My country is kazakhstan топик с переводом. Казахстан (Kazakhstan) топик по английскому

My country is kazakhstan топик с переводом. Казахстан (Kazakhstan) топик по английскому


Kazakhstan is a sovereign state. In December 1991 Kazakhstan declared its independence. Kazak government pursues the policy of friendship and national accord. Historically Kazakhstan has developed as a multinational state. According to the constitution adopted in 1995 every nationality can develop its culture in Kazakhstan. All people of Kazakhstan have equal rights and duties. Both industry and agriculture are developing here. Nowadays many private firms and joint ventures appear. Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations with seventy countries of the world. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is highly respected not only in this country but abroad as well because he is an honest and intelligent statesman.

The most important industrial centres are Karaganda, Pavlodar, Zhezkazgan, Taraz. Our country is rich in mineral resources and minerals. Copper, iron, zinc, lead, coal are mined in Kazakhstan. Now the aim of independent Kazakhstan is to become the country of high technology.

Kazakhstan is good for a place of useful health resorts. People can improve their health at the resorts in Kostanay, Kokshetau, Almaty. They say that Kokshetau is "Kazak Switzerland" because its nature is beautiful and climate is mild. Kazak people are friendly and open-hearted.

Almaty is the cultural, Scientific, economic and transport centre of Kazakhstan. This is one of the most beautiful cities of Asia. The city has a mild climate. Summer in Almaty lasts from May till September with the average temperature of 22 degrees in July. Winter is not very cold with the average temperature of 8 degrees below zero in January.

The city was founded in 1854. Till 1921 it was named Verny. In 1929 Almaty became the capital of the Kazak Socialist Republic. Almaty was the capital of independent Kazakhstan till November 1997. Nowadays the city has seven theatres, many cinemas, hundreds of clubs, libraries and other cultural and educational centres. The most important theatres are the Kazak State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abai and the Kazak State Academic Drama Theatre named after M.Auesov. The city also has the Russian, Uigur, Korean theatres and many other troupes.

Verny had only one gymnasium. Now in Almaty there are 185 schools of general education, a lot of technical secondary schools and Universities. Almaty is a University city. Young people from different places og Kazakhstan come to study here.

Almaty is situated at the food of the Ala-Tau montains. The climate is very favourable for gardening. Everybody in kazakstan knows the world famous apples "aport". The citizens of Almaty are proud of the well known skating-rink "Medeo". It is equipped with all modern sport facilities. The most important competition are held there.

Almaty is the city of kind and hospitable people. It is a great pleasure to visit it.

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  • Kazakhstan, officially Republic of Kazakhstan, has the population of 15,186,000 people and territory 2,719,500 sq km, is situated in central Asia. It borders on Siberian Russia in the north, China in the east, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan in the south, and the Caspian Sea and European Russia in the west. Astana is the capital and Almaty (Alma-Ata) is the largest city. Other major cities include Shymkent, Semey, Aqtobe, and Oskemen.

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    The population of Kazakhstan consists mainly of Muslim Kazakhs and Russians; there are smaller minorities of Ukrainians, Germans, Uzbeks, and Tatars. Kazakh, a Turkic language, is the official tongue, but Russian is still widely used.

    Despite Kazakhstan"s largely arid conditions, its vast steppes accommodate both livestock and grain production. Wheat, cotton, sugar beets, and tobacco are the main crops. The raising of cattle and sheep is also important, and Kazakhstan produces much wool and meat. In addition, there are rich fishing grounds, famous for their caviar-producing sturgeon, in the Caspian, although these have been hurt by overfishing.

    The Kazakh Hills in the core of the region have important mineral resources. Coal is mined at Qaraghandy and Ekibastuz, and there are major oil fields in the Emba basin. The country"s industries are located along the margins of the country. Steel, agricultural and mining machinery, superphosphate fertilizers, phosphorus acids, artificial fibers, synthetic rubber, textiles, and medicines are among the manufactured goods. Temirtau is the iron and steel center. The Baikonur (Bayqongyr) Cosmodrome in central Kazakhstan was the Soviet space-operations center and continues to serve Russian space exploration through an agreement between the two nations. The main trading partners are Russia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.


