Speech therapy exercises cup. Methodical material “Articulation exercises

Speech therapy exercises cup.  Methodical material “Articulation exercises

Hissing sounds (Sh, Zh, Shch, Ch) are not always possible even for a six-year-old child. Instead of the word “bump” you can hear “detective”, “fifka”, “tytka”, “hykhka”. These are different options for incorrectly pronouncing the sound Ш.

In order to correctly pronounce the sound Ш, the tongue must take a certain position in the oral cavity. It is certainly wide, the front edge of the tongue is raised up and forms a gap with the hard palate near the upper front incisors, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars. It is important that the tongue is absolutely symmetrical, otherwise you may end up with a lateral pronunciation of sibilants.

The sounds of speech are acquired by the child in a certain sequence. Moreover, the first sounds the child begins to pronounce are not those sounds that he hears more often, but those that are easier for him to pronounce. Lifting the tip of the tongue upward becomes possible for a child at the age of about three years. Therefore, hissing sounds appear in speech at 3-4 years.

Before trying to teach your child to hiss on your own, we recommend undergoing a speech therapy examination by a specialist. Perhaps a shortened hyoid frenulum does not allow the tongue to rise up. Tongue muscle tone may cause lateral pronunciation. Only a specialist can cope with such features of the articulation organs.

If your baby's articulation organs are in order, we offer you the following action plan. The sequence of work is strictly defined. There is no need to rush to move from one point to the next.

1. Articulation gymnastics. (see Appendix 1)

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the organs of articulation for correct pronunciation. A specially selected complex of articulation gymnastics will help you with this. While performing articulation exercises, the baby must learn to make his tongue wide, lift it up, blow air in the middle of the tongue, while keeping his lips extended. All exercises should be performed freely, in a playful, fun and interesting way. Children learn only by imitation. Therefore, before you start exercising, learn all the necessary exercises yourself in front of the mirror. Exercises are learned gradually, adding new ones. Articulatory gymnastics should be performed daily, using any routine moments (washing, brushing teeth, getting dressed, walking, playing). It is important to achieve clear and correct execution. A small child switches quite quickly from one type of activity to another, so it is better to do 2-3 exercises, but more often during the day. The main thing is to maintain interest and not overtire the baby. Gymnastics can be performed to music, or accompanied by poetic texts. Once the exercises are completed with ease, you can proceed to the second step.

2. Invoking the sound Sh.

We draw your attention to maintaining the “secret” of sound. Don't say what sound you are going to make. We will not learn to say the sound Ш, we will learn to hiss like a snake.

We offer you several ways to evoke the sound Sh.
1. Hissing is the privilege of a snake. Therefore, it is worth depicting it using a hand. She will be a snake: the hand is the head, everything else is a flexible body. Here is a “snake” crawling across the table. Then he raises his head, makes a stand (resting on his elbow), stretches his head forward, and, opening his mouth, hisses: “Sh-sh-sh-…. In this case, it is worth drawing the child’s attention to the fact that the tongue – the “cup” – is raised up, and the lips are pulled forward in a tube. If the baby finds it difficult to stretch out his lips, help him - press your thumb and middle finger on his cheeks in the area of ​​​​the molars, the tongue from the inside will press more tightly against the molars, and the lips will protrude forward as a “mouthpiece”. We teach the snake to talk - we use cards with symbols or letters of vowel sounds (SHSHSH - SHA, SHSHSH - SHE, SHSHSH - SHO, SHSHSH -SHU).
2. We ask the child to make a “cup” out of his tongue. We lean the “edge of the cup” - the wide tip of the tongue - against the points of the upper teeth. There is very hot tea in the cup; you need to blow on the edge of the cup to cool the tea. The exhalation should be felt on the palm of your hand placed to your mouth. A vague whistling sound will be heard. Now you need to carefully put the cup into your mouth so as not to spill the tea. The “edge of the cup” slides from the tips of the upper teeth along the inside of the incisors, then along the palate to the alveoli. All this time we do not stop blowing “on the edge of the cup.” The whistling sound will turn into a hissing sound. When you hear the sound Ш, tell your child that this is the sound of a snake hissing. In the future, let the child immediately put the “edge of the cup” to the alveoli and “hiss.” “The hissing falls” on the palm, it is “hot.” We round and stretch out the lips - a full-fledged Sh will come out. We teach the snake to speak in syllables.
3. If the child has the correct sound C, ask him to “whistle like a mosquito.” The lips are in a smile, the upper and lower incisors are visible. Without interrupting the whistle, the child's tongue moves from the inner surface of the lower incisors to the inner surface of the upper incisors, and further to the alveoli. The mosquito must crawl, constantly feeling the way with its proboscis, so as not to lose its way, because it is dark in the mouth. The mosquito must turn into another creature, we suggest working together to find out who it will turn into. At first you will hear a fuzzy hissing sound. When the tongue reaches the alveoli, an almost full-fledged sound will be produced. The mosquito has turned into a snake and hisses. All that remains is to round and stretch your lips forward (either on your own or with the help of your fingers). We teach the snake to talk.
4. The child places the wide tip of the tongue on the outer surface of the alveoli and pulls out the sound T for a long time. It is followed by a hissing sound. Let the child aim this sound at his palm. While the child draws out the T sound and the hissing sound that follows, I keep my mouth slightly open. Please place the upper incisors on the lower ones. An almost full-fledged Sh will appear. The hissing should fall on the palm of your hand as a wide hot stream. Then you need to immediately hiss like a snake without the reference sound T. The lips are in a wide smile, opening the upper and lower incisors. While the baby is “hissing,” press your thumb and middle finger on his cheeks, thereby pushing his lips forward like a “mouthpiece.” The sound Ш will become completely accurate. In the future, the child will learn to pronounce the sound himself without aids. We teach the “snake” to talk.
5. If your child pronounces the sound R correctly, i.e., the wide tongue is behind the upper teeth and only the tip of the tongue vibrates, you can use R to produce the sound Sh. The lips are in a wide smile, the upper and lower incisors are visible, the child draws the sound R. We ask you to pronounce the same sound, but in a whisper, so that the tongue stops vibrating. The sound Sh will be heard. We tell the child that this is how a snake “hisses”. Round your lips. We fix the sound in syllables.
Having learned to pronounce the isolated sound Ш, we remember and look for what and who else can hiss. A punctured tire hisses, an angry cat and a goose, tree leaves rustle in the wind, fallen autumn leaves underfoot, a mouse scratches under the floor.

