Afk principles. Adaptive physical culture and sports: the need of society and the state, development strategy Kostroma

Afk principles.  Adaptive physical culture and sports: the need of society and the state, development strategy Kostroma

Physical exercises are carried out only with the permission of a doctor. The level of AF is assessed according to the level of development of physical qualities based on an analysis of the results of performing the following control exercises:

A medical worker at an educational institution systematically, at least once a month, attends physical education classes to assess the impact of the load on the functional state of the students’ body.

Speed-strength abilities: standing long jump (cm). It is carried out on a non-slip surface, on which a line is drawn and a centimeter tape (tape measure) is attached perpendicular to it. The student stands up to the line without touching it with his toes, his feet are slightly apart and parallel, moving his arms back, he bends his legs and, pushing off with both legs, making a sharp swing of his arms forward, jumps as far as possible. The distance is measured from the line to the foot touch closest to it, the best result of three attempts is counted; General endurance: Slow running combined with walking for six minutes (number of meters). The student performs the exercise at a pace convenient for him, moving from running to walking and back in accordance with his well-being. The exercise is performed on a stadium treadmill or in the gym of an educational institution. 6-8 people participate in the race at the same time. The result is the distance traveled by the student. For more accurate calculations, it is advisable to mark the treadmill every 10 m. Coordination of movements, agility, speed: throwing and catching a tennis ball with both hands from a distance of 1 meter from the wall (number of times in 30 seconds). A line is drawn at a distance of 1 meter from the wall. The student stands to the line (one foot in front) and throws and catches a tennis ball at maximum speed for 30 seconds. Throwing is done with one hand, catching with two hands. The number of balls caught is counted.

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Presentation on the topic: Adaptive physical education

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Corrective goals and objectives of adaptive physical culture Goal: aimed at restoring, replacing and compensating for impaired functions, improving muscle-joint sense, developing independent and high-quality performance of motor actions, maximizing the degree of disability, preparing for social integration. Tasks: 1). Achieving an age-appropriate level of physical fitness, development of physical qualities, spatial orientation and coordination of movements, etc.; 2). The use of special means and methods that help improve functionality, develop vision and visual-motor orientation; 3). Overcoming shortcomings that arise against the background of visual pathology when mastering movements; 4). Activation and exercise of visual functions in close connection with treatment and rehabilitation work.

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Features of the physical development of children with visual pathology Deviations are expressed in retardation in height and body weight, vital capacity of the lungs, chest volume, significant weakening of muscles, impaired posture, posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet. Motor activity decreases, which negatively affects the formation motor analyzer. Typical movement disorders are closely related to the characteristics of their mental and intellectual development. Such deficiencies are most clearly manifested in those motor actions that require significant nervous tension and mental work. Disturbances in the development of motor skills are detected primarily when performing differentiated and precise movements. Visual impairments have a negative impact on the development of movement speed. A pronounced lag is observed in running, jumping from a place, coordination of precise movements, and at all stages of development, which is associated with spatial orientation insufficiency. Movements in children with visual impairments are slow, angular, awkward and irregular. Facial expressions and gestures are characterized by poverty, monotony and inexpressiveness.

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Pedagogical features of physical education of children with visual impairments. Physical education of children with visual impairments is also aimed at improving the functioning of all organs and systems, promoting health and developing motor qualities. This is achieved by organizing corrective-oriented classes that provide for the development of spatial orientation activity, the motor sphere, the ability to sense and evaluate the speed of movements, their amplitude, the degree of muscle tension and relaxation, which is the main part of adaptive physical culture.

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General rehabilitation and pedagogical methods (Becker K.L., 1975) Stimulation is a method of systematically using forms of activity different from the norm for the comprehensive development of the individual; compensation is a method of forming substitutes; correction is a method of eliminating violations; activation is a method of eliminating delays and bringing deviations closer to norm; reinforcement is a method of maintaining the achieved level. Methods used in type IV preschool educational institutions: presentation of material in small portions; maximum dissection and development of complex concepts and actions; constant reliance on sensory experience; guidance of students’ actions until they are carried out jointly by the teacher and student. In the process of AFC, an individual and differentiated approach to children is required, taking into account the clinical forms and nature of visual impairments, developmental anomalies, the severity of visual pathology, as well as systematic monitoring of the dynamics of physical development and motor abilities of pupils, the degree of correction of motor disorders.

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Training and education of motor qualities is based on a system of methodological principles. The principle of accessibility requires compliance with the following rules: a) know the age characteristics of children involved; b) study and take into account the individual characteristics of the children involved; c) follow the rule: “from simple to complex, from the known to the unknown.” The principle of clarity is ensured by demonstrating individual exercises using the technique of individual elements in the most perfect execution possible. Rules: a) determine what pedagogical task should be solved by means of visualization; b) organize the perception of movements using different senses; c) when using visual means, take into account the visual capabilities of children, their previous motor experience and knowledge of those involved in physical exercises; d) use direct and indirect demonstration as a means of correcting motor errors in children. The principle of systematicity. With systematic training, children with visual impairments master skills quite effectively and also receive optimal, functional training.

