A language without grammar. Vocabulary alone without grammar does not constitute a language

A language without grammar.  Vocabulary alone without grammar does not constitute a language

English grammar poses a lot of difficulties for every language learner. Therefore, having decided to make their life easier, some argue that knowing grammar is not at all necessary.

After all, you can communicate with foreigners without it, just learn colloquial phrases and the most commonly used words. Even if you construct your sentence incorrectly, you will still be understood.

Is it really? Why do we need an English grammar at all?

In this article I will answer these questions and tell you why grammar is so difficult and how to fix it.

Let's start.

Why is there a statement that knowing English grammar is not necessary?

Let's remember how we learned English at school? Almost all lessons were devoted specifically to the study of grammar. We memorized the rules, did written tests and exercises.

But what result did we get?

We couldn't speak the most important thing - speak English.

After all, all the class time was devoted to theory and written exercises, and speaking practice was practically absent.

So, at best, we understood the rules and could tell them. At worst, they had a “mess” of theoretical knowledge in their heads.

Why do some people think that knowing grammar is not necessary?

To make it clearer, I want to tell you a story.

One of my friends went to work as a nanny in America. She did not study English, therefore, she did not know the rules of grammar.

When she arrived, she told everyone that having learned colloquial phrases and words, she could easily express herself abroad.

So is grammar really not important?

There is a nuance in this story that revealed the secret of its success.

She was a nanny in a Russian-speaking family, so she could communicate with them and the child in Russian. And she only communicated in English with store clerks, waiters, etc. They naturally understood what she wanted thanks to the words and sign language they had learned.

That is, words and colloquial phrases were enough for her to “survive”, but she did not need full communication in English.

Since most of her friends studied English at school, knew some rules, but could not speak at all, the idea quickly spread among them that it was not necessary to know grammar, because in order to speak, it was enough to simply learn some phrases and words.

So why do we need grammar, and is it possible to do without it?

Why do you need to learn English grammar?

Grammar is the skeleton on which we string words. That is, it is grammar that allows us to put words into sentences to express our thoughts.

Thanks to the grammar:

1. The interlocutor understands what we are talking about

It is grammar that allows you to understand whether you are talking about events of the past, about your plans for the future, or whether you are generally busy with this at the moment.

For example, let's take a set of words:

I buy dress.
I'll buy a dress.

Can you immediately understand what we are talking about? I bought a dress? Am I going to buy it? Or maybe I’m buying at the moment?

Now let’s add the Future Simple time:

I will buy a dress.
I'll buy a dress.

That is, it immediately becomes clear that I am talking about a future action.

2. Speech becomes correct and beautiful

Agree, it’s always nice to communicate with a person who speaks correctly. In addition, the correct use of grammar makes speech not only correct, but also beautiful.

But why is learning grammar so difficult?

Why is English grammar so problematic?

There are two main reasons:

1. You don't understand her

When you study with a teacher, one of his main tasks is to explain grammar to you in simple language. You must understand the logic of applying the rule and its essence.

However, many English schools do not explain the rules in clear language, but only use textbooks. This kind of training is wrong.

Due to the fact that you have not fully understood one material and moved on to another, a “mash” of rules appears in your head, and it is difficult for you to understand anything.

What to do?

There is no need to learn the rule by heart, the main thing is to understand the logic of its use. If you are studying with a teacher and do not understand something, immediately ask him to explain it to you.

A good teacher will explain it again, draw pictures, give examples, and if necessary, even act out scenes so that you understand everything.

If you study on your own, then find understandable material. For example, in our section “All about grammar”, we try to explain the rules in simple language.

2. You don't use it

Knowing grammar is useless if you don't know how to use it in practice.

Does it make sense to memorize by heart how to drive a car and not get behind the wheel? How long will this knowledge stay in your head if you don't use it?

It’s the same with the English language, if we don’t practice what we’ve learned, then the whole theory is forgotten and mixed up in our heads. That is why, if you do not use the learned rules in a conversation, you have to constantly repeat them.

What to do?

Learn to apply and use grammar right away. To do this, practice each rule in practice. This way you will use it automatically, meaning you won't have to keep it in your head.

I told you in detail how to learn English grammar correctly.

Now let's answer the main question.

You can speak English without knowing grammar by learning words and phrases. But you will never be able to do it correctly and beautifully. Therefore, it will be difficult for your interlocutor to understand you and maintain a dialogue.

However, there is no point in memorizing the rules of grammar and spending all the time studying them. You need to learn to use the grammar you have learned in your speech. And for this you need to practice. After all, just knowing the theory is useless.

