Phrases for dating in English or how to start a dialogue. Simple and interesting dialogues for preschoolers and primary school children with voiceovers English conversational phrases for acquaintance

Phrases for dating in English or how to start a dialogue.  Simple and interesting dialogues for preschoolers and primary school children with voiceovers English conversational phrases for acquaintance

We welcome the reader interested in learning English!

A new day has arrived – another Friday – and that means it’s time for a new article!

Dialogue in English and its structure We have already looked at it, now we will pay attention to a detailed examination of its various forms. We offer learn phrases in English when meeting people. After all, we can say with confidence that a huge advantage in learning English is the opportunity to meet and communicate with native speakers.

Schematically, dating in English can be represented as follows:

1. Greeting.

2. Presentation.

3. Summary/interest part.

4. Farewell.

Below are standard greetings, questions for getting to know each other in English, and - in addition - other useful multiple-choice phrases needed to start and end a conversation.

1. Greeting:

  • Hello! - Hello!
  • Hi! - Hello!
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening! – Good morning/afternoon/evening!
  • How are you? - How are you?

2. Presentation:

4. Farewell:

  • Good-bye! - Goodbye!
  • Bye! - Bye!
  • See you soon! - See you soon!
  • Good luck! - Good luck!
  • I hope to see you soon. - I hope we see each other soon.
  • I've got to go / I have to go. - I have to go.

English school in Kyiv Native English School is always glad to see people who are interested in English. We are happy to adjust the course of study, adjusting it to your goals and making the learning process as interesting and useful as possible for our students.

Get to know new people using English phrases for dating, ask all your questions when meeting in English and don’t be shy. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes.

Dialogue in English, including acquaintance, involves a conversation between two or more people. We offer you short dialogues as a clear example of how this communication can take place.

- Good afternoon! - Good afternoon!

- Hello! - Hello!

-What's your name? - What is your name?

— My name is Sasha. - Sasha.

— Nice to meet you, Sasha. I'm William. – Nice to meet you, Sasha. I'm William.

— Nice to meet you too! William, where are you from? - Nice to meet you too! William, where are you from?

— I'm from Great Britain. - I am from the UK.

— I have always wanted to visit the UK. – I always wanted to visit the UK.

— It is an amazing country. You should come! – This is an amazing country. You should definitely go there!


- Hi! My name is Nick. I'm from United States.- Hello! My name is Nick, I'm from the USA.

- Hi, Nick! I'm Maria. - Hello, Nick! I am Mary.

— Pleased to meet you, Maria! – Glad to meet you, Maria!

— Nick, what are you doing in Ukraine? – Nick, what are you doing in Ukraine?

— I have just moved to Kiev and I am available to teach English. – I just moved to Kyiv and want to teach English.

- Oh, great! My English is not very strong. Maybe you can help me to improve my skills? - Great! My English is not very strong. Maybe you can help me improve my skills?

— Of course, I like that idea. Could I take your phone number? – Of course, I like this idea. Can I write down your phone number?

— My telephone number is 555-44-33. I will wait for your call. – My number is 555-44-33. I'll be waiting for your call.

— It’s time for me to leave but I hope to meet you again. “I have to go now, but I hope to see you soon.”

- Me too! - Me too!

* * *

- Hi! I'm Peter. And you are? - Hello! I'm Peter. And what is your name?

- Hi! I'm Ira. How's it going? - Hello! I'm Ira. How are you doing?

- Very well, thank you! How are you? - Very good thanks! How are you

- I’m fine, thanks! - OK, thank you!

— Could I have seen you somewhere? “Could I have seen you somewhere before?”

— We’ve met before at Nick’s birthday party. – Yes, we met at Nick’s birthday party.

- Sure! Will you come to his New Year’s party? – Exactly! Will you come to his New Year's party?

- Probably yes. When does it start? - I think yes. When will it start?

— On Saturday, 31st of December, at 8:00 pm. Catch you later then? – Saturday, December 31st, at 8 pm. See you then?

- Yes, see you at the party! - Yes, see you at the party!

Learning English is a serious, painstaking task on which you need to spend a sufficient amount of time.

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What is your name? [here is from her name] - What is your name?

The answer to this question is quite simple: My name is... [may name from] - my name is...

This is followed by the formula: Nice to meet you [nice to meet you] - nice to meet you.

Example of dialogue after greeting and introduction:
-Where are you from? [vea yu from] – where are you from? (From what country?)
- I am from Russia [ay em from Russia] - I am from Russia.
- And you? [end yu] - And you?

- I am from Germany [ay em from jomani] - I am from Germany.
If you need to introduce a third party, you should indicate who they are to you.
My friend [may friend] my friend.

