Modern trends in the development of education in Russia. Trends in the development of the education system Current trends in Russian school education

Modern trends in the development of education in Russia.  Trends in the development of the education system Current trends in Russian school education

Analysis of the historical aspect of the development of educational systems and their theoretical understanding shows that the socio-historical context not only influenced the theory and practice of education, but also largely determined and determined their development. Among the sources of such development are:

Pedagogical science, which allows not only to analyze and systematize the achievements of educational practice, but also to theoretically predict and model the further development of the pedagogical process;

Pedagogical practice, which reveals the effectiveness of the application of certain pedagogical theories and models;

Finally, social order, the needs of the state and society in the field of education. The influence of this source on the development of the pedagogical process is extremely great. The state, through the education system, is able to initiate, facilitate or discredit certain trends in the pedagogical process. Society, developing, dictates an urgent need for training specialists who can be in demand in new political and socio-economic conditions. This affects the formulation of the tasks of teaching and upbringing, and the determination of the content of the pedagogical process, and the choice of adequate methods and means.

The development and changes of these sources (modern achievements of psychological and pedagogical sciences, innovative practice, changed social orders in the field of education) have led to the emergence of new trends in the education system, and in the organization of the pedagogical process itself, and in the requirements for its result. Let us briefly outline the main ones.

Humanization education, increasing attention to the student’s personality as the highest value of society, aiming at the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities. And although the principle of humanization has long been included in general didactic principles, it is only at the present stage of development of education that truly real conditions for its implementation have arisen. Humanization of the content of education is achieved by making maximum use of the capabilities of not only humanities subjects, but also disciplines built on the study of the fundamentals of natural and exact sciences. Education in this case is aimed at developing a humane attitude towards nature, and technological progress is directly associated with the intellectual achievements of human civilization and improving the quality of human life. A priority role in the humanization of learning is given to linguistic education, aesthetic education, human studies courses, which contribute to the development of empathy, reflection, self-organization and self-regulation of student behavior.

Humanitarianization – this is the general focus of the content of education on the priority acquisition of the knowledge and skills that are necessary for every person, regardless of social group and chosen profession (general cultural knowledge of the native language, national history and literature).

Democratization modern education is manifested in the creation of prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of participants in the educational process (students and teachers), broad involvement of the public in education management. One of the distinctive features of the modern education system is the transition from state to state-public education management. The main idea of ​​state-public education management is to combine the efforts of the state and society in solving educational problems, to provide teachers, students, and parents with more rights and freedoms in choosing the content and forms of organizing the educational process, in choosing different types of educational institutions. Ensuring personal rights and freedoms makes a person not only an object of education, but also its active subject, independently determining his choice from a wide range of educational programs, educational institutions, and types of relationships.

Personalization as a strengthening of another traditional didactic principle of the need for an individual approach. Its implementation is manifested primarily in the organization of the personal-activity approach in education. The emergence of such an integrated, systematic approach to the upbringing and education of children is due not only to the natural development of pedagogical science, which, like any area of ​​human activity, is characterized by a constant desire for progress, but also to the urgent crisis of the existing education system. A feature of this approach is the consideration of the learning process as a specific form of subject-subject relations between teacher and student. The very name of this approach emphasizes the relationship between its two main components: personal and activity. The personal (person-oriented) approach assumes that the student with his individual psychological, age, gender and national characteristics is at the center of learning. The development of the student’s personality is the main task of education, which is built taking into account his characteristics and the “zone of proximal development.” This consideration is manifested in the content of educational programs, in the forms of organization of the educational process, and in the nature of communication. Such learning is, as it were, “refracted” through the personality of the student—his goals, motives, value orientations, aspirations, and capabilities.

The activity component of this approach assumes that education fulfills the function of personal development only if it encourages it to take action. The significance of the activity and its product for the individual influences the effectiveness of its mastery of universal human culture. In addition to the general characteristics of the activity (objectivity, subjectivity, motivation, purposefulness, awareness), when planning educational activities, it is necessary to take into account its structure (actions, operations) and components (subject, means, methods, product, result). The identification of each of the considered components of the personal-activity approach (personal and activity-based) is conditional, since they are inextricably linked due to the fact that the personality always acts as a subject of activity, and activity determines its development as a subject.

Variability or diversification of educational institutions involves the simultaneous development of various types of educational institutions: gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, schools with in-depth study of individual subjects - both state and non-state. For several decades, our domestic pedagogical practice could develop only within the framework of the only ideologically approved concept of personality formation. Such monologue and convergence not only narrowed the possibilities for the development of the pedagogical process, but also led to stagnation and reduced the status position of the teacher in the public consciousness. The state policy in the field of education that has changed in the last decade has led to the formulation of new questions and new priorities in education, the creation of variable pedagogical programs and technologies. Variability is clearly observed not only in the content of the proposed educational programs, but also in the forms of organization of the pedagogical process, in a wide range of types of educational institutions. This allows parents and students to choose the education they receive and take responsibility for that choice.

Standardization content of education refers to the trends of modern international educational practice. It is determined by the need to create a unified level of general education, regardless of the type of educational institution. The standard of education is understood as a system of basic parameters accepted as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the capabilities of the real individual and the education system to achieve this ideal.

Greening national education is an urgent need of today and a reflection of the global trend in attempts to restore the harmonization of human existence and the surrounding nature. The formation of ecological thinking, aimed at establishing cause-and-effect relationships between human actions and changes in the environment, becomes the most important task not only for civilizational development, but also for the survival of mankind. The formation of such thinking must necessarily be accompanied by moral development and awareness of personal responsibility for the changes taking place. Solving this problem is impossible without emotional experience and the development of empathy, spirituality, and the priority of ethical values. Greening in a broad sense presupposes an attentive, careful, responsible attitude not only to nature, but also to the surrounding people, culture, and one’s own physical and mental health.