Therefore, in class, only 20% of the lesson time should be devoted to theory (studying the rules), and 80% to practice, that is, using these rules in your speech.

Learn grammar correctly - practice each rule you have learned in practice, composing sentences according to it. And then you will get the most important result - you will be able to speak English correctly and beautifully.

Vdovina L.A., mathematics teacher, KSU Secondary School No. 7 Aksu,

Pavlodar region

Show the connection between mathematics, Russian language and literature in mathematics lessons. To consolidate students' knowledge on the topics "Application of the properties of addition and subtraction with natural numbers", "Numerical and letter expressions", "Equations".

Lesson type: Reinforcement lesson

Short description:

A mathematics lesson together with a lesson in Russian language and literature. These two subjects are very different at first glance, but are closely related to each other. No wonder they said in ancient times, “You can’t learn mathematics without grammar.” Throughout the lesson there is a connection between these subjects.

Subject: “You can’t learn mathematics without grammar.”

Lesson Objectives:

1. Show the connection between mathematics and the Russian language in a mathematics lesson.

2. To consolidate students’ knowledge on the topics: “Application of the properties of addition and subtraction with natural numbers”, “Numerical and letter expressions”, “Equations”. Be able to solve problems on these topics.

3. Develop students’ logical thinking and instill interest in the subject.

4. Cultivate neatness, hard work, and good manners.

Equipment: interactive equipment; presentation, posters “Any information in a mathematics lesson is carried by the word”, “Inspiration is needed in mathematics, as in poetry”, “The subject of mathematics is so serious that one should not miss the opportunity to make it a little entertaining”; tables; cards.

Presentation:“You can’t learn mathematics without grammar.”

During the classes.

(Dispute between mathematics teacher and Russian language)

M: There is nothing more important than that science,

What people call mathematics.

What can empty sounds give people?

Writing poetry, is it really work?

R: There is nothing worse than boring numbers

Some formulas, lots of zeros.

Is it the right word? It heals the soul

And in difficult times it makes us stronger.

M: No! The world is ruled by numbers.

They put our minds in order.

And only mathematicians know the truth,

Like Archimedes, Euclid, Pascal and Jung.

R: There is a noise of leaves and peace under the clouds.

Dawn. Fog. Autumn bad weather.

You can't say everything in numbers that you can express in words -

And pain, and fear, love and happiness.

M: But the creator of rockets taught mathematics

And we flew into space without you.

R: No! The writer was the first to fly into space,

The writer was a science fiction writer.

M: My friend! No need for quarrels

We will resolve this dispute now.

M: Today we have an unusual lesson, a math lesson together with a Russian language lesson. These two subjects are very different at first glance, but are closely related to each other. No wonder they said in ancient times: “You can’t learn mathematics without grammar.” This is the topic of our lesson today. Throughout the lesson we will trace the connections between these subjects and make this lesson fun and interesting.

(Slide 1,2)

R: First, people learned to speak, much earlier than they learned to read and write numbers. We will focus on how literacy was taught in ancient times. Let's look at this engraving from 1634, which depicts a school in ancient times. (Tale based on the picture).

Classes were held in the same way at the Old Russian school. One was cramming the alphabet, the other had already moved on to the warehouses, the third was reading the Book of Hours, and everything had to be learned by heart. Each letter was taught by its name.

(Slide 3)

G – verb

D - good

(Talk about “ABC”).

Therefore, many proverbs about grammar have developed. “Az and beeches will save us from boredom”, “Az, beeches, lead - they are scary like bears”, “First az and beeches, and then other sciences”, “The ABC is a step to wisdom.” By the way, the word “ABC” was formed by the names of the first two letters: “az” and “buki”.

Initially, there were 42 letters in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet. In the 18th century Tsar Peter was the first to reform the alphabet. The difficult to write letters were replaced, leaving 33 of them.

“How they taught church literacy in the old days.”

In the old days children studied

They were taught by the church clerk.

They came at dawn and repeated the letters like this:

A yes B, like az yes beeches,

V - as you lead, G - verb,

And a teacher for science

On Saturdays I flogged them.

Such wonderful science

Our diploma was

This is the pen they wrote with

From a goose feather!

This knife is for no reason

They called it a penman.

They sharpened their pen

If it wasn't spicy.

It was difficult to read and write

To our ancestors in the old days,

And the girls were supposed to

Don't learn anything.

Only boys were trained.

Deacon with a pointer in his hand

I read books to them in a sing-song manner

In Slavic language.

