Lesson 9 freedom and moral choice. Presentation on ORC "freedom and moral choice of man"

Lesson 9 freedom and moral choice.  Orc presentation

Kultysheva Natalya Nikolaevna

primary school teacher

Krasnokamensk secondary school No. 4
Fundamentals of secular ethics.

Date of: 04.05.2010

Lesson topic No. 9: “Freedom andmoralperson's choice"

Lesson objectives:

1 . Educational:

To develop students’ knowledge on the topic “Freedom and moral choice”;

Determine the main factors influencing the choice;

Understand the importance of values ​​for making positive choices.

Be able to correctly formulate your thoughts and motivate your point of view.

2. Developmental:

To promote the development of students' thinking and literate speech.

3. Educational:

To promote a sense of teamwork in students.

Activities: conversation, commented reading, oral story on a topic, independent work with sources of information, preparing a creative conversation with family members, preparing a story

Basic terms and concepts: Freedom. Moral choice. Situation of moral choice. Moral conflict.

textbook, workbook, texts of parables.

Lesson location:

cool room

During the classes:

  1. Organization of student activities.

  2. Discussion of the results of homework. Listening and discussing students' stories.
- With which family member did you discuss the concepts of “virtue” and “vice”?

What examples of virtue and vice can you give from your personal life?

  1. Explanation of new material.

  1. Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook. Discussing the topic of the lesson with students: how do you understand the topic of the lesson?

  2. Working with statements of famous people. (Work in groups)
- Read the statements and explain their meaning.
Freedom is, first of all, not privileges, but responsibilities. Camus A.

Was it really only then that I came into the world for this short period of time in order to lie, confuse, do stupid things and disappear? L.N. Tolstoy

Freedom is responsibility. That's why everyone is so afraid of her. Shaw B.

Freedom is the price of the victory that we have won over ourselves. Mati K.

Listening to children's answers.

  1. Working with a dictionary.
Write down what definition of the word “freedom” is given in dictionaries.

Freedom - a person’s ability to act in accordance with his interests and goals, to make choices.

(Big Encyclopedic Dictionary)

Liberty- this is the absence of restrictions and constraints in anything, the ability to do everything that does not harm others.

Liberty- this is the opportunity to manifest one’s will based on awareness of the laws of nature and society.

Liberty- the state of someone who is not in custody, in captivity.

(Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary)

  1. Work according to the textbook.
Independent work of students.

Read the article on pages 22-23. Find and write down answers to the questions:

  • What is moral choice?
-What determines the choice between moral and immoral behavior?

How should a virtuous person act?

What is moral conflict?

  1. Discussion of the results of independent work.

  2. Working with parables. (Work in groups)

It is my choice

One Sufi mystic was happy all his life. He laughed all the time, no one ever saw him sad. When he was old and dying, one of his students said:

– We are amazed by you. Why are you never sad? How do you do this?

To which the old man replied:

– Once, when I was young, I asked my master about this. I was seventeen years old, and I was already unhappy. My master was old, he was seventy, and he was sitting under a tree and laughing for no apparent reason.

And he told me:

“I was once as sad as you.” And suddenly it dawned on me: this is my choice, my life! And since then, every time I wake up, I ask myself: “Well, what will you choose today, sadness or bliss?” And it always turns out that I choose bliss.

In Hell and Heaven

The man died, but five minutes later he rose again. Surprised doctors ask what he saw in the next world. The man answers:

“God made an exception for me: he showed me both Heaven and Hell.

Doctors were interested:

- Well, how is it in Hell?

- And there is an endless table with the most luxurious food I have ever seen, and at this table sit terribly hungry sinners, looking at the food, drooling, but cannot eat a single piece.

- Are they not allowed to take anything from the table?

– Why don’t they allow it? “Allowed,” the man answers.

- Why are they sitting there hungry then?

- Yes, their arms don’t bend at the elbows, this is their eternal torment as punishment.

“N-yes-ah,” the doctors were surprised. - How is it in Paradise?

– And in Paradise there is the same huge table with luxurious food. The righteous sit at the table, and their elbows also do not bend.

