How does the only daughter of Georgy Vitsin live? Vitsin's daughter throws away her father's diaries Georgy Vitsin, grandson Mikhail, died

How does the only daughter of Georgy Vitsin live?  Vitsin's daughter throws away her father's diaries Georgy Vitsin, grandson Mikhail, died

His on-screen characters were the complete opposite of the actor himself, but he was never burdened by his roles. On the contrary, I was glad to have the opportunity to do my own thing.

Georgy Vitsin was a very modest person in life. He was embarrassed by his own popularity and tried to be invisible on the street, avoiding the attention of enthusiastic spectators and, of course, fans. Fate gave him a meeting with two beautiful women, and he was able to make both of them happy. Georgy Vitsin was not at all the sultan that Yuri Nikulin sang about in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” but he had two wives.

Forbidden love

Georgy Vitsin in his youth.

He came to the Ermolova Theater from his student days. The Moscow Art Theater Course-2, where Georgy Vitsin studied, was disbanded. He was one of Nikolai Khmelev's favorite students, and ironically, became his rival.

Nikolai Khmelev.

The 19-year-old actor fell in love at first sight with Dina Topoleva, the wife of Nikolai Khmelev. The talented, beautiful actress was a theater prima and always enjoyed success with men. After performances with Topoleva’s participation, fans were waiting for her at the theater, and there was no shortage of admirers among her colleagues. But the actress herself unexpectedly began to sympathize with the young actor.

Dina Topoleva.

In life, Dina (full name Nadezhda) was a match for George: quiet and modest. They could walk for hours along the Moscow boulevards, holding hands, they could have leisurely conversations or simply remain silent, sitting on a park bench. As a result, Dina Topoleva left her husband for Georgy Vitsin, but they never officially registered their marriage.
Nikolai Khmelev behaved very wisely in this situation. He not only did not stop giving roles to his student, but did not arrange any showdowns.

Georgy Vitsin.

Georgy Vitsin loved this woman very much. For 20 years they were together in joy and sorrow, but still separated. It is not known for certain whether Dina Topoleva initiated the end of the relationship, or whether the reason for the collapse of their union was a new feeling that visited Georgy Mikhailovich. But even after the actor married another woman, he did not leave his first wife to the mercy of fate. Until the very last day of her life, he cared for the woman he loved. He bought her food and medicine, paid for a housekeeper, and visited her constantly.

And again love at first sight

Georgy Vitsin.

Tamara Michurina first saw Georgy Vitsin in a photograph in the foyer of the Ermolova Theater, where she worked as a props maker. Georgy Mikhailovich was not a handsome man, but his sharp, piercing gaze could bewitch anyone. It was the eyes that made an indelible impression on the girl.

Tamara Michurina.

And then they met. The actor entered the prop shop on Easter, holding a painted egg. And he announced that he had come to take Christ. Georgy Vitsin and Tamara Michurina, as usual, kissed three times, and then simply looked into each other’s eyes. Feelings flared up between them almost at the same moment. The niece of the famous breeder Ivan Michurin became the legal wife of the famous actor.

Little big happiness

Georgy Vitsin and Tamara Michurina.

Soon the couple had their only daughter, the beloved Natasha. Legends can be made about Georgy Vitsin’s love for his daughter. Could anyone else, except this subtle and delicate man, write letters to his one-year-old daughter?

Georgy Vitsin with his daughter.

Going on filming or touring, he wrote letters to her, little one, to escape his longing for his beloved baby. He told her to drink juices and eat well, to gain strength for the future life.

Georgy Vitsin with his daughter Natalya.

When the girl grew up, he began to take her with him to filming. She followed daddy with her tail, and while he was working she sat quietly nearby. A little later, I filmed my father’s rehearsals and their walks around the city on a home video camera. It was the father who pushed the girl to choose a profession. He himself drew well and even thought about doing it professionally, but the actor in him defeated the artist. But daughter Natalya became a graphic artist.

Responsible Happiness

Georgy Vitsin.

The actor’s wife unconditionally accepted his decision to help Dina Topoleva. The first wife of Georgy Vitsin was practically a member of their family. Dina and Tamara became friends; in the summer they all went to the dacha together. Natasha and her father visited the actress and treated her with respect and love. It was to her that daughter Vitsina could calmly entrust her sweet girlish secrets. He simply could not leave without help the woman with whom he had been happy for 20 years.

Georgy Vitsin.

He did not like giving interviews and generally tried to live unnoticed, finding the source of joy not in fame and popularity, but in very simple, everyday things. Georgy Vitsin knew how to love. This concerned not only close and dear people. He generally loved all living things. He rescued a puppy who was freezing on the street, brought him into his home and cared for him with care. He fed all the stray dogs in the area, cooked porridge especially for them, and bought good millet for the pigeons in the yard.

Georgy Vitsin.

In the fall of 2001, after participating in a concert at the Film Actor Theater, Georgy Vitsin became ill. Heart. Two days after being discharged from the hospital, he was readmitted to the hospital. He passed away on October 22, 2001. And on the fortieth day after the death of the owner, the dog Boy, who had once been saved by him, died.

Georgy Vitsin is one of those actors who know and remember a million. He is one of those actors who, during his career, gives people simply unrealistic emotions, and amazes all his colleagues with his talent. He lived a wonderful life, earned the title of a great actor, but died in poverty. Such a fate often develops among famous and at the same time not selfish people. He died in poverty, but left behind an unimaginable wealth in the form of his creativity, which is still relevant today and will be liked by the public even after many years.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Georgy Vitsin

The fit and handsome George has always been interested in the weaker sex. Information such as height, weight, age is not known about the actor. The years of life of Georgy Vitsin are the only information from such parameters that is available. He died at the age of 84 on October 22, 2001. The nationality of the actor is also of interest to many and it is worth saying that he is Russian. During his career, he gave the world a record number of works and took part in 300 works. This figure makes us think about Vitsin’s great talent and the fact that acting was his true calling.

Biography and personal life of Georgy Vitsin

Georgy was born in the city of Zelenogorsk. According to official data, the actor was born in 1918, but his mother changed the date a year in advance because she wanted her son to be taken to a health camp, but he did not meet his age.

Before Vitsin turned one, the family moved to the capital of Russia. Georgy grew up as a very shy boy, and when he announced that he wanted to become an artist, the surprise of those around him knew no bounds. But during his school years, Vitsin realized that he needed to fight his character and went to study at a local theater club.

After school, the guy entered the Maly Theater School, but before he even had time to complete the first year, he was expelled and accused of not taking his studies seriously. Of course, this moment in the biography did not leave our hero indifferent and he was so offended by such a remark during his expulsion that he subsequently submitted documents to as many as three universities. Later he was invited to study at all three institutions, but Georgy chose the Vakhtangov School. And after studying for several months, he transferred to the Moscow Art Theater.

