An outdoor target burner game. Burners - an ancient Russian folk game

An outdoor target burner game.  Burners - an ancient Russian folk game

Russian folk games for children have always been popular among little fidgets. Games have been played since ancient times and today they are played with mothers, grandmothers, and friends, and at mass holidays, fun events, and folk festivals.


Children stand in two ranks facing each other. A participant sits between the ranks, depicting a “pie”. Everyone sings:

Yes, he is so tall,

Yes, he is so wide,

Yes, he’s so soft,

Cut it and eat it.

While singing, at the words “tall” they raise their hands up, “wide” - they spread them to the sides, “soft” - they stroke the stomach.

Immediately after the words “Cut it and eat it,” one participant from each line runs to the “pie.” Whoever touches the “pie” first takes it to his team, and the loser remains to pretend to be the “pie”. The group that takes the most pies wins

Game "Cockfight"

The players, standing on one leg, push each other with their shoulders, trying to force each other to stand on both legs.

Game "Drag the Rope"

Place 2 hoops on the floor and stretch a rope from the middle of one to the middle of the other. The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. One person from each team enters the hoops. At a signal, they run and change places. The one who runs first into the opponent's hoop and pulls the rope out of the other hoop is considered the winner. After the first pair, the second, third, and so on until the last.

Game "Hens and cockerels"

Three pairs collect grains (beans, peas, pumpkin seeds) scattered on the floor within one minute. Those who collect the most win.

Game "Burners"

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Children hold hands and raise them up, forming a “gate.” The last pair passes “under the gate” and stands in front, followed by the next pair. The “speaker” stands in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out!

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, two guys, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, don't be a crow,

And run like fire!

The “burning one” tries to catch up with the running ones. If the players manage to take each other’s hands before one of them is caught by the “burning one,” then they stand in front of the column, and the “burning one” catches again, i.e. "burning". And if the “burning” one catches one of the runners, then he stands with him, and the player left without a pair leads.

Game "Ringer"

Children stand in a circle. The driver is chosen using the counting machine. He walks in a circle and says:

Dili-don, dili-don,

Guess where the ringing is coming from.

The rest of the players dance in place. At the word “ringing,” the driver turns to the player standing next to him and, clapping his hands three times, bows. The player also claps his hands three times, bows and stands behind the driver. Now the two of them walk in a circle, saying:

Dili-don, dili-don,

Guess where the ringing is coming from.

At the word “ringing,” the driver again invites the next player to join the game by clapping and bowing. So the game continues until there are 4-6 people behind the driver. After this, the children remaining in the circle clap, and the driver and the players he has chosen dance. When the music ends, the driver and other players should stand in pairs. Anyone who doesn't have enough pairs becomes the driver.

Game "Duck-Goose"

Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The driver is selected and given a small ball in his hands. The driver stands behind the circle. To the words: “Duck, duck, duck!” - which the driver says, he walks past the children standing with their backs to him. To the word “Goose! – puts a ball in the hands of one of the participants in the game. After this, the driver and the child with the ball in their hands go in different directions. They walk at a pace, and during the meeting they say to each other: “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”, “Good evening”, nod their heads and continue the “path” to the place from which they started moving. The one who comes first wins. You must walk at a pace. The winner becomes the leader.

Game "We are funny guys"

A trap is selected. He stands with his back to the players. Children run up to the trap with the words: “We are funny guys, we love to run and play, but try to catch us. One, two, three (clap their hands) – catch it!” With the end of the text, the trap catches up with the children.

Game with the Sun.

In the center of the circle is the “sun” (a cap with the image of the sun is placed on the child’s head). The children say in chorus:

Shine, sun, brighter -

It will be hotter in summer

And the winter is warmer

And spring is nicer.

Children dance in a circle. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word “I’m burning!” - the “sun” is catching up with the children.

Game with a handkerchief.

Maslenitsa plays with children. Children walk holding hands in a circle, Maslenitsa moves towards them in the inner circle. Sings:

And I am Maslenitsa,

I'm not a stepdaughter

I walk with a handkerchief

I'll come to you now.

The children stop, and Maslenitsa says, standing between two children:

There is a scarf on my shoulder,

Who will run faster?

The children, between whom Maslenitsa stopped, run around the circle (outer), return to their places, take a scarf. The one who runs to Maslenitsa the fastest wins.

Game "Trap"

Children and buffoons (address one of the buffoons, who is wearing a goat’s cap).

Gray goat,

White tail,

We'll give you something to drink

We'll feed you

Don't butt us

And play “Trap.”

After the words addressed to the “goat”, the children run away, and the “goat” tries to gore them.

Game "Carousel".

We continue the fun

Weight running on the carousel.

Ribbons are attached to the training. Children take hold of the tape with one hand and walk first in one direction, and then, changing hands, in the other. The hoop is held by an adult. You can “ride” on the carousel accompanied by the traditional text:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two,

So the game began.

Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny jumped on a tree stump

He beats the drum loudly,

He invites everyone to play blind man's buff.

The game "Blind Man's Bluff" is played.

Progress of the game. The player is blindfolded, taken away from the players to the side and turned around several times. Then they talk to him:

Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

In a kneading bowl.

What's in the kneader?

Catch the mice, not us!

After these words, the participants in the game run away, and the blind man’s buff catches them.

Game "Go through the gate"

Progress of the game. Spring leads all adults and children in a figure of eight (the “thread and needle” movement). With the end of the music, Spring points her hand at a pair of children and adults. They turn to face each other and hold hands, forming a “collar.” The rest of the children pass, led by Spring, through these gates. The child remains inside the gates. The game continues until 4-5 children are caught. They dance to a dance tune, and other children cheerfully clap their hands.

Game with the goat.

Progress of the game. In the center of the circle in which the children stand is a “goat”. Children pronounce the words of the nursery rhyme and perform movements in accordance with the text.

The goat went out for a walk,

Stretch your legs.

The goat is knocking its legs,

He shouts like a goat:

“Be-e-e, be-e!”

Children move to the center of the circle and back. Children stand in a circle, and the “goat” knocks its “hooves” and shows its “horns.” The “goat” screams and catches up with the children who are running away.

Game with a "cockerel".

Progress of the game. The children stand facing each other. In the center is a child wearing a cockerel cap. The text of the nursery rhyme is pronounced and the movements are performed.


A rooster walks around the yard.

Himself - with spurs,

The tail is with patterns!

Stands under the window

He screams throughout the yard,

Who will hear -

He's hitting!