- How?! Are they really hungry too?

“No,” the man answers, “they feed each other.”

Window to the world

There were two seriously ill people in the same room in the hospital. One lay by the window, and the other's bed was located by the door.

-What can you see in the window? – the one lying at the door once asked.

- ABOUT! – the first one perked up – I see the sky, clouds that resemble animals, a lake and a forest in the distance.

Every day, the man lying by the window told his neighbor about what was happening outside the window. He saw a boat, fishermen with a huge catch, children playing on the shore, young lovers holding hands and staring at each other with shining eyes.

While he was watching all these amazing events outside the window, his neighbor was tormented by a dull anger. “This is unfair,” he thought. “For what merits did they lay him by the window, and not me, and I can only see the door with peeling paint, while he admires the view from the window.”

One day, the man lying by the window coughed violently and began to choke. He tried to reach the nurse call button, but he didn't have the strength because he was shaking from coughing. A neighbor watched what was happening. It didn't cost him anything to press his button, but he didn't.

After a while, the first one calmed down and stretched out on his bed.

When the deceased was carried away, the neighbor asked the nurse to move him to the window. The nurse complied with the patient's request, remade his bed, helped him lie down on the opposite bed and, making sure that the patient was comfortable, headed to the door. Suddenly she was stopped by the patient’s surprised exclamation:

- How so! This window faces a blank gray wall! But the one who died told me that he saw a forest, a lake, clouds, people... How could he see all this from this window?

The nurse smiled sadly:

“He couldn’t see anything at all; your late neighbor was blind.

- But why does he?..

“He probably just wanted to cheer you up a little.”

  1. Discussion of the content of parables.

  1. Watching the cartoon “Little Little Devil No. 13” Scriptwriter B. Larin, director N. Lerner

  1. Discussion of the cartoon plot.
- Which cartoon character faced a choice between moral and immoral behavior? What did this mean? Is the position of imp #13 close to you?

10. Homework: (page 23 of the textbook)

1. Prepare a story with examples of actions that involve a person’s free choice.

2. Re-read “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.” A. S. Pushkin.

In what moral choice situations did Chernovka find herself?

What did she do?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation of moral choice?
11. Lesson summary.
-What is freedom?

How is freedom related to moral choice?

What influences the choice?

Does a person always have a choice?

What qualities should a person have to make an informed choice?

I would like to end the lesson with A. Dementyev’s poem “Choice”

The soul is like fog,

It happens like dawn.

Deception hides in the fog

At dawn there is only light

What is your soul hiding?

Fog or dawn?

And what did your soul come with -

Do you know or not?

May life be kind to you

Teach you to be kind.

When will the time come

You have to pay your debts.

Don't restrain yourself then

Pay your debts in full

And over the past years,

And those ahead.

Then the fog will clear

In the future and in the past

It’s not for nothing that we’ve been given a choice

Between good and evil.

Used Books:

  1. A series of lessons in psychology classes for teenagers “I build my own life”
Lyubchenko Alla Nikolaevna, educational psychologist http://festival.1september.ru/

  1. Cartoon “Little Imp No. 13” Scriptwriter B. Larin, director N. Lerner http://teramult.org.ua/mult/

  1. E. Korolkova, L. Semina, N. Suvorova. RIGHT TO LIFE, FREEDOM, PROPERTY http://krotov.info/

  1. Quotes and aphorisms. Freedom and responsibility http://cpsy.ru/cit2.htm

  1. Magazine “Classroom management and education of schoolchildren” http://ruk.1september.ru/

  1. Textbook “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”/Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2010/

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Fundamentals of secular ethics. Lesson 9 “Freedom and moral choice of a person.” Authors: primary school teacher Lidiya Vladimirovna Bychkova, Russian language and literature teacher Alena Alekseevna Kozhevnikova – Municipal Educational Institution Gerbaevskaya Secondary School.

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Lesson 9 “Freedom and moral choice of a person”

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Presentation Transcript

    In the ancient city there lived a Master, surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: “Is there a question that our Master could not answer?” He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. The butterfly clung to his hands with its paws, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked: “Tell me, what kind of butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?” He held the butterfly tightly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth. What did the Master answer to his student?

