Summary of a lesson on correcting sound pronunciation. Kitty sharp claw

Summary of a lesson on correcting sound pronunciation.  Kitty sharp claw

Summary of an individual lesson for preschoolers on correcting sound pronunciation on the topic: “Producing the sound [w]”

Description of material: The presented lesson notes describe the use of traditional and innovative methods for the formation and correction of the sound-pronunciation side of speech in preschool children. The material will be of interest to speech therapists, educators working with preschool children, as well as parents of children with speech pathology.

Summary of an individual lesson on sound pronunciation correction.

Subject:“Sound production [sh]”
Target: setting the sound [w].
Correctional and developmental:
- continue to work on the development of speech breathing, strength and pitch of the voice;
- continue to work on the development of a long-lasting air stream directed along the midline of the tongue;
- continue to work on developing the switchability of articulation organs and the consistency of the lips and tongue.
- continue to strengthen and develop the mobility of the facial and lip muscles;
- continue work to normalize the muscle tone of facial and articulatory muscles and create positive kinesthesia in the muscles;
- continue to form the correct articulation for the sound [sh];
- form visual, kinesthetic, auditory images of sound [w]
- develop speech-auditory attention and phonemic perception;
- develop the kinesthetic and kinetic foundations of hand movements;
- develop cognitive processes, imagination;
- develop orientation in time and space;
Correctional and educational:
- teach standardized pronunciation of the sound [w] by imitation;
- practice the correct use of nouns. numbers in oblique cases.
Correctional and educational:
- Form control over your own speech;
- Foster a culture of verbal communication.
Equipment: toys: a crib, a cat, a ball, a manual for breathing exercises “The Wind is Blowing”, 2 glass vials, a visual aid for the formation of a kinesthetic image of sound, leaves from napkins, the sound track “Cat in the Forest”, object pictures.


Organizing time.

- The door opened quietly
And a mustachioed beast entered.
Stretched sweet-sweet (tension)
And sat down on the bed (relaxation).
Our old friend, the cat Vaska, dropped by for our lesson.
Orientation in space. Game "Hide and Seek".
- He wants to play hide and seek with you. Say please,
-Where does the cat sit? - The cat is sitting on the bed.
- Where did Vaska jump from? – Vaska jumped out of bed.
-Where did the cat go? – The cat climbed under the bed.
Where did he come from? – He crawled out from under the bed.
- Where did Vaska hide? - Vaska hid behind the bed.
Where was the cat? - He is sitting in front of the bed.
- Well done!
1. Development of speech breathing and voice.
Exercise “Cold Wind”.

- Our Vaska decided to go for a walk on this autumn day, and a cold strong wind was blowing outside. Show how the wind spins a leaf. (Take air into your lungs and blow forcefully through your lips extended forward like a tube onto a suspended autumn leaf). A sharp cold jet should be felt. (Speech therapist 1 time, child 3 times).
Exercise “A storm has risen.”
- Autumn weather is very changeable. Suddenly a storm arose. Listen to the storm.
Bring a bottle with a narrow neck to your lower lip and blow. If noise appears in the bubble, it means that the air stream is directed correctly. Pronounce the sound [y] while exhaling, changing the strength and pitch of the voice: u-u-u-u-u-... (2 bubbles: speech therapist - 1 time, child 3 times).
2. Exercises to develop the strength and direction of the air stream along the midline of the tongue.
Exercise “Warm breeze”.

