Quotes about selfishness. Aphorisms about selfishness Male selfishness quotes

Quotes about selfishness.  Aphorisms about selfishness Male selfishness quotes

Selfishness is not the point. that a person lives as he wants, but that he forces others to live according to his principles.

Oscar Wilde

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Selfishness is a symptom of a lack of self-love. He who does not love himself is always worried about himself.

Erich Fromm

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There are three categories of egoists: egoists who themselves live and let others live, egoists who themselves live and do not let others live, and finally, egoists who themselves do not live and do not let others live.

I. Turgenev

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Selfishness does not consist in loving oneself, but in a greater degree of this love than it should.


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Personal egoism is the father of meanness.

M. Gorky

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The more cold, calculating, and circumspect we are, the less we are attacked by ridicule. Selfishness may be disgusting, but it is not ridiculous, for it is reasonable. However, there are people who love themselves with such tenderness, are surprised at their genius with such delight, think about their well-being with such tenderness, about their displeasures with such compassion, that in them selfishness has a funny side of enthusiasm and sensitivity.

A. Pushkin

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Selfishness kills generosity.

F. Dostoevsky

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Family selfishness is crueler than personal selfishness. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the benefits of another for himself alone considers it his duty to take advantage of misfortune, the need of people for the good of the family.

L. Tolstoy

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Selfishness is the root cause of cancer of the soul.

V. Sukhomlinsky

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Ethical standards and altruism have strong biological foundations, created by long and persistent individual and group natural selection.

Vladimir Efroimson

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A true egoist even agrees for others to be happy if only he brings them this happiness.

J. Renard

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Everything that surrounds the egoist seems to him only a frame for his portrait.

J. Petit-San

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Selfishness is hateful, and those who do not suppress it, but only cover it up, are always worthy of hatred.

B. Pascal

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An egoist is a person of bad taste, more interested in himself than in me.

A. Beers

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Extreme selfish people are ready to burn down the house. just to fry some eggs.

Francis Bacon

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If we are such despicable egoists that we cannot give people at least a little happiness and at least to some extent honestly recognize their merits without trying to get something from them in return, if our souls are shallow, like the sour fruits of a wild apple tree, then we are doomed to a failure that we fully deserve.

D. Carnegie

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An egoist is a person of bad taste, more interested in himself than in me.

Ambrose Bierce

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There is not only single or individual egoism, but also social egoism, family, corporate, community, and patriotic egoism.

L. Feuerbach

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Hey you guys, do as I do! This means - don’t follow me, This track is only mine, Choose your own track.

V. Vysotsky

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Narcissism and self-hatred are equally self-centered.

Mason Cooley

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People are divided into two halves. Some, upon entering the room, exclaim: “Oh, who do I see!” - others: “Here I am!”

Abigail Van Beuren

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But what should I do if I probably know that the deepest egoism lies at the basis of all human virtues? And the more virtuous the deed, the more egoism there is. Love yourself - that's one rule I recognize. Life is a business transaction.

F. Dostoevsky

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Selfishness is such a disgusting vice that no one will forgive in another person and no one will recognize in himself.

Henry Beecher

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Brotherly love lives on a thousand souls, selfishness lives on only one, and a very pitiful one at that.

Maria Ebner Eschenbach

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Our callousness, our selfishness prompts us to look at nature with envy, but she herself will envy us when we recover from our illnesses.

R. Emerson

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Setting the house on fire to fry yourself eggs is in the nature of a selfish person.

F. Bacon

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Andrey Lavrukhin

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Egoism is resourceful, like a chameleon.

V. Belinsky

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An egoist is like someone who has been sitting in a well for a long time.

Kozma Prutkov

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Selfishness is the only true atheism, ambitious unselfishness is the only true religion.

I. Zangwill

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He is so full of himself that he is completely empty.

Thomas Fuller

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Selfishness is the voluntary killing of everything that is alive and good in a person.

E. Zola

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Selfishness has always been the scourge of society, and the more there was of it, the worse it was for society.

D. Leopardi

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An egoist is a person who loves himself more than other egoists.

Gennady Malkin

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“Why,” says the egoist, “will I work for posterity when it has done absolutely nothing for me?” - You are unfair, madman! Posterity has already done for you that you, bringing the past closer to the present and future, can at will consider yourself: a baby, a youth and an old man.

Kozma Prutkov

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Being selfish does not mean living the way you want. It means asking others to live the way you would like.

O. Wilde

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The egoist believes that men were created for her, the altruist believes that she was created for men.

