Admission scores to the Nizhny Novgorod University Engineering Department. Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R

Admission scores to the Nizhny Novgorod University Engineering Department.  Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics trains specialists capable of working in various industries and fields of activity: economics, management, agricultural engineering, information technology, service, motor transport and others.

The university is focused on meeting the needs for educational services of residents of municipal districts and small towns of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Education at NSIEU is free for students. Every year, more than 1,400 applicants from most districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region and neighboring regions enter the university.

During the existence of the university (institute), about 3,732 certified specialists, bachelors and masters and more than 3,168 specialists with secondary vocational education were trained.

The scientific activities of NSIEU scientists are focused on the real sector of the economy, including increasing the efficiency of agricultural production, its technical and technological modernization, and solving social problems of rural municipal areas.

In just 12 years, teachers, including those who came to science from the real sector of the economy, have prepared and defended more than 40 candidate dissertations and 1 doctoral dissertation in various dissertation councils in various specialties.

The university actively works with enterprises and organizations - strategic partners. Together with a number of them: Sberbank, the GAMA travel agency, Lyskovsky Brewery CJSC, Pokrovskaya Sloboda CJSC, Rostelecom OJSC, basic departments were created.

The material, educational and laboratory base of the university is constantly being improved. Every year, new classrooms and laboratory spaces are put into operation, and a new educational building is being built. The university is equipped with modern laboratory equipment, multimedia and interactive complexes. On September 1, 2014, a high-tech resource center for training personnel in the field of infocommunication technologies and communication systems was put into operation.

There is a mini-printing house at the university. Every year it publishes about 80 titles of scientific and educational literature. Since 2010, 2 series of the scientific journal “Bulletin of NGIEI” have been published, in which graduate students and teaching staff of the university publish the results of their research work.

International activities are developing. Citizens of Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and Tajikistan study at the university. Agreements on cooperation in the field of education, science and culture were signed with 16 foreign educational institutions and educational and production institutions, including with 9 educational institutions in non-CIS countries. Within the framework of these agreements under various international programs in 2010-2014. more than 250 students and teachers traveled abroad for practical training and internships.

University graduates are competitive, socially and professionally active. As a rule, after completing their studies they work in their specialty, many in their “small homeland”.

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Obtaining a higher education today is one of the main conditions for starting a successful career in the future. You can find a profession in demand and gain up-to-date knowledge on it at the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. R. E. Alekseeva. Every year, a huge number of graduates are awarded diplomas here, opening the way to life.

Start of activity

The prehistory of the higher education institution began at the end of the 19th century with the opening of the Polytechnic Institute in Warsaw. The university did not exist for long. The outbreak of the First World War necessitated the termination of activities and the evacuation of the educational organization to Moscow for a time.

From Moscow university planned to transfer to another city. Several settlements fought for the right to host the polytechnic institute. In 1916, it was decided that the educational institution would continue to operate in Nizhny Novgorod. The Polytechnic Institute moved to this city with four departments in its structure: civil engineering, mechanical, mining, chemical. A year later it was already functioning under a new name. The university became the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute.

Important historical events

In the history of the university after the start of work in Nizhny Novgorod, several important events can be distinguished:

  1. In 1918, the Polytechnic Institute became part of the newly formed Nizhny Novgorod State University (NSU). The once independent university has turned into a structural unit.
  2. NSU operated for about 12 years. In 1930, the chemical and mechanical faculties left it. They became independent institutions, and in 1934 they were unified. As a result of this procedure, the Gorky Industrial Institute appeared.
  3. In 1950, the university was renamed. The educational organization became known as the Gorky Polytechnic Institute. The next renaming took place in 1990. The city was returned to its historical name, so the university became the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute.
  4. In 1992, the educational institution received the status of a technical university for its contribution to science and education. The university still operates under this name.

Getting to know a modern university

Nizhny Novgorod Technical University is a large higher education institution. More than 15 thousand students study there in various forms of education, specialties, and faculties. At NSTU, the material and technical base includes several buildings. The main building is located on Minina Street, 24. This is the official address of the Nizhny Novgorod Technical University.

The university has created good social and living conditions for students. The university has 6 dormitories on its books. All buildings have cozy rooms. The premises are equipped with the necessary furniture and soft equipment. Each NSTU dormitory has rooms for individual classes and sports facilities. Some buildings have additional amenities. For example, in dormitories No. 2 and No. 4 there are superior rooms to accommodate student parents.

Conducting educational activities

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University conducts educational activities in 4 scientific fields:

  • technical sciences, technology, engineering;
  • natural and mathematical sciences;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • social sciences.

The university provides training in a wide range of areas of training. There are more than 40 of them at the bachelor's level, over 30 at the master's level. The organization of the educational process is the task of structural units. The university has 7 institutes and one higher school. These structural divisions were formed from faculties that existed in the past. In the institutes, smaller structural divisions are the departments of NSTU. They provide training within certain specializations.

Highly qualified teachers work in all departments of the university. It is thanks to them that trained engineers and specialists leave the university every year with diplomas. NSTU teachers provide good knowledge in basic, fundamental subjects, teach how to operate high-tech equipment and work with information systems.

Areas of training (specialties)

For people who decide to enter technical Nizhny Novgorod University, I would like to know what specific areas of training and specialties are offered at NSTU. Here are some of them as an example - “Applied mathematics and computer science”, “Technology and design of electronic means”, “Nanoelectronics and electronics”, “Nuclear energy and thermal physics”, “Innovation”, “Economics”, “Management”, “Hospitality” business", "Documentation and archival science", etc.

The highest priority for the university are the following specialties:

  • with nuclear and aviation directions;
  • automotive industry;
  • metallurgy;
  • power engineering.

Forms of training

Every year in the summer, the admissions committee begins its work at the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. She accepts documents from applicants for various forms of education: full-time, evening and correspondence. The first form of education is available in all 7 institutes of the university. Evening and correspondence departments are available in a separate faculty. It is called correspondence-evening.

Evening and correspondence courses at NSTU are in great demand. According to available data, more than 3,200 students study at the faculty. People who want to become a part of such a large team should take into account that training in these forms is not possible in all specialties. During distance learning, applicants are offered only 6 options:

  • "Nanoelectronics and electronics";
  • “Design of technological machines and complexes”;
  • “Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes”;
  • "Technosphere safety";
  • "Radio engineering";
  • “Design and technological support of machine-building industries.”

Passing scores

All applicants are interested in passing scores. These statistics show the minimum level of knowledge with which applicants are admitted to the university. In 2017, applicants were offered the average passing scores for 2016 for review. The average Unified State Exam score turned out to be 65. According to the rector, this value is higher than the level established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for central universities in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Based on this number, we can conclude: the average overall passing score at NSTU in 2016 was 195 points.

Nizhny Novgorod Technical University has existed for a century. It recently received the status of a flagship university. This victory confirms the high-quality work of the university, indicates the development of the educational complex and the increase in the volume of scientific research. Obtaining a new status will not stop the educational institution from achieving its existing achievements. Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University will further develop and continue to work at a new level.