-The storm subsided, and again the breeze swirled the autumn leaves. Blow on napkin leaves. (Speech therapist 1 time, child 3 times).
3. Mimic exercises.
- Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dark cloud came running, which Vaska was very surprised by (raise his eyebrows). The cloud became darker and darker, and our cat got very scared (frown). And when the raindrops started dripping, Vaska was very upset (turn the corners of his lips down). But the rain quickly stopped, the sun came out again, and this event made our friend very happy (smile, corners of lips up).
4. Self-massage “The cat washes itself.”
Cats love to wash themselves. Have you ever seen how they do this? (Yes.) Show me, please.
Strengthening facial muscles:
- stroking the forehead from the middle to the temples (5 times);
- stroking the cheeks from the nose to the ears (5 times);
- stroking the cheeks from the chin to the ears (5 times);
Kneading the zygomatic and cheek muscles:
spiral movements along the zygomatic and cheek muscles;
Strengthening the labial muscles:
- stroking from the middle of the upper lip to the corners (5 times);
- stroking from the middle of the lower lip to the corners (5 times);
- kneading nasolabial folds: spiral movements in the area of ​​nasolabial folds
The cat washes her forehead, cheeks, and mouth.
5. Formation of correct articulation.
Now, turn into a pussy and do the exercises that I will name.
Lip exercise.
Exercise “Pussy smiles”: keep your lips closed in a smile (count up to 7).
Exercise “Pussy is angry”: maintain rounded lips extended forward. The corners of the lips do not touch. The lips do not cover the teeth (count up to 7).
Exercises for the tongue (flattening and strengthening its lateral edges).
Exercise “Pussy tease”: put your wide tongue on your upper lip and pronounce the syllables five-five-five-five...
Exercise “Pussy licks milk from the upper lip”: place a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip (hold for a count of 7).
Exercise “Pussy asks for milk in a bowl”: raise the tip and side edges of the tongue (count up to 7).
6. Formation of a visual image of the sound [w].
-Now, please look at me in the mirror. The lips are slightly rounded and extended forward. The teeth are close together. The tip of the tongue is raised in a “cup”, but does not touch the palate. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars (performed by a speech therapist). Now do it yourself (the child does it).
7. Formation of a kinesthetic image of the sound [w].
Plastic image of the shape of the tongue using the hands. With your right hand, draw a “cup” shape of the tongue, and with your left hand, the palate.
- Now, let's do this exercise with our hands. Imagine that our hands are our mouth. Let's turn the right hand into a cup-shaped tongue, and the left hand will be the palate.
-Do it yourself.
8. Consolidating the auditory image of the sound [w].
Vaska’s car got a flat tire. Show how the tire deflates and listen to the sound we hear when the air leaves the tire. (Spread your arms to the sides, drawing in air and smoothly bring your hands together, pronouncing sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh for a long time) 5 times.
9. Independently pronouncing the sound [w].
-Please show me how you learned to pronounce the sound [sh] correctly (looking in the mirror 3-4 times).
Vaska went for a walk in the forest, and there the trees swayed from the strong wind and the leaves rustled: Ш________ (speech therapist 1 time, child 3-4 times)
Vaska hears the songs of the forest. Listen and repeat:
sh_______a, sh_______o, sh________u, sh_______i, sh________e
10. Development of the kinesthetic basis of hand movements.
- Please draw a cat, first with your right hand, then with your left hand.
I’ll clench my hand into a fist and I’ll show you the cat.
I will extend my index finger and little finger, slightly bending them.
Development of the kinetic basis of hand movement.
- Let's show how sharp the cat's claws are.
Our Vaska has scratches on his paws.
(first, the fingers of both hands “hello”, starting with the index finger, then press the pads of the fingers to the top of the palm).
Don’t rush to hide them, let the kids look!
(clench and unclench the fingers of both hands several times at the same time).
11. Development of phonemic awareness.
Differentiation of the sound [ш] from other sounds that are similar in articulatory and acoustic characteristics.
Game “Catch the sound [sh]”
Listen to the sounds that I will pronounce and catch the sound [sh].
S w w s c w w w w w h s w w w...
Ball game. Catch the ball and hit it when you hear a syllable with the sound [sh].
Ca, for, zha, sha, se, she, ze...
Game “Stand up when you hear the right word.”
Look at the picture. I will pronounce the word correctly and incorrectly. Stand up when you hear the right word.
MOUSE - mys, mys, mys, mys, mice.
EARS - snakes, whiskers, whiskers, ears.
HAT – boots, caps, chapki, caps, hats.
Lesson summary:
Relaxation exercise: Game “Vaska the Cat”.
The door closed quietly,
Our mustachioed beast came out.
Worked out with the cat (tension)
And we said goodbye until tomorrow (relaxedly waves both hands with a “bye” gesture).
-You said goodbye to Vaska until tomorrow. What day of the week will be tomorrow? What day of the week is today? What day of the week was yesterday. Name the remaining days of the week.
Evaluation of the child’s work: Today in class I learned to listen and pronounce the sound [w] correctly and showed how well you do it. Well done!

Individual speech therapy session

for sound pronunciation correction


Teacher-speech therapist

Goku C School No. 5, Irkutsk

Dedova E.D.

