Briefly enchanted place nogol. N.V.

Briefly enchanted place nogol.  N.V.

N.V. Gogol "Enchanted Place"

Retelling plan

1. Rudy Panko recalls a story from his childhood.
2. Grandfather goes to the bashtan (melon tree) with his grandchildren to chase sparrows and magpies.
3. Arrival of the Chumaks (peasants who traded salt and fish).
4. The guys and the old grandfather are dancing.
5. The hero finds himself in an enchanted place where he thinks there is a treasure.
6. Search for the enchanted place the next day.
7. An old man’s meeting with evil spirits.
8. The treasure turned out to be a hoax.
9. Grandfather decided never to trust the devil again.

The main character, Rudy Panko, a famous storyteller of tales, begins his next narration, confirming the belief: if “the devilish force wants to faint, it will faint; By God, he’ll faint.” He remembers an old story that happened to his grandfather.

One day, the grandfather took him and his brother, then just boys, to chase sparrows and magpies on the tower. Familiar Chumaks drove by. Their grandfather began to treat them to melons, and asked his grandchildren to dance a Cossack dance. Yes, he couldn’t sit still and started dancing. And some kind of devilry happened here. Only the grandfather wanted to “take a walk and throw some of his things into the whirlwind with his feet - his legs wouldn’t rise, and that’s all.” He started up again, but didn’t dance, looked around, didn’t see anything familiar, but only a smooth field. I started looking closer and came across a path in the dark. A candle flared on a grave to the side of the path. He decided that it was a treasure, but there was nothing to dig with. To avoid losing this place, he knocked down a large tree branch.

The next day, when it began to get dark in the field, the grandfather took a spade and shovel and went to look for the treasure. But he never found it, only the rain got it wet. Grandfather cursed Satan and returned with nothing. The next day, the grandfather, as if nothing had happened, went to the bashtan to dig a bed for late pumpkins. And when he passed by that enchanted place, he walked into its middle and struck the hearts with a spade. And suddenly I found myself in the same field again. I found a hiding place, pushed away a stone, and decided to sniff some tobacco. Suddenly someone sneezed from behind. I looked around - no one. I started digging and saw a boiler. Then the evil spirits began to frighten him: a bird’s nose, a ram’s head and a bear alternately appeared in front of him. It was so scary that my grandfather wanted to give up everything, but it was a pity to part with the treasure. He somehow grabbed the cauldron and “let’s run as far as the spirit could; He only hears something behind him and scratches his legs with rods...”

A long time ago, mother came from the farm with a pot of hot dumplings, everyone had dinner, mother washed the dishes, but grandfather was still not there. She washed the pot and went into the kitchen, and grandfather was there. He boasted, opened the boiler, and there: “What did you think was there? Well, at least after thinking carefully, eh? gold? This is what is not gold: rubbish, squabbles... it’s a shame to say what it is.”

From that time on, the grandfather told his grandchildren not to believe the devil: “And it happened that when he heard that there was trouble in another place, he himself would be baptized and force us. And he blocked off the enchanted place with a fence and threw all the weeds and rubbish that he raked out of the chestnut there. So nothing good ever grew in this place.”

When the narrator, old Thomas, was still small, an unusual story happened to his grandfather. He claims that evil spirits will make anyone faint. Here's how it happened.

My father went to Crimea to sell tobacco. Grandfather and Foma went to live on a bashtan (a piece of land) where watermelons, melons and various vegetables grew. Bashtan was located not far from the road. Chumaks passed by (that’s what they called the transport workers going to the Crimea for fish and salt).

One day, among the passing Chumaks, the grandfather met his acquaintances. They settled down at the kuren (a hut made of straw). There were conversations and memories of the past. Then the grandfather forced Foma and his brother Ostap to dance. And he himself couldn’t stand it and started dancing. He danced well. But this time, having reached half of the smooth place, I was about to show off my thing with my legs, when suddenly I couldn’t move them properly.

The grandfather began to scold Satan, since this was his obsession. And he sees that he is standing in some unfamiliar place. I began to take a closer look and recognized the dovecote in the garden of the priest and the threshing floor of the volost clerk. Coming out onto the path, the grandfather headed towards his tower. But on the side of the road, on a grave, he saw the light of a candle. Treasure! And he has neither a spade nor a shovel with him. He decided to at least notice the place. He put a branch on the grave and went home.

The next day, as soon as it was getting dark, the grandfather went to the mark. But when he came to the priest’s garden, he saw a dovecote, but did not see a threshing floor. I walked a little to the side and the dovecote disappeared. Again the devil began to joke with him. Then it began to rain, and the grandfather returned to his kuren.

The next day he went out into the field with a spade to dig a new bed. Passing by an enchanted place where he could not dance, the grandfather could not resist and hit him with a spade. He looks - again he is in the place where he put the mark. And the grave is here, and his mark lies. Grandfather was glad that now he had a spade. He approached the grave, and there lay a huge stone. The old man rolled it up and decided to take a sniff of tobacco.