Andrzej Monastyrski

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Egoists are capricious and cowardly in the face of duty: they have an eternal cowardly aversion to bind themselves to any duty.

F. Dostoevsky

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“Egoism,” like the word “love,” is too general: there can be vile love, there can be high egoism. The egoism of a developed, thinking person is noble, it is his love for science, for art, for his neighbor, for a broad life, for independence, the love of a limited savage is the highest egoism.

A. I. Herzen

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The slave has the least amount of selfishness.

A. Herzen

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Selfishness is a disgusting vice, which no one is deprived of and which no one is willing to forgive another.

G. Beecher

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Egoism writes down in ink the evil done to it and in pencil the good done to it.

S. Segur

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But enough about me, let's talk about you. How do you find me today?

Bette Midler

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Egoists complain the most about the selfishness of others, because they suffer the most from it.

V. Klyuchevsky

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The selfishness of happy people is careless, superficial and unaccountable. The selfishness of unhappy people is bitter, bitter and convinced that they are right.

Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

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There is narrow, animalistic, dirty egoism, just as there is dirty, animalistic, narrow love.

A. Herzen

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An egoist lives only in himself and for himself, and if his “I” is distorted, then he has nothing to live with.

N. Ostrovsky

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“If you want to achieve this, don’t just love yourself, fall in love with yourself with all your might, admire yourself with all your eyes, yes, open your eyes with all your might and stare at yourself. Love yourself shamelessly! Love yourself passionately, with gusto, love yourself with a groan and smacking your lips! And so that your moan can be heard all over the area, so that everyone can see and hear your love for yourself, otherwise there will be no use for you from it, well, except for a smack, since the smack is pleasant to you. “They will laugh,” said the cake maker. “And I would laugh.” “Well, if you blush,” the man corrected. “You blush, feel embarrassed, and suddenly feel ashamed of your love for yourself, and you start making excuses and launch into explanations—then, of course, they’ll definitely laugh. Then I would have laughed too. Don’t you dare blush while loving yourself, and everyone around you will blush with envy! Love yourself with a challenge - and the challenge will be accepted with gratitude! Flatter yourself out loud, but only rudely, recklessly flatter—and they will flatter you!”

Andrey Dmitriev

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A selfish person may think he is succeeding, but when he needs the help of his friends, there may be no one there for him. Having lived his life, such a person is unlikely to leave behind a good memory, if at all he remains in the memory of people. The greed of an egoist may provide him with tangible riches, but he will never know the true joy and pleasure that only love can give.

Robert Salvatore

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It took many centuries for people to even verbally acknowledge that the lives of others have the same value as their own lives. In practice, by and large, everything remains as it was before: if they need to sacrifice the lives of others in their own interests, they do it easily, without a twinge of conscience or hesitation, but they are very indignant when others easily dispose of their own lives.

Ali Absheroni

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After all, all I want is for everything to always be my way.

Bernard Show

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A creature, such as a baboon, is called altruistic if its behavior enhances the well-being of another similar creature to the detriment of its own well-being. Selfish behavior leads to the exact opposite result.

Richard Dawkins

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Egoism, armed with reason, tries to avoid its own bad consequences, directed against itself.

Arthur Schopenhauer

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Selfishness does not mean living the way you want, it is a requirement for others to live the way you want.

Oscar Wilde

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An egoist is someone who loves himself more than me.

Oscar Wilde

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Selfishness is a symptom of a lack of self-love. He who does not love himself is always worried about himself.

Erich Fromm

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Self-love can, oddly enough, calmly coexist with shamelessness.

Kobo Abe

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If you don't love others, you won't be able to love yourself...

Haruki Murakami

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The most honorable victory is the one gained over egoism.

Pierre Buast

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Selfishness is a disgusting vice, which no one is deprived of and which no one wants to forgive another.

Henry Ward Beecher

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I don't accept those people who only care about themselves.

Ali Absheroni

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Genetic egoism usually gives rise to selfishness in the behavior of an individual. However, under some special circumstances the gene is best able to achieve its own selfish goals by promoting a limited form of altruism at the level of individual animals.

Richard Dawkins

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The idea of ​​genetically inherited characteristics as something permanent and unshakable is a mistake, and by the way, a very common one. Our genes may tell us to be selfish, but we don't have to obey them throughout our lives. It may simply be more difficult to learn altruism than if we were genetically programmed to be altruistic.