Children walk in a circle, raising their legs bent high at the knees and flapping their wings. “Rooster” also goes in a circle, but in the opposite direction. Children turn around with their faces in a circle, continuing to flap their “wings”. The “Rooster” stops in the center of the circle, flaps its “wings” and screams. The children run away, the “rooster” tries to catch up with them.

Game "Ring"

All players line up in a row. The buffoon has a ring in his hands, which he hides in his palms and then tries to discreetly hand over to one of the guys, while saying:

I'm burying gold

I'm burying pure silver!

In a high chamber

Guess, guess, girl.

Guess, guess, red!

The person standing last is looking for a ring, and the buffoon says: “Guess, guess who has the ring, pure silver.” If the participant guesses who has the ring, then he becomes the host.

Game "Bear in the Forest"

The driver is selected - “bear”. He is at some distance from other participants in the game. Children say the text as they approach the “bear.”

The bear has a bow

I take mushrooms and berries,

But the bear doesn't sleep,

Everything is growling at us.

When the text ends, the children run away and the “bear” catches up with them.

During the game the following words can be used:

By the bear in the forest

I pick mushrooms and berries.

But the bear doesn't sleep,

Everything is looking at us

And then how he growls

And he will run after us!

And we take berries

And we don’t give it to the bear,

Let's go to the forest with a club,

Hit the bear in the back!

Game "Grandfather Mazai"

Progress of the game. The players choose Grandpa Mazai. The remaining participants agree on what movements indicating work (for example: sowing, harvesting, mowing, etc.) or another type of activity (skiing, skating, playing snowballs, etc.) will be shown to him. They approach Grandfather Mazai and sing.

Hello, grandfather Mazay,

Get out of the box!

We won't say where we were

And we’ll show you what they did!

After these catches, everyone depicts with their movements the work they agreed on. If Mazay guesses right, the children run away and he catches them. Who was caught first? He becomes the new grandfather Mazai, and the game repeats. If they don’t guess, they show him another job.

Instead of singing, the following dialogue can sound:

Hello, grandfather!

Hello children! Where have you been?

At work.

What they were doing?

After these words, the children perform movements.

Game "Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell"

Progress of the game. By lot (by counting) they choose the “blind man’s buff” and the player he will look for. “Zhmurka” is blindfolded, and the other child is given a bell. The participants of the game stand in a circle. “Zhmurka” must catch the driver with the bell. Then a new pair of players is selected. There can be several “blind man’s buff”. Children standing in a circle warn the “blind man’s buff” from meeting each other with the words: “Fire! Fire!"

Round dance game “I walk with the loach”

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle, facing the center. One child is the leader. In his hands is a “bindweed” (it can be a satin ribbon or a rope woven on an oblique with thick paper leaves sewn to it. While singing the first verse, the leader walks in a “figure eight” (bypassing each child) and on the last word of the verse bows to the one before whom stops.

I walk with the vine

I go with green.

I don't know where

Put the loach

With the beginning of the 2nd verse, the child to whom the leader bowed follows the leader.

Put down the loach

Put down the loach

Put down the loach

On the right shoulder.

On the third verse, the movements are repeated.

And from the right,

And from the right,

And from the right

Put it on the left.

By the end of the song, four people are walking with the loach. Then the “loach” is placed in the center of the circle. Four children dance to a cheerful dance song, performing any dance moves. When the music ends, the children try to take the loach. The most dexterous one becomes the leader, and the game is repeated.

Game "Merry Musicians".

Progress of the game. To any two-part melody, children, standing in a circle, play musical instruments (rattles, rhumbas, bells, etc.). Petrushka stands in the center of the circle, conducting. With the end of the first part, the children, having put their instruments on the floor, easily run in a circle. Parsley stands in a general circle and runs with the children. When the music ends, the players quickly dismantle their instruments. The conductor becomes the one who did not get the instrument.

Game "Zarya-Zaryanitsa"

Progress of the game. Two drivers are selected. Both the drivers and the players stand in a circle, holding a ribbon in their hands (ribbons are attached to the carousel according to the number of players). Everyone dances and sings.

Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Red Maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Painted ribbons.

One, two, three - not a crow,

And run like fire!

At the last words of the driver they run in different directions. Whoever takes the vacated ribbon first is the winner, and the remaining one chooses his next partner.

"Double burners."

Participants stand in pairs in a column. If there are many players playing burners, then you can stand in pairs in two columns (one against the other) at a distance of 15-20 m. Two “burners” stand in front of the columns - each with their back to their own column. With the words “...the bells are ringing,” the last pair in each column separates their hands and runs towards the players from the opposite team, trying to form new pairs with them. The "burners" catch any of the runners. Those left without pairs become the new “burners.”

"Blind Man's Bluff "Vanya" and "Manya".

Two drivers are selected (a girl and a boy) and one of them is appointed “Manya” with a thin voice, and the second is “Vanya”, who speaks in a bass voice (to create an atmosphere of more fun, the boy can be made “Maney” and the girl “Vanya”). The drivers are blindfolded and sometimes circled around themselves.

The rest of the players form a circle around the leaders and join hands. “Vanya” is taken away from “Mani” and asked to find her.

Stretching his hands forward, “Vanya” begins to search and call: “Where are you, Manya?” “I’m here,” “Manya” answers, but she herself, sensing his approach, runs away to the side. “Vanya” may mistake one of the players for “Manya”. In this case, the error is explained to him. At the same time, the players do not allow “Mana” to leave the circle and bump into anything. When “Vanya” finds “Manya”, they are replaced with a new pair of drivers.

Children standing in a circle should not tell the driver where anyone is.

To catch “Manya”, it is enough to touch her with your hand, without grabbing or holding.

If “Vanya” cannot catch “Manya” for a long time, they should be invited to switch roles or give way to a new pair of willing ones.

"Earth - water - sky"

(or “Beast – Fish – Bird”)

Players must know the names of fish, birds, and animals to make the game more fun and active. In the first and second versions of the name, the correspondence is guessed: sky - birds, water - fish, etc. All children who wish can take part in the game. The players sit down or stand in a circle facing the center. In the middle of the circle is the leader with a ball (preferably stuffed).

The presenter says one of the words of the name of the game and immediately throws the ball into the hands of any player. He catches the ball, names the corresponding animal, for example, a fox or a bear using the word “beast” (“earth”), and returns the ball to the leader. If a participant in the game did not have time to name or incorrectly named the animal, or failed to catch the ball, then he receives a penalty point or gives away a forfeit (any small object).

