How many died on September 11th? Main topics of the day. Global and private dividends.

How many died on September 11th?  Main topics of the day.  Global and private dividends.

The terrible tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, claimed the lives of a huge number of people. 2973 people died, and this, you see, is a significant figure.

The terrorist attack was preceded by the hijacking of four planes heading to California and the eastern part of the United States. The planes' tanks were full, so you could say they turned into guided missiles.

The people we are talking about are hijackers, they did not become immigrants. Excluding hijackers, more than half of Islamic terrorists abroad over the past decade were persons living legally in the United States as permanent residents or naturalized citizens.

Indeed, some of the worst foreign terrorists have been naturalized citizens. S. citizen, he was subsequently convicted as part of a larger conspiracy to bomb landmarks around New York. So are Egyptian citizen Ali Mohammed, who is widely regarded as having written the al-Qaeda terrorist manual, and Khalid Abu al-Dahab, who has been described as a "one-stop shop" for transferring money and fake passports to terrorists around the world from his apartments in California.

What happened on this terrible day? On September 11, the Twin Towers collapsed.

At 8:45, one of the planes, a Boeing 767, crashed into the North Tower. 92 people were on board (11 crew members, 5 terrorists and 76 passengers). The plane crashed into the gap between the 93rd and 99th floors. The fuel that ignited in the tank rushed down the elevator shaft in a fiery column, killing even those people who were in the foyer. At 10:29 the burning building collapsed, burying a huge number of people with it. The number of the plane that crashed into the Twin Towers is AA11.

Failed building demolition!

Legal permanent residents also played an integral role in terrorism. The instigator of this plot, Siddig Ibrahim Siddig Ali, was also a legal permanent resident. The nation's humanitarian tradition of providing refuge to those fleeing persecution has also been exploited by a number of terrorists. Three of them had asylum claims pending when they committed their crimes. Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman used an asylum claim to prevent his deportation to Egypt after all other options in the country failed.

At 9:03, a plane also crashed into the South Tower; it was the second Boeing 767. The impact occurred between the 77th and 81st floors. There were 65 people on board the plane (5 terrorists, 9 crew members and 54 passengers). At 9:59 local time, the burning building collapsed. Aircraft number - UA175.

There were two more planes. One of them struck the Pentagon, this happened at 9:40. 184 people died. And the last one fell in the forest of Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. We were able to look at the recordings from the so-called “black box”. It became clear that the terrorists dived down when the resisting passengers tried to break into the cockpit. There were 44 people on board.

Rahman inspired both the first World Trade Center attack and the plot to bomb New York City landmarks. Moreover, he is widely considered one of the spiritual leaders whose ideas helped find Qaeda. Of the 48 Islamic terrorists in the past decade, 12 were illegally in the country when they committed their crimes. A total of 19 foreign terrorists over the past decade were either illegal aliens at the time they engaged in terrorism or lived illegally in the United States for an extended period of time before committing their crimes.

According to journalists, some passengers were able to call their relatives from the hijacked planes. People reported terrorists: there were 4 people on one board, 5 on the other. There is an opinion that this data was specially fabricated by the FBI, because there was one call that caused great mistrust. The son called his mother and when she answered the phone, he said: “Mom, it’s me, John Smith.” Agree, it is unlikely that he would actually start a conversation by introducing his last name.

How did all these terrorists get into the country? The obvious fact is that they have exploited weaknesses in almost every part of the US immigration system, from their overseas visa operations, to border control and ports of entry, to Green Card issuance. A study of these problems reveals inadequate screening of visa applicants, a lack of cooperation among U.S. agencies and between U.S. and foreign governments, a failure to properly manage borders, and a complete lack of domestic law enforcement.

Not a single person on board could survive. 274 people died on board planes (terrorists are not counted), 2602 people in New York (both on the ground and in the towers), 125 people in the Pentagon.

It wasn't just the Twin Towers that were damaged. Five more buildings were either destroyed or heavily damaged. In total, 25 buildings were damaged, and 7 had to be demolished.

In fact, foreign service officers are America's other border patrol, and they are the ones who determine, in most cases, who is allowed into the country. Of the 48 terrorists examined here, 41 were at some point approved for Visa by a US consulate abroad. While we cannot expect that in every case the visa processing system will quickly identify a terrorist applicant and prevent him from obtaining a visa, the fact that so many terrorists have done so certainly suggests that there are serious problems in the system.

The main tool used to designate terrorists is called the "watch" or "watch" system. This is a compilation of several million people who should not be issued visas or otherwise allowed into the country. The database currently consists of names, dates of birth, countries and passport numbers, rather than biometric identifiers such as photographs or fingerprints. The names of visa applicants are checked against a list. In some cases, procedural failures and outdated technology caused the system to fail.

What are the consequences of this terrible tragedy? Two skyscrapers and an adjacent wing of the Pentagon were destroyed. About three thousand people died. The New York Stock Exchange suspended its operations for two days. The area adjacent to the site of the tragedy was completely covered with ashes. The President announced the terrorist attack served the United States with Afghanistan, and then with Iraq.

Probably the saddest famous person The person who received the wrong visa is Egyptian-born Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman. Although on the watch list, Rahman received a tourist visa because consular officials in Khartoum, Sudan did not check the list correctly. This made it much more likely that a name would be missed. Mohammed eventually married an American and lived in the United States for many years, working for al-Qaeda and helping plan a number of attacks. Learning the names of al-Qaeda terrorists poses a huge intelligence challenge, but in the case of Sheikh Rahman and Ali Mohammed, whose links to terrorism were known, the system should have kept them from entering the country.

The tragedy received national status, and the news of it flew across the world in a matter of seconds. It was not for nothing that these buildings were chosen by the terrorists, because the Twin Towers were the pride of the United States.

The towers were built in the 60s, at which time America's prestige was shaken. It was decided to build something gigantic, grandiose, stunning, in order to restore people's optimism and faith in themselves and the future. No one imagined that the “project of the century” would turn into the main “tragedy of the century.”

Mahmoud Abouhalima and Zacarias Moussaoui were known to US-friendly governments as individuals with ties to terrorism. As a teenager in Egypt, Mahmoud Abouhalima became involved with the outlawed "Islamic extremist organization" al-Jama. Sakarias Mousaoui was similar. And because France is part of a visa waiver program that allows people to enter the United States and stay for up to 90 days without a visa, Moussaoui, a French citizen, was able to easily enter the United States.

Unfortunately, there are people who do not know that Boeing

It should be noted that the al-Midhara visa allowed multiple re-entries. While the failure to update or administer the hours list properly is clearly a major weakness in the immigration system, the way visas are processed abroad poses an even bigger problem. Customer satisfaction - the foreign visa applicant - has become one of the service's most important goals, resulting in pressure to speed up the processing and approval of margin applications. As one of them wrote former employees Foreign Service, "State Department procedures require review of denials but not issuance - thus relatively inexperienced junior officials are trusted to issue visas but avoid denials."
