About training, corporal punishment and slaves. Cruel training of monkeys from the Chinese village of Baowan (16 photos) Behavior of monkeys in a cage

About training, corporal punishment and slaves.  Cruel training of monkeys from the Chinese village of Baowan (16 photos) Behavior of monkeys in a cage

A belchas.by correspondent went to the Belarusian State Circus to learn about the life of primate performers.

There are lapunders in the arena

Aydin Israfilov has been training monkeys for more than 20 years. Aydin's father, Erik Israfilov, is a famous trainer. True, in the arena he performed with larger animals - camels. Aydin continued the circus dynasty, but chose primates.

“It always seemed to me that the abilities of monkeys in the circus were not fully developed. They have high intelligence, ingenuity, and show creativity,” explains the artist. “That’s why they often come up with their own tricks or add something of their own to existing ones.”

Different trainers work with different breeds of monkeys. Aydin Israfilov goes out to the arena with pig-tailed macaques, or lapunders. In her performance, Aydin combines several genres - balancing act, juggling.

In addition, during the performance, the trainer and his charge show tricks while riding a unicycle. And here it was important not to make a mistake in choosing a monkey. Let's say, a chimpanzee would be too heavy for such an act; the small monkey would be difficult to see from the distant rows. Pig-tailed macaques have become the best option, in addition, they willingly walk on their hind legs, have well-developed fore and hind limbs, and are also intelligent and quick-witted. Aydin Israfilov managed to do something that no one has yet managed to do - teach a monkey not only to catch balls or rings, but also to throw them back to the trainer.

“From a young age, I had the opportunity to spend time with pig-tailed macaques. They were trained by one of the senior circus colleagues ( Aydin has been in the arena since she was 16 years old. — Approx. ed.). So I watched them, studied their habits,” the trainer recalls. - Today I have four monkeys. The oldest is 22 years old. True, due to her age, she no longer performs. The other one is 17 years old, and it is with her that I now go out to the arena. And then there are kids – 2.5 and 1.5 years old.”

Aydin Israfilov also found his artists in different ways. The first lapunder came to the trainer during a tour in Kazan, where there were many monkeys of rare breeds and they could be purchased. Aydin took the second monkey from a nursery where animals were bred for laboratory purposes. The third macaque was also in the nursery and was intended for sale, and the fourth was sold in a regular pet store. The artist approached the question of what to name his monkeys very seriously - it is important that the name suits the animal. Only the 22-year-old lapponder Gosha was named not by Aidyn, but by his previous owners. The trainer also has Ronald, Kuzma (Kuzya, Grasshopper) and Jimmy.

Grape for the trick

I found Aydin Israfilov at the end of the rehearsal. Now he is training with Kuzya, who is 2.5 years old. So far he is just learning to show tricks: do a backflip, stand and run on two legs, catch Frisbees and balls. Kuzya is just at the age when it is optimal to start training. Previously, it was pointless to do this - one and a half year old Jimmy, for example, only goes out to the arena to play and get used to the place. His bone and muscle tissues and psyche must still be fully formed.

“If you compare it with other animals (and I also perform with dogs and donkeys), then at the level of basic tricks, monkeys are easy to train. The only problem is that they, like children, lack perseverance,” notes Aydin. - Especially when there are so many “toys” around - rings, crossbars, ropes. Therefore, we are extending the rehearsal for 1.5-2 hours.”

For good work, Kuzya receives not only goodies, but also the opportunity to play and run around. Gradually, the animal understands that only after performing the trick correctly will it be allowed to frolic again. This technique, which Aydin himself developed, gives good results. According to the trainer, it is not so difficult to train a monkey - it is more difficult to then maintain its skills and abilities. When a monkey is not in the mood, he will come up with a thousand reasons not to do tricks. We have to look for a solution: for example, on ordinary days we feed him cereals and vegetables, and reserve fruits, as the most delicious, for the performance.

Speaking of diet: as many monkeys as there are, so many food preferences. Some people like nuts, some like confectionery, some like meat. Aydin gives the kids grapes as a reward. But if you give a monkey a banana as a treat, it is more likely to be offended. In general, the diet of circus monkeys is very varied, including vitamins and dietary supplements. For better brain development, children also receive fish oil.

