Intensive English courses. Plans for the summer: review of courses, lectures and intensive courses for adults and children Schedule of English language courses in the summer

Intensive English courses.  Plans for the summer: review of courses, lectures and intensive courses for adults and children Schedule of English language courses in the summer

    Professional graphics

    General information. Tasks and types of architectural graphics, the role of graphics in architectural design, graphic execution of drawings at different stages of design. Types of graphic design of drawings: linear graphics; tonal, black and white and polychrome. Construction drawing: general information about architectural and construction drawings. Rules for the preparation of project documentation.

    Basics of architectural composition

    Composition is one of the most complex and fundamentally important disciplines in the professional training of a designer. In the process of teaching the basics of composition, the basic rules of working with compositional space are studied. Techniques and means of conveying various concepts are studied, such as: symmetry, asymmetry, rhythm, space, etc. The composition course is of paramount importance in developing an understanding of the structure of images, imaginative thinking, creative expression and helps to find the necessary resources for creating and visualizing ideas in the creative process design.

    Color Basics

    Color theory. Basic characteristics of color (hue, lightness, saturation). Color circle. Means of color harmonization. Psychological impact of color. Color associations. Color and space.

    Drawing by representation

    Graphic professional language of the designer for expressing ideas in the development of design solutions. Point, line. Geometric structures: linear constructive drawing of flat geometric shapes and bodies; tonal pattern of geometric bodies; combinatorics. The relationship between freehand drawing and computer modeling in design Mastering the skills of drawing by representation makes it possible to depict any designed forms, helps students develop volumetric-spatial thinking, analyze the shape of an object, its plasticity, and proportions.

    Interior sketching

    A live, professional design drawing is an effective tool for communication with the customer, allowing you to most quickly and efficiently respond to all comments, wishes and questions, making it possible to raise the professional status of the author in the eyes of the customer, which cannot but affect the overall assessment of the work. The purpose of the classes is to teach students to be fluent in sketching techniques in order to be able to quickly and efficiently depict their ideas.

    Topic 5. History of styles.

    The general concept of style, style as a living historical fabric, constantly changing and developing. Patterns of style development. History of decor. History of interior styles from ancient times to the present day. Leading schools and design masters. The role of design in the modern world. Stylization methods for decorating residential premises. Fashion trends in interior solutions for public and residential premises.

    Ergonomics Basics

    Basic concepts of ergonomics. Principles and techniques of ergonomic research of environmental objects, elements of equipment and the content of spaces for various functional purposes.

    Functional organization and stylization of residential interior

    Properties of interior space, techniques and means for solving enclosing surfaces. Artistic image of the interior. Modern methods of stylization and decoration of residential interiors. Ergonomics of living space, its functional zoning. Color in the interior. Organization of lighting of living space and its functional areas. Emotional-spatial properties of color, the concept of color scale in living space, harmonious color combinations. The concept of “conditionality” of color. Furniture and equipment, elements of the subject environment, their role in the life and image of the designed living space. Selection of furniture, accessories, fabrics and materials, lamps, decorative elements in a residential interior. Selection of visualization techniques for interior solutions.

    Specifics of practical activities of a designer. Drawing up technical specifications, Carrying out measurements. Work with the customer and subcontractors. Site visits.

    PR for designers

    How to get published? What promotion opportunities are there besides publishing interiors in magazines?

    Working with suppliers of interior finishing materials

    The classes are designed to familiarize students with the types of finishing materials used in interiors. Natural and artificial finishing materials, their scope in various interior solutions. The latest technologies and materials. Ways to implement interior design ideas in the process of implementation when selecting finishing materials and equipment elements in the living space. During classes, students attend master classes, salons, professional exhibitions, and production facilities.

    Architectural design

    Design as a type of creative activity. Norms and rules for interior design. Design order. Sequence of interior design work. Specifics and features of environment design, taking into account the specific functional purpose and ergonomic requirements. Sketch stage of design in the process of searching for a conceptual idea for a design solution. Structural components of the interior. Means of implementing the interior design in the project using such means as: interior finishing materials, color solutions, functional lighting with the selection of lamps, decorative additions, etc. Working with catalogs and reference books on equipment and finishing materials. Selection of visualization techniques for interior solutions. Implementation of interior design projects for public and residential premises with mandatory protection.

Duration: 2.5 months, 105 lessons (420 academic hours)
Start of classes: in June
Class schedule: Monday to Friday (10:00–16:30)

It is possible to pay for the course in stages:
first payment at the time of conclusion of the contract – 60%,
second payment from June 20 to June 30 – 40%.

