Before what union. Sentences with conjunctions before, before, before

Before what union.  Sentences with conjunctions before, before, before

One of the most common in high school is the comma before "what", "how" and in other words in structures that are connected with them. This happens, some authors of school textbooks call all constructions with these words a comparative phrase.

In fact "How" can act as a conjunction or particle. And such a construction is not always a comparative turnover. In some cases it is a circumstance.

The design acts as:

  • Predicate: The whole world is like an exciting adventure.
  • Definitions or applications: The crocodile, as a rare animal, is listed in the Red Book.
  • Comparative turnover or circumstances: Life seethed like a waterfall of passions.
  • Introductory design: I decided to change my shirt, or chemise, as my mother would say.
  • Subordinate part: Living in the countryside is as difficult as describing the smell of freshly cut grass in words..

Difference and other combinations

Comma before "How" is placed in the following cases:

1) If the combination means exclusively likening, i.e. it means "like" and no longer has any other meanings. This construction is called a comparative phrase and acts as a circumstance in a sentence. For example: Vasily, like a hero, defended his friend. But it is necessary to pay attention to the point that the comparative phrase is not separated by commas if it is in the middle of the sentence. In this case, the part of the sentence to which this construction relates is emphasized. For example: At the ball, Anna, in love like a passionate girl, looked into the eyes of her chosen one. In this sentence, comparative turnover is not separated from "lover" a comma only because these words have a semantic connection. If there is a comma before the word "How", then it will come out “looked like a passionate lioness”, but the sentence has a completely different meaning.

2) If the combination is used together with the conjunction “and”. This construction is also called a comparative phrase and acts as a circumstance in a sentence: Peter, like everyone else in the class, treated me well.


In order to prevent another mistake, it is necessary to decide which member of the sentence the combination we are interested in is and what words it is associated with:

1) In the case when used before a combination of words “so”, “that”, “such”, “so” and many others. Such constructions are applications, and in a sentence they act as a definition. For example: He usually did not watch films such as horror or thrillers.

2) The combination has the meaning of causality. Usually it is an application, and in a sentence it acts as a definition. For example: The doctor, as a good specialist, paid a lot of attention to sick patients. This sentence shows the reason in combination "good specialist". The doctor paid a lot of attention to sick patients because he was good specialist. But do not confuse the application with comparative turnover. A comparative phrase is the likening of one object to another. And an application is when an object is called completely differently .

3) The conjunction is part of the expression "nothing else"; "no one else". For example: This event is nothing more than a pre-planned action. The construction given in this sentence is a nominal compound predicate. And we see that this member of the sentence is separated by a comma.

Introductory structures

In some sentences, combinations are not members of the sentence, but appear. They must be separated with commas on both sides.

1) The conjunction is combined with the following words: “now”, “now”, “before”, “always”, “usually”, “exception”, “rule”, “on purpose” and others. These combinations act as introductory words that are not any members of the sentence. For example: As if on purpose, they were in no hurry to go home.

2) The conjunction is part of the introductory sentence. For example: As Katerina correctly noted, the road was especially difficult. This sentence is simple, despite the presence of two grammar basics. It's just getting more complicated introductory construction. In this case, the construction in which this conjunction is present is introductory sentence. The narrator names the source of the information. The combination is separated by commas.

Comparative phrase and incomplete subordinate clause

Before deciding whether a comma is needed before "How", you need to understand exactly what the difference is between a comparative clause and an incomplete subordinate clause. It can be seen in the following example: Nowhere have I felt as good as at home. In this case, the second part is an incomplete subordinate clause. Also, do not confuse the subordinate clause with the comparative phrase component, which is a one-part sentence: Write stories like thisIt’s as difficult as describing the sound of music in words. The second part is a one-part impersonal

Connection with the predicate

There are many examples where a comma comes before "How" not put:

1) The combination is part of the predicate: Time flew by very quickly, the day felt like one hour. The comparative particle is part of the predicate and is emphasized along with it.

2) The word has a semantic connection with the predicate: The meeting flew by in a flash, and I didn’t even have time to come to my senses. In this case, the comma before "How" is not placed because the entire combination with it is a predicate, and the word itself is a comparative particle. Without it, the predicate would lose its true meaning. This award was like a gift from above. This combination also acts as a predicate, because without it the sentence completely loses its meaning. And a comma before "How" that is why it is not installed.

Persistent expressions

Comma before conjunction "How" not placed if it is part of There are a great many such examples. After the meeting, we gained confidence in the future, because everything went like clockwork. In this case, the combination is part of a compound predicate, which in this sentence is expressed by a phraseological unit. Life should be valued and cherished like the apple of your eye. The combination is also part of a predicate, which is a persistent expression. That is why the use of different ones is unacceptable here.

A few more features of the use of punctuation marks...