The presenter throws the ball to the new players, trying to keep everyone in suspense in anticipation of the ball and the need to quickly name the desired animal. The ball can be thrown twice to the same player. When a group of participants with penalty points accumulates, the game is interrupted to play forfeits, and those with penalty points are given a fun group task: to sing, dance, perform a pantomime, etc. Then the game continues with a new leader.

The presenter can throw the ball only after pronouncing the word “ground” or another.

Animal names must not be repeated.

"Damaged phone"

(The old name of the game was “Rumors”)

8-10 people take part in the game. Children sit in a row or in a semicircle. One is chosen as the leader. He sits down first and comes up with words or a phrase. The presenter whispers this phrase into the ear of the neighboring player. He passes on what he heard to the next person in order, etc. You need to convey the phrase into your ear so that others do not hear. You should speak clearly, without deliberately distorting your words. The one who violates this sits last in the row.

Then the presenter approaches the last player in the row and asks him to say what was given to him. Almost always, changes occur to the original phrase, because the player cannot always hear the word well and replace it with a similar sounding one. To find out who was the first to distort the phrase, they are asked to repeat what he heard, not only the last one in the row, but also the second one from the end. The first person to distort the word is moved to the end of the row. The presenter sits in the vacant seat. The new leader is the one who was at the beginning of the row. If the phrase or word is reproduced without errors, the former player remains the leader.

“The third one is the extra one with the comb”

The players gather on a small platform or in a hall. Choose two drivers. The rest stand in a circle in pairs: one in front of the other. One driver runs away from the other and can get ahead of any pair. The one standing behind turns out to be superfluous and must run away from the second driver.

The second driver has a belt or belt in his hand (or a tourniquet twisted from a scarf or handkerchief). The second driver runs around the players, trying to hit (slap) the first driver with a belt before he gets in front of someone else's pair. If he succeeds, he throws the belt up and runs away. The salty one must now catch up and salt. Only one light hit with the belt is allowed.

To make the game fun, the drivers use unexpected tricks every now and then. For example, the second driver while running can quietly pass the belt to someone standing, while he continues to chase the first driver. As soon as he runs near the player holding the belt, he triumphantly “lashes” the driver with the belt. Then he throws up the belt and runs away, becoming the new first driver. The first turns into the second and must, picking up the belt, catch up with the runner. The former second driver becomes the remaining incomplete pair.

The game ends by agreement.

Drivers should not run away from the circle or cross it, reducing the distance. The runner can stand in front of any standing pair.

"Golden Gate"

Two of the participants in the game are selected. They will be the “sun” and “moon” (“month”). Then the “sun” and “month” stand facing each other, take hands and raise them, as if forming a gate. The rest of the players join hands and walk in a line through the “gate”. At the same time, the players sing their favorite songs. When the last one comes through the “gate,” it “closes.” The one who gets caught is quietly asked which side he would like to be on: behind the “moon” or “sun”. The player chooses and stands behind the corresponding player. The rest go through the “gate” again, and the game continues until the last. When everyone is distributed, the groups have a tug of war. Variant of the yoke: children representing the “gate” say:

Golden Gate

Not always missed:

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited,

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

The “gate” closes at the last word and “catch” the one who remained in it. In order not to be caught, those walking involuntarily speed up their pace, sometimes start running, and those catching, in turn, change the speed of the recitative. The game becomes more active and fun. It also ends with a tug of war.

Another variation of the game is that the “gates” are 2 pairs. The players portraying them recite the rhyme simultaneously (in tune). Those who are caught do not choose where to stand, but are immediately included in the team of the “gates” that caught them. Those representing the gates compete to see who can catch the most players. The competition ends with a tug-of-war.


Several “traps” are selected from among the players (2 people each). Standing in pairs facing each other, they raise their clasped hands, forming hoops, or “traps”, through which the rest of the players run, holding hands.

The “traps” form a circle and are open while the music is playing (or the boubouen is sounding). Upon a signal (whistle, loud clap, stop of music), the “traps” close, i.e. hands drop, holding those caught between their hands.

Those caught join hands with the participants in the “trap”, forming a circle of 3-4 people. They raise their hands again, and the chain of other players again runs in a circle, running through the “traps”. They close again and again until there are only 2-3 caught, the fastest and most dexterous ones left.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


(“From where and where?”)

Any number of players can participate. Each of the players thinks up and names a city loudly. The rest must remember who has which city.

Anyone can start the game by imitating the sounds of a postal bell: “Ding-ding-ding!” Someone immediately asks, “Who’s coming?” - "Mail". “From where and to where?” - “From Moscow to Paris” (only those cities chosen by the players should be named). The one who chose Moscow answers, and the next one speaks necessarily the one whose city is Paris:

What are they doing in Moscow?

“Everyone is walking around digging potatoes,” “one who came from Moscow” might answer.

Immediately all the players, except for the “arrival” one, begin to depict how they are digging potatoes in Moscow. The tasks should be funny and, if possible, difficult to complete, since from those who cannot portray this, the “arrival” takes a forfeit (any thing) and folds it in front of everyone.

Now the one who chose Paris says “Ding, ding!” etc. Game continues. At the end, forfeits are played.

"Two Frosts"

From the players, they choose the drivers - two Morozs. They go out into the middle of the hall. Participants in the game from one side of the hall, on which they gather at the beginning, must run to the other side. This happens after the next dialogue. With their arms akimbo, two “Frosts” address the crowd:

We are two young brothers, two Daring Frosts.

Frost, Red Nose, one announces.

“I am Frost, Blue Nose,” the other introduces himself and asks with a feigned threat in his voice: “Come on, which of you will decide to set off on this little path?”

The children answer in unison:

We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!

After the words are spoken, the children rush to run to the other side of the hall. If none of the players decides to do this, the “Frosts” announce that everyone who does not run on the count of “three” will become losers - they will be “frozen.” Frosts read: “One, two, three!” Everyone rushes to run across the hall, and “Frosts” try to touch (touch) the children with their hands. The one who has been greasy must stop, freeze without moving, like “frozen.” It can be “unfrozen” by other players who have not yet been frozen by touching it with their hand. Then he runs with everyone else to the opposite boundary of the hall, where the “Frosts” no longer have the right to run.

At the beginning of the game, you can agree that the “frozen” drivers will take them to their “ice palace”, where they cannot be rescued until the drivers change.

