are no records or memories left of which of the saints was chosen as the patron saint of the person being baptized, then the saint is determined as follows: the calendar is taken and it is calculated which day of remembrance of which of the saints of the same name is closest to his birthday. He turns out to be the patron. They do the same thing when a person chooses a name for himself at baptism, but does not know which saint to prefer. In all other cases, a patron can be chosen regardless of the date of birth, based only on intuition and a feeling of a special spiritual connection and sympathy. Calendar-wise, this could be any day.

Roman, whose name day may fall in one of ten months of the year, has quite a wide choice in this regard. Of course, once the choice is made, it cannot be changed. Below we provide the main list of dates on which Roman’s name day falls.


June 13 marks the name day of Roman, named after the martyr of the same name who suffered for his faith in Christ. This happened in an area called Nicomedia.


On August 1, the name day of those who have their Prince Roman of Ryazan, glorified as a martyr for faith in Christ, is celebrated. He was tortured and killed at the khan's court on charges of blaspheming the pagan faith of the Tatar ruler. This was done on the basis of a slanderous denunciation of the khan’s tax collectors, from whose arbitrariness Prince Roman protected his subjects.


September 8 - Confessor Roman. Orthodox believers with the name Roman celebrate their birthday on this day in honor of the holy confessor who reposed in the Lord in 1937, after many years of repression by the Soviet government. During his lifetime he was a priest, and shortly before his death he also became a monk with the name Joseph.



On November 13, the name day of Roman is celebrated, whose life, however, is unknown. There are plenty of such cases in church history.


December 1 is the name day of Roman, named after the hieromartyr of Caesarea (executed by the pagans at the beginning of the fourth century for preaching the Gospel).


January 18 - memory of Roman the Hieromartyr. All that is known about him is that he accepted martyrdom for the work of preaching.

On this same day, the memory of the venerable martyr of the same name, who died at the end of the seventeenth century, is venerated. During his lifetime he was one of the monks on Mount Athos. Once in Constantinople, he was forced by Muslims to convert to Islam. For his resolute refusal to do this, he was killed.


On February 11, the church remembers the martyr Roman from the city of Samosata. He was killed there by pagans during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Diocletian at the end of the third century.


On March 2, the venerable disciple of St. Theodosius the Bulgarian is remembered. When the teacher died in the monastery he founded, the Monk Roman became its abbot, in whose rank he ended his life.


On the 15th of May, the day of remembrance of Saint Prince Roman (Boris), the faithful passion-bearer, is celebrated. He was the brother of Prince Gleb, the son of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince. He suffered in Rostov from assassins sent on the orders of his other brother, Svyatopolk. Together with Prince Gleb they are considered the first

Orthodox names. Choosing a name. Heavenly patrons. Saints Pecherskaya Anna Ivanovna


Meaning of the name: from lat. Romanus- “Roman, Roman.”

Main features: will, passion.

Character traits. This is a serious and inquisitive child. His family loves him very much, which is why problems begin in adolescence. He doesn’t want to look like a spoiled boy in front of his friends, so he is rude and harsh. Roman has a penchant for risk, extreme sports, and adventure in his blood. He is constantly drawn into some kind of story, he needs to test himself and the world for strength. Quite vindictive, cruel and vindictive.

Name day

February 16 (3) – Roman, Prince of Uglich, builder of churches and almshouses during the harsh times of the Mongol yoke.

December 10 (November 27)- Roman of Antioch (Syria), hermit, miracle worker, who performed miracles of healing.

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Roman - Greek Romanos - from Latin Roma - Rome, i.e. Roman.

Roman's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 18:Roman, prmch.; Roman, sschmch.
  • 11 February:Roman Samosatsky, martyr.
  • February 16:Roman Uglichsky, prince
  • 2nd of March:Roman, Rev.
  • March 29:Roman Pariysky, martyr.
  • May 15:
  • June 13:Roman of Nicomedia, martyr.
  • August 1:Roman Olegovich, Ryazansky, martyr, prince
  • August 6:Boris (baptized Roman), passion-bearer, prince
  • 11th August:Roman Kirzhachsky, Rev.
  • August 15:Novel
  • August 23:Roman Rimsky, martyr.
  • September 24:Roman, martyr.
  • October 8:Roman, martyr.
  • October 14:Roman the Sweet Singer, Constantinople, deacon. [creator of canons]
  • the 13th of November:Novel
  • December 1:Roman of Caesarea, Antioch, schmch., deacon
  • December 10:Roman of Antioch (Syria), hermit. [miracle worker]

Characteristics of the name Roman

Since childhood, Roman has been a very active and inquisitive boy. Often he has such an attractive appearance that he himself begins to hate it, considering it his weakness. He is constantly admired, pampered, and in vain - Roman can grow up to be selfish. He does not like to help around the house, is indifferent to order, and is often careless. He is not particularly interested in reading, animals or television, but loves to draw or invent.

