Origin and history of the village of Poretskoe. Poretskoye (Chuvashia) Poretskoye Chuvashia

Origin and history of the village of Poretskoe.  Poretskoye (Chuvashia) Poretskoye Chuvashia

In order to bring the coat of arms into compliance with the requirements of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, it was finalized by the artist Vadim Shipunov. The coat of arms was approved by the Decision of the Assembly of Deputies of the Poretsky District dated December 19, 2016 No. S-11/05 “On approval of municipal symbols (coat of arms and flag) of the Poretsky District of the Chuvash Republic.” The coat of arms is included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 11289.

3.1. Heraldic description of the coat of arms of the Poretsk region:
In a dissected azure and green field there is a silver pillar burdened with a cutting of a scarlet knotted pillar and accompanied on the sides at the head by two silver figures formed by crosses superimposed on squares; below, on top of everything, there are two golden fish inscribed in the tip and edges floating up to the middle of the shield, with the tail of the left fish covering the tail of the right one. The shield is topped with a municipal crown of the established pattern.
3.3. Variants of the coat of arms of the Poretsk region, specified in paragraph 3.2. of these Regulations in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for the development and use of official symbols of municipalities (Section 2, Chapter VIII, paragraphs 45, 46), approved by the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation on June 28, 2006, can be reproduced with a status crown of the established pattern.
3.4. Variants of the coat of arms of the Poretsk region, specified in paragraph 3.2. of this Regulation can be reproduced with a free part - a quadrangle adjacent from the inside to the upper right corner of the coat of arms of the Poretsk region with figures from the coat of arms of the Chuvash Republic reproduced in it.
3.7. Rationale for the symbolism of the coat of arms of the Poretsk region:
The basis of the composition of the coat of arms is the figurative name of the region, natural conditions, as well as the features of its historical and economic development.
The central figures of the coat of arms are three vertical stripes of blue, white and green. The silver (white) stripe represents the main river Sura, which divides the Poretsk region into the western left bank and eastern right bank, which differ in their geological structure, soil cover, and vegetation. The image of a pine branch signifies the forest wealth of the area, where pine and spruce predominate. The red color personifies the legend about the Moscow and Uglich roots of the first settlers.
The green color reflects the extremely fertile lands, picturesque Zasur forests, centuries-old oak forests and pine trees in lush evergreen caps. Blue is the color of the sky, a symbol of height and depth.
In ancient times, Sura had untold wealth, most of which was sterlet. Two golden fish symbolize abundance and prosperity, as well as the importance of the river in people's lives. The yellow color allegorically represents the golden domes of temples, which are architectural monuments.
The image of silver stones symbolizes the reserves of gypsum and anhydrite stone. In symbolism, the stone represents the connection between different planes of existence, past and future, and also has such qualitative parameters as a sign of unity, strength, solid foundation, support, firmness, protection and reliability, allegorically reflects the spiritually strong residents of the area who strive for further development and prosperity.
3.8. Authors group.
artist and author of the coat of arms idea: Vadim Shipunov;
rationale for symbolism: Galina Shipunova;
computer design: Dmitry Shipunov (all – Mariinsky Posad).

According to V. Permyakov


The village received its name from the location of the first street - along the Sura River, in Old Slavonic " along the river» .



Education and culture

There is a secondary school, an equestrian school, a children's art school, a local history museum, 2 libraries, and a Palace of Culture. A regional newspaper in Russian, Poretskiye Vesti, is published.


  • Church of the Life-Giving Trinity (1723-1656) with a bell tower (height 56.7 m.)
  • Museum of History and Local Lore
  • People's Art Gallery
  • Monument to soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War
  • Memorial sign-obelisk to the builders of the Sursky defense line
  • Memorial "Naval Glory of Porechye"

Famous people

  • Puchkov, Lev Aleksandrovich (b. 1938) - rector, then president of Moscow State Mining University.
  • Shmelev, Valery Nikolaevich (1939-2014) - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Moscow State Regional Humanitarian Institute.

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  • Princess Marya understood and appreciated this tone.
    “I am very, very grateful to you,” the princess told him in French, “but I hope that all this was just a misunderstanding and that no one is to blame for it.” “The princess suddenly began to cry. “Excuse me,” she said.
    Rostov, frowning, bowed deeply again and left the room.

