Lesson in kindergarten letter yu. Summary of direct educational activities on teaching literacy in the preparatory group

Lesson in kindergarten letter yu.  Summary of direct educational activities on teaching literacy in the preparatory group

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

"Center children's creativity» Orenburg

Abstract open class

on literacy

Topic: “In the world of vowels”

Children age 6-7 years,

Lesson form: group

Additional education teacher

Zagrebelnaya Lyudmila Alekseevna

Orenburg 2015

Lesson topic: The letter "Y" and its sounds.

Target: generalization of knowledge about the letter “U”, familiarization with the features of its sounds: the letter “u” denotes the sound [u], at the beginning of a word it denotes two sounds [th], [u]

Training tasks:

Consolidating the skill of conducting sound-letter analysis of a word (correlating sounds with letters);

Activating children's vocabulary, working on understanding the meaning of words;

Developing the ability to find the position of sound in words.

Developmental tasks:

Development of cognitive activity;

Development of arbitrariness, conceptual thinking;

Formation of control and assessment skills

Educational tasks:

- developing the ability to interact with each other;

Development of cognitive motivation;

Cultivating curiosity, the ability to listen to each other, and express your thoughts.

Methodical techniques:

Verbal: questions for children, conversation, encouragement, recommendations.

Visual: finding the position of sound in words, reading syllables and words, composing small words from a large word.

Practical: guessing riddles, making small words from a big word, health-saving exercises, forming an affectionate name from a full name using the letter “u”.

Equipment: subject pictures, interactive whiteboard, magnetic boards, picture “Sun”, “Clouds”, sets of diagrams for sound analysis, reading table, graphic image of the letter Y.

    Organizing time :

Eyelashes droop, eyes close

Let's fall asleep in a magical sleep

We are flying to the land of fairy tales.

One two three four five -

Let's take a look again!

It's easy to breathe

Smooth, deep.

We are cheerful and vigorous again

And ready for classes.

    Guys, we will start our lesson with an articulation warm-up.

Let's repeat pure sayings with the studied sounds. (Annex 1)

ry-ry-ry We have balls (girls)

sa-sa-sa There is a fox in the forest (boys)

Us-Us-Us There is a goose in the meadow (individually)

zu-zu-zu We wash Katya in the basin (in unison)

2) Pronunciation of tongue twister:

Six little mice rustle in a hut.

    Goal setting (establishing a connection between the content educational material– repetition of the letter “U” and completing tasks).

Guys! A letter came to our group (showing the letter). Look how beautiful it is! What time of year is shown on the envelope? I don’t know who this letter is from. But I know who it is addressed to. Who can read it? (cheerful preschool children). Who sent him? The letters on the envelope fell apart. Help me collect them, what is written on the envelope? (Yura).

Let's open the envelope and find out what Yura is writing to us?

Dear Guys! Cheerful preschoolers! I am already in first grade and I found out that you will also go to first grade in the fall. I have prepared tasks for you and I want to see if you are ready to complete them. I wish you success and good luck.

So, what is the first task Yura has prepared for us?

The letter Yu was spinning,

So that Julia doesn’t feel sad.

Yulenka took the spinning top,

It spun in an instant.

What is this? (Patter). Why? (It is pronounced very quickly). Tell me, which letter is found here more often than others? (letter Y). So, we will continue to talk about which letter? (about the letter Y). Let's remember the quatrain about the letter "yu".

So that O doesn't roll away

I'll nail it firmly to the post

Oh look, what happened?

The result is the letter... Y

Let's write it in the air. (The letter “Y” is posted on the board).

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the letter Y and we know that it is not simple. So why is this letter not easy?

The letter Y is a vowel;

The letter Yu means the sound [U];

It shows that the consonant before it is soft. For example, an iron.

Now we are going to play the game “Say My Name Kindly.” (work in groups) Appendix 2.

Let's, guys, mark each task with an asterisk. For the first task you have already received a star.

    Planning and self-control (team and individual work - establishes a sequence of actions to solve educational task, carries out step-by-step control over the execution of actions).

The second task is very difficult, we will complete it together. Let's see that the letter "U" is not only a difficult letter, but also a very tricky one. Guys, pronounce the boy's name Yura by sound. [Y], [U], [P], [A]. How many sounds do you hear? (4).

Now we will perform a sound-letter analysis of the word

Count how many sounds are in this word?

