Who invented the alphabet of the Tatar language. Tatar alphabets in Latin

Who invented the alphabet of the Tatar language.  Tatar alphabets in Latin

Introductory course

In order to master the language being studied, knowledge of words alone is, of course, not enough. It is necessary to master the rules of combining words, forming word forms, or, in other words, the grammar of a new language. The introductory course of this self-teacher pursues precisely this goal: to introduce the Russian-speaking reader to the basic rules of Tatar grammar in the simplest and most understandable form. We constantly relied on the reader's knowledge of Russian grammar and paid more attention to the contrasting elements of the Tatar and Russian languages.

The introductory part consists of ten paragraphs and will serve as a kind of grammar reference for you when working with the Main Course. In addition to this tutorial, you will need a Tatar-Russian educational dictionary and patience.

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§ 1. Phonetics

1.1. The graphics of the Tatar language are based on the Cyrillic alphabet. This gives some advantage for the Russian reader, but on the other hand, it contributes to the appearance of errors due to the different interpretation of some letters.

The graphics of the Tatar language were based on Arabic writing for 1000 years, until 1927. From 1927 to 1939, the Latin alphabet was used, on the basis of which spelling rules were carefully developed. The basic principles of spelling were also used during the transition to Russian graphics. In modern Tatar writing, all letters of the Russian alphabet are used with the addition of special characters for specific Tatar phonemes: ә, ө, ү, җ, ң, һ.

Changes in two alphabets within one century could not but affect the state of the spelling of the language. The phonetic system of the Tatar language has been replenished with Russian phonemes<ч>, <ц>– , . And in the orthography of the Tatar language, the principle of graphic design of Russian and borrowings that came through the Russian language was strengthened, i.e. new Russian and European words in the Tatar language are written similarly to their Russian version.

Tatar alphabet

A a F f N n U y

Ә ә җ ң Ү ү ъ

B b Z z O o F f Y y

B in I and Ө ө X x ь

G g Y y P p Һ һ E e

D d K k R r C c Yu u

E e L l S s H h I am

Yo e M m T t Sh w

The pronunciation of six specific letters of the Tatar alphabet, of course, is best practiced under the guidance of an experienced teacher. But if you learn their approximate pronunciation with the help of these tips and the following exercises, this will not become an obstacle to learning the language.

[ә] = [æ] – this sound can otherwise be designated as [’’a], that is, a very soft [a]. It is close to the Russian ['a] in the words 'sit', 'look', 'row'. When pronouncing [''a], lower the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth and you will get the sound [æ]. By the way, it is in English: black, hat – , .

[ү] = [ü] – soft and more rounded [’у]. A sound close to it is found in the Russian words “bale”, “ditch”, “lute”. Pronounce these words, giving [’u] an even greater rounding (roll your lips into a tube), and you will approximately get the desired sound.

[ө] = [ә:°] – this vowel sound presents the greatest difficulty for the Russian-speaking reader. The closest version of the Tatar [ө] can be found in the words “maple”, “honey”, “Peter”. But in the Tatar language [ө] is short, and Russian [’о] is found only under stress. Try to pronounce these Russian words as briefly as possible and with more rounding, and you will be close to the desired sound. It is similar to the sound that is common in English: bird, work. But the English sound lacks rounding.

[җ] – this sound is also often found in English, and in borrowings from English in Russian it is expressed by the letter combination j: “jumper”, “Jack”. Tatar borrowings are also formalized: jilyan - җilyan, Jalil - Җәlil. The sound [zh] in Russian is always hard, but forming a soft version from it is usually not difficult for a Russian-speaking reader. It should be noted that hard [zh] is also uncharacteristic for the Tatar language, as [’zh] is for Russian. Therefore, as a rule, mixing of these sounds does not occur.

[ң] is a nasal sound produced by a small tongue. The sound combination [ng] in the word “gong” when pronounced through the nose can be considered the closest in the Russian language. This sound is often found in French: jardin, bien, chien [òjeŋ]. It has been noticed that mastering this sound with the help of a teacher-consultant is not at all difficult. And if you have the opportunity to check your pronunciation, do not neglect this opportunity.

