Territory of advanced socio-economic development of the yurga. Yurga will receive the status of a territory of rapid socio-economic development

Territory of advanced socio-economic development of the yurga.  Yurga will receive the status of a territory of rapid socio-economic development

The Novokuznetsk administration is preparing an application for the creation of a territory of priority socio-economic development (ASED). The first two PSEDAs were created last year in the Kuzbass cities of Yurga and Anzhero-Sudzhensk, but so far only the project of the Siberian Investment Group, which plans to breed river trout in Kuzbass, has received resident status. Another enterprise, the Anzhero-Sudzhensky flour mill, became a candidate for residency in December 2016.

The message from the city administration about the preparation of an application for PSEDA status indicates that applications addressed to the head of the city, Sergei Kuznetsov, are already being accepted to participate in the selection of potential residents of the territory. According to Kommersant's information, it was he who initiated the application for TASED. The head of the department of economic development, industry and investment of Novokuznetsk, Pavel Kambalin, has not yet disclosed the names of potential candidates for residents of the Novokuznetsk TASED, he only noted that they already exist, and “these are projects of both small businesses and large-scale production of multi-faceted supports and lattice fencing, building materials, processing of agricultural products, mining equipment.”

According to the investment passport of Novokuznetsk, its economy depends on coal mining and metallurgy: 18% of the turnover of large and medium-sized enterprises in the city comes from coal mining, 45% from the manufacturing industry. Residents of the Novokuznetsk territory will be able to count on a significant reduction in taxes and mandatory payments. Only three conditions need to be met - register a legal entity in Novokuznetsk, invest at least 5 million rubles in the project in the first year of activity. and create at least 20 jobs in the first year.

Until January 2017, only single-industry towns with a high level of social tension (the first category of single-industry towns) could apply for TASED status. In June 2016, changes were made to the federal law “On territories of rapid socio-economic development in the Russian Federation”, according to which the possibility of creating a priority social and economic development zone also appeared for Novokuznetsk, a single-industry town with a stable socio-economic situation (third category).

Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of Novokuznetsk Roman Zavatsky noted that from a business point of view, the conditions of PSEDA are much more attractive than other forms of investment support. “Under its conditions, we are even preparing a draft strategy for the socio-economic development of Novokuznetsk until 2030,” he said.

In 2016, two cities in Kuzbass received TASED status - Yurga in July and Anzhero-Sudzhensk in September. So far, only Siberian Investment Group LLC with a trout farming project worth 700 million rubles. received the status of resident of the Yurga TASED. In December last year, the investment council under the governor of the Kemerovo region recommended granting the status of the first resident of the Anzhero-Sudzhensky TASED to Anzhero-Sudzhensky flour mill LLC with a project for export-oriented flour production worth 25 million rubles. According to the head of the strategic development department of the regional investment department, Nadezhda Popova, the authorities of the region and cities are also trying to attract investors in the TASED of a greenhouse complex, a woodworking plant, a transport and logistics center and a paper mill in Yurga, and the production of fiberglass pipes, blood plasma, rubber and plastic products , as well as a plant for processing quartzites and producing sheet glass in Anzhero-Sudzhensk.

Last summer, the former vice-governor of Kuzbass (now a State Duma deputy) Dmitry Islamov called PSEDA economic locomotives. They have special tax regimes, which creates conditions for attracting private investment, accelerated industrial development and the growth of entrepreneurial initiative, he said.

Igor Lavrenkov, Kemerovo

The territory of advanced socio-economic development (PSED), created on the basis of the city of Yurga in the Kemerovo region, has already received its first residents implementing large-scale investment projects. According to the head of the city, Sergei Popov, an instrument such as TASED opens up new prospects not only economically, but also socially.

How effective is a tool such as PSEDA?

Yurga is the first Kuzbass single-industry town that received the status of a territory of rapid socio-economic development. As part of the TASED, by 2025, through the implementation of investment projects, it is planned to attract about 4.5 billion rubles to the city and create more than 2.5 thousand jobs. An investor who opens a business in a priority development area will receive tax benefits. Attracting new investors and developing production will provide city residents with new jobs and reduce mono-dependence on Yurginsky Machine-Building Plant LLC.

