Onegin first chapter summary. Eugene Onegin briefly

Onegin first chapter summary.  Eugene Onegin briefly

The first lines introduce the reader to the main character - Eugene Onegin, a young nobleman caring for his dying uncle, who made him the heir to his property.

The hero's father squandered his fortune. When Onegin began to go out, he was received cordially - he knew French, danced well, knew how to maintain a secular conversation. He was especially famous for his ability to seduce women, remaining a good friend to their husbands and admirers.

Eugene paid special attention to his appearance. The hero returned from the balls in the morning, slept until dinner, then received another invitation to the ball.

Gradually he got tired of this life. He became bored, the "Russian melancholy" took possession of him. He even tries to start writing novels, but nothing comes out due to lack of patience and perseverance. Onegin turns into a gallant young man, capable of cruel jokes and ridicule.

At this time, the narrator meets Eugene. They plan to leave Petersburg, but the death of the hero's father does not allow this to come true. For his father's debts, Onegin gives his entire fortune. But uncle Yevgeny, who died before the arrival of his nephew, leaves him a legacy of an estate - forests, factories, lands.

Chapter 2

Eugene settled in the village, his house on the banks of the river was surrounded by a picturesque garden. For the sake of fun, he replaced the corvée with dues, in connection with which the noble neighbors considered him a dangerous eccentric. He himself avoided meeting them.

The young romantic Vladimir Lensky returned to one of the neighboring villages from Europe. He is a poet who dreams of comprehending the mysteries of life. Gradually, the young people became good friends.

Lensky discussed his poems with a friend, philosophizing about the purpose of life. Onegin, with a condescending smile, listened to his friend's heated speeches, but tried not to convince his enthusiasm. Vladimir once admitted that he was in love with Olga Larina, a childhood friend.

Olga was a cheerful, frivolous, rather pretty girl. Her older sister Tatyana was completely different: a silent, timid girl who read serious novels by the European enlighteners Rousseau and Richardson.

Chapter 3

Lensky visited the Larins every evening. Onegin did not understand what could interest him in a simple village family, where everyone talks only about economic affairs. Once Eugene asked a friend to introduce him to Olga. Lensky invited him to go with him.

On the way back, Onegin admitted to the dreamy poet that he liked the family, but it was not Olga that was more interesting to him, but Tatyana, calm and silent, like Svetlana from Zhukovsky's poem. The arrival of Onegin marked the beginning of gossip about the engagement of Tatyana and Yevgeny. The girl understands that she really fell in love with a nobleman from the capital. She imagines the hero of all the novels she read, dreams about him, walking in the garden with a book of poems about love.

One day she asks the nanny to talk about her youth and love. But she says that she married at the age of 13 for a ten-year-old boy. Therefore, what is love, she does not know. The girl looks sadly at the moon. It occurs to her to write a letter to her beloved in French.

She reports that she would not dare to open up if she knew for sure that she could see him at least occasionally. She feels that her whole life was aimed at meeting him, that she saw him in a dream from childhood. Tatyana trusts him with her fate, declaring her love.

In the morning, the girl asks the nanny to take the letter to Onegin. She waited two days for an answer. Finally he pays them a visit. Tatyana, frightened, hides in the garden. Having barely subdued her excitement, she goes out into the alley and sees the gloomy Yevgeny there.

Chapter 4

Onegin, disappointed in secular beauties, was touched by Tatyana's sincere letter. He did not want to deceive the gullibility and naivety of the girl. The young man thanks Larina for her frankness and presents her with his confession. He admits that if he wanted to marry, he would not be looking for a better wife than her. But he is not destined to be happy. He offers her brotherly love and at the end of his speech instructs the girl: he wishes her to have more self-control, because in his place there could be someone who would destroy her reputation forever.

After a conversation with Onegin, Tatyana became even sadder because of unrequited love. It was already said around that it was time for her to get married. Olga and Lensky were happy.

Onegin avoids society, reads books. Lensky arrives on a winter evening. He asks a friend about the Larin sisters. Vladimir and Olga have a wedding scheduled in two weeks. And Onegin was invited to the birthday party of his elder sister.

Chapter 5

Tatyana Larina loved Russian baptismal divination. One day, going to bed, she put a mirror under her pillow. She dreamed that she was wandering through the snowdrifts in complete darkness. Ahead is a river and a fragile, rickety bridge over it. The girl is afraid to walk on the bridge, but the bear on the other side helps her. She runs away from the beast, but it pursues her. Then the exhausted girl falls. The bear carries her to the hut to his godfather. There is a noise behind the doors, like screams like at a funeral. Peeking through the door, she saw the monsters led by Onegin. The young man drives the monsters away from the girl, sits down with her on the bench and leans his head on her shoulder. Enter Vladimir and Olga. Onegin scolds them, then plunges a knife into Lensky. Tatyana wakes up.

Tatyana's name day is coming. Guests are arriving, among them Lensky and Onegin. Eugene was seated opposite the heroine of the celebration. She does not look up, her eyes welling with tears. Seeing this, Onegin became angry with Lensky, who invited him, and decided to take revenge on him. He dances with Olga all evening, making his friend jealous. As a result, Vladimir challenges a friend to a duel and leaves.

Chapter 6

After Lensky's departure, Onegin ceases to even notice Olga. Soon he returns home. In the morning, they bring him a note with an invitation to a duel. Eugene agrees, although he blames himself for playing a cruel joke on the poet. The duel is to take place at dawn at the mill.

Before the deadly meeting, Vladimir comes to Olga, wanting to embarrass her. But she is so glad for him that jealousy leaves the young man's heart. The whole day passes for Lensky as if in a fog. In the evening, he prepares pistols and writes dying poems for Olga with a request to visit his grave.

Eugene is late for the duel. Opponents converge. Onegin raises his pistol first and fires. Lensky is killed. Onegin looks in despair at his lifeless body.

The poet was buried by the stream in the shade of a sprawling tree.

Chapter 7

Olga soon forgot her fiancé and married a lancer. Tatyana continued to love Yevgeny. Once during a walk she went to his house. The servants let her in, and she carefully examined the furnishings of the rooms. Since then, she began to come there often, delved into the books that Onegin read, tried to recognize what kind of person he was.

In the Larin family, attempts began to marry Tatyana. She is taken to Moscow to the "fair of brides". The girl indifferently obeys the will of her relatives. In the end, the "fat general" pays attention to her.

Chapter 8

At one secular ball, the reader meets Onegin again. Now he is 26 years old, he is still not married, he still misses. Eugene traveled for many years, he also got bored.

Raut is visited by a high society lady arm in arm with the general, who attracts the attention of all those present. Onegin recognizes Tatyana in her. When Onegin is brought to her for acquaintance, she does not betray her trepidation with a single movement. Onegin is at a loss: he can’t believe that in front of him is the same naive Tatyana who wrote him a letter.

In the morning, Onegin is invited to visit Prince N, Tanya's husband. Onegin hurries to see the princess, who does not seem to notice him. In desperation, he writes a letter to her, where he reveals his love. But he doesn't get an answer. Eugene writes a few more messages. He is again taken over by the spleen, he reads a lot, thinks about "the legends of antiquity deep."

One spring day, a young man goes to Tatyana's without an invitation. He finds her sobbing over his note. He falls at her feet. Tatyana begs him to get up and asks him to listen to her instructions this time. She admits that she loved him, but he was harsh. Although she has nothing to blame him for, since he acted nobly with her. Now he is not interested in her, but in the lady she has become. Tatyana says that love still lives in her heart, but she is given to another and will never betray him.

The princess leaves. Eugene, stunned, meets his beloved husband on the threshold.

We bring to your attention a summary of the 1st chapter of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin".

The poet devoted the first chapter to the description of the protagonist. Pushkin seems to be his friend. The young man hurries to his seriously ill uncle. The first lines of the verses describe that he does not want to go to a relative.

"But my God, what a bore

With the sick to sit day and night,

Without leaving a single step away!

Further, it is told about the childhood of the young man. He was born and grew up in a wealthy family, but his father was a non-business man, gradually went bankrupt. Fate was favorable to the young Onegin. At first he was brought up by a nanny, then by a French teacher. He was gradually taught the sciences needed by a rich man: "We all learned little by little something and somehow."

Having reached his majority, the young man "came out." By nature, the hero is a born psychologist. He is charming, knows how to conduct small talk, and most importantly, charm women. All these qualities of character helped Evgeny to get used to the St. Petersburg society well: "The world decided that he was smart and very nice."

The protagonist of the poem also mastered other sciences quite well: economics, philosophy, Latin. But he did not like and did not understand poetry: "He could not have an iambic from a chorea, as we did not try to distinguish."

The following is a description of the youth's lifestyle. In the evenings, he likes to party at various social events or visit the theater. He is reputed to be a seducer of women's hearts, however, even deceived husbands forgive the young hero love adventures: “But you are blessed husbands,

you were friends with him.”

Onegin meticulously monitors his appearance, spends several hours in front of the mirror, putting himself in order. "He spent at least three hours in front of the mirrors."

Returning late from secular parties, our hero sleeps until dinner, and then repeats all over again.

Gradually, he got bored with social events and the young man plunged into melancholy. He tries to find solace in solitude, reads a lot, tries to write, but nothing improves his mood. Together with a friend, on whose behalf the poem is being written, he decides to leave his homeland: "Onegin was ready to see foreign countries with me."

But the death of his own father prevented the implementation of his plans. Onegin begins to get bored with creditors and, without thinking deeply, he gives his father's entire fortune for debts.

“Eugene, hating litigation,

Satisfied with his lot,

He gave them an inheritance."

Probably, the hero already knows that he is the only heir to a rich uncle. Arriving in the village to a relative, he finds him already dead. But the premonition did not deceive the hero of the poem, Onegin receives a rich inheritance. The change of scenery dispels Yevgeny’s spleen a little: “For two days, secluded fields seemed new to him, the coolness of a gloomy oak forest.” But then he plunges into it again: "The blues was waiting for him on guard."

We bring to your attention summary by chapter novel " Eugene Onegin» A.S. Pushkin.

Chapter 1.

