Power supply systems for a missile complex. Self-propelled nuclear power plant TPP-3 Sustainability of logistics

Power supply systems for a missile complex.  Self-propelled nuclear power plant TPP-3 Sustainability of logistics
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    In the dim light of a polar day, a column of tracked vehicles crawls along the snow-covered tundra in a dotted line: armored personnel carriers, all-terrain vehicles with personnel, fuel tanks and... four mysterious vehicles of impressive size, looking like mighty iron coffins. This is probably what the journey of a mobile nuclear power plant to the N military facility, which guards the country from a potential enemy in the very heart of the icy desert, would look like, or almost like this...

    The roots of this story go, of course, to the era of atomic romance - to the mid-1950s. In 1955, Efim Pavlovich Slavsky, one of the luminaries of the USSR nuclear industry, the future head of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, who served in this post from Nikita Sergeevich to Mikhail Sergeevich, visited the Leningrad Kirov plant. It was in a conversation with the director of LKZ I.M. Sinev first voiced a proposal to develop a mobile nuclear power plant that could supply electricity to civilian and military facilities located in remote areas of the Far North and Siberia.

    The preliminary design of the station appeared in 1957, and two years later special equipment was produced for the construction of prototypes of TPP-3 (transportable power plant).

    One of the main factors that the authors of the project had to take into account when choosing certain engineering solutions was, of course, safety. From this point of view, the design of a small-sized double-circuit water-cooled reactor was considered optimal. The heat generated by the reactor was taken from water under a pressure of 130 atm at a temperature at the reactor inlet of 275°C and at the outlet - 300°C. Through the heat exchanger, heat was transferred to the working fluid, which was also water. The resulting steam drove the generator turbine.

    The reactor core was designed in the form of a cylinder with a height of 600 and a diameter of 660 mm. 74 fuel assemblies were placed inside. As a fuel composition, we decided to use the intermetallic compound (chemical compound of metals) UAl3, filled with silumin (SiAl). The assemblies consisted of two coaxial rings with this fuel composition. A similar scheme was developed specifically for TPP-3.

    In 1960, the power equipment created was mounted on a tracked chassis borrowed from the last Soviet heavy tank, the T-10, which was produced from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s. True, for the PAPP the base had to be lengthened, so the energy self-propelled vehicle (as all-terrain vehicles transporting a nuclear power plant began to be called) had ten rollers versus seven for the tank.

    The power of the station's turbogenerator is 1.5 thousand kW, but its three steam generators can produce steam at a pressure of 20 atm and a temperature of 285 ° C in an amount sufficient to obtain power at the turbine shaft of up to 2 thousand kW. Of course, like any nuclear reactor, the TES-3 reactor “produced” a huge amount of radioactive radiation, therefore, during the operation of the station, an earthen rampart was built around the first two self-propelled vehicles, which protected personnel from radiation.

    In August 1960, the assembled PAES was delivered to Obninsk, to the testing site of the Physics and Power Engineering Institute. Less than a year later, on June 7, 1961, the reactor reached criticality, and on October 13, the power start-up of the station took place.

    Testing continued until 1965, when the reactor completed its first campaign. However, this is where the history of the Soviet mobile nuclear power plant actually ended. The fact is that, in parallel, the famous Obninsk Institute was developing another project in the field of small-scale nuclear energy. It was the floating nuclear power plant "Sever" with a similar reactor. Like TPP-3, Sever was designed primarily for the needs of power supply to military facilities. And so, at the beginning of 1967, the USSR Ministry of Defense decided to abandon the floating nuclear power plant. At the same time, work on the ground-based mobile power plant was stopped: the floating nuclear power plant was transferred to standby mode. At the end of the 1960s, there was hope that the brainchild of Obninsk scientists would still find practical application. It was assumed that the nuclear power plant could be used in oil production in cases where large amounts of hot water need to be pumped into oil-bearing layers in order to raise fossil raw materials closer to the surface.

    We considered, for example, the possibility of such use of floating nuclear power plants at wells in the area of ​​the city of Grozny. But the station failed to even serve as a boiler for the needs of Chechen oil workers. The economic operation of TPP-3 was considered inappropriate, and in 1969 the power plant was completely mothballed. Forever.