    - Well, honey? No, brother, my pink beauty, and their name is Dunyasha... - But, looking at Rostov’s face, Ilyin fell silent. He saw that his hero and commander was in a completely different way of thinking.
    Rostov looked back angrily at Ilyin and, without answering him, quickly walked towards the village.
    “I’ll show them, I’ll give them a hard time, the robbers!” - he said to himself.
    Alpatych, at a swimming pace, so as not to run, barely caught up with Rostov at a trot.
    – What decision did you decide to make? - he said, catching up with him.
    Rostov stopped and, clenching his fists, suddenly moved menacingly towards Alpatych.
    - Solution? What's the solution? Old bastard! - he shouted at him. -What were you watching? A? Men are rebelling, but you can’t cope? You yourself are a traitor. I know you, I’ll skin you all...” And, as if afraid to waste his reserve of ardor in vain, he left Alpatych and quickly walked forward. Alpatych, suppressing the feeling of insult, kept up with Rostov at a floating pace and continued to communicate his thoughts to him. He said that the men were stubborn, that at the moment it was unwise to oppose them without having a military command, that it would not be better to send for a command first.
    “I’ll give them a military command... I’ll fight them,” Nikolai said senselessly, suffocating from unreasonable animal anger and the need to vent this anger. Not realizing what he would do, unconsciously, with a quick, decisive step, he moved towards the crowd. And the closer he moved to her, the more Alpatych felt that his unreasonable act could produce good results. The men of the crowd felt the same, looking at his fast and firm gait and decisive, frowning face.
    After the hussars entered the village and Rostov went to the princess, there was confusion and discord in the crowd. Some men began to say that these newcomers were Russians and how they would not be offended by the fact that they did not let the young lady out. Drone was of the same opinion; but as soon as he expressed it, Karp and other men attacked the former headman.
    – How many years have you been eating the world? - Karp shouted at him. - It’s all the same to you! You dig up the little jar, take it away, do you want to destroy our houses or not?
    - It was said that there should be order, no one should leave the houses, so as not to take out any blue gunpowder - that’s all it is! - shouted another.
    “There was a line for your son, and you probably regretted your hunger,” the little old man suddenly spoke quickly, attacking Dron, “and you shaved my Vanka.” Oh, we're going to die!
    - Then we’ll die!
    “I am not a refuser from the world,” said Dron.
    - He’s not a refusenik, he’s grown a belly!..
    Two long men had their say. As soon as Rostov, accompanied by Ilyin, Lavrushka and Alpatych, approached the crowd, Karp, putting his fingers behind his sash, slightly smiling, came forward. The drone, on the contrary, entered the back rows, and the crowd moved closer together.
    - Hey! Who is your headman here? - Rostov shouted, quickly approaching the crowd.
    - The headman then? What do you need?.. – asked Karp. But before he could finish speaking, his hat flew off and his head snapped to the side from a strong blow.
    - Hats off, traitors! - Rostov’s full-blooded voice shouted. -Where is the headman? – he shouted in a frantic voice.

Ogonkina Ekaterina

class 9 “B”, MBOU “Poretsk Secondary School”, p. Poretskoe

Vilkova Tatyana Anatolevna

scientific supervisor:teacher of the highest category, teacher of Russian language and literature,MBOU "Poretskaya Secondary School", p. Poretskoe

Memory and knowledge of the past fill the world,

make it interesting, significant,

spiritualized. If you don't see

behind the world around you of his past,

it is empty for you... But we not only have to

know the history of everything

what surrounds us, starting with our history

families, continuing the village, the city

and ending with the country and the world, but also to preserve this

history, the immeasurable depth of the surrounding.

Academician D.S. Likhachev.


Poretskoye is an ancient Russian village in the Chuvash Republic. Popular legend says that the first settlers of Poretsky were noble people from the cities of Moscow and Uglich, exiled here after a riot in 1591 over the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. Branded lobachas chose a place to live on the gently sloping picturesque bank of the Sura River. This place is still called Lobachevo. And the village itself, located “along Retsk”, received the name Poretskoye. In 1698, exiled participants of the Streltsy revolt also arrived here, since by this time the Poretsk estate was assigned to the royal court and was in the possession of Tsarevich Alexei, the son of Peter I.

The history of my Motherland has always interested me, and the book I recently read by I.M. Vavilova “From the distant past of Porechye” pushed me to write this work. I really wanted to study in more detail the history of my village, its role in the history of Chuvashia and Russia.

The first settlements on Poretsk land.

In the distant past, the border of a huge glacier passed along the Sura River, which reached modern Kyiv and Volgograd, the East European Plain. Even before the glacier, primitive people lived here, as evidenced by excavations carried out by professor of the Chechen State Pedagogical University named after. Yakovlev Kakhovsky in 1977 in the area of ​​the so-called “Gypsy Well” (at the border of Lobachev and the village of Napolnoye), and before the glacier in the distant past there was a sea here, since finds of the “devil’s finger” and fossilized “cuttlefish” shells were discovered.

People lived on the Poretsk land at the junction of the Stone and Bronze Ages. Professor Kakhovsky found stone and bronze tools, including a stone axe.

The place is very convenient for living. Down along the floodplain, near the hill, the Sura River flowed. Currently, there is a so-called ditch in this place, and then Lake Sulyakovo, Starka, Kilzyan and other lakes. Sura moved to the east.

In August 2003, on the southern outskirts of the village of Poretskoye, excavations were carried out, financed by the Poretsky District Police Department. Participants in the expedition: head. Department of Archeology of the Cheboksary State Institute of Humanities E.P. Mikhailov, S.A. Krasnov, a junior researcher at the archeology department, students of the history department of ChSU and Porechan amateur archaeologist A. Bukhalenkov, who discovered this 13th century settlement and on whose initiative the excavations began. This settlement was located about 250 meters from modern Lobachev. To the south of the settlement there was a rampart, which, unfortunately, has not yet been explored by archaeologists. The rampart protected the settlement from raids by nomads.

With the formation of the Kazan Khanate, the Sura River became the border between the Russian lands and this Khanate. During the excavations, two structures were discovered, pottery ceramics, animal bones, clay spinning wheels, a bone kochedyk (made from a rib bone), clay sinkers, iron knife blades, and archaeological material were found, which indicates the interesting life of the village.