3. Automation of sound in syllables and words.

When automating sounds in words, you should exclude those words that contain sounds that your baby cannot pronounce. Those. If a child does not say the sound R, we do not offer him the word BALL.

Straight syllables (SHA, SHO, SHU, SHE, SHI, SHU)
= in intervocalic position (ASHA, OSHO, USHU, ESHE, ISHI, USHU)
= reverse syllables (АШ, ОШ, УШ, ЭШ, ИШ, УШ)

4. Automation of sound in sentences, poetry and coherent speech.

This work is carried out gradually, according to the principle: from simple to complex.

5. Differentiation of sounds.

This stage of work is necessary if your baby initially replaced the sound Ш with some other one (usually the sound S - “sapka”, “masina”).

Speech therapy notebooks will help you automate and differentiate sounds (see Appendix)
Annex 1.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics for hissing sounds

1. Window.

Open your mouth wide, the tongue lies freely in the mouth, the tip is located at the lower teeth. Hold your mouth in this position for a count of 1 to 5. Close your mouth, hold it closed for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 3-5 times.

2. Fence.

The lips are in a smile, the teeth are closed in a natural bite and are visible. Keep counting from 1 to 10.

3. Tube.

The teeth are closed. Lips extended forward. Keep counting from 1 to 10.

4. Proboscis (Donut).

The teeth are closed. The lips are pulled forward and rounded. The upper and lower incisors are visible. Keep counting from 1 to 10.

5. Alternating “Smile”, “Tube”, “Donut” in different sequences. Hold each articulatory pose for 4-8 seconds, up to 5 repetitions.

6. Let's punish the naughty tongue + pancake.

Smile. Open your mouth slightly. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, make the sounds of five-five-five. Keep the relaxed tongue in a calm position while counting from 1 to 10. The mouth is slightly open. The lips are not tense, they do not stretch into a wide smile. The lower lip does not stretch over the lower teeth. The tongue does not stick out far, it only covers the lower lip. Repeat 3-5 times.

7.Pancake + delicious jam.

Smile. Open your mouth slightly. Place your wide tongue on your lower lip. Raise your wide tongue onto your upper lip. Using a top-down motion, move your tongue behind your upper teeth. Close your mouth. The tongue does not narrow. The lower jaw is motionless. 5-10 repetitions.

8. Swing.

Big swing. Stick your tongue out of your mouth. Raise the wide tip of the tongue to the nose and then lower it to the chin.
Small swing. The mouth is open, but the tongue moves inside the oral cavity. The wide tip of the tongue touches the inside of the upper incisors, then the inside of the lower incisors. Repeat 5-10 times.

9. Calyx.

Open your mouth wide. Make a “Pancake”, lift the tip of the tongue and the side edges up, giving the tongue a “Cup” shape. Hold for a count from 1 to 10. Place the “Cup” in your mouth by the upper teeth and hold for a count of 1 to 5.

10. Painter.

Open your mouth, stroke the palate with the wide tip of your tongue, making movements back and forth (from the teeth deep into the oral cavity and back). The “brush” tongue paints the “ceiling”. Repeat 6-8 times.

11. Sore finger.

Place the wide, flat tip of your tongue between your lips (i.e., your lips lightly hold the tip of your tongue) and blow on your finger. The air should flow down the middle of the tongue through the small gap between the tongue and the upper lip. Take a deep breath and long, smooth exhale. The cheeks do not puff out. Repeat 3-5 times.

