Russian alphabet. Capital English alphabet: features of spelling letters

Russian alphabet.  Capital English alphabet: features of spelling letters

Every parent strives for a child to have a beautiful and understandable handwriting. The prescriptions come to the rescue. Calligraphic samples of letters, syllables, numbers are presented in notebooks for written work. They help children learn how to write correctly by outlining the principles and foundations of calligraphy. Adults also resort to the help of prescriptions. With regular training, they correct sloppy handwriting.


Adults rarely write by hand, often when absolutely necessary. The letter was replaced by computer text. This is convenient, but at the same time, the handwriting of adults deteriorates due to lack of training. Children in schools and kindergartens are taught to write correctly and beautifully, to regularly reinforce the skill, train their hand and learn to write using special aids at home.

The simplest prescriptions are made independently, they are suitable for children 2 years old, 3 years old. It is necessary to take a notebook in a box and draw simple figures with a dotted line: lines, squares, triangles. And the kids with the help of their parents or on their own will circle the figures. Examples for beginners are shown below. The network contains templates for pdf, word and other formats.

For preschoolers

Children 3 - 4 years old

45 years

5 – 6 years

For the preparatory group

By points

Patterns: sticks - hooks

For 1st class

For 2nd grade



For adults

The printed alphabet is simpler than the written alphabet because the letters do not connect with each other. These study books are suitable for kindergarten when kids are just introduced to the alphabet. Coloring book in game form introduce the child to the alphabet when he paints a picture that begins with a certain letter. For example: a watermelon when it comes to the letter "A" or a hippopotamus when it gets acquainted with the letter "B".

While learning the printed alphabet, the child should explain what vowels and consonants are, how hissing sounds differ from voiced, hard from soft.

calligraphic letters

The uppercase alphabet is taught before school. These are complex characters where the spelling of uppercase letters differs from lowercase ones. In this case, it is important to connect the symbols correctly with each other. Parents and teachers use modern types of exercise books or copybooks from Soviet times.

Adults and children of senior school age can use prescriptions in a wide range; for kids, notebooks are used in a narrow one. You can print the copybook, where all the letters are on one sheet - this will help you quickly remember the sequence of letters in the alphabet.

How numbers are written

Mathematical symbols are easier to write because they are much smaller: only 10 digits versus 33 letters of the alphabet, and the numbers do not connect to each other. For prescriptions, they use notebooks in a box, where each number is clearly limited and does not go beyond.

School copybooks with numbers are equipped with shading, arrows and other signs that help you understand where the character starts from, the writing algorithm. Printouts with examples of numbers are used for teaching both preschoolers and school-age children.

Calligraphy workbooks

Teachers and educators recommend purchasing special notebooks designed to prepare the hand for writing. The best prescriptions were developed and created by domestic teachers, which include the Nekin simulator, the working prescriptions of Bortnikova, Zhukova, Kolesnikova. Benefits are designed for children of different ages.





How to prepare your hand for writing

To prepare the hands of future first-graders, teachers have compiled a list of special tasks.

Regular exercise train fine motor skills in children of any age:

  1. Finger games will help prepare the hand, but you should not give priority to only one hand, regardless of whether the child is right-handed or left-handed. Limbs should be equally involved.
  2. Coloring pages - a fun pastime develops creative imagination and prepares fingers for writing.
  3. Special outline notebooks for future schoolchildren. The authors propose to circle pictures or large letters by dots, draw lines without lifting the pencil from the paper (maze).
  4. Prescriptions - the first study guides are developed for children 4-5 years old, 6-7 years old, for grades 1-2, for grades 3, 4. Recipes introduce kids to printed and capital letters, syllables. There are also mathematical aids with figures and numbers, notebooks in Russian, English, German, French and other languages.

Elder's child preschool age learn from the rules. They can be bought at stationery, bookstores or downloaded for free online.

How to fix handwriting

Many people believe that beautiful handwriting is formed in school age, and adults can no longer fix it. In fact, it can be improved regardless of age: both a first grader and an adult are able to put their hands up. However, this is the result of long and regular training.