The decision to create a PSEDA made it possible to identify four directions for the development of the city’s economy that are attractive to investors: mechanical engineering, traditional for Yurga, production of building materials, a new direction for the city - agro-industry, as well as transport and logistics direction. A significant factor in the attractiveness of Yurga is its proximity to the regional center and large cities of Siberia, Novosibirsk and Tomsk (three highways intersect here). In addition, there is also a railway connection.

Three residents of TASED have already been registered. The first of them is Siberian Investment Group LLC (investment volume - 2550 million rubles, number of jobs created - 126). Currently, the enterprise has started selling its first products, construction of the 2nd and 3rd stages is underway (two workshops for growing fish, a workshop for growing planting material (trout fry), a fish processing plant, and fish feed production).

Another major project is “Organization of a wood processing enterprise” (investment volume - 626.569 million rubles, number of jobs created - 226), which is carried out by United Woodworking Trade and Industrial Company LLC.

And the third resident is Textile Factory Siberia LLC with the investment project Textile and Clothing Production (investment volume - 9.6 million rubles, number of jobs created - 25).

How large-scale work was required to open a PSEDA?

A special data bank was created for investors, containing information about vacant municipal land plots within the framework of the Yurga TASED. The total area was 629.7 hectares. In addition, a special package of regulatory documents has been adopted aimed at improving the investment climate, protecting the rights of investors and the effective operation of the mechanism for municipal investment support (reducing the period for passing permitting documentation to a minimum), and support for investment projects has been organized.

How are things going in the construction sector? Are there any active projects?

Construction, both residential and commercial, is quite active. On the territory of the urban district, among the largest and most significant projects that have already started, we can highlight the construction of the second stage of a plant for growing and processing fish (Siberian Investment Group LLC), the woodworking enterprise "United Woodworking Trade and Industrial Company" (now receiving permission to construction), as well as residential development in the II microdistrict of Yurga. Among the developers in the construction industry, the most large-scale and successful projects today are implemented by the Stroy-Prospect company.

How is the problem of dilapidated housing solved?

In 2017, we successfully completed a program of resettlement from emergency residential buildings recognized as such before 2012. 14 apartment buildings in disrepair were demolished, and more than 123 families improved their living conditions. However, the work requires continuation: in the city’s housing stock, about 50 more apartment buildings are in emergency status and subject to demolition.

What work is being done in the area of ​​improvement?

As part of the priority project “Creating a Comfortable Urban Environment”, in 2017 we landscaped a public area with a total area of ​​1.8 thousand square meters. meters worth 8 million rubles. There was a children's playground using safe, soft, multi-colored tiles. Lighting work has been carried out, benches with canopies from the sun and rain have been installed, seedlings of shrubs and trees have been planted, a children's play complex has been installed, and bicycle paths have been equipped with parking for bicycles.

In addition, 16 million rubles were allocated for the improvement of five courtyard areas with a total area of ​​11.8 thousand square meters. meters. In the courtyards, we replaced the curb stones, updated the asphalt, and installed parking bays and pedestrian sidewalks. The improvement of public and courtyard areas led to positive emotions among city residents.

This year we will continue to implement this project; funding in the amount of 21.8 million rubles has been provided for these purposes.

The most important area for city residents is the state of transport infrastructure. How are they solving one of the main Russian problems in Yurga?

Indeed, one of the pressing problems not only of Yurga, but also of other small towns is the condition of city roads. Road infrastructure has not kept pace with the constant and significant increase in the number of vehicles. In addition, there is a redirection of passenger flows from rail and water transport to road transport. Heavy trucks also contribute, using city roads as a transit corridor. 18 km of the federal highway runs directly through the city streets. At the same time, due to a shortage of budget funding, practically no new roads are being built, the regulatory need for maintenance and repair of roads is underestimated, and it is not surprising that the asphalt is being destroyed. Many roads need major repairs, but over the past 5-6 years, only pothole repair work has been carried out.