12. Horse.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press your wide tongue to the palate and tear it off with a click. Make sure that your lips are in a smile and that your lower jaw does not move. The pace of the horse's clattering slows down and then speeds up.

13. Fungus.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tongue with its entire plane to the palate (the tongue is suctioned) and hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 10. The hyoid frenulum of the tongue is the “leg” of the mushroom, the tongue is its “cap”. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly to the palate, the lips do not stretch over the teeth. Repeat 3-5 times.

14. Accordion.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tongue is pressed to the palate (the tongue is sucked) and, without lowering the tongue, open and close the mouth. When you open your mouth, your lips smile and remain motionless, your tongue does not sag. 5-10 repetitions.

15. Focus.

Place a small piece of cotton wool on the tip of your nose, stick your tongue out of your mouth, shape it into a cup and blow on the tip of your nose so that the cotton wool flies high up. When blown, the air stream is directed upward from the tongue. Repeat 4-5 times.

Appendix 2.

Polyakova M.A. Self-instruction manual on speech therapy. Universal guide. M.: T.Dmitrieva, 2015. - 160 p.
Zhikhareva-Norkina Yu.B. Home notebook for speech therapy sessions with children: a manual for speech therapists and parents. Issue 7. Sounds Sh, Zh. M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2005. - 136 p.
Komarova L.A. Automation of the sound Ш in game exercises. Preschooler's album. M.: Gnome, 2015.- 32 p.
Azova E.A., Chernova O.O. Home speech therapy notebook. Learning the sounds Sh, Zh. M.: Sphere shopping center, 2010.- 32 p.
Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Homework book No. 3 for strengthening the pronunciation of hissing sounds. M.: Gnome, 2007.- 36 p.

The article was prepared by Elena Aleksandrovna Stepanova, a teacher and speech therapist at the speech correction center “Speech therapist and I”, Ulyanovsk

When practicing correct sound pronunciation, the teacher needs to clearly know articulation pattern of each sound, those. what position are the lips, teeth, tongue and vocal cords in when pronouncing a particular sound? Therefore, before starting work with children, the teacher should study gender movement of all organs of the articulatory apparatus, pronouncing the sound being studied in isolation from others in front of a mirror. If difficulties arise, the teacher should use speech therapy textbooks.

When the articulatory structure of sound has been mastered by the teacher, you should begin to select the articulatory exercises necessary to produce sounds. Exercises for basic sounds are given in the appendix. They will help you develop the correct articulation pattern.

When teaching children, it is necessary to correlate each exercise that has a name with some visual image, for example, with the object shown in the picture (the wide tip of the tongue is a spatula, the narrow tip of the tongue is a needle, etc.). In subsequent work, when a picture is shown, children will perform appropriate exercises without additional explanations from the teacher.

In preschool institutions it is necessary to carry out articulatory gymnastics - a system of exercises for the speech organs. Its goal is to improve the movements of the articulatory organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds and to prepare the speech apparatus for speech load.

The child’s organs of articulation (lips, teeth, tongue) are still poorly developed, so you should help him prepare the muscles involved in the speech act. Chewing, sucking, and swallowing contribute to the development of large muscles, and the process of speaking requires differentiated development of smaller muscles. This is what articulatory gymnastics is designed to help with, which not only develops the speech apparatus, but is also an effective means of preventing certain speech disorders.

Correct and systematic implementation of articulatory gymnastics in preschool age contributes to the production of correct sounds by children, and subsequently to the assimilation of words of complex syllabic construction.

to conduct articulation gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics with children of middle preschool age is carried out twice daily:

in the morning and after naps, according to the instructions of the teacher. Children perform articulation exercises in front of a mirror. The duration of the gymnastics is 5 minutes.

A complex of articulatory gymnastics is preliminarily developed by the teacher (see appendix) in accordance with the sound being developed.

The complex includes 4-5 exercises: 2-3 static and 2-3 dynamic. For example, complex “Articulation exercises for producing the sound Ш”: static: “Tube” and “Cup”; dynamic: “Painter”, “Woodpecker” and “Horse”.

A complex of articulatory gymnastics is planned for a week. Next week it partially changes: one of the exercises, well mastered by the children, is replaced by a new one, aimed at producing the same sound (for example, in the above complex, the “Woodpecker” exercise can be replaced with the “Tasty Jam” exercise).

As a result, every week the teacher introduces children to one new exercise and practices it in articulatory gymnastics.

It is advisable to start getting acquainted with a new articulation exercise with a small plot sketch. For example, it is advisable to illustrate the exercise “Delicious jam” with the following story.

“Slastena Carlson visited his grandmother, who lived in the village, in the summer. One day he came to the pen and boasted that he had learned to count well. Carlson invited his grandmother to count her jars of jam. The grandmother agreed and let Carlson into the pantry, where there were jars of jam on the shelves. After a little time, Carlson came out from there, licking his lips. Like this (teacher demonstration).