    He answered: “Everything is in your hands.”

    Proverbs: What 2 choices did the student face? Rate them. Which path would you guys choose? ?

    A person can always make a choice. A choice aimed at benefiting another is a “moral choice.”

    Read the article on pages 22-23 Find answers to the questions. What is moral choice? -What determines the choice between moral and immoral behavior? -What should a virtuous person do? -What is a moral conflict?

    There’s a wallet with money on the street, you know whose it might be. What will you do? a) I’ll go to the store and buy a computer game that I’ve been dreaming about for a long time; b) I’ll buy a lot of sweets and treat all my comrades; c) I will act differently. Discussion of answers.

    S. Mikhalkova “Nakhodka” I ran out into the street, walked along the pavement, turned left around the corner and found a wallet. Four compartments in a heavy wallet. And in each department, a nickel on a nickel. And suddenly, along the same street, along the same pavement, a girl walks towards her with her head bowed. And sadly looks at his feet. As if along the way She needs to find something important on the street. This girl does not know that I have in my hand, Her copper wealth is in a heavy wallet.

    I put it in my pocket. A girl walks by and doesn't know anything. And sadly looks at her feet, As if along the way She needs to find something important On the street. This girl does not know that I have in my hand, Her copper wealth is in a heavy wallet. But then trouble happens, And I stand trembling: I don’t find my favorite knife in my pocket. Four sharp blades This is not an easy job, Yes small scissors, Yes a curled corkscrew. And suddenly I see a girl walking along the pavement, a girl holding my knife and asking: “Is yours?” What will the boy do?

    And I caught up with her, And I asked the girl: Yours? Tell me, is it yours? “Mine,” said the girl, “I walked with my mouth open.” Give it back! I thought that someone would find it.

    1. In which fairy tale and who violated the right to freedom, kept the dolls in slavery? 2. In which fairy tale, the “bakery” hero was several times subjected to attempts to encroach on his life, threats of being eaten? 3.Which fairy tale heroine took advantage of the right to free movement and choose her place of residence?

    What is freedom? -How is freedom related to moral choice? -What influences the choice? -Does a person always have a choice? -What qualities should a person have in order to make an informed choice?

    While our hearts are alive for honor, My friend, let us dedicate our Souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses! A.S. Pushkin

    Re-read “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.” A. S. Pushkin. In what moral choice situations did Chernovka find herself? What did she do? Have you ever found yourself in a situation of moral choice?

    Parable: http://pritchi.ru/id_254 Illustrations: http://foto.rambler.ru/users/awersa1/album/?sort=vote http://www.playcast.ru/?module=comments&playcastId=1152843&page= 1 http://www.ubrus.org/newspaper-spas-article/?id=301 http://www.free-lancers.net/users/somnambula/comments/17142/ http://www.playcast.ru /?module=comments&playcastId=1152843&page=1 http://www.7continent.com.ua/ru/products/details/pritchi_ot_norbekova_dlja_detej_i_vzroslyh/index.html http://www.playcast.ru/?module=comments&playcastId=1214366&page=1 http://dictionary-economics.ru/93 http://www.pravkamchatka.ru/news/1463/------http://www.artsides.ru/?ItemID=5482&ItemName=USA http:/ /mrra.diary.ru/?quote&from=240 http://petripavel.tomsk.ru/opk.php http://warm-velvet.livejournal.com http://vodoleyforum.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id =120&p=8 …/46199?page=67

    Expected Result:

    personal: understanding the meaning of freedom, morally responsible choice in human behavior; fostering respect for people and oneself;



    Type lesson: discovery of new knowledge

    Kinds activities

    Forms organizations

    Methods training at the lesson:


    Basic terms and concepts

    During the classes:

    The song “About Kindness” is playing

    I. Organizing time. (slide No. 1)


    Has anyone forced you to choose a certain color?