Richard Dawkins

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Brotherly love lives on a thousand souls, selfishness lives on only one, and a very pitiful one at that.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

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If there is no higher moral goal, then it degenerates into personal arbitrariness, into the expanse of personal egoism. It is so: space for personal egoism, material well-being, material motives of life - this is the real banner of the union, this is the engine of life! Of course, these motives, appearing as a banner, as a connecting principle, in turn are the common ones that absorb the unbridled egoism of individuals: without this certain absorption, society would not exist for even one hour, and the unbridled personal egoism would present a terrible spectacle. “Help yourself! Help yourself! - the Americans shout selfishly - and thousands die, falling through the bridge, boldly thrown across the abyss, and thousands again rush into a new brave enterprise, which takes the breath away of the European. But are these motives sufficient for the moral nature of human society? Is this American freedom really freedom?

Ivan Aksakov

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Egoism is cotton wool stuffed into the ears so as not to hear people's groans.

Henryk Sienkiewicz

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An egoist is someone who cares more about himself than about me.

Julian Tuwim

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The selfishness of happy people is careless, superficial and unaccountable. The selfishness of unhappy people is bitter, bitter and convinced that they are right.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

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Let's try to teach generosity and altruism, for we are born selfish.

Richard Dawkins

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If I believed in immortality, altruism would be a profitable activity for me. God knows how I could elevate my soul. But, not seeing anything eternal ahead except death, and having at my disposal a period of time while the yeast called life stirs and ferments within me, I would act immorally, making any kind of sacrifice. Any sacrifice that would deprive me of even a moment of fermentation would be not only stupid, but also immoral in relation to myself. I must not lose anything, I must make the best use of my starter. Whether I make sacrifices or take care only of myself during the time allotted to me, while I form a particle of yeast and crawl on the earth, this will make the eternal immobility that awaits me neither easier nor heavier for me.

"Sea Wolf"

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I maintain that the predominant quality of a successful gene must be ruthless selfishness.

Richard Dawkins

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Be an altruist, respect the selfishness of others!

Quotes about egoism can be found in A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, N.A. Ostrovsky, F.M. Dostoevsky, I.S. Turgenev, O. Wilde, Graham Greene, A. Camus and many other writers and philosophers. Women writers and diarists made interesting observations about this flaw in human nature.

Philosophers on egoism

No matter how egoists are stigmatized, they feel great and do not at all repent of their position in life for many centuries. In the 4th century BC, Aristotle gave a precise definition of this vice:

Selfishness does not consist in loving oneself, but in a greater degree of this love than it should. (Aristotle).

The English philosopher of the 17th century, Francis Bacon, had no doubt at all about the bad qualities and aspirations of narcissistic people who would not spare anyone even for the sake of their smallest goals:

Setting a house on fire to fry yourself eggs is in the nature of an egoist. (F. Bacon).

Ludwig Feuerbach, a German philosopher of the 19th century, found in egoism not only personal, but also social traits:

There is not only single or individual egoism, but also social egoism, family, corporate, community, and patriotic egoism. (L. Fayerbach).

Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher of the second half of the 19th century, warned egoists who do not understand their true thoughts and feelings well enough:

But the most dangerous enemy you can meet will always be yourself; you lie in wait for yourself in caves and forests (F. Nietzsche).

Sigmund Freud, an Austrian psychiatrist, shared this view. Unconscious egoistic needs are dangerous:

The ego is not master in its own house (S. Freud)

Albert Camus, a French existentialist, proposed his interpretation of egoistic aspirations in the 20th century:

The feelings we experience do not transform us, but they suggest to us the idea of ​​transformation. Thus, love does not save us from selfishness, but makes us aware of it and reminds us of a distant homeland, where selfishness has no place. (A. Camus)

Russian classics

Russian classical literature is rich in definitions of egoism. All the characteristic features of a narcissistic person, different types and types of selfishness are described in detail and carefully. Russian writer-thinkers studied the concept of “egoism” from all sides. They wondered whether the word had too broad a meaning, and why it was used for such disparate qualities as independence and selfishness.

The more cold, calculating, and circumspect we are, the less we are attacked by ridicule. Selfishness may be disgusting, but it is not ridiculous, for it is reasonable. However, there are people who love themselves with such tenderness, are surprised at their genius with such delight, think about their well-being with such tenderness, about their displeasures with such compassion, that in them selfishness has a funny side of enthusiasm and sensitivity. (A.S. Pushkin)

There are three categories of egoists: egoists who live themselves and let others live; egoists who live themselves and do not let others live; finally, egoists who themselves do not live and do not give to others (I. S. Turgenev).