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The principle of strength. Rules: a) do not move on to learning a new exercise until the old one has been thoroughly mastered; b) include previously learned exercises in new combinations and variations into the lesson; c) increase the intensity and duration of the mastered exercises; d) systematically keep records of physical fitness and evaluate children's achievements, conduct control classes, competitions and performances. The principle of differential-integral optima. The use of physical activity of various contents for preventive and corrective purposes should be based on a specialist’s deep knowledge of the functional state of the visual apparatus, neuromuscular system, take into account the clinical forms and nature of visual impairments, developmental anomalies, the severity of visual pathology, as well as the dynamics of physical development and motor abilities children. Knowledge of the patterns of functioning and development in conditions of motor activity will ensure the use of optimal, local and integral physical activity.

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“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being” (WHO). In order to reduce the incidence of illness in preschool institutions and preserve the health of children, as a priority measure, it is necessary to: Improve the qualifications of teachers in matters of health culture. Normalize the study load taking into account the physiological requirements of SanPin. More actively involve parents and the public in improving the health of students. To increase the motor activity of children in physical education classes and in independent activities. In all classes, conduct physical education sessions, in which elements of physical therapy are introduced. It is necessary to carry out systematic work to prevent myopia. Teach children, teachers, and parents a healthy lifestyle. Intensify the work of the kindergarten psychologist. The task of preschool specialists is to create a culture of a healthy lifestyle and a harmoniously developed person in children.

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During an ophthalmological examination of pupils in order to determine the physical fitness group: Visual acuity monocularly and binocularly without correction and with optimal correction. Refraction (in borderline cases in conditions of atropine cycloplegia). The state of binocular vision using a color test. The state of the protective apparatus, media and fundus of the eye. If indicated, additional studies are carried out: visual field, biomicroscopy, ultrasound biometry, CFSM, tonometry.

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Using optical correction in physical education classes When assessing a child’s suitability for physical education, the key issue is the possibility of using optical correction. In most cases of AFC, glasses (preferably with plastic lenses, flexible wire temples, and an elastic band around the back of the head) or contact lenses can be tolerated. Most often, children with myopia are excluded from general physical training, which is unacceptable, since ROS is one of the powerful factors in the prevention of myopia, its progression and complications. In case of myopia, the main factor determining the decision not to allow participation in classes is the presence of complications: hemorrhages in the eye, central or peripheral vitreochorioretinal dystrophy, retinal detachment, etc. In case of exacerbations of inflammatory diseases, a progressive decrease in visual functions, it is necessary to try to find out whether the deterioration is associated with physical education classes and if there is the slightest suspicion of such an influence, classes should be canceled.

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Test on the ZDPO with a “pyramid caterpillar”. Additionally, in preschool educational institutions of the IV type, typhlopedagogues conduct a test on the ZDPO twice a year (September, May), which makes it possible to combine a large number of assessment methods for the development of visual-motor functions and orientation in space. ZDPO is an orientation in which the functions of vision play a significant role in coordinated movement, which means that when it is carried out, one can clearly see and reliably state the difficulties of a child’s actions in three-dimensional space. This is possible if we combine movement in space and the development of the visual analyzer.

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Adaptive physical education as a means of rehabilitation of children with visual impairments. “... a sighted person is spoiled by sight in the matter of knowing the shape, size, position and movement of the objects around him, so he does not develop the precious ability of the hand to give him the same indications, but a blind person does not forced,” wrote the great physiologist I.M. Sechenov.

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Organizational and methodological recommendations for teaching preschool children with visual impairments AFC classes are a necessary component of preventive, rehabilitation and therapeutic measures for children with visual impairments. It seems obvious that the importance of physical education for children with visual impairments is even more important and necessary than for persons with normal vision. Ophthalmological recommendations for children with visual pathology should guide teachers towards the admissibility of certain types of load, and not towards any specific type of motor activity, taking into account the direction of the correctional educational process. An indispensable condition for physical education for children with visual impairments is a clear definition of contraindications and systematic medical monitoring of the condition of the visual organ.

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1. Any activity, especially physical, can only be carried out under the direct control and supervision of an adult.2. In the gym and on the sports ground, conditions must be created to ensure the protection of the life and health of children: a) all equipment: gymnastic wall, complexes, ladders must be securely fastened; all kinds of equipment, aids, furnishings must be installed and placed taking into account their complete safety and stability, excluding the possibility of falling; b) equipment used by children must be placed at a height not exceeding the level of their chest.3. The room in which physical education activities are organized must be clean, bright, and well ventilated. Illumination must comply with established sanitary and hygienic standards.4. Children are prohibited from carrying weights weighing more than 2-2.5 kg. (for a child of senior preschool age).