[һ] = [һ] – pharyngeal sound. It is formed in the pharynx and is pronounced with aspiration. There is a sound close to it in the English language: hat, hand, hare. In Russian, the closest sound can be considered [x] in the words robe, chill, if pronounced without a guttural sound. It must be remembered that Tatar [һ] is of more posterior, pharyngeal origin.


a) Say each row several times:

ak-әk, az-әz, at-әt, ar-әr, am-әm;

ak-әk-uk-үk, az-әz-uz-үz, uky-үke;

on-өn, om-өm, ok-өk, as-әs-us-үs-os-өs;

zhi-җи, zhe-җе, zhu-җу;

un-un, an-an, in-in;

ham-һәm, khas-һәs, hat-khava.

b) Read, paying attention to the new sound letters (try to guess the meaning of the highlighted words):

mәk, rәt, shәp, fәn, bәlesh, tәrtә, chәinek, tәlinkә, eshlәpә, kәbestә;

mүk, kүk, kүl, kүp, bүre, kүrәgә, kүsәk, bүrәnә;

kөn, ton, kөl, tolke, өrpәk, kөrәk, өstәl;

kәҗә, җen, җil, җir, җәy, җыyu, җылы, җыр, рәнү;

son, in, an, un, tan, tәңre, bәrңge;

һava, һich, һәr, һөnәr.

When performing the exercise, pronounce the last syllable clearly.

1.2. The complexities of the sound system of the Tatar language are not limited to specific Tatar letters. In addition, there is a discrepancy in the common letters for the Tatar and Russian alphabets.

a – in the Tatar language this letter denotes a more posterior, wider and somewhat rounded sound [аү]. When pronouncing it in the word pencil, try to create as much space as possible in your mouth, and you will approximately get the Tatar [a].

o, e, y – these vowel letters of the Tatar alphabet are characterized by brevity compared to Russian ones. Since in the Russian language there is no meaningful contrast of vowels by length, for a Russian-speaking reader at first this will seem unimportant. But it is not difficult to get used to this phenomenon. It is important to pay attention to this from the very beginning of training, until the use of these sounds becomes the norm.

в – this letter in the Tatar language serves to designate two sounds: [в] and [w]. The second sound is in the English language, and in borrowings it is conveyed in two ways: William - William. The same is true with regional borrowings from the Tatar language: avyl - aul, karavyl - guard. In the Tatar language itself, this sound can be denoted by the letter y: sorau [soraw] - soravy [sorawy].

g - this letter also denotes two sounds. These are quite different sounds. This sound, formed with the help of a small tongue, is familiar to Russian-speaking readers: it is produced when a person burrs and does not pronounce [r].

k – similar to the letter g, denotes two sounds [k] and [қ]. The sound [k] is a voiceless pair [ғ].

ch is a Russian affricate, that is, there is practically no complex sound [tsh’] in the Tatar language. It is used only in borrowings due to the knowledge of the Russian language by the majority of Tatars, as well as in some dialects. The letter h in the Tatar language roughly denotes the sound [sh’], or what in Russian is denoted by the letter shch.


Read the transcription:

like [kak] – like [kak]; court [court] – court [қŏrt]; cheese [sĭrt] – grade [grade] – grade [grade]; without [without] – without [bez]; son [son] – son [sĭn]; gol [gol] – goal [goal]; cards [karts] – cards [karts]: count [kol] – count [kol]; chana [sh’ana] – chan [tsh’an]; chyk [sh’ĭk] – brush [sh’otka] – clearly [tsh’otka]; kөch [kosh’] – hummock [kotsh’ka].

1.3. Now you practically know the pronunciation of all Tatar letters (there are a few more peculiar aspects of the Tatar sound system, but they are not of fundamental importance at the initial stage). You also need to know the fundamental laws of Tatar phonetics. They exist in any language, and you need to constantly remember them during your first lessons. In the Tatar language, the three basic rules of practical phonetics are:

– law of synharmonism;

– the rule of striving for an open syllable;

– clear pronunciation of the last syllable.

In the Tatar language, all words according to pronunciation are divided into hard and soft. We call hard words those in which front vowels are used: [a], [o], [u], [s]. And soft are words that use front vowels: [ә], [ө], [ү], [е], [и].

Soft sounds: [ә], [ө], [ү], [е], [и].

Hard sounds: [a], [o], [u], [s].

Pay attention to the paired opposition between hardness and softness.