Then the teacher offers to complete the exercise (always with visual control). At the same time, he monitors the correctness of its implementation by each child.

After this, the teacher shows a picture depicting this exercise and names it. Children perform the new exercise again, not according to the demonstration, but according to the picture. The teacher again checks the correct execution of the articulation exercise by each child.

It is advisable to carry out articulation gymnastics in a room where there are wall mirrors. Children line up in front of them - the teacher stands behind them. Everyone sees each other in the mirror. Communication and display of articulatory poses also occur through them. In this position, children see how they perform the exercises, as the teacher shows it; see the pictures shown by the teacher. And the teacher can see how the children perform the proposed articulations.

It is proposed to use exercises in articulatory gymnastics, the descriptions of which are given below.

Static exercises

1. "Smile."

Target. Develop the circular muscles of the lips.

The lips are stretched (smile), clenched teeth are visible. Keep your lips in ta what position should 10-15 seconds.

2. "Tube".

Target. Is the same.

The lips are closed and extended in the form tubes forward. You should hold your lips in this position for 10-15 seconds.

3. "Proboscis".

Target. Develop lip mobility.

The lips are tightly closed and stretched forward with tension as far as possible. You should hold your lips in this position for 10 seconds.

4. "Spatula".

Target. Develop the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue and hold it in this position for a long time.

Place the relaxed wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip and hold it for a count from 1 to 10. The upper lip is raised and does not touch the surface of the tongue.

5. "Needle."

Target. Develop the ability to tense the lateral muscles of the tongue and hold it in this position for a long time.

Stick the narrow tip of your tongue out of your mouth without touching your lips. Hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 10. .

6. "Angry Kitty"

Target. Develop mobility of the muscles of the back of the tongue.

The mouth is slightly open, the tailbone of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth, the back of the tongue is raised, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10.

7. "Groove".

Target. Develop the ability to control a targeted air stream along the midline of the tongue to the tip; develop the lateral muscles of the tongue.

Stick your wide tongue out of your mouth and bend its side edges upward. Blow smoothly onto the tailbone of the tongue. Perform 3-4 times for 5-7 seconds.

8. "Sail".

Target. Develop stretching of the hyoid ligament; the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue in an elevated position.

Open your mouth wide, place the wide tip of your tongue behind the upper front teeth on the tubercles, bend the back slightly forward, press the side edges against the upper molars. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10. . Perform 2-3 times.

9. "Cup".

Target. Practice the ability to hold your wide tongue in the upper position.

Open your mouth wide, lift the wide tongue, pull it towards the upper teeth (but do not touch them), the lateral edges of the tongue touch the upper molars. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10. Perform 3-4 times.

10. "Fence".

Target. Develop the ability to keep teeth clenched; improve the circular muscles of the lips.

The teeth are tightly clenched, the lips are in a smiling position. Perform 5-6 times for 10-15 seconds.

Dynamic exercises

11. "Duck beak."

Target. Develop lip mobility, their rapid switching from one position to another.

The lips are folded into a tube. Cheeks vchya- well, the lips relax somewhat and produce closing and opening movements.

12. "Curtains."

Target. Is the same.

The mouth is slightly open, the lower lip covers the lower teeth, and the upper lip rises to reveal the upper teeth. The position of the lips then changes: the lower lip moves down to reveal the lower teeth, and the upper lip moves down to cover the upper teeth. Perform 5-6 times.

13. "Horse".

Target. Learn to stretch the sublingual ligament of the tongue.

Suck the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Clicking is done with a change in tempo (slow - faster - very fast). Perform 10-15 times.

14. "Fungus".

Target. Is the same.

Open your mouth wide. “Suck” the surface of the tongue to the palate, while strongly pulling the lower jaw down. Perform 5-6 times.

15. "Painter".

Target. Develop tongue mobility in the upper position.

Open your mouth wide. Use the wide tip of your tongue to sweep across the palate from the upper teeth to the uvali (small tongue) and back. Perform at a slow pace 5-6 times.

16. "Woodpecker".

Target. Develop mobility of the coccyx of the tongue.

Open your mouth wide. Use your tongue to hit the cusps behind the upper teeth with force. At the same time, the child pronounces the sound “d”. imitating a woodpecker: d-d-d-d-d (15-20 seconds).

17. "Iron."

Target. Is the same.

The mouth is slightly open. With the wide tip of the tongue, you need to stroke the tubercles behind the upper teeth: back - forward. Perform 20-25 times.

18. “Drive away the mosquito.”

Target. Learn to cause independent trembling of the coccyx of the tongue under the influence of a strong air stream.

The upper and lower lips touch the protruding tip of the tongue. A strong air stream directed at the tip of the tongue sets it in motion - the tongue trembles.

19. "Biting the tip of the tongue."

Target. Activate the muscles of the tip of the tongue.

Lips in a smiling position. Biting the tip of the tongue is done 8-10 times.

20. "Swing".