Which one is the first? What is he like? (Consonant or vowel, soft or hard).

What's the second one? [U] – vowel.

Third? (consonant, firm).

What's the last sound?

Children, write the name Yura on the magnetic board.

How many letters are in the name (3).

How many sounds? (4).

Where is the letter Y? (at the beginning of the word).

It is a special, cunning letter. Why? Because it stands at the beginning of the word and means (How many sounds?) two sounds: [Y], [U].

You have completed the second task and receive a second star.

    Control and self-control (guessing riddles and finding the position of the sound [y]). Working on an interactive whiteboard.

Are you ready to complete Yura's third task? I want to invite you to solve riddles.

I'm red, I'm sour

I grew up in a swamp.

Ripened under the snow,

Come on, who knows me? (Cranberry)

Who ate this berry? Where does it grow?

On a piece of paper, mark the position of the sound, and exchange the pieces of paper with each other, check. The teacher posts the correct answer on the board. Children check. They are assessed according to the traffic light system.

Spinning on one leg

Master ballerina,

Got everyone in motion

Multi-colored... (Yula)

Sometimes they take it out of me

Rivers have their source

And in your hands I will open

I am any castle. (Key)

In which word does the letter “U” represent two sounds? (Yula) Why?

You have completed the third task and receive another star.


If we get very tired

Let's do exercises.

We really like everything

Do it in order.

Walking merrily (one, 2,3,4,5)

Raise your hands

Put your hands down

Squat, stand up

And walk again (times, 2,3,4,5).

    Self-regulation (ability to concentrate to overcome intellectual difficulties).

And now Yura wants to see how you read syllables and words.

liu mu ryu nu kyu shu

yul yum yun yuk yus

spinning skirt beak

people plus suit

Another star for you, well done!

And the last is the most difficult task.

Game "Typesetter".

How many of you know what the word still life means? (Still life is an image of inanimate objects in art: vase, flowers, fruit) Comedian? (Comedian is a woman who notices funny stories in life and tells them cheerfully).

Children are divided into two teams, each of which gets its own word.

The first team is still life. The second team is a comedian.

Make several small words from one long word. (For example, Nora, Yura, cake, mouth, etc.)

Well done! The fifth star is yours!


Children, I want to ask my question again, why is the letter “U” a tricky, difficult letter? (If it is at the beginning of a word, then it contains two sounds at once. Which ones?) What else do you know about the letter “U”? (The letter Y is a vowel, it shows that the consonant before it is soft.)


What tasks did you like the most? What else did we do in class? Did you have any difficulties completing assignments? Let's try ourselves, with the help of the sun, to evaluate our work in class, choose a sun for yourself:

Cheerful sunshine - you are satisfied with your work, you coped with tasks easily and simply.

Sunshine with clouds - you had some small errors in your answers, but you corrected them.

(Children choose their own sun).

I thank everyone for the lesson. Well done! Goodbye.

Organization: MBDOU d/s No. 229

Locality: Ulyanovsk region, Ulyanovsk

Program content:

Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words using the writing of vowels and identifying the stressed vowel sound;

Introduce the letter Y and the rules for writing it after soft consonant sounds;

Continue teaching children to name words with given sounds.

Equipment: illustrations of autumn nature, magnetic boards, magnets, pictures “Sun”, “Clouds”, sets of models for sound analysis, graphic image of the letter Y.

1.1. Org. moment

1. Educator: Let's welcome our guests.

Children:- Hello!

1.2. Guys, we will start our lesson with an articulation warm-up.

Let's repeat the sayings

Rara-ra - the game begins

Lu-lu-lu - started a spinning top

Ryu-ryu-ryu - I draw the dawn

Love-love-love-love mommy so much

ru - ru - ru we continue the game

1.3. Tongue twister pronunciation:

Six little mice rustle in a hut.

1.4. Speech consists of (sounds (what?, how do vowels differ from consonants,) syllables, words, sentences, story, speech)

2. Writing a story about autumn and recording it graphically using illustrations. (There are large puddles on the street. The buttercups have withered in the garden.)

3. Sound analysis words PUDDLE, BUTTERCUPLE using clothespins, models, counting sticks, magnets. With sounds replaced by letters

4. Introducing the letter Y

Game “What does the letter “u” look like?


I'll draw a stick

In the middle there is a belt,

To make the letter "yu" appear

I'll draw a circle.