This law is of great importance, since not only all words, but also all suffixes obey this law of synharmonism. Accordingly, almost all suffixes and particles have two options: hard and soft. Therefore, you need to learn to determine by ear the softness or hardness of Tatar words.

Read aloud several times, try to hear the difference between the pronunciation of different columns:

Soft words - Hard words

өstәl (table) -arysh (rye)

burәnә (log) - balyk (fish)

eshlәpә (hat) -san (number)

kharef (letter) -bash (head)

sүз (word) -avyl (village)

rәsem (drawing) -altyn (gold)

ber (one) -alty (six)

ike (two) -tugyz (nine)

өч (three) -syynif (class)

kon (day) -bashmak (shoe)

tәрҗмә (translation) -kaida (where)

nәrsә (what) -kaychan (when)

nichek (like) -bara (goes)

kem (who) -katyk (katyk, a national drink reminiscent of kefir)

eskәmiya (bench) - sack (pipe)

For the Tatar language, the proximity of two or more consonants is uncharacteristic. Of course. they occur, but in comparison with the Russian language they are very few in number. Most often, consonants are adjacent to sonants (sonants: [р], [л], [м], [н], [й], [w]) or at the junction of a root and a suffix.

To better understand the phonetic psychology of the Tatar language, you can turn to the mastered borrowings from Russian: stol - өstәl, furrow - burazna, stack - eskert, cage - kelәt, pipe - torba, resin - sumala, rye - arysh, ditch - kanau.

As for stress, in the Tatar language it is qualitatively different from Russian. Remember that all syllables in the Tatar language must be pronounced clearly. Therefore, from the very beginning of learning, you should place a weak emphasis on the last syllable, this way you will get rid of the common mistake of Russian speakers learning foreign languages: “swallowing the endings of words.”

Another important law of the Tatar language is the phonetic principle of spelling, i.e. “As we hear, so we write.” There are quite a few exceptions to this law: first of all, these are borrowings from Arabic and new borrowings from Russian. But, despite this, the rule “as it is heard is how it is written” must be remembered, since it is fundamentally different from Russian spelling.


Russian language Tatar language

kolobok [kalabok] kitap [kitap]

kolobok [kalapka] kitabyn [kitabyn]

milk [malako] kolagym [kolagym]

drill [swirl’] kolaktan [kolaktan]


a) Write these words in two columns and read them out loud several times:

soft words hard words

ishek (door), өstәl, uryndyk (chair), nәrsә, bu (this), kara (black), ber, berenche (first), kol (ash), kol (slave), Idel (Volga), bәrәңge (potato) , һөнәr (craft), karama (elm), chәchәk (flower), eskәmiya, eskater (tablecloth), bashlyk (hood), altyn (gold), saryk (sheep), kolak (ear), avyz (mouth).

When possessive suffixes are added to words ending in unvoiced sounds, voicing occurs, which is reflected in the letter.

b) Write the missing words:

kitap - kitabym, saryk - ..., uryndyk - uryndygym, ... - kolagym, ishek - ..., balyk - ..., tarak (comb) - ... .

kitap - kitabyn, ... - sarygyn, uryndyk - ..., ... - kolagyn, ... - ishegen, ... - balygyn, ... - ... .

Tatar alphabet|Tatar letters

The Tatar alphabet consists of 39 letters.

Introduction and practical tasks for the child.

A a Ә ә B b C c d D d E e Ё ё Ж Җ җ З з И и й й К к к Лл М m Н Ңң О о Ө ө P p R r S s T t U y Y ү F f X x Һ һ Ts c Ch h Sh w Sh q q y y y y

It includes 33 letters of the Russian alphabet and 6 additional letters: Ә ә, Ө ө, Ү ү, Җ җ, Ң ң, Һ һ
This order of letters in the alphabet was fixed in January 1997 by the Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Sounds denoted by additional letters of the Tatar alphabet

Ә ә, Ө ө, Ү ү, Җ җ, Ң ң, Һ һ

[ә] = [æ] – this sound can otherwise be designated as [’’a], that is, a very soft [a]. It is close to Russian ['a] in the words 'sit', 'look', 'row'. When pronouncing [''a], lower the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth and you will get the sound [æ].

Ani – mother

әti – dad

әйдә – come on

әiber – thing

[ү] = [ü] – soft and more rounded [’у]. A sound close to it is found in the Russian words ‘bale’, ‘ditch’, ‘lute’. Pronounce these words, giving ['u] an even greater rounding (roll your lips into a tube), and you will approximately get the desired sound.