The guy began acting in the theater immediately after finishing his acting training. For thirty-three years he worked at the Ermolaeva Theater. During his career, the actor played many roles in this theater, but the most significant, which gave Vitsin unprecedented success and love from the audience, is the production: “The Taming of the Tamer.”

Filmography: films starring Georgy Vitsin

The actor began acting in films in 1951, when his first work was a cameo role in the film “Ivan the Terrible.” And a little later he managed to get the main role in the film “Belinsky”, where the man played the writer Gogol. It is interesting that during his career he will play this writer three more times, due to the similarity and convincing transformation.

The actor’s filmography is filled with both dramatic, serious and comedic roles. Although he became famous more as a comedian, and the reason for this was such famous films as: “Replacement Player”, “12 Chairs”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”.

The biography and personal life of Georgy Vitsin has always proceeded calmly. The actor did not like to gather noise around himself and did not consider himself anything special. All he wanted was to bring joy to people. In his personal life, the actor had only 2 loves, with the first he lived in a civil marriage for many years, and the second woman became his legal wife.

Family and children of Georgy Vitsin

Georgiy's mother is a heroic woman because she raised her family almost on her own. Vitsin’s father went through the war, returned with serious injuries, was very sick, and therefore died early. The mother had to work hard and raise her son.

The man also had his own family. From his second wife he even had a beautiful daughter and already has grandchildren. His wife Tamara tried to stay near her husband until his death. The family and children of Georgy Vitsin have always been his main support.

Daughter of Georgy Vitsin - Natalya Vitsina

The daughter of Georgy Vitsina, Natalya Vitsina, was born in the actor’s second marriage. The woman worked as an artist and decorator for a long time. Now Natalya is already retired, but she still continues to draw, although this activity no longer brings in any income. She lives in a large Moscow apartment, which her father left her, and has no contact with her relatives. Many of her father’s relatives are trying to contact Natalya, but she lives an independent and quiet life. Natalya was very close to her father, and since childhood she remembers only the best and most reverent moments.

Ex-wife of Georgy Vitsin - Nadezhda Topoleva

George's first love worked with him in the same theater. The ex-wife of Georgy Vitsin, Nadezhda Topoleva, was also an actress and devoted about 30 years to the Ermolaeva Theater. It is interesting that at that time she was already married to Vitsin’s teacher. But, despite this, the actors later reconciled, and the teacher, Nikolai Khmelev, forgave his wife for his betrayal. The couple lived in a civil marriage for 20 years, and that was all until Vitsin met his future wife. Although even after the separation, Georgy still helped Nadezhda both financially and morally.

Georgy Vitsin's wife - Tamara Fedorovna

It is interesting that Georgy Vitsin’s wife, Tamara Fedorovna, also worked in the theater, but she was a costume designer. Their acquaintance happened by chance and completely turned their whole lives upside down. This happened on Easter, when Tamara went into the costume room with the actors, and at that moment Vitsin came in with colored eggs to “show off.” They just looked into each other's eyes and realized that they fell in love. Stories like this bring a smile to your face. Later, Georgy left his common-law wife, married Tamara, and two years later they had a daughter.

Cause of death of Georgy Vitsin. Actor's funeral

He died due to heart and liver disease, the man had been ill for many years, this is the cause of death of Georgy Vitsin. The actor's funeral took place at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Not only his family came to say goodbye to Vitsin, but also famous actors who admired the actors’ work. Vitsin was a legendary person and therefore a monument to the actor was erected in his hometown of Zelenogorsk. Many young people who dream of becoming great learn from his example. After himself, he left the world real wealth in the quality of his works.

Wikipedia Georgy Vitsin

Georgy really did not like the hype around his name. He was modest since childhood and even though he overcame his character in his youth, many of his traits still remained. But this was the behavior of a true lover of his craft. He lived not for fame, but to do what he so sincerely loved. Few people know that George did yoga and watched his diet, which is certainly difficult to imagine, given the roles of drunkards that he often played. But friends remember how he often stepped aside during breaks and did a couple of yoga asanas. Wikipedia Georgy Vitsin will tell you more interesting facts about his biography. After his passing, the world lost a great actor, but many thanks to him for the creativity that he left behind.

Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin (born Vitsyn). Born on April 5, 1917 in Terijoki - died on October 22, 2001 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the USSR (1990).

Georgy Vitsin was born on April 5 (18), 1917 in Terijoki (now Zelenogorsk as part of St. Petersburg).

In the church book of the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross on Bolshaya Posadskaya Street there is a record that George was baptized there.

In later official documents, the date of birth was listed as April 23, 1918, and the place of birth was Petrograd. This happened due to the fact that Vitsin’s mother in the 1920s, when enrolling her son in a forest health school, made him “younger” and corrected his year of birth to 1918. April 23 (May 6) was his name day.

The initial surname of the future actor also looked different - “Vitsyn”, but later, due to a mistake by the passport officer, the letter “y” was replaced by “i”.

When Georgy was eight months old, his parents moved to Moscow.

In 1926-1933 he studied at Moscow seven-year school No. 26.

In 1933-1934 he studied at the Theater School at the Maly Theater (now the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin), from where he was expelled with the wording “for a frivolous attitude towards the educational process.”

In 1934 he entered the Theater School at the E. Vakhtangov Theater (now the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute). In 1935, he moved to the theater studio of the 2nd Moscow Art Theater, where he studied with S. G. Birman, A. I. Blagonravov, V. N. Tatarinov (all in Moscow).

Since 1936 - actor at the studio theater under the direction of N.P. Khmelev, in 1937-1969 - at the Moscow Drama Theater. M. N. Ermolova, which included a theater studio.

The roles of Georgy Vitsin in the theater. M. N. Ermolova:

1940 - “As You Like It” by W. Shakespeare - William;
1943 - “Night of Errors” by O. Goldsmith - Tony;
1945 - “The Taming of the Tamer” by J. Fletcher - Moroso;
1946 - “Old Friends” by L. A. Malyugin;
1947 - “People with a clear conscience” by P. P. Vershigora - Volichka;
1948 - “Happiness” by P. A. Pavlenko - Podnebesko;
1951 - “Xenia” by A. A. Volkov (director A. A. Goncharov) - Grandfather Semyon;
1955 - “Good Hour” by V. S. Rozov;
1956 - “Eccentric” by N. Hikmet - Abdurakhman;
1958 - “Savages” by S. V. Mikhalkov - Lyubeshkin;
1964 - “The Forest” by A. N. Ostrovsky (director L. P. Gallis) - Arkashka Schastlivtsev;
1966 - “Nails” by S. L. Lungin, I. I. Nusinov;
“There wasn’t a penny, but suddenly it was altyn” by A. N. Ostrovsky (staged by N. P. Khmelev);
“Do not make yourself an idol” A. M. Faiko - Molokanov;
“Twenty Years Later” by M. A. Svetlov;
“Guest from the Night” L. Ashkenazi - waiter;
“Freeloader” by I. S. Turgenev;
“Two Stubborn Men” by N. Hikmet.