M: After learning to read and write, we moved on to studying mathematics. We learned to write numbers. Numbers in Rus' were designated by letters of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet. A special sign “~” was placed above the letters, called “titlo”.

(Slide 4)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Tens of thousands of "darkness". They were designated by circling unit signs.

A - 10000, - 20000

Hundreds of thousands were designated this way.

A - 100000, B - 200000

Million was designated from commas or rays.

M: Guys, what do you see as the connection between mathematics and the Russian language?


“A lot of time passed before people began to use modern numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. These numbers were born in India more than 1500 years ago. And these numbers were brought to Europe by the Arabs, which is why they are called Arabic numerals.”

This is what S.Ya. Marshak wrote about our numbers.

"From one to ten."

Here is one, or one,

Very thin, like a knitting needle.

But this is number two.

Admire what it's like:

The deuce arches his neck,

The tail is dragging behind her.

And look for the deuce

The number three appears.

Three - the third of the icons -

Consists of two hooks.

After three come four,

Sharp protruding elbow.

And then I went to dance

On paper the number is five.

She extended her hand to the right,

The leg was bent sharply.

Number six door lock:

There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

Here is seven - a poker

She has one leg.

Eight has two rings

Without beginning and end.

Number nine, or nine, -

Digital acrobat.

If it gets on your head

The number six will become nine.

A number like the letter O

This is zero, or nothing.

Round zero is so good

But it doesn't mean anything.

M: Guys, what are the names of the numbers that are written using these numbers?

M: Since the beginning of the year, we have been studying natural numbers and operations with natural numbers. Now let's remember the letter representation of the properties of addition and subtraction.

Continue with the following entry:

a + (b + c) =

(a + b) – c =

(a + b) – c =

a – (b + c) =

M: Guys, when completing this task, the connection between the Russian language and mathematics can be traced. Which one of you will tell me where this connection is?

M: Calculate using the properties of addition and subtraction.

125 + (381 + 375) =

(654 + 289) – 254 =

854 + (249 – 154) =

(747 + 125) – 147 =

937 – (137 + 793) =

(227 + 358) + (127 + 258) =

M: We perform the following task using the card. Simplify the letter expression by matching the answers with arrows.

(a + 179) – 69 = 600 + a

(256 – a) – 156 = 130 + a

238 – (38 + a) = a + 110

(839 + a) – 239 = 100 - a

(251 + a) – 121 = 200 – a

Physical education minute.

The sun raises us to exercise -

We raise our hands at the command “one”.

And below us the foliage rustles merrily -

We lower our hands on the command “two”.

Let's collect berries and mushrooms in baskets -

We bend down together on the command “three”.

We will jump together on “four” and “five”.

Well, at the command “six” everyone sits down quietly at their desks.

R: Guys, in Russian language and literature lessons we studied a lot of proverbs and sayings. I will now tell you proverbs, and you try to give them a mathematical meaning,

calling them one mathematical term.

1. At least a dime a dozen. (in abundance, enough for everyone) (A lot)

2. With gulkin nose. (gulkin literally means pigeon, pigeon beak) (Little)

3. There are two inches from the pot. (An inch is an ancient measure of length equal to 4.4 cm) (Small)

M: You see, guys, it turns out that there is a mathematical meaning in proverbs and sayings. And with the help of what mathematical symbols do we write the words “few”, “many”.

M: Now let's do one more task. Let's compare the numbers using the "greater than" or "less than" signs.

70007 * 7007 3 547 547 * 3 547 574

456 * 1 803 524 * 80 352

0 * 124 247 * 395 * 1006

M: Come up with a problem using the expression: 180 – y – 95 = and solve it with y = 40; 52.

2nd lesson.

M: Guys, any information in a math lesson comes from the word.

With the help of words you answer the question of the problem, we say the rule. And the way you speak makes your answer seem complete or monosyllabic, and also develops your mathematical speech.

Now answer the following questions. What topic did we study in the last lesson?

M: What kind of equality is called an equation?

What number is called the root of the equation?

What does it mean to solve an equation?

How to find an unknown summand, minuend, subtrahend?