    (slide No. 2)

    1. Work on the topic.

    a) Game of “association”

    (slide No. 3)

    Freedom -



    slide number 4)

    slide No. 5)

    (slide No. 6)

    Conclusion: Every living thing on earth strives for freedom. A barely born blade of grass breaks the thick asphalt, rushing towards the sun. The caged bird struggles until exhaustion, trying to break free. Man, the crown of creation, barely stands on his feet and demands freedom for himself.

    Work in pairs.

    (slide No. 7)

    Freedom is the ability to do whatever you want.

    Freedom is independence from someone.

    Freedom is the absence of constraints and restrictions.

    Freedom is permissiveness.

    Freedom is the ability to choose.


    Situations(card on each desk)

    1. . Work with text

    a) Reading a story. (slide No. 8)

    b) Conversation on issues(slide No. 9)

    Which path would you choose?

    CONCLUSION (slide No. 10)

    A choice aimed at benefiting another is a moral choice. ( slide No. 11, 12)

    V. Working with the textbook.

    a) Find answers to questions.

    What is moral choice?

    Anyone who wishes can open any of these umbrellas over themselves. Those who choose a black umbrella will share sad memories of the past, those who choose a bright, colorful umbrella will share joyful, bright memories; a red umbrella will remind you of the disturbing moments of childhood. (listen to the stories of children standing under the selected umbrellas. “I was faced with a choice when...”)

    Thank you for your frankness.

    VI. Working with a parable.(slide No. 13)

    a) Reading by the teacher

    Why are you crying? - asked his father. - There are no more nails, are there?

    b) Conversation on issues

    VI. Bottom line. Group work.

    a) Work on the tasks of the ball

    Freedom, like a ball, also needs to be treated with care. The balls also want to fly freely, but the load interferes with them. Let's try to free the balls by completing the tasks. Using your freedom of choice, you can choose cards of different difficulty levels: the red card has more difficult tasks, the yellow card has easier tasks.

    (slide No. 14)

    Task on yellow cards: (slide No. 15)

    2. In which fairy tale, the “bakery” hero was several times subjected to attempts to encroach on his life and threats of being eaten?
    3. The heroine of which fairy tale took advantage of the right of free movement and choice of place of residence?

    (slide No. 16)

    In ancient times, there was a belief that an angel (the bearer of good, good deeds) sits on one shoulder of a person, and the devil (the bearer of bad, evil) sits on the other. Everyone whispers their own. Whomever a person listens to, that’s how he will behave. In order to hear the whisper of an angel more often, you must constantly develop the ability to act in accordance with the main human values. I wish you guys physical strength, and most importantly, may God give you the strength not to make a mistake when choosing when walking along the difficult road of life.

    (slide No. 17)


    Optional tasks:

    VIII. Reflection

    a) (wonderful umbrellas)

    (slide No. 18)


    1. A series of lessons in psychology classes for teenagers “I build my own life” Alla Nikolaevna Lyubchenko, educational psychologist http:// festival. 1september.ru/
    2. E. Korolkova, L. Semina, N Suvorova. Right to life, freedom, property http://krotov.info/

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"lesson on the topic "Freedom and moral choice""

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Elementary school – kindergarten No. 16”

city ​​of Baikalsk, Slyudyansky district, Irkutsk region

Development of a lesson for a regional competition

for the best educational and methodological

development according to ORKSE

Module "Fundamentals of Secular Ethics"

Lesson "Freedom and Moral Choice"

Primary school teacher:

Plisyuk Irina Nikolaevna

Explanatory a note: Development of lesson No. 9 for the ORKSE course in 4th grade "Freedom and moral choice of a person" (module "Fundamentals of secular ethics"). A presentation is included with the lesson.

Target : developing an understanding of the meaning of freedom and moral choice in human life and society.

Tasks :

    To develop students’ knowledge on the topic “Freedom and moral choice”;

    Develop the ability to correctly formulate your thoughts and motivate your point of view;

    Teaching the skills of meaningful text reading and reading comprehension;

    Promote the development of students’ thinking and literate speech;

    Foster a respectful attitude towards human freedom and moral choice;

Expected Result:

personal: understanding the meaning of freedom, morally responsible choice in human behavior; fostering respect for people and oneself;

subject: students’ awareness of the connection between freedom and human moral choice;

meta-subject: skills of semantic reading of text, expression of one’s understanding of what has been read.