Eugene Onegin, the "young rake" is sent to receive the inheritance inherited from his uncle. The following is a biography of Eugene Onegin:

« ... The fate of Eugene kept:
At first Madame followed him,
Then Monsieur replaced her;
The child was sharp, but cute ...«

« ... When will the rebellious youth
It's time for Eugene
It's time for hope and tender sadness,
Monsieur was driven out of the yard.
Here is my Onegin at large;
Cut in the latest fashion;
How dandy London is dressed -
And finally saw the light.
He's completely French
Could speak and write;
Easily danced the mazurka
And bowed casually; ..«

« ... He had a happy talent
No compulsion to speak
Touch everything lightly
With a learned air of a connoisseur
Keep silent in an important dispute
And make the ladies smile
The fire of unexpected epigrams ... "

« ... Scolded Homer, Theocritus;
But read Adam Smith
And there was a deep economy, .. "

Of all the sciences, Onegin mastered the most " the science of tender passion«:
« ... How early could he be hypocritical,
Hold hope, be jealous
disbelieve, make believe
To seem gloomy, to languish,
Be proud and obedient
Attentive or indifferent!
How languidly he was silent,
How eloquently eloquent
How careless in heartfelt letters!
One breathing, one loving,
How could he forget himself!
How swift and gentle his gaze was,
Shameful and impudent, and sometimes
He shone with an obedient tear! .. "

«. .. He used to be in bed,
They carry notes to him.
What? Invitations? Indeed?
Three houses for the evening call:
There will be a ball, there is a children's party.
Where will my prankster go?
Who will he start with? Doesn't matter:
It’s no wonder to catch up everywhere ... "

Onegin - " the evil legislator of the theater, a fickle admirer of charming actresses, an honorary citizen of the backstage". After the theater, Onegin hurries home to change. Pushkin describes Onegin's office and his manner of dressing:

« ... Everything than for a plentiful whim
Trades London scrupulous
And along the Baltic waves
For the forest and fat carries us,
Everything in Paris tastes hungry,
Having chosen a useful trade,
Inventing for fun
For luxury, for fashionable bliss, -
Everything decorates the office.
A philosopher at eighteen...«

« ... You can be a smart person
And think about the beauty of nails:
Why fruitlessly argue with the century?
Custom despot among people.
The second Chadaev, my Eugene,
Fearing jealous judgments
There was a pedant in his clothes
And what we called a dandy.
It's three hours at least
He spent before the mirrors ... "

Having changed clothes, Onegin goes to the ball. Pushkin's judgment about balls and women's legs follows. The ball ends in the morning and Eugene Onegin goes to bed. A lyrical digression follows about the life of business-minded Petersburg. Immediately, Pushkin wonders if his hero was happy with such a life:

« ... No: early feelings in him cooled down;
He was tired of the light noise;
The beauties didn't last long
The subject of his habitual thoughts;
Treason managed to tire;
Friends and friendship are tired ... "

Onegin mopes, grows cold towards life and towards women. He tries to engage in literary work, but in order to compose one must work hard, which Onegin is not very attracted to. He's writing: " I read and read, but to no avail ...» During this period, Pushkin met Onegin:

«… I liked his features
Dreams involuntary devotion
Inimitable strangeness
And a sharp, chilled mind…»

Together they are going to travel, but Onegin's father dies. After his death, all remaining property is distributed among creditors. Then Onegin receives news that his uncle is dying. Uncle bequeathed his property to Onegin. Eugene goes to say goodbye to his uncle, upset in advance by the impending boredom. But when he arrives, he finds him already dead.

« ... Here is our Onegin - a villager,
Factories, waters, forests, lands
The owner is complete, but hitherto
The order of the enemy and the waster,
And I am very glad that the old way
Changed to something…”

But soon Onegin's rural life becomes boring. But Pushkin likes it.

Chapter 2

Onegin decides to carry out a series of transformations now in his village:

« ... He is the yoke of the old corvée
I replaced the quitrent with a light one;
And the slave blessed fate ...«

Onegin is not very fond of his neighbors, and therefore they stopped communicating with him. Soon, the landowner Vladimir Lensky arrives at his estate, located next to Onegin's lands.

«… Handsome, in full bloom of years,
Kant's admirer and poet.
He is from foggy Germany
Bring the fruits of learning:
freedom dreams,
The spirit is ardent and rather strange,
Always an enthusiastic speech
And black curls to the shoulders ...«

Lensky was a romantic:

« ... He believed that the soul is dear
Must connect with him
What, hopelessly languishing,
She is waiting for him every day;
He believed that friends were ready
For his honor to accept fetters
And that their hand will not tremble
Break the slanderer's vessel...«

Lensky in the district is received with pleasure and is perceived as a groom. However, Lensky communicates with pleasure only with Eugene Onegin.

« …They got together. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different...«

«. .. Between them everything gave rise to disputes
And it got me thinking:
Tribes of past treaties,
The fruits of science, good and evil,
And age-old prejudices
And fatal secrets of the coffin ...«

Onegin and Lensky become friends with nothing to do". They see each other every day. Larins lived in these places. Vladimir, while still a teenager, was in love with Olga Larina. This is how Pushkin describes Olga:

« ... Always modest, always obedient,
Always as cheerful as the morning
How simple is the life of a poet,
Like a kiss of love sweet
Eyes as blue as the sky;
Smile, linen curls,
Movement, voice, light camp -
Everything in Olga ... but any novel
Take it and find it, right
Her portrait: he is very sweet,
I used to love him myself
But he bored me immensely ...«

Olga has an older sister, Tatyana. Tatyana Pushkin describes it like this:

« ... Wild, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe, timid,
She is in her family
Seemed like a stranger girl.
She couldn't caress
To my father, not to my mother;
A child by herself, in a crowd of children
Didn't want to play and jump
And often all day alone
Sitting silently by the window...«

Tatyana loved to read novels that her relative Princess Alina recommended to her. The story of Princess Alina is described below. When she was a girl, she fell in love with a military man, but her parents married her without her consent to another. The husband took Alina to the village, where she soon forgot her ardent love and enthusiastically took up housekeeping:

« ... The habit from above is given to us:
She is a substitute for happiness ... "

« ... They kept in a peaceful life
Sweet old habits;
They have oily Shrovetide
There were Russian pancakes;
Twice a year they fasted;
Loved the round swing
Podbludny songs, round dance;
On Trinity Day, when people
Yawning listens to a prayer,
Tenderly on a beam of dawn
They shed three tears;
They needed kvass like air,
And at the table they have guests
They carried dishes according to ranks ...«

Vladimir Lensky visits the grave of Olga's father. Writes "tombstone madrigal". The chapter ends with philosophical reflections on generational change.

Chapter 3

Lensky begins to visit the Larins as often as possible. Ultimately, he spends all his free time with the Larins. Onegin asks Lensky to introduce him to Larin. Onegin is eagerly welcomed and treated. Onegin is greatly impressed by Tatyana. Neighbors around begin to spread rumors that Tatiana and Onegin will soon get married. Tatyana falls in love with Eugene:

«… The time has come, she fell in love ...«

« ... For a long time heart yearning
It pressed her young breast;
The soul was waiting ... for someone,
and waited...«

Now, rereading the novels, Tatyana imagines herself to be one of the heroines. Acting according to the stereotype, he is going to write a letter to his lover. But Onegin has long ceased to be a romantic:

«. ..Tatiana, dear Tatiana!
With you now I shed tears;
You are in the hands of a fashion tyrant
I gave up my fate...«

One night, Tatyana and the nanny started talking about the past. And then Tatyana admits that she has fallen in love. But she did not reveal the name of her lover:

«… Tatyana loves not jokingly
And surrender unconditionally
Love like a sweet child.
She does not say: postpone -
We will multiply the price of love,
Rather, we will start the network;
First, vanity with a stake
Hope, there is bewilderment
We'll torment the heart, and then
Jealous revive fire;
And then, bored with pleasure,
Slave cunning of shackles
Ready to break out all the time…»

Tatyana decides to write a frank letter to Onegin. Writes in French, because. " she didn't speak Russian well«.

Tatyana Onegin's letter(P.S. Usually this passage is asked to memorize)

« ... I am writing to you - what more?
What else can I say?
Now I know in your will
Punish me with contempt.
But you, to my unfortunate share
Though a drop of pity keeping,
You won't leave me.
At first I wanted to be silent;
Believe me: my shame
You would never know
When I had hope
Rarely, at least once a week
To see you in our village
Just to hear your words
You say a word, and then
All think, think about one thing
And day and night until a new meeting.
But they say you are unsociable;
In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,
And we ... we do not shine with anything,
Even though you are welcome.
Why did you visit us?
In the wilderness of a forgotten village
I would never know you
I would not know bitter torment.
Souls of inexperienced excitement
Reconciled with time (who knows?),
By heart I would find a friend,
Would be a faithful wife
And a good mother.
Another! .. No, no one in the world
I wouldn't give my heart!
That is the predestined council in the highest ...
That is the will of heaven: I am yours;
My whole life has been a pledge
Faithful goodbye to you;
I know you were sent to me by God
Until the grave you are my keeper ...
You appeared to me in dreams
Invisible, you were already sweet to me,
Your wonderful look tormented me,
Your voice resounded in my soul
For a long time ... no, it was not a dream!
You just entered, I instantly found out
All numb, blazed
And in her thoughts she said: here he is!
Isn't it true? I heard you
You spoke to me in silence
When I helped the poor
Or comforted by prayer
The anguish of an agitated soul?
And at this very moment
Aren't you, sweet vision,
Flickered in the transparent darkness,
Crouched quietly to the headboard?
Is it not you, with joy and love,
Words of hope whispered to me?
Who are you, my guardian angel
Or an insidious tempter:
Resolve my doubts.
Maybe it's all empty
Deception of an inexperienced soul!
And something completely different is destined ...
But so be it! my fate
From now on, I give you
I shed tears in front of you
I beg your protection...
Imagine I'm here alone
Nobody understands me,
My mind is failing
And I must die silently.
I'm waiting for you: with a single look
Revive the hopes of the heart
Or break a heavy dream,
Alas, a well-deserved reproach!
I'm cumming! Scary to read...
I freeze with shame and fear ...
But your honor is my guarantee,
And I boldly entrust myself to her ... "

In the morning Tatyana asks the nanny to send this letter to Onegin. Two days pass. But there is no news from Onegin. Lensky arrives without Yevgeny. He assures that Onegin promised to come this evening. Tatyana is convinced of the correctness of Lensky's words when she sees Onegin driving up. She becomes frightened and runs into the garden, where the maids are picking berries and singing a folk song.

Chapter 4

Having received a sincere letter from Tatyana, Onegin considers it right to explain himself to the girl just as sincerely. He does not want to deceive a pure soul. He believes that over time Tatyana will get bored with him, that he will not be able to answer her with loyalty and be an honest husband.

« ... Whenever life is around the home
I wanted to limit;
When would I be a father, a spouse
A pleasant lot commanded;
When would a family picture
I was captivated even for a single moment, -
That, right b, except for you alone,
The bride was not looking for another.
I will say without madrigal sequins:
Found my old ideal
I would have chosen you alone
In the girlfriend of my sad days,
All the best in pledge,
And I would be happy ... as much as I could!
But I'm not made for bliss;
My soul is alien to him;
In vain are your perfections:
I don't deserve them at all.
Believe me (conscience is a guarantee),
Marriage will be torture for us.
As much as I love you,
Having got used, I will stop loving immediately;
Start crying: your tears
Don't touch my heart
And they will only piss him off...«

« ... Learn to rule yourself:
Not everyone will understand you like me;
Inexperience leads to trouble...»

Tatyana listens to Onegin's confession barely breathing, no objection". A lyrical digression follows about relatives and relatives who remember you only on holidays, about loving, but fickle women. To the question " Whom to love? Whom to believe?", Pushkin answers the following:" Work in vain without ruining, love yourself". After explanations with Onegin, Tatyana falls into melancholy.

Meanwhile, between Olga Larina and Vladimir Lensky, a romance develops in the happiest way. A lyrical digression follows about poems in ladies' albums and Pushkin's attitude towards them.