(Slide 5)

Solve the equation: x + 605 = 70; k – 169 = 321; 603 – p = 83

R: Open your math textbook on page 85, find the rule. « When reading equations and letter expressions, remember that the names of the letters x, y, z are masculine, and the names of other Latin letters are neuter. It is not customary to decline the names of letters in mathematics.” For example:

X + 605 = 70 - the sum of X and six hundred and five is equal to seventy;

K – 169 = 321 - the difference between ka and one hundred and sixty-nine is equal to three hundred and twenty-one;

M: Even the inhabitants of ancient Babylon and the Egyptians knew many problems, the solution of which boiled down to solving equations. But these equations were written down only verbally. (Slide 6). The French scientist François Viète (16th century) was the first to introduce a symbolic representation of the equation: he began to denote unknown quantities with letters. His initiatives were continued in their works by such scientists as Newton, Descartes, and Euler. You will learn about them in more detail in high school.

Now solve the problem using the equation.

(Slide 7).

Task: In search of the Firebird, Ivan Tsarevich walked across the field, then ran 15 kilometers through the forest and sailed 2 kilometers on a boat along the river, spending 38 kilometers on the entire journey. How many kilometers did Ivan Tsarevich walk across the field?

M: Before you solve this problem, Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna has come up with her own task for you.

R: Guys, we are studying the topic “Noun”. Give the definition of a noun.

How does a noun change?

Find nouns in the text of the problem and name their grammatical features. Make notes in your Russian language notebooks.

Find the grammatical basis in the first sentence of the problem text. Remember what it is.

Write down the grammatical basis of the sentence in your notebook , design it graphically.

M: And now, after you have analyzed this problem from the point of view of the Russian language, let’s solve it mathematically. Let's highlight the keywords. Where was Ivan Tsarevich moving?

X km. – across the field

15 km. - through the forest

2 km. - down the river

x=21 Answer: 21 kilometers.

Physical education minute.

“One” - got up, stretched,

“Two” - bent, straightened,

“Three” - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

On “four” - arms wider,

“Five” - wave your hands,

“Six” - sit quietly at your desk.

R: Guys, let's do a vocabulary dictation with you and work on the words.

Mathematics, Russian language, grammar, equation, alphabet, expression, million, unit, figure, addition, subtraction, minuend, subtrahend, root.

Let's check the spelling of words, remember the rules, select test words.

What can you say about the word “mathematics” from the point of view of the Russian language? What grammatical features does this word have?

Make up and write down a sentence with the word “mathematics”.

By the way, this word came from the ancient Greek language. “Mantenein” - that’s how it was pronounced and meant “to learn”, “to acquire knowledge”.

Guys, into what two groups can the words of our dictation be divided?

What words apply to both groups?

We use the words “expression”, “addition”, “root” both in mathematics lessons and in Russian language lessons.

M: Now let’s solve these equations in our notebooks and see which Russian writer the following words belong to: “Inspiration is needed in mathematics no less than in poetry.”

138 + x + 57 = 218

(24 – x) + 37 = 49

248 – (x + 123) = 24

x=218 x=12 x=36 x=101 x=23 x=52



Lesson summary:“Many people who have never had the opportunity to learn more about mathematics consider it a dry science. In essence, this is a science that requires the most imagination, and one of the first mathematicians of our century said absolutely correctly that one cannot be a mathematician without at the same time being a poet at heart.”

(S. Kovalevskaya)

M: Guys, now tell me, is it possible to learn mathematics without grammar? Why?

Is it necessary to learn English grammar or is it more important to just speak it fluently? Today, there are two opposing camps: some believe that you need to speak competently, and for this you first need to study grammar, others insist that mastering such subtleties is outdated and unnecessary, the main thing is to speak boldly in English. Which one is right? How to find the “golden mean” when learning spoken English? We will give you our arguments and support them with a useful video from a native English teacher.

To be or not to be - that is the question. Should I learn English grammar? Increasingly, people who want to learn English turn to teachers with requests in the style: “I don’t need grammar, I want to speak English, and not waste time learning boring rules. I can easily get by with three simple times. They will understand me, right? Will you undertake to teach me conversational English?” The reluctance to waste time on boring rules is quite understandable and acceptable, but is it possible to do without knowledge of grammar when talking with foreigners? We propose to consider two diametrically opposed opinions, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each principle of learning English and come to the correct opinion.

Principle No. 1: You need to learn English grammar and only then start speaking it

This principle is classic; it was the one that formed the basis for learning English in schools: first, children learned the rules and only then (if they were lucky) practiced using them in speech. Moreover, they did very, very little speaking practice. Perhaps this is why we now have a generation of silent people: a person can understand what is being said to him in English, but he himself does not dare to say anything, since no one taught him to SPEAK.

However, this method of teaching has its advantages: as a rule, “silent” ones competently and deftly operate with tenses and constructions in written speech. When writing a sentence, they have time to remember the corresponding rule, write the text and check for possible errors. When speaking, this lengthy procedure significantly delays speech, making it uncertain, although competent.

