The common part of related words is called. Root of the word

The common part of related words is called.  Root of the word

Municipal educational institution

Krasnensky district Belgorod region

Materials for the municipal competition

"My best lesson"

“The root as a common part of related words”

Russian language lesson plan

2 B class

Primary school teacher

municipal educational institution

"Novoukolovskaya secondary school"

Aksenova Galina Valentinovna


Technological map for studying the topic

“Root as a common part of related words” 2nd grade

consolidation of students’ ideas about two features of related words. (words that have a common part and words that are close in meaning.)


educational: formation of norms of moral and ethical behavior in different forms of work;

meta-subject: development of skills in working with a textbook; development of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization; clarification and expansion of students' vocabulary when using terminology;

subject: expand students’ knowledge about related words; learn to use different types of dictionaries;

create conditions for successful consolidation of the studied material.

Planned result

Cognitive skills:

- explain the distinctive features of related words and justify your opinion.

Regulatory skills:

_ understand and maintain the learning task, plan your actions.

- carry out the educational task in accordance with the rule.

Carry out final control.

Communication skills:

- formulate clear statements using terms.

Allow for different points of view.

Control the actions of the partner.

Subject Skills:

Know and be able to apply the general rule for writing the roots of related words.

Reinforce the idea of ​​two features of related words.

Be able to find related words.

Be able to solve problem situations.

Basic Concepts

Concepts: related words;


Interdisciplinary connections

Russian language, literary reading.


- basic

Textbook by S.V.Ivanov, A.O.Evdokimova “Russian language” 2nd grade, 1st part.

Presentation, video material.

Organization of space

Work frontal, individual, in pairs, in groups.


student's ability

Teacher activities

Training and development tasks for each stage

Formed UUD

I stage . Organizing time

Goal: 1) motivate students to learn activities by creating an emotional environment;

2) determine the content framework of the lesson.

They check the readiness of the workplace and greet the teachers. Getting ready for work.

Sets children up for work and creates a friendly working atmosphere in the classroom.

Stage I. Organizational


A new day has come. Today we are all together again. We are calm, kind and welcoming. We are all healthy. Take a deep breath and exhale. Exhale yesterday's resentment. Forget about her. Breathe in the freshness and beauty of an autumn morning, the warmth of the sun's rays. Take the hand of the person sitting next to you, feel the warmth of his hands. I wish you a good day.

Personal: self-determination;


educational planning

cooperation with the teacher and


II stage. Updating knowledge.

Target: update students' knowledge;

to form children’s ideas about what new they will learn in class;

exercise Vability to work with a dictionary.

develop spellingvigilance;

- enrich vocabulary, develop speech.

Work with information

participate in the discussion of problematic issues, formulate your own opinion and give reasons for it.

Organize front-line work to find spelling patterns,

create conditions for repeating features of related words; include students

into the discussion of problematicquestions;

organize work with a dictionary.

II stage. Updating knowledge.

Introduction into educational activities.

1. Calligraphy.

The bear found honey in the forest,

Little honey, many bees.

Read the tongue twister

tell your neighbor.

Who's ready to say it quickly?.....

What sound is repeated in a tongue twister? (mm*)

What letter does it represent on the letter? (“um”-Mm)

Let's remember the spelling of this letter.

Slide 1. Calligraphy.

Look at the slide and continue the chain of letters.

Mm Mmm...(Mmmm Mmmmm....)

2. Vocabulary work .

Where did the mushroom pickers put the mushrooms? (Basket)Slide 2.

How to pronounce this word and how to spell it?

Where can I check the spelling of a word?

Open a spelling dictionary and look up this word.

Write it down on the next line.

Make up and write down a sentence with a new word.

3 . Formulation of the lesson topic and goal setting.

Read the words under the pictures.Slide 3.

Do these words have the same meaning? (the general meaning of the words is the place where they live)

How are these houses different from each other? (By its size)

This means that a house is... a small house, and a house is... a big house (each of these words has its own semantic meaning

Wordshouse, cottage Andhome Are these three forms of the same word?

What else do they have in common?

Does anyone know what this part of the word is called?

What are related words? (root)

Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Root as a common part of related words).Slide 4

What goals will we set for ourselves?