    Surprisingly, the history of Soviet mobile nuclear power plants did not stop with the death of the Obninsk Volga Nuclear Power Plant. Another project that is undoubtedly worth talking about is a very curious example of Soviet long-term energy construction. It began in the early 1960s, but it brought some tangible results only in the Gorbachev era and was soon “killed” by radiophobia that sharply increased after the Chernobyl disaster. We are talking about the Belarusian project “Pamir 630D”.

    The mobile Pamir nuclear power plant was intended for military needs - power supply to air defense radars in conditions when the standard power supply systems would be destroyed by a missile attack. (However, like most military products, Pamir had a second – civilian – purpose: use in areas of natural disasters).

    Therefore, with a relatively low reactor power (0.6 MW(e)), high demands were placed on its compactness and, especially, on a reliable cooling system.

    After many years of research, the designers created for Pamir a unique gas-cooled reactor based on nitrogen tetroxide, operating in a single-circuit design. It could operate on one load of fuel for up to five years.

    Years followed experiments and tests, and those who conceived the Pamir in the early 1960s were able to see their brainchild in metal only in the first half of the 1980s.

    As in the case of TPP-3, Belarusian designers needed several machines to place their floating nuclear power plant on them. The reactor unit was mounted on a three-axle MAZ-9994 semi-trailer with a lifting capacity of 65 tons, for which the MAZ-796 acted as a tractor. In addition to the reactor with bioprotection, this block housed an emergency cooling system, an auxiliary switchgear cabinet and two autonomous 16 kW diesel generators. The same MAZ-767 - MAZ-994 combination also carried a turbogenerator unit with power plant equipment.

    Additionally, elements of the automated control and protection system were moved in the bodies of KRAZ vehicles. Another such truck was transporting an auxiliary power unit with two hundred-kilowatt diesel generators. A total of five cars.

    "Pamir-630D", like TPP-3, was designed for stationary operation. Upon arrival at the location, the installation crews installed the reactor and turbogenerator units next to each other and connected them with pipelines with sealed joints. The control units and backup power plant were placed no closer than 150 m from the reactor to ensure the radiation safety of personnel. The wheels were removed from the reactor and turbogenerator unit (the trailers were mounted on jacks) and taken to a safe area. All this, of course, was in the project, because the reality turned out to be different.

    Click on the picture to enlarge

    The station successfully passed factory tests, and by 1986 two Pamir nuclear power plants had already been manufactured. But they did not have time to go to their places of duty. After the Chernobyl accident, in the wake of anti-nuclear sentiment in Belarus, the project was closed, and all eight finished trailers with equipment went under the knife.


    Electric power supply is aimed at providing military consumers with electricity of the required quantity and quality in peacetime and wartime. The tasks of electrical power supply are: power supply to control posts, medical posts, field fortifications, power supply to engineering electrical equipment, installation of electrified barriers, power supply to military facilities for domestic and economic purposes.

    To solve the problems of electrical power supply, standard military electrical equipment is used, as well as local electrical networks and power sources.

    Military sources of electricity are divided into electrical units and power plants.

    An electric unit is an autonomous source of electricity, consisting of an internal combustion engine and a generator mounted on a common frame and equipped with a control panel and auxiliary equipment. Gasoline and diesel electric units are produced in various designs according to the type of current, frequency and voltage. They have found wide application as primary and backup sources of electricity to power weapons and military equipment, electric power drives of engineering equipment, mechanisms and tools, lighting and other purposes.

    Power plants are divided according to their purpose into types: charging, lighting, mechanization of work (engineering) and power.

    Military charging power stations are designed for charging and conducting control and training cycles of alkaline and acid batteries for various purposes in field and stationary conditions. Charging power stations are available at 0.5, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 30 kW. Charging power stations include: DC electric unit; universal charging and distribution device; a set of spare parts, tools and accessories that ensure charging and discharging batteries, preparing and filling electrolyte; set of consumables; vehicle or closure kit.

    Military lighting power stations are designed to illuminate the positions of troops and military facilities, as well as to power various consumers with alternating current voltage of 220V, frequency 50 Hz. Lighting power plants are produced at powers of 0.5, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 30 kW. The lighting power plant includes: a unified electrical unit (gasoline or diesel) with alternating current voltage of 220 V, frequency 50 Hz; lighting kit; cable network kit; a set of spare parts, tools and accessories; vehicle (trailer or box body on a car).