The curriculum of the course “Interior design of residential premises. Summer Intensive" is designed to give systemic knowledge and skills in the field of interior design of residential premises in the shortest possible time. The training system is structured in such a way that, regardless of your level of training, you will master a full course of professional training in accordance with international standards. This means that you can start working immediately after completing your studies!

For whom

  • You are considering the possibility of acquiring a new promising profession from scratch in the shortest possible time.
  • You live in one of the regions of Russia or abroad and have the opportunity to come for training only for a few months.
  • You have taken separate courses in interior design, but want to systematize your knowledge.
  • You are interested in design, looking for new knowledge and ready to create.

What will you learn

You will receive systematic theoretical and practical training in the field of residential interior design, and develop a full-fledged design project for your portfolio. This will be the starting point for further self-development and will allow you to professionally engage in one of the most popular and promising areas in the design services market - the development of interior design for residential premises.

What are the benefits of the program?

The summer intensive program is similar in terms of the number of hours. Over the summer, you will intensively master the required amount of knowledge and more than 200 skills. Even if you don't have a creative background, don't worry! First, you will learn the basics of interior design, then dive into theory and practice in more detail. And the most important thing is that you can start working immediately after completing your training.

The program is developed based on the training standards of the world's best design schools Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland. The acquired knowledge and skills will allow you to take a professional approach to working on projects, understand the real needs of customers and offer them optimal solutions.

Our teachers have developed teaching technology that allows students to master skills competent preparation of a brief according to international standards. You will know exactly what the client wants to see, which means you will significantly save your time. Education in accordance with the international standard will allow you to be in demand both in Russia and abroad.

Upon completion of training and successful defense of the final work, you will be able to receive Diploma of professional retraining. If you want to “upgrade” your knowledge in certain topics, you can select from us the necessary short upgrade courses, master classes and webinars.

Alumni reviews

G. Stavropol

I have a very “rare” profession - a lawyer. But by nature I am a creative person and I have always been attracted to the profession of designer. Unfortunately, I was not able to immediately follow this path. I am from another city, and we do not have specialized educational institutions of the appropriate level. But when time and opportunity arose, I started looking for a decent place to study.

Since the International School of Design offers distance learning formats, my attention immediately fell on IDS. When I flew here for the Open Day, I was very inspired by the speeches of the School’s teachers and graduates. After communicating with Mike Shilov, Marat Ka, with the guys who once received an education at IDS and are now successfully realizing themselves in the profession, I realized that there is no turning back!

After the Open Day, I reconsidered my attitude to the training format and decided to come to Moscow for a few months to attend a summer intensive course. This format allowed us to get as much as possible in the shortest possible time.

Theoretical basis, computer design skills, drawing basics, first professional project - the school gave us a lot! I didn’t realize how interesting information could be presented! Maximum availability, maximum concentration.

When I came to the Open Day and saw the graduates’ projects, I didn’t believe that I would be able to do something like that. But the teachers did the impossible - I did everything and even more!

Moscow city:

I was looking for a place where I could gain full knowledge in order to independently develop design projects from A to Z, from concept to drawings and more. And the most important thing is that I can immediately put them into practice, right tomorrow! After looking at the training program at IDS, I realized that this is what I was looking for.

The training program is very well designed, and the approach of the teachers is simply fantastic! I didn’t think that it was possible to master such a volume of material in 2.5 months. I received much more than I expected.

Yekaterinburg city

I have been involved in design for quite a long time, I even managed to get a specialized education in this field. But I lacked the knowledge I had previously acquired. It was to fill these gaps that I came to IDS.

Already starting from the very first module, I discovered a lot of new things, and this despite the fact that I already had preparation! The designer must be a little daring, I didn’t have that before. But now, having an extensive knowledge base, I can afford it! This is what I learned here.

Many of my classmates didn't even think they would do half of what they ended up doing. This is a credit to the school. It’s incredible that this can be achieved in 2.5 months!

Fragments of students' graduation projects

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I live in America, or rather, in sunny, sunny California, practically on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. If you ask me “Was it difficult to move?”... Friends, of course it was difficult! But what I was 99 and 9 percent sure of was my English. Because already at that moment I could talk and the Americans even understood me. […]

Vitaly Nadezhdin

I have been living in the UK for 3 years and studying at the Glion Institute of Higher Education. London stole my heart forever. I just love this city. But it’s quite difficult to live here without proper knowledge of English. Therefore, I want to say a huge thank you to the Start2Study courses! There was no cramming and no tediousness at all in these courses. And most importantly, there [...]