How is the housing and communal services sector developing? What are the main tasks in this regard?

In the housing and communal services industry, all enterprises operate stably. But I would like to especially note Yurga Vodtrans LLC, this enterprise is a guarantee supplier of cold water in the territory of the Yurga urban district, as well as the Yurga Energy Network branch of the Kuzbass Energy Network Company.

If we talk about current tasks, then first of all I would like to highlight the modernization and preparation of the thermal power plant of the Yurga Machine Plant for the autumn-winter period of 2018-2019. This thermal power plant provides heat to about 80% of the city's residents.

There are clear successes in the housing and communal services sector. Thus, together with the Single-Industry Towns Development Fund, a sewerage collector was built from KNS-3 to the tie-in into the main sewerage collector “city - treatment facilities”. Funding for this project amounted to 140 million rubles. The collector was put into operation in October 2016. Its construction has greatly improved the investment attractiveness of the city: enterprises that open here no longer have to solve the problem of drainage on their own.

The creation of a territory of rapid socio-economic development in Yurga will attract more than 4 billion rubles of investment and will help create at least 2.5 thousand new jobs. That's the minimum. The regional authorities are confident that these figures will be exceeded several times - such is the strong interest in Yurga from business. This means that the once slowly dying city will receive a rebirth.

Without PSEDA, Yurga simply loses and the region loses. We are not opening new businesses. This means that we, Yurga, are walking with our hand outstretched. Once we receive TASED status, we will not ask anyone for anything else. Otherwise, we are just a dying territory, but we have a prospect,” says the head of Yurga, Sergei Popov.

Sergey Popov. Photo: Yurga online

Tax - 0%

Let us remind you that on July 7, Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the creation of the territory of priority socio-economic development (PSED) “Yurga”. The city receives this status for 10 years, and it can be extended by government decision for another five years.

The status gives residents zero tax on land and property. In the first five years, the income tax will be 5%, and then 12% (outside TASED the tax is 20%). In addition, insurance contributions to state funds will be 7.6% instead of 30%. According to Dmitry Islamov, Deputy Governor of the Kemerovo Region for Economics and Regional Development, the total volume of payments is reduced by two to three times.

For the first time, territories in the Far East received TASED status. There, over two years, 100 applications for the right to become a resident were collected, and the volume of investments amounted to 300 billion rubles.

After this, Vladimir Putin proposed introducing a TASED regime in single-industry towns with a difficult economic situation. The first four territories for the entire country were selected. One of them was Yurga with the city-forming enterprise LLC Yurginsky Machine Plant.

Note that Yurmash was built during the war years and supplied products for the military industry. After the collapse of the USSR, the enterprise was privatized and resold several times. If before the 1990s about 20 thousand people worked at the plant, by 2010 the number of employees had decreased to five thousand. The company began to gradually fade away, losing customers and orders.

New factories and jobs

Kuzbass authorities began developing Yurga back in 2010. On behalf of Aman Tuleyev, an investment plan for the development of the city was drawn up, within the framework of which an economically favored zone was created in Yurga. Regional income tax rates were reduced by 4.5%, and property tax was reset to zero. Under the simplified taxation system, the rate was reduced by 10%.

This decision attracted new investors to the city, in particular the TechnoNIKOL company. In three years, three new factories were built in the city and 300 people were employed. To date, Yurga has managed to attract 3.6 billion investments. Businesses saved 187 million rubles due to reduced tax rates. At the same time, the regional budget received 243 million rubles in additional taxes. In 2017, Technonikol plans to build another plant, investing 60 million rubles in investments.

Not an easy job

The next step in moving away from monodependence was the powerful work of Aman Tuleyev and Dmitry Islamov with the single-industry town development fund, says Maxim Makin, first deputy governor of the Kemerovo region. - A huge amount of work has been done - thousands of certificates have been collected. Dozens of appeals have been sent. In 2014, Yurga was included in the list of single-industry towns with the most difficult socio-economic situation.