    Казахстан, официально Республика Казахстан, имеет население 15186000 людей и территорию 2719500 кв км, находится в Центральной Азии. Он граничит с Сибирской Россией на севере, с Китаем на востоке, Кыргызстаном, Узбекистаном и Туркменистаном на юге и Каспийским морем и Европейской частью России на западе. Астана является столицей, а Алматы (Алма-Ата) является самым крупным городом. Другие крупные города включают Шымкент, Семей, Актобе и Оскемен.

    Казахстан состоит из огромной равнины, которая граничит с поясом гор на юго-востоке. Она простирается от низовьев Волги и Каспийского моря на западе до Алтая на востоке страны. Это в основном низменности на севере и западе, холмы- в центре, а горы на юге и востоке (Тянь-Шань и Алтай). Казахстан является регионом внутреннего дренажа; Сырдарья, Или, Чу и другие реки впадают в Аральское море и озеро Балхаш. Большинство региона является пустыней или имеет ограниченное и нерегулярное выпадение осадков.

    Населения Республики Казахстан состоит в основном из мусульманских казахов и русских; меньшинства - украинцы, немцы, узбеки, татары. Казахский, тюркский язык, является официальным языком, но русский язык до сих пор широко используется.

    Несмотря на в значительной степени засушливые условия Казахстана, его обширные степи аккумулируют животноводство и производство зерна. Пшеница, хлопок, сахарная свекла, табак - основные сельскохозяйственные культуры. Выращивание крупного рогатого скота и овец, также имеет важное значение, и Казахстан производит много шерсти и мяса. Кроме того, есть богатые рыбные запасы, он славится производством икры осетра в Каспийском море, хотя они и пострадали в результате перелова.

    Казахская возвышенность - основной регион добычи важных полезных ископаемых. Уголь добывается в Караганде и Экибастусе, а также есть крупные нефтяные месторождения в бассейне Эмбы. Промышленность страны расположена вдоль краев страны. Сталь, сельскохозяйственная и горнодобывающая техника, удобрения, суперфосфаты, фосфорные кислоты, искусственные волокна, синтетический каучук, текстильные изделия и лекарственные средства среди промышленных товаров. Темиртау является черной металлургии. Байконур в центральной части Казахстана был Советским центром космических операций и продолжает служить для освоения космоса России на основе соглашения между двумя странами. Основными торговыми партнерами являются Россия, Украина и Узбекистан.

    Зеленская Илона. Школа №33, Родина, Целиноградский район, Акмолинская область, Республика Казахстан
    Сочинение на английском языке с переводом. Номинация Наш мир.

    Kazakhstan in the modern world

    From the vast expanses of endless plains,
    From seas to the mountains high
    Extends friendly power of mine-
    Oh, my beautiful native Kazakhstan!
    (Kazakh national song)

    “The current independent Kazakhstan has not appeared suddenly and not from scratch, in the name of its freedom millions of people shed their blood, gave their lives, and took innumerable misery and hardships. For this every citizen of our country must wholeheartedly realize the immense historical responsibility in preserving the unity of our land, our people, and in safeguarding inter-ethnic peace and consent.” These words belong to N.A.Nazarbaev, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    For all the time the Kazakh people keeps the memory about the history of Kazakh land, its sons, the heroic struggle of the people for the right to live in their native land.

    Kazakhstan is a prosperous state, which has spread its expanse over the vast territory of the Kazakh steppe. And everywhere in this land live the Kazakhs and the Russians, the Uzbek, the Germans and many other nations. And for all peoples this land is assumed to be native, all nations live in peace, friendship and mutual understanding. In my Kazakhstan reigns stability and in the future I would really like my country live in peace without grief and tears. It is the main achievement of my state. From the day when independence was gained I can see big changes of which I am, as the citizen of this state, very proud.

    I remember my childhood and compare it with the beauty surrounding me now. Bright example is ayoung capital of the republic - the city of Astana. Its development is very fast. The architecture of the capital amazes local people and foreign guests by its extraordinary beauty. Today Astana is worthy on a par with the leading capitals of the world.