Pyotr Kuznetsov and Elena Bykova

Completed an English language course under the Start2Study program. The impressions are excellent, I finally got my head around the grammatical rules, which used to be very scary and seemed complicated. Classes are held in small groups, but there is always an individual approach; teachers answer all questions that arise, leaving no complex topic unattended. The courses also include classes with native teachers [...]

Denis Trukhin

For a very long time I dreamed of starting to learn English, but as always, everything was either postponed or abandoned. One friend suggested that I go and look at the Start2Study courses. I arrived there, took the test, talked with the teacher, and my level was determined to be Elementary. The courses started literally in a week and I didn’t have much time to think, so I decided to start! […]

Tatiana Nikitenko

I owe my knowledge at the Upper-Intermediate level to the teachers of the Start2Study English language courses. Starting from Pre-Intermediate, for a year I studied with different teachers, both Russian-speaking and native speakers. It should be noted that each of them is unique, but all are united by high professional qualities, love for their field of knowledge and for us, students, as well as the ability to […]

We will talk about lighting design. If in Europe this direction has long been one of the important components of interior design, then we are just beginning to form an understanding that the development of competent lighting is as important a part of the interior project as competent zoning, layout, color combinations, selection of materials and furniture. The main objectives of the course are to explain to students the nature of light, teach them to think with light, and give them working lighting techniques with which they can implement their ideas in interiors. The course is designed for both young and experienced professionals, interior designers and architects who want to expand their knowledge of lighting and learn how to use light as a tool in their work.

To participate in the intensive, we managed to assemble a team of the best lighting professionals in our country. Listeners will be able to consider the issue of lighting from all sides: this includes architecture, design, lighting engineering, and lighting control. Representatives of design companies, representatives of lighting factories, architects and designers will come to us and talk about their experience working with light and about completed projects. One of the days of the intensive will be entirely devoted to creating and developing your own lamp, which will be an excellent opportunity to understand how different materials and shapes work with light. In addition to lectures, practical workshops will be held daily (practical classes are generally the basis of our intensive), where intensive participants will work directly with lighting equipment, model and create their own lighting scenes, learn to select lamps and luminaires for their projects and justify their choice to the customer.

Our course is an introductory part to a very interesting profession. Light is a powerful weapon with which space changes and transforms. It’s difficult to master all the nuances of the profession in eight days, but I hope we can lift the curtain and awaken interest in lighting design. In addition, we, of course, will give the necessary theory, teach you how to calculate illumination and explain why LEDs are good/bad. But the main thing that our listeners will get at the end is a powerful tool for transforming space, which they can use in their projects.

Cost: free

The theme of the 2016 InLiberty Essay Competition and Summer School is injustice: economic, historical, collective and individual. For the essay, you need to choose one of the topics (wealth inequality, collective responsibility, historical guilt) and complete the task. Students and recent graduates of universities from post-Soviet countries can participate; finalists of the competition will be invited to the summer school program, which will be held on August 21–28, 2016 at the Free University training center on Lake Bazaleti, 40 km from Tbilisi. Students will also receive a grant covering all expenses except transportation. Cash prizes of $1,000, $500 and $300 will be awarded to first, second and third place winners.

A course about the study of urban space, architecture and landscape design. Teenagers will draw graffiti, do layout work, take photographs, come up with navigation and urban sculptures. Invited lecturers will talk about the history of urbanism and the specifics of urban environment design. By the end of the shift, schoolchildren will develop and present a collective project to design the park and the territory of the ZIL Cultural Center. The day in the laboratory will begin with modern dance, yoga or fitness classes. Next in the program are specialized games, master classes and quests, creative tasks, film screenings and discussions, excursions, sports (ping-pong, frisbee, skate, bicycle) and three meals a day.

Acceptance of applications: before the start of classes, subject to availability

Cost: 55,000 rubles

Theory and practice of contemporary sculpture in a new intensive course for artists, designers, architects and everyone else. Students will first be introduced to all current trends in sculpture, and then shown how to apply it all. You will have to work with both familiar and unusual materials: wood, plaster, metal, plastic, textiles. Thus, participants will not only listen to a course of lectures, but will also create their own series of sculptures, including using the assemblage technique.

Cost: free

The program is conceived as a continuation of the tradition of Summer Schools held in Estonia in the 60s, where philologists, linguists and mathematicians came. The goal of the school is to create a common interdisciplinary scientific environment related to the study of texts using modern computer methods. The goal of the school is to unite young researchers with different backgrounds - philological, mathematical, computer, linguistic, teach them to communicate in the same language, jointly set research tasks, understand the essence of the methods used and interpret the results.

