Beautiful quotes about sadness. Quotes about sadness Sayings about sadness in the soul

Beautiful quotes about sadness.  Quotes about sadness Sayings about sadness in the soul

Do you know what pisses me off? When there is a reason to be sad, and the music is sad, and you’re alone at home... But you’ll burst into tears. And this pain eats you up, you rush around, not knowing how to get rid of it...

But it’s always sad to part, even if there is no love anymore...

There are days when, because of completely trivial events, one becomes inexpressibly sad.

There are a lot of adventures, melodramas, detective stories, comedies, thrillers in my life... Sometimes I just look up and look for a camera... But it’s not there... And then I understand - this is my life... Interesting and varied, in which the sadness is only contrived by me.

That's why this site has the "Angry" and "Fun" icons, but not the "Sad" icon...

Time heals, but the liver needs to be treated...

Everything human is sad. The hidden source of humor is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.

I feel sad and lonely, the rain is drizzling outside the window and there is a fine rain in my soul when I miss him and think about him.

Sad statuses are statuses primarily about loneliness. Sadness is always loneliness, although loneliness is not always sadness.

Sadness is a cruel ruler.

You don't need words to be happy, there are too many of them and you can get lost.

If you are sad and lonely, find something interesting to do and some idiot will definitely show up!

Life is not about the days that have passed, but about those that are remembered...

Look into my eyes and tell me what do you see in them? Sadness, sadness, melancholy, deception. Do you think it hurts? No, I'm used to it...

Why get attached to someone if we love until the first betrayal and hate until the first kiss...

And it doesn’t seem sad, and it doesn’t even hurt, but it’s wildly empty... And tears involuntarily...

And it’s boring and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand to...

And it’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to punch in the face...

Go away, user, I’m sad,” the computer sighed sadly and turned off.

True love doesn't go away forever. She is like the sun - it goes away and then comes back again.

Their gazes crossed. Time stopped. The air hung in the air: “I love you.” Both nodded coolly to each other and went their separate ways.

Every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back!

How sad it is that when you send me emoticons on ICQ with all sorts of kisses, the only thing I can answer is: “You got drunk again...”

How sad it is to look at him, hear his laughter, understand that he is nearby, but will never become yours.

When you're sad, you don't know what's going on with you, when you can't trust anyone - there is your friend who will always understand and console you.

When your soul is sad, it’s painful to look at someone else’s happiness and sadness increases.

When we are sad or lonely, we are happy and cheerful... When there is no one to share our feelings with, only music will help!

Someday you will look into my laughing eyes and cry...

Beauty changes your mood.

He who washes his ears in the morning is acting wisely! He will hear everything here and there, and then he won’t be sad!

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Sadness is the most subtle state of mind. This is not yet pain, but it is no longer joy, and not even indifference. It is a soft veil that easily envelops the soul, closing it from the desire to experience new sensations or simply rejoice. Everyone is sad in their own way: some are alone with a glass of wine and sad music, while others are looking for salvation from sadness in a noisy, cheerful crowd. I hope that these quotes and aphorisms will lift your spirits and strengthen your spirit.

The best quote about sadness according to the site:

● Don't be sad about what has passed. It’s better to smile at the fact that it happened after all.

● Sadness and longing are like children - they grow quickly if they are nurtured.

● Sadness is an emotion strong people. And the weak simply become depressed.

● You should not stop smiling, even if you are sad in your soul. After all, it is at this moment that someone can fall in love with your smile.

● There is nothing worse than feeling sad about those who don’t care about your feelings at all.

● The saddest and most sensitive souls are among the strongest and cheerful people.

● It is enough to find the right words for sadness - and you can love it.

● Sadness is clear proof that your soul is still alive.

● Loneliness frightens and takes me captive, I hear the quiet cutting of the circulatory systems.

● Sadness in the eyes is a reflection of pain in the soul.

● When you're sad, the wrong thing to do is turn on sad music, which makes you even more unhappy.

● The melancholy in the eyes is not because it’s autumn outside. But because there is no spring in the heart.

● It’s a pity that in moments of sadness you can’t return to childhood - then you could just blow on your heart, like on a broken knee, and it would stop hurting.

● How I want to forget the past. But at the same time, it’s a pity to part with it - after all, it contains moments of happiness, peace, and love.

● Only two things fully share our sadness - a cup of coffee and a pillow.

● Sadness is a deserted place in which some people can live for many years.

● There are two simple ways look at the world - see sadness in everything and share it, or do everything possible so as not to look sadness in the eyes.

● You should never be sad about what you don’t have, or about someone who is not with you. Learn to enjoy the present and enjoy meeting those who are nearby. And life will become much brighter.

● You should not try to get rid of sadness with wine. It will only take you faster into the abyss of despondency.