From 1969 to 2001 he served at the Film Actor's Studio Theater in Moscow.

The actor's film debut took place, as it was believed, in the episodic role of an oprichnik in the film “Ivan the Terrible” by S. M. Eisenstein (1944). However, according to V. Tsukerman, who scrupulously collected all the facts of G. Vitsin’s life, the actor once admitted to him that he “had never seen S. M. Eisenstein,” but made his debut in 1945 in the film by S. I. Yutkevich "Hello, Moscow!"

Fame came to the actor after the film “Replacement Player”, in which he played the role of Vasya Vesnushkin. Following this, he starred in the film “She Loves You!” Despite the fact that in these films G. Vitsin played the roles of young boys, the actor was already well over thirty. Shy and sympathetic heroes of G. Vitsin attracted the viewer. At the same time, he starred in historical films: “Composer Glinka” and “Belinsky”.

Georgy Vitsin in the film "Replacement Player"

However, the actor who became most famous was the image of the Coward, which he embodied in the comedies “Barbos the Dog and the Unusual Cross,” “Moonshiners,” “Operation “Y” and Shurik’s Other Adventures” and “Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik’s New Adventures.”

It is worth noting that Vitsin often had to play drunken characters, and in these roles he was very convincing, as he had a specific voice and appearance. Despite the fact that in real life the actor did not drink or smoke, led a healthy lifestyle, and was fond of yogi breathing exercises. And only in “Prisoner of the Caucasus” did the actor still have to drink real beer, since the rose hips that G. Vitsin demanded looked unconvincing in the frame.

Georgy Vitsin in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Also remembered for his roles: adventurer Sam in the comedy “Business People” (“Leader of the Redskins”), Balzaminov in the film “Balzaminov’s Marriage”, Sir Andrew in “Twelfth Night”, the Wizard in “An Old, Old Tale”.

The actor had a talent for recitation and worked a lot on dubbing cartoons. He was a good artist - he drew caricatures of actors, tried his hand at sculpture, graphics, and painting.

Georgy Vitsin in the film "The Marriage of Balzaminov"

With the onset of the 1990s, G. Vitsin, together with other members of the famous trinity, began touring a lot around the country. Until his last days he played at the Film Actor's Theater. In recent years he has lived very modestly. Having given his large apartment in the center of Moscow to his daughter Natalya, he moved to a Khrushchev apartment in Starokonyushenny Lane.

He extremely limited communication with outsiders and avoided meetings with journalists. He was almost constantly in the apartment, going outside only to feed the pigeons. He refused help, saying: “I can’t take it, because people give away their last!”

It is worth noting that Georgy Vitsin looked very young until his old age. At thirty-seven years old, he played eighteen-year-old Vasya Vesnushkin in the film “Replacement Player.” At forty-six - twenty-five-year-old Misha Balzaminov (“The Marriage of Balzaminov”). At the same time, his talent allowed him to play age-related roles: in particular, at thirty-eight years old, the actor portrayed grandfather Musiy in the film “Maxim Perepelitsa.”

Georgy Vitsin died on October 22, 2001 (according to other sources - October 23) in one of the Moscow hospitals. The cause of the actor's death was chronic liver and heart diseases. He was buried in Moscow, at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

On July 26, 2008, on the occasion of the 460th anniversary of the city and the 90th anniversary of the actor, a monument to G. Vitsin was unveiled in the Zelenogorsk recreation park. The sculpture depicts the actor in the role of Balzaminov from the film “The Marriage of Balzaminov.”

In 2012, a monument to L. I. Gaidai and the “Gaidaev Trinity” appeared near the circus building in Irkutsk.

There is a monument to the Dunce, the Experienced and the Coward in Perm and also in Khabarovsk.

Height of Georgy Vitsin: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Georgy Vitsin:

He was in a relationship with actress Nadezhda (Dina) Topoleva, who was then the wife of director N.P. Khmelev. She was much older than him.

Their relationship began when 18-year-old Vitsin entered the Yermolova Theater. He fell passionately in love with Dina Topoleva, the wife of the theater's artistic director Nikolai Khmelev, whom Vitsin considered his teacher. Dina responded to his feeling. Note that Khmelev did not change his attitude towards Vitsin and continued to give him roles.

They lived together for 20 years. After the breakup, he continued to take care of her, bringing her medicine and food.

Dina Topoleva - common-law wife of Georgy Vitsin

Wife - Tamara Fedorovna (1925-2009), costume designer, niece of the biologist and breeder I. V. Michurin.

The marriage produced a daughter, Natalya, a graphic artist.

Tamara Fedorovna - wife of Georgy Vitsin

Daughter Natalya talked about Georgiy Mikhailovich: “They made a hermit out of my father. This is absolutely not true! If girls called him and asked naive questions, he did not like to answer. But if, for example, Wolf was on the phone, he could talk for hours. As a child, I was even jealous father to fans. We walk down the street - everyone says hello. “Go home, girl,” dad said and continued the conversation. By nature, dad was more suited to his first profession - an artist, a sculptor, an observer, a contemplator. He painted everywhere - on trips, between actions in plays, between filming hours. Mom sometimes suffered from the fact that you couldn’t talk to him seriously. Laughter from morning to night. Even in the most terrible situation, he knew how to relieve tension with wise humor. Dad was a responsible person. He supported me and me mother, and first wife, actress Dina Topoleva."

Filmography of Georgy Vitsin:

1944 - Ivan the Terrible Oprichnik (uncredited)
1945 - Hello, Moscow! - railway worker at the Dolsk station
1946 - Glinka - spectator at the premiere (uncredited)
1947 - Spring - actor rehearsing N.V. Gogol
1951 - Belinsky - Nikolai Gogol
1952 - Composer - Glinka Nikolai Gogol
1954 - Reserve player - Vasya Vesnushkin
1954 - We met somewhere - relaxing on the balcony of a holiday home (uncredited)
1955 - Mexican - Bill Carty
1955 - Maxim Perepelitsa - grandfather Musiy
1955 - Twelfth Night - Sir Andrew
1956 - She loves you! - Konstantin Petrovich Kanareikin
1956 - Poet - entrepreneur of a poetry evening (uncredited)
1956 - Murder on Dante Street - Pitou
1957 - Wrestler and Clown - Enrico
1957 - Don Quixote - Samson Carrasco
1957 - New attraction - Semyon Ilyich, circus administrator
1958 - The spin of life - hairdresser (uncredited)
1958 - Fathers and Sons - Sitnikov
1958 - Groom from the Other World - Fikusov, property manager
1958 - Girl with a guitar - buyer
1958 - “The Miracle Worker” from Biryulev - drunk
1959 - Vasily Surikov - Ilya Efimovich Repin
1959 - I was a satellite of the Sun - scientist, colleague of Andrei
1959 - How Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich - Nikolai Gogol
1960 - The end of old Berezovka - geometry teacher
1960 - Revenge - Fedor Fedorovich Degtyarev
1961 - Trainers - grandfather
1961 - Quite seriously (short story “Barbos the Dog and the Unusual Cross”) - Coward
1961 - Moonshiners - Coward
1961 - Artist from Kokhanovka - grandfather Kuzma
1962 - How toast is born - accountant Ivy
1962 - The path to the pier - Velikankin, an intellectual in a sobering center
1962 - Business People (short story “The Leader of the Redskins”) - Sam
1962 - Only statues are silent - Jacques Meslier
1963 - Short Stories (musical film) (miniature “A Cautionary Case” husband
1963 - Cain XVIII - executioner
1963 - Mommy and two drones - a visitor to the cutlet shop
1963 - First trolleybus - drunk
1963 - Blind Bird - Train Passenger
1964 - Variety Fantasy (musical film)
1964 - Marriage of Balzaminov - Misha Balzaminov
1964 - Bunny - assistant director Fyodor Mikhailovich
1964 - The Tale of Lost Time - the evil wizard Andrei Andreevich
1964 - What is the theory of relativity? - actor (cameo)
1964 - Spring chores - Uncle Pudya
1965 - It happens like this (film almanac) (short story “Apollo’s Skeleton”) - Nazliev
1965 - In the first hour - guest of “Blue Light”
1965 - Give me a complaint book - department manager in a clothing store
1965 - New Year's calendar
1965 - Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik - Coward
1965 - Road to the sea - foreman of timber rafting workers Alexander Terentyevich
1966 - Capa Collection - Granatkin
1966 - Red, blue, green - museum director
1966 - Who invented the wheel? - uncle Kolya
1966 - Tales of the Russian Forest - Coward
1966 - Rainbow Formula - director of a toy factory
1966 - Captive of the Caucasus, or New Adventures of Shurik - Coward
1966 - Wick (film No. 47 “Carousel”) - episode
1967 - Save a drowning man - police major / old man in a Panama hat
1967 - Tatiana's Day - proposing a new chronology
1968 - Gulf Stream - Igor's father
1968 - Seven old men and one girl - a robber (“Coward”)
1968-1981 - Tavern “13 chairs” (film-play) - critic Pan Tsypa
1968 - Old, old fairy tale - the good wizard
1968 - At thirteen o'clock in the morning - merman
1969 - Yesterday, today and always - Aunt Berry
1969 - Kidnapping - cameo
1970 - Step from the Roof - Englishman
1970 - How we looked for Tishka - police sergeant Stepanov
1970 - Guardian alcoholic and parasite - Tebenkov
1971 - Spring Tale - Tsar Berendey
1971 - 12 chairs - fitter Mechnikov
1971 - There will be no fire! - driver Peter
1971 - Shadow - Doctor
1971 - Mortal Enemy - Egor
1971 - Gentlemen of Fortune - “Khmyr” (Gavrila Petrovich Sheremetyev)
1972 - Tobacco Captain - Chef Mouton
1972 - Large-scale guys - foreman Afanasyev
1972 - Wick (film No. 121 “Purchase”) - buyer
1973 - Cipollino - lawyer Goroshek
1973 - Have you ever loved? - Nina Dmitrievna’s mother, Olin’s father Yakov Ivanovich Nikolsky
1973 - Sannikov Land - Ignatius
1973 - My destiny is drunk
1973 - Incorrigible liar - hairdresser Alexey Ivanovich Tyutyurin
1974 - Dear Boy - Mackintosh
1974 - Northern Rhapsody - seller Kuzma Petrovich
1974 - Tsarevich Prosha - King Katorz IX
1974 - Wick (film No. 147 “Find Yourself”)
1974 - Car, violin and dog Blob - musician with banjo/guitar
1974 - My Zhiguli - Uncle Zhenya
1974 - Big Attraction - Galkin, television director
1975 - Finist - Clear Falcon - Agathon
1975 - Step towards (short story “The Captain’s Daughter”) - the man in the buffet
1975 - It can’t be! (short story “The Wedding Incident”) - father of the bride
1975 - Bubbles - driver of "Zaporozhets"
1975 - Awww! (short story “And the matchmakers approached the hut...”) - grandfather, ethnographer
1975 - Where are you, Arina Rodionovna? - Rodionich
1976 - Shepherd Yanka - Prince Kukimor
1976 - A Cheerful Dream, or Laughter and Tears - Minister Crivello
1976 - While the clock is striking - Masha’s grandfather, the Great Gardener
1976 - Blue Bird - Sugar
1976 - 12 chairs - undertaker Bezenchuk
1976 - Sun, sun again - grandfather
1976 - Yeralash (in the story “Wonderful Moment”) - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
1977 - These incredible musicians, or Shurik’s New Dreams (film-play) - cameo
1978 - The story with the manager - hotel administrator Semyon Nikolaevich Kaloshin
1980 - For matches - tailor Tahvo Kenonen
1980 - Comedy of days gone by - Coward
1981 - Hands up! - agent YX-000, aka Fondi-Mondi-Dundi-Peck
1985 - Rivals - grandfather Ivan Stepanovich
1985 - Life Danger! - Alexander Petrovich Chokolov
1986 - The Journey of Pan Blobs - King Apollinary Bai
1992 - Shot in the coffin - Colonel Zakusnyak
1992 - Gentlemen artists - hairdresser Nil Palych
1993 - Brave guys - Major Griboyedov
1994 - Several love stories - pharmacist Fornari
1994 - Hagi-Tragger - puppet master Heinrich Yanovich

Voiced by Georgy Vitsin:

1936 - Dowrylessness (in the restored version of 1970)
1937 - Rich Bride - Junior Accountant
1937 - 1938 - Peter the Great (in the restoration of 1965) - reader
1939 - Golden Key (restored in 1959) - Pinocchio (role of O. A. Shaganova-Obraztsova), Giuseppe (role of M. N. Dagmarov)
1950 - Casimir - Paul-Andre (role of B. La Jarrige)
1953 - The great warrior of Albania Skanderbeg - Mamitsa's husband
1954 - True friends - grandfather on a barge (role of A.I. Zhukov)
1954 - There will be a circus - Viewer (role of V. Tregla)
1954 - Dad, Mom, the Maid and Me - Robert Langlois (role of R. Lamoureux)
1955 - Lurja Magdana - grandfather Gigo (role of A. A. Omiadze)
1955 - The collapse of the emirate - Urzuf, ambassador of the emir (role of S. Tabibullaev / commandant)
1955 - Dzhigit Girl - Murat (role of S. P. Telgaraev)
1956 - Precious gift - head of the pharmacy (role of E. S. Geller)
1956 - Around the World in 80 Days - train conductor (role of C. Buster)
1956 - Bashi-Achuk
1957 - 12 Angry Men - Juror No. 2 (role of J. Fiedler / Juror No. 9 (role of J. Sweeney)
1958 - My Uncle
1958 - Mr. Pitkin behind enemy lines - Norman Pitkin / General Schreiber (role of N. Wisdom)
1959 - Babette goes to war - Captain Gustave Frémont (role of N. Roqueur)
1959 - Keep it up, nurse! - orderly Mick (role of G. Lok)
1959 - Twelve girls and one man - Joseph (role of E. Waldbrunn)
1959 - Prairie Street - orderly Mick (role of G. Guy Descombles)
1961 - A Beggar's Tale - Pepia (role of A. A. Omiadze)
1961 - Hard Life - episode (role of A. Blasetti)
1961 - Divorce in Italian - Carmelo Patane (role of L. Trieste)
1962 - The Postman's Knock - Harold Pug (role of S. Milligan)
1963 - The Adventures of Pitkin in the Hospital - Norman Pitkin (the role of N. Wisdom)
1963 - Path to the arena - State Insurance agent
1963 - Yesterday, today, tomorrow - grandfather (role of D. di Gregorio)
1964 - Believe it or not... - lecturer (role of A. M. Matkovsky)
1964 - Go France! - Le supporter avec le bonnet tricolore (role of R. Rollie)
1964 - Fantômas - executive secretary of the jewelers' union (role of J. Berger)
1965 - First teacher - Kartynbay (role of Kirey Zharkimbaev) / role of M. Kyshtobaev)
1966 - How to steal a million - insurance agent (role of E. Malin)
1966 - An amazing story, similar to a fairy tale - reads the text
1967 - Triangle - photographer
1968 - Diamond Arm - an alcoholic who is taken away by the police (role of L. I. Gaidai) (uncredited)
1968 - Little Bather - Minister (role of P. Duck)
1969 - The Adventures of Gunner Dolas, or How I Started the Second World War - Captain Ralph Peacock (role of K. Rudzki)
1970 - Old Toomas was stolen - Old Toomas (role of K.K. Kiisk)
1971 - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
1972 - The Secret of the Great Storyteller - Count
1974 - Merchants of Death - Uncle Chiocchi (role of A. Cutolo)
1975 - Dear People - Profumo (role of D. Pagnani)
1976 - Meeting through a marriage advertisement - waiter (role of R. Riffard) / taxi driver (role of P. Repp)
1976 - Regentrude - the evil dwarf sorcerer Feuerbart
1977 - Gharib in the land of the Jinn - Asra (role of A. Mammadoglu)
1977 - Vesnukhin’s Fantasies - Uncle Gosha, photographer (role of G. M. Roninson)
1977 - Stepmother Samanishvili - priest Mikhail (uncredited)
1978 - Who's Who - Driving School Inspector (role of F. Castelli)
1979 - D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers - second judicial officer (role of V. A. Dolinsky)
1979 - Rhythms of Songs - Tushar Babu Ghosh / Chatterjee (role of K. Mukherjee)
1980 - The Taming of the Shrew - Priest Cirillo (role of P. Santonastaso)
1981 - Our grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather - grandfather Aziz (role of G. Sadikhov)
1981 - Maria, Mirabela - King of the Caterpillars, Father Omide (role of D. Radulescu)
1982 - In love of his own free will - suitor-artist (role of I.V. Ufimtsev)
1982 - Pokrovsky Gate - grandfather Savelich (role of E. S. Geller)
1982 - Sorcerers - talking cat (uncredited)
1986 - I am the outpost counselor - the father of Kolya Gudkov (role of A. A. Kozhevnikov)

Scoring of cartoons by Georgy Vitsin:

1946 - Peacock Tail - Doctor Aibolit
1947 - Little Humpbacked Horse - Sleeping Bag
1951 - High Hill - Sparrow Chick
1953 - Magic Store - Magician Store
1954 - Orange neck - rooster Podkovkin
1954 - The arrow flies away into a fairy tale - The Old Forest Man
1954 - Goat Musician - The First Hedgehog
1954 - On the forest stage - Hare
1954 - Tanyusha, Tyavka, Top and Nyusha - Tyavka
1955 - Nut twig - witch Kloantsa / raven (credited as “G. Vitsyn”)
1955 - Snowman Postman - Snowman
1955 - Brave Hare - Brave Hare
1955 - The Enchanted Boy - Wooden statue of the old sailor Rosenbohm
1955 - What kind of bird is this? - Goose (uncredited)
1955 - Four coins - grandfather Ahmed
1956 - Little Shego - Parrot (uncredited)
1956 - The Ugly Duckling - Both Roosters / Goose / Turkey / Cat (uncredited)
1956 - Ship - Ant / Little Frog
1956 - Forest Story - Crane Doctor (uncredited)
1956 - Jackal calf and camel - jackal calf
1956 - The Adventures of Murzilka - Starling / Janitor Uncle Egor
1956 - 12 months - Raven / Herald / Parrot / Brother February
1956 - Stork Adjar-bai (uncredited)
1957 - Verlioka - Drake (uncredited)
1957 - The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats - Woodpecker (uncredited)
1957 - In a certain kingdom... - Overseas prince / clerk
1957 - Hello friends! - Fanfan Reporter
1957 - Wonder Woman - Rooster
1957 - The Tale of the Snow Maiden - Grandfather (uncredited)
1958 - Cat's House - Goat / Raven Fireman
1958 - Beloved Beauty - Robber Trash / Magpie / Little Crow
1958 - We are following the sun - Hedgehog
1958 - The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish - Grandfather / bourgeois general English / bourgeois general Japanese
1958 - Boy from Naples - Little Signor
1958 - Sportlandia - Hottabych from the book
1959 - The Adventures of Pinocchio - Giuseppe / clown / conductor (credited as “I. Vitsin”)
1959 - Exactly at three fifteen... - Pencil; Parsley (uncredited)
1959 - Three Woodmen - Bubble
1960 - Different Wheels - Rooster
1960 - Vintik and Shpuntik - cheerful masters - Pilyulkin (uncredited)
1960 - I drew a little man - Confectioner
1960 - Thirteenth flight - Hare, goat
1960 - The End of the Black Marsh - Leshy
1960 - Cartoon Crocodile No. 2 - gramophone / knife
1960 - The Non-Drinking Sparrow - The Non-Drinking Sparrow
1960 - Three Sons-in-Law - Old Man (uncredited)
1961 - Dear penny - Pyatak the watchman
1961 - Dragon - Tax Collector
1961 - Key - Nikolai Zakharov, boy’s dad
1961 - Braggart Ant - Grasshopper
1961 - Cipollino - gardener Cactus
1961 - Dunno Learns - Doctor Pilyulkin
1961 - Overseas Reporter - Reporter Bob Sketch
1962 - Two Tales - Hare
1962 - Just not now - the wizard “Now”
1962 - Queen Toothbrush - Grandpa Soap (uncredited)
1962 - Wick, plot “Modern Fairy Tale”) - Dabran-aga
1963 - The Tale of the Old Cedar - Mushroom / Kolobok
1963 - Pathfinder - aged repeat student Vasya Petrov
1963 - Grandma's goat - 3rd wolf
1963 - Firefly No. 3 - Firefly
1963 - Three Fat Men - Balloon Seller (uncredited)
1964 - The life and suffering of Ivan Semenov - doctor
1964 - Who will go to the exhibition? - Defective little man
1964 - The Brave Little Tailor - Minister / trumpet player
1964 - Rooster and Paints - Rooster
1964 - Thumbelina - Grasshopper-musician / one of three respectable moles (uncredited)
1964 - Who is to blame? - Box of matches
1965 - Your health - Xvoroba / Microbe
1965 - Neither God nor the devil - carpenter Kuzma (uncredited)
1965 - Rikki-Tikki-Tavi - old mongoose
1965 - Firefly No. 6, story Sunflower - Turkey
1965 - Where did I see him? - Pencil, Chairman of the “Merry Men Club” (uncredited)
1966 - About a hippopotamus who was afraid of vaccinations - Wolf / Giraffe / Crocodile
1966 - Go there, I don’t know where - Text from the author / thin buffoon
1966 - Today’s Birthday - Dispatcher at the station / Cat
1966 - Tails - Hare
1967 - Mirror - Hare
1967 - Mezha - Old Man (uncredited)
1967 - The Little Engine from Romashkov - Dad
1967 - Simulating Hare - Hare
1967 - Fairy tales for big and small - Hare
1967 - Baby Elephant - Baboon
1967 - Time Machine - Spartak fan
1967 - One, two - together! - Hare/one-eared wolf
1967 - The Tale of the Golden Cockerel - The Sage Stargazer; gunner
1967 - Honest Crocodile - Steam Locomotive (uncredited)
1967 - How to become big - Mushroom
1968 - The Little Goat Who Counted to Ten - Horse
1968 - Comedian - Guard in Bombizhu (uncredited)
1968 - I want to butt heads! (short story “Helpful”) - Hare
1968 - Film, film, film - screenwriter
1969 - Wick (short) (film No. 80 “Is there life on Mars?”) - professor-lecturer
1969 - Wick (short) (film No. 177 “Happy Ending”) - motorcyclist
1969 - Stolen Month - Month
1969 - Puss in Boots 1st part - Perrault the Cat
1969 - Absent-minded Giovanni (Merry Roundabout No. 1) - Postman (uncredited)
1970 - Beavers are on the trail - Beaver the teacher
1971 - Parsley - Parsley
1971 - Terem-teremok - Cockerel
1972 - Merry old man (Merry carousel No. 4) - Old man
1972 - Tales of the Old Sailor: Antarctica - Penguin Educator
1972 - The duckling who couldn’t play football - the hooligan duckling (uncredited)
1973 - How It Happened - Toy Clown
1973 - Fables in faces (Merry Carousel No. 5) - Egor
1974 - Bag of Apples - Papa Hare
1974 - It's our own fault - Papa Hare
1975 - The legacy of the wizard Bahram - The wizard Bahram
1975 - Little Humpbacked Horse - Sleeping bag / episodic characters
1975 - Visiting the Dwarves - Dwarf (uncredited)
1976 - Arrogant Bunny - Arrogant Bunny
1976 - All the dull ones - The worm-intellectual
1977 - How mushrooms and peas fought - Pod (uncredited)
1977 - The Hare and the Fly - Sparrow
1977 - Quartet “Kva-kva” - Zhuk (uncredited)
1978 - Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf - Papa Hare (credited as “G. Vitsyn”)
1978 - Robinson Kuzya - Savage Cat
1978 - How a musician duckling became a football player - The Hooligan Duckling (credited as “G. Vitsyn”)
1979 - How the fox chased the hare - Hare
1979 - Who to follow as an example? - Motley Rooster
1980 - First autograph - Beaver (song performance)
1980 - Vacation in Prostokvashino - Beaver
1981 - Maria, Mirabela - King of the Caterpillars, Father Omide
1981 - Winter's Tale - Bullfinch
1982 - The Adventures of a Magic Globe or the Tricks of a Witch - Little Signor / Witch Kloantsa / Wise Raven
1982 - Birthday - Dwarf
1982 - Sweet Spring - Rooster / Bull
1982 - Lost and Found - parrot Stepanych
1983 - Catch it, fish! - Grandfather
1983 - A goat lived with his grandmother - Bunny
1983 - The smallest gnome (4th issue) - Cockerel
1983 - Koloboks are conducting the investigation (2nd issue “Robbery of the Century”) - ice cream seller
1984 - Underpass - Already
1984 - I Want the Moon - Lord Chancellor
1984 - I don’t want and won’t - Cat
1984 - Baby Elephant went to study - Cat
1984 - How a puppy learned to swim - Swan
1984-1990 - KOAP - Cheetah
1984 - Brownie Kuzya. House for Kuzka - brownie Kuzya / guest / loader
1985 - Brownie Kuzya. The Adventures of the Brownie - Brownie Kuzya / Cat
1986 - Brownie Kuzya. A fairy tale for Natasha - little brownie Kuzya
1986 - Little Snowmen - Scarecrow
1987 - Brownie Kuzya. Return of the Brownie - Brownie Kuzya
1990 - Chicken - Old Rooster
1990 - Sweet Turnip - narrator
1991 - Nikolai Ugodnik and the hunters - all characters
1991 - Guest - raeshnik
1992 - A simple man - a raishnik
1992 - Woman’s work - rayoshnik
1993 - Two swindlers - raeshnik
1993 - Relatives - Raeshnik
1993 - Chuffyk - Hare
1994 - Dreamers from the village of Ugory - Koschey the Immortal
1994 - Sharman, Sharman! -2 - Turtle
1995 - Sharman, Sharman! -3 - Turtle

Radio plays by Georgy Vitsin:

1961 - “Blue Balls Pharmacy” - Doctor-Pharmacist
1962 - “Star Diaries of Iyon the Quiet” - from the editor
1965 - “Loyal Robot” - a strange guy
1972 - “Treasure Island” - Pugh
1981 - “The Children of Captain Grant” - Paganel

Musical tales of Georgy Vitsin:

1965 - “The Wizard of the Emerald City” - Goodwin
1981 - “Incident in the Country of Multi-Pulti” - Coward
1984 - “The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzy” - the grasshopper Kuzya
1984 - “New Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzy” - Kuzya the grasshopper
1989 - “Grasshopper Kuzya is wanted” - grasshopper Kuzya
1989 - “Grasshopper Kuzya on the planet Tuami” - grasshopper Kuzya

The talented Soviet actor Georgy Vitsin is familiar to almost everyone, and his characters enjoyed enormous success and earned popular love. The actor tried not to take advantage of his celebrity and led a quiet, modest life, which this post will tell you about.