5. Finding the letter U, circle it with your finger, laying it out

6. Physical education minute.

A yurt is a house in the tundra (imitation of a house)

Young man floats on a boat (imitation of a wave)

Katya has a fluffy skirt (we show a fluffy skirt)

Yura - jumps on the bed (jump once)

I’ll become a top now (hands to the side)

I'll spin on one leg,

Spin around, and now

I ask you to sit down.

Finger gymnastics.


- “Lock” (one - palms together, two - fingers in a lock);

- “The Fox and the Hare” (the fox sneaks - all fingers move slowly along the table, the hare runs away - quickly moves back, fingering its fingers);

- “Spider” (fingers bent, moving slowly across the table);

- “Butterfly” (put your palms together with your backs, wave your wings with your fingers);

Count to four (the thumb is connected alternately with all fingers).

7. coloring book. Letters U

8. Game “Settled in the house.”

I'll tell you one interesting story, and you will become its heroes.

In one beautiful country there lived letters that denoted vowel sounds. The weather was sunny on a warm summer day, and all the vowels went out for a walk (letter students leave their desks and walk around the classroom).

Suddenly the sky darkened, the sun hid behind the clouds, and heavy rain began. The letters saw their houses and rushed towards them, but the owners of the houses could only let their residents into the house. Distribute the letters each into your own house. (in blue - a. o, y; in green - i, e).

The sun came out again, and the letter A went for a walk. She felt lonely walking alone and decided to knock on the green house. (knock Knock)

Letter A, which letter will you invite for a walk? (letter i) Why? (because the letters a and i denote the same sound a after consonants, the letter a denotes the vowel sound A after hard consonant sounds, the letter i - after soft consonant sounds).

Similar work is carried out with the remaining letters.

The letters began to play hide and seek. First, the vowels, which are written after a hard consonant, were hidden. Name them. Then the letters that are written after the soft consonant. Name these vowels. What are they famous for?

9. Tricky letters.

Children, I want to ask my question again, why is the letter “U” a tricky, difficult letter? (If it is at the beginning of a word, then it contains two sounds at once. Which ones?) What else do you know about the letter “U”? (The letter Y is a vowel, it shows that the consonant before it is soft.)

Rule: after a soft consonant sound we put letters I,Y, YU

After a hard consonant sound we put the letters A, O, U

10. Exercise “Name words with the sound [Yu].”

11. Summary.


What tasks did you like the most? What else did we do in class? Did you have any difficulties completing assignments? Let's try ourselves, with the help of the sun, to evaluate our work in class, choose a sun for yourself:

Cheerful sunshine - you are satisfied with your work, you coped with tasks easily and simply.

Sunshine with clouds - you had some small errors in your answers, but you corrected them

Hello, friends!

I post information about letters on my website almost daily, but this does not mean that you need to teach your child just as quickly letters.

Bookmark my site or subscribe to site updates and receive new articles directly to your email (in the column on the right under the red arrow) and study slowly, for as long as you need.

When familiarizing yourself with letters, you must write the letters. Let your child write letters in notebooks, on snow or sand, with chalk on asphalt, with a finger on foggy glass, etc. And when coloring the pictures I suggested, he works as carefully as possible. Don't forget, working with your hands develops fine motor skills and the functioning of your child’s brain.

Nowadays, creativity is needed more than ever. And today's preschoolers unique abilities will be required in the future development of thinking in order to find original ways to solve complex problems.

Enroll your child in a music and art school, or buy any of the “Drawing Lessons” courses. And it is not necessary that in the future he become an artist or musician, but fine motor skills hands creative thinking

(which are interconnected) your child will definitely be developed. And most importantly, your child will grow up to be a harmonious and comprehensively developed person. With these letters alphabet I already introduced you - A, B, C, D, D, E, E, F, Z, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, F, X, C, H, Sh, Shch, b, y, b, e. Next letter

YU. Color both letters red on the left side of the picture. Shade the letter according to the example. Find and color the letter YU

Color both letters red on the left side of the picture. Shade the letter according to the example. Find and color the letter on the right side of the picture.