Why is English grammar needed? There is an important advantage in studying it: you learn to “feel” the English language, you understand what role a particular word plays in a sentence, even if it is unfamiliar to you. Lyudmila Petrushevskaya has an entertaining collection “Linguistic Fairy Tales”. All words in it, except prepositions, are made up. However, thanks to our understanding of grammatical rules and the developed “feeling” of language, we intuitively understand what is being said. You can read these fairy tales on the RuNet and see for yourself.

Principle #2: Why learn English grammar? The main thing is to speak it

The principle is modern and very fashionable. Its viral spread is not the fault of polyglots, as is commonly believed, but of those who misinterpret their words. Polyglots are talented people (and they work hard on themselves!), they often say: “I didn’t learn grammar, I just memorized whole phrases, and now I use them competently.” Great, right? After a couple of such statements, almost every site considered it necessary to write a “scandalous” article revealing the “main secret” of learning any foreign language. We will reveal this secret a little later. First, let's look at the disadvantages of this principle.

The disadvantage of studying grammar is that failure to understand grammatical structures entails a failure to understand the interlocutor as a whole. And your own speech becomes quite poor, because out of many aspects of the tenses of the English language (the groups Simple, Perfect, Continuous, Perfect Continuous, as well as the passive voice), you use only three tenses of the Simple group. Are you “cutting down” or impoverishing your English too much?

Is it necessary to learn English grammar or is it more important to speak? Looking for a middle ground

We do not support any of the above opinions for two reasons:

  1. The “Grammar first, speaking second” technique is hopelessly outdated. Modern language courses and online English schools work using communicative methods. That is, you start speaking from the first lesson. Grammar in this case is studied in the context of the topic under consideration. The teacher does not focus on clear rules, but devotes more time to practicing grammar during speaking practice. This is the optimal teaching method accepted all over the world.
  2. The “Speaking is important, grammar is not important” technique is also not useful for English language learners, and to put it bluntly, it is a failure. We have picked up the idea of ​​polyglots that there is no need to learn grammar, and now we ask our teachers to simplify speech to the level of a child. However, we can say absolutely unequivocally: absolutely ALL polyglots studied grammar, only their approaches were different. We suggest you consider them:
  • Classical. If a polyglot wanted not only to learn how to exchange simple phrases with foreigners, but also applied for the position of translator, he did not neglect the usual grammatical aids. A striking example is the Hungarian polyglot Kato Lomb. This lady mastered 16 languages ​​and did not hesitate to study grammar exercises. Do you want to learn languages ​​like her? Then check out our article "".
  • Modern. Time does not stand still, and now polyglots have somewhat changed their approach. You can read a lot of useful information about such people in the article “”. Now we recommend that you watch an interesting video. Its author reveals a small secret to learning a language, which is usually used by polyglots. You won’t find any special “secrets” in the recording, but the speaker very clearly and understandably explains how not to learn grammar and at the same time... study it.

As you can see, the “secret” comes down to one of the principles of the communication technique. When learning English, you don’t need to focus on the rule itself, on its clear formulation. Listen more, try to perceive the forms of constructing sentences by ear. The author of the video believes that grammar should be taught the same way children learn to speak - they perceive everything by ear. This technique is suitable for the native language, when the child is constantly in the environment of the language being studied. But how effective this approach to learning grammar is for a second foreign language remains a mystery. Therefore, according to the communicative method, students not only listen to the correct grammar, but also use it themselves, coming up with their own examples using the words they have learned.

Do not be surprised when those who ignore the rules of grammar also ignore the law. After all, the law is just so much grammar.

Don't be surprised when someone who ignored the rules of grammar also ignores the law. After all, law is, to some extent, also grammar.

Now let’s derive a few principles for learning English grammar “in a modern way”:

1. Learn English grammar in practice

Memorized formulations of rules without practical application will only slow down your speech. It is much more useful to read the wording once and make 10-15-20 sentences using this rule - this is a practical, not a theoretical application of grammar.

2. Listen to how native speakers speak and learn from them

3. Read books

When reading, you use your visual memory: you see how a sentence is constructed, what tense is used in this or that case, and gradually remember when and what tense or grammatical construction to use.

4. Be sure to choose materials that interest you

A captivating book, video or podcast will completely capture your attention, and you will consciously listen to the recording or read the text. When reading or listening automatically “because it’s necessary,” attention quickly dissipates, so there can be no talk of any study of grammar.