Type lesson: discovery of new knowledge

Kinds activities: conversation, fragmented reading, independent work with sources of information, workshop

Forms organizations: fontal, group, steam room.

Methods training at the lesson:

Verbal (teacher's word), visual (presentations), creative, practical and problem-search (when solving problems), group work using cards.

Equipment: textbook, workbook, colored pencils, multimedia projector, presentation, cards with definitions, printed texts, dictionaries

Basic terms and concepts: Freedom. Moral choice. Moral conflict.

During the classes:

The song “About Kindness” is playing

I. Organizing time. (slide No. 1)

Close your eyes and imagine a bright, warm sun. Let its rays warm you with their warmth. Imagine that a ray of sunshine has filled your heart with the energy of kindness, tenderness, and love. Send the light of love to your family and friends. Smile at your comrades. Give joy to people, be a source of light, goodness and love.
II . Introduction to the topic. Socialization

Write your name beautifully on a piece of paper.

Color it in your favorite color.

What color is your name? Name your favorite color.

Did anyone force you to choose a certain color?

Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Liberty) (slide No. 2)

What is the purpose of our lesson? (get to know the concepts - freedom, choice)

    Work on the topic .

a) Game of “association”

What do you imagine when you hear the word “freedom”?

Please select associations for this word (slide No. 3)

Freedom -



Read your associations. Listen to the words you hear. Add the words you liked if you don't have them. ( slide number 4)

Check and addition. (freedom, life, happiness)

b) Working with dictionaries, reference books and encyclopedias

There are different opinions on what freedom is. Where can I find out the exact definition of “freedom”?

What can help us cope with these difficulties? (textbook)

Open your textbook, find and read the meaning of the word FREEDOM.

Find and read the meaning of this word in dictionaries.

(Working with the word “freedom” according to Ozhegov’s dictionary, a large encyclopedic dictionary

Freedom is a person’s ability to act in accordance with his interests and goals, to make choices. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary) ( slide No. 5)

What does it mean to be free? (you can decide for yourself what to do in a given situation)

c) Working with slides “Who feels happy”

Who feels happy and why? (slide No. 6)

Conclusion: Every living thing on earth strives for freedom. A barely born blade of grass breaks the thick asphalt, rushing towards the sun. The caged bird struggles until exhaustion, trying to break free. Man, the crown of creation, barely stands on his feet and demands freedom for himself.

d) Designation of the order of importance for children of statements about freedom

Work in pairs.

What is the most important thing in freedom? (slide No. 7)

Discuss in pairs and mark the following statements with numbers (on a card) in order of importance to you:

Freedom is the ability to do whatever you want.

Freedom is independence from someone.

Freedom is the absence of constraints and restrictions.

Freedom is permissiveness.

Freedom is the ability to choose.

- How do you understand the proverb: “Man is not free to himself”? Why should a person limit his freedom? Consider the situations and justify your opinion. (continue to work in pairs)

Situations(card on each desk)

1. During a math lesson I felt an uncontrollable desire to eat (sing, dance, stand on my head).

2. Guests have come to you. You're having fun, the music is blaring, and it's already late.

3. Friends call you outside. You really want to go, but your mother is sick.

Conclusion: it’s easy to choose simple things: food, clothes, shoes. It is more difficult to make a choice regarding a person and his behavior.

IV . Work with text (everyone has a text on their desks)

a) Reading a story . (slide No. 8)

Read the story. (Read silently, then read 1 lesson out loud)

The whole class gathered at Sergei's birthday. The guys looked with interest at the collection of car models collected by his father. Friends were having fun, playing forfeits. The evening flew by unnoticed.

And a week later, two friends, Sergei’s classmates, decided to go to the cinema. Vadim went behind Kostya and saw a surprisingly familiar little car on the shelf in the hallway. It was a bright red racing model, which he had recently held in his hands at Sergei’s birthday. Vadim doubted and decided to ask his friend directly.