Period of study: first shift: June 24 - July 5, second shift: July 9 - July 20

Acceptance of applications: before the start of each shift, subject to availability

Cost: 40,000 rubles

The second season of the Polytech camp at the Guslitsa creative estate opens on June 24. This year, new comfortable rooms were prepared for children, a new menu was developed, and the shift was increased to 12 days. And most importantly, they made the camp program even more interesting and richer. During the day, camp participants will engage in field research, and in the morning and evening they will participate in intellectual games and scientific excursions. Children will work on their own science projects, from creating their own currency to an interactive biological map of the area. It is assumed that each of the six squads will have its own direction: archaeology, forensics, chemistry, physics, architecture and biogeography. Children from 10 to 15 years old are welcome. To get in, you must fill out an application; the number of places is limited.

Accepting applications: registration on the website for each lecture

Cost: free

Designer and curator Lyudmila Norsoyan teaches courses at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow Art Institute and the British Higher School of Design, is a member of the jury of the “Russian Silhouette” competition and writes a column in the “Kommersant Style” column. Her school at the ZIL Fashion Factory School trains and educates young fashion industry professionals. The introductory lecture to the “City and Fashion” program at Strelka will be devoted to how fashion in the 20th and 21st centuries identifies social status, organizes the economy, and connects the city and its inhabitants into a single ecosystem.

Acceptance of applications: before the start of classes, subject to availability

Cost: 1,695 euros

Summer course on campus in Germany. Students will combine intensive study of the German language (from any level, from A1 to C1) in the first half of the day with a varied sports and entertainment program in the second. Classes will be held at the Heidelberg University of Applied Sciences. The course price includes a single room and breakfast. In addition to studying, you can enjoy the beauty of the ancient city, go on excursions and practice using the language with local residents. Upon completion of training, students receive certificates of completion of the course.

Accepting applications: you can buy a ticket at any time, subject to availability

Cost: 350 rubles per lecture / 1,500 rubles per course

This summer, the Russian heritage of the 20th century is being studied in the School pavilion at Muzeon. The project includes three full-fledged courses: “Soviet art and visual culture”, “Monumental sculpture: victories and defeats” and “The fate of images: aesthetics and ideology of Russian cinema”. The first block starts on May 30, the second on July 27, and the third on August 22. Each lasts about a month. The first course examines the art of different periods of the USSR in an expanded context. Lecturers will talk about its connection with the media environment and cultural policy, and consider the phenomena of unofficial art, conceptualism and social art.

The second course will talk about the art of Russian Soviet sculpture. Lecturers will discuss with students the topic of modern parks using examples of the best of them with their various tasks and concepts. The third course is devoted to cinema, in particular - the transition from films of pre-revolutionary Russia of the 10s to edited cinema of the 20s, Stalinist cinema and wartime cinema, the transition from the era of “little pictures” to the Thaw, from the Thaw to films of the period of stagnation. And, of course, the prospects for the development of modern cinema in Russia.

Acceptance of applications: before the start of classes, subject to availability

The summer intensive course in the history of architecture will be of interest to those who would like to gain basic knowledge about architecture as an art form. At the end of the course, students will be able to understand, analyze and describe architectural works, their composition and meaning. As a base, students will listen to lectures on the history of European architectural styles.

Cost: first part - 4,500 rubles, second part - 3,000 rubles, one lesson - 800 rubles

Repeat useful but half-forgotten rules of the Russian language, write vocabulary dictations and get grades with a red pen. This course will provide basic and very necessary knowledge about the nuances of our written and spoken speech for those who want to finally understand the declensions of numerals, o-e after sibilants, and so on. They ask you to bring a notebook and two pens: blue and green. Each lesson will last 1.5–2 hours.

Acceptance of applications: before the start of classes, subject to availability

Cost: 52,000 rubles

A six-day intensive course from the American director of the TV series “Beverly Hills 90210”, “Melrose Place”, “Friends”, “Pretty Little Liars”, “Ugly Girl” and many others, Paul Lazarus. It will introduce students to the specifics of producing three different series formats: drama, sitcom and single-camera comedy. In addition to a detailed theoretical framework covering all aspects of serial production from script to post-production, students will have the opportunity to independently film some scenes and defend them in front of a curator. The target audience of the course is professional directors and producers, students and graduates of film universities who are planning or have already started their career in television projects.

Cost: 28,000 rubles

At the School of Scientific Journalism, professional authors teach students the art of writing texts of a wide variety of genres and directions using unique programs developed specifically for the school. How to master one of the most interesting professions, learn to write about science simply and clearly, meet the smartest people on the planet, quickly become famous and even earn money - you will learn about all this at the science journalism workshop. For those who use the code word “TiP” - a 10% discount on the course. The authors of the best final works will have the opportunity to be published in the most famous popular science media in the country.