Differentiation modern education is manifested in the creation of conditions for effective learning of various groups of students. The basis for differentiation of educational groups (classes) can be the inclinations and abilities of students, their level of knowledge in individual subjects, cognitive interests, and educational motivation. The wide network of educational institutions that have developed in domestic education, providing in-depth specialized training, can be considered a manifestation of the tendency towards differentiation. Today, almost every school has classes with in-depth study of individual subjects (foreign language, literature, biology, mathematics, etc.). Creating programs for academic subjects that involve different levels of immersion in them naturally requires a differentiated approach, which is manifested in focusing on the capabilities and needs of students.

Integrity. This is primarily manifested in structural changes in the educational system. The realization that high-quality training and education is possible only in conditions of real continuity of all links of the educational system leads to the emergence of complex educational institutions (kindergarten - school, school - university, etc.). Today, there are qualitative changes in the creation of pedagogical theories, at the center of which is the understanding of the need for integration and systematicity of the pedagogical process. In addition to intrasystem integration, there is a unification of all the educational forces of society, school, family and other social institutions. The trend towards integration is also noticeable in the content of education. This is manifested in strengthening interdisciplinary connections and in the creation of integrative courses (for example, “Ethics and psychology of family life”, “Pedagogy and psychology of higher education”, etc.). Integration can manifest itself not only at the interdisciplinary, but also at the intradisciplinary level of organizing the content of education. Such intra-subject integration involves ordering the content of a separate academic subject around the main core. The goal of integration in education is the unification and unification of areas of knowledge, which allows, without loss of quality, to condense the transmitted information and form a systematic view of its perception and generalized methods of activity.

Psychologization modern educational process. And although in this case psychologization is a particular variant of interdisciplinary integration, due to the significance of this phenomenon, it is legitimate to highlight this trend as an independent characteristic. This is not only a reflection of increased social interest in psychology (which is typical during periods of social crises and, as a consequence, frustration and neuroticism of society), but also evidence that today the very formulation of pedagogical tasks is changing. An analysis of existing programs for training and raising children shows that today the shift in emphasis in such programs is not on determining the knowledge, abilities and skills (KAS) that should be formed in children, but on the development of mental qualities that will allow the child to receive these KAS. If the formation of the field of knowledge is a pedagogical task, then the formation of mental qualities is a psychological and pedagogical task. This allows us to talk about the current trend towards the practical integration of pedagogy and psychology.

Transition from informative to active methods teaching with the inclusion of elements of problem-solving, scientific research, and extensive use of resources for students’ independent work. It is combined with a transition from strictly regulated, controlling and algorithmic ways of organizing the educational process to developmental ones that stimulate the activity and creativity of the individual.

Industrialization training, that is, its computerization and accompanying technologization, which makes it possible to create and use new models of training and test the effectiveness of mastering its content (for example, programmed and distance learning). In addition, computerization of the educational process greatly expands the possibilities of distance learning, especially for people who, due to health reasons, are not able to attend educational institutions. The functional purpose of a computer in teaching is different in relation to students and teachers. For a teacher, computer technology is a tool of his work, and for students it is a means of their mental development. The use of new information (primarily computer) technologies is aimed not so much at expanding the volume of knowledge studied at school or university, but at finding and applying new ways of structuring information in the process of its perception, understanding and assimilation. These methods include synchronization of visual and auditory presentation of knowledge, dynamic and visual-figurative models, interactive activities, and independent search activities of students.

Main trends in the development of education in the modern world


1. Main directions of development of modern education. 1.1. Changing goals of education in the modern world 1.2. Main trends in education in the modern world.

