A lesson for the world around us - daily routine. Presentation for a lesson on the world around us on the topic “schoolchildren’s daily routine”

A lesson for the world around us - daily routine.  Presentation for a lesson on the world around us on the topic


Daily regime

Learning task

Purpose of the topic

learn to plan your daily routine

Form a concept about the schoolchild’s daily routine

Show the importance of following it

Planned result

Learn to create a daily routine; understand the importance of maintaining a daily routine

Organization of space

Work is frontal, individual, in groups.


Activity student

Activity teachers

Training and development tasks for each stage

Formed UUD

I stage. Organizational moment. Target - activation of students.

Formulate rulesbehavior in class andargue them.

Set children up forwork.

I stage. Organizing time. -

They say: the clock is standing,

They say: the clock is rushing,

They say: the clock is ticking,

But they are a little behind.

Mishka and I watched together,

And the clock hangs in place.

Maintain motivation to study,(Personal UUD). Be able to negotiate with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication andfollow them.(Communicative UUD). Communicative UUD Personal UUD

II stage. Update knowledge. Target- synthesis of existing knowledge

Lesson topic message.

Participate in discussion, formulate your ownopinion and argue his.

Analyze drawings, learn to express their assumptions and give reasons for them

Organizefrontal workinto the discussion of problematicquestions.

Involve students in discussion of problematic issuesquestionsand determining the topic of the lesson

II stage. Updating knowledge.

What do you mean the clock is standing?

Is the clock fast?

Is the clock ticking?

But a little behind?

Why does a person need a watch?

(we already know that to be healthy, you need to move a lot, eat properly, and dress properly.

How to manage everything? A watch will help with this)

1) p. 52 textbooks (slide 1)

Consider the clock. What are you doing at the time they show?

- What do you think will be discussed in class today?

Lesson topic: Schoolchild’s daily routine

Why is the daily routine so important that we will devote an entire lesson to it?

Show interest in new educational material.(Personal UUD).

Be able to (Cognitive UUD).

Ill stage. Learning new things material.

Target - Introduce students to the schoolchild’s daily routine

Participate in work onanalyzing the drawing

Carry out mutualcontrol and providecooperation necessarymutual assistance.

Evaluate correctnesscompleting tasks.

Participate in the discussion of problematic issues,formulate your ownopinion and arguehis.

Organize work in groups to study a new topic.

Providecontrolfor the implementationtasks.

Game “Place in order” p. 53 (slide No. 2) Work in groups

Arrange the pictures in the correct sequence


Physical exercise.


IV stage. Consolidation studied.

Target – consolidate acquired knowledge

Work with informationpresented in the formdrawing.,

formulate your ownopinion and arguehis.

Organize work, providecontrolfor completing the task.Organizework according to the assignment in the workbook.Include studentsinto discussion of issues.

Organize front-line work.


1. slave notebook

S. 13, No. 20

interactive board

Why is it so important to follow a daily routine?

Can a person who is sick or tired or wants to sleep manage everything?

It is very important that your sleep is sound, they say healthy.

How should you properly prepare for bed in order to get enough sleep and have a good rest?P. 54


What conclusion can we draw?

(take a walk outside, ventilate the room, take a shower, read a book) P. 54 Conclusion - The ABC of health.

L: understand emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize;

R: use speech to regulate their actions, perform some in a loud speech form.

P: find answers to questions in the text, illustrations;draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the class and the teacher;

TO: participate in a collective discussion of various issues, express your thoughts and feelings, and make value judgments. Listen to the statements of classmates, allow for the possibility of other points of view. Follow the rules of communication culture.

Subject Skills: know, how to properly manage your time

V stage. Lesson summary. Reflection activities.

Target - summarize work done in class.

VII . Lesson summary. Reflection of activity.

- What did you learn in the lesson?

I remembered


It was interesting to me

I would like to

9. Lesson summary. Reflection:

What is a daily routine?

Why is it necessary to maintain a daily routine?

At home: create your own daily routine

Show interest in new educational material.(Personal UUD).

Be able tonavigate your knowledge system: distinguish new things from what is already known with the help of a teacher,make comparisons, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build reasoning about an object, generalize.(Cognitive UUD).

Sections: Primary School

“Remember firmly that the regime
People need everything.”