Onegin lives trouble-free in the countryside. Autumn passes, winter comes. In a lyrical digression, a description of autumn and the beginning of winter follows. Lensky has dinner with Onegin, admires Olga and invites Onegin to Tatyana's name day to the Larins. Lensky and Olga are soon to get married. The day of the wedding has been set.

Chapter 5

The chapter begins with a description of winter nature.

« ... Winter! .. The peasant, triumphant,
On firewood, updates the path;
His horse, smelling snow,
Trotting somehow...«

It's time for divination.

« ... Tatyana believed the legends
common folk antiquity,
And dreams, and card fortune-telling,
And the predictions of the moon ...«

At night, Tatyana has a dream. Dream of Tatyana Larina:

She is walking across the field. He sees a stream in front of him. but in order to cross it, one must pass over rickety footbridges. She is scared. Suddenly, a bear crawls out from under the snow and extends a helping paw to her. She crosses the stream, leaning on a bear's paw. Tatyana follows into the forest. Behind her is the same bear. She is frightened, very tired and falls into the snow. The bear picks her up and takes her to the hut of his godfather. Tatyana sees Onegin sitting at the table through a crack. He is surrounded on all sides by monsters. Tatiana opens the door to the room. But because of the draft, all the candles are blown out. Tatyana tries to run away. But the monsters surround her and block the way. Then Onegin defends the girl: “ My! Eugene said ominously...» The monsters disappear. Onegin puts Tatyana on a bench, puts his head on her shoulder. Here Olga and Lensky enter the room. Unexpectedly, Onegin draws a knife and kills Lensky.

Tatyana wakes up from such a nightmare. She tries to solve a terrible dream, but she does not succeed.

Guests are coming for a name day: the fat Pustyakovs; landowner Gvozdin, owner of poor men"; spouses Skotinina with children of all ages (from 2 to 13 years old); " county dandy Petushkov"; Monsieur Triquet, wit, recently from Tambov“who brings Tatyana congratulatory poems; company commander, mature ladies idol". Guests are invited to the table. Lensky and Onegin arrive. Tatyana is embarrassed, ready to faint, but pulls herself together. Onegin, terribly unloving " tragi-nervous phenomena“, as well as provincial feasts, is angry with Lensky, who persuaded him to go to the Larins on Tatiana’s day. After dinner, the guests sit down for cards, others decide to move on to dancing. Onegin, angry with Lensky, decides to take revenge on him and, in spite of himself, constantly invites Olga, whispers in her ear " some vulgar madrigal". Olga refuses Lensky to dance, because. before the end of the ball, she had already promised them all to Onegin. Lensky leaves, having decided to challenge Onegin to a duel.

Chapter 6

After the ball, Onegin returns home. The rest of the guests stay with the Larins. Here Zaretsky comes to Onegin, once a brawler, ataman of a gambling gang, head of a rake, tribune of a tavern". He gives Onegin a note with a challenge to a duel from Vladimir Lensky. Eugene replies " Always ready!“, but in his heart he regrets that he provoked a young friend to righteous anger and a feeling of jealousy. However, Onegin is afraid of the gossip that he will spread. old duelist» Zaretsky, if Onegin shows himself « not a ball of prejudice, not an ardent boy, a fighter, but a husband with honor and intelligence". Before the duel, Lensky meets with Olga. She shows no change in their relationship. Returning home, Lensky checks pistols, reads Schiller, dark and dull writes love poems. The duel was to take place in the morning. Onegin wakes up and is therefore late. Zaretsky is surprised when he sees that Onegin comes to the duel without seconds and generally violates all the rules of the duel. Onegin introduces his French footman as a second: “ Although he is an unknown person, but, of course, an honest fellow". Onegin shoots and " the poet silently drops the gun". Onegin is horrified by what happened. His conscience torments him. Pushkin reflects on how everything would have turned out if Lensky had not been killed in a duel. Perhaps Lensky would have become a great poet, or perhaps an ordinary rural inhabitant. At the end of the chapter, Pushkin sums up his poetic fate.

Chapter 7

The chapter begins with a description of spring nature. Everyone has already forgotten about Lensky. Olga married a lancer and went with him to the regiment. After the departure of her sister, Tatyana increasingly recalls Onegin. She visits his house and his office. Reads his books with his notes. She sees a portrait of Lord Byron and a cast-iron statue of Napoleon. She begins to understand Onegin's way of thinking.

«. .. An eccentric sad and dangerous,
Creation of hell or heaven
This angel, this arrogant demon,
What is he? Is it an imitation
An insignificant ghost, or else
Muscovite in Harold's cloak,
Alien whims interpretation,
Full lexicon of fashionable words?..
Isn't he a parody?«

Tatyana's mother decides to go to Moscow in the winter for the “bride fair”, because believes that the time has come to decide the fate of Tatyana and marry her. A lyrical digression follows about bad Russian roads, Moscow is described. In Moscow, the Larins stay with their relative Alina and " Tanya is delivered every day at family dinners". In the relatives no change seen«:

« ... Everything in them is on the old sample:
At Aunt Princess Elena's
All the same tulle cap;
Everything is whitening Lukerya Lvovna,
All the same Lyubov Petrovna lies,
Ivan Petrovich is just as stupid
Semyon Petrovich is also stingy ..

Tatyana does not tell anyone about her unrequited love for Eugene Onegin. She is burdened by the metropolitan way of life. She doesn't like balls, having to deal with multiple faces, and listening to " vulgar nonsense» Moscow relatives. She is uncomfortable and wants the old village solitude. Finally, an important general pays attention to Tatyana. At the end of the chapter, the author gives an introduction to the novel.

Chapter 8

The chapter begins with a lyrical digression about poetry, about the muse and the poetic fate of Pushkin. Further, at one of the receptions, Pushkin meets Onegin again:

« ... Onegin (I'll take care of him again),
Killing a friend in a duel
Having lived without a goal, without labor
Until the age of twenty-six
Languishing in idle leisure
No service, no wife, no business,
Couldn't do anything...«

Onegin traveled for some time. Returning, he went to the ball, where he met a lady who seemed familiar to him:

« ... She was leisurely,
Not cold, not talkative
Without an arrogant look for everyone,
No claim to success
Without these little antics
No imitations...
Everything is quiet, it was just in it ...

Onegin asks the prince who this lady is. The prince replies that this is his wife - nee Larina Tatyana. The friend and prince introduces Onegin to his wife. Tatiana betrays neither her feelings nor her previous acquaintance with Eugene. She asks Onegin: How long has he been here, where is he from? And is it not from their sides? Onegin is amazed at such changes in the once open and frank Tatyana. He leaves the party in thought:

« ... Is it the same Tatyana,
Which he alone
At the beginning of our romance
In a deaf, distant side,
In the good heat of moralizing
I used to read instructions
The one from which he keeps
Letter where the heart says
Where everything is outside, everything is free,
That girl... is it a dream?
The girl he
Neglected in humble share,
Was she with him now?
So indifferent, so brave?«

The prince invites Onegin to his evening, where he gathers " the color of the capital, and nobility, and fashion samples, everywhere you meet faces, necessary fools. Onegin accepts the invitation and is once again surprised at the changes in Tatyana. She now " legislator hall". Onegin falls in love in earnest, begins to court Tatyana and follows her everywhere. But Tatyana is indifferent. Onegin writes Tatyana a letter in which he sincerely repents of his former fear of losing " hateful freedom«. Onegin's letter to Tatyana:

« I foresee everything: you will be offended
Sad mystery explanation.
What bitter contempt
Your proud look will portray!
What I want? for what purpose
Will I open my soul to you?
What evil fun
Maybe I'll give you a reason!
When I accidentally met you,
I notice a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn't dare believe her.
Habit sweet did not give way;
Your hateful freedom
I didn't want to lose.
Another thing tore us apart...
Lensky fell as an unfortunate victim ...
From everything that is dear to the heart,
Then I tore off my heart;
Alien to everyone, not bound by anything,
I thought: liberty and peace
replacement for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how punished ...
No, every minute to see you,
Follow you everywhere
The smile of the mouth, the movement of the eyes
Catch with loving eyes
Listen to you for a long time, understand
Soul all your perfection,
Freeze before you in agony,
To turn pale and go out ... that's bliss!
And I am deprived of that: for you
I trudge around at random;
The day is dear to me, the hour is dear to me:
And I spend in vain boredom
Fate counted days.
And they are so painful.
I know: my age is already measured;
But for my life to last
I have to be sure in the morning
That I will see you in the afternoon ...
I'm afraid, in my humble prayer
Will see your stern gaze
Contemptible cunning ventures -
And I hear your angry reproach.
If only you knew how awful
Longing for love,
Blaze - and mind all the time
Subdue the excitement in the blood;
Want to hug your knees
And, sobbing, at your feet
Pour out prayers, confessions, penalties,
Everything, everything that I could express,
And meanwhile feigned coldness
Arm both speech and gaze,
Have a calm conversation
Look at you with a cheerful look! ..
But so be it: I'm on my own
Can't resist anymore;
Everything is decided: I'm in your will,
And surrender to my fate...«

However, Tatyana did not answer this letter. she is still cold and unapproachable. Onegin is overwhelmed by the blues, he stops attending secular meetings and entertainment, constantly reads, but all thoughts still revolve around the image of Tatiana. Onegin almost lost my mind, or did not become a poet"(i.e. romantic). One spring, Eugene goes to Tatyana's house, finds her alone in tears, reading his letter:

« Oh, who would mute her suffering
I didn't read it in this quick moment!
Who is the former Tanya, poor Tanya
Now I wouldn't recognize the princess!
In anguish of insane regrets
Eugene fell at her feet;
She shuddered and was silent
And looks at Onegin
No surprise, no anger…»

Tatyana decides to explain herself to Onegin. She recalls Onegin's confession once in the garden (Chapter 4). She does not believe that Onegin is somehow to blame for her. Moreover, she finds that Onegin then treated her nobly. She understands that Onegin is in love with her because now she " rich and famous", and if Onegin manages to conquer it, then in the eyes of the world this victory will bring him" seductive honor". Tatyana assures Evgeny that " masquerade rags"and secular luxury does not appeal to her, she would gladly exchange her current position for" those places where for the first time, Onegin, I saw you". Tatyana asks Eugene not to pursue her anymore, as she intends to remain faithful to her husband, despite her love for Onegin. With these words, Tatyana leaves. Her husband appears.

Takovo summary novel " Eugene Onegin«

Happy studying!

Very short: Young nobleman Eugene Onegin arrives in the village where Tatyana Larina lives. The girl falls in love with him and confesses this in a letter. Evgeny scolds Larina quite strictly. Onegin provokes Lensky, who challenges him to a duel. Lensky dies, Onegin leaves the village. Tatyana leaves for Moscow. Some time later, Onegin meets the already married Tatyana and falls in love with her. Now Tatyana refuses Evgeny (“I am given to another; / I will be faithful to him for a century”).

Summary of the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”

Chapter first

The author introduces his hero, Eugene Onegin, to the readers. His biography is briefly told. The child grew up in a typical noble family with a governess and tutor. Young Onegin "is cut in the latest fashion, dressed like a London dandy - and finally saw the light." Eugene knows how to maintain a light secular conversation and has learned to start secular novels. His lifestyle and daily routine are common for young people of his circle and age: visits, balls, theater. Usually Onegin returns from the ball in the early morning. But Eugene cannot be called a happy person.

