How to put a person in his place without using physical force, using only words. How to respond to offensive remarks: general rules

How to put a person in his place without using physical force, using only words.  How to respond to offensive remarks: general rules

Vladislav Borovikov

Every person in his life has more than once encountered rudeness and rudeness from other people. And in order not to accumulate resentment, anger and depression, you need to learn how to competently respond to a person with clever words to his insults.

If you respond to rudeness thoughtlessly, you can provoke a rather serious conflict that will develop into "internecine war". Often, due to the inability to fend off verbally, a person uses his fists, he develops anger, stress, health problems begin, and it can even lead to murder or suicide. How to put a person in his place in this case?

How to put a rude person who insults in his place, how to respond to attacks

To learn how to correctly respond to insults directed at you, it will not be enough to just memorize phrases and expressions.

First of all, you need to clearly understand what an insult is, what motives it pursues in each specific case. To the question of how you can put a person in his place with smart words, without fists, the answer will be that you must psychologically learn to react to boorish words, criticism and humiliation, and also to answer them wisely and with dignity.

Today there are many psychological techniques that can help put the offender in his place correctly. But at the core of each of them is an understanding of the motives and goals of the person who is saying barbs about you. The art of parrying verbal blows is necessary thing in the life of every person. If you are aware of your opponent's ulterior motives, you can take care of responding appropriately to him.

We must be aware that conflicts and disputes will definitely not lead to anything good, and everyone arguing will still have their own opinion. It is necessary to make the offender himself realize that he was wrong in a certain situation and calm down.

It is important to remember that any feeling, emotion, resentment arises within a person. But you shouldn’t take any insult immediately personally. If a bully is in a bad mood or is brought up that way, this does not mean at all that you are to blame for this. Anyone who throws around negativity and behaves inappropriately is often a victim of his own character. As a rule, those who attack and humiliate others are internally weak. They cannot cope on their own bad emotions, as a result, all the negativity comes out and is reflected on others.

Attacks can also come from relatives and friends. If you value your relationship with this
person, then you need to talk to him and immediately dot all the “th”s. Tell him openly and calmly that his hurtful words hurt you, hurt your very soul, because it is the words of loved ones that we attach greater importance to.

The best response to a stranger's humiliation is to ignore it. You just have to try not to notice his statements, imagine that the rude person is not nearby and his remarks are an empty phrase.

If a boss or colleague insults you, then it is important to know that careful avoidance of a dispute and conflict will be most beneficial.

You can respond to the remarks of a colleague who cannot calm down at the sight of your silence with a neutral barb.

But you don’t need to do this with a manager, it’s better to remain silent and imagine something positive at this moment, rest assured, the conflict will pass on its own and, very quickly.

How to respond to offensive remarks: general rules

The first rule is that when making a negative statement about yourself, you should not stoop to reciprocity, that is, start mindlessly responding in kind. Don't give in to manipulative influence and play by someone else’s rules, you can fall into the skillfully placed networks of the offender.

We must always try to answer calmly and with self-esteem. And if a boor openly tries to troll you, the best answer in this case is to ignore you.

How you can use smart words to put a person in his place: psychological tips

With the help of words you can put absolutely any person in their place, you just need to do it skillfully and beautifully, without rudeness, swearing or the use of physical force. Swearing has never been in fashion, but many people still continue to communicate using it; they believe that humiliating your interlocutor with obscene language is a sure way to prove superiority over others.

If you respond to your interlocutor in a conflict with clever words, you will undoubtedly emerge victorious and raise your authority in the eyes of other people. To do this, of course, you need to replenish your lexicon scientific terms and slightly outdated, but worthy phrases. An ignorant person will not understand them immediately, but when using such phrases he will immediately feel awkward and will not know how to give an answer. Books are the very first source that can expand your vocabulary.

Psychological advice:

How to put an arrogant and rude person in his place, basic techniques for correct behavior

When rudeness occurs, a normal, adequate person experiences stress. But if you constantly get into arguments with people who love to scandalize, then life will proceed in constant stress and negativity.