But where did these settlements go?

In 1377, Khan Mamai, before going to Moscow, sent the evil Prince Arapsha to Nizhny Novgorod, who walked along the Sura River from Penza and burned all the Russian villages. These fertile lands were abandoned. This is how a wild field arose.

History of Poretsky from 1591 to 1861 gg.

On May 15, 1591, the last heir from the Rurik dynasty, Tsarevich Dmitry, tragically died in the city of Uglich. The Uglich and Moscow boyars accused Boris Godunov of his murder and started a riot. Yesterday's slave, Tatar, son-in-law of Malyuta the executioner and “in his soul the executioner himself will take the crown and barmas of Monomakh” (A.S. Pushkin, poem “Boris Godunov”). Many of the dissatisfied were exiled by Godunov across the vast Russian expanses. One group of exiles, consisting mainly of relatives of the murdered prince (approximately 500 people), was sent through the Pumza to the Surye region to a wild field, to lands conquered from the Kazan Khanate in 1552 by Tsar Ivan VI and donated to his son Ivan. The exiles in Penza were put on rafts. The head of the stage warned one of the exiles: “Sail away from here. You will meet the fortress city of Alatyr on the way. Below Alatyr, look for a good place, stop and settle down.” After a few days of sailing, the exiled Uglichs and Muscovites ended up where the village of Lobachevo stands.

But they were not free people for long. In 1616, the new Tsar Mikhail Romanov gave this village to Prince Yu.A. for some minor merits. Sitsky. The prince increased the corvee and took the net profit.

In 1645, the Poretsk estate was transferred to boyar G.I. as a dowry. Morozov, and then to his son I.G. Morozov. They owned Poretsky and Lobachev until 1672.

By 1670, the “important lobbyists” had gone to their graves. In 1672, Poretskoye was assigned to the royal house, which owned it until 1684.

In 1684, ruler Sophia, steward of Tsarevich Peter, gave it to the Naryshkin brothers. The surname Naryshkina still existed in Lobachev after the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

In 1714, Peter I bought the Poretsk estate for his only son Alexei. After the death of Alexei in 1719, Poretskoye and Lobachevo again passed into the palace department.

In 1731, the new Tsarina Anna Ivanovna gave this estate to her favorite, Count S.A. Saltykov.

The last landowner in Poretsky from 1821 until the abolition of serfdom was sister P.I. Saltykova P.I. Myatlev. She looked more like Saltychikha, famous in Russian history.

The uprising led by E. Pugacheva. Events in the village Poretskoe.

At the end of the third quarter of the 53th century, the feudal-serf system of Russia was shaken by a powerful peasant war led by E.I. Pugacheva. The Peasant War began in September 1773 with the appearance of the Cossacks on the Yaik River (Ural). The leader of the rebels, Don Cossack Emelyan Pugachev, in his manifestos proclaimed the liberation of the peasants from the power of the landowners and the liberation of the oppressed peoples from oppression and oppression. The Chuvash masses were eagerly awaiting the arrival of Pugachev. On July 18, Pugachev signed a manifesto addressed to the peasants. It proclaimed the liberation of the people from serfdom, conscription, taxes and other duties. The manifesto called for the merciless extermination of the nobles. The movement covered almost all the villages of Chuvashia. The rebels dealt with the exploiters in their villages and hamlets, destroyed churches, merchant mills, etc. On July 20, Pugachev entered Kurmysh. The governor, nobles, and officials fled from the city. The townspeople greeted Pugachev with bread and salt. The path of Pugachev’s army from Kurmysh to Alatyr ran through the landowners’ economic and palace villages. By that time, most of the villages of Alatyr district had rebelled. In the villages of Kozlovka, Ryapin, Lomakin, Anastasov, Korovin, Vypolzov, Polibino, Skuchikha, Akhmatovo, Syresy and others, the rebel peasants dealt with the landowners and destroyed their estates. “In the Poretsk estate of Count Saltykov, peasants and Cossacks destroyed the manor’s house, a distillery in the village of Kudeikhe, and a glass factory on the right bank of the Sura River. In the villages and factories, the rebels killed clerks and zemstvos, distributed the master’s property among themselves.”

In September, the peasant movement in Chuvashia largely ceased. Pugachev was arrested and executed on January 10, 1775 in Moscow. From the end of 1774 and throughout 1775, reprisals against the rebels continued. In many villages of Chuvashia, including Poretsky, gallows, “wheels and verbs” were installed to intimidate the people and as a “shameful” sign. Thus, the peasant war was drowned in blood, leaving a deep mark on the Poretsk land.

Trinity Cathedral and bell tower-the main attractions of the village.

From afar flows the Sura, the younger sister of the Volga. But no matter where you approach the Sursky village of Poretskoye, from a distance you can clearly see its picturesque silhouette, ancient streets, buildings of original architecture freely spread out on the high bank of the river, erected by the skillful hands of nameless architects, the ancient Trinity Cathedral, which gives a unique flavor to the village with 420 years history.

