The Virginia earthquake may be just the first sign of what's to come. The fence near the Kurchatov monument may be the first sign in ignoring the protection zones of monuments. Phraseologism may be the first sign

The Virginia earthquake may be just the first sign of what's to come.  The fence near the Kurchatov monument may be the first sign in ignoring the protection zones of monuments. Phraseologism may be the first sign

What is the "First Swallow"? How to spell this word correctly. Concept and interpretation.

The first swallow what, (less often -) who is what, in what is the very first (in the series of those who followed him), the first manifestation of something; precursor. It is understood that subsequently a new business, phenomenon, event, etc. became widespread and developed. This means that an event (p), an object (Z) or a person, less often a group of persons united by a common goal (X) indicates the origin of something. phenomenon, about the beginning of something. events, affairs, etc. speech. standard. ? P Z, X - the first swallow. As a nominal part of a tale, as well as subject, additional, non-conforming. def. The order of the component words is fixed. “The Last Hero”, “The Weakest Link”, “Greed” - these are just the first signs. However, swallows are the size of a hippopotamus, because in the West they are the most profitable. AiF, 2001. This “domestic ideal” of the image of a woman was swept away in the 50s as a result of women's emancipation. The first sign was Marlene Dietrich, who invented a trouser suit similar to a men's suit. Poplavsky is one of the first signs of this case [the political case of the so-called “Proletariat”], who was administratively expelled before the start of the trial. V. Korolenko, History of my contemporary. [The Pushkin Theater] was the first sign in the field of organizing private theater enterprises. Yu. Yuryev, Notes. - Don’t let it bother you that there aren’t many listeners. You are just the first signs, and over time our course will take on completely different dimensions. (Speech) You will kill me, but know: I will return to you again. Do not think that people are cattle and rednecks who can be driven to slaughter with impunity. I am just the first sign of setting a precedent, as lawyers like to say. And when they kill the insolent cops and other powerful riffraff, remember that it is I who get you from the other world. Moskovskaya Pravda, 1994. I. Ehrenburg became the first sign of the Khrushchev thaw, and then they began to publish those who are now called writers of the sixties. (Speech) - You and your business proposal became our first sign. With your light hand, our business has gone uphill. R. Epifanov, Remembering the ensign. “Sonya,” Chuvilev shouted, running into the room. - The first swallows have already appeared! Here is two days' worth of mail - the first replies to our letter. A. Karavaeva, Hometown. Many scientists are inclined to consider the flood that hit Europe as the first sign of global natural disasters. Altaiskaya Pravda, 2002. We have 13,700 personal cars, and only 4,450 of them are provided with parking spaces. ... Therefore, we have high hopes for the capital garage at Sevastopolsky, 11 - our first such swallow: it is already ready and “moved in”. Behind the Kaluga outpost, 2001. The whole society is seized with a rush of hope, Loris-Melikov is developing a draft constitution. ... Prisons are opening, and in us he sees the first signs of liberation. V. Korolenko, History of my contemporary. The Crocodile was seriously and thoroughly preparing for its transoceanic voyage [for the exhibition “The Best of the Crocodile over the Last Ten Years”]. And to say that, he is not quite accustomed to acting as the first sign. LG, 1989. cultural commentary: Image of phraseology. goes back to the most ancient mythological ideas about the swallow as the messenger of spring. (Slavic mythology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1995. P. 242, 243.) Slavic peoples have a tradition of performing various magical actions at the sight of the first swallow in the spring; Wed Whoever washes his face with milk at the first swallow will be white. (Dal V.I. Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people. M., 2001.) In Russian folk songs, a swallow brings golden keys from across the sea, with which it closes winter and opens summer. Phraseol components. correspond to a combination of numerical (through the first component) and zoomorphic (through the swallow component) culture codes. The latter serves as the basis for a cultural understanding of the totality of properties, characteristics of animals and the peculiarities of their behavior as a source of human understanding of the world. In this case, in phraseol. reflected the idea of ​​the swallow as a bird, the first appearance of which is associated with the arrival (with the approach) of spring renewal. Image of phraseology. based on a zoomorphic metaphor, likening the harbinger of something. events, phenomena, etc. to the first swallow, whose arrival indicates the beginning of spring. phraseol. in general acts as a symbol of the beginning of something. events, phenomena, actions.

Make up eight sentences with them.