Target. Practice quickly changing movements of the tip of the tongue; practice coordination of movements of the tip of the tongue (up - down).

The mouth is wide open. The tip of the tongue is located behind the upper teeth on the tubercles, then falls behind the lower teeth. Perform 15-20 times.

21. "Ball Rolling"

Target. Strengthen the lateral muscles of the tongue.

The lips are closed, the tongue makes circular movements (as if around the lips) from the inside of the mouth. The movements are performed first clockwise (5-6 circles); then counterclockwise (5-6 circles). The speed of tongue movement can be changed.

22. "Watch."

Target. Develop the lateral muscles of the tongue and coordination of movements (right - left).

The mouth is slightly open. The “narrow” tongue moves from one corner of the mouth to the other, trying not to touch the lips. The exercise is carried out at a slow pace, counted by the teacher, or accompanied by the words: tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. Execution time - 20 seconds.

23. "Meat grinder".

Target. Practice the “thin and wide tongue” positions with mechanical assistance (teeth).

The lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are tightly clenched. Push the tip of the tongue between the clenched teeth, while the tongue becomes wide and thin. It is necessary to push it forward as far as possible. Perform 3-4 times.

24. "Hide and seek."

Target. Develop mobility of the back of the tongue and the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth for a long time.

The mouth is wide open, the teeth are open, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back of the tongue rises and “peeks out” from behind the lower teeth, behind then she lowers herself, “hides.” Tip the tongue remains in the same place. Do it 10 times.

25. "Delicious jam."

Target. Develop movements of the wide tip of the tongue in the upper position.

Use the wide tip of your tongue to hug your upper lip and remove your tongue into the mouth. Do not close your mouth. Perform 5-6 times.

26. "Snake".

Target. Develop the lateral muscles of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Stick your tongue forward as far as possible, tense and make it narrow. Move your narrow tongue as much as possible and retract it into the back of your mouth. The movements are performed at a slow pace, perform 5-6 times.

27. "Mood".

Target. Develop lip mobility.

The lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are in a fence (good mood). Then the lips are folded into a tube, the teeth are in the same position. Facial expressions help a child look angry. Do this 5 times (be sure to smile at the end).

Methodological material
"Articulation exercises"

Compiled by: Kukhmistrova Galina Mikhailovna
teacher speech therapist
KOU OO "Petropavlovsk special (correctional)
secondary school - boarding school of VIII type"
Email to contact the author: [email protected]

Articulatory gymnastics is a field for the flight of imagination and the development of teacher creativity. After all, it is intended not only to prepare the organs of articulation for producing and pronouncing sounds, but also to develop students’ imagination, attention, volition, and perseverance.

In order to inform parents about the forms and methods of preparing children’s articulation organs for correct pronunciation, I organize a master class on the topic: “Difficulties of difficult sounds”, a meeting of the family club “Zvukoznaykin’s Lessons”, as well as a monthly “Toy Library for Caring Parents”, open classes with students, designing folders, photo presentations.

The variability of the forms of articulatory gymnastics in individual and subgroup classes, in joint activities of the teacher with children, and in speech therapy warm-ups helps:
form the kinetic-kinesthetic basis of movements,
develop articulatory motor skills to the level of minimal sufficiency for producing sounds,
to cultivate the child’s confidence in himself and his capabilities, to encourage activity, independence, initiative
maintain the child’s interest in the labor-intensive process of mastering correct pronunciation, the need for speech therapy classes.

Regularly performing articulation exercises will help:
- improve blood supply to articulatory organs and their innervation (nerve conduction);
- improve the mobility of articulatory organs;
- strengthen the muscular system of the tongue, lips, cheeks;
- teach the child to maintain a certain articulatory position;
- increase range of motion;
- reduce spasticity (tension) of articulatory organs;
- prepare the child for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

The full development of a child’s personality is impossible without teaching him correct speech. This is often very difficult and time-consuming work for a child.
Many years of experience show that the sooner parents pay attention to the child’s correct sound pronunciation, the faster it is formed.
It is a mistake to hope that pronunciation deficiencies will spontaneously disappear as the child grows, since they can become firmly entrenched and turn into a permanent disorder.

Any speech deficiencies limit the child’s communication with peers and adults and negatively affect the formation of the emotional sphere.

Exercise "Horse"
I open my mouth wide,
I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth.
The tongue jumps down

And there is a click.
Practice raising the tongue, prepare it to produce vibration, stretch the hyoid ligament (frenulum). Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.
Smile, open your mouth and click the tip of your tongue (“the horse clatters its hooves”).
1. The exercise is first performed at a slow pace, and then the pace speeds up (“the horse galloped faster”).
2. The lower jaw does not move, only the tongue works.

Exercise "Mushroom"

I'll open my mouth wide,
It's like I'm about to click.
I'll suck my tongue onto the roof of my mouth,
Jaw down - and all the studying.