But was my Eugene happy,

Free, in the color of the best years,

Among the brilliant victories,

Among everyday pleasures?

No: early feelings in him cooled down;

He was tired of the light noise;

The beauties didn't last long

The subject of his habitual thoughts;

Treason managed to tire;

Friends and friendship are tired ...

And though he was an ardent rake,

But he fell out of love at last

And abuse, and a saber, and lead.

In short: Russian melancholy

They got a little bit...

Nothing touched him

He did not notice anything.

Eugene reads a lot, "but all to no avail." The author meets Onegin, he notes his extraordinary mind, he likes his "involuntary devotion to dreams." They are going to go on a journey together, but then Onegin's father dies and the inheritance diverges among creditors. Suddenly, Eugene receives news that the uncle who bequeathed him the inheritance is dying. Onegin goes to the village to his uncle, but "he found him already on the table, as a tribute to the finished land."

Onegin remains to live in the village. At first he likes village life, but then he starts to get bored here too. The author writes about his love for the countryside. The days spent here, he calls the happiest.

Chapter Two

On the estate, Onegin alleviates the fate of the peasants by replacing corvée with dues. Neighbors reacted differently to this, someone saw terrible harm in this, the other smiled slyly. But Onegin does not communicate with his neighbors. Soon the landowner Vladimir Lensky arrives at the neighboring estate.

Handsome, in full bloom of years,

Kant's admirer and poet.

He is from foggy Germany

Bring the fruits of learning:

freedom dreams,

The spirit is ardent and rather strange,

Always an enthusiastic speech

And shoulder-length black curls.

The purpose of our life for him

Was a tempting mystery

He broke his head over her

And I suspected miracles.

Lensky was a romantic by his turn of mind, he wrote sad poems. He "was accepted everywhere as a bridegroom", but, "having no ... desire to bear the bonds of marriage, with Onegin he wished to cordially make his acquaintance shorter."

They agreed. Wave and stone

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other.

First, mutual differences

They were boring to each other;

Then they liked it; Then

Riding every day

And soon they became inseparable.

So people (I repent first)

Nothing to do friends.

Eugene was more tolerable than many;

Although he knew people, of course

And in general he despised them, -

But (there are no rules without exceptions)

He was very different from others.

And he respected the feeling of others.

Seeing Lensky's enthusiasm, the ironic Onegin tried to keep a "cooling word" in his mouth.

Between them everything gave rise to disputes

And it got me thinking...

But more often occupied by passions

The minds of my hermits.

Open Lensky said that since adolescence he had been in love with Olga Larina. “Ah, he loved, as in our years they no longer love; as one mad soul of a poet is still condemned to love. The author draws a portrait of Olga:

Always humble, always obedient,

Always as cheerful as the morning

How simple is the life of a poet,

Like a kiss of love is sweet;

Eyes like the sky, blue

Smile, linen curls,

Everything in Olga. - but any novel

Take it and find it right

Her portrait: he is very sweet,

I used to love him myself

But he bored me to no end.

Allow me, my reader,

Take care of your big sister.

Pushkin introduces the reader to Tatyana:

Her sister's name was Tatyana...

Nor the beauty of his sister,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She would not attract eyes.

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe, timid,

She is in her family

Seemed like a stranger girl.

A child by herself, in a crowd of children

Didn't want to play and jump

And often all day alone

She sat silently by the window.

Thought, her friend

From the most lullaby days

Rural Leisure Current

Decorated her with dreams.

But dolls even in these years

Tatyana did not take it in her hands;

About the news of the city, about fashion

Didn't have a conversation with her.

And there were childish pranks

Alien to her: scary stories

They captivated her heart more.

She loved on the balcony

Warn dawn sunrise.

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her.

The author calls the father of Tatyana and Olga "a good fellow", who did not see anything wrong in his daughter's passion for Richardson and Russo. Tatyana's mother "was crazy about Richardson herself." She didn't marry for love. At first she was torn and crying, and then “she took up the household, got used to it and became satisfied. The habit is given to us from above: it is a substitute for happiness. Traditions were honored in the Larin family. Their house was open and hospitable.

They kept in a peaceful life

Sweet old habits;

They have oily Shrovetide

There were Russian pancakes;

Twice a year they fasted;

Loved the round swing

Podbludny songs, round dance;

On Trinity Day, when the people

Yawning, listening to a prayer,

Tenderly on a beam of dawn They dropped three tears;

They needed kvass like air,

And at the table they have guests

They carried dishes according to their ranks.

Vladimir Lensky visits the grave of Olga's father, writes "tombstone madrigal". The author discusses the change of generations and the meaning of life:

The instant harvest of a generation,

By the secret will of providence,

Rise, mature and fall;

Others follow them...

Without a trace

I would be sad to leave the world.

I live, I write not for praise;

But I seem to wish

To glorify your sad fate ...

Chapter Three

Lensky becomes a frequent visitor to the Larins' house. At Onegin's request, he introduces him to Larin. Evgeny is surprised by the choice of his friend: "I would choose another ... Olga has no life in features." The appearance of Onegin at the Larins aroused the interest of the neighbors, and everyone began to read Tatiana as his wife. As for Tatyana, "the time has come, she fell in love." "... Now both days and nights, and a hot lonely dream, everything is full of them." She reads novels with even greater rapture and decides to write a letter to Eugene. The author sympathizes with Tatiana because her favorite non-romantic hero is Tatiana, dear Tatiana!

With you now I shed tears;

You are in the hands of a fashion tyrant

I have given up my fate.

You will die, dear; but before...

You drink the magical poison of desire

Dreams haunt you...

Everywhere, everywhere in front of you

Your tempter is fatal.

Tatyana asks the nanny to tell about how she was in love. The nanny starts the story, but the girl interrupts her and admits that she herself is in love. Tatyana asks the nanny to bring her a pen and paper. "... Tatyana writes, and everything is on Evgeny's mind, and in a thoughtless letter the love of an innocent maiden breathes."

Tatyana loves not jokingly

And surrender unconditionally

Love like a sweet child.

She does not say: postpone -

We will multiply the price of love,

Rather, we will start the network;

First, vanity with a stake

Hope, there is bewilderment

We'll torment the heart, and then

Jealous revive the fire ...

Tatyana's letter is written in French, because "she knew little Russian."

Tatyana's letter to Onegin

I am writing to you - what more?

What else can I say?

Now I know in your will

Punish me with contempt.

But you, to my unfortunate share

Though a drop of pity keeping,

You won't leave me.

At first I wanted to be silent;

Believe me: my shame

You would never know

When I had hope

Rarely, at least once a week

To see you in our village

Just to hear your words

You say a word, and then

All think, think of one

And day and night until a new meeting.

But, they say, you are unsociable;

In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,

And we ... we do not shine with anything,

Even though you are welcome.

Why did you visit us?

In the wilderness of a forgotten village

I would never know you

I would not know bitter torment.

Souls of inexperienced excitement

Reconciled with time (who knows?),

By heart I would find a friend,

Would be a faithful wife

And a good mother.

Another! .. No, no one in the world

I wouldn't give my heart!

That is the predestined council in the highest ...

That is the will of heaven: I am yours;

My whole life has been a pledge

Faithful goodbye to you;

I know you were sent to me by God

Until the grave you are my keeper ...

You appeared to me in dreams

Invisible, you were already sweet to me,

Your wonderful look tormented me,

For a long time ... no, it was not a dream!

You just entered, I instantly found out

All numb, blazed

And in her thoughts she said: here he is!

Isn't it true? I heard you

You spoke to me in silence

When I helped the poor

Or comforted by prayer

The anguish of an agitated soul?

And from this very moment

Aren't you, sweet vision,

Flickered in the transparent darkness,

Crouched quietly to the headboard?

Is it not you, with joy and love,

Words of hope whispered to me?

Who are you, my guardian angel

Or an insidious tempter:

Resolve my doubts.

Maybe it's all empty

Deception of an inexperienced soul!

And something completely different is destined ...

But so be it!

From now on, I entrust my fate to you,

I shed tears in front of you

I beg your protection...

Imagine I'm here alone

Nobody understands me,

My mind is failing

And I must die silently.

I'm waiting for you: with a single look

Revive the hopes of the heart

Or break a heavy dream,

Alas, a well-deserved reproach!

I'm cumming! Scary to read...

I freeze with shame and fear ...

But your honor is my guarantee,

And I boldly entrust myself to her ...

While reading the letter, Tatyana did not notice how morning had come. She asks the nanny to send her grandson with a letter to Onegin. Two days Onegin does not answer the letter. Lensky comes to the Larins and says that Onegin promised to come to them in the evening. Hearing the tramp of the horse, Tatyana runs away into the garden in dismay. There, the girls gather berries and sing a folk song, "so that the evil lips do not secretly eat the lord's berries." Suddenly, Tatiana sees Onegin in front of her. Shining with eyes, Eugene stands like a formidable shadow,

And, as burned by fire,

She stopped.

Chapter Four

The author talks about love, secular novels. Eugene was already “spoiled by the habit of life”, he knew “windy success” with secular ladies, “he no longer fell in love with beauties, but dragged himself somehow; refuse - instantly comforted; change - I was glad to rest. But Tatyana's sincere letter touched him.

Perhaps the feelings of the ardor of the old

He took possession of him for a moment;

But he didn't want to cheat.

The gullibility of an innocent soul .

Onegin speaks frankly with the girl:

I love your sincerity...

When would a family picture

I was captivated even for a single moment, -

That, right b, except for you alone,

The bride was not looking for another.

But I was not created to give bliss...

Believe me (conscience is a guarantee),

Marriage will be torture for us.

As much as I love you,

Once I get used to it, I will fall in love immediately ...

I love you brother love

And maybe even softer.

At the end of his rebuke, Onegin assures Tatyana that she will still love another, and advises her: “... learn to rule yourself; not everyone will understand you like me; inexperience leads to trouble. Tatyana listened to him through tears, barely breathing, without objection. The author talks about the involuntary betrayal of best friends who can repeat gossip about their friend, recalls relatives who are visited on holidays, about the love of tender beauties. To the question to himself: “Who should I love?” - the author ironically advises to love ourselves - "a worthy subject: nothing is more kind, it's true, there is none."

After an explanation with Evgeny, “Tatyana fades, turns pale, goes out and is silent. Nothing occupies her, her soul does not stir. The author cannot part with Tatyana in any way: “Forgive me: I love my dear Tatyana so much!”

The romance of Lensky and Olga is happily developing. Lensky sometimes reads novels to Olga, they play chess. Lensky decorates Olga's album with drawings. "His pen breathes love." The author adds that Lensky would have written odes, but Olga did not read them. The author himself reads his poems only to an old nanny and a randomly wandering neighbor.

Onegin lives quietly on his estate:

At the seventh hour he got up in the summer

And went light

To the river running under the mountain ...

Then I drank my coffee

Going through a bad magazine ...

Walking, reading, deep sleep...

Sometimes a fugitive black-eyed Young and fresh kiss ...