    My Motherland is the most politically stable state owing to good governance and efforts of the leader of the nation, the President N.A.Nazarbaev. His authority is undoubted in the international arena, at the negotiations with business groups, at meetings during official visits, at world forums on preservation of inter-ethnic, socio-political stability in Kazakhstan. The politicians are impressed by the openness of the President, rare political intuition, and magnificent memory.

    Neighbouring states such as Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan gained independence at the same time as we did. But Kazakhstan stepped far forward, being now a rich, developing and prosperous country.

    Owing to all the achievements Kazakhstan became for the first time in history Central Asian state awarded with a right to the presidency in OSСE. During twenty years of independence, Kazakhstan was able to win considerable prestige in the international arena, to achieve recognition of its strength in many states and their leaders.

    While speaking about modern Kazakhstan we are already accustomed to recognize it as the leader. Kazakhstan is the first among the states of the CIS in terms of economic growth. Kazakhstan is the first to carry out a project of the new capital. Kazakhstan is the constant initiator of the integration processes. And, finally, Kazakhstan was the first to hold Congress of World and Traditional Religions. And this is only the beginning of the list of all the success of Kazakhstan. My Kazakhstan is the powerful country which will achieve much in the modern world! And I’d like to finish with the words of the Kazakh song:

    We believe in the bright splendid future.
    Dignity, honour and language are always sacred for us.
    Traditions, courage and independence
    To the future generations we’ll pass.

    От бескрайних равнин и просторов,
    От морей до высоких гор
    Простирается наша держава-
    Наш прекрасный родной Казахстан!
    (Казахская народная песня)

    “Нынешний независимый Казахстан появился не вдруг и не на пустом месте, во имя его свободы миллионы людей проливали кровь, отдавали жизни, вынесли неисчислимые беды и лишения. Для этого каждый гражданин всей нашей страны обязан всей душой осознать свою грандиозную историческую ответственность в сохранении единства нашей земли, нашего народа, в сбережении межнационального мира и согласия”. Эти замечательные слова принадлежат президенту Республики Казахстан - Н.А. Назарбаеву.

    На протяжении всего времени казахский народ хранит память об истории казахской земли, её сыновьях, героической борьбе народа за право жить на родной земле.

    Казахстан - процветающее государство, раскинувшее свои просторы по огромной территории казахской степи. И везде на этой земле живут казахи и русские, поляки, немцы и множество других национальностей. И для всех народов эта земля считается родной, все нации живут здесь в мире, дружбе и взаимопонимании. В моём Казахстане царит стабильность, и мне бы очень хотелось, чтобы и в дальнейшем в нашей стране был мир без горя и слез. Это и есть самое главное достижение нашего государства. Со дня принятия независимости я вижу большие перемены, которыми я, как житель государства, очень горжусь.

    Я вспоминаю свое детство и сопоставляю его с тем, какая красота окружает меня сейчас. Яркий пример этому - молодая столица республики - Астана. Её развитие идет очень быстрыми темпами. Архитектура столицы поражает жителей и иностранных гостей своей необычайной красотой. Сегодня наша Астана достойно становится в один ряд с ведущими столицами мира.

    Моя родина является самым политически стабильным государством, и это благодаря разумному правлению и усилиям лидера нации, президента Н.А. Назарбаева. Авторитет его бесспорен на международной арене, в переговорах с деловыми кругами, на встречах в ходе официальных визитов, на всемирных форумах по сохранению межнациональной, общественно-политической стабильности в Казахстане. На политиков производит впечатление открытость президента, редкая политическая интуиция, великолепная память.

    Соседние государства - Таджикистан, Киргизия, Туркменистан и Узбекистан получили независимость одновременно с нами. Но Казахстан шагнул намного вперед, будучи сейчас богатой, развивающейся страной.

    Благодаря всем достижениям Казахстан стал первым в истории центрально-азиатским государством, удостоившимся получить право на председательство в ОБСЕ. За двадцать лет независимости Казахстан смог завоевать весомый авторитет на международной арене, добиться признания своей силы у многих государств и их лидеров.