But before he could even bring it to his nose, someone sneezed next to him. He was sprayed all over. Grandfather thought that the devil didn’t like tobacco. And he began to dig. Soon I came across a boiler. “There you are!” – he said joyfully. These words were echoed by the bird's nose, the ram's head and the bear. The old man got scared and said that it was scary here. And again the bird's nose, the ram's head and the bear repeated everything after him. And then the stump turned into a terrible face. The nose is huge, like a blacksmith’s bellows, the lips are like chopping blocks, and the eyes are red and burning with fire. Rozha sticks out her tongue and teases her grandfather. He decided to quickly get out of this place. He grabbed the bowler hat and started to run.

And Foma and Ostap lost their grandfather. Their mother had already brought them dinner, they had already had time to have dinner, but he was still not there. The mother washed the dishes and began to look for somewhere to pour the slop. He looks, and a tub is moving towards the smoking area, as if someone was hiding behind it and pushing it forward. She decided to pour the slop there.

It turned out that my grandfather had brought the boiler. He began to swear at his mother and wipe his face. And then he happily tells the kids that soon they will be eating bagels and wearing gold zhupans (old outerwear). And he opened the boiler. And there is no trace of gold there. Just dirt and rubbish. Grandfather spat and washed his hands. From that time on, he himself did not believe the devil and always taught the guys not to believe him. Grandfather said that the devil is the enemy of man, he will deceive. He doesn't have a penny's worth of truth. And every time he encounters a troubled place, he begins to baptize it.

And the grandfather decided not to cultivate the area where he couldn’t dance anymore. He fenced it off and ordered all rubbish to be thrown there. Others later sowed watermelons and melons in this place. But nothing good grew there.

The story “The Enchanted Place” ( fourth), the second part of “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” ends. It was first published in 1832 in the second book of Evenings. The lack of a manuscript makes it impossible to determine the exact dating of the writing of the story. It is assumed that it refers to the early works of N.V. Gogol and dates back to the period 1829 - 1830.

The storyline intertwines two main motives: the search for treasure and the outrages committed by devils in enchanted places. The story itself originates in folklore stories, in which the main leitmotif is the idea that wealth obtained from evil spirits does not bring happiness. In some ways it has something in common with “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala.” The author denounces the thirst for enrichment, the irrepressible passion for money, which clearly leads to catastrophic consequences, and turns acquired money into trash. The story is based on folk beliefs and legends about enchanted “deceptive places.”

Analysis of the work

The plot of the work

Based on folklore, with which Nikolai Vasilyevich was very familiar from childhood. Legends and beliefs about “enchanted places” and treasures exist among most peoples of the world. The Slavs had a belief that treasures could be found in cemeteries. A candle flared above the grave with the treasure. It is a traditional and popular belief that ill-gotten wealth turns into trash.

The story is rich in rich, bright, original Ukrainian folk language, which is sprinkled with Ukrainian words: “bashtan”, “kuren”, “chumaki”. Folk life is depicted as accurately as possible, Gogol's humor creates a unique atmosphere. The story is structured in such a way that you get a feeling of personal presence, as if you yourself are among the sexton’s listeners. This is achieved through the narrator's precise comments.

The plot is based on the story of the deacon of the local church, Foma Grigorievich, familiar to many readers from the story “The Missing Letter,” about an incident in the life of his grandfather. His story, vivid and memorable, is full of humor. It was no coincidence that the author gave the story the title “Enchanted Place.” It intertwines two worlds: reality and fantasy. The real world is represented by the way of life of people, the fantasy world is represented by a grave, treasure and devilry. The sexton's memories take him back to childhood. The father and his eldest son went to sell tobacco. A mother with three children and a grandfather remained at home. One day, having gone on a spree with visiting merchants, the grandfather began to dance in the garden until he reached one place in the garden and stopped, rooted to the spot, near a bed of cucumbers. I looked around and didn’t recognize the place, but realized that it was located behind the clerk’s threshing floor. Somehow I found a path and saw a candle flare up on a nearby grave. I noticed another grave. A candle flashed on it too, followed by another.

According to folk legend, this happens where the treasure is buried. Grandfather was happy, but he had nothing with him. Having marked the place with a large branch, he went home. The next day he tried to find this place, but found nothing, only accidentally hitting the cucumber bed with a spade, he again found himself in the same place, near the grave on which the stone lay.

And then the real devilry began. Before the grandfather had time to take out the tobacco to smell it, someone sneezed behind his ear. He started digging and unearthed a pot. “Ah, my dear, that’s where you are!” And after him the same words were repeated by a bird, a ram's head from the top of a tree, and a bear. The grandfather got scared, grabbed the cauldron and ran away. At this time, his mother and children began to look for him. After dinner, the mother went out to pour out the hot slop and saw a barrel crawling towards her. Deciding that these were naughty children, the woman poured slop on her. But it turned out that it was my grandfather who was walking.