In 1593, the first wooden church was built for the first settlers at the expense of the state treasury. No details about her have been preserved. The first “… capital church building appeared in 1730. This white stone temple on Trinity Square was built at his own expense by the wealthy peasant Artemy Andreevich Kozhin. We find a story about how he acquired such a large capital from a Simbirsk official-statistician named Arnold in his notes “Materials for the history and statistics of the Simbirsk province” for 1866.” . The creator of the temple, Kozhin, was formerly a poor peasant. One day a soldier came to him and brought a note from a robber who was being held in the Nizhny Novgorod prison. Kozhin was literate and read the note. In the note, the robber wrote not to him, but to his neighbor and, indicating the place where he hid the money, asked to take it and build a church with it in the village of Poretsky. Kozhin was tempted by the treasure and, taking on the name of his neighbor, asked the soldier to tell the robber that his request had been fulfilled. According to the signs indicated in the note, Kozhin found this money and began trading with it, and soon made a large fortune for himself. The wealth acquired through sin haunted his conscience, and Kozhin finally decided to fulfill the robber’s request. He found an architect and built the Trinity Church.

In 1852, the owner of the Poretsk estate P.I. Myatlyova expanded the refectory part of the temple and added a new chapel, and in 1856 a majestic five-tier bell tower, standing separately from the temple, was built. From that time on, the church received the name Cathedral. The entire Cathedral complex was surrounded by a stone fence. The main altar was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, one chapel was named in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and the other in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

About the bell tower of the Trinity Cathedral, the main attraction and pride of the local residents, one of the most beautiful in the Volga region, it should be noted that until recently it was the tallest in Chuvashia. Its height is 56.7 m. The bells for it were cast right there, right on the square, including a bell weighing more than six hundred pounds. The whole world, with the help of many ropes and winches, raised them to a height, and for many years their melodic chimes sounded for hundreds of miles around.

In 1933, the Cathedral was closed and turned over to an entertainment venue, the base of the bell tower was dismantled, the bells were removed, and this valuable monument of antiquity was increasingly destroyed. In 1991, on the eve of the 400th anniversary of the village, many Porechan residents appealed to their fellow countrymen to restore the bell tower to its original beauty. Since February 2006, the restoration of the Trinity Cathedral, an ancient architectural structure that has been towering over the Sura River for centuries, began in Porechye. Restoration work began so that the cathedral would regain its original appearance and fulfill its true purpose.

Father Pavel Gutsaev, rector of the Cathedral, repeatedly traveled to Moscow to meet with the immediate leadership of the Poretsky GiPor. This joint-stock company provides all possible support to the district authorities in the repair of this historical and architectural monument.

From time immemorial, people have contributed and donated their money to build churches. And now, continuing the ancient traditions of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, their descendants are restoring the Trinity Cathedral at their own expense for their own children and grandchildren. OJSC Rosselkhozbank, represented by the Chairman of its Board, Yuri Trushin, is taking an active part in the restoration of this beautiful architectural ensemble. The President of Chuvashia, Mikhail Ignatiev, is deeply concerned about the restoration of the cathedral. In July 2009, an iconostasis was installed and all church utensils necessary for worship were purchased. Currently, the cathedral is functioning, its doors are open to all Orthodox Christians.

The country is proud of them.

At all times, starting with the liberation wars of Razin and Pugachev and ending with the sacred Great Patriotic War, Porechans have always been distinguished by their special bravery and courage. They never hid in the bushes, they went into the attack with their chests, not sparing their lives for the people's cause. Among them were many Red Commissars, whom the poet Mikhail Svetlov figuratively called “the faithful knights of the revolution, its fearless musketeers.”

In Poretsky, among those who asserted Soviet power here was a local native, extraordinary commissar P.I. Podzakhodnikov, first chairman of the volost Council. At first he was truly “alone after the war,” the only Bolshevik in the village with a population of six thousand. A.P. Shigaev helped Podzakhodnikov in every possible way, provided backup in difficult times, and often, risking his own life, saved him from lynching by angry kulaks. Day by day, more and more like-minded people became close to them: blacksmith I.F. Baskakov with his sons Ivan and Yakov, a Potemkin sailor, and teacher of the Poretsk Seminary I.K. Andronov, Porechan S.P. Mikhailov, A.A. Baskakov, A.A. Garanin, G.T. Suslenkov... M.I. played a prominent role in the establishment of Soviet power in Porechye. Nazarov, food commissar, delegate of the II Congress of Soviets V.F. Vakhatov, fighters of the legendary “iron” division of Guy. The path of the pioneers was thorny: regimental commissar M.I. fell from a White Guard bullet. Nazarov, during the kulak revolt, the village teacher N.A. died. Martemyanov.

About ten years ago, a parcel arrived from afar at the Poretsk Museum of Local Lore. It contained the Order of the Red Banner, which belonged to Pavel Sitnikov, a participant in the Civil War. And this priceless exhibit was donated to the museum by his daughter, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. P.L. Sitnikov distinguished himself in May of 1920 while crossing the Berezina River. As noted in the order of the Revolutionary Military Council, a handful of fighters repelled the enemy’s onslaught with machine-gun fire “until the last bullet and thereby made it possible for the battalion to approach the crossing.” A total of 44 soldiers were awarded the highest revolutionary award - the Order of the Red Banner of Battle. And it is characteristic that among the handful of heroes there were two Porechan residents - P.L. Sitnikov and his fellow villager I.M. Doronkin.

Quite a few natives of the Poretsk region became generals during the Great Patriotic War.

