Lesson notes "sounds g, g and letter g". Setting the sounds “K, G, X” Introducing the plot into the lesson

Lesson notes

Synopsis of the frontal lesson "Sounds G - GL. Letter G."

(1st grade)

Lesson objectives:

Correctional and developmental:

Get acquainted with the sounds Г, Гь.
- learn to identify sounds among other sounds, in syllables, from the composition of a word, sentence;

Learn to differentiate sounds by hardness and softness;
-introduce the graphic designation of sounds - the letter G;
- improve the skills of sound-syllable analysis: the ability to determine the place of a sound in a word;

Develop phonemic hearing and perception;

Development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech;
- promote the development of memory, attention, thinking, visual and tactile perception;

Practicing the ability to coordinate your movements with the actions of other children, with rhythm and text;

Development of gross and fine motor skills

Correctional and educational:

Teach children to conjugate verbs;
- continue to teach children the correct use of adjectives in speech, coordinating them with nouns in gender, number, and case; numerals, coordinating them with nouns in gender, number, case;
- continue work on the prevention of dysgraphia;
- practice selecting antonyms;

Enrichment of vocabulary;

Correctional and educational:

To foster organization, friendliness, independence, a critical and conscious attitude to speech;
- to cultivate children’s need for correct speech.

Universal educational activities, the formation of which is aimed at the educational process:

Cognitive UUD: searching for the necessary information to complete educational tasks: be able to differentiate sounds by hardness and softness, be able to conduct sound-syllable analysis, determine the place of a sound in a word, be able to identify sounds among other sounds in syllables, words, sentences, be able to navigate the methods of name agreement noun and adjective in gender, number, case, noun and numeral; be able to select antonyms, be able to correctly compose sentences.

Personal UUD: adequate understanding of the reasons for successful educational activities; understanding the need for learning, a positive attitude towards it, application of acquired skills in practical activities.
Communicative UUD: the ability to adequately use verbal means to solve various problems, formulate simple conclusions.
Regulatory UUD: manifestation of cognitive initiative in educational cooperation, the ability to independently and adequately evaluate the correctness of an action, to maintain the goal of the activity until its result is obtained.

Key competencies that are developed during this lesson:

Informational: knowledge of the characteristics of sounds, articulation of sounds, skills of sound-syllable analysis, knowledge of antonyms, number of them. noun (singular and plural),

Communication: skills of using answers to communicate with the teacher and students; the ability to express joy, approval or the desire to cooperate with other students, the desire to communicate.

Social: cooperation, teamwork, desire to apply acquired knowledge to achieve good results in the child’s studies and social life outside of school.


cut-out pictures with sound Г, Гь, individual mirrors, colored pens, pictures of a goose, gosling, gnome, sound articulation profiles, sound analysis scheme, clothespins (green, red, blue), syllabic rulers, fishing rod, fish with pictures, colored magnets, presentation "Sounds G - G'. Letter G. Mushrooms", computer equipment, interactive whiteboard, projector.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Org moment.

Hello guys!

Target: activate children's attention.

Every day, always, everywhere,

In class, in play

Let's say clearly

And we won't rush

II. Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills. Work on developing breathing.

1. Development of fine motor skills.

The mouse washed its paw:

each finger in order.

Here I soaped a big one,

Rinse it with water.

I didn’t forget the pointer,

Wash off both dirt and paint.

The middle one lathered diligently-

It was probably the dirtiest.

The nameless one rubbed it with paste, -

The skin immediately turned red.

And I quickly washed my little finger -

He was very afraid of soap!

2. Facial massage (along massage lines):

- “forehead”;

- “draw eyebrows”;

- “let’s put on glasses”;

- "nose - ears";

- “chin - ears”;

- “let’s draw a mustache”;

- "cheerful clown";

- "beak";

- “blush”;

- "finger shower".

3. Articulation gymnastics.

In order for speech to become clear and beautiful, what needs to be done?

Articulation gymnastics.

“Smile”, “Tube”, “Swing”, “Clock”, “Punish a naughty tongue”, “Pod”, “Reel”, “Horse”, “Painter” (mirrors).