Georgy Vitsin was born in Petrograd on April 23, 1918. But in fact, instead of 1917, 1918 was indicated in order to send the sickly boy to a forest health school, where there was only room in the junior group.

Vitsin did not like exams all his life, and in any form. In class, he often hid behind other people's backs. As a result, I decided to overcome shyness and inhibitions and moved straight towards danger - to become an artist.

After graduating from school, Georgy Vitsin entered the Maly Theater School. But soon he was expelled with the wording “For a frivolous attitude towards the educational process.”

The next year I chose the Vakhtangov Pike. A year later he left there and found himself in the theater school at the Second Moscow Art Theater, where he was enrolled upon graduation.

His real film career began in 1951 immediately with a serious role - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol in Kozintsev’s film “Belinsky”.

Vitsin was so convincing that within a couple of months he received an invitation to play the role of Gogol again - in Grigory Alexandrov’s film “The Composer Glinka.”

Georgy Vitsin acted in various genres, but Georgy Vitsin became widely known for his roles in comedies. The first such role was the charming football player in Semyon Timoshenko’s film “Replacement Player” in 1954.

Vitsin always looked very young, so he often played characters much younger than himself in age. Vitsin played the role of the modest Kostya Kanareikin when he was already over thirty.

At the age of 37, he played eighteen-year-old Vasya in “Replacement Player.”

At the age of 46, he brilliantly played the role of 25-year-old Misha Balzaminov.

But there were also reverse transformations: at the age of 38, he played grandfather Musiy in the film “Maxim Perepelitsa”.

Before filming “The Substitute,” the actor trained daily at the stadium for a month to lose weight. And at a rehearsal for a boxing match, Vitsin got into character so much that he seriously attacked Pavel Kadochnikov.

Vitsin treated his health responsibly and reverently. He did not smoke, due to the fact that at the age of eight he inhaled a cigarette under the stairs and developed a lifelong aversion to tobacco.

And I didn’t drink after I decided to drink one day on New Year’s Day and realized that if you want to hang yourself the next morning, it’s better not to drink.

But in the role of a drunkard he was very convincing, although in real life he did not drink alcohol at all, ate right, and was fond of breathing exercises. Sometimes - right on the set.

Vitsin practiced yoga very seriously. He stood on his head, took the lotus position, did not eat meat, and meditated regularly.

And he was introduced to yoga by Savely Kramarov, with whom he became friends on “Gentlemen of Fortune.” Both played fools in the movies, but in life they were intelligent, educated people.

When Kramarov left for America, he gave all his photocopies on yoga (which was banned at that time) to Vitsin.

Colleagues perceived Vitsin’s lifestyle differently. For example, Nonna Mordyukova, after the episode of the merchant Belotelova’s kiss with Balzaminov, said to Vitsin: “Are you a man? You don't drink, don't smoke, don't bother women. You're dead!

In general, at first Vitsin was predicted to have a career as a dramatic actor, but in 1961 Gaidai’s short film “Barbos the Dog and the Unusual Cross” was released, which changed the direction of his entire film career. So he became a Coward, and Smoktunovsky played Hamlet.

After the release of “Moonshiners,” people from all over the country began sending bags of letters demanding that Gaidai make a new movie about the Coward, the Dunce and the Seasoned.

The culminating moment for the trio was “Prisoner of the Caucasus” - the leader in distribution in domestic cinema from 1967 to the present day. In the year of release, the film took 1st place at the box office, attracting 76.5 million viewers.

It was on the set of “Prisoner of the Caucasus” that Vitsin was barely persuaded to drink a glass of beer. At first he flatly refused: “I won’t have beer, pour some rosehip.” One take, second, third... So I had already drunk five mugs of rosehip infusion, when someone from the film crew remarked: “It won’t work! There’s no foam!”

Nikulin suggested putting cotton wool in the mug, but Vitsin couldn’t resist: “Yes, the sixth mug won’t fit into me anymore. Either with or without cotton wool!”

Despite the image of a Coward, Vitsin was an amazingly brave man. For example, on the set of the film “She Loves You,” a scene with a lion was planned, and the animal had to be at a safe distance and behind bars.

But at some point something went wrong, and the predator came close to the actor. Everyone was shocked. But not Vitsin. “Don’t be afraid,” he said, “lions don’t touch brave people.” And stroked the animal...

It's hard to believe, but in real life, Coward, Goon and Experienced were not friends.

Vitsin even allowed himself unflattering statements about his colleagues. Morgunov and Nikulin also did not miss the opportunity to trick him. But all this was behind the scenes.

Vitsin played the Coward seven times. Then there was Khmyr in “Gentlemen of Fortune,” a drunkard from the comedy “It Can’t Be.” The scenarios changed, but the image remained the same - a simpleton drinker.

The viewer thought that in life he was also a drunkard, and drunkards always pestered him and suggested: “Will you be third?” To which Vitsin replied: “No, I can only be fourth and that’s the concept.”

Vitsin voiced many cartoons. He approached dubbing no less responsibly than acting. His voice is spoken by the brownie Kuzya, the snowman-postman, many hares from various cartoons, and even Puss in Boots.

Not having the most spectacular appearance, Vitsin stole his wife from the main director of the theater. This love story shocked the entire theatrical Moscow.

The young actor Vitsin fell in love with actress Dina Topoleva, the wife of People's Artist of the USSR Nikolai Khmelev.

He was 19 years old, she was 35, but she reciprocated his feelings and left her husband. They lived together for almost 20 years, although they never officially married. However, Khmelev (pictured) forgave his wife and his student and continued to give them new roles.

When the actor was already married, and the actress was left alone and very ill, Georgy Mikhailovich looked after her. He brought food, bought medicine, paid for caregivers. Moreover, at that time his legal wife Tamara Fedorovna supported her husband in everything.

Vitsin also met his official wife at the theater. Tamara Michurina, worked there as a prop maker. Their acquaintance took place on Easter, when Vitsin entered the room where Tamara and her colleagues were with a colored egg in his hand. “Girls, I came to celebrate Christ,” he said. They kissed three times, looked into each other's eyes... and started dating.

Vitsin liked women “with bodies,” he said: “A plump woman is more attractive than a thin, thin woman resembling a pencil.”

Georgy Vitsin had no passion for wealth. I tried to live modestly. He hid from the annoying public in his apartment or retired in nature with an easel. And he drew wonderfully. The photo shows his caricature of Yuri Nikulin.

His talent was inherited by his only daughter Natalya, who became an artist.

At the end of his life, he performed humorous concerts, and with the proceeds he bought food for stray dogs.

One day he picked up a half-dead homeless shepherd dog, went out and called him Boy. The dog loved to sleep on his owner. And when they called Vitsin, his wife answered: “He can’t come up. A boy sleeps on it. The poor dog has suffered so much... Let him rest now.”

Georgy Vitsin played more than a hundred roles in films. The people loved him for the Coward, and he liked the role of Sir Andrew in Twelfth Night best of all.