5. Take advantage of every opportunity to speak English and don't simplify your speech.

Try to pick up 1000 useful English phrases and use them in a conversation with an English-speaking friend, fellow students in an English study group, teacher, etc.

6. Do written grammar exercises

In addition to speaking, you also need to learn how to write correctly, and this skill develops only by doing grammar exercises. Also, remember that some people don't speak English because they are afraid of making a mistake. And the written exercise will become your “rehearsal”, so speaking will no longer be so scary.

Competent written speech is a must-have for a modern person. As a result, we would like to lead you to the opinion that the question “Is it necessary to learn English grammar?” the answer can only be yes. And it must be taught correctly: using modern methods, using various exciting and entertaining materials. The words “grammar” and “literate” are related, so you can become a literate person only by knowing grammar. And interesting articles will help you master it: “”, “”.

If you feel confident in all tenses and constructions, but have difficulties with speaking, we will be happy to help you “get talking” and learn how to use all your knowledge in practice. Try signing up for , after a few lessons you will see that speaking English is easy.

Rational literacy is a clear Image and outline of the subtlest thoughts and subtlest feelings.
A. P. Sumarokov

A few words about the history of grammar
The word grammar, as well as the foundations of this science, we inherited from the ancient Greeks, for whom one of the signs of human beauty was the ability to eloquently and correctly express one’s thoughts.
The first printed grammar of the Slavic language is considered to be “Grammar of the good-verbal Hellenic-Slovenian language”

language”, which was published in 1591. As we see, scientists have been struggling with the rules of grammar since time immemorial. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov made a huge contribution to the development of Russian grammar; it was his “Russian Grammar” that is considered the first printed Russian grammar. Nowadays, many books, textbooks and reference materials devoted to grammar are published. The study of this discipline is necessarily included in the school curriculum.
Innate literacy
Is there really such a thing as “innate literacy”? Sometimes there are people who, not knowing or being unable to formulate

Even the basic rules of grammar, but they write texts correctly and without errors. There is no answer yet to the question of whether there is innate literacy, or whether it is transmitted genetically. Teachers with extensive experience believe that those students who read a lot can write correctly, while their visual memory works, the spelling of words and the rules for constructing sentences are automatically stored in their heads. So, in order to “hone” your style and learn to express your thoughts correctly, you need to read a lot.
Indicators of beautiful speech
We can highlight such signs of beautiful speech as conciseness, the use of common phrases, a rich vocabulary, and the use of elegant figures of speech. However, in my opinion, such a parameter as literacy is decisive. By learning the basics of grammar from school, a person improves himself, becomes more educated, and his authority grows in the eyes of others. In the modern world, when information is so important, the ability of the speaker to convey it to the listener in an undistorted form, the culture of speech should come first and it is quite obvious that it is impossible to do without knowledge of such a discipline as grammar.

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  1. One cannot but agree with the statement of the Russian writer L.V. Uspensky: “Vocabulary alone without grammar does not constitute a language. Only when it comes to the disposal of grammar does it acquire the greatest significance.” Indeed, without grammar and grammatical connections, a sentence will turn into an incoherent set of words.
    Let us confirm Uspensky’s statement with an example from Yuri Bondarev’s text. The grammatical category of predicate tenses of this non-conjunctive complex sentence (number 2) gives us the idea that the action took place in the past. It is important to note the agreement of predicates with subjects according to the grammatical categories of gender and number: autumn (f.r., singular) stood (f.r., singular), rain (m.r., singular) lil (m.r., singular), iron (m.r., singular) knocked (m.r., singular). Without this agreement, we would have an incoherent set of words.
    Let's look at another example. Sentence number 19 consists of the words: “I”, “sobbed”, “a”, “he”, “hugged”, “me”, “how”, “little”. Without grammatical categories (gender, number and case for pronouns and gender, number and tense for verbs) this sentence would be a meaningless collection of words: “I”, “sob”, “he”, “hug”, “I”, “how” ", "small".
    Thus, in these examples we see that “vocabulary alone does not constitute a language.”

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  2. Misha, you need to carefully look and study the criteria for assessing an essay on a linguistic topic. In an argumentative essay, you must give 2 arguments and indicate their role in revealing the thesis. The arguments you gave are very similar and are of a general nature: this can be said about any sentence in this text or any other. At best, the examples given can be counted as one argument, and this is not enough to cover the topic.