“I’m burying the gold.”

Children sit in a circle on the floor, legs crossed, hands behind their backs. An object is placed in the hands of one of the players, which the driver chosen by the rhyme must find. At the same time, the participants in the game hum a familiar song quietly if the driver moves away from the object, and loudly if he approaches it. You can use a sentence instead of a song:

I'm burying gold

I bury pure silver

In a high chamber.

Guess, guess, red one,

Walking across the field

Braiding the braid for Russ,

Silk first,

Weaving in gold.

Instead of a sentence, one of the players can ring the bell.


A driver is selected and moves aside. Participants in the game wish for any objects (each one). The driver comes and asks the participants questions, in response to which the players must name the intended object.

The player whose answer comes closest to the question asked becomes the driver.

"Blind Man's Bluff."

The driver - blind man's buff - stands in the center. He is blindfolded and turned around several times. There is a dialogue between the blind man's buff and the players:

Where are you standing?

On Bridge.

What do you sell?

Look for us for three years.

The participants disperse around the room, the blind man's buff goes to look for them. During the game, participants must not leave their seats. They are allowed to squat, lean, and kneel. If the driver finds and guesses the child, he gives him the role of blind man's buff.

"Blind Man's Bluff on the contrary."

A blind man's buff is selected. But they don't blindfold him. He is seated in front of a large white screen. A flashlight is installed at a short distance from the screen. The players walk between the lantern and the screen, and the blind man's buff must recognize the participants in the game by the shadows. Players, in order to confuse the driver, can wear any items of clothing. For each incorrectly named player, the driver gives a forfeit.

Game "Ring, ring"

They choose a leader with a counting rhyme.

Children sit on a bench and fold their palms. Two remain standing. One of them (the leader) has a ring. Everyone begins to pronounce the text and shake their palms clasped together to the beat. The driver with a ring in his hands approaches each of those sitting in turn and quietly lowers the ring to one of them. The second person standing must guess who has the ring in his hands. If he guesses right, he sits in the place of the one who had the ring. If not, everyone says in unison: “One, two, three, ring, run.” The child runs away with the ring. The one who guessed rushes after him. The players say:

Ring, ring, roll onto the porch,

Come back through the field, through the meadow, making a circle!

Game option with a slightly different name "In the rings" suggests G. Naumenko.

Children sit in a row and fold their palms into a boat. The driver places his palms in the palms of each participant in the game. To one of them he must quietly leave a “ring” - a ring, a pebble, a nut, which is squeezed between his palms. At the same time he says:

I'm walking along the bench

I bury the gold ring -

In mother's mansion,

Under Father's castle.

You can't guess, you can't guess!

I can’t tell you, I can’t tell you!

Those sitting answer:

We've been wondering for a long time

We have been looking for a ring for a long time -

Everything is behind strong locks,

Behind oak doors.

Then one of the players tries to guess who has the hidden ring. He is sentenced:

A ring rolled off the red porch -

By the barns, by the cages, by the barns, by the entryways.

Find the golden ring!

If he finds who has the ring hidden, they simultaneously run in different directions, running around the shop. Whoever sits in the empty seat first is the driver. He hides the ring again.


A woodpecker walks across the arable land,

Looking for a grain of wheat,

I couldn’t find it and was hammering the bitches:

Knock, knock, knock, knock!

They choose a woodpecker, go up to the tree and sing.

The woodpecker takes a stick and counts to himself,

Knocks on wood the intended number of times.

The player who correctly names the number

Beats, runs around the tree so many times,

And becomes a new woodpecker.


Zarya-zarenitsa, red maiden.

She was walking across the field and dropped her keys.

The keys are gold, the ribbons are blue.

One, two - don't be a crow, but run like fire.

Children hold the carousel by the ribbons, walk in a circle and sing.

The driver walks outside the circle and touches with the last words

One of the players. They scatter in different directions, who

The first one will take the tape. The loser becomes the driver.

"Golden Gate".

Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen!

The first time it is forgiven, the second time it is forbidden,

And the third time we won’t let you through.

The two leaders make the gate. One is a “silver saucer”

the other is “pour apple.” Everyone goes through the gate, with the last one

in a word, the gate lowers, detaining one of the players.

Player: - “Golden Gate, let me through.”

Answer: - “We let everyone through, but leave you. What do you choose

Pourable apple or silver saucer?

The player moves to the chosen side.

So the children are divided into two teams, then they play tug of war.


I hide, I hide the strap

Under the viburnum bush,

And who will sleep through the dawn,

Beat him, beat him.

The driver with the strap walks around the circle, the children's eyes are closed.

With the last word he puts the belt behind someone’s back.

He runs after the driver, trying to catch up and lightly hit him

With a strap. The driver is trying to take the place of the one who is running after him.

“Sit, Yasha.”

Yasha is chosen. He stands in the center and is blindfolded.

Everyone goes in a circle and sings.

Sit, sit, Yasha under the walnut bush,

Gnaw, gnaw, Yasha, roasted nuts,

Chock, chock, snout.

Get up Yasha, you fool!

Where is your bride and what is she wearing?

What is her name and where will she be brought from?

Yasha is spinning in place at this time, after finishing

He goes at random, chooses someone and takes him to

The middle. It is necessary to find out who is in front of him, to name the name.

Name of the game

Word burners goes back to the verb “to burn”, and initially, apparently, in the meaning of “to love, to suffer from love”, characteristic of folk poetry: “ It is not the fire that burns, it is not the resin that boils, but the heart that burns and boils zealously for the red maiden...»

In different areas there are other names for burners: separation, heat, burnt, burnt, oprel, burn-oak and burn-stump.

Game history

Burners were not originally a children's game: girls and single young men played it. A guy was always chosen as the driver, and he could only catch a girl, so the game provided an opportunity to meet people, communicate, and choose a bride. This function of the game is discussed in The Tale of Bygone Years:

The appearance of burners is associated with pagan holidays and rituals: the meeting of spring, “when the goddess Lada, the patroness of marriages and childbirth, was glorified, when nature itself enters into its blessed union with the thunder god and the earth is accepted as its clan,” or with the holiday of Yarila or Ivan Kupala - day of the summer solstice. Burners were played on holidays and festivities when a lot of people gathered.

Nowadays, burners are considered exclusively children's play.