In 2015, the Kemerovo region received 130 million rubles from the federal budget for the construction of a sewer collector, which Yurga so needed.

Everything is fine here with heat, gas, electricity, water, but with sewage... to be honest, the business that existed simply dumped waste into a ravine. And entrepreneurs received huge fines from Nature Supervision. This really stopped investors,” says Maxim Makin.

The new sewer collector is scheduled to be put into operation in August of this year. This will give impetus to the development of a number of existing enterprises and will help new industries connect to the infrastructure free of charge.

Trout and fresh vegetables

Even before Dmitry Medvedev signed the decree on the creation of a special territory in Yurga, some companies had already begun to build enterprises. For example, this year the construction of a greenhouse complex with an investment volume of 1.5 billion rubles will be completed. The company is expected to create 110 new jobs. It is planned that the complex will produce 4 tons of cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce per year.

In addition, a fish farming complex for growing rainbow trout of a Moscow leasing company will appear in Yurga. This project will attract 1.7 billion rubles of investment to Yurga and create 200 jobs.

Who can become a resident?

To use the benefits of a PSEDA and become a resident, you must fulfill a number of conditions and meet the criteria specified in the law. The first thing you need to do is register and run a business in Yurga. In addition, it is necessary to employ at least 20 people and invest 5 million rubles in production in the first year.

Since the purpose of creating a PSEDA is to avoid mono-dependence, city-forming enterprises and its subsidiaries cannot be residents. Residents do not have the right to implement investment projects in the field of excisable goods with the exception of cars and motorcycles. They are not allowed to engage in the extraction of oil, natural gas, production of petroleum products, construction of pipelines, real estate transactions and trade.

Despite the fact that Yurmash will not receive any benefits, the plant can still benefit. As the head of Yurga, Sergey Popov, notes, 70% of the enterprise’s production space is idle - their plant is ready to rent out to residents of the TASED. After all, Yurmash has all the necessary infrastructure. In addition, it is quite possible that the plant will subsequently fulfill orders from new enterprises.

Good place

Yurga has a very favorable geographical location. Near Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo. The city is located at the intersection of federal highways. There is a railway line and a gas pipeline passes through Yurga. A unique place,” says Dmitry Islamov. - Applications are already being received for the placement of transport and logistics complexes to serve nearby regions. We consider this direction to be anchor, one of the most important.

Speaking about logistics, the mayor of Yurga, Sergei Popov, said that one of the companies has a proposal to use its own funds to build a bridge across the Tom River and connect the Yashkinsky and Yurga districts. This issue is currently being discussed at the federal level.

Let us remind you that on Thursday, July 21, a visiting meeting of the board of the administration of the Kemerovo region was held in Yurga. It discussed the development of the first territory of advanced socio-economic development in Kuzbass and the fourth in the country. Members of the board decided to approve preferential tax rates to the regional budget for residents of TASED by October 1. By this time, sites will be identified that can be provided for the implementation of investment projects, including free production capacity of the machine plant.

Now everyone will look at Yurga - how she will work and develop. This is a pioneer, a standard not only for all Kuzbass cities, but also for all Russian ones,” Dmitry Islamov noted at the board meeting.


How to get to TASED

An entrepreneur must submit a package of documents (a business plan and all legal documents for opening an enterprise and an application) to the Department of Investment and Strategic Development of the Kemerovo Region. The Department reviews compliance with legal requirements. In addition, it requests the opinion of the municipality and then submits this project to the Council for Investment and Innovation Activities under the Governor of the Kemerovo Region. After consideration by the council, the project is submitted to the board of the administration of the Kemerovo region, where the final decision is made. Then an agreement is concluded between the college and the entrepreneur and sent to Ministry of Economic Development for entry into the register. After this, the documents are transmitted to all authorities. Benefits will begin next month. This entire procedure may take a maximum of 2 - 2.5 months.

A bridge across the Tom, a huge greenhouse complex and a new pharmaceutical production should appear in Yurga after the creation of a TASED (territory of rapid socio-economic development).