It is important to follow the rules and take into account the nuances:

  • A comfortable place to write - you need good lighting, choose a table with a hard surface, a chair with a back. These conditions are especially important for toddlers, children 3-6 years old, junior schoolchildren but also recommended for adults.
  • When working, you can not rush, you need maximum focus on the process.
  • Suitable stationery. Previously, experts argued that for success in calligraphy, good handwriting, you need to use a fountain pen. Today, ball is also allowed, but with a thin rod.
  • Educational material - children use prescriptions for the appropriate age. They learn to write in dots, hatching or dotted lines. Adults can get a notebook in a narrow line and train in it. If you wish, you can download ready-made online copybooks, learn how to correctly write compounds of letters, their elements, syllables and sentences.
  • Initially, straight and parallel lines, circles and other simple shapes should be written. Then move on to letters and syllables.
  • If necessary, they turn to calligraphy masters, they will tell you how to write letters and compounds that have errors. They will advise exercises that improve fine motor skills of hands and handwriting.

Don't expect quick results. Calligraphy will improve after hard and regular practice.

How to learn to write correctly and beautifully

It is easier to teach a student to write beautiful handwriting right away than to retrain and correct mistakes later.

Parents of preschoolers and first-graders will be helped by the advice of experienced teachers:

  • Calligraphic handwriting is impossible without developed finger motor skills. To do this, you need to draw more often with pencils, sculpt from plasticine, engage in origami, beadwork. For the little ones, games with cereals will be interesting and useful. To do this, an adult needs to mix a little buckwheat and rice, and the child will sort them out.
  • Beautiful handwriting is directly related to a straight posture. The kid should not be hunched over while he writes in the recipe. The back should be straight, for this he is seated on a chair with a hard back. At the same time, computer swivel chairs are not suitable.
  • High quality writing pen. It is necessary to select stationery with a thin rod. When choosing between a gel pen and a ballpoint pen, the latter is preferred because it does not scratch the paper. The place for gripping fingers should be made of rubber. Such a pen will not slip in children's hands, unlike a plastic or metal counterpart.
  • Handle grip. The correct position in the hand: the pen lies on the middle finger, the thumb and forefinger hold it, and the ring and little fingers are pressed to the palm. With an incorrect grip, beautiful handwriting cannot be achieved.

Compliance with the rules of calligraphy will help the child learn how to write beautiful letters from A to Z, words, numbers and numbers.

We use letters in writing and sounds in speech. Letters represent the sounds we make. There is no simple and direct correspondence between letters and sounds: there are letters that do not designate sounds, there are cases when a letter means two sounds, and cases when several letters mean one sound. Modern Russian has 33 letters and 42 sounds.


Letters are vowels and consonants. The letters soft sign and hard sign do not form sounds; there are no words in Russian that begin with these letters. The Russian language is “vociferous”, in Russian words there are many vowels (o, e, i, a), voiced consonants (n, l, v, m, p). Noisy, deaf, hissing (w, h, w, u, c, f) are much less. The vowels yu, e, e are also rarely used. In a letter, instead of the letter ё, they often write the letter e without losing the meaning.


The letters of the Russian language are listed below in alphabetical order. Showing capital and capital letters, their names are indicated. Vowels are marked in red, consonants in blue, letters ь, ъ in gray.

A a B b C c D d E f f f g f g h I i y y k k l l M m N n O P p p r s s t t u u v f x x z z z h Sh sh y y y y b

The letter L is called "el" or "el", the letter E is sometimes called "E reverse".


Numbers of letters of the Russian alphabet in direct and reverse order:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

In the article you will learn about the history of the Russian alphabet, as well as the rules for spelling and pronunciation of each of its letters.

Around 863, Cyril and Methodius (chronicler brothers) streamlined all "Slavic" writing, after Emperor Michael the Third ordered them to do so. The writing was called "Cyrillic" and entered the Greek script. After that, the Bulgarian school of “scribes” actively developed and the country (Bulgaria) became the most important center for the distribution of the “Cyrillic alphabet”.

Bulgaria is the place where the first Slavic "book" school appeared and it was here that such significant publications as the Psalter, the Gospel and the Apostle were rewritten. After Greece, "Cyrillic" penetrated into Serbia and only at the end of the 10th century became the language in Russia. We can safely say that the modern Russian alphabet is a derivative of the Cyrillic alphabet and the old Slavic "eastern" speech.

A little later, the Russian alphabet received 4 more new letters, but 14 letters from the “old” alphabet were gradually excluded one by one, because they were no longer needed. After the reforms of Peter the Great (beginning of the 17th century), superscript characters were completely eliminated from the alphabet, and other "doublet" characters were simply abolished. The most recent reform of the Russian alphabet took place at the beginning of the 19th century, and after it the alphabet appeared to mankind, which is observed to this day.