Game description

“Single boys and girls are placed in pairs in a long row, and one of the fellows, who by lot gets to burn, stands in front of everyone and says: “I’m burning, I’m burning the stump!” - “Why are you burning?” - asks a girl's voice. “I want a red maiden.” - "Which?" - “You, young one!” At these words, one couple scatters in different directions, trying to come together again and grab each other with their hands; and the one who was burning rushes to catch his girlfriend. If he manages to catch the girl before she meets her mate, then they stand in a row, and the one who remains alone takes his place; if he fails to catch, then he continues to chase other couples, who, after the same questions and answers, run in turns.”

“The players condemn one of them, by lot, to burn - to a difficult position. All the others mate, that is, they become pairs, one after the other. The burner stands in front of the steam, motionless, not turning back, forward, or to the side. At this time, the players scatter in different directions. The burner chases them. If he manages to separate them, to catch the mistaken one, then his position no longer continues, or, for his failure, he must burn again, at least the game is repeated up to 100 times. “The game is not without deception,” the old ladies say - and that’s exactly true! How many tricks have been invented for the unfortunate burner: he can be deceived every minute.”

Rules of the game

An open place is chosen for the game - a lawn, a clearing, a wide street in front of the house, a spacious yard.

The players stand in pairs one after another. In front of everyone, at a distance of two steps, stands the driver with his back to the players - burner (burner).

The players chant the words:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Stay at your hem
Look at the field
The trumpeters are going there
Yes, they eat rolls.
Look at the sky:
The stars are burning
The cranes shout:
- Gu, gu, I'll run away.
One, two, don't be a crow,
And run like fire!

Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out!
Look at the sky - the birds are flying,
The bells are ringing,
Look - don't be a crow, run like fire!

After these words, those standing in the last pair run from both sides along the column. The burner is trying to tarnish one of them. If the running players managed to take each other's hands before he stains one of them, then they stand in front of the first pair, and the burner leads again. The game repeats itself.

If the burner manages to stain one of those running in a pair, then he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a pair burns.

  • The Burner only catches up with fleeing players when they run past him. He has no right to look back and spy which couple is about to run past him. Otherwise, the pair preparing to run may exchange turns with another pair or places with each other.
  • No one should start running before the last word has been spoken.
  • The burner can burn the runners only until they join hands.
  • Fifteen to twenty meters ahead of the burner, a place is marked in advance until which the running couple should not join their hands again.
  • The players can agree that the burner should not chase any of the runners, but always the guy and, having caught up with him, can pair up with the girl, while the caught one goes to “burn” - or vice versa.

Types of burners

Double burners

Players stand four in a row. One pair is on fire. On the count of three, the last four run off in pairs (however, hands in pairs cannot be separated) and try to connect in front of the leading pair. If any of the “burning” ones catch any pair, then it joins the drivers, and the four of them stand in the first row.

Swedish burners

The players stand in pairs, but not holding hands, but at a distance from each other, forming a “corridor”. Each pair is assigned a serial number. The driver stands in front, ten steps from the first pair, holding two sticks in his hands. When he calls the number of the pair, the called players run to him between the ranks, snatch a stick from him, run around the standing pairs from the outside and return the sticks to the driver. The one who returned the wand first earns his line a point. At the end of the game, the points are tallied and the winning team is declared.

Burners in art

A description of the game of burners is found in the story by A. S. Pushkin “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”:

Children play burners and sing the corresponding song in the first scene of the first act of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s opera “The Queen of Spades” (“Chorus of Children, Nannies and Others”).



  • Tales of the Russian people, collected by Ivan Petrovich Sakharov

see also

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    See what “Burners (game)” is in other dictionaries: Fun, amusement, prank, joke; play. Wed...

    Synonym dictionary BURNERS, burners, units. No. An outdoor game in which the person standing in front catches, at a signal, other participants running away from him alternately in pairs. (From the song accompanying the game: Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out.) Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary. D.N.... ...

    BURNERS, loc. A Russian folk game in which one of the participants catches the others running away from him one by one in pairs. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Preparatory group of kindergarten.

Teacher: Trofimova Irina Anatolyevna, category I.


When developing the notes, I took into account the age characteristics of children, their level of interest in a particular game, the availability of games for preschool children, as well as games with text that children could convey through movements; The games are accompanied by ancient Russian rhymes. The notes included breathing, logorhythmic exercises, and relaxation exercises, which made it possible to solve the health-improving task of the game session.

The following tasks were set:

continue to introduce Russian folk games, develop dexterity, evasiveness, and the ability to act on a signal; cultivate self-control, the ability to follow the rules of the game, perform movements in accordance with the text, form friendly relationships, introduce children to Russian culture, cultivate interest and love for the Russian folk game.

The main indicator of the success of this event is the emotional coloring of the atmosphere. This atmosphere is determined by the natural behavior of children, interest, joyful emotions born under the actions of the Russian national costume.

We saw all this in the game today. The children actively took part in the game and played with pleasure, following all the rules and conditions of the game. The guys know a lot of rhymes and touts. For this purpose, previous work was carried out on memorizing nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, riddles, and barkers. The children were able to reflect Russian folk culture in the game. The goal of the game was achieved, all the tasks of this event were completed, the children were satisfied.

The results of the work carried out are:

  1. Children’s use of nursery rhymes, rhymes, riddles, and barkers in active speech.
  2. They know how to play Russian folk outdoor games. Using counting rhymes.


Continue to introduce children to Russian folk outdoor games; arouse interest in Russian traditions; introduce children to traditional culture through the active use of oral folk art (counting books, barkers); cultivate love for folk traditions and respect for each other.

Progress of the game

To the tune of “Okolitsa,” girls in Russian sundresses enter the hall and perform “Dance with Handkerchiefs.” At the end of the dance, two boys in Russian costumes run into the hall and invite them to the game.

1st boy:

I'm melting, I'm melting, I'm flying

I invite you all to the game

I won’t say which one!

I'll tell you the barker.

Whoever is late flies into the sky.

2nd boy:

Tai, Tai, come on

Have fun and play!

We accept everyone into the game

We don't offend anyone

And the one who doesn't come,

The cat will attack you in no time.

Boys run into the hall.

3rd boy:

It's time to play

Cheerful kids

Let our laughter ring around

Get together in a circle!

Children stand in a circle.

Educator: Guys, today we will play the folk outdoor game “Burners”. This is an ancient game, your great-grandmothers and grandmothers played it. And you are already familiar with this game.

Let me remind you the rules of the game: An odd number of children play the game. Children stand in pairs, and the leading “burner” stands with his back to the children in front of everyone.