VAKHATOV NIKOLAY IVANOVICH. Major General of Justice (1968). After graduating from the Chuvash Pedagogical Workers' Faculty (1938), he studied at the 2nd Leningrad Law Institute for two years. In the Red Army voluntarily since 1940. In March 1942 he graduated from the naval department of the Military Law Academy. During the Great Patriotic War he served in the military prosecutor's office of the Northern and Black Sea fleets. After the war, in prosecutorial positions in the Navy and in the group of Soviet forces in Germany, from 1952 military prosecutor of the army of the PrikVO, in 1955 - 63 senior assistant to the chief military prosecutor - head of the investigation department, then worked in the Committee of Party and State Control of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR . Since 1967 - military prosecutor of the strategic missile forces. Retired since 1977.

Honored Lawyer of the RSFSR (1971). Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degrees, the Red Star (twice), the Badge of Honor (twice), and medals.

ZINOVIEV ALEXANDER GENNADIEVICH. Military leader, major general. Graduated from the Ulyanovsk Higher Tank School (1976), the Academy of Armored Forces (1992), and the Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (2004). He served in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, the Trans-Baikal and Baltic military districts, and the North Caucasus. Head of the combat control group for the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of Armenia. Awarded the Order of Military Merit and medals.

LEPAEV BORIS ALEXEEVICH. In 1952, he graduated from Poretsk high school and then went to study at the Cheboksary flying club. After graduation, he entered the Armavir Military Flight School, after which he served in a fighter aviation regiment for seven years, became a fighter-bomber, 2nd class pilot, and flight commander.

In 1961, Lepaev entered the Red Banner Air Force Academy. During his studies at the academy, he took part in parades on Red Square in Moscow six times. After graduating from the academy, he was among the most distinguished and was invited to a reception in the Kremlin. He was entrusted with command of an aviation regiment.

In 1975, Boris Alekseevich was awarded the rank of major general. There were many memorable events in the life of our fellow countryman. One of them is a meeting with L.I. Brezhnev and D.F. Ustinov.

Lepaev’s courage and bravery was marked by government awards: the Order of the Red Star, the badge “For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces” 3rd degree and many medals.

PAKHOMOV IVAN IVANOVICH was born on September 13, 1914 in the village of Poretskoye into the family of a poor peasant.

He graduated from the Poretsk school of collective farm youth, then from the Gorky Factory School and worked as a mechanic at the Gudok Oktyabrya plant. In 1933, through the Komsomol recruitment, he entered the Sevastopol Naval Artillery School. After four years of study, Ivan Ivanovich became the commander of the artillery sector of a destroyer in the Black Sea Fleet. In 1938, he studied at the command courses, after which he served as commander of an artillery division on one of the cruisers in the Black Sea Fleet. During the Great Patriotic War, he took part in battles with the Nazi invaders in the Black and North Seas and became captain of the 3rd rank.

It is impossible to list everyone who, in different years, without sparing themselves, their own lives, spoke out in defense of the country and people, but their contribution to the common cause cannot be overestimated.

The trades have been condemned.

Due to the lack of land, many Porechans were engaged in crafts, carriage, trade, and fishing. The famous Sura sterlet was sent live along the Sura, Oka, Volga, and Moscow River to the royal table. In 1728, there were 38 fishermen in Poretsky. In Soviet times, a fish farm was organized in Lobachev. During the Great Patriotic War, many Lobachevsky women worked there.

Poretsk was famous for its craftsmen. In total there were 30 different specialists, and 170 craftsmen. They even cast beautiful bells. So, in 1886, a bell weighing 11 tons was cast for the Poretsky Cathedral on the modern market square. Bells were also made for other churches.

Poretskoye was also famous for its pottery art.

Currently, the village provides Russia and Europe with reserves of gypsum, anhydrite and dolomite.

Modern Poretskoe.

Europe's largest Anastasovo-Poretskoye deposit of gypsum, anhydrite and dolomite is located on the territory of the Chuvash Republic. The deposit is located in the southwestern part of the Chuvash Republic, in the Poretsk region. The design capacity of the mine for the extraction of gypsum and anhydrite is 500 thousand tons per year.

The deposits are located at a depth of 49-77 m; the extraction of gypsum and anhydrite is possible only by underground methods.

Currently, the following buildings have been built on the territory of the mine: a complex of facilities for the above-ground complex of the main and auxiliary shafts, an overhead building, a gypsum stone warehouse with galleries, an administrative building, a gas generator station, a boiler room, a pumping station, on-site electrical networks for power supply and electric lighting, off-site water supply networks with a water tower . The construction of the access road to the industrial site has been completed. Installation of modern expensive equipment for the extraction of gypsum and anhydrite is underway.

The mine has a strong, friendly team of mining specialists, both representatives of the indigenous population of the region and residents of other regions of the country. Lately, many new young guys have come here, they have been trained in the difficult mining craft, and in the mining team they have already managed to gain the necessary work experience.

The village does not stand still, it is constantly growing and developing. This is an important condition for the development of the country.


Having examined various periods in the history and development of the village of Poretsky, I came to the conclusion that our village, being an integral part of the Chuvash Republic and Russia as a whole, played an important role. Being an extremely picturesque place rich in natural gifts, it turned out to be in demand for the royal court back in the 16th century. It is no coincidence that the branded lobaci chose it as their place of settlement. Architectural structures were erected in the village, which became the main attraction not only of the region and the republic, but also of the country as a whole. And people born and living in Poretsky have always served for the benefit of the entire people and state. This was noted both in difficult revolutionary and war years, and in peacetime.