- exercise , in what? …..(in the ability to find related words, highlight the root);

-develop what? ... (spelling vigilance);

- enrich what? .. (vocabulary, develop speech..).


educational planning

cooperation with the teacher and

peers. Cognitive:

logical - analysis of objects in order to identify features.


Exercise mutual control and provide the necessary mutual assistance in cooperation. Evaluate the correctness of tasks.

Participate in the discussion of problematic issues,

formulate your own opinion and give reasons for it.

Organize front-line work;



for the implementation


III . Updating and generalization of knowledge.

Working from the textbook

Open Lesson No. 27

Exercise 1. Find and name the common part in groups of words.

Prove that the words are related.

Regulatory : control, assessment, correction.

Communication : managing the partner’s behavior - monitoring, evaluating the partner’s actions.

Cognitive : general education – the ability to structure knowledge, the choice of the most effective ways to solve problems, the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement, reflection on the methods and conditions of action.

Physical education minute. Annex 1.

Organize work in pairs and groups,



for the implementation


-Exercise 2 We read the task.

What will you do? (Find words with the same root. Write them down and label the root.)

So, what is at the root?

-(total value)

Let's compare our conclusion with the textbook rule on page 81.

How was the root found?

(selected related words).

Did we do the right thing?

Exercise 3. We work in groups.

Write down the pairs of words in this order:

Group 1 - related words;

Group 2 – forms of the same word.

I V stage.

Target -

Strengthen knowledge about related words and the root of the word;

Develop spelling vigilance and creative imagination;

Develop the ability to find related words;

Create conditions for successful consolidation of the studied material.

Participate in practical work on finding related words.

Exercise mutual control and provide the necessary mutual assistance in cooperation.

Evaluate the correctness of assignments.

Participate in the discussion of problematic issues, formulate your own opinion and give reasons for it.

Organize practical independent work on finding and isolating roots in related words.

Organize work



for the implementation


Include students

into the discussion of problematicquestions.

I V stage.

Reinforcing the material covered

1.) Listen to a fairy tale"The Tale of Water" (video 1)

What roots were discussed in the fairy tale? (Tree root and word root)

2.) -What is a root?

-(common part of related words)

3.) -For good work in class - you get a game

“Resettlement of the tenants” (video 2)


Independent application of learned knowledge

V . Homework

Recording homework in a diary.

At home, make up and write down groups of cognate words with the following roots:

cook, feed, cold.Slide 5.


Working with a diary

VI . Lesson summary. Reflection of activity.


1) summarize the work done in the lesson; 2)form

personal responsibility for the results of one’s work.

Formulate the final result of their work in class.

V. Summing up the lesson.

What goals were set at the beginning of the lesson?

(select related words, highlight the root)

Did you manage to solve them?

Where can we use this knowledge?

Reflection. Slide 6.

Now continue with your suggestions...

- I found out that…..

-I realized that......

-The more we know, the...

Who is satisfied with their work in class -

go to the board (applause),

whoever worked well, stand up,

For the rest, be a little more careful and everything will work out for you.

Communication : the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Cognitive: reflection.

Personal: meaning formation.

Application form

to participate in the professional skills competition for teachers “My Best Lesson” in the field of Primary School for the 2016/2017 academic year

1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the author (in full)

Aksenova Galina Valentinovna

2. Year, month, birthday April 30, 1976
3. Place of work
Municipal educational institution "Novoukolovskaya secondary school"

Full address: zip code309875 villageNovoukolovo StreetSchool ,1

phone fax8-(47-262)-5-41-72 E-mail nukolovo @ inbox . ru

4. Positionteacher
5. Teaching experience
23 years old
6. Subject taught
primary classes
7. Lesson class___ 2 B __ Number of children in class14
8. Author’s home address (in full): index

Larisovka village , Zelenaya street, 99

9. Full name head of an educational institutionKonishcheva Svetlana Alexandrovna

Signature of the head of the educational institution

M.P. Date of completion08.04.2017.

Explanatory note for the lesson

Aksenova Galina Valentinovna

Class2 B

Professionprimary school teacher

ItemRussian language arts

Lesson topicRoot as a common part of related words.

Lesson typeLesson on setting an educational task

Class characteristics :

In grade 2B there are 14 students, 3 of them are from single-parent families, the rest are brought up in two-parent families, 8 are large families. Basically, the psychological situation in the classroom is satisfactory. The level of team cohesion is somewhere around 80%.