Family selfishness is crueler than personal selfishness. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the benefits of another for himself alone considers it his duty to take advantage of misfortune, the need of people for the good of the family (L.N. Tolstoy).

Quotes about egoism from Russian classics reflected the contradictory attitude towards this concept in the 19th century; it was even understood as positive qualities.

The word “egoism”, like the word “love”, is too general: there can be vile love, there can be high egoism. The egoism of a developed, thinking person is noble. This is his love for science, for art, for his neighbor, for a broad life, for independence; the love of a limited savage, even the love of Othello, is the highest egoism. (A.I. Herzen)

But what should I do if I probably know that the deepest egoism lies at the basis of all human virtues? And the more virtuous the deed, the more egoism there is. Love yourself is one rule that I recognize. Life is a business transaction. (F.M. Dostoevsky)

Egoists complain the most about the selfishness of others, because they suffer the most from it. (V.O. Klyuchevsky)

Personal egoism is the father of meanness. (M. Gorky)

Oscar Wilde on selfishness

Many people know about human selfishness.

Selfishness does not mean that a person lives as he wants, but that he forces others to live according to his principles. (O. Wilde)

Wilde, a master of sophism and paradox, hid from his fans that he was very cunning. In this quote about selfishness, it is not at all obvious that in life the principles “for oneself” and “for others” are inseparable.

The extravagant esthete Oscar Wilde was a moralist in his best works. He argued that the reader sees only a reflection of his own sins.

However, Wilde himself refuted his famous aphorism. His Dorian, for whom the moral and the beautiful were temporarily separated, made a mistake. Dorian died trying to destroy his portrait. No morality - no beauty.

Quotes about selfishness from classical literature often lead to the idea that only those who help make others beautiful are truly beautiful.

An English writer said a very interesting phrase about the egoism of the 20th century:

Show me a happy person, and I will show you either narcissism, selfishness and anger, or complete spiritual blindness. (G. Green)

Egoism through the eyes of women writers

Quotes about selfishness and love can be found on the pages of women's novels, diaries, and essays.

Maria Bashkirtseva, a 19th-century Russian artist, left a remarkable observation in her diaries.

True egoists should do only good: doing evil oneself is too unhappy. (M. Bashkirtseva)

Bashkirtseva believed that ambition is a noble passion; out of pride and ambition, people try to be kind in front of others, even for a minute, and this is better than never being kind.

When you come across quotes about the selfishness of men, it is noticeable that women are often jealous of activities and pleasures that are more attractive to the stronger sex than love affairs.

Of all the passions (for power, for fame, for drugs, for a woman), the passion for a woman is still the weakest. (N. Berberova)

Loneliness, she says, can also begin in a hug.

Simone de Beauvoir also noted the inflated pride of men:

The most ordinary man feels like a demigod next to a woman. (Simone de Beauvoir)

Harriet Beecher Stowe, an American writer of the 19th century, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, believed that selfish feelings are a universal problem for men and women:

Selfishness is a disgusting vice, which no one is deprived of and which no one is willing to forgive another. (G. Beecher Stowe)

Maria Ebner-Eschenbach, an Austrian writer, stated in one of her classic aphorisms:

The selfishness of happy people is careless, superficial and unaccountable. The selfishness of unhappy people is bitter, bitter and convinced that they are right. (M. Ebner-Eschenbach)

Egoism is the guardian on the path to real relationships. The wall between hearts. A fly in the ointment of external attractiveness. When we are afraid to enter into a relationship or even begin to communicate, we are actually preoccupied with ourselves.

The egoist does not see his real portrait, but he willingly evaluates those around him.

The reason for failed love relationships is selfishness. There is a lot hidden in true love. This is patience, empathy, tenderness and dedication. It takes two to love. Anyone who thinks about himself would be better off alone.

Selfishness is sometimes like a mask. To hide the fear of being misunderstood, abandoned or deceived, people try to appear worse than they are.

Best status:
Some people just have to be treated selfishly. Either they take you, or you take them.

You can forgive a lot in a relationship. Weak character or scandalous nature. It is impossible to put up with selfishness and indifference. There is no such thing as indifferent love.

It's a pity that selfishness is not a diagnosis. Otherwise, such people could be prescribed loneliness until recovery.

How many problems arise because of love. More precisely, because of self-love.