And everyone should study their past and remember it. Everyone knows that a people who do not know their past has no future. But I want my native, beloved village of Poretskoye to live and prosper forever.


  1. Vavilov I.M. From the distant past of Porechye (historical essays). - Shumerlya: RGUP “Sumerlinsky Publishing House”, 2003. - 218 p.; ill.
  2. Dmitriev V.D. History of Chuvashia in the 18th century. - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. book publishing house, 1996. -267 p.
  3. History of the native land. Study guide. Reader. Part I. Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash. book publishing house, 1993. - 416 p.
  4. About Poretsky and Porechany: To the 400th anniversary of the founding of the village. - Cheboksary, Chuvash prince. publishing house, 1991. - 175 p.

Last weekend we decided with Olga lychizarnaja27 suddenly hit the road 500 miles from Samara in order to visit one of the ancient villages of the Chuvash Republic. So, I present to your attention the village of Poretskoye, the date of its foundation, which I captured at the entrance to the village, from the side of the Sura River - 1591. According to rumors, the name came from the word “along the river”, it’s just that people living along the Sura River, instead of the usual phrase, said “along the river”, hence the name PORETSKOYE)). Again, according to folk legend, the first settlers of the village were close associates and relatives of Ivan the Terrible. In historical documents, Poretskoye, as a large village, was mentioned in 1616 and after half a century it became a volost village, an official territorial-administrative unit of Russia.

The Poretsk estate, which by the end of the first century of its history had become one of the richest in the Moscow state, passed from owner to owner until the very abolition of serfdom. The local residents knew different owners. They were under the command of the noble Prince A. Sitsky, and the enterprising boyars Morozovs and Naryshkins, and the favorite of the Empress Anna Ioanovna, Count S. Saltykov. For several years, the son of Peter 1 himself, Tsarevich Alexei, owned the Poretsk lands. And the last landowner was a noble lady of state, tough with the temper of P. Myatlev. (information taken from the official website of the Poretsky district administration).

1. I won’t load you with unnecessary information, those who are interested will always find what they need and useful for themselves, but I’ll show you photos from those historical places...

2. This is what the village looks like from the Sura River.

3. Modern buildings in the village look approximately the same; apparently enterprising people at one time brought there a huge batch of siding, with which local residents covered at least a third of all houses.

4. Palace of Culture...

5. Administration building, as far as I understand...


7. Monument of Glory, against the backdrop of the Poretsk Teachers’ Seminary


9. An object of cultural heritage of federal significance, an architectural monument - the Poretsk Teachers' Seminary, opened on the initiative of Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov in 1870. Here in 1833, A.S. Pushkin stayed with his friend I.P. Myatlev, returning from a trip to collect materials about the peasant war under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev.

10. One of the oldest attractions in the village of Poretskoye is the Trinity Cathedral and a free-standing five-tier bell tower 56.7 meters high.

11. The partially restored cathedral looks like this today...

12. But the bell tower was less fortunate; the structure was finally destroyed in 1933 .

13. As local residents assure, considerable funds were allocated for its reconstruction, but were stolen by the priests to buy expensive cars, I hope in fact this was not the case, although from an external inspection it was cut to the face...

14. The top part of the bell tower was hardly touched at all (perhaps for the best)...


16. But they touched the lower part and covered it with modern shitty bricks, most likely to divert attention; I think such a restoration will backfire on these schemers...

17. That’s where the restoration was completed...


19. It’s a pity that such beauty is wasted, why in vain...

20. Well, then I decided to take a ride around the outskirts of Poretsky and look at interesting houses...




24. The clothing market today is practically unclaimed, because many stores have been built (Magnit, Pyaterochka, Kopeechki, etc.), where prices are much lower and there is a choice.



27. The Sura River, the local piers once served as an important transshipment point for many goods, which could still sail and sail to nearby volosts and to the most distant cities and villages, even abroad. They traded here grain, livestock, and handicrafts. Over the winter, up to three to three and a half million poods of grain alone would accumulate on the Sur piers of Poretsky.

28. Today, as you can see, the condition of the river is very deplorable.

29. Finally, once again the bell tower from a different angle, it’s such a colorful structure, you can’t take your eyes off...

30. By the way, there was no desire to move to Poretskoye, otherwise there is an offer...

31. The current Church of Peter and Paul, built in 1816.


33. At night I left the property of the village of Poretsky and 6 hours later I was in Samara.

How did you spend your weekend, please share?)