My colleague [may kolyg] my colleague.
For example:

Let me introduce my son [let mi introduction may san] - let me introduce you to my son.

After exchanging a few formal phrases, you can ask about the affairs of the interlocutor. It should be taken into account that these questions are of a polite nature and it is customary to answer them briefly, without going into detail, since this is not customary in most European countries.
- How are you? [how a yu] - how are you?

- I am fine, thanks, and you? [ay em fine, sanks, and u] everything is fine, thank you, how are you doing?

For normal communication and to maintain a dialogue with a stranger at the proper level, knowledge of typical phrases is necessary. Using the following phrases, you can maintain a dialogue or end it politely.
Why have you come to…? – why did you come to...?
I’m having a holiday here - I’m on vacation.
I live in this country - I live in this country.
I study here - I am studying here.
I’m on business trip - I’m on a business trip.
I came to ... to study here - I came to ... to study.

I always wanted to live abroad
I agree - I agree.
Whenever you like - when you feel comfortable.
Good idea - good idea.
What about…? - What about…?
Just a minute - just a minute.
I see - I understand.

I hope to see you soon again - I hope we meet again.

In order to exchange contact information, you will need knowledge of the following vocabulary:
What is your phone number? – what is your phone number?
What is your email address? - What's your e-mail address?

At the end of the dialogue, you should say goodbye, wishing your interlocutor all the best. For this there are the following stable expressions:

Take care - take care of yourself.
Good buy - bye, goodbye.

Video lessons on dating in English

Life day after day opens up new perspectives for us and presents us with new acquaintances. It would seem that there is no reason to worry, but how to start a conversation correctly, introduce yourself or introduce someone else? This is one of the first questions that stands in the way of people starting to learn English.

Learning to conduct dialogue in English

Dialogue getting acquainted - getting acquainted

We offer you several dialogues that may be useful to you in one or another situation related to meeting and first communication between strangers in English

Introducing yourself - official introduction

Let's try to create an elementary dialogue of formal acquaintance. Let's assume that a student from England came to Russia to study at the Faculty of International Relations. Let's recreate his supposed acquaintance with the course curator.

  • Characters:
  • student

curator - tutor student:
Good morning!
Good morning! tutor:
Good morning young man!
curator - tutor Good morning, young man!
May I present myself?
Good morning! Let me introduce myself?
Yes, of course!
curator - tutor Yes, sure.
My name is Jack Higgins. I am a new student. May I know your name?
Good morning! My name is Jack Higgins. I'm a new student. May I know your name?
I am glad to meet you Jack! I am Ivan Sokolov, the dean of the university and your tutor.
curator - tutor Nice to meet you, Jack! I am Ivan Sokolov, dean of the university and your supervisor.
I am pleased to meet you, too.
Good morning! I am also glad to meet you.
Where are you from, Jack?
curator - tutor Where are you from, Jack?
I am from London and I am going to study at this university.
Good morning! I am from London and intend to study at your university.
I hope you will like studying here. Our professors and lecturers are eminently qualified.
curator - tutor I hope you enjoy studying here. Our professors and lecturers are highly qualified.
I am very happy to be here and I will do my best to succeed.
Good morning! I'm very happy to be here and will try my best to do well.
This is very good. If there are any questions, you can rely on me.
curator - tutor This is very good. If you have any questions, you can rely on me (you can contact me).
It is very kind of you.
Good morning! It's very kind of you.
I wish you good luck!
curator - tutor Thank you!
Thank you!
Good morning! See you later.
See you later.
curator - tutor Good bye!

(Don’t forget: to build the first dialogues, beginners need to learn the most commonly used words and phrases)

Now we will move this same student to a situation where the curator must introduce him to the group.

Introducing someone to a group - introducing one person to a group

  • Group

Good morning! Good morning, students!
Good morning, students!
group: Good morning, Mr. Sokolov!
Good morning, Mr. Sokolov!
Good morning! I would like you to meet your new mate -Jack Higgins.
I would like to introduce you to your new friend, Jack Higgins.
group: Welcome, Jack!
Welcome Jack!
Jack: Thank you! I am glad to meet you!
Thank you! I'm glad to meet you!
group: We are glad to meet you, too.
We are also glad to meet you.
Good morning! I hope you will get on with each other.
I hope you get along.
group: Sure we will!
Of course we'll get along!