  • introduce students to the daily routine of a schoolchild,
  • develop personal hygiene skills,
  • cultivate neatness, organization, hard work,
  • learn to draw conclusions, work with a dictionary, textbook,
  • expand your horizons, vocabulary,
  • instill interest in the subject.


Cards with the names of routine moments, drawings depicting routine moments, a computer, a disk with the presentation “Schoolchildren’s daily routine,” a screen, a projector, a tape recorder, a cassette with an audio task, a textbook “The world around us” in grade 1 by Z. I. Klepinina, a workbook , objects (bag, candy, toy, bell, perfume, book “The Human Body”), epigraph, owl, scarf.

During the classes

I. Repetition of learned material

– What is the world around us?
– What two groups can the entire world around us be divided into?
– How do we understand the world around us?
– How many sense organs does a person have?

The game “Magic Bag” is played.

Students take turns taking various objects out of the bag and, with their eyes closed, must use a certain sense organ to recognize this object and name the organ that helped in identifying the object:

candy - taste organ (tongue),
bell – organ of hearing (ears),
toy – organ of touch (skin),
perfume – the organ of smell (nose),
a book on the topic “Man” – the organ of vision (eyes).

II. Introductory conversation

– What was your day like before school?

- Now you have come to school. How do you structure your day now? ( Listen to the stories of 3-4 students.)

– How are the guys’ days similar to each other? What is the difference?

-What is this routine called?

– How do you understand what a daily routine is?

– Let’s turn to the dictionary and look at the interpretation of this expression in the textbook’s dictionary, page 134.

III. Presentation showing and teacher explanation

– What should a schoolchild’s daily routine be like? Slide 1. (Cm. Annex 1)

7.00 – rise.

7.00–7.20 – morning exercises ( slide 2), water procedures ( slide 3).

– Teeth need careful care. Now I will give you some tips on caring for your teeth.

Physical education minute

If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
On the wrong advice
Say: no, no, no.

Constantly need to eat
For your teeth
Fruits, vegetables, omelette,
Cottage cheese, yogurt.
Is my advice good?

Don't bite the cabbage leaf
It's completely, completely tasteless.
Better eat chocolate
Waffles, sugar, marmalade.
Is this the right advice?

Lyuba told her mother:
I won't brush my teeth.
And now with our Lyuba.
A hole in every, every tooth.
What will be your answer?

To give shine to teeth
You need to take shoe polish.
Squeeze out half a tube
And brush your teeth?
Is this the right advice?

“Then you need to make the bed and get dressed.” Schoolchildren must make and clean their own bed. How many of you have already learned to make your bed?

7.20–7.40 – breakfast ( slide 4).

Schoolboy - cheerful and cheerful -
He sits at the table, set.
Hearty breakfast before school
Gobbles it up with gusto.

7.40–8.00 – way to school ( slide 5).

8.10–11.30 – training sessions ( slide 6), which necessarily alternate with breaks.

Sound task: listen to the sound task and determine which part of the break is recorded in it: the beginning of the break, the break or the end of the break. Prove your choice.

Recording of sound task 3: the bell rings, children run, the door slams, children sit down.

11.30–13.00 – road home from school, rest ( slide 7).

13.00–13.30 – lunch (slide 8).

Eat quietly at the table
Don't swallow like a lioness.
It's harmful, and at the same time
You might choke.

13.30–14.30 – afternoon rest (sleep) ( slide 9).

14.30–15.30 – time in the air: walk, games ( slide 10).

15.30–17.00 – preparing lessons ( slide 11) (every 30–35 minutes take breaks for 5–10 minutes).

17.00–19.00 – time outdoors, help around the house ( slide 12).

19.00–20.30 – dinner, free activities ( slide 13), portfolio preparation.

20.30–21.00 – getting ready for bed ( slide 14).

Before going to bed, it is useful to play quiet games or read. This transition to sleep becomes more natural, and calm and deep sleep occurs faster.

Before going to bed, be sure to brush your teeth, ventilate the room, and if the room is large enough, then leave the window or transom open.

21.00–7.00 – sleep.

IV. Consolidating material (practical work)

1. Work according to the textbook.

– Look at the pictures on page 14 and tell me what the boy is doing and at what time?