Dinner is quite whimsical,

bottle of light wine,

Solitude, silence...

Summer and autumn passed, frost hit. Eugene still lives in seclusion. Lensky comes to him, tells how prettier Olga has become. He sends an invitation to Onegin for Tatyana's name day. He was ordered to invite Olenka and his mother. Onegin at first refuses under the pretext that there will be a lot of people there, but Lensky promises that there will be only his own. Onegin agrees. Lensky again speaks of his love. In two weeks, his wedding with Olga is scheduled.

Chapter Five

The author describes the winter in the village. (“Winter! .. Peasant, triumphant ...”) “Tatyana (Russian soul, she herself did not know why) ... loved the Russian winter ... believed the legends of the common people of antiquity, and dreams, and card fortune-telling, and predictions of the moon.” She was going to tell fortunes at Christmas time, but at the last moment she changed her mind and fell asleep. She dreams that a stormy stream is making noise in front of her, she wants to cross it, but no one can help her. Suddenly, the snowdrift on the opposite side begins to stir and turns out to be a bear helping her across the stream. Tatyana goes on, and the bear follows her. Tatyana tries to run away from him, but he catches up with her, grabs her and carries her. He brings her to a hut in the middle of the forest.

Tatyana comes to her senses in the hallway, through the crack she sees that monsters are sitting at the table, she hears “barking, laughter, singing, whistling and clapping, people’s talk and horse top”. Among the terrible guests, she recognizes Eugene, whom everyone at the table obeys. Out of curiosity, Tatyana slightly opened the door, and then the wind blew out the candles. Onegin goes to the door. Tatyana wants to run away and cannot. All the freaks point at her and shout: "Mine!" But Eugene said menacingly: “Mine!” Everyone suddenly disappeared, leaving Tatyana and Evgeny. They sit down on the bench. Suddenly Olga and Lensky enter. The lights come on, Onegin begins to scold the uninvited guests. The dispute flares up. Eugene grabs a long knife and kills Lensky. Tatyana woke up in horror. She tries to unravel the dream from the dream book, but does not find anything like it there. "She is disturbed by a dream..."

Guests are starting to arrive at the house. Lensky and Onegin arrive. Tatiana is seated opposite Onegin. She is silent, ready to faint. Onegin is annoyed by Tatyana's agitated state and the large number of guests. He decides to take revenge on Lensky, who promised that there would be few guests. Everyone congratulates Tatyana, and Onegin looks at her with tenderness. "He revived Tanya's heart." Dinner ended and dancing began. Onegin begins courting Olga, dancing with her. Lensky does not believe his own eyes. He invites Olga to dance, but she refuses him, because she has already been invited by Onegin. Lensky leaves in anger and decides to challenge Onegin to a duel.

Chapter six

Seeing that Vladimir had left, Onegin got bored, "pleased with his revenge." Olga also remembered the groom and began to look for him with her eyes. Many guests stayed overnight at the Larins', while Onegin went home. Tatyana cannot sleep for a long time, she cannot understand Onegin's behavior. The author introduces us to Lensky's neighbor on the estate - Zaretsky:

... once a brawler,

Ataman of the gambling gang,

The head of the rake, the tribune of the tavern,

Now kind and simple

The father of the family is single,

Reliable friend, peaceful landowner

And even an honest man:

This is how our age is being corrected!

Zaretsky brought Onegin challenge Lensky to a duel. He accepted it. Zaretsky left. Left alone, Onegin thought.

He blamed himself...

What is above love, timid, tender

So the evening joked casually.

Eugene understands that Lensky is forgiven for such ardor, but he, “loving the young man with all his heart,” should have shown himself “a husband with honor and intelligence.” Onegin regrets that he accepted the challenge, but now it's too late, he is frightened by the ridicule of those around him if he refuses to duel.

And here is the public opinion!

Spring of honor, our idol!

And this is where the world revolves!

Lensky is pleased that his challenge has been accepted. At first he did not want to see the coquette Olga, but then he could not stand it and went to the Larins. Olga greeted him with reproaches for yesterday's early departure, she was affectionate with him as before.

He sees: he is still loved;

Already he, we torment with repentance,

Ready to ask for forgiveness...

He is happy, he is almost healthy ...

The whole evening Lensky was distracted, but everyone got used to the strange behavior of the poet, and no one asked him about the reason for this. As he leaves, he looks longingly at Olga, but does not say anything to her. Arriving home, Lensky writes poetry. He falls asleep already in the morning. Zaretsky comes for him, and they go to the place of the duel.

Onegin slept peacefully all night. He is late for the duel. From his side, his servant, the Frenchman Guillo, acts as a second. Zaretsky sees to it that the duel goes according to all the rules. Here are two recent friends starting to converge. Onegin shoots before Lensky and kills him.

Onegin hurries to the young man,

He looks, calls him ... in vain:

He no longer exists.

Zaretsky takes away the body of Lensky. Pushkin reflects on human relations, writes that it is pleasant “to infuriate a blundered enemy with a daring epigram ... but it will hardly be pleasant for you to send him to his fathers.” Onegin was smitten, killing his young friend.

Maybe it's for the good of the world

Or at least for glory was born ...

Or maybe that: a poet

An ordinary one was waiting for a lot.

I would part with the muses, get married,

In the village, happy and horned,

I would wear a quilted robe ...

I drank, I ate, I got bored, I got fat, I got sick ...

I would die among the children,

Crying women and doctors.

Lensky was buried near the village. Pushkin writes about himself, he is almost thirty years old, he says goodbye to the amusements of youth:

I'm embarking on a new path

Rest from the life of the past.

Chapter Seven

The author describes the arrival of spring, which he calls the time of love. He is sad about Lensky, whom Olga soon forgot. She became interested in a lancer and married him. Together with her husband, Olga left for other lands. Tatyana is very worried about her sister's departure. "Like a shadow, she wanders aimlessly." Somehow, while walking, she enters Onegin's garden and decides to go to his house. The owner is not there, and the housekeeper allows her to go into his office. There Tatyana sees books that Eugene was fond of. In them, “modern man is depicted quite faithfully with his immoral soul, selfish and dry, immeasurably betrayed by a dream, with his embittered mind, seething empty in action.” Tatyana comes here again. Reading books helps her better understand Onegin's soul. “Everywhere Onegin’s soul involuntarily expresses itself either with a short word, or with a cross, or with an interrogative hook.”

Tatyana's mother is worried about the unsettled fate of her daughter. She complains that she refuses all suitors. She is advised to take her daughter to Moscow, to the "fair of brides." Tatyana is not happy to leave. Her walks are becoming longer, she says goodbye to her native places. In winter, Tatyana and her mother go to Moscow. They stop at Alina's mother's cousin. “And so: Tanya is delivered to family dinners every day.” But Tatyana is not touched by life in the capital, she misses her native fields. “But everyone in the drawing room is occupied with such incoherent, vulgar nonsense; everything in them is so pale, indifferent ... In the barren dryness of speeches ... thoughts will not flare up for a whole day ... The languid mind will not smile, the heart will not tremble ... ”Tatyana, thinking, sits at the ball. She "seems like a dream ... to a secluded corner ... and into the dusk of linden alleys, to where he appeared to her." An important general pays attention to her. Pushkin makes a belated introduction to the novel, paying tribute to classicism.

Chapter Eight

Pushkin recalls his first poetic experiences and further creative destiny. Onegin returns from a journey.

Onegin (I'll take care of him again),

Killing a friend in a duel

Having lived without a goal, without labor

Until the age of twenty-six

Languishing in idle leisure

No service, no wife, no business,

Couldn't do anything.

At the ball he meets a lady who seems familiar to him.

She was slow

Not cold, not talkative

Without an arrogant look for everyone,

No claim to success...

Everything is quiet, it was just in it ...

This woman is respected by those present. Even the dazzling beauty of Nina Vronskaya cannot overshadow her beauty. Eugene can't believe his eyes. He asks a familiar prince who this is, and he replies that this is Larina, his wife. This is really Tatyana Larina, who about two years ago married the prince. Onegin is talking to Tatyana. “But Onegin could not find traces of the former Tatiana either.”

Is it the same Tatyana,

Which he alone

At the beginning of our romance

In a deaf, distant side,

In the good fervor of moralizing,

I used to read instructions

The one from which he keeps

Letter where the heart says

Where everything is outside, everything is free,

That girl... is it a dream?

The girl he

Neglected in humble share,

Was she with him now?

So indifferent, so bold?

Eugene returns home thoughtfully. In the morning, Eugene is brought an invitation from Tatyana's husband, Prince N. Onegin looks forward to the evening and goes to visit. He finds Tatyana alone. Now Onegin is embarrassed, and "she sits calm and free." Tatyana's husband arrives and interrupts this awkward conversation. Other guests come - "the color of the capital, and know, and fashion samples." Onegin watches Tatyana all evening. This is no longer a simple village girl, but an indifferent princess, an impregnable goddess of the luxurious, regal Neva. Eugene falls in love with Tatyana like a child, he chases after her like a shadow. Tatyana does not notice him. Eugene dries up, everyone sends him to the doctors. Exhausted by his unrequited love, Onegin writes a letter to Tatyana. Now he repents that he did not want to lose his "hateful" freedom:

No, every minute to see you,

Follow you everywhere

The smile of the mouth, the movement of the eyes

Catch with loving eyes ...

Freeze before you in agony,

To turn pale and go out ... that's bliss!

But for my life to last

I have to be sure in the morning

That I will see you in the afternoon ...

Tatyana does not answer the letter. Having met with Onegin, she is "surrounded by the Epiphany cold." Eugene ceases to be in the world and begins to read again, but he is haunted by visions: Lensky killed by him, Tatiana sitting at a book by the window. Onegin almost goes crazy. So the winter passed. "Looking like a dead man" Onegin comes to Tatyana. Having met no one in the hallway, he goes further and sees Tatyana in tears, reading his letter.

Oh, who would mute her suffering

I didn't read it in this quick moment!

Who is the former Tanya, poor

Tanya Now I would not recognize the princess !

Onegin falls at her feet. Tatyana decides to explain to him:

Onegin, I was younger then

I seem to be better

And I loved you; and what?

What have I found in your heart?

What answer? one severity.

Isn't it true? You weren't news

Humble girls love?

And now - God! - the blood freezes

As soon as I remember the cold look

And this sermon... But you

I do not blame: in that terrible hour

You have acted nobly

You were right before me:

I am grateful with all my heart...

Then, isn't it? - in a desert,

Far from the vain rumors,

I didn't like you...

Why are you following me now?

Why do you have me in mind?

Is it not because in high society

Now I must appear;

That I am rich and noble

That the husband is mutilated in battles,

What is it that the yard caresses us for?

Is it because my shame

Now everyone would be noticed

And could bring in society

You seductive honor?

I cry ... if your

Tanya You haven't forgotten so far

Then know: the causticity of your abuse,

Cold, strict conversation

If only I had power,

I would prefer hurtful passion

And these letters and tears.

To my baby dreams

Then you had at least pity,

Though respect for years ...

And now! - what's on my feet

Has it brought you? what a little!

How is it with your heart and mind

To be the feelings of a petty slave?