Read about plans, new infrastructure facilities and billions of dollars in investments in the material of the website’s correspondents.

Why Yurga?

The idea of ​​creating a PSEDA appeared in 2013, and already in 2014 a pilot project was launched in the Far East, in single-industry towns with the most difficult economic situation. Thanks to this, 300 billion rubles were invested in them.

Among the main criteria for choosing settlements are the closure of city-forming enterprises, a reduction in production capacity and a sharp reduction in workers. Thus, the list of four territories, along with Gukov in the Rostov region, Usolye-Sibirsky in Irkutsk and Naberezhnye Chelny in Tatarstan, included Yurga with a dying machine-building plant. Let us remember that Yurmash was built during the war years and later became a national strategic object. Almost every Yurga family had an employee of this enterprise, but later the number of employees was reduced fourfold: from 20 thousand to five.

According to the first deputy governor Maxim Makina, in 2010, a comprehensive investment plan was developed for the development of the city with the subsequent creation of an economically favored zone: investors had their income tax rates reduced (from 18 to 13.5 percent) and the corporate property tax was zeroed out. At the moment, the volume of investments amounted to 3 billion 600 million rubles; over five years, the consolidated budget of the city and region received 234 million rubles in additional taxes.

The main project of the economically favored zone was the production of roofing materials by the TechnoNikol company. In three years, three new factories were built in Yurga, and in 2017, TechnoNikol plans to begin production of bitumen mastic, popular in construction, which is now imported from the Moscow, Ryazan and Leningrad regions.

In addition, the choice of Yurga as a PSEDA is due to the convenient location of the city - in fact, it is located in the center of an agglomeration of more than 6 million people. Within 100 kilometers are Tomsk, Novosibirsk and, of course, Kemerovo regions. The city is located at the intersection of three federal highways.

“We are already receiving applications for the placement of transport and logistics complexes to serve nearby regions,” noted the deputy governor Dmitry Islamov.

Business benefits

Provides, among other things, zero tax on land, on the property of organizations, on profits (in the first five years - five percent, in subsequent years - 12 percent with a “standard” of 20), insurance contributions to state funds of 7.6 percent at normal load at 30.

The status of PSEDA in single-industry towns is valid for ten years, but by decision of the Ministry of Economic Development it can be extended for another five: everything will depend on the prospects for improving the socio-economic situation.

To become a TASED resident, you must, among other things, register a business in Yurga, not have separate divisions outside of it, create at least 20 jobs and invest 5 million rubles in your own production during the first year. At the same time, the city-forming enterprise or its subsidiaries cannot become a resident. Businessmen can submit applications for residency in TASED until July 7, 2019.

Benefits are provided for 27 types of economic activities: agriculture, fish farming, production of building materials, medicines, electrical equipment, and so on. As the Deputy Governor noted Dmitry Islamov, according to general rules, the mechanical engineering industry is not included in this list, but the regional authorities managed to achieve its inclusion in the Kuzbass PSEDA.

According to Dmitry Islamov, the amount of investment within the framework of the opening of PSEDA will be at least 4 billion rubles, and about 2.5 thousand new jobs will be created.

As the head of Yurga said Sergey Popov, municipal authorities are interested in business coming to the city. “This is a very important point. Otherwise, we are just a dying territory,” the mayor commented.

Working with residents

Business “travels” to Yurga not only from Kuzbass, but also from other regions. For example, in 2017, the city plans to commission a greenhouse complex, which will produce four tons of cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce per year and will provide new jobs for 110 specialists. The Moscow company Green Project is going to invest 1.5 billion rubles in the global project.

– They came to us with an idea, did the math, and asked: “Can we do it”? We came up with a project of 15 hectares, chose a land plot from three options, now it is at the final stage, undergoing examination. We also got involved in the production of gas boiler houses as part of the large-scale gasification of the Kemerovo region, since transporting large volumes of coal is no longer profitable. We plan to connect our greenhouse complex to just such boiler houses,” explained Sergey Popov. In addition, the production of jet engines and boats, in which about 30 million rubles will be invested, will create 40 jobs.