Personal acquaintance - face-to-face acquaintance

How to meet people in English Jack: Hello!
Nick: Hi!
Jack: My name is Jack.
My name is Jack.
Nick: Nice to meet you, Jack. I am Nick.
Nice to meet you, Jack. I'm Nick.
Jack: I am glad to know you. Where are you from Nick?
I'm glad to meet you. Where are you from Nick?
Nick: I am from Wales. What about you?
I'm from Wales. So what about you?
Jack: I came from England.
I came from England.
Nick: So we are compatriots!
So we are compatriots!
Jack: We really do.
In fact! (This is true!)
Nick: Cool!
Jack: That's right, I could never imagine that I my neighbor in a foreign country will have the same roots as I do.
It’s true, I could never even imagine that in a foreign country my neighbor would be my fellow countryman.
Nick: I think we will become fine colleagues!
I think we will make great colleagues!
Jack: And friends!
And friends!
Nick: Good friends!
Good friends!

In the next dialogue, Nick will introduce Jack to Alex, who came into their room.

Third person introduction

Third person acquaintance Nick: Hi Alex! Do you know Jack?
Hi Alex! Have you met Jack?
Alex: Hi! I don’t think we have met before…
Hello! I don't think we've met...
Nick: Then, let me introduce my neighbor - Jack is a new student.
Then let me introduce my neighbor: Jack, a new student
Alex: I am glad to meet you, Jack.
Nice to meet you, Jack.
Jack: Nice to meet you, too.
It's nice to meet you too.
Alex: Where are you from?
Where are you from?
Nick: He is from England.
He's from England.
Jack: From London, particularly. And you... Where are you from, Alex?
From London in particular. And you... Where are you from, Alex?
Alex: I am from Riga.
I'm from Riga.
Jack: That's in Latvia. Nevertheless, your English is great! How did you manage to learn it so well?
This is in Latvia. However, your English is wonderful! How did you manage to learn it so well?
Alex: I graduated from an English language magnet school.
I graduated from a school with in-depth study of the English language.
Jack: Oh, I’m happy to meet you guys. As I’m not the only English-speaking student, it would be easier for me to study here.
Oh, I'm glad to meet you guys. Since I'm not the only English-speaking student, it will be easier for me to study here.
Nick: You're right. Now, let's have a snack!
You are right. Now let's have a snack!
Jack: That's a good idea!
Good idea!

We have presented to your attention several simple dialogues that are suitable even for beginners. They use both formal and informal English colloquial vocabulary, characteristic of the stage of acquaintance between two or more people.


In this article I propose to familiarize yourself with examples of dialogues on the topic “ Acquaintance" with the translation. It is worth noting that in English-speaking countries it is customary to start a dialogue with the question “How are you?”, even when addressing a stranger. In addition, when parting, it is considered polite to wish good luck or a good day/evening.

  • This dialogue contains basic greetings and useful phrases for meeting people.
- Hello! How are you? - Hello! How are you?
- Hello! I'm fine, thank you. And you? - Hello! Everything is fine, thank you. And you?
– I’m fine too. What's your name? - I'm good too. What is your name?
– My name is Bella White. And yours? - My name is Bella White. And you?
– Patrick Smith. — Patrick Smith.
– Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.
  • The second dialogue presents colloquial phrases for more informal communication.
- Hi there! What's up? - Hello! How are you
- Hi! Everything's fine. Have we met before? -Hello! Fine. Haven't we met before?
– I don’t think so. I'm Adam. And what's your name? - Don't think. I'm Adam. And what is your name?
– I’m Jenny, nice to meet you. - Jenny, nice to meet you.
— Do you often come to this bar, Jenny? -Do you come to this bar often, Jenny?
– Yes, this is my favorite place. And you? - Yes, this is my favorite place. And you?
– I come here every Wednesday. I just moved here two months ago. — I come here every Wednesday. I just moved here 2 months ago.
– How do you like London? - Do you like it in London?
– It’s great, thank you. Sorry, I have to go now. See you. - He's wonderful, thank you. I'm sorry I must go. See you.
– Have a nice evening! -Good evening!
  • This is where acquaintance happens at the wedding and also wears informal character.
- Hi! Are you alone here? What's your name? - Hello! Are you here alone? What is your name?
- Hey! I'm Greta. I don't know anyone here, except the bride. -Hello! My name is Greta. I don't know anyone here except the bride.
– Same. My friend brought me here tokeep her company. I'm Jason, by the way. -The same. My friend invited me to join her. By the way, my name is Jason.
– Nice to meet you, Jason. - Nice to meet you, Jason.
– Nice to meet you too. Wanna dance? - Me too. Don't you want to dance?
– Sure! - Certainly!
  • This example is university student dialogue.
- Hey! I'm an exchange student here. My name is Kate. And what's your name? - Hello! I'm an exchange student here. My name is Kate. And you?
- Hi! I'm Janis. Can I help you? -Hello! My name is Janice. I can help you?
– Actually, yes, I’m looking for a lecture-hall No. 4. -Actually yes, I'm looking for audience #4.
– Are you in professor Dannenberg’s class? - Are you in Professor Dannenberg's class?
- I think so. - I think yes.
- Great, me too. I'll show you the way. Where are you from? -Great, me too. I'll show you the way. Where are you from?
– I’m from Russia. - I'm from Russia.
– And when did you arrive? -When did you arrive?
– Just two days ago. I didn't even havetime to explore the city a little bit. -Just two days ago. I didn't even have time to explore the city even a little.
– Your English is very good. Have you been to England before? -You speak English very well. Have you been to England before?
- Thank you. No, this is my first time. -Thank you. No, this is my first time.
– Hope you’ll enjoy your stay! -I hope you enjoy it here!
  • Acquaintance between two foreigners in USA.
- Hello! I'm Vladimir. What is your name? - Hello! My name is Vladimir. What is your name?
- I'm Omar. Nice to meet you. -My name is Omar. Nice to meet you.
– Nice to meet you too. Where are you from? - Me too. Where are you from?
– I’m from Egypt but I have been livingin the United States for 4 years. What about you? - I'm from Egypt, but I've been living in the US for 4 years. And you?
– I’m from Russia. I've never been to the United States before. - I'm from Russia. I've never been to the USA before.
– It’s really nice here. I like the Statesmuch more than Egypt. There are morecareer opportunities in America, for example. - It's very nice here. I like the USA much more than Egypt. There are many more career opportunities here, for example.
- I see. And what do you do here? -It's clear. What are you doing here?
– I’m a surgeon. I graduated fromUniversity of Texas last year and now assist in hospital. -I'm a surgeon. I graduated from the University of Texas last year and am now working as an assistant at a hospital.
– That’s impressive! - This is impressive!
- And what do you do? -What are you doing?
– I’m a journalist. I attend a conference on Human Rights here. - I am a journalist. I'm attending a human rights conference here.
– Interesting! Sorry I have to go now.Good luck on your conference. Bye! - Interesting. I am sorry, I have to go. Good luck at the conference. Goodbye!
– Bye! Have a nice day! - Goodbye! Have a good day!