The village of Poretskoye was founded in 1591. The first inhabitants were exiled boyars, merchants and archers exiled by Boris Godunov - settlers from the cities of Moscow and Uglich, supporters of Tsarevich Dmitry, involved in the murder of Bityagovsky and Kachalov. They were taken in shackles to Penza, then they went down on rafts along the Sura River and settled in one of the uninhabited places - in the village of Poretsky. The exiled archers, boyars, princes who founded a settlement on the Sura River (Lobachevo), and with them newcomers, were at first counted among the state peasants. In historical documents, the village of Poretskoye has been mentioned since 1666 as a volost center. The first owner of the Poretsk estate, which included the villages of Lobachevo and Semenovskoye, was Prince A. Yu. Sitsky, to whom the estate was granted in 1616 by the first Tsar from the House of Romanov, Mikhail Fedorovich (for special merits). The grant documents say that the prince is allowed to “cut the forest in the Cheremis broadsides beyond the Sura River.” Then for a number of years the estate was owned by the brothers Gleb Ivanovich and Boris Ivanovich Morozov, their sons. From 1672 to 1684, the estate was included in the royal house, and then, from 1714, its owners in different years were the brothers Andrei and Semyon Naryshkin. The next owners of the Poretsk estate were the eldest son of Peter 1 - Tsarevich Alexei, his son - Pyotr Alekseevich, the tsar's sister - Natalya Alekseevna. During these years, Peter I was supplied with ship timber from Poretsky, as well as live fish - sterlet.

In 1731, Empress Anna Ioannovna granted the estate to her uncle Count S. A. Saltykov. Later, the estate passed to his son, Field Marshal Pyotr Semenovich, and then to his grandson Ivan Petrovich. The Saltykovs founded the villages: Kudeikha, Siyava, Kozhevennoye. Count P.S. Saltykov first built a glass factory on these lands, and then in 1743 founded a stationery factory. To establish glass production, Saltykov bought glass specialists - hard-working people from the Moscow merchant I.I. Mokeeva. In 1752, this factory produced 56 boxes of window glass worth 650 rubles. About 60 people worked at the factory. The stationery factory existed for about three decades, producing “various types of paper.” Both glass and paper were sold in the cities of Chuvashia, and they were also exported to Kazan.

From the Saltykovs, the Poretsky estate passed to the Myatlevs. The Myatlevs’ son, Ivan Petrovich Myatlev, moved in literary circles in St. Petersburg and was a regular at Princess Setryukova’s literary salon. He was friends with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, then with Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. There is an assumption that on the way from Orenburg to his estate Boldino A.S. Pushkin spent one night at the Myatlev estate.

The last ruler of the Poretsk estate was P.I. Saltykov’s sister Praskovya Ivanovna Myatleva. The Myatlev estate has survived to this day (now there is a boarding school there). In the main manor house in 1872, Father V.I. Lenin Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov - then inspector of public schools in the Simbirsk province - opened a teachers' seminary. In 1947, the Poretsk Pedagogical School was named after its founder, I.N. Ulyanov.

As of 1917, in administrative and territorial terms, the Poretsky district looked like this: in the Alatyr district of the Simbirsk province - Poretsk volost - the village of Poretskoye; Mishukovskaya volost - the villages of Mishukovo, Ivanovka, Visyaga, Ermolovka, Zhabino, Kokuy, Milutino, Pekhorka, Polibino, Skuchikha, Staroe Ardatovo, Urusovo; Semenovskaya volost - the villages of Semenovskoye, Voznesenskoye, Antipinka, Berezovy ravine, Volchiy ravine, Napolnoye, Nizovka, Studenets, Ryndino, Turdakovo. Syresi, Troitsky village; Siyava volost - the villages of Siyava, Gart, Kirya (station), Kozhevennoye, Kudeikha, Nikolskoye, Shadrikha; in the Kurmysh district of the Simbirsk province - Anastasovskaya volost - the villages of Anastasovo, Bakhmutovo, Bronovshchina, Vypolzovo, Durasovka, Klyuchi, Korovino, Lomakino, Nikulino, Nilovka, Stepanovka. Stepnoe Korovino; Murzitsa volost - the villages of Bredovka, Ryapino. Tareevka, Tikhomirov Ustinovka, Kozlovka, Mochkasy, Shatino.

On May 4, 1922, by a resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Kurmysh district was transferred from the Simbirsk province to the Nizhny Novgorod province, while the entire Anastasovskaya volost and the southern half of the Murzitsa volost in the amount of eight villages were left in the Simbirsk province and assigned to the Alatyr district. From Kurmysh district they were transferred to Alatyr district: Anastasovskaya volost on May 30, 1922; village of Murzitsa volost on May 31, 1922. The latter were included in the Poretsky volost, which previously consisted of one village of Poretsky.

On April 3, 1924, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution on a new administrative division of the Simbirsk province. In connection with this resolution, the consolidation of volosts in the Alatyr district was carried out: the villages of the Siyavskaya volost, with the exception of the Kirya station, were included in the Poretsk volost; Semenovskaya and Mishukovskaya volosts - partly to Poretskaya and Kuvakinskaya volosts; Anastasovskaya volost - all to Poretskaya volost. These transformations were carried out from April 14 to April 20, 1924, and soon the next congress of Soviets of the Poretsk volost took place, at which a new composition of the volost council and the presidium of the executive committee, headed by chairman N.Ya. Smirnov, were elected.

On April 21, 1925, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to transform the Chuvash Autonomous Region into the Chuvash Soviet Socialist Republic, and on June 20, the cities of Alatyr, Alatyrskaya, Kuvakinskaya, Poretskaya, Mishukovskaya and Semenovskaya volosts were transferred from the Simbirsk province to the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Their official transfer took place on September 7, 1925. On September 5, 1927, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted a resolution on the zoning of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, which authorized the division of the republic into 17 districts, instead of 5 counties and 53 volosts. In the period from September 2 to September 27, 1927, elections of enlarged village Soviets took place everywhere, and from October 1, the first regional congresses of Soviets were held, which formed the governing regional bodies.