– Do you have these types of activities in your daily routine? What time do you do them?

– But each of you may have some peculiarities in your daily routine that are not included in the general regime (each child can make adjustments to his daily routine, since children attend various clubs and sports sections).

Physical education minute

They stood up together. One two Three!
We are now heroes! ( Hands to the side.)
We'll put our palms to our eyes,
Let's spread our strong legs.

Turning to the right
Let's look around majestically,
And you need to go left too
Look from under your palms.

And to the right, and again
Over the left shoulder.
Let's place our legs with the letter “l”.
Just like dancing, hands on hips.

Leaned left, right.
It turns out great!

– What types of activities alternate in your daily routine? ( Work and rest.)

– Work and rest in the daily routine necessarily replace each other - they alternate. By performing one type of activity, a person takes a break from another.

If you strive
Follow the routine
You will become a better student
You'd better rest.

– What types of labor (educational, mental and physical) are included in the daily routine?

– What types of recreation (walks, games, sleep) are included in it?

– The most important type of rest during the day is sleep. A person will rest well if his sleep is restful. It has been established that sleep is affected by what a person does before going to bed. Look at the pictures in the textbook. What activity before bed is shown in the picture?

– Activities before bed should be calm. Give your examples of such activities.

2. Work in a notebook (p. 7).

– How does following or not following a daily routine affect a child’s health? Prove it, give examples.

V. Reinforcing the topic

1. Completing the task “Help the animals.”

- Look at the pictures. Have the animals learned well what their daily routine is?

2. Working with cards.

– Our guest is Sovushka, a smart little head. She has prepared a task for you: arrange the cards with the names of the regime moments in order, where should we start the day?

VI. Lesson summary

– What is the daily routine? Why is it important to comply with it?

– What did you remember from the lesson?

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Slide captions:

The world around us Primary school teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 14 of Yeisk Paramonova Lyudmila Viktorovna Daily routine

Health is the correct, normal functioning of the whole organism.

This daily routine was written for me. I won’t be late for anything, because I follow the daily routine.

What is a daily routine? What should a schoolchild's daily routine be like? Why do you need to follow a daily routine?

A schoolchild’s daily routine is a routine of wakefulness and sleep, alternation of various types of activities and rest during the day.

7.00 - Get up

7.15 – Morning exercises

7.30 – Wash and brush teeth

7.40 – Breakfast

8.00-8.30 – Road to school

8.30 – 13.05 – Lessons at school

13.05-14.20 – Way home, lunch and rest.

14.20 – 16.00 – homework completion

16.00 – Afternoon snack

16.20 -18.00 – Help around the house

18.00 -21.00 – Dinner and games

21.00 – Go to bed

VI X VII IX XII 10 9 6 7 12

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Dotsoeva Zalina Soltanovna

Lesson topic: About your daily routine.

Lesson type: combined.

Technologies: information and communication, personality-oriented

Form of conduct: group, individual.

Target setting: justify the need to maintain a daily routine.


    To help students develop an active position in acquiring knowledge, to introduce them to the student’s daily routine, the rules for crossing the street, and to instill personal hygiene skills.

    To promote the development of students' horizons, vocabulary, interest in the world around them, and the ability to work with a textbook and notebook.

    Cultivate neatness, organization, and hard work.

    Equipment: media projector, laptop, recording music for relaxation, multimedia presentation “Schoolchildren’s daily routine”, Samkova V.A., Romanova N.I. The world around us. Textbook for 1st grade. - M.: “Russian Word”, 2011. Workbook for 1st grade. Cards with names of regime moments, drawings depicting regime moments,

During the classes.

    Org. moment.

Well, check it out, my friend,

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place?

Is everything alright?

Pen, books and notebooks?

Is everyone sitting correctly?

Is everyone watching carefully?

Let's start our lesson!

Smile at each other. You're in a great mood. And we are ready to work in class. (Listen to the teacher, hear each other, prove, think, reason.)

Now we'll have a weather forecaster's moment.

    Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson. (Slide 2)

Guys, do you recognize the character from the cartoon?

What do you think Moidodyr says to him?

Do you want to be like this boy? Why? (Children's assumptions.)

What can a violation of hygiene rules lead to?