And to me, Onegin, this splendor,

Hateful life tinsel,

My progress in a whirlwind of light

My fashion house and evenings

What's in them? Now I'm happy to give

All this rags of masquerade

All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home

For those places where for the first time,

Onegin, I saw you

Yes, for a humble cemetery,

Where is now the cross and the shadow of the branches

Over my poor nanny ...

And happiness was so possible

So close!.. But my fate

Already decided. Carelessly

Perhaps I did:

Me with tears of spell

Mother prayed; for poor Tanya

All the lots were equal ...

I got married. You must,

I ask you to leave me;

I know that there is in your heart

And pride and direct honor.

I love you (why lie?),

But I am given to another;

I will be faithful to him forever.

Tatyana leaves, and Eugene stands, "as if struck by thunder." Tatyana's husband enters, and here the author says goodbye to his hero - a strange companion - in "a moment that is bad for him", and Tatyana - "a true ideal".

Pushkin began work on the novel "Eugene Onegin" in 1823. The novel was completed in October 1831.

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" is, from the point of view of V. G. Belinsky, a poetically reproduced picture of Russian society, which is taken at one of the most interesting moments of its development. The critic wrote that Pushkin “took this life as it is, without diverting from it only its poetic moments; took it with all the coldness, with all its prose and vulgarity.

Belinsky calls "Eugene Onegin" the first truly national Russian poem in verse. He says that there is more nationality in this work than in any other. Belinsky recognized the importance of the novel "Eugene Onegin" for all Russian literature as a whole. He wrote: “Together with Griboyedov’s contemporary brilliant creation, Woe from Wit, Pushkin’s poetic novel laid a solid foundation for new Russian poetry, new Russian literature ...”


A young frivolous nobleman becomes the sole heir of his uncle. Eugene Onegin goes to look after the dying man, thinking that fate has played a cruel joke on him. Eugene is unhappy that he will have to care for the dying. However, the young man cannot but admit that he was very lucky - his uncle made him his heir. Pushkin calls Onegin "a young rake", which is an exhaustive description of a young man.

Here the reader gets to know the main character better thanks to information from his biography. The life of Eugene Onegin, in general, was no different from the life of other noble children. Onegin was born "on the banks of the Neva". His father was not rich, then completely ruined. Pushkin says that he was personally acquainted with Yevgeny, calls him "my good friend."

The young man received a traditional upbringing for children from noble families. When he was very young, he was brought up by Madame; as the child grew older, the Frenchman Monsieur PAbbe began to teach. However, apparently, the teacher himself did not have sufficient knowledge. Therefore, it cannot be said that the young man received a good education.

As an adult, Onegin closely follows fashion. Eugene fully met the requirements that were imposed on young people of that time - he knows French; knows a little Latin; reads various books; dances well; has excellent manners. That is why they began to consider him an intelligent and very pleasant person to communicate with.

Pushkin says that Eugene perfectly mastered the "science of tender passion." Early learned to "hypocrite",

"Keep hope, be jealous,
disbelieve, make believe
To seem gloomy, to languish,
Be proud and obedient
Attentive or indifferent!

In a word,. It would not have been difficult for Eugene to conquer any girl. Eugene led a free life. The main and main occupation was entertainment. From early morning, Evgeny was brought invitations to various social events.

Eugene's life is easy, it is like an eternal holiday. He often goes to the theater, admires the beautiful ballerinas. Onegin considers his lifestyle to be completely normal and correct. It never occurs to him to give up his usual entertainment.

Pushkin says that Onegin attached great importance to his appearance. He always surrounded himself with beautiful things; wore fashionable and expensive clothes. It would seem that Eugene has everything necessary in order to be happy. However, alas. The idle life had become rather boring to him. Pushkin himself says that the main character can by no means be called a happy person. He was bored with the endless cycle of entertainment.

“No: early the feelings in him cooled down;
He was tired of the light noise;
The beauties didn't last long
The subject of his habitual thoughts;
Treason managed to tire;
Friends and friendship are tired ... "

Onegin was seized by the "Russian melancholy". He cooled to life, the usual activities no longer aroused his former interest. Onegin suffered from boredom. But, alas, he could not find a worthy occupation for himself. Yevgeny tried to read, "he set up a shelf with a detachment of books." But, alas, the reading did not capture him. Onegin tried to write. But for writing, he did not have enough perseverance and patience. Therefore, he could not write anything. Even the beauties who willingly gave him their favor became boring to Eugene. It was at this time that the author met Eugene. And with considerable pleasure I communicated with this gloomy and gloomy man. Of course, in Eugene Onegin there are many positive qualities. But they have not received a decent development. And so their owner himself is mired in melancholy and despondency. The author says that he was going to travel with Onegin. But fate decreed that they parted. Just at this time, Onegin's father died. Eugene was forced to pay his debts. Since the young man hated litigation, he left an inheritance to pay his debts. And then fate showed its favor to Eugene - he received a message that his uncle was dying. And leaves him all his inheritance.

When Eugene came to his uncle, he, alas, had already died. Now Onegin has become the sole and full heir. Paradoxical as it may seem, Onegin quickly got used to the new - rural - life. True, he did not become happier. He was still very, very bored.


Despite the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist, the author cannot but admit that Eugene is extremely lucky. He happened to live in a wonderful place.

"The village where Eugene missed,
There was a lovely corner;
There's a friend of innocent pleasures
I could bless the sky."

At first, Eugene tried to occupy himself with something. Changes in life seemed to him a worthy reason to find a business to his liking. The young man began with transformations in his estate. He replaced the corvée with a light quitrent, which caused great joy among the peasants. Neighbors, looking at the innovations of Eugene, decided that "he is the most dangerous eccentric."

At first, all the neighbors tried to get acquainted with Eugene. However, he deliberately left, as soon as he found out about the visitor. This led to the fact that various rumors began to circulate about Onegin, one worse than the other.

Eugene himself did not worry at all because of the negative attitude towards him from those around him. He lived in solitude, not trying to change anything. But suddenly it happened that the young Vladimir Lensky settled in the neighborhood. He was an ardent and enthusiastic young man. These were his native places, which Vladimir did not visit for a long time, because he studied in Germany. Lensky is completely different from Yevgeny. He is naive, sincere, not too well versed in people, idealizes them.

People around willingly began to communicate with Lensky. After all, he was an enviable groom, and many had daughters of marriageable age. However, the educated and refined youth was bored with the villagers, whose interests were very limited. Only Onegin, who himself was an educated and intelligent person, could appreciate all the richness of Lensky's inner world. It so happened that these two became friends - the naive and enthusiastic Lensky and Onegin, disappointed in everything.

“They got along. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire
Not so different."

At first, Onegin and Lensky "were bored with each other." But then it happened that they began to find special pleasure in communicating with each other. Despite the obvious differences, they had something to talk about, because both were smart, educated, erudite.

The relationship between Lensky and Yevgeny was very peculiar. Onegin treated the young poet condescendingly, with a smile, although in the depths of his soul he envied his enthusiastic attitude to life. Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky talked about a variety of things.

Almost since childhood (before his departure abroad), Lensky loved one of the local girls, Olga Larina. Pushkin characterizes the feelings of the young poet:

"Oh, he loved, as in our summers
They no longer love; as one
The mad soul of a poet
Still condemned to love.

Olga was sweet, but in general the most ordinary girl. Therefore, Lensky's special attitude towards her was explained not so much by her merits as by the romantic nature of the poet himself.

From Pushkin's point of view, nothing special could be said about Olga. She was a modest, sweet girl, cheerful, obedient, ingenuous. Blue eyes, a smile, flaxen curls... According to the poet, in any novel there will definitely be a description of such a girl. The older sister, Tatyana, seems much more interesting to the author. At first glance, there was nothing remarkable about Tatyana.

She was not beautiful, therefore, outwardly, unlike Olga, she could not attract attention. Tatyana is silent, sad, estranged from communication. Even in her own family, she seems like a stranger. She was reluctant to play with children, did not know how to find a common language with adults. Tatyana often and for a long time sat by the window.

Tatyana is a thoughtful and sad girl. She lives in her inner world, and the amusements of her friends are of little interest to her. Tatyana reads a lot and willingly. True, the choice of books is very peculiar. The girl is absorbed in love affairs, however, like many girls at her age.

The parents of Tatyana and Olga were simple patriarchal people. They observed all the traditions known from ancient times. On Maslenitsa Larina baked pancakes; fasted twice a year; they loved such folk entertainments as swinging, songs, round dances. They often had guests who were as simple and patriarchal as they were. This is how their whole life went. They got old. By the time of the events described, the girls' father had already died.

Lensky had known the Larins since childhood. Dmitry Larin, the father of Tatyana and Olga, nursed him in his arms as a child. Lensky was very upset by his death. Vladimir said that his father had long read Olga for him. But, alas, he did not live to see that day.

Lensky wanted more than anything else to marry Olga. The girl seemed to him an ideal that one can only dream of.


Onegin continues to see Lensky frequently. But he now seeks to spend all his free time with the Larins. This surprises Onegin. He does not understand how a simple patriarchal family can attract an educated young man. Onegin sarcastically speaks of the alleged conversations in the Larin family:

"jam, eternal conversation
About the rain, about the flax, about the barnyard...”

For Onegin, such conversations are boring. He openly despises the provincial landowners. For Lensky, communication with the Larins is a real pleasure, because his ideal lives here, his beloved girl.

Onegin asks Lensky to introduce him to Larin. Vladimir happily agrees, although he may not immediately believe that Onegin seriously wants to communicate with a simple Russian family. In fact, Onegin wants to see what kind of beauty won Lensky's heart. And so they went together to visit the Larins. They were very cordially received, treated, as it should be in patriarchal Russian families.

After meeting the Larins, Onegin is a little disappointed. He asks Vladimir Lensky: is he really in love with his younger sister? Onegin believes that the older one is more interesting. And such a romantic as Lensky would not have to fall in love with the narrow-minded and uninteresting Olga.

Vladimir was very offended by his friend for these words. Meanwhile, the appearance of Onegin in the Larin family caused various rumors. Neighbors began to say that he was interested in Tatyana, although in reality all this was not so. Meanwhile, Tatyana, seeing Eugene Onegin, fell in love with him. The girl lost her peace and sleep. She thinks about Eugene all day and night. Tatyana lost interest in the usual fun and entertainment. She reads romance novels and imagines herself in the place of the main characters. One night, Tatyana calls the old nanny, asks to tell about whether she loved someone in her youth. The nanny says that in those years she had never heard of love. She was married at the age of 13, the groom was even younger. Tatyana tells the old woman that she has fallen in love. Nanny looks at her sadly.

Tatyana despaired of receiving even the slightest sign of attention from Onegin. And then she decides to write a letter to her lover to tell about her feelings. Tatyana writes that she is aware of the absurdity of her act. In her own opinion, Onegin has every right to "punish" her with "contempt". The girl says that at first she wanted to be silent. And I wouldn't confess my feelings for anything in the world. But this would only be possible if she could even occasionally see Onegin. Tatyana says that this would be her greatest joy:

"Just to hear your speeches,
You say a word, and then
All think, think of one
And day and night until a new meeting.

