Class hour "conscience is a measure of morality" for high school students. What is conscience class lesson (6th grade) on the topic Class hour for students the court of conscience

Class hour

Development of extracurricular activities in 6th grade

"What is conscience"


give a first general idea of ​​the concept of “conscience”, as well as clarify the meaning of such moral categories: shame and repentance;


Develop the ability to be critical of yourself and give an honest assessment of your actions;

Encourage children to self-analysis, to think about themselves, to search for high moral ideals.


Multimedia equipment, books for reading “Moral Grammar”, 6th grade, ed. E.P. Kozlova, route sheets, handouts

Progress of the event

  1. Organizational moment

Teacher : Hello guys! The topic of our lesson is “What is conscience?” Today we will try to answer this question.

Conscience! Without you there is nothing in me,

elevating me above animals.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

For our work, we will use a route sheet, which you will then paste into your workbooks.

  1. Reflections on a poem.

Teacher : Guys, let's listen to the poem “Sun of the Soul” (p. 178 of the textbook “Grammar of Morality”, 6th grade, E. Kozlov) and write down the answer to the first question on the route sheet, what is the sun of the soul.


1) Why does pain sometimes arise in the soul of each of us? What do you think is the reason for this?

4) complete the phrase on the route sheet.

The sun of the soul is conscience!

  1. Information block.

The concept of conscience in Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary:

Conscience is a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people and society.

The concept of conscience in a large encyclopedic dictionary:

Conscience - expression of an individual’s ability to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral duties for himself, demand that he fulfill them, and make a self-assessment of his actions.

Teacher: From history of the word "conscience".

In some languages ​​(Greek συνείδησις, Latin conscientia, French conscience, Italian coscienza, English conscience, German Gewissen) this word is formed from the root meaning knowledge (Vedas) and the prefix “s”; This education indicates the close connection in which folk wisdom places the concepts of conscience and consciousness.

There are many aphorisms from famous writers, philosophers and proverbs about our moral concept.

Exercise: from the halves you have, make the correct oneaphorism or proverb:

“No matter how wise you are, you can’t outdo your conscience”

“Conscience has no teeth, but will gnaw”

“Conscience is not a neighbor - you can’t escape it”

“Conscience is a clawed beast that scrapes the heart” A.S. Pushkin

“The most important decoration is a clear conscience” Marcus Tulius Cicero

“What is conscience? This is a compass among the unknown" Victor Hugo

Exercise: How do you understand these aphorisms and proverbs?

Find other aphorisms and proverbs in the reading book (pp. 165-166). Write down one aphorism or proverb on the route sheet.

  1. Problem situation

Teacher : Let's listen to the retelling of Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tale "Conscience is Lost" and try to answer the question of how people's behavior has changed.

What happened to people after their conscience disappeared?(discussion)

What happens to a person when his conscience awakens in him?

Let's answer the question on the route sheet: what is a manifestation of conscience? ( shame )

Which proverbs and aphorisms most accurately describe the state of the fairy tale heroes?

  1. Working with puzzles.

Teacher : Guys, let's find the concepts hidden in the puzzles on page 166 that cannot be correlated with the concept of conscience. Solve the puzzles and write them down on the route sheet.

  1. Problem situation“Continue the story.”

Teacher : Surely you have sometimes seen how some guys at recess talk loudly, bully each other, and may even call each other rude names. It would seem, what's special here? Listen to this story.

One day Gleb saw his friend Sasha loudly arguing with Irina, who did not agree with his opinion and did not yield to him. Then Sasha called Irina insultingly. The girl started crying. She didn’t say anything to the teacher - she was afraid that everyone in the class would call her a sneak or, even worse, a traitor. Several days passed and everyone had long forgotten about what happened. Sasha still bullied the girls, and you won’t believe it, they were even happy about it - after all, Sasha was a leader, and many wanted to be friends with him. Irina walked around sad. The days at school passed very quickly, but Gleb still couldn’t get this old incident out of his head. And then one day...

Children's options are heard.

  1. Summarizing. Reflection.

Teacher : What functions does conscience perform when you doubt what to do, or when you have almost made a mistake (deceived, offended...) Before you are two sentences. Each one had a missing verb. Think and write the appropriate verb in the text of the sentence:

  1. When faced with a difficult choice, conscience ……………….. what a person should do. Options: helps, prohibits, suggests, allows.
  2. After a mistake, conscience………………. like an alarm signal: “You can’t do this! Get better!”