“It’s difficult to say for sure how long it takes to master tricks. The development of the most complex elements - the monkey catches and throws balls back to the trainer - took about 4 years, says Aydin Israfilov. “But it took about six months to train an animal to sit down and ride a two-wheeled bicycle.” Today, 17-year-old Ronald performs more than 20 tricks, including unique ones. But it’s already difficult to explain something new to him, so before performances we work more on recovery.”

Furry babies

After the rehearsal, after playing a little, Kuzya and the trainer’s assistant go home. Monkeys live in a circus, and in order to have enough space to move around, they have spacious enclosures.

“Nature provides a certain amount of movement that every animal needs. A monkey must walk 5 kilometers a day. And our artists have the opportunity to do this in an enclosure,” explains the interlocutor. “In addition, during rehearsals they exercise to a certain extent, since all stunts are good for health. We let the monkeys out for walks: both in winter and in summer. This is how they live without separation from nature.”

Aydin Israfilov says that he lives in peace with his charges. And he tries not to enter the enclosures unnecessarily, so as not to violate the border of their territory. Sometimes Aydin takes the monkeys home, but he understands that they are still more comfortable and freer in the enclosure. After all, an apartment is an unfamiliar territory where you can’t go here and there.

The trainer treats his monkeys like children. And he even addresses each of them affectionately: “Son.” From the very beginning of training, Aydin Israfilov builds a “father-son” relationship and raises his lapunders as a “parent”.

Healthy performers are one of the keys to a successful performance. In this regard, Aydin Israfilov is calm about his monkeys. I’m also glad that the number is in demand among the audience. But the trainer always has room to move: add new tricks, come up with details. And rest assured, some of this will be told to him by the monkeys themselves.

I want to go to jail!

Instead of an epilogue - a funny story from the life of circus monkeys. Once on tour in Nice, forgetful assistants did not close the cage. One of Aydin Israfilov’s wards took advantage of the opportunity and went to the city. After some time, excited gendarmes came running to Aydin - it turned out that the monkey, by some accident, entered the local prison and ended up straight in the gendarmes’ office. Seeing the uninvited guest, the law enforcement officers hastened to leave the premises. Moreover, this happened amid laughter and joyful exclamations from the prisoners who were watching the entire process. The trainer safely returned the artist to the circus, but scolded him a little: “Why did you go to prison? It would be better to go to the beach!”

If you have a monkey at home...

Choosing pets is a very individual matter. According to the character of the owner, they turn out to be not only cats and dogs, but also quite exotic species - monkeys, for example. This is, of course, rare. But still, those who dared to place this funny humanoid creature in their apartment should listen to the advice of the experienced trainer of the Circus of Dancing Fountains “Aquamarine” Andrey Teplygin.

Monkeys don't have to be trained so much as they need to be convinced.. For example, we don’t even use leashes; everything happens according to mutual understanding with the animal.

The smarter the animal, the more difficult it is to teach it something.. It takes years to gain the monkey's trust. But when you manage to become her friend, she tries to please you in everything.

Animals can be forced to perform tricks. But it is wrong when they work only out of fear of disobeying the trainer.

Female chimpanzees are hysterical by nature, and it will take a lot of patience to find an approach to them.

By the way, my ward Kuzya is the only primate who knows how to show “okay”. It would seem, what is the problem: teaching to clap your hands? But it's not that simple. In training based on trust and affection, the trainer must carefully observe the pupils and reward good behavior or acting discoveries with treats. For a long time I could not find the very delicacy for which the capuchins would work with pleasure. It turned out that the monkeys are ready to sell their souls for a piece of almond.

The most interesting thing is working with chimpanzees. They have a very high intelligence, close to human. But at the same time, a chimpanzee is a dangerous animal and can show its tough temper.

Capuchins are easiest to work with- These are the most intelligent primates of their subspecies. The small monkeys are so sociable and friendly that even males and females live in the same cage and never quarrel. Capuchins are exactly like good people - they have absolutely no aggression.

Certainly, All breeds have different morals. Hamadryas are calm, but secretive, with their own minds. They are not trained very often. But the lapunders’ character is also not simple, but they are smarter and easier to make contact with.