● When someone is sad, the Lord sends an angel to him. And he quietly wipes away our tears, giving us hope.

● When you feel especially bad at heart, you can cry for a while. But it's better to eat a chocolate bar.

● They say that cheerful people do a lot of stupid things. But only sad people commit truly stupid, serious actions.

I hope that these helped at least a little to dispel the sadness in your soul. No? Then read it again and finally smile!!! 🙂

Quotes about sadness - No one can be sad when they have balloon! Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything

If you are lazy, you will fall into depression. Then you will lose your zest for life. And that's it, it's over. James Dashner

Happy even in his melancholy is the one to whom God has given a soul worthy of love and misfortune. Victor Hugo

Sadness before a long journey is quite natural, even when a person knows that happiness awaits him at the end of this road. M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Just as a tree quietly drops its leaves, so I drop sad words. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

We joke and joke, but the melancholy grows and grows... Marina Tsvetaeva

So does that mean sadness is a place? - Yes. Sometimes people live there for years. Elizabeth Gilbert. Eat Pray Love.

He who is sad at heart is not generous with his words. William Shakespeare

Just don't take anything to heart. After all, what you accept, you want to keep. But nothing can be held back. Erich Maria Remarque

Sadness suddenly gripped my heart. Hachiko: The most loyal friend

Sadness is the emotion of the strong. For the weak there is depression.

Sadness is six letters, they come over time.

You, with your eyes downcast, hide your sadness from me,
I understand everything, but for some reason I’m angry. Basta - I'm letting go

By nightfall we all feel sad. Shane Jones

Sadness cannot last forever. In youth it resembles a mild cold, but with age it becomes more like a migraine. Sadness, like the flu virus, will not leave the body until it fully manifests itself... Elchin Safarli

No amount of truth can cure the sadness of losing a loved one. Haruki Murakami

Sadness is tiring and contributes to aging! Sergey Nechaev. Marquise de Pompadour. Three Lives of a Great Courtesan

There is no enemy more cruel than an old friend. Maurois

To be honest, I can't understand why I'm having fun when I'm so sad.

Sadness is an exquisite drink with a delicate bouquet that is best savored in all alone, away from prying eyes.

Pain or sadness, I can handle it all. I will release them to heaven.

When you are sad alone, the mirror doubles your loneliness. Alfred King

You haven't seen her sad. She looks like an abandoned puppy when she cries.

When we are sad, God sends an angel to earth - a person who will come and wipe away our tears...

It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the absence of spring in our souls.

Sadness is too soft and pleasant a word. Anne Rice

Again sadness and longing
They hugged my chest
And a little sadness
It blows again from a distance. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

Sadness drives you into a cave of loneliness. I'm left alone with my shadow. It takes time to put things in order. Elchin Safarli

Sadness is an exquisite drink with a delicate bouquet that is best savored in complete solitude, away from prying eyes.

And somehow cruel: they give you sadness, but you give them laughter. Dimaestro - Clown Sad, Clown Alone

I guarantee to find you true love or return your sadness double. Gravity Falls Gravity Falls

Sorrows, like children, grow best when they are nurtured.
Caroline Holland

Grief is a type of idleness.
Samuel Johnson

Everyone is ready to share the fun; no one wants to share the sadness.
M.Yu. Lermontov

Cheerful people do more stupid things than sad people, but sad people do more stupid things.
Ewald Christian Kleist

When you are sad alone, the mirror doubles your loneliness.
Alfred King

Childhood ends when memories appear that cause sadness.

Small sadness is eloquent, great sadness is silent.

When I'm happy I want to cry, but when I'm sad I don't feel like laughing. Therefore, it is better, I think, to be happy. So you get two experiences for the price of one.
Lily Tomlin

A man born of a woman is short-lived and full of sorrows. Like a flower, it comes out and falls: it runs away like a shadow and does not stop.
Book of Job, 14. 1-2

Godly sorrow produces unchanging repentance leading to salvation, but worldly sorrow produces death.
New Testament, 2 Corinthians, 7:10

There is a limit for sadness, but there is no limit for anxiety.
Pliny the Younger

You can’t not grieve at all, but you can’t grieve too much either. This is what the wise men said: Let a man whiten his house, but let him leave a small place unwhitened in remembrance of Jerusalem.
Talmud. "Honeycomb", 9, II; 9, 15

From attachment comes sorrow, from attachment comes fear; from one who has freed himself from attachment. there is no seal, where does the fear come from?
Buddha (Dhammapada, XV, 214)

We begin to laugh with someone who is laughing, we become sad when we find ourselves in a crowd of mourners, and we become excited when we watch others compete.