Options: screams, is silent, triggers, prohibits triggering.

Conscience has a very important feature: if you forget about the wounds it inflicts, they will never heal. Even after many years, conscience can remind you of past untruths. For example, the joy you get from an interesting trip may disappear because your conscience suddenly brought up something from the depths of your memory that you don’t want to remember.
Therefore, the most important thing in a person’s life is to be in harmony with his conscience. You must be able to hear it and act on its prompts, correcting your past mistakes.


We make notches for the reminder,

Not trusting my own tracks,

And conscience remembers all our actions

And does not age despite the years.

She's modest and doesn't say a word

Until he weighs his thoughts and deeds,

And suddenly he reminds you directly and sternly

Just about what you wanted to forget.

Teacher : Guys, let's read the following expressions:

“pangs of conscience”, “living at odds with one’s conscience.” How do you understand their meaning? What adjectives are used with the word conscience? (calm, clean)

Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Let's select the main word and write it down in the sheets:

As a keepsake of our lesson, I would like to give you a small drop of conscience so that it will help you make the right choice in a difficult life situation.

Class hour.

“Conscience is our inner judge” (P.A. Golbach)

Class progress

    Organizational and motivational moment.

I'm reading a poem ( Slide2)

One day before dawnThree wise men leaned over me,And I asked them, raising my eyelids:– What is the main thing, tell me, in a person?..

Teacher: Guys, how would you answer this question? What is the main thing in a person?

I suggest you work according to the structureJOT TOTS , that is, one piece of paper is divided into 4 parts and for a while each one writes down words and places them in the center)(3)

Students' answers: kindness, love, patience, respect, care, compassion, virtue, honesty, gratitude, mercy, mutual assistance, generosity, hard work, modesty, tact, etc.

Teacher: Student number 1 reads the words that the students wrote,If you havecoincidences? I wonder who they matched?

Teacher: Next I continue to read verse (4)

Certainly,intelligence - The first one answered me.With him, every path is both correct and bright.- Thank you for enlightening me.I bowed, bowing my head.The second one replied:– Will on a way,Which you need to walk with pride,To come to the end with dignity.I bowed to the sage at the waist.No, that’s not it,” said the third.Listen to his stern answer: (pause )… My story about this is small,But the main thing for a person isconscience!

Teacher: Why does the author of the poem consider conscience to be the most important thing in everyone?

(Students' answers) And our conversation today is about this most important moral concept. We will try to think about how relevant this concept is today. After all, many people believe that there is neither Good nor Conscience in the world, and on the path to the goal set, all means are good. Conscience has something to do with many of the actions people take. (s- 5)

The topic of our class hour: “Conscience is our inner judge”

Teacher: Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the word CONSCIENCE?

Teacher: Let's listen to students number 3. (students' answers are listened to). Now let's turn to the dictionary and see if you were right?

Working with dictionaries (read by the student)

In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary the following definition of the concept “conscience” is given: conscience is a feeling of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people.(6)

Teacher: Do you agree with this definition? What would you add? What is missing from it?(free expressions of students).

V.I. Dahl’s dictionary gives a more detailed definition based on popular thinking: “Conscience is moral consciousness, moral instinct or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; the secret place of the soul, in which approval or condemnation of every action is echoed; the ability to recognize the quality of an action; a feeling that encourages truth and goodness; turning away from evil and lies; involuntary love for good and truth; forced truth, in varying degrees of development.”(7)

Teacher: The dictionary entry by V.I. Dahl contains proverbs and sayings related to this concept. And it’s no coincidence. Oral folk art reflected folk ideas about good and evil.

Teacher: Guys, now we will try to solve the puzzle. On each table there are files containing individual words and phrases, your task is to create proverbs.