The level of educational motivation is average. Two students can be classified as pedagogically neglected, 10 students have educational abilities and a desire to learn.

It was possible to attract all students to actively participate in the preparation and conduct of the open lesson. Working in groups helped to involve all students in active work in the lesson. During the lesson, the microclimate in the classroom was friendly and comfortable.

Methodological purpose of the lesson :

Show your colleagues the methodology for conducting a lesson in setting a learning task.

The lesson implies the presence of emotional feedback, communication with students, and a joint search for solutions to assigned problems.

For the selection of material for the lesson, the determining factor was the requirement of the curriculum for the level of preparation of students (the level of preparedness of students in the class was taken into account)

Lesson structure is built on a combination of the following stages: organizational, goal setting, operating with knowledge and various methods of activity, summing up and formulating conclusions.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:consolidation of students’ ideas about two features of related words.

Form a UUD :

- Personal UUD: Develop the ability to reflect, form moral and ethical guidelines.

- Regulatory UUD: Develop the ability to control and self-control.

- Communication UUD: Enter into communication, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication; justify statements.

- Cognitive UUD: Find your bearings in the text of the work; navigate books; analyze the work in order to identify cause-and-effect relationships, determine the author’s attitude towards the character, determine the personal attitude towards the character, in order to characterize the character.
Equipment: computer, screen, projector, presentation, video materials, textbooks, dictionaries.

FizminutkaAnnex 1.

Let's get up, we need to rest,

Shake our fingers.

Get up, hands up,

Move your fingers

They wiggle their ears like that

Gray bunnies.

We sneak quietly on our toes,

Like foxes wandering through the forest.

The wolf looks around

And we will turn our heads.

Now let's sit down, be quiet

Let's be quiet, like in a mouse hole.

Russian language lesson,

Subject: The root is the common part of related words.
Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge.

Class - 2 "B"


find related words by their characteristics, an exercise in uniform spelling of the root of related words.

Teacher's tasks:develop new methods of action, teach how to work according to a plan or algorithm;develop the emotional sphere, creative thinking; establish connections with the child’s life experiences.

Planned results:


finding related words based on their characteristics, acting according to an algorithm, mastering the “secret of roots.”


  • manifestation of educational and cognitive interest in educational material.

Universal learning activities:


  • determining the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher;
  • the ability to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher;


  • drawing up an algorithm under the guidance of a teacher;


speech development, instilling a love for the Russian language.

Use of technology:problem-dialogical technology

Form of organization of educational work:frontal, group, individual.

Technological map of the Russian language lesson

on the topic: “The root is the common part of related words”


Teacher activities

Student activities

Formed UUD

Organizational stage.


Let's check the readiness.

Greetings from the teachers.

Communicative:interact with the teacher during greeting


Updating knowledge

Work in a notebook.

  1. Calligraphy.
  1. Working with the word table :

Read the word. I suggest you research this word. What questions and tasks can you come up with for this word? Example: How many letters, syllables, consonants, vowels. Drawing up a proposal.

Find related words to the word table . Tell me, what is the common part in these words?

The common part of related words is called the root.

Isolation of the root. Example: table, table top, table top, table top.

Students write down the number in their notebooks, class work. Write down the word table , capital letter WITH.

Students work with words table . They reason and write down.

Children's guesses.

Communicative:Listen to the interlocutor;

Construct statements that are understandable to the interlocutor

Cognitive: Highlight essential information.

Regulatory: Accept and maintain the learning goal and task;

Supplement and clarify the opinions expressed on the substance of the assigned task.

Setting a learning task

You and I still have unsolved spellings. Solve these spelling problems.

Why were the results different? What don't we know yet? Or: what else do you need to practice?

What do you think is the topic of the lesson?


What tasks will we set for ourselves?

FISMINUTKA (finger gymnastics)

Students insert letters into the boxes. They check.


Be able to listen in accordance with the target setting;

Accept and maintain the learning goal and task;

Supplement and clarify the opinions expressed on the substance of the assigned task


Make assumptions about the intended topic of the lesson;

The teachers listen;

Answer teacher questions

Communicative:Interact with the teacher while setting a learning task, carried out in frontal mode

Discovery of “new” knowledge

Working with the textbook. Work in groups.

Exercise 29.

Now you will work in groups. This means that in each group we need to choose a leader. What is his role?

Each group works with its own group of words.