    Work mechanization power stations (engineering power stations) are designed to ensure the implementation of military engineering work on soil development, procurement of wooden structures, cutting and welding of metals, and rescue operations. Engineering power plants are produced with a power of 16 kW, previously produced with a power of 8 kW. The power plant includes: a vehicle (car), a source of alternating current electricity (a power take-off generator from the base car engine or a unified gas-electric unit); a set of electrified tools and equipment; cable network kit; lighting kit; a set of instrumentation; a set of spare parts, tools and accessories.

    Power power plants are designed to supply various consumers with alternating three-phase current with a voltage of 220 or 380 V, a frequency of 50 or 400 Hz and are used as the main or backup sources of electricity for power supply to mobile and stationary military installations. Power plants are produced at capacities of 8, 16, 30, 60, 100, 200 and 500 kW. The power plant includes: an electrical unit, a cable for connecting the load; caravan.

    Basic measures and activities aimed at preserving and increasing the sustainability of the functioning of facilities

    Sustainability of facility operation in emergency situations— this is the ability of an object to perform its functions (plans, programs) in the conditions of the occurrence of emergency
    emergency situations, the use of weapons by the enemy, terrorist acts and restore disrupted production in the shortest possible time.

    Main measures taken to preserve objects

    Civil defense measures to improve the sustainability of economic facilities

    Factors influencing the sustainability of the functioning of an economic object

    Stability of facility management

    Balance of power;
    . state of control points;
    . reliability of communication nodes;
    . sources of labor force replenishment;
    . the possibility of interchangeability of the facility's management team.

    Stability of protection of the facility's production personnel

    The number of structures that can be used for shelter and their protective properties;
    . capacity of protective structures (PS), taking into account possible overconsolidation;
    . the maximum number of workers who will need to be sheltered;
    . the number of missing places in the ZS and other shelters;
    . the presence of premises in the upper floors for shelter from hazardous substances that are heavier than air (such as chlorine);
    . the ability to quickly remove people from workshops and other work areas in the event of an accident at the facility or a neighboring enterprise, as well as in response to an “Air raid!” signal;
    . radiation attenuation coefficients of various buildings and structures in which workers will be located;
    . provision of personnel and their families with personal protective equipment;
    . the state of the drinking water supply system and the ability to provide food in emergency situations;
    . availability of means to provide first aid to victims;
    . readiness of the facility to accommodate and protect vacationers in the suburban area.

    Stability of technological processes

    Specifics of production during an emergency (change in technology);
    . partial cessation of production (switching to the production of new products, etc.);
    . possibility of replacing energy carriers;
    . the possibility of autonomous operation of individual machines, installations and workshops of the facility;
    . stocks and locations of hazardous chemicals, flammable liquids and combustible substances;
    . methods of accident-free shutdown of production in emergency situations;
    . condition of gas supply systems.

    Sustainability of logistics

    Sustainability of external and internal energy sources;
    . sustainability of suppliers of raw materials and components;
    . availability of backup, backup and alternative sources of supply.

    Sustainability of the facility's repair and restoration service

    Availability of design and technical documentation for restoration options;
    . provision of labor and material resources.

    Basic measures taken to preserve economic assets

    The main measures to preserve objects that are essential for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime, which are carried out in peacetime, are: development of scientific and methodological foundations for increasing the sustainability of the functioning of economic objects and infrastructure that support life -population activity in wartime; implementation of urban planning activities, placement and development of economic and infrastructure facilities in compliance with the requirements of building codes and regulations and other duly approved regulations on civil defense and protection from emergencies of a natural and man-made nature; advance implementation of a set of organizational, engineering, technical and other special measures to ensure the timely transfer of facilities to work in wartime conditions; ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of medical institutions and accident-free shutdown of enterprises with civil defense signals; development and preparation for the implementation of measures for complex (light and other types) camouflage of objects; development and implementation of preparatory work determined by the characteristics of the objects (including the creation and equipping of the necessary civil defense formations and their training) to ensure the liquidation of the consequences of damage to objects by modern means of attack and restoration of the functioning of the objects; implementation of measures to improve the sustainability of energy and water supply, logistics and transport support for facilities in wartime; implementation of measures for engineering and other types of protection of facility personnel and their life support.