1. No matter how wise you are, you cannot outdo your conscience.1 group

2. You can’t hide it from a person, you can’t hide it from your conscience

3. Gray hair, but no conscience.2nd group

4. The dress is black, but the conscience is white.

5. There is conscience, there is also shame, but there is no shame and there is no conscience.3 group

6 If you lose money, you can make money, but if you lose your conscience, you will find out trouble

7. Without arms, without legs - a cripple, without conscience - half a person.4 group

8. Conscience is not a story: you can’t put it in the archives.

9. He who has a clear conscience does not have a pillow under his head.5 group

10. Sometimes there is an executioner with a conscience, sometimes there is a judge without a conscience.

Teacher: Explain the meaning of the resulting proverbs.(8)

(Students' answers)

Shame and conscience are almost synonymous, and it is not for nothing that people say: there is shame, there is also conscience.

What do you think we should be ashamed of in life? And why? Words are presented on the table.Cross out the unnecessary and add to the resulting list, let’s workstructure of CONTINUUS ROUND ROBIN, discussed in the team(9)

- poverty of their parents;

- sloppy appearance;

- neat, but not fashionable clothes;

- disregard for others;

- arrogance;

- physical disabilities;

- ugly actions;

- unprestigious job of parents;

- your “simple” origin;

- ignorance, lack of education, illiteracy;

- vulgar appearance;

-obscene expressions.

We check together, students answer by number

Teacher: A. S. Makarenko has the words: “It is necessary for a person to act correctly, according to his conscience, not when they look at him, hear him, can praise him, but when no one sees or knows about it.” What does it mean to act according to your conscience?

Teacher: You have situations written on green pieces of paper; your task is to discuss and argue your position regarding this situation,we work according tostructure CONTINUUS ROUND ROBIN(slide9)

Situation 1. Vadim found a wallet in the school corridor. There was no one in the corridor except Vadim. What do you think he should do? (10)

Situation 2. On the eve of a biology lesson, classmate Sergei, who was absent from the lesson, called Volodya to ask him about his homework. Volodya replied that they didn’t ask anything, although in fact he didn’t write down the homework himself. During the lesson they asked Seryozha, but he did not answer. The result is “2”. Evaluate the boys’ actions. (11)

Situation 3. On a hot summer day, on a crowded bus heading almost through the entire city to the river, for some reason my gaze lingered on a married couple. A young, plump, sumptuously dressed woman and a girl of about thirteen were sitting in seats over which hung a sign: “For passengers with children and the disabled.” The mother perched on the edge. As luck would have it, in this shaking

The bus, apparently driven by an inexperienced driver, was crowded with an unusually large number of old women. It was especially hard for them, hung with bags and sweltering from the stuffiness. With every push they were thrown mercilessly back and forth. And the girl who was sitting by the window was pretending to sleep, occupying a seat intended just for these old and infirm people.(12)

Situation 4. You buy milk in a store, pay with a hundred-ruble bill, and the seller mistakenly returns your 100 rubles and gives you change. What will you do?(13)

Situation 5. For spring break, the class and the class teacher are planning a trip to the forest. Preparations are underway for a fun trip. But suddenly an emergency occurs in the classroom: someone tore off the tap from the fire extinguisher and filled the entire floor in the chemistry classroom with foam. The class teacher asks the culprit to confess and put the class in order. But no one admits it. Then the class teacher punishes the whole class and the trip is cancelled.(14)

Discussion with children(15)

Teacher: Is it possible to develop your conscience?.. Of course. Think, analyze, reflect on what is around and inside you. Think through the consequences of your actions. Conscience training is a deep work of the mind and heart.I would like it to become a habit for each of you to act according to your conscience. So that you learn to clearly evaluate your actions and be critical of yourself. Let your inner judge, conscience, help you distinguish between good and evil.And in conclusion, let's listen to the parable of the monk Barnabas (Sanin)(16)


Once a man’s conscience told him that he was wrong, another, a third... On the fourth he decided to get rid of it. Not for a day or two - forever! I thought and thought about how to do this, and came up with...

Come on,” he says, “conscience, play hide and seek!”

No, she says. - You will deceive me anyway - you will peep!

Then the man pretended to be completely ill and said:

I'm sick for some reason... Bring me some milk from the cellar!

My conscience could not refuse him this. I went down to the cellar. And the man jumped out of bed - and closed it!

He called his friends in joy and with a light heart: he deceived one, offended another, and when they began to be offended, he completely kicked them all out. And no remorse for you, no reproaches - your soul is good, calm. Good, good, but only a day passed, then another, and something began to be missing for the person. And a month later he realized what - conscience! And then such melancholy fell upon him that he could not stand it and opened the lid of the cellar.