What’s more surprising is the indifference and selfishness of those around us, everyone, without exception, thinks only of themselves! What the f*ck end of the world? We’ll all die of loneliness. I’m already suffocating

There are three categories of egoists: egoists who live and let others live; egoists who live themselves and do not let others live; finally, egoists who do not live themselves and do not allow others to live. Women mostly belong to the third category. – Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

At the moment of death, egoism undergoes complete collapse. Hence the fear of death. Death, therefore, is a kind of teaching to egoism, uttered by the nature of things. – A. Schopenhauer

Healthy selfishness, diet, gym and a good lover...

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty. Who will win in you??3

Conscience woke up. Egoism in panic.

But what should I do if I probably know that the deepest egoism lies at the basis of all human virtues? And the more virtuous the deed, the more egoism there is. Love yourself - that's one rule I recognize. Life is a business transaction. – F. Dostoevsky

Egoism writes down in ink the evil done to it and in pencil the good done to it. – S. Segur

And if a person laughs, if in the entire animal kingdom only he is capable of this terrible deformation of the facial muscles, it is only because only he, having gone through the natural stage of animal egoism, has reached the highest, devilish stage of cruelty. – Michel Houellebecq

Our callousness, our selfishness prompts us to look at nature with envy, but she herself will envy us when we recover from our illnesses. – R. Emerson

Selfishness kills generosity. – F. Dostoevsky

Family selfishness is crueler than personal selfishness. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the benefits of another for himself alone considers it his duty to take advantage of misfortune, the need of people for the good of the family. – L. Tolstoy

The ethical is something more than the non-egoistic. – Albert Schweitzer

I want to share it only with my egoism... And not with Katya from a pedagogical perspective...

Have you ever noticed what bright colors our egoism gives to everything that belongs to us?

Selfishness does not mean living the way you want... it is a requirement for others to live the way you want...

True egoists do not need friends. The beauty of selfishness is that they are satisfied with themselves. They are not alone and can live well without you.

Egoism is cotton wool stuffed into the ears so as not to hear people’s groans. – G. Senkevich

Everything that surrounds the egoist seems to him only a frame for his portrait. – J. Petit-San

Setting the house on fire to fry yourself eggs is in the nature of a selfish person. – F. Bacon

An egoist is a person of bad taste, more interested in himself than in me. – A. Beers

The only healthy basis for a great state is state egoism, not romance, and it is unworthy of a great power to fight for a cause that does not concern its own interests. – O. Bismarck

Selfishness is the voluntary killing of everything that is alive and good in a person. – E. Zola

If we are such despicable egoists that we cannot give people at least a little happiness and at least to some extent honestly recognize their merits without trying to get something from them in return, if our souls are shallow, like the sour fruits of a wild apple tree, then we are doomed to a failure that we fully deserve. – D. Carnegie

An egoist is like someone who has been sitting in a well for a long time. – Kozma Prutkov

The true value of a person is determined by the extent to which he has freed himself from selfishness and by what means he has achieved this.

*and why do people dislike egoism so much...well, a person thinks that he is the main one in his world, and who do you think should be the main thing in his life?..concentrism is when a person considers himself to be the main thing in the lives of others..this is really bad ..*

Selfishness is a disgusting vice, which no one is deprived of and which no one is willing to forgive another. – G. Beecher

Egoism is resourceful, like a chameleon. – V. Belinsky

People can be unreasonable, illogical and selfish; forgive them anyway. – Mother Teresa

Selfishness is a symptom of a lack of self-love. He who does not love himself is always worried about himself. Erich Fromm

Loneliness is not a diagnosis at all, but a way of life that is quite convenient for those with a high level of selfishness!

The more cold, calculating, and circumspect we are, the less we are attacked by ridicule. Selfishness may be disgusting, but it is not ridiculous, for it is reasonable. However, there are people who love themselves with such tenderness, are surprised at their genius with such delight, think about their well-being with such tenderness, about their displeasures with such compassion, that in them selfishness has a funny side of enthusiasm and sensitivity. – A. Pushkin

Common sense is far-sighted egoism. – Schwebel Wilhelm

There are things worse than war. Cowardice is worse, betrayal is worse, selfishness is worse. – Ernest Miller Hemingway

“Why,” says the egoist, “will I work for posterity when it has done absolutely nothing for me?” - You are unfair, madman! Posterity has already done for you that you, bringing the past closer to the present and future, can at will consider yourself: a baby, a youth and an old man. – Kozma Prutkov

For an egoist, the past is emptiness, the present is a desert, the future is nothing. – S. Segur

I don’t know why, but personally, it’s much easier for me to imagine a girl suffering from love than a guy. And this is my selfishness, because love is the same for everyone.