2. Problems of using new technologies in teaching

3. Education in the context of globalization




In the last few years, in the speeches and publications of Russian philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and teachers, as well as scientists, writers, politicians and other representatives of the domestic intelligentsia, the problem of education has shown particular relevance. This can hardly be considered a mere accident or a new intellectual fashion: rather, behind this there are some new trends in the global civilizational process. At the same time, special attention in any discussions on the topic of education is paid to both a rather harsh critical assessment of classical educational paradigms, concepts, models, institutions, and the search for their new images, more adequate to the modern cultural situation. The traditional model of education known to us almost always represents a simple translation of culture, and, as a rule, of some mono-culture dominant in a given society and state at a certain time. The main meaning of such education is usually training, understood as the simple assimilation by students of a certain amount of knowledge accumulated by humanity in various fields, and, to a large extent, scattered knowledge, with the aim of preparing a specialist who is ready to join existing socio-economic institutions and complexes. At the same time, it is believed that it is possible and sufficient to simply transfer into the consciousness of those “forming” specially selected and appropriately processed cultural material, and all this diversity and vastness, at best, are only an insignificant background in the preparation of a “professional”. Of course, in such education = training, a person is not only not a subject of the educational process, but is generally absent as a person, an individual; he is just an object of learning here. As is known, traditional forms of educational activity are also quite adequate to these fundamental principles: lesson, question, answer; lecture, assignment, seminar. In this regard, it is authoritarian and totalitarian both in content and in form, and the authoritarian content of education is a key point that predetermines everything else in educational systems and complexes. There is no attitude towards personal self-determination, the search for images of oneself, one’s ways of thinking and feeling, one’s life in this world. In other words, such education = training is not education at all in the proper sense of the word, understood as the process of human formation. The modern cultural situation decisively requires a significant revision of traditional educational paradigms, which today are no longer tenable in the sense of ensuring the development of any civilized society. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, F. Nietzsche, Z. Freud, O. Spengler and a number of other outstanding thinkers clearly declared the exceptional hostility of European culture to man and the inevitability of its crushing collapse, which was later exhaustively confirmed by many events of this century. Currently, we can observe the growing collapse of any totalitarianism and authoritarianism in all spheres of human activity, especially clearly manifested in the last decade in the so-called Soviet and post-Soviet space. This process, of course, could not help but affect such a defining sphere of social life as education, making its usual content and forms unacceptable. Already now, the world as a whole is becoming multipolar and multicultural, and the leading trends in modern education are its humanization and humanitarization, dialogism and project-based approach. In this regard, there is already an understanding that education and training are very different things, and that education should not be just a broadcast. However, today educational methodologies and technologies are changing, even the content of educational programs and curricula, but not the very essence of education, which so far remains completely unchanged, since the main mental change in this context has not yet occurred. There is still no understanding that education should not simply transmit culture, and especially not any kind of mono-culture. The broadcast of a culture that has revealed its hostility and repressiveness towards people, a culture that is collapsing, can hardly be considered reasonable at all. This means that the meanings, goals and values ​​of education must change. 1. The main directions of development of education in the modern world.1.1. Changing goals of education in the modern world. It is necessary to talk about changing the “education = training” paradigm with the “education = becoming” paradigm, meaning the formation of a person, his spirituality, selfhood, his self-creation, self-formation, self-formation into a personality, a person. Education should serve the progressive development of man, society and civilization as a whole - in every sense. Since we are talking about the fact that education should cease to be a broadcast of culture and is intended rather to teach a person to find his place, his niche in culture, to design his own sub-cultural space, in the new education philosophy should acquire a completely different status and meaning. It is philosophy, as something that works not with, but on cultural meanings and is a meta-cultural phenomenon, that can become the main reflexive tool in this educational activity of the subject. serving the Spirit and true spirituality not as religion and culture, but as Search and Progress, daring the Spirit - these are tasks truly worthy of education! It is an educated person who can become any high-level specialist, and therefore updated education must be considered as the most strategically effective investment area for both an individual and any state. Of course, such a change in the very essence of education inevitably entails an adequate change in the forms of educational activity used and the types of educational spaces. When education ceases to be a simple transmission of culture and a certain set of professional knowledge, skills, and abilities, then any academic subject or discipline within the educational process can no longer be its goal, as well as any form of educational activity. In these conditions, they, of course, must acquire the status of an instrument of meaning generation and self-formation for the subject of the educational process - as a person and personality, specialist and professional. All this brings to the fore the question of the need for a significant revision and revaluation of some ideals and norms customary for traditional education, including a number of so-called universal values. In any case, many of them must be reinterpreted and adapted to the changed parameters of reality. And first of all, we are talking about some stereotypes - both old and new education. Thus, the thesis about the humanistic nature of education - both in content and in the methods of implementing educational practices - is widely known, and in a number of countries (including Russia) has been elevated to the rank of Law. “Man and his interests are above all, he is always the goal and should never be a means in any activity, any violence against the human person is unacceptable.” This set of beautiful guidelines, standard for current education reformers, has become our rule of good pedagogical tone and a measure of the degree of progressiveness and innovation. But new education presupposes a significant measure of individualism and personalism in each “forming” subject, which is completely impossible to achieve without prior alienation, separating Oneself from the environment, the masses, the crowd. But the consciousness of people remained the same - conciliar, collective, and not at all because of the collectivist communist past, but for reasons that have much deeper and more significant historical roots. The new education must become existential in form and content, which inevitably involves a fair share of mental pain and spiritual torment, and traditional humanism demands: “do no harm! = do no harm!” Is it possible not to be offended when the task is set to create a space in which the “former” will existentially expose himself to himself, when the World is exposed to consciousness, when false veils and masks are torn off from both Self and the World? Of course, it is both painful and unpleasant, but this pain is a powerful resource for growth and development. In addition, there is also a significant difference between violence and effort, without which any mental and spiritual movements are generally impossible, and, accordingly, a new development-oriented education. Attention should be paid to a number of other traditional values ​​of education, which also require reflexive problematization and critical rethinking. Today, more and more often, to the already known guidelines outlined here, requirements are added about the need for planning and organizing education to proceed from the request-order of the participants in the educational process themselves. The requirement, of course, is good, but hardly reasonable, because a person who is just starting to self-education, self-construction, self-formation - in the literal sense of these words, is unlikely to be able to clearly formulate and design the trajectory of his educational movement: he still does not have the goals of this movement clear, let alone talk about the means to achieve them. Another problem of traditional education that requires unconditional resolution in new education is its mass character, in which the entire educational process as a whole aimed at the "average" pupil and student. If the bar of educational standards rises, this average person drops out of the process, but, at the same time, the strong and talented cannot study at this average level. Thus, we again make education regressive, since humanity, as is known, has always developed not as a whole, but through its best representatives. In this regard, in the new educational paradigm the content of the concept of humanism should also change. By true humanism we should now understand only that which actually serves the development of man and the goals of progress, however, that is associated only with concern for “not offending”! - there is a false humanism, behind which the avoidance of existential responsibility by the educational teacher is hidden. 