үрдәк – duck

үrnәk sample

Uzem - myself

uzәk – center

[ө] = [ә:°] – this vowel sound presents the greatest difficulty for the Russian-speaking reader. The closest version of the Tatar [ө] can be found in the words ‘maple’, ‘honey’, ‘Peter’. But in the Tatar language [ө] is short, and Russian [’о] is found only under stress. Try to pronounce these Russian words as briefly as possible and with more pronunciation, and you will be close to the desired sound. It is similar to a common sound in English: bird, work. But the English sound lacks roundness.

өс – top

өstәl – table

[җ] – this sound is also often found in English, and in borrowings from English in Russian it is expressed by the letter combination j: ‘jumper’, ‘Jack’. Tatar borrowings are also formalized: jilyan - җilyan, Jalil - Җәlil. The sound [zh] in Russian is always hard, but forming a soft version from it is usually not difficult for a Russian-speaking reader. It should be noted that hard [zh] is also uncharacteristic for the Tatar language, as [’zh] is for Russian. Therefore, as a rule, mixing of these sounds does not occur.

җavap is the answer

han – soul

Gil – wind

Hyr – song

[ң] is a nasal sound produced by a small tongue. The closest sound combination in the Russian language can be considered the sound combination [ng] in the word ‘gong’ when pronounced through the nose. This sound is often found in French: jardin, bien, chien [òjeŋ]. It has been noticed that mastering this sound with the help of a teacher-consultant is not at all difficult. And if you have the opportunity to check your pronunciation, do not neglect this opportunity.

yana – new

ң – right

yangyr – rain

mon – chant

[һ] = [һ] – pharyngeal sound. It is formed in the pharynx and is pronounced with aspiration. There is a sound close to it in the English language: hat, hand, hare. In Russian, the closest sound can be considered [x] in the words robe, chill, if pronounced without a guttural sound. It must be remembered that Tatar [һ] is of more posterior, pharyngeal origin.

Khava – air

һәykәl – monument

һөнәр – profession

һөҗүм – attack

Lessons. Pronunciation of letters

Tatar alphabet by letter with pronunciation

Tatar writing is the writing of the Tatar language. Different writing systems were used at different times:
Arabic script - until 1927; the few Tatars of China still use Arabic writing today
Latin - in 1927-1939; attempts were made to revive the Latin alphabet at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries; Tatars of Turkey, Finland, Czech Republic, Poland, USA and Australia currently use the Tatar Latin alphabet
Cyrillic - from 1939 to the present; baptized Tatars have used the Cyrillic alphabet since the 19th century.

State Council Republic of Tatarstan adopted Law 1-ZRT “On the use of the Tatar language as the state language of the Republic of Tatarstan” (December 24, 2012)
According to the law, the Cyrillic alphabet remains the official alphabet, but it has become acceptable to use the Latin and Arabic alphabet when citizens contact government agencies and the Latin alphabet when transliterating. In official responses from government agencies, the Cyrillic alphabet is used, but the possibility of duplicating the Cyrillic text in Latin or Arabic is provided.
The correspondence of Cyrillic letters with Latin and Arabic letters is indicated in the appendix to the law.

Even before moving to the Volga region, the ancestors of the Tatars - the Turks - had their own written language. This is runic writing. Turkic-language monuments of runic writing were found on the banks of the Orkhon, Yenisei, Azov, Don, Altai, East Turkestan, Central Asia, and Mongolia.

There were 8 vowel sounds in the ancient Turkic language: [a], [ә], [ы], [i], [o], [u], [ү], [ө].

In writing they were expressed using 4 characters.

To designate consonants in the runic alphabet, 27 signs were used: [b], [b], [g], [g], [d], [d], [z], [yj], [yj], [ къ], [кь], [лъ], [л], [м], [нъ], [н], [ң], [н], [п], [ръ], [рь], [съ] , [s], [t], [t], [h], [sh].

Runic texts were written from right to left, horizontally.

Starting from the 10th century, the Turkic-Tatars used Arabic writing. The Tatars used Arabic script for more than a thousand years. This alphabet had 28 letters. Of these, 3 letters served to designate vowel sounds. The direction of Arabic writing is from right to left.