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1. Equipment used by children must be suitable in size for their age.2. Only serviceable and safe items are given to children for use.3. It is prohibited to use equipment and equipment intended for adults; It is inappropriate, pedagogically unjustified and dangerous to use items produced by industry for children's play activities.4. All equipment and tools must be neatly, conveniently and rationally placed, and kept in clean, serviceable condition. All piercing and cutting objects must be stored out of the reach of children.

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1. Medical control is carried out by the medical staff of the kindergarten. The main task of medical supervision is to promote the health of children, improve physical and neuropsychic development.2. Medical control includes: a) medical examinations, assessment of the health status, physical development of children during classes; b) medical and pedagogical observations of the implementation of various forms of physical education, control over the content, methods of conducting physical education classes, compliance with the age capabilities of children; c) sanitary supervision of the places of classes, hardening activities, the hygienic condition of equipment, inventory, as well as the costume and shoes of those involved; d) sanitary educational work among the staff and parents of the preschool institution. The organization of medical control involves the joint work of a nurse, head, and senior teacher. 3. Medical examination and assessment of the health status of children is carried out by a doctor during annual in-depth medical examinations. For a more accurate assessment, it is necessary to have a characteristic of the development of movements of each child. The health status assessment is given at the time of the examination.

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FIRST GROUP - unites healthy children who do not have developmental disorders according to all signs of health selected for assessment, who were not ill or rarely ill during the observation period. SECOND GROUP - healthy children who have a biological or social analysis, some functional changes. THIRD GROUP - unites patients children with chronic diseases. FOURTH GROUP - children with chronic diseases, congenital malformations in a state of subcompensation. FIFTH GROUP - children with severe chronic diseases, with severe congenital malformations.

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Medical and pedagogical observations include assessment of the compliance of the content and methodology of various forms of physical education with the age and functional capabilities of children. When carrying out medical and pedagogical control, a doctor, nurse, manager, or senior educator must first familiarize themselves with the notes compiled by the educator. To assess the correctness of the structure of a physical education lesson, you should use the method of individual timing. When carrying out timing, the motor activity of children, the general and motor density of the activity are also determined. When determining the overall density of the lesson, the time spent on performing movements, showing and explaining the teacher, changing lanes, arranging, cleaning sports equipment is taken into account, minus the time spent on children being idle, unjustified expectations, and restoring broken discipline. Total density is the ratio of useful time to the total duration of the entire session, expressed as a percentage. The total density should be at least 80-90%. Motor density is characterized by the ratio of the time directly spent by the child on performing movements to the time of the entire lesson, expressed as a percentage. With sufficient physical activity, it should be at least 70-85%. During medical and pedagogical control, an important place should be given to monitoring the implementation of the general motor regime in a children's institution. The motor mode includes all dynamic activities of children, both organized forms of work and independent motor activity. General physical activity should be a means of strengthening children's health.

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Organization of physical education of children in the family and preschool educational institutions The role of a healthy family lifestyle is extremely important in raising children. Basic knowledge about the components of a healthy lifestyle (rational nutrition, adherence to a work and rest regime, sufficient physical activity, the use of hardening agents, the ability to organize one’s behavior correctly, without nervous tension) is available to even the youngest children. Using specific examples, parents must be convinced that any child, even one born weak, can and should become physically strong and harmoniously developed if they put effort into it. This structure of work requires constant self-education and self-improvement from teachers.

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Classification of exercises and games for the correction of visual impairment in children with strabismus and amblyopia Goal: continuous eye tracking of the movements of objects. Throwing a ball into a ring. Throwing at a target. “Watch the pendulum.” “Throw the ring and catch.” Monitoring the flashing lights on light linear display (right - left; left - right; bottom - up; top - down). "Table basketball." "Table tennis." Rolling the ball in a limited space. Ring throw. Goal: relax convergence, develop the direction of the child's gaze into the distance and upward (convergent strabismus). Light a flashlight. Throw a balloon up. Find the ball (big, small). Throw the ball and catch it. Who will throw the object next. Retrieve the object. Whose ball?

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Goal: strengthen accommodation, develop the direction of gaze near and down (divergent strabismus). Build a pyramid. Ball on the floor. Make a pattern on the floor. Games “Closer - further.” Rolling the ball to each other. Move the object. Who can collect the most Goal: strengthen binocular vision , develop stereoscopic vision. Hit the gate. Knock down the pin. Throw the ring. Put the balls on the rod. Towns. Game “Ring Throw” (floor, tabletop).

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Article 28. Physical culture and sports in the education system Educational institutions, taking into account local conditions and interests of students, independently determine the forms of physical education classes, means of physical education, types of sports and physical activity, methods and duration of classes. The organization of physical education in educational institutions includes: 1) conducting compulsory physical education classes within the framework of basic educational programs in the amount established by state educational standards, as well as additional physical exercise and sports classes within additional educational programs; 2) creating conditions including the provision of sports equipment and supplies.