Egoists complain the most about the selfishness of others, because they suffer the most from it. – V. Klyuchevsky

There is narrow, animalistic, dirty egoism, just as there is dirty, animalistic, narrow love. – A. Herzen

We have become hypocritical. We put on masks. We close our eyes to the pain of others. Selfishness is our second self. Time with a smile, we betray without regret. We leave without looking back. We judge others for what we are afraid to admit to ourselves. We sleep with those we don’t love, fearing loneliness ((. .somehow disgusting..

Sunny, now before you go to my heart, talk to me about my indifference, selfishness and self-confidence! No one will miss you!!! 7

There is not only single or individual egoism, but also social egoism, family, corporate, community, and patriotic egoism. – L. Feuerbach

Personal egoism is the father of meanness. - Maksim Gorky

My pride and selfishness have always been too strong. I guess I just grew up in a world where people don’t forget and don’t forgive.

Selfishness may be disgusting, but it is not funny, for it is extremely reasonable. However, there are people who love themselves with such tenderness, are surprised at their genius with such delight, think about their well-being with such tenderness, about their displeasures with such compassion, that in them selfishness has a funny side of enthusiasm and sensuality. - Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich

The true value of a person is determined by the extent to which he has freed himself from selfishness and by what means he has achieved this. - Albert Einstein

At the moment of death, egoism undergoes complete collapse. Hence the fear of death. Death, therefore, is a kind of teaching to egoism, uttered by the nature of things. – Arthur Schopenhauer

fuck love! go selfishness: D

There are three categories of egoists: egoists who live and let others live; egoists who live themselves and do not let others live; finally, egoists who do not live themselves and do not give to others. – I. Turgenev

An egoist is similar to an Eskimo: being in the eternal cold of loneliness, he walks all his life in the deerskin of his selfishness and dies without ever recognizing the power of the sun's rays of love. – V. Krachkovsky

Egoism writes down in ink the evil done to it and in pencil the good done to it. – S. Segur

You cannot serve your people while being unfair to another people. Isn't the selfishness of the state the same vice as the selfishness of an individual? Does justice cease to be a virtue if it is applied to another people? – L. Berne

Love brings an ideal attitude and light into the everyday prose of life, stirs up the noble instincts of the soul and prevents it from becoming coarse in narrow materialism and crude animal egoism. – Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

There are three categories of egoists: egoists who live and let others live; egoists who live themselves and do not let others live; finally, egoists who do not live themselves and do not allow others to live. Women mostly belong to the third category. – I. Turgenev

From the very day when a person first says “I,” he puts forward his beloved self wherever necessary, and his egoism uncontrollably strives forward. - Kant I.

The slave has the least amount of selfishness. – A. Herzen

From the very day when a person first says “I,” he puts forward his beloved self wherever necessary, and his egoism uncontrollably strives forward. – I. Kant

Egoism is cotton wool stuffed into the ears so as not to hear people’s groans. – Sienkiewicz Henryk

Another clear confirmation of the selfishness of suicide.

Our callousness, our selfishness encourages us to look at nature with envy, but she herself will envy us when we recover from our illnesses. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Personal egoism is the father of meanness. – M. Gorky

Selfishness is the root cause of cancer of the soul. – V. Sukhomlinsky

Selfishness has always been the scourge of society, and the more there was of it, the worse it was for society. – D. Leopardi

An egoist is like someone who has been sitting in a well for a long time. – K. Prutkov

Egoism, armed with reason, tries to avoid its own evil consequences directed against itself. – Arthur Schopenhauer

A father loves his child because it is his birth; but he must still love him as a future person. Only such love for children is true and worthy of being called love; every other one is egoism, cold self-love. – Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich

After reading these statements by wise people of humanity, you, dear reader, will be able to more subtly, accurately and clearly see the manifestation of selfishness in your life. What is it based on, the main reasons for its occurrence. When reading these aphorisms, be extremely honest with yourself. Like, I don’t have such a manifestation, etc. I am sure that you will find a lot of interesting things and replenish yourself with information about egoism and how to work with it, to work with it correctly. What is the difference between reasonable and constructive egoism and destructive egocentrism...