Practice the ability to hold your tongue up in the position required
for sound [r]. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hypoglossal ligament (frenulum).
Smile, open your mouth wide, suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth so that the hyoid ligament is stretched (“mushroom stalk”). Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds.
1. If there are difficulties in performing this exercise, then you need to return to the “Horse” exercise. Click your tongue, gradually slowing down the pace (“the horse is walking slowly”) and suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Exercise "Cup"

I smile, my mouth is open:
The tongue is already there.
The edges are raised towards the teeth -
Here is my “cup”.

Learn to keep your tongue in a cup shape at the top, near your upper teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.
Smile, open your mouth and place your tongue at the top in a cup shape.
1. If the “cup” does not work, then you need to return to the exercise “Slap your lips on your tongue”, spread your tongue on the lower lip and lightly press on the middle of the tongue. In this case, the edges of the tongue rise upward, and the tongue takes the desired shape.
2. You can also spread your tongue by patting it with your lips, wrap it
on the upper lip, holding the edges with your fingers.
3. When performing the exercise, the edges of the tongue are at the upper teeth.

Exercise “Delicious jam”

It's like jam is on your lip -
I’ll lick it “cup” into my mouth.

And there is a click.
Practice moving the wide front part of the tongue upward in the shape of a cup.
Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.
Smile, open your mouth and lick your lip with your tongue in a cup shape, making movements from top to bottom. You can continue the movement and remove your tongue into your mouth without destroying the “cup.”
1. You need to make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not “pull” the tongue up - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).
2. The tongue is wide, cup-shaped.

Exercise "Clock"

The tip moves left and right,
It's like he can't find a place.

Strengthen the muscles of the tongue, practice its mobility.
Smile, open your mouth slightly, stick out your tongue as far as possible and make smooth movements from one corner of your mouth to the other. Do the exercise 10-15 times.
1. Only the tongue moves - the lower jaw is motionless.
2. The tongue does not lick the lower lip, but moves, without touching it, from one corner of the mouth to the other.

"Bite the tip of the tongue"

I stick out my tongue
So that you don’t get used to being lazy.
And from tip to root
I bite faster and faster.

And there is a click.
Achieve relaxation of the tongue muscles, increase blood supply to the tongue muscles, improve innervation (nerve conduction).
Smile, open your mouth slightly and bite your tongue.
1. Cover the tip of the tongue. 2. Bite the middle of the tongue.
3. Bite your tongue, moving it gradually back and forth. While performing the exercise, say: “ta-ta-ta.” Pronunciation of syllables (“ta-ta-ta”) helps
in performing the exercise.
1. Do not tuck your lower lip inward, over your lower teeth.
2. The tongue is wide, the lips are stretched in a smile. This exercise is basic in articulation gymnastics. By performing this exercise, self-massage of the tongue is carried out.

1. "Smile" ("fence")

Smile without tension so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Make sure that your lips do not turn inward when you smile.

We close our teeth evenly

And we get a fence.

Now let's part our lips,

Let's count our teeth.

2. “Tube” (“proboscis”)

Pull your closed lips forward. Hold them in this position for a count of 1 to 5-10.

I imitate an elephant

I pull my lips with my trunk.

3. “The house opens” (“hippo”)

Smile slightly, slowly open your mouth, hold your mouth open for 5-10 seconds, slowly close it. The tongue lies quietly behind the teeth.

Let's open our mouth wide,

Like a hungry hippo

4. "Curious Tongue"

Smile, open your mouth slightly and move your tongue back and forth. Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and remove it. The mouth remains open all the time. Do the exercise 8-10 times.

Curious tongue

Looked out the window:

Maybe the rain has stopped

And the sun came out.

5. “The tongue greets the chin”

Smile, open your mouth slightly and stretch your wide tongue down to your chin. Do the exercise 5-10 times.

6. “The tongue greets the upper lip”

Smile slightly, open your mouth slightly, and place the wide edge of your tongue on your upper lip. In the future, you can alternate exercises 5-6: “swing”.

I swing on a swing:

Up and down, up and down.

High I rise

I go down again.

7. "Monkey"

Open your mouth slightly and place your tongue between your lower lip and lower teeth. The lips are brought together. Hold in this position for 5 seconds

The monkey makes faces.

Who does she look like?

8. "Bulldog"

From the “monkey” position, move your tongue to a position between the upper lip and upper teeth. Lips close. Hold for 5 seconds.

There's a bulldog coming, there's a bulldog coming

The bulldog rings medals.

His medals shine.

Why were they given them...

9. "Hamster"

Mouth closed. The tongue rests alternately on the right and left cheeks, remaining in each position for 3-5 seconds.

The hamster puffs out his cheeks

He has grain in bags.

10. "Circle". "Football"

Mouth closed. The tongue moves from the inside, smoothly outlining a circle with the tip of the tongue (“bulldog” - right cheek - “monkey” - left cheek, etc., then in the opposite direction). Perform 5-6 circles in each direction.

There are crowds of people in the yard,

There's a football match going on there.

And our goalkeeper, Genka Spitsyn,

You must not miss the ball.