Breathing exercises:

while inhaling, raise your arms up through your sides,

as you exhale, lower your arms: aaaaaaa

while inhaling, arms to the sides,

as you exhale, grab your shoulders, crossing them: ooooooh

while inhaling, place your hands in front of you,

as you exhale, hands down: uuuuu

II. Pronunciation development and literacy training.

1. Updating knowledge.

Today in class we will get acquainted with new sounds. But first, let’s remember how a sound differs from a letter? (sound patterns)

We pronounce and hear sounds, and we write and read letters.

What two groups are all sounds divided into?

Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants.

How do vowels differ from consonants?

When pronouncing a vowel sound, the air does not encounter any obstacles, and therefore the sound can be drawn out for a long time. Marked in red. The consonant sound does not last because when pronouncing it, the air encounters obstacles. They can be hard or soft. We denote hard ones in blue, and soft ones in green.

Guys, what day, month, day of the week is today?

2 . Introduction to the topic.

Target: lead children to independently determine the topic of the lesson, give the most complete definition of new concepts.

Open the envelopes, your pictures are cut.
-Collect pictures.
-Name your pictures, highlighting 1 sound in your voice.

Goose, guitar, pear, mushroom, gnome, crocodile Gena.

Tell me what sound is in all these words?

Sounds G, Gy.

So what sounds will we get acquainted with today, what letter?

Today in class we will get acquainted with the sounds Г - Гь and the letter G.

Guys, open your notebooks and write down the date and topic of the lesson.

What day, month, day of the week is it today?

Today in class we will learn to distinguish between the two sounds G - Gy.

3. Acquaintance with the sounds Г-Гь.

Guess my riddle:

He wanders importantly through the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry,
Wears red shoes
Gives soft featherbeds.

Who is this? (picture of a goose)

How does a goose cackle?


Name 1 sound in a syllable: ha?

The first sound is G.

The lips are in a smile, the teeth are bare, open, the tip of the tongue lies below and is moved away from the lower teeth.

4. Sound characteristics.

Say the sound G again and tell me, when pronouncing the sound G, is there an obstacle?

What's stopping you?

The back of the back of the tongue rests against the soft palate, forming a mound. The air stream breaks the barrier between the back of the tongue and the palate.

And if an obstacle is encountered, then what is the sound G?


Now check whether it is voiced or unvoiced? How do we designate it?

In the syllable GA, is the G sound hard or soft? How do we designate it?

Solid, blue color.

Draw a general conclusion.

The sound G is a consonant, hard, sonorous. We also mark the bell in blue.

Write down the diagram of the sound G in your notebook.

Tell me, what is the name of the baby goose? (picture of a gosling)


How the gosling cackles: GY

And the gosling cackles: GYA-GYA-GYA
-Name 1 sound in the syllable GY?

The first sound is Гь.

Place mirrors, pronounce the sound G, pay attention to the position of your lips, teeth, where the tip of your tongue is (profiles of sound articulation).

The lips are in a smile, the teeth are bare, the tip of the tongue lies below and rests on the lower teeth. The back of the tongue forms a mound.

Tell us about the sound Гь.

The sound Gy is consonant, sonorous, soft. Indicated in green, bell.

Write down the diagram of the sound Гь in your notebook.

5. Exercise in pronunciation of sounds Г-Гь.

Now we will go on a journey. Do you like to travel?

Then go ahead!

And you have to guess who will travel with us, I will say the word by sounds, and you have to say who it is: G, A, N, S. (picture of a goose)

This is HANS - a goose.

G, I, G, A.

This is GIGA - a gnome.

Isolation of sounds.

Hans is getting ready to go. Let's help him collect sounds.

We catch the sound (clap our hands)

A) among other sounds: O, K, G, B, M, Ш, Ть, Сь, Гь, Дь, Кь, Гь….
B) among the syllables: GA, DA, GE, TO, GI, LY, AG, ASH, OG, OK.

Introduction of the plot into the lesson.

The dwarf brought gifts to Hans -
Pies, jam in a jar.
Hans accepted the treat,
And he didn't say thank you.

For this, the dwarf turned Hans into a tiny gosling and said: “If you go through all the tests, you will become big again.”

And we will find out what tests we need to go through together with Hans after physical education.