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3) developing physical education skills in students, taking into account individual abilities and health status, creating conditions for involving students in physical education and sports; 4) implementation of physical education activities during training sessions; 5) conducting medical control over the organization of physical education; 6) formation of a responsible attitude of parents (persons replacing them) towards the health of children and their physical education; 7) conducting annual monitoring of physical fitness and physical development of students; 8) assistance in organizing and conducting sports events with the participation of students.

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Article 31. Adaptive physical culture is the rehabilitation of disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities.

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1. Physical rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities using the methods of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports are carried out in rehabilitation centers, physical education and sports clubs for the disabled, and physical education and sports organizations.2. Adaptive physical culture is a part of physical culture that uses a complex of effective means of physical rehabilitation of disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities.3. Sports for the disabled (adaptive sports) is aimed at social adaptation and physical rehabilitation of disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities.4. The development of sports for people with disabilities is based on the principles of priority, mass distribution and accessibility of sports.5. For persons with disabilities studying in relevant educational institutions, classes are organized using means of adaptive physical education and adaptive sports, taking into account individual abilities and health status. 6. The federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, together with public associations of disabled people, promote the integration of disabled people and persons with disabilities. 7. Educational institutions have the right to create branches, departments, structural units for adaptive sports.

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Adaptive physical education is not just a set of physical exercises, it is a whole system of measures aimed at correcting physical and mental disorders in a person. Adaptive physical education provides therapeutic, restorative, preventive and many, many other effects.

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But most importantly, adaptive physical education allows us to solve the problem of integrating a disabled person into society. How? The fact is that adaptive physical education forms in a person with disabilities in physical or mental health:

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a conscious attitude towards one’s own strengths in comparison with the strengths of an average healthy person; the ability to overcome not only physical, but also psychological barriers that prevent a full life; compensatory skills, that is, allows you to use the functions of different systems and organs instead of missing or impaired ones; the ability to overcome the physical stress necessary for full functioning in society; the need to be as healthy as possible and to lead a healthy lifestyle; awareness of the need for one’s personal contribution to society; desire to improve your personal qualities; desire to improve mental and physical performance.

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It is clear that adaptive physical education is strictly individual in nature. Adaptive physical education takes place entirely from beginning to end under the guidance of an adaptive physical education specialist.

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In general, it is believed that adaptive physical education is much more effective in its effects than drug therapy.

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Statistical data on the health of Russian schoolchildren.

5% of graduates are healthy. 50% have chronic diseases. 70% - neuropsychiatric disorders. 98% of children are born with congenital pathology.



2.1. Reality

2.2. Prospects





Trouble, when it comes, does not ask for your first or last name, or year of birth. Misfortune can happen to anyone. I don’t even want to think about the fact that a child born healthy will in one terrible moment turn into a person, as they say, with limited physical capabilities. And in principle, it’s not worth it.

In reality, there are hundreds, thousands of unhappy children and adults who are deprived of the opportunity to lead a full life. You cannot lock such a person within four walls, supposedly protecting him from the dangers and difficulties that lie in wait on the street. The computer and books are good friends when alone. But does everyone need loneliness? And how does it feel to feel “cut off” from the rest of the world?

In the system of social protection measures for disabled people, its active forms are becoming increasingly important, the most effective of which is rehabilitation and social adaptation through physical culture and sports. Integration of people with disabilities into society today is unthinkable without their physical rehabilitation. The latter is not only an integral part of the professional and social rehabilitation of disabled people, but also lies at their basis.


Adaptive physical culture is a set of sports and recreational measures aimed at rehabilitation and adaptation to the normal social environment of people with disabilities, overcoming psychological barriers that impede the feeling of a full life, as well as the awareness of the need for one’s personal contribution to the social development of society.

Of course, its scope is comprehensive, especially in the current living conditions, when the health of the population as a whole and especially young people is deteriorating catastrophically. And not only in our country. Adaptive physical education has already become widespread in many foreign countries. Well-trained professionals in this field are expected in clinics and hospitals, sanatoriums and rest homes, health and rehabilitation centers, in educational institutions, especially specialized ones, and in sports teams.

But most importantly, adaptive physical education allows us to solve the problem of integrating a disabled person into society. How?

In a person with disabilities in physical or mental health, adaptive physical education forms:

a conscious attitude towards one’s own strengths in comparison with the strengths of an average healthy person;

the ability to overcome not only physical, but also psychological barriers that prevent a full life;

compensatory skills, that is, allows you to use the functions of different systems and organs instead of missing or impaired ones;

the ability to overcome the physical stress necessary for full functioning in society;

the need to be as healthy as possible and to lead a healthy lifestyle;

awareness of the need for one’s personal contribution to society;

desire to improve your personal qualities;

desire to improve mental and physical performance.