1.2 Main trends in the development of modern education The state of education in the modern world is complex and contradictory. On the one hand, education in the 20th century has become one of the most important areas of human activity; enormous achievements in this area formed the basis for the grandiose social, scientific and technological transformations characteristic of the outgoing century. On the other hand, the expansion of the sphere of education and changes in its status are accompanied by aggravation of problems in this area, which indicate an education crisis. And finally, in recent decades, in the process of searching for ways to overcome the crisis of education, radical changes have taken place in this area and the formation of a new educational system. The place of education in the life of society is largely determined by the role that people’s knowledge, their experience, abilities, skills, and opportunities for the development of professional and personal qualities play in social development. This role began to increase in the second half of the 20th century, changing fundamentally in its last decades. The information revolution and the formation of a new type of social structure - the information society - bring information and knowledge to the forefront of social and economic development. Changes in the field of education are inextricably linked with the processes occurring in the socio-political and economic life of the world community. It is from these positions that we will try to identify and analyze the main trends in global education. Evolution of knowledge into the main source of value in the information society. As social development progresses, it is clearly evident that knowledge, innovation and methods of their practical application are increasingly becoming a source of profit. The fact that knowledge begins to occupy key positions in economic development radically changes the place of education in the structure of social life, the relationship between its spheres such as education and economics. The acquisition of new knowledge, information, abilities, skills, and the establishment of an orientation towards their renewal and development become fundamental characteristics of workers in the post-industrial economy. The new type of economic development that is taking hold in the information society makes it necessary for workers to change their profession several times throughout their lives and constantly improve their skills. The sphere of education significantly intersects in the information society with the economic sphere of society, and educational activities become the most important component of its economic development. We must also not forget that information and theoretical knowledge are the country’s strategic resources and, along with the level of development of education, largely determine its sovereignty and national security. The emergence of education as the most important factor in overcoming backwardness in the development of most of humanity. The transition from an industrial to an information society, which is gradually taking place in developed countries, threatens to aggravate to the limit one of the most difficult global problems of our time - the problem of overcoming the backwardness in development of many countries. The information gap, superimposed on the industrial gap, together creates a double technological gap. If this situation in relations between developed and developing countries continues, then serious uncontrollable contradictions will arise that will torment the human community. In order for the creation of a modern information infrastructure in developing countries to contribute not only to increasing the profits of developed countries participating in the financing of this process, but also, mainly, to overcoming socio-economic backwardness, it is necessary to use new technologies, both in international business and in a variety of spheres of life in developing countries. And this requires modern technical systems, and certain knowledge, skills, abilities, and behavior patterns among the citizens of these countries. The formation of the information society requires a qualitative increase in the human and intellectual potential of developing countries and thereby brings the education sector to the forefront of social development. The prospects for the socio-economic development of these countries and the solution to the global problem of overcoming backwardness in the world now depend on solving the problems of education, which have always been acute in developing countries and which have become even more aggravated in recent decades due to the rapid development of information technology. degree, education ceases to be identified with formal school and even university education. Any activity is now interpreted as educational if its goal is to change the attitudes and behavior patterns of individuals by transferring to them new knowledge and developing new skills. The functions of education are performed by a variety of social institutions, not just schools and universities. Enterprises take on the most important educational functions. Thus, large industrial enterprises necessarily have divisions involved in training and retraining of personnel. Non-formal education aims to compensate for the shortcomings and contradictions of the traditional school system and often satisfies pressing educational needs that formal education cannot satisfy. As UNESCO's "Learning to Be" report points out, education should no longer be limited to the walls of the school. All existing institutions, whether intended for teaching or not, should be used for educational purposes. Transition from the concept of functional training to the concept of personality development. The essence of this transition lies not only in a change in priorities: from the state order for the training of specialists to meeting the needs of the individual. The new concept provides for an individualized nature of education, which allows taking into account the capabilities of each individual person and promoting his self-realization and development. This will become feasible through the development of different educational programs in accordance with the different individual capabilities of both students and teachers. An important factor in this direction of educational development is the formation in students of learning skills, skills of independent cognitive activity using modern and promising information technologies. Even in the recent past, good handwriting was a guarantee of a calm and prosperous life into old age. Recent decades have been characterized by an acceleration in the renewal of technologies and knowledge in various fields of human activity. School and even university education today is not enough for a long time. The President of General Motors Corporation puts it this way: “We need specialists not with four or even six years of education, but with forty years of education.” The development of the concept of lifelong education and the desire to implement it in practice have aggravated the problem of adult education in society. There has been a radical change in views on adult education and its role in the modern world. It is now seen as the main way to overcome the crisis of the educational system and to form an education system adequate to modern society. Transforming knowledge into fixed social capital , the increase in benefits associated with acquiring knowledge lies in the fact that the benefits from it are received by the person who consumes this product, society as a whole and specific enterprises. This provides the basis for mixed financing of education and the development of market relations in this area. The development of market relations in the field of education is also facilitated by the aggravation of the problem of state financing. “If in the 60s in most countries the share of the gross national product allocated to education increased sharply, then since the beginning of the 80s in the vast majority of both developed and developing countries, public spending on education has been reduced or, which is much less common, are stabilizing. Even in the United States, where the highest priority area of ​​government social policy is education (this industry in the United States is rightly called a “state within a state”), for whose needs more funds are allocated than for defense, the problems of public financing have worsened. In Russia, the general tendency for most countries to reduce government funding for the education system is intensified by the general economic problems of the transition period. As a result, the share of expenditures on education and training in the federal budget decreased from 6% in 1992. up to 3-4% in 1996 The search for ways to overcome the financial crisis of the education systems of many countries has led to the emergence of not only national, but also global markets for educational services. Thus, in the mid-90s, the total cost of providing such services to foreign citizens was estimated at approximately 100 billion US dollars per year, which is comparable to the size of the total budget of a number of states. Of this total amount, $18 billion was earned by the United States, which is conducting targeted work to “recruit” students.” The listed trends determine the main directions in the development of the new educational system. The fundamental difference between this new system and the traditional one lies in its technological base. Technological elements are extremely underdeveloped in traditional education, which relies primarily on face-to-face teaching and printed materials. The new educational system is focused on realizing the high potential of computer and telecommunication technologies. It is the technological basis of new information technologies that makes it possible to realize one of the main advantages of the new educational system - distance learning or, as it is otherwise called, distance learning. The main trend of modern education is a gradual shift in priorities from direct instruction to individual contact with students. Key lectures and seminar sessions remain, of course, indispensable, but a significant part of the educational process can take place during individual consultations with teachers on specific topics or problems. The main feature of modern education can be called its dialogical nature, which is manifested in the coexistence of both different approaches to teaching and the teaching methods themselves. Already when preparing students of pedagogical universities, it is necessary to form their mental compatibility, ability and love to conduct polemics. To ensure the mental compatibility of teachers, they themselves must be able to: – conduct non-judgmental dialogue with colleagues; – determine the degree of complementarity and mutual enrichment of various methodological concepts, provided that their originality and independence are preserved; – formulate problems in terms of goals and solutions (without “getting personal”). A graduate of a modern school does not need a sum of knowledge and skills, but the ability to obtain them; not diligence, but initiative and independence. Self-development cannot be taught directly - this ability is not transferred. But the teacher can create conditions for “cultivating” this ability. The ability to create such conditions becomes a professional requirement for a teacher. To realize the new goals of education, a new teacher is needed - a professional teacher. Unlike a subject matter specialist, a professional must be able to work with the processes of education and development. A professional teacher is no longer a transmitter of subject knowledge, he becomes an organizer of educational work to solve creative problems, multifaceted socially significant activities of adolescents and young men. The teacher deals with a developing person, his actions are based on knowledge of personality psychology, basic approaches to understanding and explaining character, and personality development in certain periods of life. Therefore, every teacher should receive psychological education and psychological training. Psychological education cannot be obtained by simply summing up various psychological disciplines, and psychological training cannot be obtained by several hours of student practice. Therefore, when teaching students in pedagogical universities and in advanced training courses for teachers, it is advisable to introduce a course in “Psychological Anthropology” - a holistic teaching about the subjective reality of a person, his formation and development in education. This course should become the basis of psychological education for teachers.