Physical exercise.

The rook was swinging in a hammock (leaning to the side),

Geese - in the waves on the river (tilts forward and backward).

Pigeons flew past (shaking hands).

And sat down on a branch (squat)

The branch sways (swaying with hands).

It's working out well.

- And here is the 1st test - purely speaking.

Hans walks through the meadow and pronounces pure sayings. Let's help Hans speak the truth. We read loudly and clearly.

Gi-gi-gi - lost boots

Gu-gu-gu - geese in the meadow

Ga-ga-ga - green meadows

Ge-ge-ge - potatoes in a pie

Go-go-go - the donkey shouts: Igo - go

Option 2 (optional). Speak out sentences.

I'm walking in the meadow.
You ……

We did well and helped Hans pass 1 test!

2 test - Differentiation of sounds Г-Гь in words.

The dwarf told Hans to catch a lot of fish for lunch.

Guys, you have to catch a fish. But the fish are unusual, and with pictures. You must name the picture, determine the place of the sound (Г, Гь) in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end) and say what sounds they are (hard or soft).

Exercise "Catch a fish".

Well done, we passed test 2!

And here is the task for you - test 3:

Test 3 - Game “On the contrary” (with a ball) (optional)

Quiet - loud

Cheerful - sad

Full - hungry

Sweet - bitter

Affectionate - rude

Rare - thick

Clean - dirty

Rough - smooth

Shallow - deep.

Well done, we helped Hans pass the 3rd test.

Test 4 - Sound-syllable analysis of words.

Hans is sailing on a ship.
Suddenly there is a storm at sea.
Hans exclaimed: “There will be trouble!
Will I really drown?

We must save Hans. Captain Vrungel's yacht sails past the sinking ship. Captain Vrungel throws life preservers to Hans. Hans will catch the circles when word patterns are made: Hans, Giga.

Working with syllabic rulers and clothespins (red clothespin - vowel sound, blue clothespin - hard consonant sound, green clothespin - soft consonant sound).

Sound-syllable analysis of words.

Work in pairs.

Hans - 4 letters, 4 sounds.

[a] - vowel, (red clothespin)

[n] - consonant, hard, voiced (blue clothespin)

[s] - consonant, hard, voiceless (blue clothespin)

How many vowel sounds?

1 vowel - A.

What is the rule for identifying syllables?

There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels.

This word has 1 syllable.

How many consonants are there?

Consonant sounds - 3.

Determine the location of the sound G?

The G sound is at the beginning of the word.

Giga - 4 letters, 4 sounds.

[G] - consonant, soft, voiced (green clothespin)

[i] - vowel (red clothespin)

[G] - consonant, hard, voiced (blue clothespin)

[a] - vowel (red clothespin)

This word has 2 vowels, which means 2 syllables.

The G sound is hard, at the beginning of a word.

The sound Gy is soft, in the middle of a word.

Well done, we helped Hans again.

Test 5 - Introducing the letter G.

What letter represents the sounds G, G?

The sounds Г, Гь are designated by the letter Г.

Look at the letter on the slide.
-What does the letter look like?

For a goose.
-Look at the goose. She stretched her neck, depicting the letter G.

Well done, we have completed another test!

Formation of the plural of nouns.

Test 5 - Game “One - Many” (with a ball).

We have one more test to go through.

Option 1.

Cucumber - cucumbers,

dove - pigeons,

berry - berries,

shop - shops,

city ​​- cities,

garage - garages,

goose - geese,

guest - guests,

mountain - mountains,

newspaper - newspapers,

parrot - parrots.

Option 2. Count objects by clearly pronouncing the sound G.

One dove, 2..., 5, One button, 2.5, One nest, 2.5.

6 test. Working with a proposal.

To disenchant the goose Hans, we have to complete the last test - to formulate the correct sentence. The words in the sentence are “not friendly” (they are not in order).

Deformed sentence: Galya, Gena, a lot, and, picked, mushrooms.

Sentence: Galya and Gena picked a lot of mushrooms.

Name words with the sounds G, Gy.

Galya, Gena, mushrooms.

III. Development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech.

Test 7 - "Mushrooms. Edible and inedible mushrooms."