Irkutsk, 2015

Topic: “Sound (S).”

Stage: Sound production (C).


    Reinforce the correct execution of articulation exercises.

    Continue forming a long-lasting directed air stream.

    Learn to pronounce the sound (C) correctly with mechanical help and imitation.

    Continue learning to isolate the sound (C) from a number of sounds.

    Continue learning to form relative adjectives.

    Practice the correct use of the accusative and genitive singular forms of nouns.

    Develop attention, spatial orientation, fine motor skills.


    “Baby” teaser toy;

    probe for sound production (C);

    subject pictures depicting utensils (teapot, cup, spoon, fork, plate);

    pies (dummies or flat images).

    Set of fish.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

Today I want to introduce you to the Kid. He is still small and doesn’t know how to do anything at all. So he wants to learn from you.

    The baby smiles at you and you smile at him ( exercise “Smile” "). Baby has no teeth, show him what a fence of teeth you have ( exercise "Fence"). Let's teach the Kid to point his tongue at the shoulder blade, but first let's pat the tongue: five - five - five (exercise " Let's punish the naughty tongue." Now place the flat tongue on the lower lip. Here you have a spatula! ( Exercise "Scapula" accompanied by work with a toy - a teaser).

The Kid was tired and decided to rest. And the tongue is tired. Place it on your lower lip and blow on it to rest your tongue ( exercise « Breeze" ). The breeze made my tongue feel cold. Hide it behind your bottom teeth ( exercise “The tongue is sleeping” "). Well done!

    The baby is hungry. Let's treat him to tea. Pour water into the kettle: ssss. Teach your Baby to whistle the way water whistles from a tap ( sound production (C) with mechanical assistance).

    The kettle is already boiling. He should whistle: ssss. As soon as you hear the kettle boil, tell the Kid: “It’s boiling!” Listen carefully: t, s, v, z, s, w, s, f, s

Let's show how the kettle whistled: ssss ( sound production (C) with mechanical assistance, then by imitation).

    The baby will drink tea with pies. Look how many pies there are here. This raspberry pie is raspberry. And what is this apple pie?

This cherry pie, what is it?

This strawberry pie, what is it?

This pie with different berries, what is it?

This pie with different fruits, what is it?

    The Kid ate his fill and went to wash the dishes. Tap water whistles: ssss ( production of sound with mechanical assistance, then by imitation).

What dishes did the Kid wash? What did he wash? (Shows the picture “Cup”). Now what's not on the table?

(Similar work with the rest of the pictures).

Baby put the dishes in the cabinet and creaked the door: ssss ( production of sound by imitation, if there is difficulty - with mechanical assistance).

    The Kid went to the river, and we will go with him. He looked into the water, and there were fish swimming there. Show him the fish that are swimming to the right. And now those that swim to the left. The kid wants to feed the fish, sprinkles crumbs into the water: ssss (production by imitation, if there is difficulty with mechanical assistance).

    Before leaving the river, the Kid wants to play with the fish.

Finger game.

There are fish swimming here and there in our river, my friend.

(The child repeats only the movements after the speech therapist).

    Lesson summary .

Today in class you not only met the Kid, but once again you taught yourself and taught the Kid to pronounce the sound (C). You are already doing well, and in the next lesson you will do even better!

Summary of an individual lesson on correcting sound pronunciation. Topic: "Staging the sound L


Correctional and educational:

    learn to perform articulation exercises to produce the sound “l” in full;

    teach children to give acoustic-articulatory characteristics of sound;

    improve the skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

Correctional and educational:

    develop phonemic processes;

    develop attention, memory, fine motor skills;


    form friendly relationships.

Equipment: sound symbol, pictures with the sound “l” in their names, sound line, cards for determining the place of sound in a word, sound signals, “Su-Jok” massager, Luntik toy, mosaic.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Let's remember our rule:

Every day, always, everywhere
In class, in play
We speak loudly and clearly,
We are never in a hurry.

2. Palm massage needle massager "Su-Jok".

I roll my nut to make it rounder than everyone else.

3. Facial massage.

    Let's rub our cheeks together in a circle:
    This is how we will develop the memory of forgetful little bears.

    Don’t forget that everyone needs a cheek massage.

    I draw a circle on my chin:
    I want to help Mishutka
    Speak clearly, quickly, pronounce all sounds.
    1, 2, 3 - I'll say 4, 5 and 6, and 7.