Group 1 – mushroom

Group 2 – clap

Group 3 – gift

4 group - white

And the work plan is like this:

  1. Read the words.
  2. Determine whether the words are related or there are extra ones.
  3. Select the root.
  4. . Pay attention to the word that explains others.
  5. Formulate a rule for finding related words.
  6. Formulate a rule for writing the root of related words.

The teacher helps the groups build a dialogue, leading them to a decisive hypothesis.

Did you spell the root of all related words the same way? Why?

Formulate a rule.

Make sure that everyone expresses their opinion and work strictly according to plan.

Rule for finding related words.

How many groups, so many rules?

Children work in groups and formulate a rule.

Recording words. Isolation of roots.


Supplement and clarify the opinions expressed on the substance of the assigned task



Primary consolidation

Let's compare our rules with the rules of the textbook. Did we do everything right? Page 14, p. 17.

Make an algorithm: how you will act if you need to find related words.

Create an algorithm for writing roots of related words.


Problematic situation for groups: finding “traps”.

Group 1 – fish, fish P ka, fish, fisherman.

Group 2 – grass, tra f ka, grass, blade of grass.

Group 3 – home, yes bear, house, brownie.

Group 4 – oak, du p, oak.

They talk about the rules.

Compare with the textbook and draw a conclusion.

They express their options, discuss, write down the words, and highlight the root.


- – perform educational actions in materialized, verbal or mental form; use speech to regulate your actions;

Supplement and clarify the opinions expressed on the substance of the assigned task

Carry out mutual control.

Communicative:Reflection on one’s actions (full reflection of the subject content and conditions of the actions taken).

Be able to formulate your own opinion and position.


Consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form


Have we managed to master the method of finding related words? How?

What did you like about the lesson?

Give a verbal assessment.


– Reflection on one’s actions (a complete reflection of the subject content and conditions of the actions taken).

Language is our teacher. And every word is a lesson. The lessons of cognate words are especially interesting. Here is the tractor driver. He drives a tractor. Plantain grass grows by the road. A winter hut is a place where they spend the winter. Cognate words help to understand how a word was formed and what it means. About this in the lesson “The Root of the Word. Cognate words." During the lesson, you will observe families of words, learn what cognate words are, what is called the root of a word, make sure that the root in related words is spelled the same, and also observe the alternation of consonants in the root.

Scientists have calculated that there are approximately 4,500 roots in the Russian language. The author M.A. Rybnikova believed: “To find the root of a word means to find its inner, hidden meaning - the same as lighting a light inside a lantern.” Lesson topic: “The root of the word. Similar words. Writing roots in words with the same root."

Some words are said to be related. Let's remember what this name means?

Cognates are words that can be explained using the same word. Part of this word lives in all related words. Therefore, related words There isgeneral part and general meaning.

For example, sugar bowl, sugar, candy- related words?

1. Let's see if the words have a common part ? (The words sugar bowl, sugar have the common part sugar)

2. Is there a common meaning? (Is it possible to explain words using the same word?)

Sugar bowl - a piece of teaware for sugar. This means that sugar bowl and sugar are related words. Candy is not a related word.

The words are given: fish, fish, catch, fish, fish, perch, fisherman.

Let's collect a family of related words.

How to recognize them? Firstly, the words have a common part (fish), and secondly, there is a common meaning. You can explain words using the same word.

To fish is to engage in fishing. A fish is a small fish. Fish - cooked from fish. A fisherman is one who catches fish.

Means, fish, fish, small fish, fishy, ​​fisherman- related words.

We have words left catch and perch.

Let’s select only those words that we consider related. Perch, dipped, catch, dexterous - related words?

Do the words have a common part? (Perch, fishing)

Is it possible to explain words using the same word? Perch is a small perch. This means that perch and perch are related words.

Dipped - immersed in liquid. Perch, dipped - these words have no common meaning.

Catch is the amount of fish caught. This means that catch and catch are related words.

Dexterous - skillful, possessing physical dexterity. Catch, dexterous - these words have no common meaning.

What is the common part of related words called?

The common part of related words is called the root.

The root contains a meaning common to all related words.

Let's note the root in related words. In words perch, perch perch root. In words catch, catch root lov-.

Related words are called cognates because they have the same root.

Conclusion: vowels and consonants are different.

Are the letters the same? The letters are the same.