Kostya admitted. The car was so good that he couldn’t resist and took it for himself. He asked Vadim not to give him away...

b) Conversation on issues (slide No. 9)

What choice did Vadim face? (tell Sergei about the theft or remain silent)

What choice does Kostya have? (confess to the wrongdoing)

Which path would you choose?

c) Generalization (freedom is associated with moral choice)

CONCLUSION (slide No. 10)

The concept of moral choice is closely related to the concept of freedom.

All our lives we are in the role of a fairy-tale hero, we constantly have to choose our path, to say or not to say, to answer or remain silent, to endure or not to endure, yes or no?

Every person has freedom of choice.

A choice aimed at benefiting another is a moral choice. ( slide No. 11, 12)

V . Working with the textbook .

a) Find answers to questions.

What is moral choice?

What determines the choice between moral and immoral behavior?

How should a virtuous person act?

What is moral conflict, freedom and moral choice? (write in notebook)

Have you ever had to make your own choices, find yourself in a situation of moral choice?

b) Journey into the past “wonderful umbrellas”

Anyone who wishes can open any of these umbrellas over themselves. Those who choose a black umbrella will share sad memories of the past, those who choose a bright, colorful umbrella will share joyful, bright memories; a red umbrella will remind you of the disturbing moments of childhood. (listen to the stories of children standing under the selected umbrellas. “I was faced with a choice when...”)

Thank you for your frankness.

Guys, what determines the choice between moral and immoral behavior, between good and evil? (Depending on the character and willpower of the person)

What character qualities should a person have in order to make an informed choice? What can a wrong choice lead to? (a person may get hurt, or you yourself may get hurt)

VI . Working with a parable. (slide No. 13)

Human values ​​(parable).

a) Reading by the teacher

One peasant had a son who began to behave badly. He offended the weak, treated animals cruelly, and did not respect old age. Having tried all the methods of influence, the father came up with the following: he dug a pillar in front of the house and after each misdemeanor of his son, he drove a nail into this pillar.

Some time passed, and there was no living space left on the pillar; it was all studded with nails. This picture struck the boy’s imagination so much that he began to correct himself. Then for each of his actions, his father began to pull out one nail. And then the day came when the last nail was pulled out, but this made an unexpected impression on the boy: he cried bitterly.

Why are you crying? – asked his father. - There are no more nails, are there?

There are no nails, but the holes remain,” the son answered.

b) Conversation on issues

Why did the nail holes strike the boy so much?

(when you hurt a person, choose the path of evil, he will have the same scar on his heart as these holes. And it doesn’t matter how many times you apologize after that.)

c) Generalization (workshop - psychological technique with paper)

This is easy to prove using a simple piece of paper. Remember, when making a choice between good and evil, every careless word or misdeed leaves in the soul and on a person’s face, albeit imperceptible, but indelible wrinkles

(For this psychological technique, children have a sheet of paper on their desk with a face drawn on it

I suggest the children crumple the sheet and then try to straighten it. This cannot be done. Children show permanent wrinkles.)

VI . Bottom line. Group work.

a) Work on the tasks of the ball

(In the teacher’s hands there are 2 balloons, to a string of which cards with tasks of different colors are tied)

Freedom and the ability to make the right choice are important for every person.

Freedom, like a ball, also needs to be treated with care. The balls also want to fly freely, but the load interferes with them. Let's try to free the balls by completing the tasks. Using your freedom of choice, you can choose cards of different difficulty levels: the red card has more difficult tasks, the yellow card has easier tasks.

Task on red cards: (slide No. 14)

1. Summarize the lesson by making a syncwine for the word “freedom”.

Task on yellow cards: (slide No. 15)

1. In what fairy tale and who violated the right to freedom and kept dolls in slavery?
2. In which fairy tale, the “bakery” hero was several times subjected to attempts to encroach on his life and threats of being eaten?
3. The heroine of which fairy tale took advantage of the right of free movement and choice of place of residence?