You need to learn how to behave correctly with such people:

How can you put an arrogant person in his place without scandal and assault?

Arrogance, together with a disdainful attitude towards other people, is a fairly common vice nowadays. Such people, as a rule, do not understand that their behavior is wrong. Or they are proud of the fact that they are head and shoulders above others. You must be able to besiege such people without scandals and assault; it is better to put them in their place with a wise phrase than to give up and use force, this way your own reputation will be preserved.

You can put down an arrogant opponent with one phrase, a witty comment, laughter, ridicule. Any smart person, seeing the laughter of those around him, will immediately calm down. If jokes don't help, move on to "heavy artillery"- open sarcasm, while anger and anger should be left behind.

For every force there is another force. When a person is full of anger and resentment, it is not always possible to remain silent in response to his foul language. Sometimes I want to answer. How to answer without losing your temper and without stooping to the level of your interlocutor?

1. To talk with you on the same level, I need to lie down!..

2. I don't know what you eat for breakfast, but it really works! Intelligence tends to zero!

3. Just don’t take the headphones out of your ears. God forbid you chill your brain from the inside with a draft.

4. Should I see a psychologist? No, of course, thank you very much for the good advice, but you shouldn’t compare everyone to yourself.

5. You will open your mouth at the dentist.

6. To shock me, you will have to say something smart.

7. One more beep from your platform and your teeth will move.

8. So that you celebrate your wedding at McDonald's.

9. If it gave me pleasure to communicate with females, I would have had a dog long ago.

10. Mind like a shell.

11. Looking at you, I begin to understand that nothing human is alien to God. He has a great sense of humor.

12. Talk, talk... I always yawn when I'm interested!

13. You would decorate the world with your absence, before I took sin on my soul!

14. From positive qualities You only have the Rh factor.

15. I live opposite the cemetery. If you show off, you will live opposite me.

16. Is it you that everyone loves? Oh, well, yes, love is evil...

17. So that you could cover yourself with a teaspoon in the bathhouse!

18. - Girl, are you bored? - Not by that much…

19. Your right to your own opinion does not oblige me to listen to nonsense.

20. - you can’t put “thank you” in your pocket. - you can carry it in your hands!!!

21. Hey, you little rose! The tulip is out of here, otherwise you’ll turn gray like a dahlia!

22. I came to you with greetings, with an iron and a gun

24. It is better to be silent intelligently than to speak stupidly

25. Is this a bunch of words, or do I need to think about it?

26. Sorry for not living up to your stereotypes.

27. In some heads thoughts come to die

28. Him: Shall we go to you or shall we go to me?
She: At the same time. You - to yourself, and I - to myself.

29. Has the verbal oil well dried up?

30. Madhouse on the road, psychos in nature!

31. What are you watching? Are you in a museum or what? Now I’ll arrange a cultural event for you in two acts without intermission! If I give you a slap, your head will fly off

32. What do you think, that if you yell at me louder, I will listen more quietly?

33. Now you can take your glasses home from me. In different pockets.

34. Your style of speech reminds me of the market talk of the distant nineties at the end of the last century.

35. And don't laugh! Laughing for no reason is a sign that a person is either an idiot or a pretty girl. If you want to convince me of the latter, first shave.

How to respond in specific situations. Examples!

1. Agree with the person who insults you. Classic:

- Yes, you are a complete fool and an idiot!
- Yes. I have a certificate too! Do you think it’s very smart to prove something to a fool?

- You're just a fool!
- Agree! This is because you constantly have to talk to fools.

– I’m not satisfied with your answers!
– What questions, such answers!

– Yes, I’m smarter than all of you combined!
- Certainly! After all, you are crazy. I wish I had a watchman for this shed...

2. Take a statement directed at you to the point of absurdity:

- Hey, slow down!
– I can’t, there must be only one brake. (It’s impossible, our pair already has one brake!)

- What are you doing?
- I'm doing it in my pants.

– Why are you scamming me now?
– And now who do you consider yourself to be, a bee or a rabbit?

3. Turn a negative statement into a positive one:

- You are a horse!
– If it weren’t for the suckers, where would you be now?