2. Problems of using new technologies in education

The education system of the 21st century is changing frequently, influenced by the following factors:

  • Increasing the available information field.
  • Progress.
  • Economic development that requires qualified personnel.

The following trends in the development of modern education are identified:

  • Humanization.
  • Humanitarianization.
  • Nationalization.
  • Openness.
  • The right approach.
  • Analysis and comprehension.
  • Transition to self-realization and self-education.
  • Cooperation.
  • Creative sphere.
  • Application of motivation and techniques for development.
  • The result and its evaluation.
  • Continuity.
  • Interaction between education and upbringing.

The figure shows the directions of modern trends in education.

Main trends in modern education

Definition 1

Humanization of education- This is the recognition of a person as the main social value. Modern teaching takes into account the priorities of learning, which focuses on the individual abilities of the student in education, aimed at gaining knowledge in individual disciplines. Through this type of training, it is easy to understand the student's abilities, meet his educational needs and develop self-esteem.

Humanitarianization helps a person understand spirituality, expand thinking, form a holistic picture of the world around him and a value system. On the basis of universal human culture, different human sides will be able to develop, taking into account the subjective needs and objective conditions of the individual, which directly depend on the level of material and personnel potential of training.

A trend in education such as nationalization determines the national orientation of education. Education requires constant development, but is based on historical characteristics and folk traditions. Education contributes to the preservation and replenishment of national values.

The modern educational system must be open. Educational goals should be determined not only by the state, but also take into account the opinions of students, parents and teachers. Openness is another educational trend that is driving curriculum. Educational programs need a base of knowledge and must be easily supplemented. This takes into account cultural, regional, ethnic and other characteristics.

Note 1

Modern education requires a shift in teacher attention from academic work to productive educational, cognitive, labor, artistic and other activities of the student. Culture should encourage a person to work productively; only in this case will it fulfill the function of personal development. It is possible to better master a culture by doing a variety of work that is meaningful to a person. The activity approach to learning will help to endow theoretical pedagogical tasks with a personal meaning of human work.

Previously, informative forms of education were often used, which are no longer relevant today. Modern education requires the use of elements of defining and expanding problems, scientific research, individual activity, and student interaction. It is important to realize the transition from reproduction to understanding and comprehension, applying the acquired knowledge in practice.

Note 2

Today it is important to give students the opportunity for self-affirmation and self-realization, which helps to establish self-organization. The teacher and student are employees. The transformation of forms of interaction depends on changing the roles and functions of all participants in the learning process.

According to modern trends in the development of education, a teacher must be able to activate, motivate, form motives, encourage self-development, take into account the activity of students, and create conditions for individual movement forward. There is a certain sequence: from the teacher’s help in solving educational problems and tasks at the initial level of education, to maximum independent regulation in learning and the emergence of a relationship between the student and the teacher. During the transition from mentoring to collaboration, it is important to maintain respect for the teacher on the part of the student.

Creative orientation is easy to trace in modern education. Showing the creative side of education and using the creative process will help the student easily go through the stage of individual growth and development, satisfaction with the result. Creativity contributes to obtaining positive emotions from the educational process.

Strict regulation of the learning process is already a thing of the past. Today, the teacher is free from rules and regulations. This will help achieve effective results and make learning individually targeted.

The result of any work requires evaluation. This will help you understand the level of effectiveness of training. The assessment is made according to certain requirements and standards, unified regardless of the form and specifics of education.