It is believed that adaptive physical education is much more effective than drug therapy. It is clear that adaptive physical education is strictly individual in nature. Adaptive physical education takes place entirely from beginning to end under the guidance of an adaptive physical education specialist.

“Adaptive” - this name emphasizes the purpose of physical education means for people with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive morpho-functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body.

The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of motor activity as a biological and social factor influencing the human body and personality. Understanding the essence of this phenomenon is the methodological foundation of adaptive physical culture. At the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after. P.F. Lesgaft opened the Faculty of Adaptive Physical Culture, whose task is to train highly qualified specialists to work in the field of physical culture for people with disabilities.


There is a widespread view that a society's concern for its disabled fellow citizens is a measure of its cultural and social development. “One of the indicators of a civilized society is its attitude towards people with disabilities,” says Professor P.A. Vinogradov.

In a UN resolution adopted on December 9, 1975. Not only the rights of people with disabilities, but also the conditions that should be created for them by state and public structures are outlined quite thoroughly. These conditions include the conditions of the employment environment, incl. motivation from society, provision of medical care, psychological adaptation and creation of social conditions, including individual transport, as well as methodological, technical and professional support.

2.1. Reality.

According to the World Health Organization, people with disabilities make up about 10% of the world's population. This statistics is also typical for Russia (15 million disabled people). Despite advances in medicine, their number is slowly but steadily growing, especially among children and adolescents. Until recently, the problems of this rather significant category of the population were ignored, and yet, recently, as a result of the gradual humanization of society, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities and the UN Standard Rules for the Realization of Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities were adopted. Many countries have adopted legislative acts that reflect the problems of people with disabilities.

Currently, most economically developed countries, and, first of all, the USA, Great Britain, Germany, etc., have a variety of programs and social security systems for people with disabilities, which include physical education and sports.

Many foreign countries have developed a system for involving disabled people in physical education and sports, which includes a clinic, a rehabilitation center, sports sections and clubs for the disabled. But the most important thing is to create conditions for these activities.

The main goal of attracting disabled people to regular physical education and sports is to restore lost contact with the outside world, create the necessary conditions for reunification with society, participation in socially useful work and rehabilitation of their health. In addition, physical education and sports help the mental and physical improvement of this category of the population, contributing to their social integration and physical rehabilitation.

In foreign countries, physical activity is very popular among disabled people for the purpose of relaxation, entertainment, communication, maintaining or acquiring good physical shape, the required level of physical fitness. Disabled people, as a rule, are deprived of the opportunity to move freely, so they often experience disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Physical education and health activity in such cases is an effective means of prevention and restoration of normal functioning of the body, and also contributes to the acquisition of the level of physical fitness that is necessary, for example, for a disabled person to be able to use a wheelchair, prosthesis or orthosis. Moreover, we are talking not just about restoring normal body functions, but also about restoring ability to work and acquiring work skills. For example, in the USA, 10 million disabled people, constituting 5% of the population, receive government assistance in the amount of 7% of the Total National Income.

One can argue with the statement that it was the sports movement of disabled people in the West that stimulated the legislative recognition of their civil rights, but there is no doubt that the sports movement of “wheelchair people” in the 50s - 60s. in many countries has drawn attention to their capabilities and potential.

Taking into account the above, the World Program of Action for Persons with Disabilities states: “The importance of sport for persons with disabilities is increasingly recognized. Member States should therefore encourage all types of sporting activities for persons with disabilities, in particular by providing adequate facilities and proper organization of these activities.” Creating equal conditions for people with disabilities regarding their involvement in physical education and sports is the main achievement of developed countries.

“Until recently, in Russia this group of the population was among those virtually excluded from the normal life of society. Their problems were not discussed publicly. Urban planning practice did not provide for special devices in public places to make it easier for people with disabilities to move around. Many areas of public life were closed to people with disabilities,” they wrote in 1996. authors of the book “Fundamentals of Physical Culture and a Healthy Lifestyle” P.A. Vinogradov, A.P. Dushanin and V.I. Zholdak.

For many years, we had the opinion that the concepts of “disabled person”, “physical activity”, and, even more so, “sport” are incompatible and physical education was recommended only to individual disabled people as a short-term activity that complements physiotherapeutic and medicinal prescriptions. Physical culture and sports were not considered as an effective means of rehabilitating people with disabilities, maintaining their physical capabilities and promoting health.

PAGE_BREAK--The 90s brought serious changes to society's attitude towards people with disabilities in Russia. And, although for the most part these changes were only proclaimed, they still played a positive role.

Board of the SCFT of Russia October 31, 1997 considered the issue “On the system of state measures for the development of physical culture and sports for people with disabilities.” In its resolution on this issue, the board noted serious shortcomings in improving the health of people with disabilities through physical culture and sports and the emergence of a bias towards elite sports to the detriment of mass health-improving work among this group of the population.