    To make the mischievous bears think better
    We will stroke the foreheads of the plush rogues
    1, 2, 3 - I'll say 4, 5 and 6, and 7.
    Don’t forget, everyone should get this type of massage.


The children find the letter. "I'm in a hurry to visit: untik."

Speech therapist. I know that you can’t pronounce the “l” sound either. Let's help Luntik and learn together with him.

4. Development of articulatory motor skills.

Articulatory structure of the sound "l".

The tongue is at the top, the tip is pressed against the tubercles (alveoli);

A gap is formed on the sides of the tongue into which air passes;

The lips are parted and the teeth too.

b) Describe the sound “l”

Consonant, hard, sonorous.

c) Sound symbol: a large plane hums: L-L-L.

d) Articulation gymnastics.

I show pictures of exercises and the children do them counting.

The tongue lay on the lower lip, how beautiful and relaxed it is (“Pancake”).

The tongue really wants to listen to an interesting story, and out of impatience it either looks out, then hides behind its teeth again (“Tasty jam”).

The tongue runs around, looking for a more comfortable place (“Turkey”).

I saw a steamer in the distance and sang a song (“The steamer is humming”).

(Children put their tongues on their upper teeth and hum like a steamboat.)

5. Formation of diaphragmatic breathing “Clock”.

Sitting on a chair, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and lower your arms. Take your left hand to the side and place it on the back of your head: slowly leaning to the right, lightly pat your left side with your right hand - inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale completely (pull in your stomach, relax). The same in the other direction.

Tick-tock, tick-tock
The clock goes like this:
Tilt left, tilt right,
Tilt left, tilt right.

6. Development of phonemic hearing.

Sit down if you hear the sound "l".

M, p, l, k, l, la, pa, Lu, we, lo, ol, paw, pipe, bowl, elk.

Pronunciation of sound complexes:

8. Riddles.

Children solve riddles and pick up picture clues. Then determine the place of the sound in the word using cards.

Iron sister
Toothy and sharp,
Even the maple tree is afraid of her
And poplar and pine:
And even the oak is afraid
Get under your sister's teeth (saw).

If only he didn't poke around everywhere
Your long sharp nose,
Our garden would have withered long ago,
And the forest was bare and barefoot (woodpecker).

Two snub-nosed girlfriends
didn't leave each other behind.
Both are running through the snow,
Both songs are sung (skis).

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people (spoon).

I am short, thin and sharp.
I look for my way with my nose, I drag my tail behind me (needle).

9. Sound analysis.

Children lay out word patterns using sound designations: TABLE, MOON.

10. Development of fine motor skills.

Lay out the letter L from the mosaic.

11. Summary of the lesson.

Luntik thanks the children and gives a picture with his image.

Yanochka Stallion
Summary of GCD on the formation of correct sound pronunciation “Sound [K]”

Subject: "Sound(TO)".

Target: Introduce children to sound"TO".

Correctional - educational tasks: specify correct articulation of sound"k", teach children to highlight sound"k" from a series of consonants sounds, learn to highlight sound from(beginning, middle and end) words

Correctional and developmental tasks: develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, general and fine motor skills, develop the ability to coordinate movement with speech.

Equipment:computer, Carlson's picture, colored squares with letters, individual mirrors, the letter "K", a picture of a fish, the number (3, the "=" sign, the letter "w", pictures (cat, watermelon, pump, orange, calf, "ropes ", chairs, picture of the Baby, pictures on sounds“k” and “k”, geometric shapes (triangle, oval, rhombus, triangle, picture of a cake.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment:

Guys, today a character from one of the cartoons came to our lesson, and you will find out his name by placing all the squares in correct color sequences rainbows:

(blue square "o", red square "k", orange square "a", yellow square "r", purple square "n", blue square "c", green square "l")

And to begin with, to arrange the squares in correct sequence of colors of the rainbow, I suggest you remember the mnemonic phrase used to remember the basic colors: (every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits, highlighting the first sounds in words, you name all these colors.

Now let's build a rainbow from squares.

So, what kind of word did we get?


That's right, Carlson will be visiting us today.

Why do you think he wanted to visit us?

Because his name starts with zo sound"TO".

Which one sound?


It cannot be sung when pronounced sound"k" there is an obstacle on the way.