- this is a vowel sound. Color both letters red on the left side of the picture. Shade the letter according to the example. Find and color the letter Connect with the letter

only those items whose names begin with it. Color both letters red on the left side of the picture. Shade the letter according to the example. Find and color the letter Underline the same letter as the one below on the left. Circle all the letters

on right. Next letter Make a figure of twelve sticks. Remove three sticks to make a letter

What is the difference between the two squares on the right? Next letter Complete the letter

Cross out the letter that is different from the rest.

Write according to the example.

You can copy all the pictures to your computer like this:

Right-click on the picture in the dialog box that appears, select “Save picture as” and save it in any convenient place (folder) on your computer. Then you can print all the pictures on a printer. You can also write all the tasks on a piece of paper using these samples and work with your child. Tell your friends who have kids getting ready for.


Literacy lesson

Chapter: teaching in primary school.

Teacher: Davidovich Svetlana Adamovna

Topic: Vowel letter Yu, yu (pp. 170-171).

Lesson objectives:


1. Introduce students to the special vowel letter Y, which denotes two sounds at the beginning of a word and after a vowel.

2. Reveal the function of the letter Y as an indicator of the softness of a consonant.


3. Develop the skill of reading words with learned letters; read and understand texts, quickly navigate through the text.

4. Promote the development of speech, memory, attention, thinking, phonemic hearing.

5. Broaden students' horizons.


6. Cultivate interest in reading, Russian literature, to culture and traditions different nations, to people's professions.

Teacher equipment: schemes of syllables, words; magnetic alphabet; tables depicting the letter being studied; houses (blue and green) for vowels; a house with words and their diagrams; portrait and books of S.Ya. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”; letter ribbon

Lesson type: learning new material.

Working methods: verbal, visual, inductive, stimulating.

Interdisciplinary connections: connection with the lesson of the surrounding world.

Survey form: individual, frontal.


I . Organization of the beginning of the lesson. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

a) Greeting.

Today we had guests for our literacy lesson: teachers from our school. Say hello to them.

b) Psychological training.

There is sun in nature. It shines for everyone, its warm and gentle rays warm us. Close your eyes and imagine a small star. A ray of sun touched it and it became bigger. I send a ray of goodness, joy, and health to your star. Now this star is in your heart. Open your eyes. What's your mood? (Good).

It is with such a good mood that we will begin our lesson.

c) Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with another “tricky” letter, find out what sounds it has, learn to read syllables and words with a new letter, practice reading words with the letters we have learned, and develop our speech, memory and attention.

II . Repetition of what has been covered. Updating knowledge.

1. Work on the topic “Speech”.

    What is our speech like?

    What is oral speech?

    What is written language?

    What does our speech consist of?

    What do you and I say when we talk?

    What sounds are there?

    What do we know about vowel sounds?

    What do we know about consonants?

    What color do we denote them in the diagrams?

2. Work on the “ribbon of letters”. Game "Find your house."

Take a close look at the “ribbon of letters.” How many vowels do you and I already know? (8)

The weather was good and the vowels went out for a walk. Suddenly the sky darkened, the sun hid behind the clouds, and rain began to pour down. The letters saw the houses and rushed to them, but the owner could only let his letters into the house.

What letters do you think will hide from the rain in a blue house, and which in a green one?

(IN blue - a, o, y, y; V green - e, e, i, i)

- What work do the vowels a, o, u, s do? (Makes consonants sound soft).

What work do the vowels e, e, i, i do? (Makes consonants sound hard).

    What letters do we call “tricky”? (e, e, i)

    Why? (They represent 2 sounds when they appear at the beginning of a word or in the middle of a word after a vowel.)

    What two groups are consonants divided into? (Voiced and voiceless.)

    Which consonant letters have the same sound? (f, w, h, j)

    What sounds do the letters have?and And w? (Always hard.)

    What sound do the letters have?h And y?(Always soft.)

    What can you say about the letterb? (No sound.)

    What is he always pointing to? (On the softness of the previous consonant sound.)

III . New material.

1. Introducing a new letter .

Guess the riddle: “The guys have fun with me:

I'm spinning on my leg alone.

While I'm spinning, I'm not pushing

I’m circling, buzzing, buzzing, circling.”

What is this? (Yula).

Sometimes this toy is called differently - “top”. (I post a drawing of a spinning top.)

2. Syllable-sound analysis of the word “yula”.

Let’s conduct a syllable-sound analysis of the word “yula” and make up a guess from the letters.