(slide No. 16)

In ancient times, there was a belief that an angel (the bearer of good, good deeds) sits on one shoulder of a person, and the devil (the bearer of bad, evil) sits on the other. Everyone whispers their own. Whomever a person listens to, that’s how he will behave. In order to hear the whisper of an angel more often, you must constantly develop the ability to act in accordance with the main human values. I wish you guys physical strength, and most importantly, may God give you the strength not to make a mistake when choosing when walking along the difficult road of life.

(slide No. 17)

VII .Homework

Optional tasks:

1. Compose a syncwine for the word “conflict”

2. Stage situations of moral choice

VIII. Reflection

a) (wonderful umbrellas)

What emotional state did you experience during the lesson?

Find an umbrella that matches your emotional state.

(children stand under umbrellas, the color corresponding to their emotional state)

What would you like to continue talking about on the topic of the lesson with your loved ones?

In what situations can new knowledge come in handy?

Thank you guys for your work! Good luck!

Now, please, get dressed and let the balloons fly freely on the street! (slide No. 18)


    A series of lessons in psychology classes for teenagers “I build my own life” Alla Nikolaevna Lyubchenko, educational psychologist http://festival. 1September. ru/

    E. Korolkova, L. Semina, N Suvorova. Right to life, liberty, property http://krotov. info/

Lesson 9 “Freedom and moral choice of a person”
Fundamentals of Secular Ethics
Authors: primary school teacher Lidiya Vladimirovna Bychkova, Russian language and literature teacher Alena Alekseevna Kozhevnikova – Municipal Educational Institution Gerbaevskaya Secondary School
Freedom is the absence of restrictions and constraints in anything, the ability to do everything that does not harm another. Freedom is the opportunity to express one’s will based on awareness of the laws of nature and society. Freedom is the state of someone who is not in prison, in captivity .
Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
Freedom is a person’s ability to act in accordance with his interests and goals, to make choices.
Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
What does it mean to be free? What is freedom for? Is it always good when you have freedom?
What 2 choices did the student have? Rate them. Which path would you guys choose? What do you think is a moral choice?
A person can always make a choice. A choice aimed at benefiting another is a “moral choice.”
Read the article on page 22-23 Find answers to questions. What is a moral choice? - What determines the choice between moral and immoral behavior? - How should a virtuous person act? - What is a moral conflict?
S. Mikhalkov “Nakhodka”
I ran out into the street, walked along the pavement, turned left around the corner and found the wallet. Four compartments in a heavy wallet. And in each department, a nickel on a nickel. And suddenly, along the same street, along the same pavement, a girl walks towards her with her head bowed.
And sadly looks at his feet. As if along the way She needs to find something important on the street. This girl doesn’t know what’s in my hand. Her copper wealth is in a heavy wallet.
I take the knife confidently, I put it in my pocket. A girl walks by, She doesn’t know anything. And she sadly looks at her feet, As if along the way She needs to find something important On the street. This girl doesn’t know what’s in my hand. Her copper wealth is in a heavy wallet. .
But then trouble happens, And I stand trembling: I can’t find my favorite knife in my pocket. Four sharp blades The work is not easy, Yes, small scissors, And a curled corkscrew. And suddenly I see a girl Walking along the pavement, The girl is holding my knife And asks: “Is yours?”
What will the boy do?
I rushed after the girl, And I caught up with her, And I asked the girl: Yours? Tell me, is it yours? Mine,” said the girl, “I walked with my mouth open. Give it back!” I thought that someone would find it.
Find related words that are close in meaning to each letter of the word.
-What is freedom? -How is freedom related to moral choice? -Does a person always have a choice? -What qualities should a person have in order to make a moral choice?
Re-read “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.” A. S. Pushkin. In what moral choice situations did Chernovka find herself? How did she act? Have you ever found yourself in a situation of moral choice?
Parable: http://pritchi.ru/id_254
http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C2%E8%F2%FF%E7%FC_%ED%E0_%F0%E0%F1%EF%F3%F2%FC%E5- painting Knight

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The direction will most likely require considerations of love first. Simply because this is the most common type of relationship between a man and a woman. But options for hatred, friendship and work relationships are also possible. There is no point in listing all possible versions of works touching on the theme of love.