Continuity of education is an important trend in the development of education. It promotes deepening of knowledge and helps to achieve integrity in education and upbringing. Continuity of education will help transform acquired knowledge throughout human life.

The interaction between education and training is important. In many educational institutions there is no educational function. Only through the interaction of training and education is the formation of personality possible.

Technological progress is moving forward, which also affects the educational process. Modern technologies must be present in new techniques. It is important to use the information received correctly and be able to apply it in real life.

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Currently, our country is undergoing serious changes in various social spheres. A reassessment of values ​​is taking place, and public consciousness is being modernized.

The main trends in the development of education are closely related to similar phenomena and processes.

Modernization goals

Since almost a third of Russians study, systematically improve their skills, or teach someone, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of education reform.

The main trends in the development of modern education suggest:

  • creating the required conditions for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality;
  • launching mechanisms that contribute to the self-development of the younger generation;
  • continuity in education;
  • giving educational activities social significance.

The basis of the modern policy of changing the educational structure is the construction of educational activities on a student-oriented method.

Basic principles of changing the content of education

Let's consider the main trends in the development of education in Russia. They are based on several principles.

Thus, the democratization of the domestic educational system presupposes the active participation of local and state authorities in the management of educational institutions. Teachers received the right to creativity and demonstration of their own teaching experience.

Thanks to the alternativeness and variability of domestic education, it is possible to move away from the classical educational system to a variety of innovative methods that provide alternative ways of obtaining education.

There are also trends in the development of the education system that contribute to its openness and accessibility. It is thanks to openness that emancipation is currently observed, the liberation of education from internal dogmas, its harmonious unification with culture, politics, and society.

Humanization of education

It consists in overcoming the main vice of the classical school - impersonality. Modern trends in the development of education are aimed at respecting the child’s individuality, interacting with him on trusting terms, taking into account his interests and requests.

Humanization presupposes a serious revision by pedagogy and society of the attitude towards the younger generation who have certain deviations in physical and mental development.

The main trends in the development of education are aimed at the early identification of gifted and talented children, building individual educational development trajectories for them. The teacher serves as a mentor, helps students overcome emerging difficulties, correct the path of self-development and self-improvement.

Differentiation of the educational process

Modern trends in the development of education suggest the identification of two fundamental tasks:

  • ensuring children's rights to choose basic or specialized education;
  • individualization of the educational process based on conformity with nature and a person-oriented approach.

Among those features that need to be noted in Russian education, we highlight its continuity.

Such trends in the development of education contribute to the multidimensional movement of the individual in educational activities.

Ways and directions of development of education in the Russian Federation

The domestic education system exhibits contradictory and complex processes. With deep reform and development of content, there is a significant lag in financial, economic, material, technical, and personnel support.

Among the most important areas are:

  1. Preservation and strengthening of the harmoniousness of the educational system, taking into account the regional, economic, national interests of peoples and regions.
  2. Reforming domestic education.
  3. Retraining of qualified personnel.
  4. Legal and regulatory support for the development and functioning of the educational system.


To update national education, it is necessary to implement a unified target system for planning educational programs, development and functioning of methodological centers. Regional plans are created on the basis of the basic federal plan.

Also among the trends of our time, it is necessary to note the structural restructuring of the content of education along a complete vertical, starting with preschool institutions and ending with postgraduate education.

Special attention is paid to special education. Due to the increase in the number of sick children, work is being carried out with children who have serious limitations in physical health.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed a national project, according to which distance learning is carried out for schoolchildren with disabilities due to physical health. Within the framework of this project, the child and the teacher are provided with a computerized workplace, training is carried out via Skype.

graduate School

The main trends in the development of higher education are associated with the development of scientific potential, strengthening the importance of university science, and solving the problems of training qualified personnel to carry out innovative work.

Higher professional education is carried out on the basis of vocational secondary or complete (secondary) education under special programs. In the Russian Federation there is the following structure of higher education:

  • educational state standards;
  • programs;
  • design, scientific, cultural and educational organizations;
  • scientific centers that ensure the existence and improvement of higher education;
  • university, institutes, academies.

According to the Federal Law, the following types of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation are established: academy, university, institute.

After our country joined the Bologna Declaration, significant reforms have been observed in higher education. In addition to changing the paradigm of the educational system, management of the quality and effectiveness of education has been intensified, and the idea of ​​lifelong education is being implemented in practice.

Let's sum it up

The main directions of change in the domestic educational system are noted in the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”. Federal educational standards of the new generation have made a significant contribution to the modernization of the content of education.

They not only characterize the basic level of content of Russian education, but also form the basis for assessing the level of preparedness of the younger generation.

In the transition from subject centrism to individual educational areas, a person-oriented approach to the training and education of the younger generation is fully implemented.

In the near future, for example, significant changes in the main priorities are envisaged in primary education.

The central place is occupied by developmental education, project and research activities of younger schoolchildren.

At the elementary level, the educational institution introduced the course “The World Around You,” which promotes the socialization of schoolchildren and is aimed at developing a positive attitude towards the living world and environment. A six-year primary school program is currently being developed.

In the natural sciences there is a move away from abstractions and a transition to an applied focus.

Modern school of Russia. Problems, development trends

Introduction…. 3

§1. Program « School of Russia» …. 5

§2. « Problems, development trends» …. 8

Conclusions and conclusions…. 13

List of used literature... 15


The education system is one of the most important systems of the state. And what is happening there is a clear example of what is happening in the country. Education is rocked by many conflicts. The struggle of two worldviews, the former, Soviet, and capitalist. School always very conservative. The Soviet Union is long gone, but fragments of the communist worldview, despite the fierce onslaught of the state capitalist system, still remain in school corridors.