Okay, he says, come out! Just don't give orders now!

And in response - silence. I went down to the cellar: here, here - there is no conscience anywhere!
Apparently, he really got rid of her forever... The man began to sob:

How can I live without a conscience now?

And suddenly he hears a quiet, quiet voice. Not from the cellar - in the heart:

Here am I...

To rejoice, the man called his friends, apologized and gave them such a feast!
Everyone thought it was his birthday and congratulated him on it. But he did not refuse, and his conscience did not object. And not at all because I was afraid of ending up in the basement again. After all, if you look at it, that’s how it all happened!

Theme: "Conscience and Honor".

(Class hour)

Conducted by: Selemenova A.I.

Where there is shame, there is conscience.

(Russian proverb)


  1. What do you think is most important in a person?

  2. What place does conscience occupy in the hierarchy of human values?

  3. Define conscience. Try to depict conscience in the form of some symbol.

Conscience is our inner judge.(Holbach)

Conscience is a clawed beast that gnaws at the heart.(L. Landau)

Who has the shame that's conscience(Russian proverb)

Shame is one of the most important moral categories, if we talk about the popular understanding of morality. This concept is on a par with honor and conscience, about which Alexander Yashin says this:

In our countless wealth

There are precious words:




And there is more:


Conscience- the concept of moral consciousness, internal conviction of what is good and evil, consciousness of moral responsibility for one’s behavior; expression of the ability to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral duties for oneself, demand that one fulfill them and make a self-assessment of the actions performed.

The concept of conscience is a moral, root concept. How we build a house, how we draw a blueprint, how we make discoveries, how we extract oil, raise children, heal people, communicate with friends - every action that can be assessed on a moral scale has a conscience. Conscience is the inner work of the mind and heart, it is the inner voice of a person. A person becomes a moral person only when conscience, shame, responsibility and duty have settled in his soul forever. These are the four most important sources that nourish the moral virtue and culture of man. They are interconnected and closely intertwined.

Conscience, nobility and dignity -

This is our holy army.

Give him your hand

There is no fear for him even in the fire.

His face is high and amazing.

Dedicate your short life to him.

Maybe you won't be a winner

But you will die as a person.

Conscience, nobility

And dignity...

(B. Okudzhava)

2.What is the nature of conscience?

Do you think this feeling is innate?

The Holy Scriptures tell us that God created man in his own image and likeness. He created man sinless and put conscience into his soul. But already the first people transgressed the law of conscience and sinned by eating the forbidden fruit.

When God created man, he breathed into him something Divine, as if some special ability containing, like a spark of fire, heat and light, so that it would illuminate his mind and show him the difference between good and evil. It is called conscience, which is the law of nature.

(St. Dorotheos)

The demands of conscience are what in Christian language is called the will of God. Doing the will of God is the main business of man.

3. Have you ever experienced pangs of conscience? What does a person feel when his conscience speaks?

Conscience signals us about disturbances in our body, just as pain does. Only pain signals physiological violations, and conscience signals ethical violations. The similarity is enhanced by the fact that conscience sometimes overwhelms the physiological sphere - the heart pounds, the cheeks turn red. A moral burn resembles a physical one. Just as pain is useful to our physical body in that it warns us of danger, so is conscience. Dullness or absence of pain threatens the body with death. Conscience lives in our soul only on the nutritious soil of conscientiousness and shame. Shamelessness is a dangerous threshold of the soul. A shameless person at first doesn’t care what people think about him, and then it comes to this – he doesn’t care about his own fate. Arrogance, meanness, betrayal - each of these vices is a child of shamelessness and emptiness of the soul.

He did not know the strict lessons of conscience

And he walked blindly along the path of passions.

Shame and conscience are almost synonymous. And it’s not for nothing that people say: there is shame, there is also conscience. Shame is stronger than the most severe punishment from the outside, because it is a punishment of one’s own conscience and one’s own conscience.

A bad conscience is afraid of every sight.

To the worthy - honor and reward

(Indian wisdom)

4. What do you think is worth being ashamed of in life and why:

* physical disabilities;

* unseemly actions;

* worn but neat clothes;

* sloppy appearance;

* social status of parents;

* ignorance;

* your appearance;

* soulless attitude towards others;

* something else.