Among the main reasons for the existing shortcomings in work, the first place is called the lack of a regulatory framework. The primary thing is, as noted above, the lack of socio-economic conditions in Russia to solve this problem, and the misunderstanding by many state political and public figures of the importance of solving this problem and overcoming the old stereotype of people with disabilities as people unnecessary to society. It is to solve these problems that the program of priority measures prepared by the Department of Physical Culture and Health Work and Relations with State and Public Organizations of the GKFG of Russia is aimed.

These issues are most fully reflected in the Concept of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of physical rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled people through physical culture and sports for 1999-2004, developed on behalf of the Council for Disabled People under the President of the Russian Federation by scientists from VNIIFK, employees of the State Committee for Physical Education of Russia and other public organizations (Tsarik A.V., Neverkovich S.D., Dmitriev V.S., Seleznev L.N., Chepik V.D., etc.).

2.2 Prospects.

In the Concept of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of physical rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled people through physical culture and sports for 1999-2004, among the main goals and objectives of the State policy in the field of rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled people through physical culture and sports, the creation of conditions for disabled people to engage in physical education and sports, developing their need for these activities.

And yet, naming ways to achieve the main goals in working with people with disabilities, the developers note: “to create a structure of state and public management (and therefore financing - the author) of physical culture and sports for people with disabilities that is adequate to the current socio-economic conditions.”

Such a record involuntarily leads to the idea that the current crisis socio-economic situation in Russia requires adequate management and financing of this important area. It is impossible to agree with this, because... Even in this crisis situation, society can and must create the conditions necessary for the life of people with disabilities.

Among the priority areas of activity for the development of adaptive physical culture, the developers of the Concept rightly name:

involving as many disabled people as possible in physical education and sports;

physical education and outreach support for the development of physical culture and mass sports among disabled people;

ensuring the accessibility of existing physical education, health and sports facilities for disabled people;

training, advanced training and retraining of specialists for physical education, rehabilitation and sports work with disabled people;

creation of a regulatory framework for the development of physical culture and sports for people with disabilities.

The undoubted advantage of this concept is the proposals for the delimitation of powers and functions in the system of physical rehabilitation of disabled people between federal and regional government bodies in the field of physical culture and sports.

In this regard, it should be emphasized that the center of gravity in work moves to places. It is local authorities, first of all, who must create equal conditions for physical education and sports among all categories of the population.

Adaptive physical culture has been intensively studied in recent years and involves scientific substantiation of a wide range of problems: regulatory support for educational, training and competitive activities; load and rest management; pharmacological support for disabled athletes during periods of extreme and near-limit physical and mental stress; non-traditional means and methods of restoration; socialization and communication activities; technical and design training as a new type of sports training and many others.

The most effective ways of using physical exercises to organize active recreation for disabled people and people with health problems, switching them to another type of activity, enjoying physical activity, etc. are being studied.

In the physical rehabilitation of adaptive physical culture, the emphasis is on the search for non-traditional systems for improving the health of people with disabilities, focusing primarily on technologies that connect the physical (bodily) and mental (spiritual) principles of a person and focus on the independent activity of those involved (various methods of psychosomatic self-regulation , psychotherapeutic techniques, etc.).

The biological and socio-psychological effects of the use of motor actions associated with subjective risk, but with guaranteed safety for those engaged in and performed with the aim of preventing depression, frustration, various socially unacceptable types of addictions (alcohol, psychoactive substances, gambling, etc.) are being studied. .

Technologies are being scientifically substantiated based on the integration of motor activity with the means and methods of art (music, choreography, pantomime, drawing, modeling, etc.) and implying the displacement of the previous picture of the world from the consciousness of those involved, their absorption by new impressions, images, activity, immersion in activity that stimulates the work of resting areas of the brain (both hemispheres), all spheres of human perception. Creative types of adaptive physical culture give students the opportunity to process their negative states (aggression, fear, alienation, anxiety, etc.), to know themselves better; experiment with your body and movement; receive sensory satisfaction and joy in the sensations of your own body.

The sector's employees specialize in various fields of science (pedagogy, psychology, medicine, physiology, biomechanics, mathematical statistics, etc.), as well as the accumulation of extensive practical experience in the field of adaptive physical education (APC) and adaptive sports (AS) provide a comprehensive approach to solving problems related to:

development of regulatory frameworks for adaptive physical culture and sports;

substantiation of innovative technologies for scientific and methodological support of physical culture and sports activities of people with health problems;

diagnostics (including computer), assessment and control over the condition of those involved in physical and sports exercises;

providing practical assistance in correcting existing functional disorders;

organizing and conducting scientific conferences on AFC issues;

training of highly qualified personnel in the field of financial services (postgraduate studies, conducting dissertation research and defending a dissertation).


There are more than 10 million disabled people in Russia and not all of them are passive; many of them need rehabilitation measures through physical education and sports.