The Poretsky district was formed at the first regional congress of Soviets, which took place on October 1-3, 1927. It included all 54 villages previously assigned to the Poretsk volost and another 12 villages of the Kuvakinskaya and Mishukovskaya volosts and 5 villages of the Algashinskaya volost.

By a resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of July 15, 1929, the Nizhny Novgorod region was renamed the Nizhny Novgorod Territory, which included the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Chuvashia, including the Poretsky region, was part of the Nizhny Novgorod and then Gorky Territories until 1936, before the adoption of the first Constitution of the USSR. Even before the abolition of the Alatyr district, the question of the formation of the Mordovian-Rynda volost in it was repeatedly raised. However, the issue was not resolved positively for the reason that 12 Mordovian villages, including Napolnoye, Ryndino, Syresi, were located uncompactly, at a considerable distance from each other.

It was only after the formation of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in January 1930 that some of the villages of Chuvashia were transferred to it. So, on February 14, 1930, Staroe Ardatovo, Zhabino, Urusovo, Ryndino, Napolnoye, Nizovka, Studenets, Syresi were transferred from the Poretsk region to the Mordovian Republic. However, the population of a number of these villages were unhappy with the transition to the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Therefore, there were many requests for petitions to higher authorities. As a result, the government of the RSFSR agreed to meet the citizens of the Poretsk region, and the villages of Napolnoye, Nizovka, Studenets, Ryndino and Syresi were again returned. Their transfer took place on April 28, 1934.

On December 10, 1934, 7 new districts were formed in the Chuvash Republic. Among them, the Kuvakinsky district was formed from a number of villages in the Alatyr and Poretsky districts (the villages of Ivanovka, Pekhorka, Turdakovo, Ryndino, Syresi, Lyubimovka, Sutyazhnoye), and the Algashinsky villages, located in the Poretsky district since October 1927, were transferred to the Shumerlinsky district. The Kuvakinsky district existed until October 27, 1956, and after its abolition, the villages that were previously Poretsky were again transferred to the Poretsky district.

On December 20, 1962, the regions of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic were divided into 9 rural and 2 industrial regions. In this regard, the Poretsky district was abolished and divided between the Alatyr and Shumerlinsky rural areas. This situation continued until November 16, 1964, when the Poretsky district was again restored to its former boundaries.

The village of Poretskoye is the administrative center. This is one of the large regional centers of Chuvashia. 5825 people live here. No matter where you approach the Sursky village of Poretskoye, its picturesque silhouette is visible from a distance: ancient streets, freely spread out on the high bank of the river, buildings of original architecture, erected by the skillful hands of architects. In 1723, the Holy Trinity Cathedral was built, the oldest architectural monument of the village, which has survived to this day. In 1856 The architectural ensemble was complemented by a 57 m high bell tower (this is one of the tallest architectural structures in the Volga region).

In the Poretsk region before the revolution, there were 24 churches in 60 villages. There are currently 14 active churches in the area; 4 holy springs: Macarius of Zheltovodsk - Unzhinsky, Sign - in the village of Machkasy, Paraskevi Martyrs, Apostle John - in the village of Semenovskoye. In addition to churches in the Poretsky district, 4 chapels have currently been erected by a resident of the village of Bakhmutovo, E.G. Sokolov, when leaving the village of Poretskoye to the village of Bakhmutovo.

An attractive object for visiting tourists is the memorial museum of the world-famous scientist A.N. Krylov, which was opened in 1984. Krylov was the founder of the Russian scientific school of shipbuilding. In the development of domestic shipbuilding and the application of mathematics to solving issues of maritime affairs and technology, he played a huge role, which can only be compared with the role of D.I. Mendeleev - in chemistry; N.E. Zhukovsky - in aviation, K.E. Tsiolkovsky - in the theory of jet propulsion; I.P. Pavlova - in physiology. More than a dozen books about the life and work of A.N. Krylov have been published by Russian book publishing houses. The scientist’s scientific works are of great importance today. The descendants of A.N. Krylov live in the village named after him and conduct research work on the genealogical tree of the Krylov family, on the preservation and development of the culture of the village.

Unique for the region is the presence in the village. Poretsk cultural and historical center, combining a folk art gallery and a local history museum. Access to all types of art is open - from architecture to painting and ornament, from dance to theater, from music to sculpture. A collection of 182 pieces of painting, sculpture and graphics by 85 authors from all over the Russian Federation and more than 3,000 authentic historical and cultural monuments create a favorable situation for the preservation and development of artistic art and culture of the native land. There are 72 folk craftsmen registered, many of whom are participants in republican competitions.

Porechye is multinational in its composition. Equal attention is paid to the development of national cultures of all residents. The Mordovian Cultural Center operates. Festivals of national cultures “Firebird”, “Rainbow” - children’s festivals of national cultures, “Native Tunes” - a folk festival of folklore in the homeland of academician and shipbuilder A. N. Krylov in the village of Krylovo, “Akatuy” - a regional song festival are held annually. , labor and sports, “Arta” - Interregional festival of Mordovian folk art.