Children say the words:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing

One, two, three run!

And the last pair, having separated their hands, run on both sides and must join hands in front of the driver (i.e., hold hands until the driver catches one of the pair). If the driver catches someone, then the remaining pair becomes the driver, and the emerging pair forms a column and the game continues.

When playing, follow the following rules:

  • the driver should not turn back;
  • he catches up with those running away immediately after the words “One, two, three - run!”;
  • The last pair playing begins to run with the last words “The bells are ringing.”

Now let's choose a driver.

Children choose a leader using a counting rhyme and stand in pairs in a column.

The game has begun.

Game result:

Educator: Thanks everyone for playing! Well done kids, the game was fair, kind to each other and fair! Have a good journey, joy and good luck in the Magic Kingdom of Ancient Russian Games!

Before starting the game, you need to choose the driver, the one who will “burn” - hence the name of the game.

All participants in the game stand in pairs, one after another, with the leader in front, at a distance of two steps from the players. Participants in the game chant the words:

As soon as these words are sung, the driver should look at the sky, and the children of the last pair let go of their hands and quietly run along the column, one on the left, the other on the right. When they catch up with the driver, everyone shouts loudly to him:

But if the driver manages to catch one of the runners, he stands with him in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a partner “burns.”

The game continues until all the pairs have passed.


1. The driver should not turn back.

2. He catches up with those running away immediately after the words: “Run like fire!”

3. The players of the last pair start running only with the last words: “The bells are ringing!”

Instructions for carrying out

Burners is a very fun game, played during the warm season. There can be many players, the more, the merrier.

* A cinder, a cinder - the remnant of an unburned candle.

Based on materials from Maria Litvinova’s collection “Russian folk outdoor games”

P/i "Mousetrap"

Purpose of the game : Improve motor coordination and dexterity.

Progress of the game: The players are divided into two unequal groups. A smaller group of children hold hands and form a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The remaining children (mice) are outside the circle. Those depicting a mousetrap begin to walk in a circle, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

They gnawed everything, ate everything,

Beware, you rascals,

We'll get to you.

Let's set up mousetraps,

Let's catch everyone now!

Children stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. At the teacher’s signal “Clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands, squat - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that did not have time to run out of the circle (mouse trap) are considered caught. Those caught stand in a circle, the mousetrap increases. When most of the children are caught, the children change roles and the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

m/n “Who has the ball?”

Purpose of the game: develop mindfulness; consolidate the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the rules.

Progress of the game:

The players form a circle, the driver is chosen. He stands in the center of the circle, and the rest of the children move tightly towards each other, everyone’s hands behind their backs.

The teacher gives someone a ball (6-8 cm in diameter), and the children pass it around in a circle behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says: “Hands!” - and the one who is being addressed must put both hands out, palms up, as if showing that he does not have the ball. If the driver guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the player who has the ball begins to drive. The game repeats itself.

p/i “Lovishka” (with ribbons)

Target: Develop dexterity and intelligence in children. Practice running with dodging, catching and lining up in a circle.

Progress of the game:The players line up in a circle, each receives a ribbon, which he places behind his belt or behind his collar. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal “One, two, three - catch,” the children run away, and the catch tries to pull the ribbon from someone. The one who has lost his ribbon moves aside. At the signal “One, two, three - quickly run into the circle!”, the children line up in a circle. The teacher invites those who have lost their ribbons to raise their hands, that is, lost, and counts them. The trap returns the ribbons to the children. The game starts with a new driver.

Rules:The catcher should take only the tape, without delaying the player. The player who has lost his ribbon steps aside.

p/i "Figures"

Target:Nurture creative abilities.

Progress of the game:At the teacher’s signal, all children scatter around the playground (hall). At the next signal, all players stop at the place where the team found them and take some pose. The teacher notes those whose figures turned out to be the most successful.

m/n “Find and keep silent”

Target:Develop attention in children.

Progress of the game:The teacher hides an object in advance and invites the children to find it. The one who saw the object approaches the teacher and quietly reports the find. The teacher marks the children who turned out to be the most attentive.

p/i “We are funny guys”

Target: .

Progress of the game:Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. A second line is drawn on the opposite side of the site. There is a trap in the center of the site. The trap is assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children. The children say in chorus:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch it!

After the word “catch,” the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners and catches them. The one whom the trap manages to touch before the runner crosses the line is considered caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, another trap is selected. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Directions. If after 2 - 3 runs the trap does not catch anyone, a new trap is still selected

p/i "Fishing Rod"

Target:Improve coordination abilities, strengthen leg muscles.

Progress of the game:The players stand in a circle; the teacher will stand in the center of the circle. He holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle just above the floor (ground), and the children jump up on two legs, trying to prevent the bag from touching their legs. Having described 2-3 circles with the bag, the teacher pauses, counts the number of people touching the bag and gives instructions on how to perform jumps.

p/n “Take it quickly”

target:Improve the speed of response to a signal.

Progress of the game: Children form a circle and, at the teacher’s signal, walk or run around objects (cubes, cones, pebbles), which should be one or two smaller than the children. On the signal: “Take it quickly!” - Each player must take an object and raise it above his head. The one who did not manage to pick up the object is considered a loser.

p/i "Empty space"

Target:Develop the ability to navigate in space and speed


Progress of the game:The players stand in a circle with their hands on their belts to create windows. The driver is selected. He walks behind the circle and says: I walk around the house

And I look out the windows,

I'll go to one

And I'll knock softly.

After the word “I’ll knock,” the driver stops, looks into the window opposite which he stopped, and says: “Knock-knock-knock.” The person standing in front asks: “Who has come?” The driver says his name. The person standing in the circle asks: “Why did you come?” The driver replies: “We’re running to the race,” and both run around the players in different directions. There is an empty space in the circle. The one who reaches him first remains in the circle; the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues.

m/n "Classes"

Target:Teach children to long jump.

Progress of the game:Classics (5 - 6) are painted on the asphalt.
The child takes a flat pebble and throws it into the first class. Then he jumps on two legs to the first class, picks up a pebble and jumps back. He throws a pebble into the second class, and he himself jumps first into the first class, and from there into the second. He also picks up a pebble and jumps through the first class. Then he throws it into third grade and so on until he goes beyond the class line. After this, the rest of the children begin to jump. When it’s the first child’s turn again, he takes his pebble and throws it into the class he didn’t get into before. All the children play this way in turn. The child from the group who completes all classes first wins.

p/i "Don't get caught"

Target:Develop dexterity and coordination of movement.