A competent, educated person is valuable

for any state. The state needs a literate, educated

Human. There are exceptions that are

outstanding individuals whose activities are simply necessary for

further progress in science, technology and other areas of human

activities. But in its overwhelming mass, capitalism needs a person whose education does not go beyond satisfactory. Such a person who is able to handle a machine well, who is able to work on complex modern car. A highly educated working man will inevitably come to the burning question of social justice. Therefore, the overall high level

education is completely undesirable for capitalism.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and until now in the capitalist

Russia a program of general reduction in the level and quality is being implemented in every possible way

education. This program is opposed by great conservatism

educational system and partly the old teaching staff of educational

establishments. However, our country is already fully reaping the benefits of this

carefully developed plan. Essentially, only a change in the state social system.

Communist school, unlike any other, gives its

pupils receive a whole, rather than a fragmented, picture of the world. This is, in the full sense of the word, general education school. The subjects studied in it are

allow the student to see all the open sides of the universe. In this school

The student not only acquires knowledge, he acquires a worldview. What

This is especially important, this applies to both diligent students and those who are not at all


Protect your student, love him, teach him to think independently. There is very, very much within your power.

§1. Program « School of Russia»

The learning process in primary school is based on an educational program developed by educational methodologists and adopted for this schools or a separate class. Programs authorized by the Federal State Educational Standard for the 2018-19 academic year, in accordance with the federal list of textbooks, are:

Program "Promising Primary school" (Publishing house Akademkniga);

Program "Planet of Knowledge" (ed. Astrel);

Program "Perspective" (ed. Enlightenment);

Program " School of Russia" (ed. Enlightenment);

System program developmental education D. B. Elkonina-V. V. Davydova (ed. Vita-press);

Program "Elementary" 21st century school"(system of Vinogradova, Rudnitskaya - mathematics, publishing house Ventana-graf);

Program "Rhythm" (Ramzaeva - Russian, Muravin - mathematics, ed. Bustard)

And since 2017, a program for children with disabilities has been added to the list.

General program L development. V. Zankova has been excluded from the state list since 2014. Not included in the federal list of textbooks as of 2018 School2000 and School2100, although the programs are quite interesting and developing. Since 2017, the Harmony program has been excluded.

According to Articles 32 and 55 of the Law of the Russian Federation "About Education" primary teacher schools has the right to choose a system only in accordance with the educational program approved by the educational institution. When choosing a program as a basis, the teacher follows it for all four years.

« School of Russia» , educational and methodological set for grades 1-4 of general education institutions. The scientific supervisor of the set is Andrey Anatolyevich Pleshakov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. This set has been operating as a single unit since 2001. This is one of the most famous and popular educational and methodological kits for teaching in primary school. The educational complex is constantly updated and is a reliable tool for implementing the second generation standard.

« School of Russia» includes completed lines of textbooks for all basic elementary subjects education:

Teaching literacy and reading.

Russian language (2 lines).

All textbooks are included in the Federal List of Textbooks Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, meet the requirements of the State Standard of Primary General Education; ensure continuity with preschool and basic general education. Methodological approaches to teaching all subjects at the primary level; working on these textbooks will allow the child to adapt to school team, accumulate the necessary knowledge and skills for further successful training; The individual characteristics of children are fully taken into account.

« School of Russia» - the name speaks for itself. This educational and methodological complex was created specifically for teaching children living in Russia, introducing them to the traditions and culture of their great country. Program « School of Russia» is aimed at nurturing in children such qualities as kindness, responsibility, the ability to empathize and provide assistance in difficult times. Develops in schoolchildren interest in studying one’s homeland, its nature, history, thereby cultivating such an important quality in our time as patriotism.

The authors, when creating this program, relied on many years of pedagogical experience of the Soviet, and subsequently Russian school. Learning is based on a smooth transition from simple to complex. The program thoroughly develops reading, writing and counting skills, which is the basis for further successful learning.

Textbooks for the program « School of Russia» Very modern, colorful and interesting for the child, perfectly stimulate cognitive activity.

« School of Russia» - a program focused on the accessibility of knowledge.

§2. « Problems, development trends»

An educational standard is a mandatory level of requirements for general education training of graduates and the content, methods, and forms that meet these requirements. Means of training and control. In the content aspect, the standard of secondary general education schools provides:

Mastery of basic concepts, i.e. skills: a) recognize and reproduce the basic concepts of the branch of knowledge being studied; b) give them definitions: c) reveal the content of the concept, it; e) give a practical interpretation of the concept;

Ability to apply scientific knowledge in practice. When solving cognitive (theoretical) and practical tasks both in stable (standard and changing) (non-standard) situations;

Have your own judgments in the field of theory and practice of this educational field;

Knowledge of basic problems of society(Russia) and understanding of their role in their decision: social, political, economic. environmental, moral, production, management. national, international, cultural, family, etc.;

Possession of the technology of continuous self-education in branches of knowledge, sciences and types of activity.

In the context of education reform, educational standards are constantly changing. On the one hand, they must comply with global trends improving training and development students at certain historical stages of social development, on the other hand, do not lose the federal progressive features that they are.

Modern Russian the education system has a number of trends, which are important to consider both in theoretical and practical aspects.

1. Availability. Already now, a successfully implemented direction for improving the educational environment is the creation of conditions for comfortable and accessible learning for children with disabilities, through the use of new teaching methods, educational technologies, information and telecommunication technologies and distance learning.

2. Variability. Improved educational institutions make it possible to take into account the interests of a particular student and use a person-centered approach to training and education. Profile institutions offer applicants to obtain new specialties, with increasing fundamentalization of programs.