What should you do to be healthy? (Children's guesses)

Indeed, health depends on many things, including a healthy lifestyle. The main components of a healthy lifestyle include: nutrition, everyday life, and organization of educational work and recreation, i.e. compliance with the daily routine, attitude towards bad habits, as well as attitude towards physical education. (slide 3-4)

Now you have come to school. What do they call you? (Pupils, schoolchildren)

Right. You have become schoolchildren, and you have new responsibilities. What are they? (Go to school, do homework, listen to the teacher.)

What do you think should be done to not get tired at school, to be healthy and cheerful all day? (Children's assumptions.)

Today in class we will talk about the daily routine. This is the topic of our lesson, in which we will try to create our own daily routine.

I propose to build our lesson according to this plan (the plan is written on the board).

III. Learning new material.(slide 5)

Guys, what is your daily routine? (children's answers).

A daily routine is a certain rhythm of life when different types of your activities alternate.

Guys, why do you need a daily routine? Why do you need to follow such a daily routine? (answers)

Indeed, guys, when adults and children do not follow the simplest daily routine, a lot of trouble appears. They don’t have time, are late, forget to do something in a hurry, get tired quickly, start to get nervous, quarrel with others, etc. And people get tired not so much from the fact that they work a lot, but from the fact that they organize their work incorrectly and do not follow a daily routine. The fact is that all physiological processes in our body occur in a certain rhythm. And if you get used to a strict alternation of wakefulness, sleep, games, rest, and eating, then you can always be healthy and achieve success in any activity. Daily implementation of a rational daily routine, in addition to its great hygienic significance - maintaining and strengthening health, is of no small importance for successful learning. Children become accustomed to neatness, order, neatness, learn to value and save time, spend it economically, and get used to working consistently, diligently, and carefully. A child accustomed to a routine will always have time to study at school and at home, to rest, walk and play, to help parents with housework (this should be provided for in the daily routine). Habits developed in childhood make work easier and often last a lifetime.

Let's remember the main points from the regime that are the same for almost everyone.

Children have signs on their desks (getting up; water procedures, exercises, breakfast; road to school; classes at school; road home; lunch; rest, walk, visiting sections, clubs; help around the house; dinner; reading books; sleep). When the teacher reads the daily routine, children attach signs.

How does a schoolchild's day begin? (Children's answers.)

Of course, from the rise.

7.00-7.05 – rise ( slide 6)

But for some it is not so easy to part with the bed.

(Staging of the poem)

The bed grabbed my shoulder:

I won’t let you go, sleep some more!

I escaped, but the sheet

She grabbed my leg:

Wait, my friend,

You can't run away!

You'll have to lie down a little longer!

Getting up is unpleasant.-

The wadded blanket whispered.

Take your time, sleep for an hour!

At least half an hour, at least half a minute.

But I jumped up and shouted:

I conquered laziness today!

And this will happen every day!

After awakening, residual effects of lethargy are felt in the body: lethargy, drowsiness. In order to help the body quickly gain vigor and restore efficiency, it is necessary to perform gymnastics. Under the influence of physical exercise, the heart accelerates blood through the vessels faster, breathing increases, and brain function improves.

7.05–morning exercises ( slide 7)

What do you think happens in our body when we exercise? (answers)

During physical activity, our muscles work harder, so they need more oxygen. The heart, which works continuously, is forced to pump blood harder and faster to deliver more oxygen to the muscles. If you do morning exercises every day, your heart becomes stronger. And it will work better all the time, and not only when the muscles need oxygen.

“Then you need to make the bed and get dressed.” Schoolchildren must make and clean their own bed. How many of you have already learned to make your bed?

After charging, water treatments are necessary.

7.20–water procedures ( slide 8)

The word “hygiene” means “healthy” in Greek. Hygiene is a science that deals with health protection, disease prevention, etc.

And here is the first task on this page: read the motto of a person who strives to be healthy.


Answer: Cleanliness is the key to health.

Now guess the riddles and tell me what you need to have to maintain hygiene rules.

Wet me with water, I look like a hedgehog,

Rub it with your hand. But he doesn't ask for food.

As soon as I start walking on my neck, it will run through my clothes -

You'll look better right away. She will become cleaner.