Roman despises school. He often skips classes, can be rude to the teacher, fight, or even commit an outright hooligan act. Roman has no authority, it’s difficult to influence him, except to properly touch his pride. He is fond of sports, is beautifully built, dexterous, and strong. He loves to flaunt his strength and humiliates the weaker without a twinge of conscience. He does not tolerate ridicule of himself, becomes aggressive and can take cruel revenge on the offender.

Roman cannot stand monotony and routine. As a rule, he searches for his place in life for a very long time and in detail. At the same time, he becomes interested in one activity or another, but quickly loses interest. An eternal search is in the nature of Roman. He has a sharp mind, he is insightful, restless. Roman will be enthusiastic about any job, but only at first. His specialty, one way or another, is associated with risk: operative, fireman, surgeon, military man, traveler-researcher, stuntman. Roman will be able to find himself in a creative profession - writer, artist, painter.

Roman has many friends. He is, of course, proud and stubborn, but generous and frank. He has an incomparable sense of humor, he is always ready for hikes, discos, and adventures. As they say, you won’t get bored with Roman!

Roman has unbridled passion and love for the opposite sex. In the love sphere, Roman is almost always the winner. He is handsome, easy to talk to, throws money around, knows how to give compliments, is persistent, charming... just every girl's dream! But keeping Roman is unrealistic. He does not accept obligations; he needs constant variety and freedom. It happens that Roman does not dare to tie himself into family ties. It's hard to be married to him. He will constantly slip away “to the side”, without being tormented at all by remorse. Roman will provide for his family financially, take care of the children, but the “freedom-loving spirit” will not evaporate. At the same time, he will be terribly jealous. Only a real strong feeling can change Roman’s frivolity, which, unfortunately, rarely reaches his heart.

Name Day or Angel Day is the day of remembrance of one or another saint who patronizes his namesake - a baptized person with the same name.

If your name is Roman and you want to know when Roman’s name day should be celebrated, then you will find the answer to this question and other useful information about your name in this article.

Roman's name day according to the church calendar

According to the calendar, Roman’s angel day falls on the following days of the calendar:

  • January 18 and February 11, 16;
  • March 2 and 29, as well as May 15;
  • June 5, 13, as well as August 1, 6, 11, 15, 23;
  • September 8, 16, 24, October 8, 14 and November 13, as well as in winter December 1, 10.

Roman's name day is celebrated either when the church honors the saint after whom the man was named, or on the nearest day following his birthday.

If, for example, Roman’s birthday is November 3, then the name day is celebrated on November 13, the day of remembrance of the righteous Roman.

Origin of the name

The name Roman is of Latin origin, it comes from the word romanus, which translates as “Roman” or “Roman”. Translated from Greek, Roman means “strong, strong.”

The name of the flower “daisy” is also associated with the name Roman: they are related in origin, because chamomile is a derivative of the word “Roman”.

Other languages ​​also have names similar to this name: Italian Romano, Spanish Roman, French Romain. It is also curious that the male name Roman has a female paired version of the name - Romana.

In Rus', the name became widespread after the adoption of Christianity, coming to us from Byzantium. This name was given at baptism to Saint Prince Boris, who, together with his brother Gleb, became the first Russian saint canonized by the Russian Church.

Patron saints of the Roman in Orthodoxy

Every Orthodox person at baptism receives a name that is borne by one or more of his heavenly patrons.

The patron saints of the Romanovs are:

  • Venerable Martyr Romanus of Karpenisia;
  • Hieromartyrs Roman of Lacedaemo, Roman of Paria, Roman of Kisaria;
  • Martyrs Roman of Rome, Roman of Samosat, Roman, Prince Roman of Ryazan, Roman of Nicomedia;
  • Roman Uglichsky, noble prince;
  • Reverends Roman Tarnovsky, Roman Kirzhachsky, Roman Sladkopevets, Roman Syrian; Passion-Bearer Roman (in the world - Prince Boris);
  • Righteous Roman;
  • New Martyrs Roman Marchenko, Roman Medved.

Good to know: if a person’s baptism occurred before the year 2000 (before the glorification of the new martyrs), then the new martyr bearing the name of this person is not considered his heavenly patron. The New Martyr can be considered the patron saint of a person baptized after 2000.

Information about some saints who bore the name Roman

The most famous and revered saints in Russia bearing this name are Roman of Kisariysky, Roman the Sweet Singer and the hermit Roman of Syria.