Progress of the game:The players sit around a cord laid out on the floor in the shape of a circle. There are two drivers in the center of the circle. At the teacher’s signal, children jump on two legs into the circle and back out of the circle as the traps approach. The player who has been “tarnished” receives a penalty point. After 50 sec. The game stops, the losers are counted, the game is repeated with new drivers.

p/i "Migration of birds"

Target:Strengthen climbing the gymnastic ladder.

Progress of the game:At one end of the hall there are children - “birds”. At the other end of the hall there are aids on which you can “fly up” (gymnastic benches, cubes, etc.) - “trees”.

At the teacher’s signal: “The birds are flying away!” - children, flapping their arms like wings, scatter throughout the hall; to the signal: “Storm!” - run to higher ground and hide there. When the teacher says “The storm has stopped!”, the children descend from the hill and scatter around the hall again (“the birds continue their flight”). During the game, the teacher must belay the children, especially when descending from the gymnastics wall.

m/n "Don't stay on the floor"

Target:Develop the ability to act on a verbal signal, quickly navigate the environment.

Progress of the game:A driver is selected - a trap, who runs with the children throughout the hall (area). As soon as the teacher said: “Catch!” - everyone runs away from the trap and tries to climb onto some elevation (bench, cube, stump, etc.). The trap tries to catch the runner before they have time to stand on the dais. Children touched by the trap step aside. At the end of the game, the number of caught players is counted and another driver is chosen. The game resumes.

p/i “Ball for the driver”

Target:Develop dexterity and speed of reaction, the ability to play in a team.

Progress of the game:The players are divided into 2-3 teams. Each team lines up in a circle; in the center of each circle is a driver with a ball in his hands. The drivers throw the ball to the players in their circle one by one and receive it back. When the ball has passed all the players, the driver raises it above his head and says “Ready!” Whose team is faster?

p/i "Geese - Swans"

Target:Develop in children self-control and the ability to perform movements when given a signal. Exercise running with dodging.

Progress of the game:On one side of the hall (platform) the house in which the geese are located is indicated. On the opposite side of the hall there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is a den (approximately in the middle of the hall) in which a wolf lives, the rest of the place is a meadow. Children are selected to play the role of a wolf and a shepherd, the rest play geese. The shepherd drives the geese out into the meadow, they graze and fly.

SHEPHERD: Geese, geese!

GEESE: (stop and answer in unison). Ha, ha, ha!

SHEPHERD: Do you want to eat?

GOOSE: Yes, yes, yes!


Geese: We can't:

Gray wolf under the mountain

Doesn't let us go home.

SHEPHERD: So fly as you want,

Just take care of your wings!

The geese, spreading their wings (with their arms spread out to the sides), fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the den, tries to catch (spot) them. The caught geese go to the den. After two runs, the number of geese caught by the wolf is counted. Then new drivers are chosen - a wolf and a shepherd.

m/n “Flies - doesn’t fly”

Target:Develop the ability to distribute attention, teach concentration.

Progress of the game:Children stand in a circle, with the teacher in the center. He names animate and inanimate objects that fly and do not fly. For example, the teacher says: “The plane flies, the chair flies, the sparrow flies,” etc. Children should raise their hands up if a flying object is named.

p/i "Zateiniki"

Target:Develop children's physical activity.

Progress of the game:A driver is selected - an entertainer who stands in the center of the circle formed by the children. Holding hands, children walk in a circle to the right and left, saying:

In an even circle one after another

We are going step by step.

Stay where you are! Together together

Let's do it like this………..

The children stop and lower their hands; the entertainer shows some movements, and all players must repeat it.

p/i "Firefighters in training"

Target:Strengthen the ability to climb a gymnastic wall without missing the slats.

Progress of the game:Children line up in four columns facing the gymnastics wall - these are firefighters. On each span of the gymnastic wall, bells are hung at the same height (on a rail).

At the teacher’s signal: “March!” - children standing first in the columns run to the gymnastics wall, climb up it, ring the bell, go down and return to the end of their column. The teacher marks the child who completed the task the fastest. Then the signal is given again and the next group of children runs, etc.

Target:Develop attentiveness and activity of sensory systems.

Hodge games:The players stand in a circle, with a blindfolded driver in the center of the circle. One of the children approaches the driver, and the driver must recognize his friend by touch. The game continues 5-6 times, each time a new driver is selected.

p/i "Frost Red Nose"

Target: Develop speed and agility

Move: On the opposite side of the site two houses are marked, the players are located

In one of the houses. The driver - Frost the Red Nose stands in the middle of the court facing the players and says:

I am Frost Red Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Hit the road - set off on the path?

The players answer in unison:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After the word “frost,” the children run across the playground to another house, and the driver catches up with them and tries to touch them with his hand and “freeze them.” The “frozen” ones stop at the place where they were touched and stand motionless until the end of the run. The teacher and Frost count the number of “frozen” children. After each dash, a new Frost is chosen. At the end of the game, they compare which Frost froze more players.

p/i "Hunters and Hares"

Target : Cultivate dexterity

Progress:A hunter is chosen from among the players, the rest are hares. On one side of the hall (platform) there is a place for the hunter, on the other there is a house for the hares. The hunter walks around the hall, pretending to look for tracks of hares, and then returns to his house. Hares jump out from behind the bushes and jump (on 2 legs, on the right or left - as you wish) in different directions. On the signal: “Hunter!” - the hares run into the house, and the hunter throws balls at them (he has 2-2 balls in his hands). The hares he hit are considered shot, and he takes them into his house. After each hare hunt, the hunter changes, but is not chosen from among those caught.

p/n "Brave Little Sparrows"

Target : Develop speed and agility

Progress:Children line up in a circle, with two snowballs in front of each player. In the center of the circle the leader is a cat. Children pretend to be a sparrow and, at the teacher’s signal, jump into the circle through the snowballs and jump back out of the circle as the cat approaches. A sparrow touched by a cat. Receives a penalty point, but is not eliminated from the game. After some time, the teacher stops the game and counts the number of “salty” ones; a new driver is selected.

p/i "Sly Fox"

Target: Develop speed and agility

Progress:The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. To the side, outside the circle, the fox's house is indicated. At the teacher’s signal, the children close their eyes, and the teacher walks around them from the outside of the circle and touches one of the players, who becomes the leader - the sly fox. Then the children open their eyes and ask in unison 3 times (at short intervals) (first quietly, then louder): “Sly fox, where are you?” After the third question, the sly fox quickly runs out to the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says: “I’m here!” All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them (by touching them with his hand). After the fox catches 2-3 children and takes them to his house, the teacher says: “In a circle!” The game resumes.