Remember the secret of the roots! The roots of related words are written the same.

To find the root in a word, you need:

1. Find related words. 2. Select the same part.

Let's find the root in the words gift, shout out, silver.

A gift is a thing that is given or brought as a gift. The general part is a gift.

Shout out - shout loudly, make a scream. The root is a cry.

Silver - the color of silver, with a silver tint. The root is silver.

By the way snow Let's choose related words. We recognize them by the description of their meaning.

1. Affectionate name for snow (snowball).

2. Crystal of snow (snowflake).

3. Snow woman (snowman).

4. Abundant with snow (snowy).

5. Small, tightly rolled lumps of snow (snowballs).

These words have a common meaning. Let's watch the root.

Imagine that all these words have a root snow. Pronounce each word with this root. Was it comfortable for you to pronounce "snowy", "snowballs"?

You have observed the law of language: in the roots of words with the same root, some consonant sounds can be replaced by others. This replacement is called consonant alternation.

In these words the root is snow-snow, in the root there is an alternation of letters of the consonants ms.

What other consonant letters alternate in the roots of words with the same root?

Look at the last letter of the consonant in the root.

fluff-fluff OK

wow O- ear to x-sh

water it- leader ak

glance there- look at d-j

rivers A- speech ka

torment A- much noah k-ch

weight s-vz weight Ival

braid A- kosh at s-sh

WHO it -leader at

tale-tell me and zh

And in words ice-ice Yana, ate glasses- spruce letter e replaces a letter e.

Note! The root is considered the same, and the words are related if the letters e And e, G And w, d-j, k-ch, h-sh and others replace each other.


Many years ago

They imprisoned strange garden.

It wasn't fruity

He was only a word.

This word,

Root word

It began to grow soon

And it brought us fruit -

There are many new words.

Here from the garden

Seedlings for you,

Here are some more landings nearby.

And here

Gardener .

The gardener goes with him.

Very interesting

Walk in the verbal garden!

(E. Izmailov)

Similar words: garden, planted, seedlings, planting, gardener(gardening specialist) , gardener(a worker who takes care of the garden).

Is it possible to add words gardening, planting, soot, seedlings?

Garden- related to the garden.

Plant- the same as planting.

Saplings- plants transplanted from another place. At the root of words with the same root, there is an alternation of consonants d-j.

And here soot has no general meaning. Soot is a black residue from combustion.

Let's call a family of words with the same root UCH-: teacher, student, training, scientist, retrain, memorize, teacher, educational, teacher's room, head teacher, teach, study.

In the lesson you learned that the common part of related words is called the root. The roots of related words are written the same. Cognate words are words that have the same root and common meaning. To find the root in a word, you need to select related words and highlight the same part in them.

  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. ().
  2. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  3. ().
  • Write down the word salt and add words with the same root to it. Recognize them by the description of their meaning.

1) A small vessel for table salt - ...

2) Put salt in something for taste - ...

3) Having a taste of salt - ...

  • Write out words with the same root from proverbs and sayings. Select the root.

1) Truth is not friendly with lies.

2) In a friendly team, things get complicated.

3) I read a book and met a friend.

4) Learn to value friendship.

  • Divide the words into two groups of words with the same root.

Water, water, driver, flood, seeing off, conductor, watery, watery, guide.

MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School No. 2"

Biysk district of Altai region

Lesson topic:

Root as a common part of related words

2nd grade (1-4)

Educational and educational complex "Prospective Primary School"

(Textbook: N.A. Churakova “Russian language. Grade 2”)

primary school teacher

Read the words.

Today, during a minute of penmanship, we will write the letter that is in all these words. Determine what letter it is.

What two groups can she divide these words into? (slide 3)

her (slide 4, 5)

- Write it down.

Determine the pattern of the sequence of letters in the second row:era erb erv er… (slide 6)

Write the suggested series of letters in the given sequence to the end of the line.

Which of these words with an unverified unstressed vowel have we encountered before?

Which letter do we need to remember?


Name the essential characteristics of a birch tree.

Birch is the most favorite tree in Rus'. In ancient times, the New Year began with a festive ceremony not at the Christmas tree, but at the birch tree. The Birch New Year lasted until 1343. There are many songs and poems written about the birch tree.

Write down the word birch, underline the unstressed vowel, put an emphasis(slide 7)

What would you affectionately call a birch tree?