How many letters are there in the Russian alphabet?

The modern Russian alphabet, consisting of exactly 33 letters, became official only in 1918. It is interesting that the letter "Ё" in it was approved only in 1942, and before that it was only considered a variation of the letter "E".

Cyril and Methodius

The alphabet of the Russian language - 33 letters black and white, printed: what it looks like, print on one sheet, printed A4 format, photo.

In order to learn the spelling of each letter of the Russian alphabet, you may need its printed black and white version. After downloading such a picture, you can print it on any A4 landscape sheet.

Russian alphabet in order from A to Z, numbered in direct order: photo, print

Each letter in the Russian alphabet has its own serial number.

Russian alphabet, numbered in reverse order: photo, print

Reverse order of letters in the alphabet and reverse numbering.

How to pronounce, read the letters of the Russian alphabet, Cyrillic: transcription, letter names

Russian alphabet of capital and capital letters: photo, print

Russian written speech also requires calligraphy and calligraphy. Therefore, you should definitely remember the spelling rules for each capital and small letter in the alphabet.

How to write capital letters of the Russian alphabet for first graders: combining capital letters of the Russian alphabet, photo

Toddlers who are just starting to learn written language, prescriptions will definitely come in handy in which they will learn not only the spelling of letters, but also all their mandatory connections with each other.

Prescription of Russian letters:

Spelling of Russian letters A and B

Spelling of Russian letters V and G

Spelling of Russian letters E and D

Spelling of Russian letters Yo and Zh

Spelling of Russian letters 3 and I

Spelling of Russian letters Y and K

Spelling of Russian letters L and M

Spelling of Russian letters H and O

Spelling of Russian letters P and R

Spelling of Russian letters C and T

Spelling of Russian letters U and F

Spelling of Russian letters Х and Ц

Spelling of Russian letters Ch and Sh

Spelling of Russian letters Щ, ь and ъ

Spelling of Russian letters E and Yu

Spelling of Russian letters I

How many vowels, consonants, hissing letters and sounds are there in the Russian alphabet, and which is more: vowels or consonants?

Important to remember:

  • In the Russian alphabet, letters are divided into vowels and consonants.
  • Vowels - 10 pcs.
  • Consonant letters - 21 pcs. (+ ь, ъ sign)
  • There are 43 sounds in Russian
  • It has 6 vowels
  • And 37 consonants

Introduction to the modern Russian alphabet letter e, d, e: when and who included?

Interesting to know:

  • The letter ё appeared in the alphabet in the 19th century.
  • The letter й appeared in the alphabet after the 15-16th century (appeared in Slavic church writings after the Moscow edition).
  • The letter e appeared in the 17th century (during the development of a civil font)

What is the last letter in the Russian alphabet?

The letter Yo is the “last” letter in the Russian alphabet, since it was approved relatively recently (at the beginning of the 19th century).

Young and forgotten letters of the Russian alphabet: names

The modern Russian alphabet has gone through many transformations before finding its final form. Many letters were forgotten or excluded from the alphabet as unnecessary.

The number of letters of the Russian alphabet that do not indicate sounds: names

IMPORTANT: A letter is a graphic sign, sound is a unit of sounding speech.

In Russian, the following letters do not have sounds:

  • b - softens the sound
  • ъ - makes the sound hard

What is the last consonant letter of the Russian alphabet: name

The last letter (consonant) that arose in the modern alphabet is Щ (ligature Ш+Т or Ш+Ч).

Transliteration of the Russian alphabet in Latin: photo

Transliteration is the translation of letters into english alphabet, with audio preserved.

Calligraphic handwriting: a sample of the Russian alphabet

Calligraphy is the rules for writing capital letters.

Video: "Live alphabet for kids"

Before starting to learn the Russian language, any student must learn its basis - the alphabet. You need to learn it at the very first lesson and you need to master this knowledge properly.

Any word of the Russian language consists of sounds, which are the basis of the shell of any word. Each word consists of a different sound design. Of great importance is the combination of letters in the word, as well as stress.

In any language, including Russian, transcription is used to distinguish letters in words. It is transcription that helps to understand how a word sounds, giving it a generally accepted written form. The transcription will show the softness of the consonants, which syllables are in the word, and also where the stress is located and which letters fall under it.