To make the right decision, before "How" whether a comma is needed or not, you need to pay attention to some more nuances. Is there a particle in front of this word? "Not" or these words: “simple”, “exactly”, “exactly”, “absolutely” or "almost". If they are used, then there is no need to put a comma. In this case, such a construction will be called a comparative phrase, and in the sentence it will act as a circumstance. For example: Nikolai always behaved with dignity, he acted exactly like a real man. If the combination means "in role", then the comma is also omitted: He spoke at the meeting as a mathematics teacher. This sentence means that the person acted as a mathematics teacher. In fact, he may not be one.

We see that there are quite a few nuances in the use of the comma. You need to pay special attention to them, and then you can easily and simply avoid serious mistakes.

Today we have another entry in the section “ Literacy Minute", and it will talk about a very common difficulty: the placement or non-placement of a comma before the conjunction . I think you, like me, have often found yourself in a difficult position, wondering whether a comma is needed before a conjunction or not. Today we will learn once and for all when this unfortunate comma is used and when it is not. So...

A comma is added.

We will start with those cases where a comma occurs. There are not many of these cases and, in principle, they are not difficult to remember.

1. A comma is placed in the case if union connects parts of a complex sentence. Everything here is easy and clear; in this case, you simply cannot do without a comma.

Example: We watched with pleasure as our friend reached the finish line first.

2. When the union enters revolutions close in value to introductory words . There are few such phrases in Russian, here are the main ones: as an exception, as a consequence, as always, as on purpose, as for example, as now, as now, as a rule, etc.

For example: In the morning before leaving, as if on purpose, it started to rain.

3. In the event that if the sentence contains a circumstance expressed by a comparative phrase that begins with a conjunction .

Example: There were people inside like sardines in a barrel.

I draw your attention to the fact that if after the turnover with the union the sentence continues, then you need to put another comma at the end of the phrase (isolate it). For example: In the distance, the water sparkled like a mirror..

The comma is NOT included.

Now I propose to determine those cases when the union is not separated by a comma.

1. In the event that eif unionstands between subject and predicate, Awithouthimthere would need to be a dash there.

For example: Nose like a beak. Night is like day.

2. If the turnover is with a unionis part of a phraseological unit. As we well know, phraseological units are separate integral linguistic structures, usually unchangeable.

For example: Duringconversationhe sat on pins and needles.

3. Whenturnover with the unionin a sentence acts as an adverbial modifier of action.

For example: The path twisted like a snake.

In such cases, our turnover with the union can be replaced by an adverb ( like a snake) or a noun in the instrumental case ( snake). However, the problem is that the circumstances of the course of action cannot always be distinguished with complete certainty from the circumstances of comparison. It is precisely such cases that cause the most difficulties for writers.

4. In those casesif the turnover is with a unionis part of the predicate and a sentence without such a phrase does not have a complete meaning.

Example: Young womanholdingI wanted tolike a mistress.

5. If a comparative phrase is preceded by a negationNot orone of the following particles: completely, completely, almost, exactly, like, simply, exactly. In this case, instead of a comma, there is already a particle ( no, like, simple, etc..), so such moments, as a rule, do not raise much doubt.

For example: These two don't act like good friends. In this light, her face was exactly like her mother’s.

Compound conjunctions.

Do not forget that the word can be part of a compound union So And or because, as well as revolutions: since, as long as, since, as little (more) as possible, etc.. It is quite natural that in such cases the comma before not installed.

For example: All windows are as inthe house itself, and inthere werewide open.

That's all for today. I hope we have brought the necessary clarity to the issue of placing commas before the conjunction , and this knowledge will be useful to you in your everyday writing activities. Don't forget to follow the blog updates! See you soon!

Before as

Before as


Used when attaching a subordinate part of a complex sentence, the action of which follows the action of the main part; before, before.

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova.

T. F. Efremova.

    2000. See what “Before Before” is in other dictionaries: before as- union

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    before- before 1) used. when indicating an object, place, etc., opposite which from the front side is who, what l., what happens. Stop in front of the house. Stand in front of the flowerbed. Stand before your eyes (introduce yourself, feel, remember what... Dictionary of many expressions

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Their difference is very subtle. It is more about drawing attention, or putting accents. In their basic sense, all of them are interchangeable, they all mean "something is/was/will be before something else".

Now, if you hear/see "before", then you understand that something before is very different from that something after. In this the expression is similar to "after". So, such expression introduces a turning point for events. "Before I met him, my life was boring and monotonous." So, one uses this expression to separate events before and after some turning point.

The other 2 are very similar, so most likely you"d get different opinions on their "difference". The following is my "feeling", others may feel differently:)

"Before" is used when there"s something "important" that should be done before other things. "Before" is used to introduce simple sequence of actions. So, the phrase "Before he left, he checked that the windows were closed " to me implies, that this checking of windows was important to the guy. The phrase "He checked that the windows were closed before he left" simply indicates the sequence of events.

"Before you sit down to eat, do homework" this implies attention to the fact that homework is important and must be done before eating.
"Before you sit down to eat, do your homework" here the importance of making homework is missing, only the sequence of actions is introduced.