11. “Knead the dough”

Smile, open your mouth slightly, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip, smacking it with your lips, say: Five-five-five-five...” Slowly move your tongue back and forth. We knead the dough, knead it, knead it,

Press the dough, press it, press it,

Afterwards we will take a rolling pin,

Roll out the dough thinly

Let's set the pie to bake.

12. “Brush your teeth from the outside”

Smile, open your mouth slightly, show your teeth and run your wide tongue over the outside of your upper teeth, imitating the cleaning movements of a toothbrush. We also brush the lower teeth. Perform each exercise 3-5 times.

Am brushing my teeth,

Am brushing my teeth

And outside

And inside.

Didn't get sick

Don't get dark

Didn't turn yellow

so they.

13. “Let’s bite the tongue” (“Knead the dough”)

Smile, open your mouth slightly, bite the tip of your tongue. You can make the exercise more difficult by simultaneously biting your tongue and moving it back and forth.

We knead the dough, knead it, knead it,

Press the dough, press it, press it,

Afterwards we will take a rolling pin,

Roll out the dough thinly

Let's set the pie to bake.

14. "Spatula". "Pancake"

Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. Hold in this position for a count from 1 to 5-10.

We baked some pancakes

Cooled on the window,

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite mom to dinner.

15. “Blowing on a pancake”

Move your tongue to the “pancake” position and blow into a small bottle, on a pinwheel or a piece of cotton wool. This should be done after the “pancake” has been created.

We baked some pancakes

Cooled on the window,

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite mom to dinner.

16. “Gorka” (“bridge”)

Open your mouth wide. Lower your wide tongue behind your lower teeth and rest your tongue against them. Press the side edges firmly against the upper molars.

That's a slide, what a miracle!

The tongue arched out elastically:

The tip touches the teeth,

The sides rise up.

17. “The wind blows from the hill”

Place the tongue in the “slide” position, and then calmly and smoothly blow along the middle of the tongue. The air should be cold.

That's a slide, what a miracle!

The tongue arched out elastically:

The tip touches the teeth,

The sides rise up.

18. “Cleaning the lower teeth” (from the inside)

Smile, show your teeth, cover your mouth and use the tip of your tongue to “clean” your lower teeth from the inside. Move the tongue from side to side, making sure that it is at the gums.

Am brushing my teeth,

Am brushing my teeth

And outside

And inside.

Didn't get sick

Don't get dark

Don't let them turn yellow.

19. "Pussy is angry"

Smile, open your mouth. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth from the inside (“mountain”). Roll out the wide tongue forward and move it deep into the mouth (slide). Repeat the exercise 8-10 times at a calm pace.

Look out the window

There you will see a cat.

The cat arched its back

She hissed and jumped.

Pussy got angry -

Don't come close!

20. "Pussy is angry2"

Smile, open your mouth. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth from the inside (“mountain”). Pull the tongue into the “coil” position and bite the curled tongue. Perform 10-15 times.

Look out the window

There you will see a cat.

The cat arched its back

She hissed and jumped.

Pussy got angry -

Don't come close!

21. "Cup"

Smile, open your mouth and place your tongue at the top in the shape of a cup.

Put your tongue wide

And raise the edges.

It turned out to be a cup,

Round cup

22. “Delicious jam”

Smile, open your mouth and lick your upper lip with your tongue in a “cup” shape. Movements are directed from top to bottom. You can continue the movement and remove your tongue into your mouth without destroying the “cup.”

Oh and delicious jam!

Sorry, it stayed on my lip.

I'll raise my tongue

And I'll lick the rest.

23. "Steps"

alternation: “cup” on the upper lip, “cup” on the upper teeth, “cup” inside the mouth behind the teeth. We hold our tongue in each pose for 3-5 seconds.

We walked along the stairs

Up and down, up and down.

We wandered around very happily

Up and down, up and down.

We walked like this all day,

Up and down, up and down.

And not a bit tired

Up and down, up and down.

24. "Focus"

Raise your tongue to the “cup” position and gently blow on the tip of your nose. You can put a piece of cotton wool on the tip of your nose. During the blast, it will fly straight up. He made a scary face

Then he covered the egg with a handkerchief...

Then (hulalu-shimbay!) he brushed off the handkerchief, oops!

And now the chicken is on the table!

25. “Don’t break the cup”

Give the tongue a “cup” shape and move it back and forth, maintaining the “cup” shape. Hold the tongue in each phase for 3-5 seconds.

Put your tongue wide

And raise the edges.

It turned out to be a cup,

Round cup

26. “Brushing the upper teeth” (from the inside)

Smile, open your mouth and “clean” your upper teeth from the inside with a wide tongue, moving from side to side. The tip of the tongue moves at the upper alveoli.

Am brushing my teeth,

Am brushing my teeth

And outside

And inside.

Didn't get sick

Don't get dark

Don't let them turn yellow.

27. "Painter"

Smile, open your mouth and “paint” the hard palate (“ceiling”) with the tip of your tongue, moving your tongue back and forth, stroking the palate.