What could this be like? sound?

Hard and soft.

Look in the mirrors and say this sound. Is your neck shaking?

So what will it be like if we pronounce it without a voice?

2.- Guys, I offer you go with Carlson., and where, you will find out by guessing the next one rebus:

TO (picture of fish)

---> 3 = "w"

Yes we are let's go there!

3. - Guys, what do you think you can use to get to the roof?

By stairs, by elevator, by hot air balloon.

And I offer you another way to get onto the roof. Having highlighted the first sounds in words, you will find out what kind of object will help us rise up:

(cat, watermelon, pump, orange, calf)

Well done! Right! Now we will crawl up it!

4. Physical education minute: "Rope"

We're crawling up the rope,

We are not afraid of heights

Let's boldly cross our legs

Hello roof, here we are!

5. - Guys, do you know what my favorite activity is?

Eat, jump, play pranks!

So I suggest you have a little fun with me. Sit with me on the edge of the roof (chairs, and loudly shout words down to passers-by on sound“k”, but everyone needs to shout differently so that they don’t notice us! I advise you to divide into teams, with the help of my counting rhymes:

We sat on the porch:

Tsar, Queen, King, Korolevich,

Shoemaker, tailor,

Who will you be?

Speak quickly, do not delay good and honest people.

Whoever chose "Queen" will shout words starting with sound"K", who chose to be the "Korol'evich" - shouts the words with sound"K" in the middle, and who became the "King" - shouts the words with sound"K" at the end.

Cabbage, bag, castle. etc.

Oh, guys, what a great prank we had!

Yes, Carlson, what a naughty you are!

It happens, but I not only know how to play pranks, but also play!

6.-Do you want to play with me?

I was recently visiting my friend Malysh, and he was playing with my pictures and mixed them all up.

Don't be upset, Carlson, our children will help you take them apart!

-Is it true, Guys?

-Is it true.

Then let's start playing with my pictures. Give me pictures with only a hard word in the title. sound"K", and take for yourself only those in which sound"K" - soft!

Thank you guys, I really enjoyed playing with you!

7. - Guys, I suggest you remember what Carlson loves more than anything in the world by trying to decipher the following task.

8. Summary of the lesson:

Children, let's treat Carlson to a cake so that he will never be naughty again!

Well, now it's time to say goodbye.

Goodbye, Carlson, come and play with us again!

Publications on the topic:

Relevance. Correct speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of a child’s personality. A child with well-developed speech speaks easily.

Games and exercises for developing correct sound pronunciation Iras and exercises for the formation of correct sound pronunciation. 1. Voice games. Games are accompanied by movements for the purpose of development in children.

Goal: Consolidation and correct pronunciation of the sound Ш in words and sentences, analysis of two-syllable words with a closed syllable. (a cap). Tasks:.

Goal: education of correct pronunciation, familiarization with the letter Ch. Objectives. Correctional and educational: sound-syllable analysis of words with a confluence.

Summary of an open lesson on the formation of correct pronunciation “Differentiation of sounds [K]–[G]” Topic: “Differentiation of sounds “K - G”. Goals: correctional and educational: to teach to distinguish between the sounds “K” and “G” in syllables, words and phrases;

Game "Guess where the object is"

Teacher speech therapist

MBDOU No. 172 of Irkutsk

Milashevskaya Nadezhda Valerievna

Integration of educational areas: “cognition”, “communication”, “socialization”.

Topic: Sound R

Stage: automation of sound in words (at the beginning of a word)

Correctional and developmental:

Continue work on automation sound R at the beginning of a word;

Practice isolating sounds from words;

Improve the ability to determine the place of sound in a word;

Develop the skill of forming a new word by replacing the first sound in it;

Develop the skill of syllabic analysis;

Develop auditory attention, auditory memory;

Develop spatial orientation, consolidation of meaning and the use of prepositions above, below, between; concepts “right”, “left”;

Develop memory, attention, thought processes;

Correctional - educational:

Continue introducing children to sound R;

Develop the skill of giving an acoustic-articulatory characteristic to sound; - continue work on consolidating the concepts of “consonant sound”, “voiced sound”, “hard sound”;

Continue teaching the division of words into syllables;

Work on understanding antonym words and independently selecting such words;

Correctional and educational: - to cultivate organization and independence;

Create positive motivation in class;

Cultivate self-control over speech and the desire to practice.