What is the name of the mushroom that grows under the birch tree?

What is the name of a forest in which only birch trees grow?

Compare these words by meaning.

Compare these words by spelling.

Letter e

in wordsmesh, birch lettere denotes the sound [e] this is group 1,

in wordsraccoon, hedgehog lettere denotes two sounds [th’] and [e]

lowercase lettere and lowercase letterR alternate with letters of the alphabet in order


deciduous tree with white bark and heart-shaped leaves

birch tree, birch tree


birch forest

close in meaning

common part - birch


express your guess;



developing the ability to use logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification, establishing analogies, and referring to known concepts.

3. Statement of the educational task

Target: organize communicative interaction, during which the topic of the lesson is determined and formulatedgoalslesson

- Guys, who remembers what words are called that have a common part and a common meaning?

- Or maybe someone knows what this common part of related words is called?

- What do you think we will do in class?

What will be the topic of the lesson?

Read the topic of the lesson in the table of contents and open the appropriate page.

What is the purpose of our lesson?

Let's plan our activities during the lesson:

- Where can one find out about this?

Let's start with the tutorial.

Open the textbook. Determine the topic of the lesson. They set a learning task for themselves.

We plan activities for the lesson.

In the teacher's book, in the textbook...


setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students and what is not yet known;


mastering the ability to accept and maintain educational goals and objectives;


developing the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers when solving educational problems.

4. Constructing a project for getting out of a problem


Development of the ability to extract information necessary to discover new knowledge;

- organizing a dialogue that allows us to identify connections between studied and new knowledge, discovering new facets in what is already known.

Working with the textbook .

Read the rule in the textbook at

With. 96 (Churakova N.A.)(

(slide 9)

What is the common part of related words called?

What is another name for related words?

Graphically, the root is highlighted with an arc (show)

Let's find and highlight the root in the words of our chain of related words.

Birch, birch tree, birch tree, boletus, birch tree. (slide 10)

What needs to be done to determine the root of a word?

Ex. 68 p. 96 (

What words will be related?

Which words turned out to be “extra”?

Student reads the rule


Same roots



plan your own activities in accordance with the task and look for means of its implementation;


search and selection of necessary information, application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;


developing the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers in solving educational problems;

5.Implementation of the completed project

Target:planning actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

How can you tell if words are related? Let's create an algorithm.

An algorithm is compiled: (slide 11)

1. Determine the meaning of the word.

2. Find related words.

3. Find the common part - the root.

Work according to the plan

Regulatory :


creation of an activity algorithm, conscious construction of a speech utterance.

Communication :

developing the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers in solving educational problems;

6. Physical exercise

Goal: restoration of physical and spiritual strength,relieve dynamic fatigue, restore performance.

    Eye exercise

    If I read a couple of related words, you clap your hands. If I name a couple of words that are not related, you tilt to the right, to the left. Try to count how many pairs of related words were named.

Forest - forester, river - raft, wall - nail, cat - cat, garden - garden, lunch - table, house - home, house - smoke, mushroom - mushroom.(slide 12)

Children doing exercises

Regulatory :

developing the ability to control and evaluate one’s actions

7.Primary consolidation of educational material

Work in groups on laptops.

Goal: to develop the ability to work in a group according to given criteria.

You will complete the task according to the algorithm on laptops in groups.


You need to select one of the proposed options. If the background of the word turns red, then you made a mistake; if it turns green, then the answer is correct.

What did you observe in this task?

Name two characteristics of words with the same root.

Reviewing the rules of working in a group.

Repetition of rules for working on laptops.

They work in groups on laptops using ESM training simulator “Single root words”

Children perform, the teacher supervises.

Regulatory :

make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made, and express your assumptions.

Communication :

accept responsibility for the results of your actions;

Cognitive :

mastering the ability to use the same root words and highlight the root of a word;

identifying the necessary information, using information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

Incorporating new knowledge into the system

Independent work

Individual differentiated tasksAnnex 1

Doing independent work


developing the ability to control and evaluate one’s actions, take responsibility, show initiative and independence;

Personal :

awareness of the educational action algorithm;

8. Lesson summary.

Target:record new skills acquired in the lesson.

- What lesson topic did we work on?

What is the purpose of the lesson?

Have we achieved it?

- Name two features of related words.

- What is another name for related words?

Repeat the algorithm.