We've been working since morning

It's time to paint the ceiling

Lower your jaw

Raise your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Drive back and forth -

Our painter is happy with his work.

28. "Drummer"

Smile, open your mouth, place your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeat loudly, clearly, repeatedly: “D-D-D...”. Gradually speed up the pace, do not bring your teeth closer together. Then add movement with a cotton swab, ball probe or finger across the tongue - we get a sound vaguely reminiscent of R.

The drummer is very busy

The drummer drums

D-d, d-d-d!

29. "Horse"

Smile, open your mouth wide and click the tip of your tongue at the top. Let's speed up the pace. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move.

Let's go, let's go on horseback,

Along the path is flat and smooth.

30. "Mushroom"

Smile, suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth so that the hyoid ligament stretches (“mushroom stem”). Hold your tongue in this position for 5-10 minutes. If you cannot do this, then return to the “horse” exercise.

I stand on a thin leg,

I stand on a smooth leg,

Under the brown hat

Velvet lined

31. "Accordion"

You can perform this exercise after you manage to keep your tongue in the “mushroom” position. In the “mushroom” position, open and close your mouth (like the bellows of an accordion stretch).

I play the harmonica

I open my mouth wider,

I'll press my tongue to the sky,

I'll move my jaw lower.

32. "Coachman"

Close your lips and blow strongly through them. The lips vibrate and a characteristic “whoa” sound is heard. Option: place the wide edge of your tongue between your lips and blow. The tongue will vibrate along with the lips.

Along the path, blacker than a cloud,

An old coachman is riding in a chaise.

They drag the chaise, even if you cry,

A couple of skinny black nags.

33. “Needle”

Open your mouth, stick your tongue out as far as possible, tense it, make it narrow and hold it in this position for a count of 10.

I turn my tongue into a needle,

I tighten and narrow.

I'll pull the sharp tip,

One two three four five!

I can hold the needle.

34. "Watch"

Pull your tongue out of your mouth into the “needle” position and move it from side to side with a large amplitude. Do this 10-15 times. The lower jaw does not move with the tongue! The tongue does not touch the lower lip.

Tick-tock, tick-tock -

The clock goes like this.

Day and night they don't sleep,

Everyone is knocking, knocking, knocking

35. “Turkey” (“talker”)

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue on your upper lip and make quick movements with the tip of your tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to lift your tongue from the upper lip. Then turn on the voice. The result will be a funny “chatterbox” (sound similar to “bl-bl...”

I am a turkey "buldy-bolda"

Run away in all directions.

36. "Swing"

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue behind your lower teeth (from the inside) and hold in this position for 3-5 seconds. Then lift your wide tongue by the upper teeth (from the inside) and hold for 3 seconds. So we alternately change the position of the tongue 5-6 times “swing the tongue”. This exercise is useful when working on hissing and whistling sounds.

I swing on a swing:

Up and down, up and down.

High I rise

I go down again.

37. "Steamboat"

Smile, put your tongue between your teeth, bite it and sing: “YYYYY.” The result will be a sound very similar to L. Don't show the sample!

A steam locomotive without wheels!

What a wonderful locomotive!

Has he gone crazy?

He went straight across the sea.


38. "Comb"

Smile, bite your tongue with your teeth, “drag” your tongue between your teeth back and forth, as if combing it.

I'm friends with hair

I'll put them in order.

I'm grateful for my hair.

And my name is... (comb)

39. "Sail"

Smile, open your mouth wide, place the tip of your tongue on the alveoli, and hold for a count of 8-10. Repeat 2-3 times.

Sailing boat

Floats down the river

Boat for a walk

The kids are lucky.

40. "Mosquito"

Smile, open your mouth wide, place the tip of your tongue on the alveoli, try to pronounce “zzzz”, but not abruptly, but drawn out, for 10-15 seconds.

Arrives at night

He doesn't let us sleep:

Evil rings, curls above your ear,

It’s just not given into your hands.

41. “Start the engine”

Smile, open your mouth wide, lift your tongue up, forcefully hit the alveoli with your tongue and say “dyn-dyn-dyn”, repeat for 10-15 seconds.

A car speeds along the highway,

Roars in all directions

There's a dashing driver behind the wheel,

“Dyn-dyn-dyn” - the engine hums.

Used Books:

Kosinova E.M. Lessons on correct speech. - M.: LIBRARY OF Ilya Reznik: Eksmo, 2004. - 64 p.

Krause E.N. Speech therapy massage and articulation gymnastics: A practical guide. - St. Petersburg: CORONA print, 2004. - 80 p.

Kostygina V.N. Tru-la-la. Articulation gymnastics. 24 years. - M.: Karapuz, 2006. - 20 p.

Buyko V. Miracle teacher. Speech motor skills, speech breathing, diction. - Ekaterinburg: Litur, 2005. - 30 p.

Game “Home speech therapist” (ed. New disc)