Let’s say the word “yula” and determine how many syllables are in the word? (2)

Name 1 syllable? (Yu)

Name the 2nd syllable? (la)

What sounds do we hear in the syllable yu? ([yʼу])

Describe the sound [йʼ]. (consonant, voiced, always soft, color in the diagram green)

Second sound? ([y] – vowel, colored red in the diagram)

- Guys, if at the beginning of a word next to us we hear the sounds [yʼu], then we are writing the word with the letter “yu”. (I show the letter “U”).

What sounds do you hear in the 2nd syllable? ([l] and [a])

Describe them. ([l] – acc., sound, tv., in the diagram – blue; [a] – gl., in the diagram – red)

I know a lot of letters now.

And I will read the words.

I fold Yu Yes la

It turns out YULA.

3. What does the letter “U” look like?

Find and show the letter "Y".

How many sounds does it have if it is at the beginning of a word? (2)

What sounds are these? ([йʼ] [у])

What does the letter "Y" look like? (Piece of letter N + letter O)

Right. The letters N (en) and O played,

U N (en)'s wand was broken.

I’ll attach it to the wreckage,

The result is the letter "Y".

So that O doesn't roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

The result is the letter "Y". (A. Shibaev)

4. Showing capital and lowercase letters Yu, yu.

The letter U can be capital, uppercase and lowercase. To make it easier to remember, we will print them in our notebooks.

In ancient chronicles, chroniclers depicted the letter “U” like this. (Showing the ancient style of the letter yu on a separate sheet).

5. Game “Say the Word”

1. Pigs love the letter Y:

Without it you can’t say... (oink)

2. I was spinning under my feet,

I really disturbed my mother.

And for this my brother

Called me... (Yula)

Who is called the spinning top in this poem? (fidget girl)

Do we have girls like this in our class?

6. Solving the puzzle.

On the board are subject pictures depicting: a yurt, a lily of the valley, an apple. (The pictures are upside down.)

What is shown in the first picture? (yurt)

What is a yurt? (round house)

Yurt – traditional home Kazakhs. The wooden frame of the yurt is covered with felt mats made of pure wool. In the center of the yurt there is a fireplace, revered by the Kazakhs as a holy place of their home. Behind the hearth, opposite the entrance, is the place of honor. Covered with the best carpets. Chests with clothes are stored behind it, on top of which carpets, blankets, and pillows are laid out in a “slide.” To the right of the entrance - food and dishes were stored, a little further there was a resting place for the owners, to the left - horse harness and other tools hung, and a little further - a place for the younger members of the family to sleep. Now the yurt is used by the Kazakhs as a summer home.

What sounds do we hear at the beginning of this word? ([йʼ], [у])

What have we learned about the sounds [йʼ], [у] at the beginning of a word? (if we hear [yʼu], then we write with the letter Y)

(I put the letter Y under the picture)

- Guess the riddle:

Little gray bunny at night

Will not miss his home:

Path the path until dawn

Lanterns illuminate.

On large pillars in a row

White lamps are hanging.(Lily of the valley.)

Then another mystery about this item.

White peas on a green stem. (Lily of the valley.)

What's the first sound? ([l])

What letter do we denote it with? (letter "L")

Another mystery. Round, rosy,

I grow on a branch:

Adults love me

And little children. (Apple.)

What sounds do we hear at the beginning of a word? ([yʼa])

What letter will we denote them with? (I)

The result is the word: “Julia” (Insert a picture)

What can you say about this word? (Name)

What letter do we write people's names with? (capitalized)

(I expose capital letter YU)

7. Physical education minute.

We read and got tired

And now everyone stood up together.

They clapped their hands: “One, two, three!”

They stomped their feet: “One, two, three!”

They stretched their necks together,

And, like geese, they hissed: “Sh-sh-sh.”

They hissed, were silent,

And, like bunnies, they jumped.

Let's gallop, gallop

And they disappeared behind a bush.

We sat and were silent

And again they stood at their desks.

8. Reading syllables with the letter Y.

The girl Yulia spun her top so that it rushed along the country road. And towards her there are consonant letters. Let's remember their names. (R, D, T, L, S, N).

The letter “yu” runs up to the consonants - a syllable is formed.

We read the syllables: RYU LYU



What is the role of the letter Y in these syllables? (softens the previous consonant sound)

It's time to move the letter Y into your apartment in the house of letters (I put the letter on the tape).