Because life is very short, it is very sad, so it is good that it is short.
Jeremy Taylor

Those who are too busy to worry during the day usually sleep too soundly to worry at night.

Find the words for your seal and you will love it.
Oscar Wilde

In addition to numerous acquaintances, I have one friend - sadness. In the midst of noisy fun and during hours of hard work, he suddenly calls me away, draws me into his solitude, and I follow him, although, in essence, I do not move from my place. My heart has never had a more faithful friend - is it any wonder that I belong to him with all my heart!
S. Kierkegaard

Unfulfilled hopes leave sadness, fulfilled hopes leave disappointment.
Vladimir Shoikher

Sadness is a cruel ruler.
Mikhail Lermontov

Joy and sadness in half
We are destined to find out.
William Blake

When you understand why everyone is happy, you will be overcome with sadness.
Dejan Lopicic

When satirical publications make you sad, the serious press makes you smile.
Leszek Kumor

Cheerful people do more stupid things than sad people, but sad people do more stupid things.
Heinrich Kleist

There is nothing sadder than seeing the funny side of everything.
Ivan Sharapov

Funny people often make a sad impression.
Walter Polubotko

Our most melodic songs are those that convey the saddest thoughts.
Percy Shelley

He who is only wise lives a sad life.
Francois Voltaire

It's a little sad to rejoice alone.
Gotthold Lessing

The person who notices the sadness in your eyes, even if you are wearing a laughing mask, is your best friend.

It never occurred to me that I could be so sad when looking at two loving people.

You can't hide from sadness. It is in every corner of our life.

The winged bird of time will take away your sadness.

Smooth as satin, but strong hands of sadness squeeze your soul so much that you want to scream because you are alone.

Look into my eyes. Tell me, what has been revealed to you? Have you seen pain, despair, disappointment, sadness? Don't think I'm still hurting. Now this is my normal state.

It happens that you want to end everything at once. And dissolve into oblivion. . . Only time will heal. Or your willpower.

I would give the whole world just to look into your eyes. And I will give my life for your happiness. My soul is dead to all men. I'm ready to die for you. I'm sad - I still love you.

Everything that surrounded me broke into thousands of small fragments. And now they cannot be collected.

Do you think that when I roar I feel bad? No, it’s bad when even tears don’t bring relief. . .

Wine cheers up even those who are sad, and adds a little sadness to those who laugh a lot.

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

Smile as if you don’t know what pain is.

I’m just sad without you and it hurts that I don’t understand who you are... I haven’t found you yet and I’m already sad! 🙁

No need to shed tears, everything will be fine...

You know, I’m so sorry that I often didn’t answer your calls. I remember how it infuriated you. But I just wanted you to worry at least a little...

When you’re sad, you really want to put on a mask of joy so that no one sees your sadness.)

I was sad for fun, but it didn’t make me any happier

Sometimes there are moments when you just want to remain silent.)

My life is terribly sad. And you want me to stick a lilac bush in my ass and do a striptease in front of you.

No, time doesn’t heal... It just teaches us to live with pain, as if that’s the way it should be...

When I hugged him, I understood that he was ideal, but it was all over and I felt bad, without him, without his kisses.

A real woman will never cry because she remembers that her mascara will smudge.

Never be sorry. If it was good, then great. And if it was bad, then it’s an experience...

There is one thing we have no right to complain about life, it doesn’t hold anyone back...

How I suck... only he knows... my favorite teddy bear...

Feel free to put your burden on everything that makes you sad...

My mind is in turmoil, he timidly informs me, his mistress and mistress, that never before have I been so perfectly prepared to try on a straitjacket.

Often you feel sad not because you are really sad, but because you have to be sad for the company.

And looking sadly at the cannonball flying at you, you smile widely when you see Munchausen on it..

By and large, all these words about love are nothing more than words, and sadness is an obsessive state invented by us!

I feel like a nobody, a lonely psycho that no one needs.

Because life is very short, it is very sad, so it is good that it is short...

Today I accomplished a real feat - I stopped logging into VKontakte and looking at your photo for hours...

Sadness with the scent of love...

I'm sorry, goodbye, I won't be back, I write on the mirror with lipstick, my love has been replaced by sadness, like summer and autumn by the fall of leaves.

It's a shame that some people don't notice that there are brains under the hair and a heart under the chest...

How sometimes you want to say a lot. But it’s a shame to speak in person, on the phone it’s not the same, and writing is too much.

When you are sad alone, the mirror doubles your loneliness.

How more beautiful woman, the more often she is lonely. A warm bed will not replace a cold heart.

As sad as it is, people only agree with what essentially does not interest them.

Sadness is when you have time, but no friends to drink.

Dark glasses will not cure the soul, but they will help hide sadness from the outside world.