Guys, do you know which mushrooms you can pick and which you can’t?

Only edible mushrooms can be collected. Do not touch or pick poisonous mushrooms.

- Conversation. "Mushrooms. Edible and inedible mushrooms."

Well done, guys! We have completed all of the gnome's challenges.

The dwarf cast a spell on Hans,
Gave him his former height.
Hans returned home
He's not small - he's big!

IV. Summary of the lesson. Reflection

What sounds did we meet today?
- Guess what sound I’m talking about (characteristics of the sounds Г, Гь are given).

Why do you need to know this?
- What did you like about the lesson?

What would you like to learn in the next lesson?

How would you rate your performance in class?

(green goslings - I think I did everything perfectly, I’m in a good mood; red goslings - I didn’t cope with the task, I’m in a sad mood, blue ones - I tried, but I didn’t succeed).

Our next online lesson is devoted to the next sound and letter.

Repeat the phrase several times:

ha-ha– the game begins
ha-ha – how dear she is to me

Which sound is heard more clearly? That's right, sound [G].

Make a sound [G]. What is he like? Yes, he is consonant and sonorous.

IMPORTANT! Compare the first sounds of the words: MUSHROOM and WEIGHT. What do you say? In the word “mushroom”, the sound [g] is pronounced hard, and in the word girya - [g`] soft. What conclusion do we draw? This means that the sound can be soft and hard.

1. Find the words

  • List the animals whose names have a sound [G]
  • List products that have a sound in their names [G]
  • Name the flowers that have a sound in their name [G]
  • Name objects that begin with the sound [G]

2. Look at the pictures and name the objects that begin with the sound [G].

3. Guess the girl's name using the first sounds of words:

goose, watermelon, leaf, yacht

4 . Complete the sentence with words that sound [G].




Warms……..(Water bottle)


Blue eyes)

5. Game “Say the sentences”

Instead of dots, come up with words starting with the letter “g”.

1. The car is parked in... (garage).

2. The guest lives in… (hotel).

3. Brother plays the piano well... (guitar).

4. The grapes grew on... (grief).

5. Mom bought juicy, sweet... (pears).

6. Under a birch tree they found a strong... (mushroom).

8. A black man was sitting on a tree... (rook).

9. Grisha loves to score... (nails, goals).

6. Game “Find the extra word”

  1. Circle, plow, friend, wolf, tiger, rook.
  2. Thunder, nest, peas, nail, treasure, hail.

ANSWER: 1. Wolf. 2. Treasure, since they do not contain the letter “g”.

Meet the letter G! How solid G put on a sweatshirt! Look, he's also in G nut! And about the letter G what lies there? Yes it is G come on!

1 . Look carefully at the letters, find similarities and differences.

2 . Find the hidden letters G. Circle them.

3. Color only those pears with the letter on them. G written correctly.

4. Add the missing letter element.

5. In the picture below, color the large letter on the left blue and the small letter green. Shade the middle letter as shown. Find and color the letter G right.

6 . Connect with the letter G only those objects whose names begin with sounds [G] And [g`].

7. Underline the same letter as the one below on the left side of the picture. Circle all the letters G on the right side of the picture.

8. Game “Ladder”

9. Game “Find the word in the word”

Storm - rose, times, horn, mountain.

Newspaper - gas, basin

Guest - axle, stack

Guitar - tara, shooting gallery, tiger.

Thermometer – hail, mustache, sleigh, friend, gift, arc, geese, court.

Head – goal, shaft, catch.

10. Game “Joke Game”

In each sentence, highlight the last syllable and make a word out of them.

Answer: caterpillar.


Before us is a letter G
It stands like a poker.
And like a poker,
The letter humps its back G .

Take any colored pencil and color in all the parts of the drawing in which you see letters G .

13. We write a letter G and G .

14. Trace and color the picture.



  • The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
  • He who does not love himself destroys himself.

Tongue twisters

  • Goose GOGA and goose GAGA don't take a step without each other.
  • The pear doesn't like caterpillars, but the caterpillar loves the pear.
  • The thunderstorm is threatening, the thunderstorm is threatening.
  • The crab made a rake for the crab and gave the rake to the crab.