Expressions of the Sages on Selfishness

Egoism in the statements of the wisest people of all times and peoples

    • Selfishness is a symptom of a lack of self-love. He who does not love himself is always worried about himself Erich Fromm
    • Selfishness - when you want her to be with you. And love is when you want her to be happy
    • Above selfishness - when you understand that caring for others brings you direct benefit.
    • Selfishness is actions aimed at satisfying personal interests, including to the detriment of the interests of other people or society.
    • Living the way you want is not selfish

    • Selfishness is when others should think and live the way you want
    • Two of the many components of egoism are egocentrism and infantilism. Egocentrism is a complete inability to accept or even admit the possibility of another point of view, different from one’s own. Infantilism is the perception that signs of attention and self-care are taken for granted.
    • Altruism is controlled egoism.
    • Egoism, armed with reason, tries to avoid its own evil consequences directed against itself. Arthur Schopenhauer
    • The selfishness of happy people is careless, superficial and unaccountable. The selfishness of unhappy people is bitter, bitter and convinced that they are right. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach
    • At the moment of death, egoism undergoes complete collapse. Hence the fear of death. Death, therefore, is a kind of teaching to egoism, uttered by the nature of things. Arthur Schopenhauer
    • The basis of virtuous actions and the willingness to sacrifice one’s interests and oneself are the need of a noble soul, generosity of heart and, to some extent, the selfishness of a strong nature. Sebastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort
    • There is not only single or individual egoism, but also social egoism, family, corporate, community, and patriotic egoism.
    • ... Distinguish between evil, inhuman and heartless egoism and kind, compassionate, humane egoism; distinguish between gentle, involuntary self-love, which finds satisfaction in love for others, and voluntary, intentional self-love, which finds satisfaction in indifference or even outright anger towards others. Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach
    • For an egoist, the past is emptiness, the present is a desert, the future is insignificance. Sofia Fedorovna Segur
    • The natural tendency of the human soul is to protect the self. Everyone, looking inside themselves, can see the catalectic power of this trend, and its results are visible to everyone. We want to be richer, more beautiful, smarter, stronger, more loved and, apparently, better than anyone else. Iris Murdoch
    • Egoists complain the most about the selfishness of others, because they suffer the most from it. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky
    • Moralists talk about selfishness as a bad habit, without asking whether a person can be human without losing a living sense of personality.
    • There is narrow, animalistic, dirty egoism, just as there is dirty, animalistic, narrow love.
    • Of course, people are egoists because they are persons; How can one be oneself without a sharp awareness of one’s personality? We are egoists, and therefore we strive for independence, prosperity, recognition of our rights, therefore we thirst for love, seek activity and cannot deny the same rights to others without an obvious contradiction.
    • The slave has the least amount of selfishness.
    • A person overwhelmed by strong passion is a terrible egoist
    • The word egoism, like the word love, is too general: there can be vile love, there can be high egoism. The egoism of a developed, thinking person is noble, it is his love for science, for art, for his neighbor, for a broad life, for independence; the love of a limited savage, even the love of Othello, is the highest egoism. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen
    • The secret of happiness lies in the ability to leave the circle of oneself Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
    • Love is just an episodic and very brief state of displacing one’s own egoism in favor of the egoism of another person. Janusz Leon Wisniewski
    • Egoism makes us strive to please others Franz Brentano
    • Selfishness is such a disgusting vice that no one will forgive in another person and no one will recognize in himself. Henry Ward Beecher
    • The main harm of marriage is that it drives selfishness out of people. And unselfish people are colorless, they lose their individuality. There are people for whom marriage makes life more difficult. While preserving their "I", they complement it with many other "I". Such a person is forced to live more than one life and becomes a highly organized person, and this, I believe, is the purpose of our existence. Oscar Wilde
    • The reasons that cause angry passion are numerous, but they are similar to each other and depend on each other, since they are connected by greed and selfishness. Where disastrous egoism triumphs, its shadow is necessarily present - anger. Joseph of Vatopedi
    • Personal egoism is the father of meanness. Maksim Gorky
    • Show me a person without an ego and I will show you a loser. Donald Trump
    • Enlightenment and patriotism create nations; ignorance and selfishness create the mob Pierre Boist
    • Living only for the family is animal selfishness, living for one person is baseness, living only for oneself is a shame.
    • An egoist lives only in himself and for himself, and if his “I” is distorted, then he has nothing to live by Nikolai Ostrovsky
    • If you love only yourself, then with the advent of difficult life trials, a person curses his fate and experiences terrible torment.
    • We need to instill in children a love for people, and not for oneself. And for this, the parents themselves need to love people.
    • Where there is love, there is no suffering that could break a person. Real misfortune is selfishness. Felix Dzerzhinsky
    • The selfish individualist who starts everything with the words “I” or “me” will never reach the top. Michael Bloomberg
    • The more cold, calculating, and circumspect we are, the less we are attacked by ridicule. Selfishness may be disgusting, but it is not funny, for it is extremely reasonable. A.S. Pushkin
    • From the very day when a person first says “I,” he puts forward his beloved self wherever necessary, and his egoism uncontrollably strives forward. Kant
    • The true value of a person is determined by the extent to which he has freed himself from selfishness and by what means he has achieved this. Einstein