m/n "Ball School"

Target : development of dexterity, quick reaction, attention

Target:A small ball is given for the game. Children play alone, in twos and in small groups. The player performs the movement task in order. Having successfully dealt with one, he moves on to the next. If a child makes a mistake, he passes me x to another. When continuing the game, he starts with the movement in which he made a mistake.

p/i "Bears and Bees"

Target: Develop speed and agility

Progress:On one side of the hall there is a beehive, and on the opposite side there is a meadow. To the side there is a den of bears. At a conditioned signal from the teacher, the bees fly out of the hive (they get down from a hill (this could be a gymnastic bench, a wall, etc.)), fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. The bees fly away, and the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (fly up to a hill) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the signal: “Bears!”, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away into the den. The bees that do not have time to hide sting (by touching with their hand). Stung bears miss one game. The game resumes, and after it is repeated, the children change roles.

p/i "Owl"

Target: Form creative imagination

Progress:On one side of the hall there is an owl's nest. The driver, an owl, is placed in the nest. The rest of the children pretend to be birds, butterflies, beetles - they scatter all over the hall. After some time, the teacher says: “Night!” - and all the players stop in place in the positions in which the night found them. The owl flies out of its nest, flaps its wings and looks to see who is moving. The one who moves is taken by the owl to his nest. The teacher says: “Day!” - and butterflies, bugs, birds come to life and again begin to fly and whirl. After two flights of the owl to hunt, the number of those caught is counted and a new leader is selected.

p/i "Pair running"

Target: Learn to run in pairs

Progress:“Change the subject.” Children (two children, each with a cube in their hands), at the teacher’s signal, run to the hoop (35 m), exchange the cube for a ball and return back to the team. Pass the ball to the next players. The next children exchange the ball for a cube. Task for children: change one object for another as quickly as possible.

m/n “Who gets to the flag faster”

Target: improve the ability to crawl

all fours and ability to navigate

in space

Progress:all players sit on chairs. At a distance of 5-6 steps from the edge of the playground, a line is drawn behind which there are 4-5 children. On the opposite side of the site, at a distance of 18 - 20 steps, a chair is placed opposite each person, on which a flag is placed. The chairs are on the same line. At the teacher’s signal, the children run to the flags, take them, lift them up, and then put them back. The teacher notes which of the children raised the flag first. Then all those running sit on chairs, and the next 4-5 people take their place across the line. The game ends when all children run once to the flag.

p/n “Burn, burn clearly!”

Target: Develop speed and agility

Progress:Players stand in a column of two, holding hands, with the leader in front of the column. The children say in chorus:

Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out.

Look at the sky: the birds are flying,

The bells are ringing!

One, two, three - run!

At the end of the words, the players of the last pair lower their hands and run to the beginning of the column - one to the right, the other to the left of it. The driver tries to stain one of the players before he has time to join hands with his partner. If the driver has stained the player, then he pairs up with him at the front of the column.

m/i “Hit the hoop”

Target: Develop eye and precision of motor actions

Progress:3 teams participate, children form a column behind the throwing line facing the wall (3-4 m from the throwing line). Opposite each team there is a hoop on the floor (1.5-2 m from the throwing line). The first players hold the ball in their hands. At the signal, the first players throw the ball against the wall so that it bounces and hits the hoop, then into their hands. Having caught the ball, the children pass it to the next one, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. For each accurate throw, the team is awarded one point. The team with the most points wins.

p/i "Homeless Hare"

Target: Improve the speed of reaction to an audio signal

Progress:A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players - the hares - draw circles for themselves (at home), and everyone stands in it.

The “homeless hare” runs away, and the “hunters” catch up with him. The “hare” can escape from the “hunter” by running into any circle; then the “hare”, flocking in the circle, must immediately run away, because now he becomes homeless and the “hunter” will catch him. As soon as the “hunter” has caught (killed) a hare, he himself becomes a “hare”, and the former “hare” becomes a “hunter”.

p/i "Carousel"

Target:develop rhythmic movements in children and

The ability to coordinate them with words

Progress:Children form a circle, holding the cord with their right hand, walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster and start running. Movements are performed in accordance with the text spoken out loud:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then around, around,

Everybody run, run, run.

After the children have run 2-3 laps, the teacher organizes them and gives a signal to change the direction of movement. The players turn around and, grabbing the cord with the other hand, continue walking and running. Then the teacher says with the children:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One - two, one - two,

So the game is over.

The movement of the “carousel” gradually slows down. To the words “The game is over!” the children stop.

m/p "Knock down the pin"

Target: Train accuracy, strengthen arm muscles

Progress:Players stand in a line behind the starting line of 6-8 people. At a signal, children change snowballs, trying to knock down the pins (distance 4-5 m from the starting line). Players who managed to hit the targets are noted.

p/i "From hummock to hummock"

Target: develop the ability to jump on two legs with

moving forward

Progress:The teacher lays out flat hoops in a checkerboard pattern (6 pieces in two lines). The players line up in two columns and, on command, perform jumps on two legs from hoop to hoop. The distance between children when jumping is 2-3 hoops, in order to prevent injuries. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.

p/i "Counter dashes"

Target: Strengthen children's ability to run races

Progress:The group is divided in half. The players stand on opposite sides of the court behind the lines in a line at a distance of at least one step from each other. Each group of children has ribbons of their own color on their hands - blue, yellow. At the teacher’s signal “blue”, children with blue ribbons run to the opposite side. The children standing opposite stretch out their palms forward and wait for those running to touch them with their hands. The one who was touched runs to the other side of the court, stops behind the line, turns around and raises his hand up. Etc.

p/n "Serso"

Target: Develop attention, eye, coordination

movements, accuracy

Progress:Two children stand opposite each other at a short distance (2-3 m). One of them throws rings towards another, and he catches them on a stick.

If there are a large number of participants, children, divided into pairs, stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 m. One of them (by agreement) has a stick in his hands, the other has a stick and several rings (initially 2, later 3-4) . The latter puts rings on the tip of the stick and throws them one at a time towards his partner, who catches the rings on his stick. When all the rings are thrown, the caught rings are counted, after which the children change roles. The one who catches the most number of rings wins.

p/i "K&"