5. It’s a shame to lie to other people, but should a person be honest with himself?

A. S. Makarenko has magnificent words: “A person must act correctly, according to his conscience, not when they are looking at him, they hear him, they can praise him, but when no one sees him, and they will never know how it happened. We must do the right thing for the sake of truth, for the sake of duty to ourselves.” In life, a person often needs to make the only right decision himself - according to his conscience, according to his inner conviction. Here he is his own judge. And by the decision he made, people judge what kind of person he is.

6. Consider the situation.

What will you do?

What feeling will make you confess?

You won’t tell anyone anything;

You will definitely say;

If you say, then: certainly in front of the whole class; alone to one teacher?


Yesterday you had a test in mathematics in your class. Today the teacher announced the results, you get a high five! However, when the notebooks were handed out and you looked at your work again, you saw that the teacher had not noticed a very serious mistake in it. There can't be any top five here! The A was received completely undeservedly. Your work is, at best, a “four”, or even a “three”.

7. To become dexterous and strong, they exercise their body; to learn to solve problems well, they exercise their mind. Is it possible to exercise your conscience? How?

Instead of a lamp, when considering your actions, use your conscience; it shows you which actions in your life are good and which are bad.

(Reverend Neil)

The exercise of conscience is a subtle inner work of the mind and heart.

It occurs in activity, in actions, in thinking about one’s behavior. The eyes of conscience are thought. I need to learn to think about what is around me and in me, to mentally put myself in the place of another, to see the consequences of each of my actions, to subject my activities to mental review by the most honest, most demanding people. The voice of the inner “I” speaks in a person only when from an early age he is accustomed to feeling that he is in front of people.

8. How to awaken conscience in an unscrupulous person?

It is very important how the environment reacts if a person acts unscrupulously, dishonestly. It will burn through the shell of his ambition, selfishness - the conscience will awaken in the person, the person will become ashamed. For example, this is what happened with the hero of Boris Zakhoder’s poem.


In the garden Tomato Ay-ay-ay, Tomato!

Perched on the fence: Shame on you!

Pretending, wretch, Old Onion became upset:

It’s as if he himself is a gardener. I can't stand this kind of stuff!

Aunt Turnip was indignant: Ay-ay-ay, Tomato!

This is stupid and ridiculous! Shame on you!

Ay-ay-ay, Tomato, Tomboy blushed,

Shame on you! Finally ashamed...

Uncle Cucumber shouted: And the rank fell from rank to rank

Ugly! Tomboy! To the gardener in the basket.


“Where do conscience and truth live!?” - G. Derzhavin. Select a statement.

Justify in writing the correctness of your choice.

There is neither Good nor Conscience in the world.

Is there Goodness and Conscience in the world!?

No, after all, there is Good and Conscience in the world.

There is Good and Conscience in the world.

Goodness and Conscience rule the world!


Remember the proverbs and sayings about conscience. Write an essay on one of them.

1. Where there is shame, there is conscience.

2. No matter how wise you are, you cannot outdo your conscience.

3. A conscience without teeth will gnaw.

4. When the conscience was distributed, he was not at home.

5. You can’t wear your face without shame.

6. What we are ashamed of, we hide about.

Goals: clarify the meaning of such moral categories as conscience, shame, repentance; develop the ability to be critical of oneself and give an honest assessment of one’s actions; encourage children to introspect, to think about themselves, to search for high moral ideals.

Class plan

  1. Problematic situation. Video clip “Shards in the heart” (Annex 1)
  2. Interactive conversation.
  3. Vocabulary work. "Shame" and "conscience"
  4. Game “What should you be ashamed of?”
  5. Situations of choice. "Voice of Conscience"
    • A) Situation one.
    • B) Situation two.
    • B) Situation three.
  6. Exercise for conscience - “A minute of repentance”
  7. Summing up (reflection).

Class progress

1. Class teacher. Today we will talk about concepts that, in my opinion, are the basis of human morality. But before we start the conversation, I suggest you watch a short video.

Problematic situation. Video “Shrapnels in the Heart”

2. Interactive conversation.

Classroom teacher. Guys, what is the meaning of these words – “shards in the heart”? What do they mean?


Yes, you are right and the topic of today’s conversation is “Conscience,” but this concept is closely connected with one more thing. Which one?