    Activities for light and other types of camouflage

    Light camouflage of urban and rural settlements and objects included in the blackout zone, as well as railway, air, sea, road and river transport, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of current standards for the design of light camouflage of urban and rural settlements and objects economy and infrastructure, as well as departmental instructions on light camouflage, developed taking into account the operating characteristics of the relevant modes of transport and approved by ministries and departments in coordination with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Measures for other types of camouflage include: the use of object protective systems, aerosol curtains, false whites (laser, thermal, radar), electronic interference, green spaces, camouflage networks.

    Measures to protect water supply systems and sources

    Newly designed and reconstructed water supply systems supplying individual categorized cities or several cities, including categorized cities and objects of special importance, must comply with the requirements of current standards for the design of engineering and technical measures for civil defense. In this case, these water supply systems must be based on at least two independent water supply sources, one of which should be underground. If it is impossible to provide power to the water supply system from two independent sources, it is allowed to supply water from one source with the construction of two groups of head structures, one of which should be located outside the zones of possible severe destruction. To ensure a guaranteed supply of drinking water to the population in the event of failure of all head structures or contamination of water supply sources, it is necessary to have reservoirs that ensure the creation of at least a 3-day supply of drinking water in them at a rate of at least 10 liters per day per person. All existing water wells for water supply to urban and rural settlements and industrial enterprises, including those temporarily mothballed, as well as those intended for irrigation of agricultural land, must be registered by the authorities for civil defense and emergency situations with the simultaneous adoption of measures to equip them with devices that allow water to be supplied for household and drinking needs by pouring into mobile containers, and wells with a flow rate of 5 l/s or more must also have devices for collecting water from them with fire trucks.

    Increasing the sustainability of energy supply systems, gas and heat supply systems

    The main measures to increase the stability of energy supply systems are: construction and operation of electrical power structures, power lines and substations in accordance with the requirements of regulations on civil defense; creation of backup autonomous sources of electricity of a wide range of capacities, which in peacetime will operate in regional electrical systems under peak conditions; creation of the necessary fuel reserves at power plants and preparation of thermal power plants to operate on reserve types of fuel; preparation for the reception of electricity from ship electrical installations in port cities and preparation of onshore devices to ensure the reception of electricity and its transmission in transit; taking into account all available additional (autonomous) sources of power supply (on-site, reserve regional, peak, etc.) in order to supply production areas where, due to technological conditions, work cannot be stopped in the event of a disruption of the centralized power supply, as well as facilities priority life support for the affected population: production of the necessary equipment and devices for connecting these sources to the networks of facilities; looping the electrical distribution network and laying power lines along various routes with connecting the network to several power sources.

    Measures to protect food, food raw materials and fodder, farm animals and plants

    To measures to protect foodproducts, raw materials and fodder include:
    . organization of storage of stocks of raw materials, food and fodder in warehouses, elevators, storage facilities with increased sealing, ensuring their protection from radioactive and chemical substances and biotoxicants;
    . development and implementation of containers and packaging materials that do not have a toxic effect on food;
    . creation and improvement of special vehicles that protect food, raw materials and fodder during transportation in conditions of environmental contamination with radioactive and chemical substances in wartime;
    . the use of underground salt mines for long-term storage of food and fodder;
    . creation of reserves of preservatives and materials for primary processing and preservation of meat products in wartime conditions;
    . Providing meat and dairy industry enterprises with equipment for packaging meat products, including vacuum packaging.

    To the main protection measuresfarm animals and rasthenias include:

    Development of a network of veterinary and agrochemical laboratories, plant and animal protection stations, as well as other specialized institutions and preparing them for work in wartime conditions;
    . carrying out preventive veterinary, sanitary, agrochemical and other measures, development and implementation of biological methods for controlling pests of agricultural plants;
    . accumulation of disinfection agents for the treatment of agricultural plants and preparations for emergency prevention and treatment of farm animals;
    . development and implementation of improved methods of mass immunization of farm animals;
    . equipment of special sites on farms and complexes for veterinary treatment of infected (contaminated) animals;
    . preparation for the mass slaughter of affected animals and disinfection of the resulting products, as well as for the disposal and burial of affected farm animals;
    . equipment of protected water intakes on farms and complexes to provide animals with water;
    . adaptation of agricultural machinery for processing affected animals, plants and finished products, as well as for disinfecting areas and structures. At
    Due to radioactive contamination of the area, livestock premises must ensure the continuous stay of animals in them for at least two days. During this period, it is necessary to have protected supplies of feed and water.