What was interesting?

Why do we need to know these rules?

In the margins, give yourself a grade for the lesson.

(slide 13)


Evaluate their work in class and their knowledge of the topic.



developing the ability to control and evaluate one’s actions, take responsibilityCommunicative:

observe your partner’s actions, find inaccuracies and correct them.

9. Reflection.

Goal: to organize reflection and self-assessment of students’ own activities.


Let's dress up our birch tree, it will be our “Tree of Success” today

A green leaf is attached by those who understood everything during the lesson, a yellow leaf by those who still have questions on this topic, a red leaf by those who were not interested in the lesson and did not understand anything.

uch. With. 96 exercises 69


ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of success of educational activities.


    Bakulina G.A. Intellectual development of junior schoolchildren in Russian language lessons. Moscow: Vlados, 1999.

    Undzenkova A., Sagirova O. Russian with passion. Ekaterinburg, 2003

    Churakova N.A.. Russian language. 2nd grade, part 1, Moscow, Academic book/Textbook, 2012

Annex 1

I level Think about it this way:

Write down the words. Highlight the common part “The words bread and breadbox have the same

(root). root - bread. They have a common meaning:

bread box -

This is a container in which bread is stored. That's why

Bread is a bread box, a hand is a mitten, the words bread and bread box have the same root.”

flowers are a flower garden, light is a lamp.

II level

Find a group of words with the same root. Write them down on a line. Select the root.

We built a birdhouse

For a cheerful starling.

We hung a birdhouse

Near the porch itself.

The whole family of four

Lives in the house:

Mother, father and squirrels -

Little black feathers.

Mother feeds the starlings,

Starlings scream all day long:

We want a supplement -

A fly and a booger!

III level

From this series, write down words with the same root in pairs: checking – checking.

Select the root in them. Insert the missing letters.

D...brota, t...snota, l...chit, p...tna, d...bry, l...chenie, t...sny, p...tny.

Sample: blue - blue.

Appendix 2

Molchanova Natalya Nikolaevna primary school teacher

Russian language lesson in 2nd grade

(textbook by Ramzaev T.G. )

Subject:Root as a common part of related words.

Goals: Create conditions for forming the concept of a root and drawing up an algorithm for finding it.



- give an idea of ​​related words, the meaning of a word in a group of related words

Learn to isolate the root;


Develop the ability to find a test word from a group of related words;

Develop speech, expand vocabulary;

Develop spelling vigilance, attention, thinking;


Foster a sense of responsibility for one’s work, a sense of mutual assistance;

Cultivate accuracy and hard work.



    Assignment for each group

    Cards of three levels

    Birch tree drawing

    Birch leaves of yellow, red and green colors

    Projector, computer

    Microsoft Power Point Presentation

Organization of educational activities: individual, frontal, group work.

Explanatory note

This is the first lesson on this topic. In 2nd grade, 9 hours are devoted to this topic.

The lesson begins with an emotional mood. A minute of penmanship allows you to develop the volume and distribution of attention, observation, concentration, analytical and synthetic thinking. Thus, along with improving graphic skills, knowledge on the topics of the Russian language being studied is deepened.

In vocabulary and spelling work, children, naming the essential features of an object, themselves determine its lexical meaning. My addition increases interest in the word, and therefore in the language as a whole, deepens and expands children’s knowledge about the world around them, promotes better memorization of the meaning of the word and its spelling, and, of course, prevents academic failure.

At the stage of studying new material, the search method is partially used.

Together we selected related words, comparing their lexical meaning and spelling. The children remembered the concept of “related words.” New concept of "root"

the children “mined” by working independently with the textbook.

Consolidation takes place in the form of group work, where children need to eliminate a word based on two signs of related words.

Independent work is carried out in a differentiated manner. Students are offered cards of three levels.

I tried to lead all stages of the lesson to the disclosure of the topic, as a result of which the children well mastered the concept of related words and learned to identify the root based on its main features.

During the classes:

1. Emotional mood

Guys, today we have some serious work ahead of us in class. Let's have a positive attitude towards the lesson, smile at each other, and wish each other success.

2. A minute of penmanship

On the desk: raccoon, net, hedgehog, birch(slide 2)

Read the words.

Today, during a minute of penmanship, we will write the letter that is in all these words. Determine what letter it is. (e)

What two groups can she divide these words into?