3. Additional education. In the vocational education system, additional service programs focused on adult education are gaining popularity among the mature population. They include educational programs and services provided, for example, in continuing education institutions, retraining courses, vocational guidance centers, etc.

4. Mass character. Discussion trend in higher education there is an increase in its mass character, which in Russia happening at an accelerated pace. This is due to the process of transition from an industrial economy to "knowledge economy". Also added to this is the factor of the younger generation’s lack of broad institutional opportunities for professional self-realization.

5. Continuity. Thus, in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of Russian Federation for the period until 2020, the most important task in achieving accessibility to education is the creation of a system of continuous education, training and retraining of personnel. The system is based on the principles of adaptation of the population to the constantly changing conditions of professional activity, ensuring the possibility of constant self-development in accordance with individual aspirations, increasing the educational resources of society.

However, there are a number problems, which need to be identified. Firstly, the excessive theoretical orientation of training. This affects the complication of the process of adaptation of a graduate of a higher educational institution directly to the workplace. The main difficulty for many is the inability to compare theoretical knowledge with its practical application.

Secondly, a high degree of depreciation of fixed assets, equipment necessary for the implementation of a highly effective educational process, as in schools, and in higher educational institutions. Obviously, the obsolescence of educational equipment slows down the process of learning and mastering new technologies.

Thirdly, manifestations of corruption in Russian education system. This phenomenon blocks the possibility of vertical mobility through obtaining quality education for children from disadvantaged families, and also does not contribute to the development of high-quality intellectual potential in the country.

Fourth, insufficient funding Russian spheres of education and science. The lack of financial resources leads to a reduction in educational institutions and highly qualified personnel, which undermines the prestige of work in this field. In addition, a lack of funds may lead to a decrease in the level of education and, as a consequence, a drop in economic growth as a whole, which will negatively affect the socio-economic state development.

Fifthly, the absence of an often direct close relationship between higher educational institutions and the labor market, which becomes the final stage in summarizing the quality of intellectual potential and the use of human capital in the country. Most graduates after graduation go to work outside their specialty, or even retrain, which undermines the effectiveness of the educational system. However, even when looking for a job "by specialty", graduates are not ready to choose low-paid entry-level vacancies, but at the same time, the employer does not want to hire a university graduate without relevant work experience and the necessary skills for a responsible position. Problem develops into a conflict of interests between employers and university graduates.

It is the education system in modern society should become the most important reproducer of the country's human capital. To implement this, in our opinion, it is necessary to solve the current problems as follows:

1. Strengthen the practical orientation of education, introduce more practical disciplines into educational programs, attract more practicing teachers into the educational process, which will strengthen the practice-oriented orientation of education.

2. Maximum support and develop technological side of the education system. This means being solution oriented. Problems equipping and using domestic scientific and technical developments to form an innovative economy.

3. Develop, on the basis of the Unified State Exam, other forms of objective final assessment of students’ knowledge, by creating an examination base prepared by universities for applicants, while in every possible way revealing creativity and maintaining the interest and activity of graduates schools.

4. Allocate additional amounts of financial resources from the state budget for development infrastructure of educational institutions and remuneration. In particular, establish a minimum hourly wage for teaching staff in the relevant specialty and area of ​​training, not lower than the regional average.

5. Expand the infrastructure of institutes for advanced training and retraining of personnel to solve problems structural unemployment.

6. Smooth out the processes of international educational integration by internationalizing higher education, increasing the mobility of teachers and students and providing opportunities for a wider exchange of experience.

7. Conduct an analysis of the strategies of upcoming education reforms from the point of view of risks to national security Russian Federation.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the education system is one of the key indicators of socio-economic state development. With the desire and desire to take a leading position on the world stage, the state is obliged to take care of the literacy and education of the population, thereby forming the highly intellectual human potential of the country. At the same time for Russia problem formation of intellectual potential focused on modernization and innovation economic development, today is no longer a humanitarian task, but the main issue of ensuring national security.

Conclusions and Conclusions

At the end of 2015, President Russian Federation B. V. Putin at a meeting of the State Council on improving the education system in Russian Federation identified key areas development and improvement. To them relate: improving the quality and efficiency of teaching work, creating comfortable conditions for learning and education schoolchildren, introduction of new forms of professional guidance based on interaction schools, university and production.

The current difficult macroeconomic situation in the country and ambitious strategic goals dictate the need for qualitatively new areas of training, starting from preschool institutions and ending with centers of advanced training, which should contribute to raising the educational level of the population, strengthening intellectual potential, increasing the number of qualified specialists and improving the quality of education in the Russian Federation, taking into account globalization processes. Structure Russian education systems and modern The directions for implementing state policy in this area embody the values ​​and goals that society sets for the new generation. At the moment, there is a decline in the quality of education, a low level of training for the transition to a knowledge economy, innovative development national economic system. In addition, the role of higher education in focusing on the continuity of the educational process has not yet been fully defined; training does not clearly prepare a person for his future specialty.

Education today is one of the means to solve the most important problems not only society as a whole, but also individual individuals. As in any state, in Russia the nature of the education system is determined by the socio-economic and political system, as well as cultural, historical and national characteristics. Society's requirements for education are formulated by a system of principles of state educational policy. Its goal is to create favorable conditions for citizens to realize their rights to education, meeting the needs of the economy and civil society.

However modern scientists have proven that any student is capable of creative activity. Consequently, the teacher needs to instill in the child the desire and ability to learn, organize activities in the classroom that would encourage everyone schoolboy to reveal his creative abilities.

List of used literature

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4. The concept of long-term socio-economic development of Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r (edited on 08/08/2009).

5. Morkovkin D. E. "Organizational design of a knowledge management system" 2013 - No. 2. P. 74-80.

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