    Measures to ensure the sustainability of logistics supply systems

    Ensuring the sustainability of ma systemsmaterial and technical supply up tois achieved:
    . advance development of mutually agreed upon actions of all participants in the supply process in order to prepare for the transition in wartime to a unified scheme of activities of supply and sales organizations located in a given territory;
    . cooperation of supplies and interaction of sectoral and territorial systems of material and technical supply; development of interregional cooperative
    connections and reduction of long-distance transportation;
    . development of backup and backup options for material and technical supply for cooperation in production in case of violation of existing options;
    . creating reserves of material and technical resources in organizations, establishing optimal volumes of their storage, rational placement and reliable storage;
    . restrictions during a special period on the supply of material resources to categorized cities and accelerated
    shipment of finished products from these cities, as well as redirection of goods in transit, taking into account the situation after an enemy attack;
    . protection of raw materials, materials and finished products, development and implementation of packaging that ensures their protection from contamination, as well as means and methods of decontamination;
    . accumulation of stocks of material assets for production and technical purposes for restoration work;
    . development of the suburban area for the deployment of bases, warehouses, and storage facilities in wartime.

    Preparing transport for sustainable operation in wartime

    Preparation of the country's transport system for sustainable operation in wartime is carried out with the aim of ensuring military, evacuation and economic transportation with the integrated use of all types of transport.

    Ensuring the sustainable functioning of all types of transport in wartime is achieved by:
    . preparation for duplication of transportation and wide maneuver by modes of transport;
    . development and improvement of transport communications and the most important structures on them in order to eliminate bottlenecks and increase their throughput and carrying capacity;
    . construction of connecting lines and bypasses of categorized cities, industrial centers and the most important transport hubs to overcome hotspots of destruction and infection zones;
    . preparation for the creation of duplicate bridge crossings and the organization of crossings over large water barriers and flood zones;
    . reliable provision of vehicles and transport facilities with electricity, fuel, water and other necessary means and materials;
    . preparation for loading and unloading operations at connecting points of various types of transport, as well as for the deployment of temporary transshipment areas near probable areas of communication disruption;
    . advance preparation for the restoration of transport facilities, especially the main facilities of railway stations, sea and river ports, berths, bridges, tunnels, overpasses, as well as to compensate for losses in vehicles and service personnel;
    . microfilming and preservation of planned, technical and technological documentation for the production of products subject to duplication;
    . advance preparation and accumulation of the necessary equipment and appropriate personnel for organizing production in new places.

    Measures to duplicate the production of critical products and vital schemes, to strengthen intersectoral cooperation are taken into account in civil defense action plans as part of the mobilization plans of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

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  • n1.doc

    politechnical University

    Zavatsky A.V., Polozov P.Yu.

    Energy supply systems

    special objects

    Saint Petersburg

    St. Petersburg State

    politechnical University



    Zavatsky A.V., Polozov P.Yu.

    Energy supply systems

    special objects
    Methodological recommendations for studying the academic discipline

    course “Operation of military mobile power plants”

    Saint Petersburg

    Publishing house

    Diesel generator DGM-100. Purpose, device and principle of operation. Methodological recommendations for studying the academic discipline of the course “Operation of military mobile power plants” / A.V. Zavatsky, P.Yu. Polozov. St. Petersburg: Publishing House "", 2005. 138 p.

    The methodological recommendations discuss the issues of studying the discipline “Diesel Generator Sets”, which is included in the course “Military Technical Training”, and discuss the design and operation of diesel engines and generators.

    Intended for students studying at higher educational institutions of Russia in reserve officer training programs.