Selfishness based on a feeling of superiority or self-pity humiliates, destroys, and a person becomes self-centered. If it is based without these feelings, then it can be characterized as correct egoism emanating from the mind, without which a person cannot live in this world.

: Only personal egoism forces a person to abuse acquired knowledge and power. Selfishness is a human construct, the windows and doors of which are always wide open to let in all kinds of sinfulness into the human soul.

Vasily Klyuchevsky:
A person in love with himself cannot be capable of true love. Selfishness is a terrible vice that poisons love. If you are selfish, it is better not to start a family.
Vasily Klyuchevsky:
Selfishness is the root cause of cancer of the soul.
Vasily Klyuchevsky:
Egoism is resourceful, like a chameleon...
Vasily Klyuchevsky:
Egoists complain the most about the selfishness of others, because they suffer the most from it.
Joseph of Vatopedi:
The reasons that cause angry passion are numerous, but they are similar to each other and depend on each other, since they are connected by greed and selfishness. Where disastrous egoism triumphs, its shadow is necessarily present - anger.
George Carlin:
What's good about egoists? They don't discuss other people.
Gerard Depardieu :
Selfishness is only a way to be calm. If you are free, you don't have to be selfish.
Henry Ward Beecher:
Selfishness is such a disgusting vice that no one will forgive in another person and no one will recognize in himself.
I.S. Turgenev:
There are three categories of egoists: egoists who live and let others live; egoists who live themselves and do not let others live; finally, egoists who do not live themselves and do not allow others to live. Women mostly belong to the third category.
Henryk Sienkiewicz:
Egoism is cotton wool stuffed into the ears so as not to hear people's groans.
Maksim Gorky :
Personal egoism is the father of meanness.
Donald Trump:
Show me a person without an ego and I will show you a loser.
Pierre Buast:
Enlightenment and patriotism create nations; ignorance and selfishness create the mob.
Nikolay Ostrovsky:
An egoist lives only in himself and for himself, and if his “I” is distorted, then he has nothing to live with.
Nikolay Ostrovsky:
Living only for the family is animal selfishness, living for one person is baseness, living only for oneself is a shame.
Sigmund Freud :
The ego is not master in its own house.
Keanu Reeves :
Maybe I'm too skeptical about this world, maybe too sensitive to all the hatred and chaos around me - it would be much easier to ignore everything that is going on around me and focus on selfishness.
Richard Bach :
Your selfishness is a measure of the sincerity of your desire to be yourself.
Sophie Marceau:
I don't think you can find peace if you live only for yourself.
Felix Dzerzhinsky:
We need to instill in children a love for people, and not for oneself. And for this, the parents themselves need to love people.
Felix Dzerzhinsky:
If you love only yourself, then with the advent of difficult life trials, a person curses his fate and experiences terrible torment.
Felix Dzerzhinsky:
Where there is love, there is no suffering that could break a person. Real misfortune is selfishness.
At the moment of death, egoism undergoes complete collapse. Hence the fear of death. Death, therefore, is a kind of teaching to egoism, uttered by the nature of things.
Egoism, armed with reason, tries to avoid its own evil consequences directed against itself.
Michael Bloomberg:
The selfish individualist who starts everything with the words “I” or “me” will never reach the top.
A.S. Pushkin:
The more cold, calculating, and circumspect we are, the less we are attacked by ridicule. Selfishness may be disgusting, but it is not funny, for it is extremely reasonable.
Kozma Prutkov:
An egoist is like someone who has been sitting in a well for a long time.
Kozma Prutkov:
Why, says the egoist, will I work for posterity when it has done absolutely nothing for me? - You are unfair, madman! Posterity has already done for you that you, bringing the past closer to the present and future, can at will consider yourself: a baby, a youth to an old man.
Michael Laitman:
Egoism enjoys not only what it has, but also what others do not have.