    Когда мы говорим о современном Казахстане, нам уже привычно признавать его в роли лидера. Казахстан - первый в СНГ по темпам экономического роста. Казахстан- первый осуществил проект новой столицы. Казахстан - неизменный инициатор крупных интеграционных проектов. И, наконец, Казахстан первым начал проводить съезды лидеров мировых и традиционных религий. И это ещё только начало списка всех успехов Республики Казахстан. Мой Казахстан - могущественная страна, которая ещё многого добьется в современном мире! И закончить я бы хотела словами из казахской песни:

    Верим мы в светлое, прекрасное будущее.
    Все самое святое: честь, достоинство, родная речь,
    Традиция, мужество и независимость -
    Мы передаем, как наказ, будущему поколению.

    My motherland, my Kazakhstan!!!

    I want to tell you about my country where I live. My motherland is Kazakhstan. My country is very large in size. Do you know this fact: the countries of France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden, and Finland combined can all fit inside the territory of Kazakhstan! Do you know that Kazakhstan borders China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan?
    Imagine yourself in a plane flying over its territory. You will see wonderful sights such as the blue lines of the rivers, blue lakes, green fields and forests, plains and mountains. You will enjoy every minute of your flight! The landscape of Kazakhstan has many different looks: the beautiful Tian Shan in the south and the Altai mountains in the east. The Caspian Sea is full of sturgeon and oil resources… Have you ever heard about Balkhash Lake? Its eastern part contains fresh water and its western part contains salt water. In the southern part of my country you may visit and admire the blue Tien Shan spruces. They are a real decoration of the southern places. They look like candles – straight, tall and reaching the sky. There is also the world famous skating rink Medeo! It is the best place for international competitions in skating. On the weekends, ordinary people, not champions in skating, may come to Medeo and spend a wonderful day there. It is impossible not to see the beautiful nature around the skating rink! Welcome and remember another place of interest which is the mountain ski resort, Shymbulak. Visit my country and you will know more about its landscape! You will know more about the wildlife of Kazakhstan, about the sights of Almaty, modern and beautiful places of interest of Astana, about our customs and traditions. Do you know, for example, that you can celebrate the New Year Day in March? It is Nauryz - holiday which is celebrated by the Kazakh as a beginning of spring. Come and you’ll enjoy the main dish of this ancient holiday- Nauryz Kozhe! It includes seven compulsory elements. These components symbolize happiness, luck, youth, health, wealth, quick growth, the heaven’s patronage. It is considered that a coming guest is sent by God. Come and you will be welcomed into houses to enjoy the tasty dishes of Kazakh cuisine - kuyrdak, baursaks and beshbarmak. Peaceful and generous, the land of Kazakhstan has always been famous for its hospitality.
    Our land is remarkable for its ancient history. It is not by accident that it is located on the crossroads of two cultures: European and Asian. Kazakhs were traditionally nomads. If you watch the film “Nomad” you will know about the life of the Kazakh people from ancient times. The people who inhabit my country are patient, understanding, proud, and friendly. They are also hardworking and reliable. They have the qualities which helped them live and survive in the hardest of times. The national pride of any land is its people, talented scientists, musicians, writers, and artists. The most famous representatives of Kazakh culture are Abai Kunanbaev, Shokan Ualikhanov, Ibrai Altynsarin, Sabit Mukanov, great composer Kurmangazy, Evgeny Brusilovsky and famous artist Alikhan Kasteyev.
    Kazakhstan is famous for its natural resources. There is gold, coal, oil, gas, iron and lead. Four beautiful seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter are distinctively expressed in my country. The land of Kazakhstan is the place of the first flight into space. I am especially proud of my fellow countryman, Alexander Victorenko. He is the cosmonaut who was born in our northern region. Every year he visits his native place. I like meetings with this man. You may have a chance to meet him and enjoy by his charming personality!
    I live in Egindikol which is in the northern part of my country. It is a town with a historic past. Our town is small.It’s so exciting! Welcome! You’ll enjoy the natural sights of my region!
    Twenty years ago the Independent Republic of Kazakhstan appeared. Undoubtedly, these twenty years passed for our country and are equal to several decades. Thanks to our President’s efforts and his care of our people we have hope in our happy future. I am proud of my Motherland and expect many people to visit my country and admire it.

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