(in words mesh, birch letter e denotes the sound [e] this is group 1,

in words raccoon, hedgehog letter e denotes two sounds [th] and [e])

her(slide 3, 4)

- Write it down.

Determine the pattern of the sequence of letters in the second row:

era erb erv er…(slide 5)

( lowercase letter e and lowercase letter R alternate with letters of the alphabet in order)

Write the suggested series of letters in the given sequence to the end of the line.

3. Vocabulary and spelling work

Which of these words with an unverified unstressed vowel have we encountered before?

Which letter do we need to remember?

Name the essential characteristics of a birch tree.

(deciduous tree with white bark and heart-shaped leaves)

Birch is the most favorite tree in Rus'. In ancient times, the New Year began with a festive ceremony not at the Christmas tree, but at the birch tree. The Birch New Year lasted until 1343. There are many songs and poems written about the birch tree.

Write down the word birch, underline the unstressed vowel, put an emphasis (slide 6)

What would you affectionately call a birch tree?

(birch tree, birch tree)

What is the name of the mushroom that grows under the birch tree?


What is the name of a forest in which only birch trees grow?

(birch forest)

Compare these words by meaning.

(close in meaning)

Compare these words by spelling.

(common part – birch trees)

    Setting a learning task

- Guys, who remembers the names of words that have a common part and a common meaning?

- Or maybe someone knows what this common part of related words is called?

- What do you think we will do in class?

- What would you like to learn? (slide 7)

- Where can one find out about this? (from the teacher, in the textbook, ...)

- Let's start with the tutorial.

    Formation of new knowledge

Read the rule in the textbook on p. 43 (Ramzaeva T.G.)

What words are called related words? (slide 8)

a common part

What is the common part of related words called?

general meaning

What is another name for related words?


Graphically, the root is highlighted with an arc (show)

Let's find and highlight the root in the words of our chain of related words.

Birch, birch tree, birch tree, boletus, birch tree.(slide 9)

What needs to be done to determine the root of a word?

An algorithm is compiled: (slide 10)

1. Determine the meaning of the word.

2. Find related words.

3. Find the common part - the root.

6. Physical education minute

There is a birch tree on the hill,

Keeps your back straight and level.

It’s not easy for her to live in the world -

The wind turns, the wind turns.

But the birch tree only bends,

He is not sad - he laughs.

The free wind blows menacingly

On a young birch tree.

The wind began to subside.

And we calmed down!

7. Consolidation. Work in groups. (slide 11)

Read the chain of words. Find the odd one out. Highlight the root in words with the same root.

    Hour, hour, watchmaker, part

    Nose, porter, spout, big-nosed.

    Frosty, cold, frost, freezing.

    Water, water, water, drive.

    Brave, brave, courage, daredevil.

    Mote, rubbish, torn off, littered.

Examination (slide 12)

What did you observe in this task?

Name two characteristics of words with the same root.

    Exercise to relieve eye strain (slide 13)

    Independent work

Individual differentiated tasks on cards of three levels.

Ilevel Think about it this way:

Write down the words. Highlight the common part“The words bread and breadbox have the same

(root). root - bread. They have a common meaning:

bread box -

This is a container in which bread is stored. That's why

Bread is a bread box, a hand is a mitten, the words bread and bread box have the same root.”

flowers are a flower garden, light is a lamp.


Find a group of words with the same root. Write them down on a line. Select the root.

We built a birdhouse

For a cheerful starling.

We hung a birdhouse

Near the porch itself.

The whole family of four

Lives in the house:

Mother, father and squirrels -

Little black feathers.

Mother feeds the starlings,

Starlings scream all day long:

We want a supplement -

A fly and a booger!


From this series, write down words with the same root in pairs: checking – checking.

Select the root in them. Insert the missing letters.

D...brota, t...snota, l...chit, p...tna, d...bry, l...chenie, t...sny, p...tny.

Sample: blue - blue.

    Bottom line

- What lesson topic did we work on?

- What new did you learn?

- Name two features of related words.

- What is another name for related words?


(slide 14)

Let's dress up our birch tree, it will be our “Tree of Success” today.

A green leaf is hung by those who understood everything during the lesson, a yellow leaf by those who still have questions on this topic, a red leaf by those who were not interested in the lesson and did not understand anything.

Make a chain of related words with the root forest.

Make a sentence using one of the words.