- There are only idiots around!
– Is it unusual for you to feel smart?

– What kind of phone is being grabbed when I’m talking to you?!
– I also prefer to talk to smart people!

4. Press the person “too weakly.” After all, no one likes to feel like a weakling:

– You’re dancing somehow crappy..
– I’m not dancing, I’m just moving my legs so you don’t crush them on me... (And you know how great I am at cross-stitching!)

-What are you babbling about?
- It’s strange, but others like my speech... Don’t you have a sense of beauty, or have hearing problems?

– Are you pretending to be smart?
– Do you have problems communicating with smart people?

5. What do you want?

- Well, why are you quiet?
– Did you already want to get to the surgeon’s table by this time?

- Well, who is brave here?
“You talk to me like that, as if your subscription to the emergency room is disappearing.”

– You are a simple housewife!
– Would you like me to be a currency prostitute?

We need to fight rudeness! Remember, when you are rude and you want to cry, it means the interlocutor has achieved his goal. I have asserted myself at your expense and been strengthened by a considerable share of your energy! Do not encourage this behavior under any circumstances!

Unfortunately, the culture of society is decreasing every year, so it is not at all surprising to meet boors in transport, in a store, or just on the street. However, it’s not as scary when random passersby allow too much, like those people you see every day. These could be work colleagues, bosses and even relatives. To fight back against such people, it is not enough to simply raise your voice or respond in kind, because such a reaction can cause many consequences. How to put a person in his place in this case? The easiest way is to use one of the guaranteed methods that will allow you to emerge victorious in any situation and not aggravate the conflict even more.

Learn to understand the situation

The first thing you need to do is not just choose any method that allows you to repel boors, but understand how best to act in a specific situation. Many people, having read some general advice, immediately try to put them into practice, which further aggravates the situation. You need to understand that, for example, if your manager is rude to you, then showing aggression or harsh language may well cost you your job. In this case, the whole struggle becomes completely pointless, because you could simply quit and never see such a person again without any dialogue or attempts to reason with him.

It is also worth understanding that if your relatives are rude to you, then choosing the right method most often depends on the specific situation. If you fail, you can turn even more numbers against you. For example, if you have a strained relationship with your mother-in-law, who constantly interferes in your personal life, any raised voices, insults and accusations can completely destroy your entire family, after which any struggle again becomes pointless. Therefore, you need to learn:

  • Understand which method of resistance is best applicable in your situation;
  • Weigh the pros and cons;
  • Be absolutely confident in what you do and say;
  • Use raised tones and rudeness in response in the rarest cases.
Perhaps the same response will work for one person out of ten, but more often than not it will not help much. If you yell at the person who is yelling at you, both parties to the conflict will come out losers.
Otherwise, try to act as gently and delicately as possible. At a minimum, this will prevent you from causing harm in cases where your attempts are unsuccessful.

No. 1 Ignoring and silence

Do you want to know how to beautifully put someone in their place? Then learn to ignore it. Moreover, do not try to tolerate his rudeness by withdrawing into yourself. This will not only not stop most aggressors, but will even increase their zeal. You need to ignore as demonstratively as possible, expressing with all your gestures that you are above the situation in which you find yourself. For example, if you are constantly being pestered by your boss, try to ignore everything that is not related to your work, passing only those comments that are relevant.

It is not without reason that they say that calmness is an insurmountable obstacle for any boor. Therefore, remember that tolerating and ignoring are completely different things. Arm yourself and the number of unpleasant situations in your life will rapidly go to zero.

#2 Smile

Another powerful weapon that can often surpass even ignoring. If a conscious reluctance to react to third-party aggression or insults can cause a real attack of anger in a person, then a smile is a “weapon” on a completely different level. She rather suppresses the manifestation of aggression than reflects it on the boor. You may have probably noticed situations where some people just have to smile and all the negativity towards them instantly disappears.