    © Faculty of Military Training of St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University, 2005

    Chapter 1. 8

    1.1. Purpose, classification and scope of internal combustion engines. Stages of development. 8

    1.1.1. History of internal combustion engine development and scope. 8

    1.1.2. Classification of internal combustion engines. 14

    1.1.3. Marking of internal combustion engines. 15

    1.2. The operating principle of an internal combustion engine. 16

    1.2.1. The operating principle of a 4-stroke engine. 16

    1.2.2. Operating principle of a 2-stroke diesel engine. 21

    1.3. Purpose, composition, technical data of the diesel generator DGM-100-T/400A and its design. 23

    1.3.1. Purpose of a diesel generator. 23

    1.3.2. Composition of a diesel generator. 23

    1.3.3. Technical data of diesel generator. 24

    1.3.4. Technical data of diesel engine 1D20. 25

    1.3.5. Diesel composition 1D20. 26

    1.3.6. Diesel design 1D20. 26

    1.4. Block crankcase and crank mechanism of 1D20 diesel engine. 29

    1.4.1. Diesel crankcase 1D20. 29

    1.4.2. Purpose of the crankshaft and crankshaft. thirty

    1.4.3. Purpose and design of the connecting rod group. 31

    1.4.4. Purpose and design of the piston group. 32

    1.4.5. Balancing mechanism. 33

    1.5. Gas distribution and transmission mechanisms. 33

    1.5.1. Cylinder head. 33

    1.5.2. Gas distribution mechanisms. 35

    1.5.3. Gear mechanism. 38

    1.6. Fuel supply system. 39

    1.6.1. Purpose, composition and operating principle of the fuel supply system. 39

    1.6.2. Purpose, composition and design of the components of the fuel supply system. 40

    1.7. Lubrication system. 49

    1.7.1. Purpose, composition and scheme of work. 49

    1.7.2. Arrangement of components. 51

    1.8. Cooling and heating system. 58

    1.8.1. Purpose, composition and operating principle of the cooling system. 58

    1.8.2. Design of the components of the cooling system. 59

    1.8.3. Heating system. 63

    1.9. Air intake, air supply and low-voltage equipment system. 68

    1.9.1. Air release system. 68

    1.9.2. Air supply system. 69

    1.9.3. Low voltage equipment system. 70

    1.10. Diesel control system. 75

    1.10.1. Types and composition of the control system. 75

    1.10.2. Remote control mechanism. 76

    1.10.3. Microswitch block. 78

    1.10.4. Instrumentation and sensors. 79

    1.11. The procedure for preparing for start-up and starting a diesel engine in various cases. 80

    1.11.1. The procedure for preparing a diesel generator for start-up. 80

    1.11.2. Starting a diesel generator from the local control panel. 81

    1.11.3. Starting a diesel engine in emergency situations. 82

    1.11.4. Starting a diesel engine at low ambient temperatures. 82

    1.12. Work in automatic mode, control the operation and stop the diesel generator. 84

    1.12.1. Diesel generator operation in automatic mode. 84

    1.12.2. Monitoring the operation of a diesel generator. 84

    1.12.3. Stopping the diesel generator. 86

    2.1.1. Purpose of the GSM-100 generator. 88

    2.1.2.Technical data of the generator. 88

    2.1.3. Composition and design of the generator. 90

    2.2. The principle of operation of the generator. 94

    2.2.1. The principle of operation of the generator. 94

    2.2.2. Purpose, design of the excitation system and its composition. 94

    2.2.3. Operating principle of the static excitation system. 94

    2.2.4. Purpose and device of the voltage corrector. 96

    2.2.5. Parallel operation of generators. 97

    2.3. Preparation for operation and operating procedure of the fuel and lubricants generator 100. 97

    2.3.1. Preparing for generator operation. 97

    2.3.2. Start, run and stop. 98

    2.3.3. Safety measures during work. 100

    2.4. Typical generator malfunctions and methods for eliminating them. 100

    Poor quality of lubricant. 100

    Chapter 3. 106

    3.1. Maintenance of diesel engine 1D20. 106

    3.1.1. Types of maintenance. 106

    3.1.2. List of operations performed during TO-1 and TO-2. 106

    3.1.3. Seasonal maintenance. 110

    3.1.4. Technical examination after the end of the warranty period. 111

    3.1.5. Maintenance of oil and water radiators. 112

    3.1.6. Charging the cylinder with compressed air. 112

    3.1.7. Instructions for the care of electrical equipment. 113

    3.2. Possible malfunctions, their causes and solutions. 114

    3.3. Battery maintenance. 123

    3.3.1. Characteristics of rechargeable batteries. 123

    3.3.2. Bringing batteries into working condition. 126

    3.3.3. Battery operation and maintenance. 128

    Chapter 4. 132

    4.1. Fuels and lubricants. 132

    4.1.1. Fuel for internal combustion engines. 132

    4.1.2. Lubricants for internal combustion engines. 133

    4.2. Coolants for internal combustion engines. 135

    4.2.1. Requirements for coolants. 135

    4.2.2. Water and aqueous solutions. 136