Roman of Kisaria served as a deacon in the church of Caesarea in Palestine. He lived in Antioch during the Christian persecution, where he was captured and hanged for his beliefs. According to tradition, they pray to the martyr Roman of Antioch in case of infertility and the inability to have children.

Roman the Sweet Singer, who lived in the second half of the 5th century, was a native of the city of Emesa (Syria). At one time he was a sexton in the city of Berita, then a cleric in the Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. Through prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, he received the gift of singing and composing church songs, which he had not previously had.

He is considered the first creator of kodaks and the author of the famous kodak for the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. Roman the Sweet Singer died peacefully in 556 in the rank of deacon, having taken monastic vows. Believers pray to this saint, asking for help in the art of singing and the development of creative abilities, as well as protection from ill-wishers and envious people.

The hermit Romanus the Syrian, like the previous saint, lived in the 5th century. He lived in Antioch, near the city of Ros, where he was born. He became famous as a recluse, strictly observing fasts and wearing heavy chains until his death at a very old age.

He had the gift of healing many diseases, especially revered by women who suffer from infertility, because to this day, through prayers to this saint, they are able to give birth to children.

Name day celebration

If the name day coincides with Lent, then the table should be fast, and if Angel Day falls during Lent, then it is transferred from weekdays to one of the weekends.

If you want to give the birthday person a gift, then it would be appropriate to present an icon of a saint, for example, Roman - the saint whom he honors on this day, spiritual literature - the life of a saint or a prayer book, with a prayer to Saint Roman, candles or a vessel for holy water.

Turn to your saints for help, asking for their intercession, and honor them not only on name day.

When is Roman’s name day according to the 2015 church calendar? There is not only one correct answer to this question. Angel Roman Day, which is celebrated on December 1, is adopted in honor of Deacon Roman, a martyr who suffered for his unshakable faith in Christ. The Christian Romanus, who denounced the pagans, was killed in Syria in 297. His name day is celebrated on February 11. In the calendar of Orthodoxy, more than one Roman is noted whose life was dedicated to the formation of Christianity. In their honor, the day of the angel Roman according to the church calendar is celebrated 21 times throughout the year.

A list of all Roman’s name days according to the church calendar can be found below

  • January 18 – the name day of Roman the Martyr of Carpensia is celebrated
  • February 11 - celebrated the day of Roman Samosatsky, martyr
  • February 16 – Roman of Uglich, prince
  • March 2 will be the day named after the Venerable Roman
  • March 29 is the day of Roman Piraia, martyr
  • May 15 – Boris (baptized Roman) passion-bearer, prince (transfer of relics)
  • June 13 – you can celebrate the name day of Roman of Nicomedia, martyr
  • August 1 – Roman Olegovich, Ryazansky, prince, martyr
  • August 3 - Roman Medved, confessor of the archpriest
  • August 6 – name day of the passion-bearer Prince Boris (baptized Roman)
  • August 11 is the day named after St. Roman Kirzhachsky
  • August 15th – name day of righteous Roman
  • August 23 – Roman of Rome, martyr
  • September 8 – Confessor and Archpriest Roman Medved
  • September 16 – Hieromartyr Priest Roman Marchenko
  • September 24 – Martyr Roman
  • October 8 – Martyr Roman
  • October 14 – Deacon of Constantinople, Roman the Sweet Singer
  • November 13th – Day of the Righteous Roman
  • December 1 – name day of Roman of Caesarea, Antioch deacon, hieromartyr
  • December 10 – Hermit Roman of Antioch (Syrian) Wonderworker

Here is a list of dates when the day of the angel Roman will be celebrated.

Roman meaning of the name character and fate

The name Roma comes from the Latin word Roma meaning Roman.

As a child, Roman was a small, pretty boy, spoiled by the love of his grandmother and mother. However, it is susceptible to a large number of diseases. Because of this, having become accustomed to loneliness and constant care from his parents, he begins to experience certain difficulties in communicating with peers. Able to get involved in activities he likes. True, such a hobby passes quickly enough.

Having matured, Roman changes. He turns into a strong-willed, hardworking, independent person who is heavily influenced by anyone. He's quite self-confident. Believing that his knowledge and skills should be well paid, he agrees only to work with good remuneration. He devotes himself completely to his work, he is hardworking and patient. He has certain inclinations towards art, in particular towards theatre. Has excellent intuition.

He can court a girl he likes for quite a long time, determining her economic qualities, and secretly collecting information about her pedigree (in order to have healthy children). However, usually his children are sick in childhood, just like he was.

He can become a passionate and inventive lover. Trying to remain free, he is not inclined to burden himself with moral standards. He is the leader in the family. Caring, economical. He loves his children very much. Because of his inconstancy, a marriage may fall apart in the early years, but over the years it will only grow stronger.

Suitable for work that involves people. Can prove himself to be a good officer.