Chimpanzees have really high intelligence. But capuchins are more suitable for training. Nowadays you won’t find anyone in films except Capuchins. In "Pirates of the Caribbean" - a Steller's capuchin, in "Night at the Museum" - a brown capuchin. They are very smart and flexible. The capuchin does not need to be constantly monitored; it easily makes contact and can work not only with its immediate owner.

A necessary item after purchasing an exotic animal to keep at home for its comfortable maintenance and the safety of family members.

It should be noted that a young monkey is easier to tame than an adult. And when purchasing an animal, this fact should be one of the most important.

Raising a monkey should be carried out in a friendly manner with quality care and nutrition and sufficient communication.

Taming a monkey should start with the skill of taking food from your hands. In the morning, when the animal is still hungry, offer her a treat, encouraging her with gentle words and a peaceful intonation. Your goal: to get the monkey to take the treat and eat it in your presence. Please be patient: this may take at least a week. But the importance of this moment is undeniable - this is an animal’s act of trust in you, which will grow over time into affection and love. Gradually get the monkey used to eating on your hand when leaving the cage. Next - return to the cage on command.

It must be added that the monkey will perceive the rest of the family as members of the same pack, but this does not guarantee that it will treat everyone equally well. Her sympathies will be greater for the person, the more he pays her attention and treats her kindly.

At monkey training They master the skill of communicating with a person by understanding words and intonations and executing commands. With its funny antics and imitation of human behavior, your pet will bring you many pleasant and cheerful moments.

Monkeys are quite specific animals, but they can become tame very quickly. Naturally, “young animals” adapt faster around a person than adults who are already adults. The desire to train an animal must also be supported by certain knowledge and talents of the trainer. Everything depends on the person, and not on the “experimental” animal.

Peculiarities of primate behavior

The behavior of all animals is based on a powerful foundation of unconscious reflexes. The animal’s body reacts to a conglomerate of stimuli of various origins according to a certain algorithm of its own psyche.

An important role is played by the habitat of animals, the characteristics of growing up, and the presence of contact with other animals or people. For example, wild adult primates, captured and sent to zoos or training locations, find it extremely difficult to perceive the lack of freedom, a sudden change of environment, separation from their fellow tribesmen and the presence of alien creatures - people.

Young individuals quickly get used to “human” conditions, make contact with their trainer, and respond to affection and tenderness. After a short period of time, marmosets, macaques and monkeys can walk freely outside their abode, asking to be held, in search of adventure and new emotions, roaming around the secluded places of the room.

The trainer will be able to quickly develop a whole galaxy of conditioned reflexes, thereby eliminating a number of unconditioned reflex reactions. For example, a monkey living and eating food in a cage develops a specific food reflex. The animal feels safe and knows that it will receive its food at a certain time.

An important nuance: if a monkey is constantly in a cage, the animal may suffer from a feeling of fear of open space, trying not to leave the confines of its “home”. It is worth remembering this and not limiting your pet in its natural needs.

Primate training

To truly train a monkey, this process must be approached as responsibly and carefully as possible. It would be wrong to present any strict schemes or intricate algorithms; each pet, just like the trainer, is individual.

This means that you need to look for your own approach and develop a methodology according to the characteristics of each specific situation. There are a number of recommendations, as simple and universal as possible, that can be useful in the process of training primates:

  1. It is important to choose a comfortable cage for the animal. The monkey should be cozy and comfortable. Here she will rest, sleep, and sometimes eat;
  2. When getting to know an animal, it is important to show tenderness and delicacy, to allow the pet to touch the hair and examine the clothes. This is extremely important for the animal, because in “their world” this is how acquaintance occurs. Armed with trust, you can continue to work with your pet;
  3. You cannot shout at monkeys. They are extremely sensitive to any manifestations of aggression and irritation;
  4. The pet should be often praised, stroked, and spoken to in a gentle, calm voice;
  5. Don't neglect health issues. It is necessary to visit a veterinary hospital regularly. This is necessary not only for high-quality monitoring of the primate’s health, but also the opportunity to once again consult with a specialist regarding issues of concern at the moment.

Therefore, I will write a clear and concise answer. WHAT IS IT WORTH.

What breeds of monkeys can you keep at home?
How can you bring a monkey to Russia?
What documents are needed and where can I get them?
From which country can you bring a monkey?

So. Why do you need a monkey?
Just love and care? Like a cat or a dog? As a pet?