Equipment: mirror, pictures of articulation exercises, cards for analyzing articulation and sound characteristics, pictures with sound R

1. Org. moment.

-Listen to the poem and tell me which sound is pronounced more often than others.

Somehow early in the morning

A gloomy crayfish digs a hole.

Cancer would be glad not to dig it,

But you have to live somewhere.

Cancer is reluctant to work,

He is not happy with his work.

(R sound)

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

That's right, today we will continue to learn how to pronounce correctly R sound.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

But before we get to work, let's train our tongue.

"The Tale of the Merry Tongue"

Once upon a time there lived a tongue. Waking up early in the morning, he went for a walk and met a frog.

We imitate frogs, pulling our lips straight towards our ears.

Ex. "Frog" ,

then I saw “Baby Elephant” - lips like a tube + alternating “Frog” - “Baby Elephant” b) Tongue watched the frog and moved on.

He sees the children's horse galloping. Tongue sat on the horse and also rode off.

Click your tongue loudly and you will hear the ringing sound of hooves.

Ex. "Horse"

The “horse” gallops loudly, but what if it’s the other way around? Child - (quietly)

The “horse” gallops quickly, but if it’s the other way around, then how? (slowly)

c) Tongue jumped off the horse and ran to swing on the swing. On a swing I swing up and down, up and down, I go up to the roof and then go down. Ex. "Swing"

d) I saw a tongue growing “Fungus” right next to the swing, and what kind of “Fungus” do you have in your mouth?

e) A boy was sitting next to the swing and playing the “Accordion”, let’s play too.

e) Somewhere on a tree a “Woodpecker” was sitting and knocking like that ddddddddd….

g) And far away we could hear the sound of the wheels of the train ttttttt..... (we say it quietly), and now the train is approaching and we hear the wheels knocking loudly ttttttt......

h) Tongue liked the way “Woodpecker” and “Train” knocked and he began to imagine himself as either a woodpecker or a train, etc....... Dtdtdtdt……..i) Suddenly a strong wind blew, Tongue got scared and ran home to his mother. Ex. "Focus"

4. Clarification of articulation and sound characteristics.

-How the tiger roars rrrrr....

What we must remember to correctly pronounce the sound -r- - lips are open,

Teeth are open

The tip of the tongue is raised to the upper teeth and trembles,

The air stream is strong and warm. (hand control)

The sound is consonant, because the tongue prevents the free passage of air,

The sound of a consonant, hard, voiced will be indicated in blue in the diagram. (the child lays out cards to characterize the sound -R-.)

5. Automation of sound in words.

a) D/i “Repeat, don’t make a mistake”

The speech therapist names the words, the child repeats only those that contain the sound -r-

Owl, work, fish, shop, winter, sock, cancer, hands, juice, skating rink, market, rainbow, story, etc. (sound-r- at the beginning of the word).

Let's remember what words you repeated after me? (the child names the words again with sound R)

Tell me in all these words where it stands R sound? (at the beginning of a word)

b) D/i “Listen and name”

The speech therapist knocks on the table with a hammer, how many times does she hit, pronounce the word according to the picture so many times

c) D/i “Walk the word”

The child pronounces the word suggested by the speech therapist, dividing it into syllables, the number of steps = the number of syllables.

d) D/i “Guess where the object is”

There are pictures on the table with sound R at the beginning of the word in several rows 3 vertically, 3 horizontally.

What's above the hand? (Rainbow over hand)

What's at hand? (Rose at hand), etc.

What's between a chamomile and a hand? (a lynx between the chamomile and the hand)

What's to the left of the daisy? (to the left of the daisy is a lynx)

What's to the right of the robot? (handle to the right of the robot), etc.

d) D/i “Replace the word”

The speech therapist calls the word, the child changes the first sound to R sound

Trunk-robot dance, care, moo, layouts, sponge, house, leg, llama, goats.

Along the way there is an explanation, clarification of the meaning of words.

f) D/game “Correct me” (without pictures, if difficulties arise, show the picture).

The speech therapist names words with sound R at the beginning, deliberately making mistakes in the stress of a word, or rearranging syllables or sounds.

(“raguda” - rainbow, hand, fisherman, “barota” - work)

7. Summary of the lesson.

What sound did you learn to pronounce today?

Well done, you did very well.