  • Lawn -a piece of land with artificially created grass.
  • Galaxyis a system of stars, dust and gas that is held together by gravity.
  • Guaranteeis a responsibility.
  • Harmony- coordination between elements or people or internal balance.
  • Tour— performance of an artist (group) in another city or country.
  • Coat of armsis an emblem, a distinctive sign of a person, city, country.
  • Hymn- a solemn song that praises someone or something.
  • Horizonis the visible boundary between sky and earth or water.
  • Living room- This is a room for receiving guests.
  • Gravity- attraction to which all bodies are subject.

Catchphrases or phraseological units

  • Hungry like a wolf - very hungry.

Tatyana Kolmakova
Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory school group “Sound [G]. Letter G"

Summary of a literacy lesson in a pre-school group« Sound [G]. Letter G»


Correctional and developmental:

Get to know G sounds, Gb.

Learn to highlight sounds among other sounds, in syllables, from the composition of a word, differentiate sounds by hardness and softness;

Introduce graphic symbols sounds - letter G;

Improve skills sound-syllable analysis: ability to determine place sound in a word;

Promote the development of memory, attention, thinking, visual and tactile perception;


Teach children to conjugate verbs;

Continue to teach children the correct use of speech;

adjectives, coordinating them with nouns in gender, number, case;

numerals, coordinating them with nouns in gender, number, case, practice selecting antonyms;


To foster organization, friendliness, independence, and a conscious attitude to speech;

to cultivate children's need for correct speech.


Cut pictures with sound G, mirrors, picture of peas, caterpillars, envelopes with elements letters G, plasticine.

1. Move classes:

1. Organizational moment. Hello guys - Today is class we'll meet something new sound. But first let’s remember what’s different letter sound. (Sounds we pronounce and hear, and we write and read letters).

2. We can't sound see, And we can’t pick it up. Sound we can only hear and also say it.

Which two groups share all sounds? (Sounds divided into vowels and consonants). –

How are vowels different? sounds from consonants? (When pronouncing a vowel sound the air does not meet obstacles, and therefore the sound can last for a long time. Consonant the sound doesn't last, because when pronouncing it, the air encounters obstacles. The vowels are drawn to the ringing song. They may cry and sob. In the dark forest they call and hoot, But they don’t want to whistle and grumble. And the consonants agree to rustle, whisper, creak, even snort and hiss, but I don’t want to sing to them.

Name the pictures that are on your table, highlighting 1 in a voice sound.

(children name pictures)

Name which one sound is in all these words? (G)

Today on In this lesson we will get acquainted with the sounds Г – Гь and the letter Г.

A picture with letter G

2. Getting to know sounds G-GH.

Dried out in the hot sun

And bursts out of the pods. (Peas)

1. What are peas

2.-Name 1 sound in a syllable: ho?

Put up the mirrors, say G sound, pay attention to the position of your lips, teeth, where the tip of your tongue is.

(lips in a smile, teeth open, the tip of the tongue lies below and moved away from the lower teeth)

Say it again sound G and say, when pronouncing sound Is there an obstacle? Yes.

What's stopping you? (the air stream breaks the barrier between the back of the tongue and the palate)

And if an obstacle is encountered, it means what sound is G?? Consonant.

Now check whether it is voiced or unvoiced? Voiced.

Tell us about G sound.

Listen to the next riddle

Hairy, green,

She hid in the leaves.

She has a lot of legs

He just can’t run. Who is this? (Caterpillar)

What harm does the caterpillar cause?

Name 1 sound in the syllable Gu?

Tell us about sound Гь.

3. Selection sound.

A) We catch sound: among others sounds: I, V, Z, O, K, G, B, M, W,

B) among syllables:, ASH, AM, OG, OK, OB, GA, YES, TO, DO, GO, GU, LY, AG

B) -Name the words with sound G.

Name the words with with the sound Гь.

4. Differentiation sounds Г-Гь

Game "Hear sound»

If you hear in the word sound G - clap your hands, and if G - stomp your feet.

GUITAR, GENA, LEGS, HAMMOCK, WEIGHT, GENA, GNUS, MEADOWS, THUNDER, MOUNTAIN. (explain which sound, place sound in a word)


Gena walked, walked, walked.