For many years, the Arabic alphabet was used unchanged. Only in the 19th century the question of the need to bring Arabic graphics into line with the system of sounds of the Tatar language was raised.

Numerous monuments of the Tatar people and scientific works are written in Arabic script.

Since 2013, the use of Arabic and Latin scripts has been allowed when citizens apply to government bodies. According to the law on languages, approved by the Parliament of Tatarstan on December 24, 2012, the Tatar alphabet based on Arabic looks like this:

The Tatar language has vowels and consonants that cannot be expressed in Arabic letters.

In the early 20s, a single Latin alphabet was compiled for all Turkic-speaking peoples.

In 1927, Latin script was introduced into the educational process. In 1928, some changes were made to the unified Latin alphabet, after which it was in official use for twelve years.

This alphabet was called "Yanalif".

There were 33 letters in Yanalif. Of these, 9 indicated vowel sounds, the remaining 24 - consonant sounds.

The Latin-based alphabet looks like this:

In 1938, the first version of the Tatar alphabet was presented, based on the Cyrillic alphabet, to which the letters ә, ө, ү, җ, ң, һ were added. This alphabet was introduced into official use in 1939.

The Tatar alphabet, based on the Cyrillic alphabet, has only 39 letters. Two of them – “ь” and “ъ” – also serve to designate the sound gamza. The letters ё, е, yu, i designate combinations of sounds [yṓ], [е̄́], [й͝͝е], [й͝͝ы], [yu], [yү], [я°], [йә].

To express 12 vowel sounds in writing, 10 letters are used: a, ә, o, ө, u, ү, ы, е, и, е. Of these, the letters o, ы, е indicate the vowels [͝͝о], [͝͝ы], [ ͝͝е] and vowels used in Russian borrowings - [о̄], [ы̄], [е̄]. The letter e at the beginning of a word expresses a combination of the sounds [е̄́], [й͝͝е], [й͝͝ы], in other cases – the sounds [͝͝е] and [е̄].

24 letters are used to represent consonant sounds. Of these, v, shch, ts are used only in Russian borrowings. There are no letters in the alphabet to represent the sounds [қ], [ғ], [w].

Below is the Tatar alphabet based on the Cyrillic alphabet, in which the order of the letters was fixed in January 1997 by the Resolution of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

© All rights to the article (news) belong to the Tatar online magazine “Kara Akkosh” (website). When copying the material in full or in part, a direct link to the Tatar online magazine “Kara Akkosh” (website) is required.

The Tatar alphabet took a long time to form. It is interesting because it has the roots of the Arabic script, Latin and Cyrillic, and its modern form was established by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the early 2000s. Such a phenomenon as the alphabet of the Tatar people deserves attention.

How many vowels are there in the Tatar alphabet?

Of the 39 letters of the modern Tatar alphabet, 10 are vowels. Unlike vowels in Russian, they can be hard and soft.

Letter Pronunciation Note
Aa Similar to Russian (a), more often in the variant (ao) Hard vowel
Ooh Pronunciation is similar to the sound from Russian speech (o)
Ooh Hard vowel
Yyy Pronounced as(s) Hard vowel. Pronounced more briefly than the Russian sound
Әә Pronunciation soft (ә) Soft vowel. In the Latin version of the alphabet it was designated by a long A
Ii Expressed in speech as (and) In the Tatar language it is considered a soft vowel sound
Өө Soft (ө) Soft vowel. In the Latin version of the alphabet it was designated by a long O
Үү Can produce two sounds depending on the stress (y) and (w) Soft vowel
Uh Subject to the same laws of orthoepy as the Russian sound (e) In some cases it is reduced
Her In different cases it can produce the sounds (ye), (yy) and (e) Pronunciation varies depending on the position of the letter in the word and the origin of the word itself. Pronounced more briefly than the Russian sound
*Her Gives a sound (yo) In Latin it is denoted by the phonetic set of letters УО
*Yuyu Gives a sound (yuh)
*Yaya Gives a sound (ya) Used in borrowings from Russian speech and writing. Submit to the laws of Russian pronunciation

For words with soft pronunciation, soft vowels are used, and vice versa. Hard and soft vowels do not occur together in native Tatar words. This is the so-called law of synharmonism.

If it happens that hard and soft vowels meet in one word, it means that the word came from another language. Usually such borrowings are made from Persian or Arabic.