(soap) (clothes brush)

As many as 25 cloves. Lay down in the pocket and guard

For curls and tufts. Roaring, crying and dirty.

And under each tooth there are streams of tears in the morning,

The hair will lie in a row. I won't forget about the nose.

(comb) (handkerchief)

Bone back, Waffle, striped,

There are bristles on the abdomen. Smooth, shaggy.

Jumped along the picket fence, Always at hand -

All the dirt was kicked out. What it is?

(toothbrush) (towel)

Children are given pictures of personal hygiene items. Of these, you need to choose those that cannot be shared with others, that are intended only for personal use (for example, a toothbrush, washcloth, towel, comb, etc.)

To be healthy, a person must adhere to the rules of hygiene not only in the morning, but also during the day, and in the evening, and before meals, and before bed. Don't forget about good hygiene guys.

7.30 – breakfast ( slide 9).

Schoolboy - cheerful and cheerful -
He sits at the table, set.
Hearty breakfast before school
Gobbles it up with gusto.

Nutrition occupies an important place in the daily routine, and food intake is recorded more than once: breakfast, lunch, dinner. And for some you can see such a division: first breakfast, second breakfast (apparently at school), lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. A person continuously expends energy to perform his actions. This energy enters our body as a result of metabolism: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These substances come to us with food. Energy is needed not only for work, but also for the growth and development of your body. You can, of course, eat only what you like or eat little. But then, in both cases, the body lacks the nutrients so necessary for good health, good study and work.

What foods are good for you to eat? Why? ( slides 10-11)

Guys, please name the nutrition rules that you know (children can prepare cards with the rules in advance and read them in class).


    You need to eat at the same time every day.

    Before eating, you should wash your hands with soap.

    You need to eat foods that are healthy and necessary for health.

    You need to eat not very quickly and not very slowly.

    Each piece must be chewed thoroughly.

    Don't overeat.

    Sweets can only be eaten after meals.

    After eating, you need to rest a little.


8.00 – way to school ( slide 12).

Guys, what do you need to know to get to school safely? (Traffic Laws.)

Right. What traffic rules do you know? (Children's answers.)

How to cross the road correctly? (First look left, cross the street to the middle, then look right and cross further.) ( slides 13-14)

Pedestrians must remember:

There are traffic lights -

Submit to them without argument!

Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move.

The green light opened the way:

The boys can cross!

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Be careful on the street, children.

Remember these rules firmly!

Fizminutka (slide 15)

8.30 – training sessions ( slide 16), which necessarily alternate with changes.

Let's remember, what can you do during recess? What games can you play? (You can draw, play a board game, sedentary games: “Stream”, “Water”, “Giant Dwarfs”).

12.10 – way home from school. (slide 17)

Guys, what do you need to know again to get safely from school to home? (Observe traffic rules.)

13.00–lunch ( slide 18).

Eat quietly at the table
Don't swallow like a lioness.
It's harmful, and at the same time
You might choke.

What can you do after lunch? (slide 19)

13.30-15.00 – time in the air: walk, games ( slide 20).

Guys, why is it important to be outdoors every day?

Each of us has our own favorite activities, so we can attend hobby groups.

15.00-17.00 - hobby groups. ( slide 21).

In the evening the whole family gets together.

18.00–18.30 – dinner. ( Slide 22)

What do you guys like to do in the evening? ( slide 23).

19.00 - free classes, preparing a portfolio.

How do you prepare your portfolio? (Children's answers.)

What do you think you can do before bed? (It's good to play quiet games or read before bed.)

Right. This transition to sleep becomes more natural, and calm and deep sleep occurs faster. Before going to bed, be sure to brush your teeth, ventilate the room, and if the room is large enough, then leave the window open or open the window slightly. Sleep plays an important role in organizing a healthy lifestyle. Only during sleep does the nervous system receive complete rest and restore the body's performance. I. I. Pavlov called sleep “protective inhibition.” Sufficient sleep ensures normal daytime activity not only of the brain, but of the entire body as a whole. A child who does not get enough sleep is inattentive, does not listen well to the teacher, is distracted, and irritable. Prolonged lack of sleep can lead to nervous diseases (neuroses) and anemia. Let's get acquainted with the rules of healthy sleep.

Children read the rules.