I found a white mushroom.

One fungus, two fungi,

Get into the box.

And now task number 2

Say the words backwards:

Cold - hot.

Clean - dirty.

Quiet - loud.

Sweet - bitter.

Cheerful - sad.

Did a good job.

5. Getting to know letters G g.

Sounds of G, Гь are designated letter G.

Please review letter on the board.

What does it look like letter?

Think and say what other words come with sound g and g.

Now let's take plasticine and try to sculpt letter G.

6. Summary classes.

With which sounds did we meet today?

Tell us about sound G, Gb.

Which the letter indicates the sounds G,ГГ?

Make up words with G sounds,Gb.

Program tasks:

  • To acquaint children with the acoustic and articulatory features of the sounds [g], [g’].
  • Improve sound-syllable analysis and synthesis, phonemic perception.
  • Learn to differentiate the sounds [g]–[g"] in syllables, words, sentences.
  • Activate your vocabulary.
  • Develop spelling vigilance.
  • Learn grammatical form of sentences.
  • Develop arbitrariness of attention, auditory and visual memory, logical thinking, hand-eye coordination, imagination.
  • Cultivate interest in speech therapy classes.

Equipment: notebooks, pens, colored pencils, leaves for each child.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment

1. Rule of speech. (Slide 4).

Every day, always, everywhere.
In class and in play,
Let's speak clearly
And we won't rush.

2. Getting to know the sounds of the lesson. (Slide 5)

Speech therapist: Today we will go to visit the gnomes. Here one of them meets us. He will be our guide in the fairy forest. Who is a guide? (teacher explanation).

What sound does the word “Gnome” begin with? And from which “guide”?

Who guessed what the topic of our lesson is? (students' answers)

Today in class we will practice listening to sounds and distinguishing [g] - [g’] from each other.

II. Main part

1. Comparative characteristics of the sounds being studied. (Slides 6-8).

Speech therapist: Tell us about the sounds of our lesson.

G – consonant, voiced, hard.

G’ – consonant, voiced, soft.

2. Correlation with the letter G (slide 9-10).

Speech therapist: Listen to a poem about the letter G (Slide 9).

Find this letter in the Gnome's house . (Slide 10)

3. Differentiation [g] – [g’] in syllables. (Slide 11).

Speech therapist: Read the syllables together with the donkey as many times as he spins GA - GO - GU - GY - GE - GYU - GYO - GI - AHA.

What occupation sound is there in each syllable? First name the syllables with a soft sound [g’], then with a hard sound [g].

4. Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis, visual perception. Clarification of the dictionary. (Slide 12)

Speech therapist: Unravel the words.


5. Physical exercise. Gymnastics for the eyes. (Slide 13-14)

Speech therapist: Let's relax with the gnomes. Carefully follow the objects on the screen with your eyes.

6. Differentiation [g] - [g"] in words. Development of logical thinking. (Slides 15-23)

Speech therapist: Solve the riddles. Write down the answers, underline the letter G. If there is a sound [g] in a word, use a blue pencil, if the sound [g’] - use a green pencil.

This string instrument
It will ring at any moment.
And on stage in the best hall,
And on a camping trip. (guitar)

Thick-skinned, clumsy,
He has a huge mouth.
Loves water, but not puddles,
Resident of the Nile.... (hippopotamus)

He's a swing and a bed,
It's good to lie on it,
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Will sway on the weight. (hammock)

Hairy, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Although there are many legs,
Still can't run. (caterpillar)

7. Differentiation [g] – [g’] in words. (Slide 24)

Speech therapist: The crocodile Gena came to visit the gnomes and brought words. Distribute the words into two columns, giving the Gnome (rake, pear, giant) and Gene (guitar, weight, giant).

8. Work on the grammatical design of sentences. (Slide 25)

Speech therapist: Make up a sentence about Gena the crocodile using these words. Check it out. Write it down in your notebook and underline the sounds of the lesson.

III. Lesson summary (Slide 26)

Speech therapist: What did you like about the lesson? What new did you learn?

  • Come up with and draw on pieces of paper your gifts for the gnomes based on the sounds [g’] - [g].
  • Describe the sounds of the activity.