The letters of the alphabet can be divided into groups such as vowels and consonants. In addition, vowels can be stressed, these are only six letters. Stressed vowels are those that, when pronouncing a sound, do not encounter obstacles in the oral cavity. You can put your hand to your throat and feel how the ligaments vibrate. Any vowel can be shouted and sung. It is vowels that are the basis of any word, but stressed syllables sound distinct, and unstressed ones are more colorless.

Consonant sounds usually meet an obstacle in their way during pronunciation. Usually such sounds are quite difficult to pronounce if they are in a row. The Russian language does not have words that consist only of consonants. Consonants can also be divided into voiced and deaf, as well as paired and unpaired sounds.

Large caps

Studying the alphabet, it is necessary to study the spelling of letters, as well as punctuation marks. Large capital letters will be very important and necessary for all further education of children. To form handwriting, you will need to show the child different fonts that are used to write a particular capital letter.

For the correct design of letters while writing, you can make memos for children. You just need to take sheets of paper that are A4 format, on which you can print suitable and various stencils with capital letters. Use a wide variety of fonts so that children best remember how to write one or another letter of the Russian language. Such pictures can be colored, you can draw small elements of jewelry on them, but so that they do not distract from the information that the stencils contain.

You can use classic fonts with combs, original spelling, floral and festive decoration, the main thing is to show imagination and involve children in creating such an alphabet, it will be interesting for them to decorate and color capital letters on A4 paper.

Lower case

Learning the rules for how to write lowercase letters is just as important as capital letters. Therefore, in order to learn the entire alphabet in this way, it will also not be bad to use similar stencils and different fonts that can be printed on A4 paper.

Then lowercase letters will be learned by children much easier, and if the printed pictures are hung as an example, then the children will better remember the Russian alphabet, learn to write different fonts, using printed stencils as an example. It is the stencils that will become the basis for the children to quickly memorize certain lowercase letters.

Russian alphabet

Russian letters differ from each other not only in style and sound designation, but also in size. Correct spelling follows certain rules. Uppercase and lowercase letters - what every schoolchild knows, especially an elementary school student. But the knowledge gained at school is forgotten very quickly, and adults are unlikely to remember the definitions of these terms.

Uppercase and lowercase letters are two types of graphic icons in writing. Interestingly, the division into such varieties is not in all languages. They are present in Cyrillic, and also in the Greek alphabet, Latin, Armenian. The situation in Georgia is unusual. There are no capital icons (with a specific meaning of use), but certain sections of the text (for example, titles, headings) are typed in large icons. They have small inscriptions, but differ from them in size. In other writing systems, the division into uppercase and lowercase letters does not exist.

For the first acquaintance with them, it is enough to learn a brief information:

  • capital - the one that is larger;
  • lowercase - one that is smaller in size.

And in order for the information to be remembered better, linger in the head for a long time and not turn into confusion, you need to study the issue deeper, delving into the details.


This is a capital, large, beautiful, initial. The letter sign is increased in size compared to the rest. Most often, it is the only one in the line, it is with it that the sentence begins. IN primary school children with great diligence learn to display the first alphabetic character - after all, it should turn out beautiful.

The first official use of capital letters is seen in the 15th century. However, further research showed that people tried to beautifully arrange the initial characters of the name, surname, sentence long before the beginning of the 15th century. Such graphic icons, decorated with ornaments and curlicues, were called drop caps.

Capital letters inThe text is written only in those cases that are confirmed by spelling rules. The most common of them, which are most often encountered in practice, will be indicated below.

Another definition of "capital" is found in elementary school at the stage of teaching writing. It is less common, therefore it does not appear in dictionaries. It is used only to distinguish between the type of writing, the antonym for the word "capital" is "printed". When a teacher asks to write a word, a sentence, a text in cursive, he means lowercase and uppercase letters. And their choice should take place on the basis of the studied rules.


This is a small letter. In a sentence and text, it is much more common than graphic icons of the previous type. This is explained by the fact that small letters are used several times more often in writing - these are the rules of Russian spelling.

All letters that do not fall under the rules for writing capitals are lined up in one line and have the same height, therefore they are called lowercase.

Note! The stress in the term "lowercase" falls not on the first, but on the last syllable, no matter how much one would like to associate its pronunciation with the pronunciation of the word "line".