Representative of the company "TransFin-M" Maria Prozorova At the visiting board, she presented a unique import substitution project, the launch of which is scheduled for the end of 2016, using natural feed (one thousand tons per year) with closed water circulation technology. The total investment in production is 700 million rubles, almost 100 new jobs.

Another participant in the meeting is the General Director of Yurga LLC ArtLife-Techno (a separate division of the Tomsk company) Yuri Smirnov– said that a new production complex worth 170 million rubles is being built in the city. "ArtLife-Techno" is engaged in the manufacture of pharmaceutical equipment for the preparation of solutions, blood substitutes, vaccines and other drugs.

New infrastructure facilities

According to Maxim Makina, in 2015, after Yurga was included in the list of single-industry towns with the most difficult socio-economic situation, the city received 130 million rubles from the federal budget and seven from the regional budget for the construction of a sewer collector to combat the difficult environmental situation. All production waste was poured “directly onto the ground”, after which the enterprises received huge fines from Rosprirodnadzor, and this stopped investors from starting a business. In August of this year, it is planned to put the collector into operation, which will allow both new enterprises and existing ones to connect to the infrastructure free of charge.

In its turn, Sergey Popov

Although the city actually provides heat to the thermal power plant of the Yurga Machine-Building Plant, completely different people receive profits from the process. Our reader from Yurga told us about this in a letter. We present facts from his letter, and for those who want to read more, we have attached a scan of the letter itself.

The disposition is as follows: the Yurmash CHPP produces heat, then sells it to the interlayer company Yurek LLC, which then supplies it to almost all state and municipal institutions.

Great, right? Moreover, this “Yurek” does not have any of its own energy capacities or heating networks. But there is a director - Irina Borisovna Popova, the wife of the mayor of Yurga Sergei Popov. From November 2017 to the present, Irina Borisovna has supplied heat to Yurga institutions in the amount of about 22 million rubles. Everything is fair, through government contracts - I bought calories from the Yurga Thermal Power Plant on paper, and immediately sold them on paper, for example, to a city hospital. Hundreds of thousands of rubles for one signature. And the expenses - well, only for paper, pen and printing.

Yurek LLC is registered in Kemerovo, but, according to the author of the letter, the intermediary office is actually located in a building owned by Yurmash: Yurga, st. Kirova, 8.

Mayor Popov has been trying to get into the housing and communal services trough for a long time, with former deputy governors Sibil and Makin actively helping him. Everything turned out more successfully than ever when the former deputy of the former governor, Anatoly Lazarev, became the director of Yurmash and the owner of the thermal power plant. Who, obviously, is satisfied with the scheme with an intermediary in the form of the mayor's wife. Although Anatoly Anatolyevich himself constantly complains about the lack of money at the thermal power plant and the plant.

Another source of income for the ruling family in Yurga is the TASED "Yurga" (territory of rapid socio-economic development). The head of the city, with the support of the deputy governor for investments Stanislav Cherdantsev, who resigned yesterday, took under his wing the promising Chinese investor Zhu Xiaoxin (TK ODK LLC, registered in Yurga 10/12/2016 with an authorized capital of 460 million rubles)

Sergei Vladimirovich convinced the Chinese investor to hire his wife, the main city developer Grezin, and his lawyer Mingaleev, who is also the husband of Popov’s deputy for economics.

The mayor's wife, Irina Popova, defended the business project at the investment commission in the administration of the Kemerovo region, and the Chinese entrepreneur became a resident of the Yurga TASED with a promise to invest more than 600 million rubles. in the construction of new production. The city administration, represented by KUMI (which was then headed by Yesenkov, now Popov’s first deputy), allocated plots of land for rent to the Chinese for ridiculous money. Builder Grezin rolled up his sleeves and began to absorb Chinese millions.

Is it any wonder that the Yurga TASED does not bear the fruits of the promised social development. But it brings heating problems to city residents in the middle of the Siberian winter.