The Paralympic movement has existed in Russia for more than 15 years, the Paralympic Committee and the Russian Federation of Physical Culture and Sports for Disabled People have been operating.

Today in Russia there are 688 physical education and sports clubs for people with disabilities, the number of people involved in adaptive physical culture and sports in total is more than 95.8 thousand people, 8 children's and youth sports and health schools for people with disabilities have been created /YUSOSHI/.

Adaptive physical education and sports are developing most actively in the republics of Bashkiria, Tataria, and Komi; Krasnoyarsk Territory, Volgograd, Voronezh, Moscow, Omsk, Perm, Rostov, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions; cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Russian athletes participate in European and world championships, winter and summer Paralympic Games. In 1988, Russia took part in the Paralympic Games for the first time in Seoul. At the X Paralympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, the Russian team won 27 medals, including 9 gold, 7 silver and 11 bronze and took 16th place. In total, 52 disabled athletes from 13 regions of Russia won medals (including team events). 85 Russian athletes showed results exceeding personal achievements.

The performance of the Russian national teams at the XI Paralympic Games in 2000 in Sydney (Australia) showed some progress in preparing disabled athletes for competitions of the highest rank. The Russian sports delegation, represented by 90 athletes, won 35 medals, including 12 gold, 11 silver and 12 bronze awards, performing in 10 types of the program out of 20, and took 14th overall team place.

The age range of Russian athletes at the Sydney Paralympic Games ranged from 17 to 53 years. Currently, there is a significant “rejuvenation” of the composition, associated with the intensive renewal of the majority of Russian national teams in the period 2003 - 2004.

At the Winter Paralympic Games in Salt Lake City in 2002, the Russians won 7 gold, 9 silver and 5 bronze medals. The Russian national team became the world football champions.

On March 26, 2003, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued on preparations for the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens and the 2006 Winter Games in Turin, which for the first time included issues of preparation for the Paralympic Games.

The 2004 Paralympic Games in Athens were the fifth Summer Games in which Russians participated - 113 athletes with musculoskeletal and visual impairments in 10 sports:

athletics - 23 people;

swimming - 17 people;

football - 14 people;

judo - 13 people;

volleyball (men) - 14 people;

bullet shooting - 8 people;

powerlifting - 11 people;

table tennis - 6 people;

equestrian sport - 6 people;

tennis – 1 person

Currently, in the development of sports among disabled people in Russia, there is an increasing role of the state. This is manifested, first of all, in government support for sports among people with disabilities; financing the training system for disabled athletes; formation of social policy in the field of sports for people with disabilities, in particular, social protection of athletes, coaches, and specialists.


Funding for the participation of Russian athletes with disabilities in official international competitions, including the Paralympic and Deaf Olympic Games, has increased more than 10 times since 1998. The amount of funding for all-Russian sports events among disabled people has grown from 8 to 60 million rubles over five years.

Within the framework of the subprogram “Physical education and health improvement of children, adolescents and youth in the Russian Federation /2002-2005/” of the federal target program “Youth of Russia” /2001-2005/, it provided for the allocation of 4.3 million rubles to strengthen the material and technical base scientific and practical centers for physical rehabilitation.

Every year, the Unified Calendar Plan for All-Russian and International Competitions provides for a section that includes about 100 All-Russian and 60 international sporting events among athletes with hearing, vision, intellectual impairments, and musculoskeletal disorders.

A priority for the State Sports Committee of Russia is to resolve the issue of equating the status of disabled athletes with the status of healthy athletes, and the status of Paralympic athletes with the status of Olympians.

Since 2000, the winners and prize-winners of the Paralympic Games, and since 2003, the winners and prize-winners of the Deaf Olympic Games and the coaches who trained them, have been given monetary rewards.

Together with the Paralympic and Deaf Olympic Committees of Russia, lists of leading disabled athletes candidates for presidential scholarships have been prepared. On December 4, 2003, a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued on the establishment of scholarships for disabled athletes who are members of Russian national teams in Paralympic and deaf Olympic sports. The decree provides for the establishment of up to 100 scholarships annually for disabled athletes - members of Russian national teams in Paralympic and deaf Olympic sports in the amount of 15 thousand rubles. (Taken from RIA Novosti materials)


Intensifying work with people with disabilities in the field of physical culture and sports undoubtedly contributes to the humanization of society itself, changing its attitude towards this group of the population, and thus has great social significance.

It must be admitted that the problems of physical rehabilitation and social integration of disabled people through physical culture and sports are being resolved slowly. The main reasons for the poor development of physical culture and sports among people with disabilities are the virtual absence of specialized physical education, health and sports facilities, lack of equipment and inventory, the underdevelopment of a network of physical education and sports clubs, children's and youth sports schools and departments for people with disabilities in all types of institutions of additional education for physical education. sports orientation. There is a shortage of professional personnel. The need for physical improvement among disabled people is not sufficiently expressed, which is due to the lack of specialized propaganda encouraging them to engage in physical education and sports.