I hope these examples of dialogue will help you in a similar situation abroad or when communicating with English speakers.


Dialogue one.

This dialogue shows the most common phrases used when dating. This style of conversation is most likely not suitable for business dating in English.

- Hello. My name is Sasha. What is your name? - Hello, my name is Sasha. What is your name?
- Hello. My name is Ann. - Hello. My name is Ann.
- Nice name. I like it very much. - Good name. I love.
- Thank you. You name's good, too. - Thank you. Your name is good too.
— It was nice meeting you. - It was nice to meet you.
- Very nice to me, too. - Very nice, me too.

Dialogue two.

This dialogue in English examines the acquaintance of two people from different countries.

- Hello. - Hello.
- Hello. - Hello.
— What is your name? - What is your name?
— My name is Dima. What is your name? - My name is Dima. What is your name?
— My name is Liza. I'm from Russia. Where do you live? - My name is Lisa. I'm from Russia. And where do you live?
— I'm from England. Your English is great. - I am from England. Your English is excellent.
- Thank you. I am a teacher. - Thank you. I'am a teacher.
- I am a guide. - I'm a guide.
- I was very glad to meet you, but I am in a hurry. Here is my number, call me 84956351405. Goodbye. “I was glad to meet you, but I’m in a hurry.” Here is my phone number, call me 84956351405. Goodbye.
- Ok. Necessarily call, see you soon. - Fine. I'll definitely call you, see you soon.

Dialogue three.

Now let’s look at getting to know each other when applying for a job in English in the form of a dialogue.

- Good morning. I have an appointment at 9:00 - Good morning. I have an appointment at 9 o'clock.
- Good morning. And what is your name? - Good morning. What is your name?
— My name is Victor Ivanov. — My name is Viktor Ivanov.
- Sit down please. How many full years and what country are you from? - Please sit down. How old are you and what country are you from?
— I am 28 years old. I came out of Russia. - I am 28 years old. I came from Russia.
— What position are you interested in? — What position are you interested in?
— Translator, because I speak English very well. – Translator, because I speak English very well.
— Yes knowledge of the English language you are good. We need you. When can you start? – Yes, your knowledge of English is good. We need you. When can you start working?
— Tomorrow. - Tomorrow.
- All right. Goodbye. Will be waiting for you. - Fine. Goodbye. We will wait for you.
- All the best. Goodbye. - All the best. Goodbye.

At the beginning of the dialogue, the greeting depends on the time of day. In this case, the action takes place in the morning, so Good morning, but if at other times of the day, then you will need to say hello in accordance with the meaning of the time of day in English:

  • Good afternoon - if it is during the day
  • Good evening – if it’s in the evening