How many consonant letters are there in the Tatar alphabet?

The number of consonants in the Tatar alphabet by subtracting vowels should be 29, but this is not entirely true. There are 24 of them.

Letter Name Pronunciation Note
BB Would Gives sound (b)
Vv You Gives two sounds: (v) and (w) Pronunciation depends on the position of the letter in the word. In Tatar writing it can be replaced by the letter U
GG Gee Gives sound (g)
Dd Yes Identical to Russian (d)
LJ Zhy Similar in sound to Russian (f)
Җ җ Җы Gives a sound similar to English (j)
Zz PS Gives sound (z)
Yikes Yi Gives sound(s)
Kk Ky Gives sound (k) The pronunciation is “burry,” as a person who cannot pronounce “r” says
Ll Ly Identical to Russian sound (l)
Mm We Similar to Russian sound (m)
Nn We Gives sound (n)
Ң ң Ңы Similar to the sound (ng) in the word "gong" Nasal. Often also found in French speech
pp Py Subject to the same laws as the Russian sound (p)
RR Ry Gives a (p) sound when spoken
Ss Sy Gives birth to sound (c)
Tt You Identical to Russian (t)
Ff Fy Gives sound (ph)
Xx Hey Similar to Russian sound (x)
Һ һ Һы Aspirated sound(x) Pharyngeal sound. Born in the throat without guttural pronunciation
Tsts Tsy Gives sound (ts)
Hh Chy Gives sound (s)
Shh Shy Gives sound (sh)
Shch Shchi Gives sound (s) Always used only in words borrowed from Russian speech

The fate of the consonant letters ğ and q is interesting, instead of which combinations of the letters gъ and къ are increasingly used in writing.

In the Tatar language, consonant sounds are grouped into double sounds very rarely. Speech tends towards an open syllable. The last syllable in a word, even closed with a voiceless consonant, must be pronounced clearly.

An interesting feature of the Tatar letter is that when possessive suffixes are added, the end of a word becomes voiced if it previously ended with a voiceless sound, for example, “balyk” - “balygym”.

Outside the groups of consonants and vowels, the letters stand, as in the Russian alphabet, Ъ and ь.

Phonetic and lexical features of the Tatar language. Interesting Alphabet Facts

Like any other language, Tatar has its own distinctive features.

  1. The Tatars wrote texts in Arabic script until 1927. In the pre-Islamic period, it was customary to use ancient Turkic runes.
  2. But attempts to create their own writing systems had been made several times before: Isk imlya, Yang imlya, Ilminsky alphabet. The Arabic script was replaced by Yanalif in the 1930s.
  3. There is no concept of gender in the Tatar language.
  4. All nouns, except the word “man,” in the Tatar language answer the question “what?”
  5. Special affixes help to understand where the plural is in nouns, where the action is directed, and even indicate the location of an object in the Tatar language.
  6. The Tatar language has many borrowings from Russian speech, for example, the word “fruit”. From the flow of speech, many Russian speakers can draw conclusions about what is being said in the Tatar language.
  7. Traditionally, the emphasis in words of the Tatar language falls on the last syllable.
  8. After the collapse of the USSR in 1999, Yanalif-2 was created. An attempt was made to return to the Latin alphabet. It was stopped by a decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. At the local level, at the end of 2012, an act was adopted that states that the Cyrillic alphabet is the official variant of the letter. However, since 2013, Tatars can use the Latin or Arabic alphabet when writing to government agencies.
  9. The Cyrillic alphabet was used by Tatars baptized in Orthodoxy back in the 19th century, living on the territory of the modern republic.
  10. It is still customary to use the Latin alphabet in writing among the Tatar diasporas of France, the Czech Republic, Australia and other countries.
  11. Before the release of Windows XP, it was customary on Tatnet to use the so-called Casanovica, a variant of practical transcription. After the appearance of this OS, the Tatar layout was incorporated into subsequent programs.

Video on the topic

The Cyrillic Tatar alphabet

The main goal of the Tatar-Bashkir people, in terms of writing and language, should be a return to Arab alphabet. InshaAllah I will return to this topic more than once. For now let's talk about something else.

The Tatar (Cyrillic) alphabet of the 1939 model was intended to promote 1. the Russification of the Tatars, 2. to distance the Tatars from the language of the Koran.