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  3. The famous linguist L.V. Uspensky argued: “Vocabulary alone without grammar does not constitute a language. Only when it comes to the disposal of grammar does it acquire the greatest meaning.” Indeed, grammar allows words collected in a sentence to acquire a single meaning to express any thought. Let us prove this using examples from the text.
    In sentence 12 we can see a separate circumstance expressed by the adverbial phrase “barely holding back tears.” It conveys to us the girl’s experience of her father.
    We can also see the address “darling” (sentence 16), which is used in the dialogue. It shows us to whom the speech is addressed and reveals to us the affectionate attitude of a father towards his daughter.

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  4. The famous philologist Lev Vasilyevich Uspensky wrote: “Vocabulary alone without grammar does not constitute a language. Only when it comes to the disposal of grammar does it acquire the greatest meaning.” I absolutely agree with this statement. Let's confirm this using examples from Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev's test.
    In sentence 25, the author uses antonyms “many and little,” which give expressiveness to artistic speech. But only if we place the said words “at the disposal of grammar.” For example, let’s put the word “man” in the dative case, and the word “happiness” in the genitive case, and create a phrase with the subordinating connection control: “needed for happiness.” To express the author's feelings, we put an exclamation point at the end of the sentence. And then the proposal, according to L.V. Uspensky will receive great significance.
    Sentence 23 consists of 6 words that parents use to convey their love to their daughter, but only with the help of grammar that links these words into a single sentence.

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      Sasha, examples about “a lot and a little”, about “happiness in the genitive case” “wander” from essay to essay after the publication of an unsuccessful essay on a “linguistic topic” on one of the sites. It's a pity that you weren't able to give your examples. The second argument is completely useless. It does not illustrate anything, does not reveal the topic of the essay.

  5. Svetlana Alekseevna, in order to convince you that I “trust myself” and personally look for arguments, even if not all are successful, I will try to give a few more.

    In sentence 3, the author conveys the emotional state of the heroine. To do this, he uses homogeneous predicates as part of the subordinate clause. The writer uses the verb “rolled” in a very interesting way. With the help of it, and several other verbs, Yuri Bondarev personifies the melancholy that has so deeply affected the girl. Only if we place these words “at the disposal of grammar” will we be able to understand their true meaning.
    Sentence 16 consists of only three words. However, when connected grammatically and syntactically, they make a strong impression on readers. We feel cordiality, warmth and even surprise in the words of the heroine’s father. If we look at them separately, they definitely do not convey an ounce of kindness in the attitude of a father towards his daughter.

  6. Sasha, indeed, the new examples are more successful than the previous ones, but, unfortunately, they are also of a very abstract nature. Why don't you think about the specifics of Proposition 16? What sentence is this based on the purpose of the statement? What is the word “dear” in the sentence with which the father addresses his daughter? Each word has its own lexical meaning, but, “having come to the disposal of grammar,” it acquires a new sound, or, as Lev Uspensky claims, “receives the greatest meaning.” I encourage you to have a specific conversation about linguistic phenomena, when you give examples, only then do you show that you understand the topic of the essay.

  7. The famous philologist Lev Vasilyevich Uspensky wrote: “Vocabulary alone without grammar does not constitute a language. Only when it comes to the disposal of grammar does it acquire the greatest meaning.” I absolutely agree with this statement. The vocabulary of a language is the totality of words (vocabulary) of a given language. Grammar is a science, a branch of linguistics that studies the grammatical structure of a language, the patterns of constructing correct meaningful speech segments in this language. Only in the unity of words and grammar can a writer express his thoughts in the “greatest meaning.” Let's confirm this using examples from Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev's test.
    The word “sweetheart” means dear, dear, close to the heart. In sentence 16 it acts as an address, giving the father’s speech kindness and gentleness. The reader understands the caring and loving attitude towards the heroine due to the fact that this word came under the “disposal of grammar” and acquired a special meaning.
    In sentence 3, the author conveys the emotional state of the heroine. To do this, he uses homogeneous predicates as part of the subordinate clause. The writer uses the verb “rolled” in a very interesting way. This word means to push, push, move. With the help of it, and several other verbs, Yuri Bondarev personifies the melancholy that has so deeply affected the girl.
    Thus, with the help of grammar, the vocabulary of a language acquires meaning and receives “greatest meaning.”

  • “Vocabulary alone without grammar does not constitute a language. Only when it comes to the disposal of grammar does it acquire the greatest significance,” this is how Lev Vasilyevich Uspensky expressed the meaning of grammar. Indeed, it is one of the most important components of a language, determining its structure, because grammar is word formation, morphology, and syntax. Speech is impossible without grammar; it is what connects words into phrases, sentences, and texts. I will prove this statement using the example of the text
    Yuri Bondarev.
    For example, the compound sentence model (sentence 2) gives the text an emotional overtones. Without grammar, it's just a bunch of words that don't express anything. But with correctly placed commas, this text becomes emotionally charged.
    In sentence 13, the word “here” is introductory, but it seems to indicate
    the daughter’s appeal to her father about the importance of this conversation for her.
    Thus, we can conclude that grammar allows words combined in a sentence to acquire meaning.