Tatyana understands that Onegin is bored with them. After all, they are simple-hearted people who have nothing to attract the attention of a person like him.

The girl complains that he even appeared in her life. If she had not seen him, love would not have settled in her soul. Then things would have turned out completely differently. She would have married, been a faithful wife and a caring mother. But now she understands that she will not be able to give her heart to anyone in the world. Tatyana sees a sign of fate in the fact that she met with Eugene.

The next morning, Tatyana asked the nurse to send a letter to Onegin. So the letter has been sent. Now Tatyana, with bated breath, is waiting for an answer. But a day goes by with no answer. Another day passes, again the girl does not receive an answer. Tatyana has been expecting a visitor since morning. But, alas, only Lensky comes. She asks where his friend is. He says that he was going to be today. But, apparently, something prevented him.

For several days, Evgeny did not come to the Larins. Tatiana no longer knew what to think. And finally, Onegin came to the Larins. Tatiana ran into the garden in confusion.

In the garden, the maids gather berries and sing a song. In the garden, Tatyana met Evgeny.


At the beginning of the chapter there are lyrical digressions in which Pushkin talks about the essence of love.

“The less we love a woman,
The easier it is for her to like us
And the more we ruin it
In the midst of seductive nets.

Pushkin says that Onegin has not fallen in love with anyone for a long time. However, after he read Tatyana's letter, long-forgotten feelings stirred in his soul. He recalled his youth, when he himself repeatedly became "a victim of stormy delusions / And unbridled passions." However, now everything has changed. And the letter of a young girl could hardly change his nature.

Onegin met Tatyana in the garden. They were silent for several minutes. Then Eugene approached the girl and said:

"You wrote to me
Don't back off. I've read
Souls of trusting confession,
An innocent outpouring of love."

Onegin said that Tatyana's sincerity was dear to him. She made me remember "long silent feelings." However, Eugene was not going to praise Tatyana. He was determined to tell her everything honestly. Btsegin says that if he thought for a moment about the home circle, about what he wants to become a father and spouse, then he would not look for another bride, he would give preference to Tatyana. But, alas, it is not created for family joys. And no matter how beautiful and sweet his wife is, she will quickly get bored with him. Onegin admits that he is not worthy of a girl like Tatyana. He says, "that marriage will be a torment for them. As soon as he gets used to his wife, he will immediately stop loving her. She will cry. But this will only irritate Onegin.

“What could be worse in the world
Families where the poor wife
Sad for an unworthy husband
Alone day and night."

Onegin says that he does not want such a fate for Tatyana. He admits that he loves her

"Love brother
And maybe even more tender.

Eugene consoles the girl. She says that she, so young, has her whole life ahead of her. She will love someone else. He advises her to be more restrained. Otherwise, an unkind person can take advantage of her innocence and inexperience.

Tatyana listened to Yevgeny's rebuke in tears. His words severely wounded the sensitive soul of the girl. Of course, Onegin's words were true to a certain extent. But how hard it was to hear them for a young girl in love! After this conversation, Tatyana was not herself. Nothing interested the girl anymore. She. as if she had lost the meaning of life. Habitual business and entertainment ceased to excite her. The people around could not help but notice that the girl herself was not her own. And everyone decided that Tatyana needed to get married. Meanwhile, Olga and Lensky's romance is in full swing. Young people love each other. Inelzyane admire this beautiful couple. It seems that there is no one happier than them in the world. They have everything so that later life is one continuous holiday - youth, wealth, love. Lensky is occupied exclusively by Olga. He does not notice anyone but his beloved. He is next to her every minute. And he sees no other happiness for himself. With Onegin, he now communicates much less often.

But Eugene does not worry about this at all. He lives in solitude and is very glad that he is deprived of the need to communicate with anyone. Eugene is quite satisfied with his own life. He gets up early, goes to the river, swims for a long time, then returns home, has breakfast, starts reading. Onegin forgot "city, and friends, / And the boredom of festive undertakings."

Summer is coming to an end. Autumn has come. And now the “boring time” is approaching, “November was already at the yard.” At this time, the village is especially boring. Onegin still spends most of his time alone. And now, after a long break, Lensky comes to have dinner with him. Eugene set the table, prepared wine. The conversation is going slowly. Onegin asks Lensky about how the Larins live, how Olga, how Tatyana. It's unlikely that he really cares. But Lensky enthusiastically begins to say that Olga has become extremely prettier. Vladimir also reports that Yevgeny is invited to the Larins for Tatiana's name day. Yevgeny tried to talk himself out of the trip. But Lensky does not understand his refusal. Vladimir himself is in high spirits. The day of his wedding has already been set. This happy event should take place in two weeks.

Life seems amazing to him. Vladimir treats the people around him in the best way. There is no envy or anger in his soul.


The chapter begins with a description of nature. The author says that winter was late, autumn was standing in the yard for a long time. Snow fell only in January. Tatyana loved winter very much. And now it's time for fortune-telling. Tatyana decided to find out her future. The dream that the girl saw was downright frightening.

Tatyana in a dream walks through a clearing covered with snow. The situation is ominous, it is dark around. And only gloomy snowdrifts surround her. Despite the winter and frost, a stream murmurs in the snowdrifts. He, like the whole environment, seems ominous. A small bridge has been laid across the stream. It is scary to cross it, it looks unreliable, flimsy. Tatyana stopped in front of the bridge, not daring to step on it. And suddenly, quite unexpectedly, a bear crawled out of a snowdrift. The girl was very scared. The bear held out its paw to Tatyana. She had no choice but to lean on her. So Tatyana crossed the stream. The bear followed her. The girl tries to go as fast as possible. But the bear does not lag behind her a single step, he is in such a hurry that he breaks trees when walking. The surroundings are quiet, the trees are covered with snow. The road is not visible. The blizzard covers everything around. Tatyana goes into the forest, falls into the snow while walking. She's scared. Tree branches cling to her, she has already lost her gold earrings, her shoes are stuck in the snow. Tatyana dropped her handkerchief, and she had no time to pick it up. Here Tatyana was already exhausted and fell into the snow. Then the bear picked her up and carried her. The girl does not resist, she has no strength. She can't breathe for fear. Suddenly a hut appeared, covered with snow. In the darkness, it was clearly visible how the window glowed. From the hut came voices and noise. The bear said: “Here is my godfather: warm yourself a little with him!” After these words, he left Tatyana in the entryway. The girl cautiously opened the door. She saw a truly terrible picture: monsters were sitting at the table.

"One in horns with a dog's muzzle,
Another with a cock's head
Here is a witch with a goat's beard,
Here the skeleton is stiff and proud,
There is a dwarf with a ponytail, and here
Half crane and half cat.

Here are even more terrible monsters - "crab riding a spider", "skull on a goose neck", a dancing windmill that flaps its wings. A loud noise is heard: "Barking, laughter, singing, whistling and clapping, / People's talk and horse top!"

What she saw frightened Tatyana very much. But how surprised she was when she saw Onegin among the monsters. It was obvious that he was in charge here.

“He will give a sign: and everyone is busy;
He drinks: everyone drinks and everyone screams;
He laughs: everyone laughs;
He furrows his brows: everyone is silent;
So, he's the boss, that's clear."

Tatyana opened the door harder. But the wind blew, and the lamps went out. The monsters began to look around. Onegin got out and went to the door. Tatyana is scared, she tries to run away. But she has no strength. Eugene opened the door, and everyone saw the girl. Everyone reached out to her, began to shout: “Mine! my!" But Eugene said menacingly: “Mine!” Then all the monsters disappeared. Tatyana stayed with Onegin. They were sitting on a bench, he leaned his head on her shoulder. Olga appeared, followed by Lensky. Onegin became very angry, began to scold the uninvited guests. Tatyana was very frightened. Suddenly Eugene grabbed a long knife and killed Vladimir. The hut shook. Tatyana woke up in horror. Olga entered the room and asked her sister whom she had seen in her dream. But Tatyana, not paying attention to Olga, leafs through a book - an interpreter of dreams. Tatyana tries to unravel the dream. But, alas, it cannot. However, the girl understands that the dream portends future troubles. It was too scary and incomprehensible.

And then Tatyana's name day came. Guests gathered - provincial landowners, narrow-minded and uninteresting. At least for Tatyana herself. Pushkin very eloquently describes the guests.

"With his stout wife
The fat Trifle has arrived;
Gvozdin, an excellent host,
Owner of poor men;
Skotinins, gray-haired couple,
With children of all ages, counting
Thirty to two years old.

Here is the "county dandy Petushkov"; familiar to everyone Buyanov; "retired adviser Flyanov"; Monsieur Triquet, who, like a true Frenchman, "brought a couplet to Tatiana." The company commander also arrived, who was the idol of mature young ladies. His presence was greeted with joy by all.

Eugene also arrived. It so happened that he was put directly in front of Tatyana. The girl was pale and did not dare to look at him. Onegin saw the state of Tatyana. He understands that the girl is extremely excited. Eugene could not stand "tragi-nervous phenomena, girlish swoons, tears." That's why he got so angry. The party was in full swing. Only the birthday girl herself and Onegin were not up to fun. Eugene was bored of being among these people, who, in his opinion, were too simple and uninteresting. Tatyana was not herself. This, of course, was noticed by the rest of the guests. But they were too busy with the treat, so they did not begin to think about what so spoiled the mood of the birthday girl.

Guests have fun - dancing, playing cards. Onegin decided to take revenge on Lensky for being forced to be here. Eugene did not find anything better than to invite Olga to dance. He dances with her, whispering "vulgar madrigal" to her. Lensky is indignant. He intends to challenge Eugene to a duel.


Lensky leaves the party in anger. As soon as Eugene noticed this, he again became bored. Onegin is quite pleased with his revenge. Olga looks for Lensky, but does not find him. The holiday ends. Tatyana is not sleeping. She reflects on Onegin's behavior. The girl, at first, is surprised by his very appearance; in the mountains, she cannot understand why Eugene behaved this way with Olga. Tatyana is in sad thoughts.

Meanwhile, Onegin received a challenge to a duel. He did not protest.

In the depths of his soul, Onegin was dissatisfied with himself. His conscience was restless. He blamed himself for joking so casually with the girl's love. In addition, Eugene understood that the quick-tempered young man Lensky was still too young, which means that he did not always do the right thing. The challenge to a duel was just such a reckless act. But now it was too late to change anything. Onegin understood that Lensky was angry, waiting for a duel in order to take revenge on the offender.

In fact, Lensky was so shocked by the behavior of Olga and Onegin that he even decided to hate his bride. Before the duel, he was not going to meet with Olga. But then his heart could not stand it, and he went to the Larins. Vladimir thought that Olga would be embarrassed. But she joyfully met him, was as cheerful, frisky and careless as before. Olga asked Lensky the first question: “Why did you disappear so early in the evening?” After this question, Lensky realized that the naive Olga did not see anything wrong with her behavior. She is too young and innocent. Her coquetry with Onegin was just a game. Lensky was happy because he was still loved.