Then I will say right away, no matter what illusions you have - the monkey is a WILD creature, from the wild. Therefore, keeping it in the house is possible, but subject to many conditions.

Condition 1. BREED. The cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys are more suitable for home keeping. Simply because the average person simply cannot cope with others - either small ones, who must live like parrots in cages, or large ones, which risks complete separation from upbringing and domination over you. Ultimately, the chimpanzee may become the owner, and you may become his monkey)))
But a monkey in a cage is only good in a zoo, where it has fun and is properly cared for. But not in the house.

Condition 2. DIMPERS. You should immediately understand that you are having a lifelong child. By the way, the baby of any monkey is much superior to a human child of its age both in intelligence, cunning, cunning and stubbornness, and in strength and speed of reaction.
The diaper is put on as soon as you purchase the monkey. It now becomes a lifelong must-have item in your home for life!
During the day the monkey wears diapers and clothes. And at night, if he sleeps not in the same bed with you (which is not advisable), but in his own cage, then you can and should leave the monkey naked. You can, of course, put on a diaper and take your pet to your bed, but I think this is unnecessary pampering, again not hygienic... and the monkey tries to climb onto your throat - where it’s warmer, or even onto your face. Ideally, they sleep under a blanket in the belly area…. But this needs to be learned. The question is - why? Sleeping in a cage is normal. And even without a diaper she should rest. The downside is that you will have to wash the cage in the morning, because even if you put in a disposable baby diaper, by the morning everything will be crumpled or torn.

Condition 3. BATHING. There is an opinion that monkeys are very smelly!
This is a slander. They become like this in cages when they are poorly cleaned and not bathed.
Pet monkeys should be washed twice a day - at night, when you take off the diaper, and in the morning, before putting it on.
I recommend washing the monkey with “no tears” baby shampoo. This makes them easier to wash. Do they like to take baths? They rather get used to it, like cats or dogs. So, there is no need to say that much of what is written here is torture and abuse of animals. Everyone would like such “torment”! Some dogs are more abused when, instead of going for a walk, they are given a diaper and asked to go for a walk. For example, our Spitz simply does not understand this. Yes, he doesn’t like to walk in the rain, but he will never wear a diaper either... You have to get dressed and go out with the dog in any weather, in the cold, and in a hurricane…. Isn't this torture? So let's not talk about torment! Not we such, Life is such. Everyone has their own torment.
Monkeys that bathe twice a day get used to going to the toilet during bath time. Their waste is easily washed away with water without clogging the pipes.
Monkeys that bathe twice a day lose their scent over time.
By the way, our pet smells like shampoo.

Condition 4. You must have a CAGE for the monkey. A plastic container with two lattice doors, which can be easily found in a pet store, is suitable for these purposes. This is a very convenient thing! The animal sleeps and moves in it. It is better to leave the monkey in such a container at night.

Condition 5. BUY A monkey CORRECTLY - this is essentially the very first point!
Don’t look for people who bring monkeys “from there to order”! Don't buy a monkey through ads! These are wild monkeys, naturally untrained. They do not obey, bite, and require additional investment in training.
Nowadays, nurseries are advertised that sell monkeys - either imported or bred. Or even on the Internet you can easily find advertisements for the sale of monkeys. And of course, everyone wants to buy cheaper! But it can't be cheaper here.
Why? Because training a monkey, as well as teaching you how to care for it, costs time and money and a lot of effort. The average cost of a good monkey is from 150 thousand rubles.

Condition 6. DOCUMENTS. Like any animal, a monkey must have documents. At least a veterinary book. I vaccinate my monkeys, register them with a veterinarian, and carefully monitor their health!

Condition 7. A monkey’s HEALTH directly depends on FOOD and living conditions. Yes, monkeys eat all sorts of things, human food, and sit at the table with us (next to us, on our laps). But under no circumstances should they be given dairy! It lasts for a long time! And don't indulge in sweets!
Monkeys love bananas not at all as you think. It is a myth. They love dates, live worms, bread... and meat! But just like people, they have their own eating habits)))

Monkeys, in principle, have good immunity, but there should be no rats and mice in the house, since they are the main carriers of diseases that quickly kill monkeys.
The house should always be warm, like in Stalinist houses))

After all this, the rest of the musi-pusi with the monkey are possible))

Based on materials from the website exoticyug.rf