To solve the first goal, the Russian alphabet was used in full with the addition of 6 additional letters. Leaving the entire Russian alphabet was required for the accurate written use of Russian borrowings. At the same time, many Russian letters were not used in the Tatar letter (such as ts), some were used contrary to Russian phonetics (a couple h-sh), and for some applications it was “created” (letter V).

Here I will consider the option of reforming the Cyrillic Tatar alphabet, since today the previous tasks of the alphabet are irrelevant, and the transition to the Latin alphabet is prohibited by law. (We’ll talk about Arabica later).

Modern Cyrillic Tatar alphabet (version of Kurbangaliev and Ramazanov, 1939, letter order - according to the decree of 1997):
Aa Әә Bb Vv Yy Dd Her Yo Zh Җҗ Zz Ii Yi Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Ңң Oo Өө Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Үү Ff Xx Һһ Shsh Shch Tsk ъ ыы ь Eee Yuyu Yaya
Total: 39 letters.

1. In the Tatar language, “V” is pronounced as a short “U” (“ү”) and spelling in the form “u” (“ү”) is more consistent with Tatar phonetics. In particular, the words “vatan”, “vali”, etc. were previously written using the Arabic “u”, which was more consistent with Tatar phonetics.
That is, it is necessary to abandon the letter “B”, transferring its spelling to the letters “U”, “Y”
2. Unlike the Bashkir alphabet, the Tatar alphabet did not use a separate letter for “throat G” (a similar situation with “throat K”). However, the Tatar language is meant O greater Arabization of sounds, compared to other Turkic languages, requires separate letters for the throaty G and K. The fact is that if in soft words G and K are read correctly (“softly”), then if it is necessary to write the throaty variants G and K it is necessary to denote this with “hard vowels”, which is not correct for soft syllables.
For example, in the word “garab” the writing of the letter “A” is required only to indicate the correct reading of the throat letter “G” and violates the law of synharmonicity.
That is, you need to additionally enter the letters “Ғғ”, “Қк”
3. The letters “E”, “E”, “Yu”, “Ya” in Russian are read at the beginning of a word as diphthongs (ye, yo, yu, ya), and in the middle of a word - as monophthongs with a softening of the previous consonant.
In the Tatar language, everything is much more complicated: due to the presence of soft vowel monophthongs “Ә, Ө, Ү” the letters “Yu, Ya” in the middle of the word are not written at all. The letter "E" in the middle of a word is read as a monophthong, a soft pair of the hard monophthong "E". The letters “E, Yu, Ya” at the beginning of a word are read as diphthongs, but such a letter does not indicate how exactly the diphthong is read, softly or hard. The letter "Yo" is completely absent in the Tatar script.
That is, it is necessary to simplify the writing by eliminating diphthongs, and leave the spelling at the beginning of words only with the help of monophthongs - similar to what was done in the Tatar language when abandoning the Russian letter “Ё”. In this case, “E” remains only as a monophthong, with an additional “Y” (“Yel”) written at the beginning of the word.
4. The letter “Zh” is used in the Tatar language only in one word “Jumba”. Thus, you can refuse to write the letter “Җ”, using the letter “Zh”. This will be done following the example of the pair “Ch” - “Shch”: The Tatar literary language does not use a sound analogue to the Russian “Ch”, however, this letter is used to write a sound analogous to the Russian “Shch”, and the letter “Shch” itself in Tatar letter is not used.
That is, you should abandon the letter “Җ” and change its spelling to “Zh”.
5. The letters "Ш" (see above) and "Ц" are not used in Tatar writing.
That is, you should remove the letters "Ш, Ц" from the alphabet
6. The letters "b, b" are used to a limited extent. The letter "Ъ" is used as an analogue of the Arabic "hamza" in Arabic borrowings, and should be replaced with a simpler sign " ` "following the example of most Latin alphabets. The letter "b" is used to a limited extent due to the problems outlined in paragraphs 2 and 3. With the solution of these problems, the need for this letter disappears.
That is, you should remove the letters "Ъ, b" from the alphabet, replacing "Ъ" with the separation sign " ` ".

The reformed alphabet will look like this:
Aa Әә Bb Gg Ғғ Dd Her Zz Ii Yi Kk Ққ Ll Mm Nn ​​Ңң Oo Өө Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Үү Ff Xx Һһ Shsh Yy Ee
31 letters