We decided to see what kind of treasure the grandfather had brought, opened the pot, and there was garbage “and it’s a shame to say what it is.” From then on, the grandfather began to believe only in Christ, and fenced off the enchanted place with a fence.

Main characters

Grandfather Maxim

The hero of the story is Grandfather Maxim. Judging by the sexton’s words, his grandfather was a cheerful and interesting person. In the author's ironic description, he is a cheerful, lively old man who loves to have fun, joke, and brag somewhere. A big fan of listening to Chumakov stories. He refers to his grandchildren only as “dog children,” but it is clear that they are all his favorites. His grandchildren respond to him with the same love.

Enchanted place

The enchanted place itself can be called the hero of the story. By modern standards, it can be called an anomalous place. Grandfather Maxim discovers this place by chance while dancing. Inside the zone, space and time change their properties, which the old man attributes to evil spirits. The anomalous zone itself also has its own character. It doesn’t show much love to strangers, but it doesn’t overtly harm, only frighteningly. There is no great harm from the presence of this place in the real world, except that nothing grows here. Moreover, it is ready to play with the old man. Sometimes it hides from him, sometimes it opens up easily. In addition, he has many means of intimidation at his disposal: the weather, the disappearing moon, talking ram heads and monsters.

The demonstration of all these miracles frightens the old man for a while and he abandons his find, but the thirst for the treasure turns out to be stronger than the fear. For this, the grandfather receives punishment. The cauldron he had obtained with such difficulty turned out to be filled with rubbish. Science served him well. The grandfather became very pious, swore to associate with evil spirits and punished all his loved ones for this.


With this story, Gogol shows that only wealth that is acquired honestly is useful for future use, and that wealth acquired dishonestly is illusory. Using the example of the story with his grandfather, he gives us the opportunity to believe in good and bright. The writer's contemporaries, including Belinsky and Pushkin Herzen, received the story with rave reviews. For more than 150 years, this story has made the reader smile, immersing him in the amazing Gogol world of wit, fantasy, and folk poetry, in which the very soul of the people comes to life.

"The Enchanted Place" is unique in its skillful use of folklore and folk legends. Even the evil spirit introduced into the story has nothing to do with mysticism. Folk fiction is attractive to us for its everyday simplicity, naive and spontaneous. Therefore, all Gogol’s heroes are saturated with bright colors of life, full of enthusiasm and folk humor.

The story is told on behalf of sexton Foma Grigorievich. This story happened to his grandfather when the priest was eleven years old. What he saw so shocked the child’s imagination that even now, after many years, the sexton remembers everything in the smallest detail.

One day, the grandfather called little Thomas and his brother to the plant, so that the children would drive away the birds that were pecking at the harvest. At this time, the Chumaks were passing by on oxen. The grandfather was very happy to meet with old acquaintances, began to treat them with melons, and asked his grandchildren to amuse the guests. The kids danced so fervently that the old man wanted to remember his youth. But as soon as I decided to “take a walk and throw some of my own things into the whirlwind with my feet,” I realized that my legs wouldn’t lift. What the hell is this? I tried again, but the same thing happened.

The grandfather swore and heard someone laugh behind him. He looked around - no one, he was alone in an open field. At dusk, the grandfather came across a path, to the side of which a candle on a grave flared up. The old man decided that this was the place where the treasure was hidden. And in order to find it tomorrow, I marked it with branches. In the morning, armed with a spade and shovel, the grandfather went to dig up the cache. But I didn’t find anything, I just got wet in the rain. Having remembered the devil in his heart, he returned home with nothing.

The next day the old man went to the bashtan to dig a pumpkin patch. And on the way back I came across that same enchanted place. He hit them in the hearts with a spade and again found himself at the hiding place. Grandfather moved the stone away and sat down to sniff the tobacco. Suddenly, behind him, someone sneezed so hard that the trees shook. But there was no one nearby. The grandfather began to dig up the treasure, and there a strange cauldron began to appear, then a bird’s beak, then a ram’s head, even a bear appeared. And everyone repeated the old man’s words. The grandfather was very frightened, he wanted to run away without looking back, but it was a shame to throw away the goods. He grabbed the cauldron that was the first to come to hand, barely lifted it and carried it. All the way he felt that someone was scratching his legs with rods from behind.

The old man's houses were tired of waiting. The mother returned from the guests with a pot of hot dumplings and fed everyone. Then she washed the dishes and went to throw out the hot slops, but suddenly she saw something terrible approaching her. It turned out to be a grandfather with a bowler hat. Fully confident that he had brought home a lot of gold, tired and covered in slop, the old man opened his loot. And there was no gold there at all, but rubbish, “squabbles” and generally “a shame to say what it is.”

Since then, the grandfather ordered his grandchildren not to believe the devil. When I heard that there was trouble somewhere, I always crossed myself. And he surrounded the enchanted place with a fence. All the garbage that was raked out of the chestnut was thrown there. And nothing good ever grew in that place.