1. A Pyrrhic victory, or a dubious victory, a victory that does not justify the funds invested in it and the sacrifices made.
Cross the Rubicon, or take an irrevocable step, make an irrevocable decision...
Reap laurels, or celebrate victory, receive the fruits of labor.
The sword of Damocles, or a constant threat, danger.
Reach the pillars of Hercules, or reach the limit, the highest point of something.
2. Run like a red thread, or represent the main, main, leading thing in something.
Burn your ships, or make an irrevocable decision, cutting off all your escape routes.
To be the first swallow - to bring some news first, to become a harbinger
Accept the battle, or agree with the enemy to enter into battle (dispute) here and now, on his terms.
To become at a dead end, or to come into difficulty, confusion
Stand with your chest, or defend passionately
Vouch your head, or take full responsibility
Agree reluctantly, or agree reluctantly
to achieve at all costs, or to achieve despite any obstacles, sacrifices, etc.
put under the carpet, or put off a decision, put off some matter, decision
lie under the carpet, or wait for a decision, completion (of a case)

I bet my head that my friend is telling the truth.
Love for Alla Larionova ran like a red thread through the fate of artist Nikolai Rybnikov.
Our bosses are very fond of shelving consideration of bonus orders.
A report on ancient Russian literature hangs over me like a sword of Damocles.
The Soviet people stood up to defend their Motherland from the fascist invaders.
"I never loved you!" - she said and realized that with this phrase she burned all the ships, he would never forgive this.
I agreed to go to this party reluctantly, and rightly so: it was dull, boring, and everyone quarreled.
The first sign of impending trouble was a message from the class teacher.

Architectural Dictionary


ornamental emblem.

(Architecture: An Illustrated Guide, 2005)

Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova)


The first swallow- about the first signs of the appearance of something.

-This article was just the first sign.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. and.
    1. A small passerine bird with long sharp wings, nimble and fast in flight.
    2. trans. A figure reminiscent of the position of such a bird in flight (in gymnastics, figure skating).
    3. decomposition Usage as an affectionate address to a woman or child.

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


One swallow does not make spring- it is difficult to judge the whole phenomenon by one feature, one sign

The first swallow -

1) about the earliest, very first signs of the appearance of something

2) about the very first in a series of those that followed him

Ushakov's Dictionary


martin, swallows, wives A small passerine bird, nimble and fast in flight. Barn swallow (killer whale). Ground swallow (swift). “I love... Watching the lancet swallow over the evening pond.” Fet. Swallows flutter. It flies in easier than a swallow. "One swallow does not make a summer." (last).

The first sign is about the first signs of the appearance of something.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

L A STOCK, And, and.

1. A small, fast-flying passerine bird with long, sharp wings. Village L. (killer whale). Zemlyannaya L.(swift). First l.(also translated: the first sign of the manifestation of something good).

2. In gymnastics, figure skating: an exercise in which one leg is pulled high back, the torso is extended forward, and the arms are spread to the sides (unfolded).

3. Affectionate address to a girl or woman. L. you are mine!

| adj. swallow, a, o (k 1 value). Swallow's Nest.

Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikephoros


(Ps 83:4, Prov 26:2, Jer 8:7, Isa 38:14) - a well-known migratory bird everywhere, from the genus of songbirds, from the breed of passerine birds. She makes her nests under the roofs and eaves of temples, houses, towers and other buildings. That is why the Psalmist says: “And the bird finds itself a home, and the swallow finds a nest where to lay its young at Thy altars, O Lord of hosts. My king and my God” (Ps 83:4). Swallows are distinguished by the particular speed of their flight, and fly with particular skill through the narrowest openings into their nests. “As a sparrow flutters, as a swallow flies away,” says the Wise King of Israel, “so an undeserved curse will not come to pass” (Prov. 26:2). They know their specific time when they should fly in and fly away: “And the turtle dove, and the swallow, etc. The crane watches the time when to fly, says Pr. Jeremiah, “but My people do not know the decree of the Lord” (Jeremiah 8:7). The chirping of swallows during their rapid flight and in their nests is probably well known to everyone. “I made sounds like a crane, like a swallow, I grieved like a dove” (Isaiah 38:14), exclaims Hezekiah, in prayer after recovering from his dying illness. Chirping and making sounds seem identical, since according to observations during departure, the chirping of swallows becomes similar to a sad cooing.

– josser

Are the number of earthquakes increasing? Are large earthquakes becoming more common? After the 5.8 magnitude tremor in Virginia, many people are asking these questions. “Experts” appear all over the mainstream media and reassure the public that this is all “normal” and the number of earthquakes is not increasing at the moment. The USGS continues to insist that the frequency of major earthquakes remains "virtually constant" and that there is no cause for concern. But is this really true? This article will show you evidence that the number of earthquakes is definitely on the rise. Please approach the evidence with an open mind. The truth is that this year we are on the verge of more than doubling the number of major earthquakes compared to just 10 years ago. The mainstream media is much more interested in keeping people calm than in communicating the truth to them. Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and the 5.8 magnitude earthquake we just witnessed in Virginia may just be a harbinger of what is to come.