    4.2.3. Low-freezing liquids. 138

    Chapter 5. DIESEL POWER PLANT 5I57A 140

    Purpose 142

    Oil level control 154


    5.18.2 Operation of the block. 178

    5.29 Operation of the synchronization unit 194

    5.30 Setting and adjusting BS 195

    24.4.1 Current protection channel 197

    25.1.1 Active power distribution channel 202

    25.1.2 Reactive power distribution channel 202

    25.1.3 Reverse power control channel 203

    25.2.1 Algorithm for distributing active power between units 203

    25.2.2 Algorithm for distributing reactive power between units 203

    25.2.3 Algorithm for monitoring reverse active power on unit 203

    25.1. Purpose and design of block 205

    Voltage control channel 206

    Frequency control channel 206

    Excitation system control channel 207

    Voltage restoration control algorithm 207

    Frequency restoration control algorithm 207

    Generator excitation control algorithm 208


    26.2. Product operation 213

    Temperature relay 214


    Refueling diesel engines with fuel 215

    For diesel power plants, diesel fuel should only be used of those grades that are specified in the technical specifications. documentation for diesel generator (DL, DZ, YES). The diesel power plant can be filled with fuel when the diesel power plant is not working, as well as during its operation. 215

    Filling DES with oil 216

    Refilling diesel engines with coolant 217

    Checking the condition of DES 217


    28.1. Initial control equipment settings 218

    Chapter 1. Abbreviations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Chapter 2. Purpose, technical data of DES 5I57A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    Chapter 3. Operating conditions of diesel power plants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Chapter 4. Composition of equipment and purpose of its elements. . . . . . . . . . 7

    Chapter 5. Block diagram of diesel power plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    Chapter 6. Commands and signals of the automation system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    Chapter 7. Functions performed by the automation system. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    Chapter 8. Options for controlling diesel power plants. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    Chapter 9. Local government. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    Chapter 10. Local manual control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    Chapter 11. State of the main power circuits of diesel power plants at MU. . . . . . . . . . . 21

    Chapter 12. Algorithms for controlling diesel power plants with MU. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    Chapter 13. Remote control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    Chapter 14. Options for operating diesel power plants in automatic mode. .. . . . . . . . . 27

    Chapter 15. State of the main power circuits of diesel power plants under remote control. . .. . . . . . . . 29

    Chapter 16. Unit busbar panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    Chapter 17. DES bus panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

    Chapter 18. Operational power supply panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

    Chapter 19. Control panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    Chapter 20. Control panel. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    Chapter 21. Diesel power plant control unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

    Chapter 22. Synchronization block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

    Chapter 23. Regulation and current protection unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

    Chapter 24. Power distribution unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

    Chapter 25. Voltage and frequency control unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

    Chapter 26. Combination relay RK-10M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

    Chapter 27. Preparing diesel engines for work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

    Chapter 28. Initial settings and performance monitoring. . . . . . . 62

    Chapter 29. The procedure for deploying and collapsing diesel power plants. . . . . . . . . . . . 66

    Chapter 30. Typical faults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

    Chapter 31. Maintenance of diesel power plants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

    A set of electrical energy sources for a missile system (RC), power transformers, overhead and cable power lines, switchgears, current and voltage converters, protection and control equipment, auxiliary devices and other technical means, designed to provide consumers with command posts (CP) and launch facilities missile installations (PU) with electricity in the required quantity of the required quality during combat duty, regulated maintenance, during preparation and during combat operations.