Useful videos: how to write uppercase small letters?

Main differences

Uppercase and lowercase letters have a number of differences from each other.

They are as follows:

  • Size. The capital letter is about 2 times larger than the small one. This is clearly visible when using a notebook sheet in a wide line: a large letter occupies the entire height of the line, and a small letter fits in half of it.
  • Writing. The capital letter has much more details and features of the style, which first-grade students are diligently trying to learn. It is much more complicated than small in outline.
  • Frequency of use. The capital letter is found in the text much less often than the small one, because its choice must be justified by certain rules.

Having learned for himself the difference between uppercase and small graphic icons, a person stops confusing these two terms with each other.


An illustrative example of how the styles of both categories look like.

When comparing the graphic icons next to each other, it immediately becomes clear which of them are CAPITAL and which are lowercase.

Capitalization spelling

In Russian, the use of two types of inscription is subject to the rules of the corresponding section of orthography. According to them, the new sentence begins with a capital character, which seems to lead the army of small, ordinary icons. It shows that the previous thought has ended and another has begun, or simply denotes the beginning of a thought. Direct speech, quotations, each new line of the poem begins with the title.

But there are other, more complex rules that explain the spelling of uppercase and lowercase letters:

  1. Names, surnames, patronymics of people and adjectives based on them. For example: Andrey Igorevich Yablochkin, Petkin's car.
  2. Names of animals and adjectives made from them. For example: Tuzik, Murka, Kesha, Fluff, Tuzikov collar.
  3. Geographical objects, places, names (continents, cardinal points, countries, cities, villages, villages, territories, republics, islands, seas, oceans, rivers, lakes). For example: Black Sea, Baltic, Atlantic Ocean, Moscow city, Africa mainland, Yantarny village, Republic of Adygea.
  4. Names of firms, companies, shops, enterprises. For example: the Rostvertol plant, the Pyaterochka store, the Belvest shoe company.
  5. Names of the great historical events, the most important documents (First World War, Petrine era).
  6. Names of publications, works of art, dishes (Murzilka magazine, Moskovskie Vedomosti newspaper, Moonlight Sonata, painting Barge haulers on the Volga, Caesar salad).
  7. Names of ministries, important state organizations (Ministry of Education, City Duma).
  8. High positions of great national importance (President, Queen).
  9. The first word of the name of the holidays and important events(Birthday, Christmas, Easter, Victory Day).
  10. The pronoun "you" when special respect is required.
  11. Abbreviations - consist entirely of capital icons (KPRF, MLM, SFU).

In all other cases, when the word is not included in the category of proper names, but is a common noun, lowercase are writtenstyles.

Possible difficulties in choosing an option

In Russian, most of the rules are ambiguous and have additional explanations or exceptions.

Important! When the choice of letter size (capital / small) is required to fill out important documents or perform serious tasks, work, it is better to check yourself in dictionaries and reference books.

Possible difficulties in choosing the size of a graphic icon:

  1. The proper names of mythical, historical, literary heroes, which began to be used in a generalized, figurative sense, to denote a certain character or way of life of people. The rules for writing such words are ambiguous: some are written with a capital letter (Oblomov, Napoleon, Hamlet), others with a lowercase letter (Donquixote, Judas, Hercules, which have become common nouns). A variant of their use is given in the dictionary.
  2. The same distinctions and their own spelling features have names geographical objects and important historical events used in a generalized (figurative) sense: Sodom (debauchery), Olympus (top), Kamchatka (last places) and Chernobyl, Mecca, Hiroshima.
  3. The names of devices, techniques, units of measurement, obtained by the names of their inventors, are written with a lowercase letter. For example: X-ray, volt, pascal and so on.
  4. and terms where one of the words is a proper name, as well as adjectives composed of them, do not have a large sign (Achilles' heel, Demyan's ear, x-rays).
  5. Adjectives that were composed by the last name and first name of a person using the suffixes -sk, -ovsk, -insk - are written with a lowercase letter (Dalevsky dictionary, Prishvin prose).

Useful video: lowercase Russian letters


In fact, delving into the material taught in the lessons in educational institution, the pupil and the student master the spelling of graphic signs well, understand the differences and peculiarities of their use, which means that they do not have serious difficulties in observing this norm.

The main thing is to remember the definitions, to understand some of the difficulties for yourself. And in case of difficulty, do not forget about the possibility of referring to the dictionary.

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