1. You need to go to bed at the same time.

2. You can’t eat before going to bed.

3. You can’t watch horror movies before bed, it makes you nervous.

4. Before going to bed, you need to wash your face and brush your teeth.

5. For hardening, pouring your feet in the evening is very important.

7. You can’t do homework before bed.

8. You need to sleep at least 9 – 10 hours.

9. You need to sleep in silence, on a comfortable bed.

10. Don’t forget to open the window slightly before going to bed or ventilate the room.

11. You need to sleep in comfortable clothes.

12. It is healthier to sleep on your back.


And then you will have a good rest overnight. You will have beautiful and good dreams.

How do you sleep?

The horse usually sleeps standing up.

You shouldn't sleep standing.

You don't have that many legs

It's better to go to bed, my friend.

Chickens and pigeons together

Sitting dozing on a perch.

Sitting up to sleep is not very sweet,

You have a crib.

The cat is sleeping, curled up in a ball,

The velvet belly warms.

Let's not imitate him

Sleeping in a ball is harmful to people.

Tied the body in a knot,

A boa constrictor sleeps under a tree.

Well tell me, what an eccentric

Will you sleep in bed like this?

The wind breathes in the curtain,

The curtain sways a little,

Sleep comes in silence

Sleep peacefully on your back.

21.00 - sleep ( slide 24).

IV. Consolidation of knowledge.

Let's check how you remember the rules of the daily routine. Now let's open the notebooks. Look carefully at the pictures. ( slide 25)

What did the artist get wrong? (The operating moments are not in order.)

We need to arrange the pictures correctly using the arrows. What do we need for work? (Plain pencil)

So, where does a schoolchild’s day begin? (from the rise). So this is our first picture. What's next? (As the children answer, arrows appear on the slide from one picture to another.) (slide26)

2) charging

3) breakfast

4) way to school

7) outdoor games

8) free classes, preparing a portfolio.

V. Lesson summary.

What new did you learn in class today?

To drive away melancholy and laziness, get up every day

It is necessary at exactly seven o'clock, opening the window bolts.

Do light exercises and clean your crib.

Take a shower, eat breakfast, and then sit down at your desk!

After school, relax, but don't lie around.

Help your mother at home, go for walks, get stronger!

After lunch, you can sit down to complete the tasks.

Everything is fine if there is will and effort.

We always follow a strict daily routine.

At the appointed hour we go to bed, at the appointed hour we get up.

We don't care about illness!

What moments of the lesson did you remember most?

What was easy?

What was difficult?

I hope that thanks to our lesson you will be able to properly organize your day and will not be too tired. At home, create your daily routine. Remember that daily routine is very important for a person. ( slide 27)

Because you listened carefully,

All tasks were completed diligently

I want to give you pictures.

Color the pictures and follow your daily routine.

This concludes our lesson. Thank you for the lesson!

List of used literature

    Derekleeva N.I. Motor games, training and health lessons. 1-5 grades. – M.: VAKO, 2004.

    Kovalko V.I. Physical education school: grades 1-4. – M.: VAKO, 2005

    Maksimova T.N. Class hours: 1st grade. - M.: VAKO, 2008.

    Obukhova L.A., Lemyaskina N.A., Zhirenko O.E. New 135 health lessons, or School of Doctors of Nature (grades 1-4). – M.: VAKO, 2007.

    Samkova V.A., Romanova N.I. Textbook “The World around us” 1st grade - M.: “Russian Word”, 2011.

6. Zeleeva S.G., Grineva E.A., Samkova V.A. Workbook for the textbook “The world around us, grade 1” - M.: “Russkoe Slovo”, 2011.

7. Samkova V.A., Romanova N.I. Methodological recommendations for the textbook “The world around us, grade 1”. Book for teachers.

8. Fefilova E. P., Potorochina E. A. Lesson developments for the course

"The world". 1st grade. 2nd edition, revised. And extra + ABC of nature

in poems, riddles, counting rhymes, outdoor games. M.: - "VAKO", 2005.

9. Yarovaya L.N., Barylkina L.P., Tsybina T.I. Extracurricular activities.

1st grade - 2nd edition - M.: VAKO, 2005.

10. Internet resources: .http://tatuirovkaa.ru/fiziches...