The shaking in Virginia is already being called a once-in-a-century earthquake on the East Coast. It was felt all the way from Georgia all the way to Ottawa in Canada. It was even felt much further west, as in Cleveland, Ohio. It forced the evacuation of the Congress and Pentagon buildings. The earthquake actually caused a crack to form on the Washington Monument, and it is now closed for repairs indefinitely.

But on this day it was not the only seismic event in the United States. A magnitude 5.3 earthquake struck the area along the Colorado-New Mexico border. It was the largest earthquake the region had seen in more than forty years.

If these were isolated incidents, that would be one thing. Unfortunately, major earthquakes occur around the world with alarming frequency. So, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake just hit northern Peru.

But just because we've had a few serious earthquakes this year doesn't mean their frequency is increasing.

What do the relentless numbers tell us?

And as soon as you look at the numbers, it immediately becomes clear that the number of earthquakes is increasing.

In 2001, there were 1,361 earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.0 or higher in the world. This year, we are close to surpassing 2,800. In fact, the number of major earthquakes this year should far exceed anything we have seen in the last decade.

And what excuses do the “experts” give?

Below is what the Geological Survey is forced to say about why the number of earthquakes appears to be increasing...

“We continue to receive questions from many people around the world about whether earthquakes are on the rise. Even though it may seem like we're experiencing more earthquakes, earthquakes of magnitude 7 or higher have remained fairly constant.

Part of the explanation may lie in the fact that over the past 12 years there has been an undoubted increase in the number of earthquakes we can detect each year. This is due to the enormous increase in the number of seismic stations in the world, and many improvements in global communication systems."

Will you fall for it?

Yes, technology may allow us to detect more earthquakes than 50 or 100 years ago, but the last decade has not seen a quantum leap in earthquake detection technology.

But if there's one thing this past decade has seen, it's a clear increase in the number of large earthquakes.

The following graph of magnitude 5 earthquakes over the past decade comes from the American Daily Herald...

Please remember that this year (2011) we are on the verge of exceeding 2,800 earthquakes of magnitude 5 or greater.

The graph below shows the number of earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater since 1973. The graph is taken from and takes into account data for this year. As you can see, the number of magnitude 6 earthquakes for this year is off the charts, as it is on the verge of jumping to over two hundred points...

So, after looking at these graphs, how can you still deny that the number of large earthquakes is increasing?

But that's what all these "experts" in the mainstream news are going to continue to do.

Ultimately, do your own research and find out the truth. Don't let TV do your thinking for you.

The reality is that we live in very uncertain times. Unfortunately, the increase in earthquakes appears to be part of a larger trend. Natural disasters of all types appear to be increasing in frequency in 2011.

We all remember what happened in Japan this year. This event was completely unprecedented in the modern history of Japan.

But this year we have seen many other strange geological phenomena around the globe.

For example, a few weeks ago in Costa Rica, a series of tremors caused an entire river to disappear.

In addition, giant cracks and holes in the ground are appearing all over the planet. No one can say with certainty why this happens.

There are all sorts of theories to explain why the planet seems increasingly unstable, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that this is not a good thing and we should all prepare for the worst.

As for the United States, there is a lot of evidence that the New Madrid fault is starting to come to life. If you live in the central part of the country, you need to get a full understanding of the history of the New Madrid Fault, as well as what a major earthquake in the area could mean for you.

There are just as many reasons for concern on the West Coast. Most earthquakes occur along the Pacific Ring of Fire, and many signs indicate that the Ring of Fire is becoming much more active before our eyes.

So the next time an “expert” appears on your TV screen reassuring you that earthquakes are not becoming more common and you have nothing to worry about, don’t be so quick to believe this person.

Phraseologism “First swallow” meaning

About the first person in a series of people, events, etc. that follow him.

All peoples of temperate countries consider the swallow to be the harbinger of spring. Five centuries before our era, the Greeks sang a song:
Come to us, swallow, come to us!
They will come to visit us with you
Sunshine and bucket.
Probably, since then, the “first swallow” has become not only a sign of spring, but also an image that speaks of the first signs of the approach of something joyful, a change for the better.
But the keen eye of the ancients noticed something else: one swallow is not enough to confidently expect the coming spring - it is the first swallow that often deceives. Una hirundo non facit ver - “One swallow does not make spring,” they used to say back in Ancient Rome. And Aesop himself composed a fable about a frivolous youth who squandered everything he had. He only saved his cloak, but one day, when he saw the first swallow, he sold that too. Frost struck, and frivolity was punished. The content of this fable was repeated by our I.A. Krylov (“Mot and the Swallow”) many centuries later.
When we say: “Oh, this is the first swallow!” - we hint at the first signs of impending favorable events. When cautious people answer: “One swallow does not make spring!” — they warn against excessive hasty gullibility and advise against prophesying events in advance.

Example:“(The Pushkin Theater) was the first sign in the field of organizing private theater enterprises” (Yu. Yuryev).