You also need to understand that a smile is different from a smile. There are people whose smile can cause the opposite feelings. Also, do not mix a smile and a mockery; the latter is not the best The best way pacification conflict situations. Finally, a smile suggests that even in the case of open rudeness, it is impossible to get a person to show the same emotions, therefore even the most persistent aggressor will very quickly lose interest. Thus, to put such people in their place, you just need to smile, thereby responding to their manifestations of rudeness. After this, it is unlikely that anyone will want to continue to behave in the same spirit.

#3 Mirror effect

One of the most universal methods that works both in a team and in any public place. However, the only downside is that it requires people around you, even random passers-by. In a personal conversation, he acts much worse, although even in such a situation he cannot be called useless.

The basis is the reflection of all aggression on the one who generates it. For example, if something doesn’t work out for you at work and your boss, in front of the whole team, constantly puts you in an awkward position by making frequent comments, try to “return” everything back. You can publicly ask him to show you how to do it right.

This method works especially well in cases where you are confident that you are right and know your business. Then, having tried to do something better than you, the aggressor will very quickly encounter the same problems. After this, he is unlikely to pester you, although such people often try to find another reason for showing rudeness. However, it is important to remember that any situation can be turned against a person, thereby getting rid of his boorish attitude. At the very least, it will keep him in line.

#4 Consent

As a rule, the expression of rudeness is most often designed to ensure that a person will not be able to fight back. You need to understand that real cowards who take advantage of power, the state of affairs, subordination and other conditions often behave this way. In this case, you can disarm the boor, not just by putting him in his place, but also by depriving him of any desire to continue. To do this, try to support him in every possible way and agree with everything he says. If there are slight notes of irony and sarcasm in your tone, this will further enhance the effect, but do not overdo it. Even the best way to fight back can lead to completely unexpected consequences if you go too far.

For example, if your boss tells you that you are incompetent, try jokingly agreeing with him. There will be no loss of dignity in this gesture, but you will be able to put him in his place once and for all. As a rule, such people expect in every possible way that in response to their accusations and aggression, they will begin to argue with them, swear, or show emotions. In this case, consent completely discourages the “attacker,” forcing him to stop all attempts to get at you.

№5 Psychological techniques and politeness

It's no secret that most often boors are notorious people who, for some reason, feel superior to others. That is why they can afford boorish statements and ridicule towards specific people. In this case, you should never go to their level and respond in kind. Politeness is one of the most powerful weapons that allows you to save face in any situation. Even if they are rude to you and use obscenities, try not to do the same in response. At a minimum, this will make it clear to the aggressor that you are excellent.

You can also use the so-called “Socratic Method”. It is based on a way to force the aggressor to answer questions that can only be answered with a strict “yes” or “no.” In such cases, it is very easy to lead the boor into a logical dead end. Simply put, he will shut himself up. For example, if you are constantly required to perform certain duties at work, without skimping on expressions, ask whether they are on the list of your job responsibilities. In addition, ask if you are paid extra for them? Such a move will easily discourage the boorish boss and all his nagging will be completely unsuccessful.

#6 Frontal attack

This is probably the most daring and even daring way to put a boor in his place, regardless of his authority. To do this, you just need to ask why a person allows himself to behave this way towards you and who gave him such a right. As a rule, most boors cannot answer this question, especially if it is asked in public. Even in the case of personal hostility, the aggressor will not have anything to answer and how to justify his behavior.

It is also important to understand that the question must be asked without expressing reverse aggression. Try asking in a tone that sounds like you're trying to find out where to find the nearest store. Keep cool, don't raise your tone, and any boor will not be able to resist such a formidable weapon.

#7 Always maintain your dignity

Remember that sometimes looking decent in difficult situation much more important than shutting up another boor, even if you are forced to see him every day. Often people advise each other to start being rude in response, which is a fatal mistake. In this case, you will not only begin to become like a boor, but moreover, you will do it consciously. Instead, always try to be composed and show that you are in complete control of yourself. Also, feel free to use sarcasm, a sense of humor, and other types of “verbal weapons.”

Keep in mind that retaliatory aggression can lead to the conflict becoming physical, which can already cause problems with law enforcement agencies. In this case, any attempts to put the boor in his place with the help of fists will put you in an awkward and obviously losing position.