    Power supply systems are classified according to the following criteria: according to the hierarchical structure of the sequential chain of electricity transmission to consumers of the Republic of Kazakhstan (external, internal and autonomous power supply); by purpose (basic, supporting); by mobility (stationary, mobile); by depth (ground, underground); by autonomy (autonomous, non-autonomous); by security (protected, unprotected); on the placement of electrical and power equipment (in a special room, mine structure, vehicle); according to the neutral mode of power supplies (solidly grounded, ungrounded); by type of current (direct, alternating, mixed) and by a number of other characteristics.

    Autonomous power supply systems are elements of command posts and launchers of stationary and mobile missiles. They are used as the main autonomous systems in centralized and decentralized power supply (in case of failure of external and internal power supply systems) of launchers and command posts. The autonomous power supply system is a set of autonomous sources of electricity, means of receiving electricity, converting it and distributing it to consumers of the command post, launcher, arranged according to the block-modular construction principle, which ensures: uninterrupted power supply to responsible consumers, control and communication systems, combat control systems of command points, launchers, during combat duty, during preparation and during combat operations; reliable power supply of other technological and technical means; electromagnetic compatibility with the electrical parameters of the internal power supply system.

    Internal power supply systems are elements of positional areas (PR) of missile regiments. They are used as the main non-autonomous systems in the centralized power supply of missile regiment missile regiment elements. The internal power supply system is a set of means for receiving, converting, receiving and distributing industrial frequency electricity to consumers, relay protection and automation devices, and other means, which provides: reliable power supply to consumers of technological equipment and technical systems of control gear, control units through autonomous power supply systems in modes combat duty and regulated maintenance; improving the quality of electricity (voltage) supplied from the external power supply system.

    External power supply systems are elements of missile divisions' PR. They are used as auxiliary systems in the centralized power supply of missile division missile defense elements from power systems. The external power supply system is a set of main and network step-down substations, overhead power lines, distribution devices, means of protection against atmospheric and switching overvoltages, relay protection devices, automation and communications, which ensures: reliable power supply of internal power supply systems from power systems in combat duty mode with in order to preserve the energy resource of backup power supplies for internal power supply systems and autonomous power supplies for autonomous power supply systems of command posts and launchers.

    Uninterrupted power supply to consumers in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the property of the power supply process to provide the required level of power to consumers without breaking the sinusoid of the supply voltage or DC voltage in case of emergency damage and (or) switching switches in the power supply system.

    Reliability of power supply to consumers in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the ability of the power supply process to provide the required level of continuous power supply to consumers. According to the conditions for ensuring reliability of power supply, power receivers are divided into three categories (I, II, III). Responsible electric receivers of the RK category I do not allow power interruptions (I A), or allow interruptions during the automatic switching on of an independent power source (I B), during the automatic start-up and acceptance of the load by backup (autonomous) power sources (I B). Less responsible consumers (categories II and III) allow longer breaks.

    Electricity supply, provision of consumers of the Republic of Kazakhstan with electrical energy of the required quality in the established quantity.

    Electric power quality, a set of properties of electrical energy, reflecting the degree of compliance with the established values ​​of electrical energy parameters that quantitatively characterize the properties of electrical energy (frequency, voltage, voltage curve shape), is a measure of the electromagnetic impact of the power supply system on instruments, apparatus, controls and communications, etc. , manifested in the form of conducted electromagnetic interference. Decrease in the quality of electricity in S.E. RK can lead to noticeable changes in the operating modes of electrical receivers and, as a result, to a deterioration in the quality of automated control system signals, a reduction in the service life of electrical equipment, an increase in the likelihood of accidents, etc. In real S.E. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, maintaining the quality of electricity within specified limits is ensured by automatic regulation of individual quality indicators.

    An indicator of power quality, a characteristic of power quality according to one or more of its parameters: frequency deviation, steady-state voltage deviation, distortion coefficient of a sinusoidal voltage curve, voltage asymmetry coefficient for negative and zero sequences, voltage dip duration, etc.

    Neutral mode, the state of the neutral - the common point of the winding of a generator, power transformer or electric motor, depending on the method of connection to the grounding structure of the electrical installation: solidly grounded, isolated or compensated neutral. In S.E. The stationary-based RC uses a solidly grounded neutral mode to simplify the localization of the faulty area and ensure the safety of personnel. Mobile RK units are made with an insulated neutral to increase the reliability of power supply, subject to the permissibility of a short circuit of one of the phases to the ground or the body of the unit during the power supply to consumers.