“An article was published in England that was very pleasant for me, where it was written that I had definitely captured the English sense of humor,” the actor said in an interview.

One day they recognized him in line and began to give up his seat. “I’m not Vitsin, I’m his brother,” Vitsin tried to wriggle out. “Man, you have such a great brother that you have every right to enjoy his fame too. Come forward!”

Having given his large apartment in the center of Moscow to his daughter Natalya, Vitsin moved to a Khrushchev apartment in Starokonyushenny Lane.

Georgy Vitsin died on October 22, 2001 (according to other sources - October 23) in one of the Moscow hospitals. The cause of the actor's death was chronic liver and heart diseases.

The actor was buried in Moscow, at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. His widow and daughter, several relatives and neighbors came to say goodbye to the artist. It was not possible to raise funds for the monument and the grave fence for several years.

This article will talk about an outstanding actor who is loved by millions of people. Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin has been dead for a long time, but his talent is still admired in our time, and films with his participation are watched with pleasure.

They said about him that he was a man without age. He managed to play both a very boy and an ancient old man. Basically, Vitsin got the roles of drunk people. The actor perfectly got used to the role, although in real life he adhered to a healthy lifestyle and did yoga. He often got historical roles. So, he played the role of Gogol several times in different films.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Georgy Vitsin

People continue to be interested in the personality of the great actor even after many years. He was an amazing person who was able to leave a noticeable mark on the history of cinema. Films with his participation are still popular not only among the older generation, but also among younger people.

Height, weight, age, years of life of Georgy Vitsin - this is not a complete list of questions to which those who do not fully believe that Georgy Mikhailovich managed to play eighteen-year-old boys in adulthood are looking for answers. If you believe older sources, then at the time of the actor’s death, he was eighty-four years old. However, later sources claim that Vitsin was born a year later. Such confusion could have occurred due to his mother, who allegedly deliberately made her son twelve months younger, pursuing some of her own interests.

The nationality of Georgy Mikhailovich also sometimes causes controversy among fans of his work. Many are inclined to think that he had Jews in his family. In fact, his ancestors are Russian people, so these assumptions remain just speculation.

Biography and personal life of Georgy Vitsin

The biography and personal life of Georgy Vitsin have always been filled with a touch of humor and lightness. He was even expelled from drama school, thinking that he was too frivolous about his studies. This fact only strengthened George’s intentions to become an actor. A year later, he entered several theater universities at once, but chose the Vakhtangov educational institution. After studying there for one academic year, Vitsin transferred to the Moscow Art Theater studio, where he received his diploma.

After graduation, the actor worked at the N.P. Khmelev Theater for more than thirty years.

In addition to cinema and theater, Georgy Mikhailovich was well versed in painting, tried his hand at sculpture and was an excellent cartoonist.

Filmography: films starring Georgy Vitsin

Filmography: films starring Georgy Vitsin almost always evoked rave reviews from viewers and critics. Films such as “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Dog Barbos”, “Operation Y” can rightfully be considered the golden fund of Russian cinema.

Vitsin first made his debut in the film “Well, Hello, Moscow.” The actor played the role of young but shy guys in the subsequent films “Replacement Player” and “She Loves You.”

The filmography of Georgy Vitsin includes about a hundred films. Among them, fans highlight “Business People”, “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, “An Old, Old Tale” and, of course, “Gentlemen of Fortune”.

Family and children of Georgy Vitsin

The family and children of Georgy Vitsin are the two foundations that were the main inspirers of the actor with a capital “A”. Officially, he was married once, but before that he lived for twenty years with a woman much older than him. The only heir is daughter Natalya.

The actor dreamed that his grandchildren would follow in his footsteps, but, unfortunately, this dream only half came true. Natalya gave birth to one child - a son, Mikhail.

Georgy Mikhailovich's parents lived in St. Petersburg when little Zhora was born. When the boy was barely eight months old, they decided to move to Moscow. Here the actor’s mother began working as an usher and often took her son with her to performances.

Daughter of Georgy Vitsin - Natalya Vitsina

The daughter of Georgy Vitsina, Natalya Vitsina, was born in October 1954. At that time, the actor was already thirty-seven years old. He loved his daughter very much, spoiled her and devoted a lot of time to raising her.

Natalya inherited her father's creative spirit, becoming an excellent graphic artist. At one time, it was her posters for the films “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” and “An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano” that were hung near all cinemas in the country.

Natalya Vitsina likes to remember that as a child she was jealous of her father’s fans. The actor had a gentle character; if they recognized him on the street and started asking him questions, he could never refuse, he considered it indecent to simply turn around and move on.

Ex-wife of Georgy Vitsin - Nadezhda Topoleva

The ex-wife of Georgy Vitsin, Nadezhda Topoleva, as was written earlier, was much older than her husband, and was also married to Nikolai Khmelev at the time she met Vitsin. The first time they saw each other was when the aspiring actor was enrolled in the Ermolova Theater troupe.

Feelings flared up between Nadezhda and Georgiy instantly and lasted for a long time. These were probably really strong feelings, since Topoleva’s ex-husband, who was Vitsin’s artistic director, continued to give him new roles, without trying to somehow annoy his ex-wife and her new husband.

Georgy Vitsin's wife - Tamara Fedorovna

Georgy Vitsin’s wife, Tamara Fedorovna, was eight years younger than the actor. She worked as a costume designer at a Moscow theater. In their marriage, their only daughter, Natalya, was born.

Tamara Fedorovna adored her husband and, nevertheless, sometimes admitted that sometimes it was unbearable to be with him. All because Georgy Mikhailovich settled all quarrels or brewing conflicts with the help of cartoons or funny stories. After that, I didn’t really want to argue with him anymore.

Vitsin’s wife was by his side until the very end. She died eight years after the actor's death.

Cause of death of Georgy Vitsin. Actor's funeral

The cause of death of Georgy Vitsin, the funeral of the actor - these data are of interest to everyone who has ever looked at the performance of the great actor. Few people know that Georgy Mikhailovich had chronic heart and liver disease. This is what caused the death of the honored actor. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Vitsin left his living space in the center of the capital to his daughter Natasha, and he, along with his wife, moved to an ordinary apartment on the outskirts of the city. In recent years, he led a secluded life and did not like to communicate with journalists. According to Natalya Vitsina, her dad simply did not accept the younger generation of the pen, believing that sometimes they ask stupid questions.

Wikipedia Georgy Vitsin

Wikipedia of Georgy Vitsin is one of the most reliable online sources, where you can find a complete list of not only films with the actor’s participation, but also all the performances played by him and voiced films and cartoons.

Georgy Mikhailovich was a modest man and never accepted help from relatives and friends, believing that one should not take the latter from people. He also always helped his ex-wife Topoleva - he bought food and medicine.

In his honor, monuments and memorial plaques have been erected in several Russian cities.
