MTU vacancies for transfer. Rules for admission to the paid department

MTU vacancies for transfer.  Rules for admission to the paid department

MIREA - Russian Technological University is a state university, so most students study at the expense of federal budget allocations, but there is the possibility of studying on a contract basis (paid tuition).

Our advantages

Cost of training on a contractual basis at MIREA - Russian technological university significantly lower than the cost charged in most state universities. You can familiarize yourself with the cost of training in 2019 in the Guide to specialties and areas of training).

Payment is made by semester.

During the admission period, you continue to participate in the competition for budget places, even if you are already enrolled in a paid one. If the payment is received by the budget, the payment will be returned (minus the bank commission). In addition, with good academic performance and availability of free places, it is possible to transfer to the budget in accordance with the Procedure and cases of transfer of persons studying under vocational and higher education programs from paid to free education

Training on a contractual basis is possible in all areas of bachelor's training and specialties of the University for which recruitment is carried out. Contents and volume educational programs, special courses and discipline cycles fully comply with the requirements of the Federal State educational standards higher education(FSES VO) and may even exceed them, which is determined at the conclusion of the contract. Training is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the provision of paid educational services.

Paying students enjoy the same rights in terms of training as state-funded students: training is carried out according to the same curriculum both in separate groups (subject to the number of students sufficient to form a group), and together with state-funded students.

Full-time students, including those studying on a contractual basis, are granted a deferment from military service for the entire period of study.

Also for applicants full-time training discounts are provided on training, savings of up to 20%:

Standard discount

Submission of the original education document and payment for the first semester of study before July 26, 2019 (if the original is returned, the right to a discount is lost)
Shortage of 1-3 points to the passing marks for budget places in the relevant specialty/area of ​​training in 2019 after August 8, 2019

Special discount

The increased discount is valid only when submitting the original document of education and paying for the first semester of study before July 26, 2019 (if the original is returned, the right to the discount is lost) and is available to the following categories of applicants:

  • Graduates of the College of Instrument Engineering and information technologies RTU MIREA
  • Graduates of secondary schools in which engineering classes from the list are taught jointly with RTU MIREA
    • GBOU of Moscow "Romanovskaya School"
    • GBOU of the city of Moscow "Center for Education and Sports "Moscow-98" of the Department of Sports of the City of Moscow"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School named after Artyom Borovik"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 109"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 283"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 814"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 843"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 878
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 947
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1002"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1212"
    • GBOU of Moscow “School No. 1231 named after V.D. Polenova"
    • GBOU of Moscow “School No. 1236 named after S.V. Milashenkova"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1329"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1347"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1370"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1400"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1420"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1467"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1498 "Moscow International School"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1542"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1544"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1552"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1623"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1770"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1852"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 2025"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 2070"
    • GBOU of Moscow "School No. 2086"
    • GBOU of Moscow "Shuvalovskaya school No. 1448"
  • Applicants who scored threshold amount of competition points

    Set of entrance tests

    Threshold amount of competition points to receive a special discount

    Russian language, Mathematics, Computer Science and ICT

    Russian language, Mathematics, Physics

    Russian language, Mathematics, Chemistry

    Russian language, Mathematics, Social studies

    Russian language, History, Social studies

    Russian language, Mathematics, Geography

    Russian language, Mathematics, Creative exam

Pass entrance tests(USE or internal exams) on minimum scores


Choose ONE area of ​​training or specialty and submit documents on a contractual basis


List of required documents:

  • Passport
  • Original or copy of a document about the previous level of education: certificate or diploma of secondary vocational education/higher education
  • Certificate 086у (for those entering the specialty 11.05.01 Radio-electronic systems and complexes)

If you submitted documents for the budget, then resubmit
No documents are required - just have a receipt for accepting documents with you.

Deadlines for accepting documents
for paid training

Conclude an agreement on the provision of paid educational services


Adult applicants can enter into an agreement themselves, but we recommend that parents (or legal representatives) enter into an agreement, as they can subsequently apply for a tax deduction.

For minor applicants: concluding an agreement is possible only with an adult representative.

Standard forms of contracts:

Model agreement on the provision of paid educational services in the field of higher education (with an individual) Model agreement on the provision of paid educational services in the field of higher education (with a legal entity)
Model agreement on the provision of paid educational services in the field of higher education (with an individual in the field of secondary vocational education) Model agreement on the provision of paid educational services in the field of higher education (with a legal entity in the field of secondary vocational education)

Additional Information

Tuition fee: from 48 000 rub/year

Budget places: 2 460

Passing score: from 51,7

Moscow Institute of Technology is the only organization in Russia created with the support of UNESCO. MTI was formed through the merger of MGUPI and MITHT to MIREA.

To enroll, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a certificate of completion of school, as well as a certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam. The total passing scores in MIREA should be only 150 or more.

MIREA day open doors. Several days a year, MIT opens its doors to applicants and their parents. During such events, each applicant will be able to ask questions of interest to teachers and heads of departments and learn more about passing scores and the cost of studying at MIREA in 2017-2018. This event gives students the opportunity to take final decision whether to enter the chosen university or not.

Training at the Moscow Institute of Technology in 2017 took place in four main specialties - “technology” and “ modern technologies", "economics" and "management".

MIREA faculties:

✔ Automation of technological processes and production

✔ Security of information technology in law enforcement

✔ Business informatics

✔ Biotechnology

✔ State and municipal administration

✔ Design

✔ Documentation and archiving

✔ Innovation

✔ Informatics and computer science

✔ Information security

✔ Mechanical engineering

RTU MIREA University in numbers

  • More than 8 campuses
  • 3 united universities
  • 5,000 qualified graduates annually
  • more than 50 partner companies
  • 1 educational and experimental laboratory of space information technologies
  • 2 planets of the solar system are named after MIREA professors

Training format

RTU MIREA students take 2 sessions per year - winter and summer. During their studies, students can choose elective subjects for additional development. University students have the opportunity to engage in research within the university, as well as participate in foreign internships, academic exchange programs and double degree programs.

Educational Opportunities

  • There are International programs
  • There is a Double Degree

Military training

Extracurricular activities of RTU MIREA

MIREA hosts various competitions: costume parties on different themes, the “Student of the Year” competition, as well as various themed evenings. A student at RTU MIREA can join a trade union organization or a student union, as well as any student team (the university has many teams, such as a teaching team, a career guidance team, a construction team and many others). Additionally, there are sections: vocal, dance, theater, as well as a KVN club. Students can also participate in sports clubs and perform in tournaments and competitions. There are such sections as: cheerleading, powerlifting, judo, volleyball, football, basketball.


  • There is a Dorm
  • 510 - 590 ₽ According to budget (month)


  • 1,565 - 4,185 RUR State scholarship(months)
  • up to 12,500 ₽ For special academic achievements (month)
  • 2,900 ₽ For social benefits (month)

Famous graduates

  • Tsuberbiller Olga Nikolaevna Mathematician-teacher, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR
  • Korlyakov Vadim Vasilievich General Director of OJSC All-Russian Research Institute of Radio Engineering