I love drinking hot chocolate, sitting on the windowsill and listening to sad music...Especially at night.. When no one sees me...|o|

It's more fun to be sad together.

It's a pity that life can't be photoshopped... Cut off sadness, draw happiness, cover up loneliness and make love brighter..

I read somewhere that happiness is when you let go of pain...

damn, how sad it is when in your heart there is no love, no pain, but just complete emptiness

As soon as you start to get used to the bad, life becomes even worse!

When it comes to funny, sadness comes from somewhere.

The surest cure for sadness is sweet tea with lemon. Humanity has not yet come up with anything better than this. And he’s unlikely to come up with one.

Yes, I smoke and drink! And what? I live for myself! There is simply no one else...

The heart is fresh, the soul is sad. The emptiness around - some strange feelings.

The road, the music, her soul just does not repent, hums something and smiles sadly.

It's sad to rejoice alone.

Night.You don’t sleep.Quietly.Silent...It’s lonely without you baby, it’s cold...Are you sad?Look at the sky.See?There’s one star far away.She’s lonely, just like me...Are you sad?Write to me!

These were sad tears. Not desperate, not hysterical. And very sad.

I'll meet you somewhere someday. I’m the same as always: dressed inappropriately for the weather, and you’re sad and forgot your umbrella, inhaling packs of nicotine. So... I will meet you, and then, in principle, the world will collapse. (With)

Truth: You are neglected and forgotten until you are needed...

And if I meet you again... I will hide the pain... I am an actress, I will play my best role...

Sadness is an exquisite drink with a delicate bouquet, which is best savored in complete solitude, away from prying eyes

It’s annoying when you make a mistake about a person, but it’s even more annoying when you were warned in advance

And there's nothing worse than worrying about those who don't need it.

Sadness is sometimes the only happiness.

Be sad in moderation, otherwise despondency will set in

Everything starts to fall apart when you start to think that everything is already fine...

Sometimes it is simply necessary for a person to feel sad.

I’m lying with him in my arms, kissing him... Such bliss... 6-30... Alarm clock. It's empty nearby. I just fell in love again and it’s very sad...

Leave me alone, old lady, I'm sad.

How frustrating it can be sometimes... I saw a person and didn’t understand that it was the last time... And then bam and he’s gone... And all the quarrels seem so nonsense...

I love... I love singing songs... I love drawing raindrops on paper, which in the end look like real ones... and... I love you...

When he loved me, I didn’t care... now he doesn’t care... and for the fifth time this evening I open his photo in Odnoklassniki... and I know for sure that I don’t love... that I have someone else... but my heart beats treacherously when they look at me from the other side of the screen his eyes are blue as the sky...

Our most pleasant pleasures are not without sadness. – Aphorisms about sadness

There is no time to be with you, I’m sorry... I know that this is not a reason to be sad... but there is no time to be with you... To share your fate with my fate...

Sadness ruins lives far more often than promiscuity.

It’s impossible to drown sadness in vodka - it’s the infection that immediately drinks it all up.

Everything is fine, but I just want to be sad...

Why do love songs make you sad.. And why is it so hard to let go!? It's like the sky is taking revenge... and no longer believe in love

Few things cause such sadness as the Self-Teacher on Sex...

Don’t be bored, I miss you too, Don’t be sad, I’m sad too, I need no one in this world, I love you, I love you very much!

I’ll leave...I won’t come back...Well, let it be...My sadness...My life...My pain...My pain...I will heal...

Everything is going well…..just passing by

They had a fight and separated. But you can't hide love. You treasure them as before and cry quietly. Cry, don't cry girl - you won't get your love back. And my heart hurts. You're shedding tears in vain.

Mood is below zero...

What can I tell him if he still doesn’t understand me?

Everything falls apart when we start creating illusions about something!

We notice air when we begin to lack it...

The most cheerful people have the saddest souls.

Don't be sad, otherwise your breasts won't grow!

Light sadness is the piquant spice of a happy life

A person who is constantly cheerful is a psycho, and a person who is sad has big problems. (c)

Lots of shine, little meaning, life goes away too quickly...

No matter how much you distrust people, it turns out that you should have distrusted them even more!

– Go to sleep, your eyes are already swollen and red from the computer. - It’s not from the screen, mom...

Never tell people about your problems, 80% are not interested in them, the remaining 20% ​​are glad that you have them!

If you think about me without you, it’s not me anymore. Another me. I'm not the same as with you.

Having seen Russia from a distance, you stop being sad about parting.

All this would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Sadness overwhelms you more when you are left alone with yourself...

Never set a sad status... because every bitch dreams of seeing how lousy you are...

When your husband is sick, you can hang yourself; If children are sick, you can go crazy. And if you’re sick yourself, no one cares, because you’re strong, you can handle it!