9. Reading words with the letter Y.

The spinning top spun and spun and ended up in a big city. There is an unusual house in the city. Words live in it. They hid behind the shutters. Let's open them and read the words:

I draw - they draw

sing - sing

play - play

How many sounds do we hear after the vowels [a], [o], [u]? (2)

Which? ( [ y'y ] )

What letter represents these two sounds? (Yu)

What are more in these words: sounds or letters? (sounds)


Pay attention to the place of the letter Y in these words. Where is it? (in the middle of a word and at the end of a word after a vowel).

Conclusion : The letter Y means 2 sounds if it is at the beginning of a word or in the middle of a word after a vowel.


1. Looking at the illustration on page 171.

Open the textbooks on page 171, look at the picture.

Who do you see in the picture?

What is the hedgehog doing?

Name the words based on the picture with the letter Y. (pants, iron)

2. Read the text below under the illustration on page 171.

Let's read the text below.

What is the hedgehog sewing?

Who is he dressing?

Let's read the text again.

What words contain the letter Y?

Now remember what they call a person who designs clothes for people? (fashion designer or designer)

Fashion designers, based on the history of costume, traditions different countries, monitor the emergence of new fabrics and materials, from which they then create fashionable clothes and accessories (handbags, brooches).

3. Look at the illustration on page 170.

What moment is shown in the illustration?

What song does the mother mouse sing while rocking her baby? (lullaby)

How are lullabies sung? (quietly, gently, calmly).

Let's read an excerpt from a lullaby: p.170.

Guys, maybe someone knows what fairy tale this illustration is for? (“The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”).

(I am exhibiting a portrait of S.Ya. Marshak)

Why is there a cat in the illustration? (Mother mouse invited her to be a nanny.)

Would you like to listen to an excerpt from this fairy tale?

4. Dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale by S.Ya. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” (Appendix 1).

Who else did the mother mouse invite to babysit?

What happened to the mouse at the end of this fairy tale?

If you want to know the further fate of the mouse, then read “The Tale of the Smart Mouse” by S.Ya. Marshak.

V . Lesson summary .

What letter did you learn about in class?

What do you remember about her?

VI . Homework:

Annex 1.



A mouse sang in its hole at night:

- Sleep, little mouse, shut up!

I'll give you a crust of bread

And a candle stub.

The mouse answers her:

- Your voice is too thin
Better, mom, not food,

Find me a nanny!

The mother mouse ran

I started calling the duck to be my nanny:

Come to us, Aunt Duck,

Rock our baby.

The duck began to sing to the mouse:

- Ha-ha-ha, go to sleep, little one!
After the rain in the garden
I'll find you a worm.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

- No, your voice is not good.
You're singing too loud!

The mother mouse ran

She began to call the toad as a nanny:

- Come to us, Aunt Toad,
Rock our baby.

The toad began to croak loudly:

- Kva-kva-kva, no need to cry!
Sleep, little mouse, until the morning,

I'll give you a mosquito.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

- No, your voice is not good.
You eat very boringly!

The mother mouse ran

Call Aunt Horse as a nanny:

    Come to us, Aunt Horse,

    Rock our baby.

    Eeyore! - the horse sings.

    Sleep, little mouse, sweet, sweet.
    Turn on your right side
    I'll give you a bag of oats.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

- No, your voice is not good.
It's very scary to eat!

The mother mouse began to think:

We need to call the chicken.

- Come to us, Aunt Klusha,
Rock our baby.

The hen clucked:

- Where-where! Don't be afraid, baby!
Get under your wing!

It's quiet and warm there.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

- No, your voice is not good.
You won't fall asleep like that!

The mother mouse ran

I started calling the pike to be my nanny:

- Come to us, Aunt Pike,
Rock our baby.

The pike began to sing to the mouse

- He didn't hear a sound:
The pike opens its mouth

But you can’t hear what he’s singing...

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

- No, your voice is not good.

You sing too quietly!

The mother mouse ran

I started calling the cat to be my nanny:

Come to us, aunt cat,

Rock our baby.

The cat began to sing to the mouse:

Meow, meow, sleep, my baby,

Meow, meow, let's go to bed.

Meow, meow, on the bed.

Silly little mouse

He answers her sleepily:

You will eat very sweetly!

The mother mouse came running,

I looked at the bed

Looking for stupid mouse,

But the mouse is nowhere to be seen.