In the field of physical rehabilitation of people with disabilities, there is still an underestimation of the fact that physical education and sports are much more important for a person with disabilities than for people who are comfortable in this regard. Active physical education and sports activities, participation in sports competitions are a form of much-needed communication, restore mental balance, relieve the feeling of isolation, restore a sense of confidence and self-respect, and provide an opportunity to return to an active life. The main task still remains to involve as many disabled people as possible in intensive sports activities in order to use physical education and sports as one of the most important means for their adaptation and integration into the life of society, since these activities create mental attitudes that are extremely necessary for the successful reunification of a disabled person with society and participation in useful work. The use of physical culture and sports is effective, and in some cases the only method of physical rehabilitation and social adaptation.


Vydrin V.M. Methodological problems of the theory of physical culture //Theory and practice of physical culture, 2000, p. 10-12. - No. 6.

Evstafiev B.V. Analysis of basic concepts in the theory of physical culture /Materials for lectures. - L.: VIFK, 2005, p. 133 - No. 5.

Lubysheva L.I. The concept of human physical culture formation. - M.: GCOLIFK, 2003. - 120 s

Matveev L.P. Introduction to the theory of physical culture: Textbook. village for the institute of physics. cult. - M.: FiS, 2003. - 128 p.

Nikolaev Yu.M. Theory of physical culture: functional, value, activity, effective aspects. St. Petersburg, 2000. -156 p.

Collection of materials for lectures on physical culture and sports for people with disabilities (Ed. and compiled by V.S. Dmitriev, A.V. Sakhno). T I and II. - M.: MOGIFK, VNIIFK, 1993. T. I. - 272 p. T. II. - 292 s

Social and biological foundations of physical culture: Textbook/Ed. ed. D. N. Davidenko Publishing house: ST. PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY, 2001, 208 p.

Shchedrina A.G. Health and mass physical culture. Methodological aspects //Theory and practice of physical culture, 1999. - No. 4.

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The presentation on the topic “Adaptive physical education” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: Physical culture. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 18 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation"

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Article 28. Physical culture and sports in the education system Educational institutions, taking into account local conditions and interests of students, independently determine the forms of physical education classes, means of physical education, types of sports and physical activity, methods and duration of classes. The organization of physical education in educational institutions includes: 1) conducting compulsory physical education classes within the framework of basic educational programs to the extent established by state educational standards, as well as additional physical exercise and sports classes within additional educational programs; 2) creation of conditions, including the provision of sports equipment and equipment.

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3) developing physical education skills in students, taking into account individual abilities and health status, creating conditions for involving students in physical education and sports; 4) implementation of physical education activities during training sessions; 5) conducting medical control over the organization of physical education; 6) formation of a responsible attitude of parents (persons replacing them) towards the health of children and their physical education; 7) conducting annual monitoring of physical fitness and physical development of students; 8) assistance in organizing and conducting sports events with the participation of students.

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1. Physical rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities using the methods of adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports are carried out in rehabilitation centers, physical education and sports clubs for the disabled, and physical education and sports organizations. 2. Adaptive physical culture is a part of physical culture that uses a complex of effective means of physical rehabilitation of disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities. 3. Sports for people with disabilities (adaptive sports) is aimed at social adaptation and physical rehabilitation of people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities. 4. The development of sports for people with disabilities is based on the principles of priority, mass distribution and accessibility of sports. 5. For persons with disabilities studying in relevant educational institutions, classes are organized using means of adaptive physical education and adaptive sports, taking into account individual abilities and health status. 6. The federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, together with public associations of disabled people, promote the integration of disabled people and persons with disabilities. 7. Educational institutions have the right to create branches, departments, structural units for adaptive sports.

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a conscious attitude towards one’s own strengths in comparison with the strengths of an average healthy person; the ability to overcome not only physical, but also psychological barriers that prevent a full life; compensatory skills, that is, allows you to use the functions of different systems and organs instead of missing or impaired ones; the ability to overcome the physical stress necessary for full functioning in society; the need to be as healthy as possible and to lead a healthy lifestyle; awareness of the need for one’s personal contribution to society; desire to improve your personal qualities; desire to improve mental and physical performance.

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Statistical data on the health of Russian schoolchildren.

5% of graduates are healthy. 50% have chronic diseases. 70% - neuropsychiatric disorders. 98% of children are born with congenital pathology.

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Factors influencing health.

20% - gene pool. 20% - ecology. 10% - medical care. 50% - maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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The most important factor in the social integration of schoolchildren with a different structure of defects is adaptive physical education, which promotes the spiritual development of the individual, a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a disabled person’s value-based attitude to his physical health, the ability to overcome emerging difficulties, increased personal activity, self-regulation and self-defense.

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