What a pity that Vladimir could not understand this immediately. It's too late now, the duel cannot be cancelled. The evening before the duel, Lensky spent with Olga. He didn't say a word to her about what he was going to do tomorrow. Olga saw that something was going on with her lover. But he did not answer questions. After returning home, Lensky prepared his pistols. And he began to remember Olga. He took a pen and wrote poetry. He knew that tonight might be his last. Meanwhile, Eugene slept peacefully. He didn't worry about the duel. In the morning Onegin hurriedly dressed and went to the appointed place. Lensky had been waiting for him for a long time. Now yesterday's friends have become enemies. But just recently they spent together "leisure hours, meals, thoughts and deeds." And now they look at each other with hatred. There is still the opportunity to stop the duel, stretch out their hands to each other and part amicably.

"But the wildly secular feud
Fear of false shame.

Onegin fired... Lensky fell and dropped his pistol. The young man died instantly, no one really had time to understand anything. Onegin is in awe. After all, he had just killed his friend.

Pushkin talks about how sorry the young poet is. After all, he died in the prime of life, full of hope and strength. Lensky was a kind, noble and honest man, he had his whole life in front of him. He had everything to be happy. The author says that Vladimir Lensky could have been born "for the good of the world" or for glory. Now no one will know this. However, the poet admits that, quite possibly, the fate of an ordinary provincial would have awaited Lensky. He would forget poetry, get married, take care of the household. But, alas, he was killed by the hand of his friend. And now no one will know how his life could have turned out. A simple monument was erected to Lensky by the stream in dense shade.


The chapter begins with the author talking about the coming of spring. The snows are melting, running down the mountains in muddy streams. The meadows are flooded with water. Nature wakes up, welcomes you warmly. The skies are clear, the sun is shining brightly. The forests are starting to turn green.

In the village, life goes on as usual. Almost no one remembers Lensky anymore. Olga did not grieve for long. She was carried away by another, got married and is quite happy. After Olga married a lancer and left her father's house, Tatyana was left alone. She thought about Eugene for a long time. She knew that now she must hate him. But she couldn't. Once, during a walk, Tatyana went into Yevgeny's house. The maid let her in. Tatyana ended up in Onegin's office, began to read books where he left his notes. And she began to understand why Eugene behaved this way and not otherwise.

"Creation of hell or heaven,
This angel, this arrogant demon,
What is he? Is it an imitation
An insignificant ghost, or else
Muscovite in Harold's cloak,
Alien whims interpretation,
Full lexicon of fashionable words?..
Isn't he a parody?

Such reflections allowed Tatyana to forget a little, to distract herself from sad thoughts. She better understood the character of Eugene, and this gave her the opportunity to take a different look at his words and behavior.

While Tatyana indulged in sad thoughts, her mother worried about the fate of her eldest daughter. Mother said that Olga was younger - and already married. Tatyana's mother decided that it was impossible to delay any longer. Tatyana is already in years, it is high time for her to get married. Buyanov, Ivan Petushkov, and hussar Pykhtin wooed her. But they were all rejected. The mother decided to go with her daughter to Moscow, to the fair of brides. This required money. But the mother decided that her daughter's happiness was worth serious expenses. Tatyana did not want to go to Moscow. But, as an obedient daughter, she could not argue with her mother.

Before leaving, Tatyana began to spend more time in the forest. She says goodbye to her native places, to everything that is dear to her.

In Moscow, Larins meet with relatives and acquaintances. Here reigns the usual bustle for big cities, to which they are not accustomed. Tatyana is gradually getting used to the new society.

At one of the balls, Tatyana got interested in some important general. This caused great joy among the relatives.


At the beginning of the chapter there is a lyrical digression in which Pushkin reflects on poetry and his own destiny. He says that in the days of his youth, the muse began to appear to him. So his future path was predetermined. Once the poems of the young Pushkin made an impression on the venerable poet: "Old man Derzhavin noticed us / And, descending into the coffin, blessed."

"worry took over

He left his village, where everything reminded him of the tragedy, and went on a journey. When travel bored him, he returned to the capital. And again he often began to attend balls, although he had been tired of social events for a very long time.

At one of the balls, Eugene saw Tatyana. He didn't recognize her right away. Tatyana has changed a lot compared to what she was in her youth. Onegin addresses the prince with a question:

"Tell me, prince, don't you know,
Who is there in a raspberry beret
Are you talking to the Spanish ambassador?

The prince looks at Onegin with surprise. He is amazed that Onegin has not been in the world for so long that he does not know the latest news. The prince says that in the malitsa beret is his wife. His words cause great surprise in Eugene.

The meeting with Onegin left Tatyana indifferent. He was quite surprised by this. Now Eugene is looking forward to the next ball to see Tatyana. Onegin sees that Tatyana has turned from a timid simple girl into an impregnable goddess who arouses admiration for everyone. Tatyana has mastered all secular manners. And now no one and nothing can piss her off. Onegin fell in love with the one that had previously left him indifferent. Now he has lost his peace and sleep. Day and night Yevgeny thinks about Tatyana. Every day he drives up to her porch just to see his beloved. It becomes happiness for him if he manages to throw a boa over her shoulder, touch her hand, or at least lift her handkerchief.

Tatyana does not notice him. She doesn't pretend. Now she is actually indifferent to him, takes him at home, talks to him at a party. It is clear that she treats him the same way she treats everyone around her. That is to say, benevolent. And that's it.

Onegin "dries up", the doctors suspect he has consumption, send him to the water. He refuses to follow the doctor's orders. He himself understands that he is close to death. He seemed to have lost the meaning of life. And, like a straw, clutching at only one hope. Onegin writes a "passionate message" to Tatyana, in which he expresses his hope for understanding. At the very beginning of his letter, Onegin says that he understands that a letter can cause contempt in Tatyana, it can even offend her. But he can't help but express his feelings. Eugene writes that a long time ago, when he noticed a spark of tenderness in a young girl, he did not take it seriously, did not want to lose his freedom. In addition, the circumstances were such that Onegin caused the death of Lensky. After that, he had no choice but to leave everything and go far, far away.

"Alien to everyone, not bound by anything
I thought: liberty and peace
replacement for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how punished!”

And now to see Tatyana, to watch her smile, her eye movements are happiness for him. Onegin writes that he considers her perfection and is ready for anything for the fleeting attention of her. Eugene says that his days are numbered. And the last joy is the opportunity to see your beloved.

“I know: my age is already measured;
But for my life to last
I have to be sure in the morning
That I will see you in the afternoon ... "

Onegin asks forgiveness for his plea. He says that he cannot control himself and his feelings. Tatyana did not answer the letter. Onegin wrote a second, then a third letter. And they went unanswered. Onegin decided to personally see Tatyana and went to her house. She greeted him sternly, "surrounded by the cold of Epiphany." It was evident that Tatyana could hardly contain her indignation. Onegin tried to see in her compassion, sympathy for him. But, alas. Only anger is read on Tatyana's face.

Onegin understands that Tatyana has absolutely no feelings for him. Meanwhile, he only thinks about her. Nothing interests him anymore. One day, exhausted and ill, Onegin went to Tatyana's house. Eugene already looks so bad that he looks like a dead man. He did not meet anyone in the hallway, he went into the hall. And suddenly he sees a strange picture. The princess is sitting alone, reading something and crying bitterly.

Tatyana read Onegin's letter. It was clear that she was overwhelmed with feelings. She can't help crying. Now the proud and impregnable princess again resembles that young girl whom Eugene knew.

Onegin fell at her feet. Tatyana was silent. Then she asked him to stand up and decided to explain himself. Tatyana recalled how once, in the alley, she listened to Yevgeny's rebuke.

"Onegin, I was younger then,
I seem to be better
Iya loved you; and what?
What I found in your heart
What answer? one harshness.

Tatyana says that Eugene did not need the love of a naive girl, because he answered her coldly and harshly. However, she does not blame him. On the contrary, I am grateful that he acted so nobly. Tatyana understands that Onegin did not like her in the village. And wonders why now he began to pursue her. Tatyana Assumes that Evgeny's interest is caused by her noble position, wealth. She moves in high society, known to all. Now her every act will be condemned by all. Tatyana asks Onegin if he is in love with her because it can create a favorable reputation for him in the world.

Tatyana says that she is not interested in social life, a fashion house, evenings.

"Now I'm glad to give
All this rags of masquerade
All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes
For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,
For our poor home
For those places where for the first time,
Onegin, I met you.

Tatyana says that happiness was possible and close. But fate so decreed that now nothing can be returned. Now she is married and, despite the fact that she loves Onegin, she cannot do anything. Tatyana says that she will always be faithful to her husband.

After these words, Eugene was as if struck by thunder. He realized that there was no hope for him; that if there were any feelings left in Tatyana's soul, then she would never, for no reason, give them free rein. In the depths of Tatyana's soul there is love for Eugene. Tatyana is mistaken in thinking that Evgeny is attracted to her position in society. Far from it. Onegin is truly in love. But fate decreed that this love would be unrequited.

At the end of the work, the author says goodbye to the reader and to his characters, as if summing up his work. Nothing is said about the fate of the main characters. The reader can only guess how the fate of certain characters in the novel "Eugene Onegin" developed.

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a realistic work that reflects the era in all its manifestations. It is no coincidence that the novel was called "an encyclopedia of Russian life." The characters of the main characters deserve close attention. Belinsky gave such an assessment to Eugene himself: “Onegin ... is not a demon, not a parody, an unfashionable whim, not a great person, but simply “a kind fellow, like you and me, like the whole world ...” “... He is not good in genius, does not climb into great people, but the inactivity and vulgarity of life stifle him; he does not even know what he needs, what he wants; but he knows, and knows very well, that he doesn’t need, that he doesn’t want what makes selfish mediocrity so content, so happy.” Belinsky calls Onegin "a suffering egoist"; says that he is "an unwillingly egoist." That was his fate.

Belinsky interprets the image of Lensky as follows: “Lensky was a romantic both by nature and by the spirit of the times. There is no need to say that it was a being, accessible to everything beautiful, lofty, a pure and noble soul. But at the same time, "he was ignorant at heart," always talking about life, never knowing it. Reality had no influence on him: his joys and sorrows were the creation of his imagination. He fell in love with Olga - and what a need it was for him, that she did not understand him, that, having married, she would become the second, corrected edition of her mother, that she still had to go out for a poet, a friend of her childhood games, and for Are you satisfied with yourself and your lancer horse? “Lensky adorned her with virtues and perfections, attributed to her feelings and thoughts that she did not have and about which she did not care.”

Belinsky's interpretation of the image of Tatiana: “Tatiana is an exceptional being, her nature is deep, loving, passionate. Love for her could be either the greatest bliss or the greatest misfortune of life, without any conciliatory middle ground. With the happiness of reciprocity, the love of such a woman is an even, bright flame; otherwise, a stubborn flame, which willpower, perhaps, will not allow to break out, but which is the more destructive and burning, the more it is squeezed inside ... "For Tatyana, there was no real Onegin, whom she could not understand, neither know; consequently, she needed to give it some meaning, borrowed from a book, and not from life, because Tatyana could neither understand nor know life. From Belinsky's point of view, Tatyana does not like the light. She would gladly leave the world forever, stay in the village. But since she is forced to communicate in the light, she must listen to his opinion, it becomes an idol for her, "and the fear of judgment will always be her virtue ...".