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  • “Vocabulary alone without grammar does not constitute a language. Only when it comes to the disposal of grammar does it acquire the greatest meaning,” is a very accurate statement by the Russian philologist Lev Vasilyevich Uspensky. Indeed, grammar is language. Grammar studies the rules of word production, parts of speech, sentences and phrases. It allows us to connect any words with each other to express any thought about any subject, it testifies to how people think.
    I will give examples. In sentences (19), (21) and (24) we see examples of phraseological units: hugged like a little girl; work day and night; work tirelessly; my soul felt warmer. In sentence (19), the phraseological phrase expresses a whole range of feelings and replaces many words: hugged tenderly and affectionately, with great love. Reading sentence (21), we understand how much and hard the father is willing to work for the sake of his family. In sentence (24) we see that the person is happy and peaceful. It is phraseological turns that give our speech imagery and expressiveness.
    In sentences (9), (12), (15), isolated circumstances, expressed by the participial phrase, act as a secondary predicate: leaning on the windowsill, barely holding back tears, not understanding anything. The presence of these additional shades of meaning between the action expressed by the predicate verb and the action expressed by the gerund in sentence (9) reflects the nature of the incidental remark; in sentences (12), (15) it introduces an expressive coloring into the sentence.

    Thus, the arguments I have given prove the correctness of the statement of Lev Vasilyevich Uspensky.

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  • Nikita, before you assert anything, you need to check the correctness of your statement. We are learning to write an essay in a scientific style, and in science there can be no unverified statements.
    1. Are you sure that “grammar is a language”?
    2. What follows in your work from the statement that “grammar studies the rules of word production, parts of speech, sentences and phrases”? Why talk about this if the idea expressed is not revealed later; on the contrary, the logic of the presentation of the material is violated.
    3. There is no transition from the first paragraph to the second. This is also a logical error. Where do you get examples from? There is no link to the text offered to you by Yuri Bondarev.
    4. Nikita, are you sure that all the examples you gave are really phraseological units? Do you know what phraseological units are? Why do phraseological units suddenly illustrate your thoughts about grammar?
    5. How are your explanations for the examples related to the topic of the essay? Don’t you think that the “arguments” you cited have nothing to do with Lev Uspensky’s statement? And your comments do not discuss either the vocabulary or the grammar at the disposal of which words come? What then is your conclusion based on?
    From all the questions asked to you, the conclusion follows that the topic of the essay has not been disclosed.

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    I agree with the statement of L.V. Uspensky: “Vocabulary alone without grammar does not constitute a language. Only when it comes to the disposal of grammar does it acquire the greatest meaning.” Words name an object, its attribute, the action of an object, but only with the help of grammar can a coherent statement be created from a set of words.
    Let's look at examples from the text by Yu. Bondarev. Thus, sentence 25 consists of eight separate words naming an object, its action and a sign of this action: “how”, “many”, little” “need”, “man”, “for”, "happiness". The author interestingly uses in this syntactic construction the antonyms "many and little", which give artistic speech special expressiveness, provided that we transfer these words "at the disposal of grammar". For example, we put the word "person" in the dative, and the word “happiness” is in the genitive case, let’s create a phrase with the subordinating connection management: “needed for happiness.” To express emotions, the author put an exclamation point at the end of the sentence.
    Let's consider another example: in complex sentence 3, the verbs of the main and first dependent sentences ("couldn't", "stepped up", "tormented") are in the past tense, thereby showing that the actions took place in the past, and the basis of the second dependent sentence (people unhappy) - in the present, denoting a constant, in the opinion of the heroine, state. To argue for this statement, I would like to give examples from the text by Yu. Bondarev, in which he reflects on what happiness is. This word appears repeatedly in the writer’s text.
    The word "darling" has a tender, caring meaning, but in sentence 16, when it comes to the disposal of the grammar, it fulfills the meaning of an address that shows all the love of a father for his daughter.
    In sentence 4, the word “unhappy” comes after the introductory word and is separated by commas according to grammar rules, which enhances the drama of this word.
    Thus, with the help of grammar, the vocabulary of a language acquires meaning and receives “greatest meaning.”

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