And here you are right. So, the topic of the class hour is “Shame and Conscience” (slide No. 1)

In the hustle and bustle of today's life, people sometimes forget about these concepts. I invite you to stop and talk about this today.

How would you define these concepts? (answer options).

Now let's look in the dictionary (slide No. 2)

3. Vocabulary work. "Shame" and "conscience"

This is how the meaning of this word “conscience” is explained in the dictionaries of Ozhegov and Dahl (reads his notes):

Conscience is the internal consciousness of good and evil, the “secret of the soul”, in which approval or condemnation of every action is echoed, the ability to recognize the quality of an action.

And here is how the meaning of the word is explained “Shame” is a feeling of strong embarrassment, self-condemnation from the consciousness of the reprehensibility of an act, guilt.

To highlight the importance and power of these two concepts, I suggest you remember what expressions are used with these words?

Very strong expressions are used with this word: people say: « gnawing conscience”, “tormenting conscience”, “conscience does not let me sleep”, “torments of conscience”, “remorse”, “conscience has spoken”. It’s very good when you do something with a “clear conscience”, with a “clear conscience”.

People say: “you can burn from shame,” “you can die from shame,” “you can fall through the ground from shame,” “you can blush from shame,” “I don’t know where to go from shame.”

« Where there is shame, there is conscience,” says the Russian proverb. It shows well the connection between these two concepts.

One might say that proverbs reflect folk wisdom, its attitude towards something that has developed over centuries. Here are some proverbs that talk about shame and conscience:

(slide No. 3)

  1. No matter how wise you are, you cannot outdo your conscience.
  2. A conscience without teeth will gnaw.
  3. You can’t hide it from a person, you can’t hide it from your conscience
  4. Life is given for good deeds.
  5. It is better to live poor than to become rich through sin.
  6. The truth is like a wasp - it crawls into your eyes.

Tell me, do you agree with these proverbs? Maybe you have a different opinion? ( here you can discuss the fifth proverb, and provoke children into an argument with the phrase “aren’t people jealous who have a lot of money and can afford almost everything or almost everything”)

4. Game “What should you be ashamed of?”

Classroom teacher. What do you think you should be ashamed of in life and why? Statements on the interactive board. You need to divide them into two groups: “Ashamed” and “Not ashamed.”

  • Physical disabilities
  • Ugly actions
  • Worn but neat clothes
  • Old-fashioned clothes
  • Unprestigious job for parents
  • Ignorance, lack of education, illiteracy
  • Vulgar appearance
  • Rude, callous attitude towards people

Classroom teacher. I am very glad that you correctly identified what you need to be ashamed of. I would like that in life your inner judge - conscience - would just as well help you distinguish between good and evil.

Classroom teacher. Life often presents a person with a choice: to do according to his conscience or against his conscience. And everyone must make this choice not for the sake of praise or window dressing, but for the sake of truth, for the sake of duty to oneself. By this decision people will judge a person.

Let's consider three situations. Will it be difficult for you to act according to your conscience?

A) Situation one(slide No. 4)

You buy milk in a store, and the seller mistakenly gives you an extra fifty (five hundred) rubles with change. What will you do?

B) Situation two(slide No. 5)

Classroom teacher. Another situation. You copied the entire dictation from your neighbor at your desk. But the teacher gave the “neighbor” a “3”, and you a “5”, because he did not notice the three gross mistakes that he saw in her notebook. Your actions?

Children speak out about the situation.

B) Situation three(slide No. 6)

Classroom teacher. Situation three. For spring break, the class and the class teacher are planning a trip to the forest. Preparations are underway for a fun trip. But suddenly an emergency occurs in the classroom: someone tore off the tap from the fire extinguisher and filled the entire floor in the chemistry classroom with foam. The class teacher asks the culprit to confess and put the class in order. But no one admits it. Then the class teacher punishes the whole class and the trip is cancelled.

Do you know that your friend tore the tap off the fire extinguisher? How can one act in good conscience here? Also, what are your opinions on this? (Maybe the teacher shouldn’t have done this? Or solve this situation somehow differently)

Children speak out about the situation

6. Exercises of conscience.

"A Minute of Repentance"

Classroom teacher. A person’s whole life consists of similar situations. At every step we make a choice between good and evil. In order not to make mistakes, you need to constantly hear the voice of your conscience. This voice will tell us whether our actions are good or bad.

And in order for the conscience not to remain silent, you need to train it, just as you train muscles and the mind - you need to force it to constantly work, do exercises.

An exercise of conscience is the internal work of the mind and heart, when a person thinks about what good and what bad he has done during the day, mentally puts himself in the place of another, tries to see the consequences of his actions, knows how to look at his actions through the eyes of people he respects. With such work, conscience will not be silent and will always be the inner judge of a person. Otherwise - wandering in the dark.

Now let's do this exercise. Let’s think for a minute and remember our actions that could have offended someone, for which we are ashamed today and we deeply repent of them. Try to write on pieces of paper about the situation itself, and your feelings that you experienced then and now. Let's call this exercise “Minute of Repentance.”

The music turns on. For one minute, children think and write on pieces of paper.

Classroom teacher. Read us what you wrote.

Tell me, what do you think, how can you correct your actions, how can you calm your conscience?

(To apologize)

Classroom teacher. The feeling of remorse is a great feeling. It cleanses and heals a person. “The sword does not cut off a guilty head,” says a Russian proverb.

Classroom teacher. How to awaken conscience in an unscrupulous person? How can I make him repent of his actions?

Sample answers from children:

“You need to tell him straight about everything, criticize him.”

- We need to declare a boycott.

– Don’t shake hands, don’t greet.

- We need to arrange a public court.

Classroom teacher. I agree with you. If a person acts unscrupulously, dishonestly, those around him should shame him. Better the bitter truth than a beautiful lie. Maybe this will awaken a person’s conscience, and the person will feel ashamed.

To conclude our conversation today, I suggest watching another video, “The Parable of the Sparrow” (can be found on the Internet)

Classroom teacher. It's never too late to ask for forgiveness, but you don't have to wait 50 years, like the hero of our first story.

7. Summing up (reflection).

Classroom teacher. Our conversation has come to an end. Thank you all very much! Each of you, I think, has drawn your own conclusions. I won't ask about them because it's very personal. But still, I would like to understand what our conversation today gave you. To do this: you have circles of different colors on your table. When you leave, you leave on the table only the one that most closely expresses the opinion that you came to after today’s conversation:

It seems to me that my conscience is not sleeping, but the conversation was useful

Our conversation today helped me realize that I have something to apologize for.

Other (write)


  1. Selevko G.K. Do it yourself. M: public education, 2006.
  2. The video features a song by Dying Young;
  3. The text of the parable “Shards in the Heart” and photographs for the video were taken from the Internet

Conscience is a measure of morality
Goal: Formation of a sense of conscience.
1). Based on the formation of the ethical concept of conscience, stimulate self-esteem in
students and their self-control in everyday behavior.
2). Show students the need for critical thinking and analysis of their own
actions and actions of peers and classmates.
3). Development of such personal qualities in students as the ability to admit their mistakes,
analyze them and draw conclusions.
“On a hot summer day in a crowded bus traveling almost the entire
city ​​to the river, for some reason my gaze lingered on a married couple. Young, plump,
a magnificently dressed woman and a girl of about thirteen were sitting in the seats above which
There was a sign: “For passengers with children and disabled people.” Mother sat down with
edge..., as luck would have it, in this shaking bus, apparently driven by an inexperienced
driver, there were an unusually large number of old women. Here he is, hung with bags,
those exhausted from the stuffiness had a particularly hard time. With every push they are mercilessly
threw back and forth. And the girl who was sitting by the window was pretending to sleep,
occupying a seat designed precisely for these old and infirm people.”
 Stage I.
1. Definition of the topic.
2. Preliminary survey “Conscience in human life”.

2. What did you do then?
3. And now that time has passed, remembering that incident, are you ashamed again?
3. Analysis of the questionnaire “Conscience in human life.”
4. Selection of material.
Roles and assignments for children:
1. Prepare proverbs and sayings about conscience.
2. In the Children's Bible, repeat God's Commandments.
 Stage II.
Conducting a communication class.
Man is a social creature. It cannot be separated from specific conditions
society. That is why we say that the basis of his behavior is that social
the environment in which he lives.
But at the same time, he is a rational being. Everything he does, he does meaningfully. How
a thinking, feeling being, a person has an active ability to choose

forms of their behavior. A person must do everything in his power to firmly
stand on your feet, be highly moral.
But this requires an internal spiritual volitional struggle of a person with weaknesses,
the struggle to eliminate everything that prevents us from moving forward. But actions and behavior
a person is evaluated not only by other people. You must evaluate your actions yourself
Human. This ability of a person to internally evaluate his actions, the ability
balance your behavior with the moral norms in force in society, feeling
Moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people is conscience.
There are many popular proverbs and sayings about the manifestation of a person’s conscience. Here
some of them.
Many prominent people have pointed out that without a sense of conscience it is difficult to become
a moral person.
Socrates spoke about this matter as follows: “I consider the man lost
who has lost his sense of shame." Conscience serves as a regulator of behavior and
human activity, his internal moral controller.
Conscience is a kind of moral fear that is responsible for behavior
a person, for his choice of his actions, actions.
In preparation for this hour of communication, I asked you to answer three questions on the survey.
1. Was there a time in your life when you were very ashamed?
2. What did you do then?
3. And now that time has passed and, remembering that incident, are you ashamed again?
Conscience helps people behave correctly, correct their mistakes,
improve your best qualities. Conscience is a deep and important internal
motive for moral behavior. Conscience manifests itself in both big and small things. I'll bring you
such an example.
Guys, how do you think events developed further?
(children's answers)
Try to replay the situation. Express your pros and cons.
What does the expression mean: “It’s not appropriate for a girl to lose her conscience at this age, and neither should you.”
mother herself, as if she wouldn’t cry afterwards...”
“This is how it is with us: at seven years old they sit, and at seventy they stand. Who is to blame here? Yes
we ourselves, parents. This is the kind of steal that my father and mother raised, but invested my conscience in
forgot. Well, a person without conscience is the same cripple, he seems to have a seat
it's supposed to..."
We are often forced to think about the moral meaning of our actions and in general
over the issue of permissibility and impermissibility.
If a person commits an unseemly act, this often causes him
dissatisfaction with oneself, repentance, remorse. "Pangs of conscience" is one of the most
strong human emotions.

Guys, who is called “a person with a clear conscience”?
(children's answers)
A clear conscience means, as Feuerbach said, that a person does not feel
no evil deed, no action that should be afraid of opinion
other people.
At A.S. Pushkin has an expression: “Yes, pitiful is the one whose conscience is unclean.”
How do you understand the expression “bad conscience”? And why is a person with unclean
Is your conscience really pathetic?
(children's answers)
A bad conscience is nothing more than suffering over an unfulfilled debt,
about pain caused to another person due to a misunderstanding, oversight or
At the same time, there are people with a sick conscience.
How do you understand the expression “sick conscience”?
People with a sick conscience develop uncertainty about the correctness of their
actions, constant fear of doing something wrong, they constantly punish themselves for
actions in which there was nothing essentially reprehensible.
Every person should be raised so that a voice constantly sounds within him
conscience. It is conscience that helps a person not to deviate from the norms
human morality. Conscience is of divine origin and is
a moral feeling that God puts into the human soul. Conscience is the voice of God
inside us. This voice not only tells a person what is good and what is bad, but also obliges
it is to do good and avoid evil. This is what God's Commandments teach us.
The correctness of one’s actions in accordance with one’s conscience gives a person joy and
satisfaction makes him self-confident. But how hard it is on the soul when
you feel that you did something differently than you should have done. There is a high court
probably every person. It is he, this court, that forces us to be demanding
to yourself. Feelings of shame and remorse are unpleasant feelings.
Conscience is the harshest and most unforgiving of all judges encountered in life.
person. It makes a person a person. Honesty, truthfulness, integrity everything
it is inseparable from conscience.
Peace and order rest on conscientious people. They carry a charge
moral health, which has a beneficial effect on others. Their life position
largely determines the moral climate of society and the level of its ideals. And I really want
so that you never lose your conscience and always live in accordance with it.
For, as V.I. said. Dahl, conscience - moral consciousness, moral sense
or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; secret place of the soul, in which
approval or condemnation of every action is withdrawn; ability to recognize
quality of action; a feeling that awakens to truth and goodness, aversion from lies and evil;
involuntary love for good and truth; innate truth in varying degrees of development.

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