How to make a poster about the world around you. Subject week on the surrounding world for primary school students

How to make a poster about the world around you.  Subject week on the surrounding world for primary school students

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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sense organs musculoskeletal system Organ systems digestive organs nervous system excretory organs circulatory organs respiratory organs

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musculoskeletal system and form the musculoskeletal system. Its main role is to provide support and movement of the body. A person depends on the skeleton and muscles. Skeleton muscles The skeleton is the support of the body and protects the internal organs from damage. Muscles are attached to bones. By contracting and relaxing, muscles move the bones, and therefore the body. posture Posture is the usual position of a person’s torso in movement and at rest. Correct posture makes the physique beautiful and slender.

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Digestive organs oral cavity stomach pharynx esophagus large intestine small intestine

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regulates the activity of the whole organism. It consists of, . Nerves extend from the brain and spinal cord to all organs of the body. They send different signals to the brain, and the brain sends back signals to all organs of the body. spinal cord nerves nervous system brain

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There are more than 200 bones in the human skeleton. The skeleton of a newborn consists of more than 300 bones, then many of them grow together; in the skeleton of an adult there are 206 of them. The height of the tallest person is 2.72 m. This is interesting muscles. Skeleton posture. There are three groups of muscles in the human body: skeletal muscles, heart muscles, muscles of internal organs and blood vessels. A person has 650 muscles: 200 of them are used when walking, 43 - to wrinkle the forehead, 17 - to smile. Muscles make up 45% of body weight in a man and 35% in a woman. In order for the muscles to be good, a 7-year-old child needs to do 14-15 thousand movements per day, and at 10 years old – 20 thousand. It's amazing that training a person's muscles can allow him to cover a distance of over 42 km without stopping. Always sit straight, tilt your head slightly forward. When sitting on a chair, your feet should touch the floor. When working sedentarily, change your body position every 15 minutes. 4. When walking, stay straight, do not slouch. 5. It is better to go to school with a backpack. 6. The bed you sleep on should be hard. 7. Do physical labor and physical education.

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Circulatory organs Blood moves through. It makes the blood move. It forcefully pushes the blood into the blood vessels. blood vessels heart Heart

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This is interesting Every day an adult inhales 23,000 times and exhales the same number of times. 100 sq. m - this is the surface of human lungs. 10,000 liters of air passes through our lungs every day. Tobacco users are 10 times more likely to develop lung cancer compared to non-smokers. man animal world Birds have not only lungs, but also reserve air sacs that supply air to the body during exhalation. So birds receive oxygen both during inhalation and during exhalation. These air sacs also lighten the weight of the bird during flight. Gills are special branched outgrowths of the body. There is 40 times less oxygen in water than in air, so many aquatic animals have to move all the time to refresh the water around them. Fish take water into their mouth, close it, and then pass the water through their gills, where oxygen is taken in.

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This is necessary to know. In the oral cavity, we chew food with our teeth and mix with our tongue. Food begins to be digested with the help of saliva. Food enters the stomach through the pharynx and esophagus. In the stomach, food is digested using gastric juice. Large intestine The liver secretes bile necessary for digesting food. Particles of nutrients from digested food are absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls. oral cavity pharynx esophagus stomach liver small intestine

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Proteins are found in meat, cottage cheese, eggs, and fish. Fish products are well absorbed by the body. They provide substances necessary for brain function. 2. Mineral salts are needed for bone growth and strengthening. 3. The body needs both fats and carbohydrates. Fats are found in butter, lard, nuts, chocolate, sour cream and cream. Bread, sugar, cereals, berries, fruits, and potatoes are rich in carbohydrates. 4.Vitamins are needed in small quantities. They affect the growth, development and health of all organs. This is interesting

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This is interesting. The human tongue is the main taster. It contains from 300 to 5,000 taste buds, which live no more than 10 days; new ones grow to replace them. The tongue is divided into parts according to taste perception. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. The tongue print is unique, just like fingerprints. A person needs ears not only to hear. The inner ear also contains an organ that is responsible for the balance of the body. Water that gets into the ear can cause hearing loss. This most often happens in children. Children have more sensitive hearing. At birth, the human ear is capable of hearing the lowest sounds and the highest. Nails and hair are skin formations. Small hairs on human skin live for 50 days. Every day a person has 30–40 hairs. Human hair is very strong, it can withstand a load of up to 100 grams. The maiden braid can withstand a load of 20 tons. A person has 80 eyelashes on each eyelid. Every day a person blinks approximately 11,500 times. Each eyelash lives approximately 100 days. Then it falls out, and a new one grows in its place. Humans have a much weaker sense of smell than animals. Humans can distinguish about 3,000 odors, and dogs can distinguish up to 100,000 odors.

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This is necessary to know Read and write only in good lighting. The book and notebook should be at a distance of 30-35 cm from the eyes. 3. When writing, the light should fall from the left. 4. Don't read while lying down. 5. It is harmful to watch TV or work on the computer for a long time. Sit no closer than 2-3 meters from the TV screen. Do not three eyes with your hands, use a clean handkerchief. 1. After eating, you must rinse your mouth. 2. Do not put sharp objects in your mouth to avoid injuring your tongue. 3. You can’t eat hot food so as not to damage your taste buds. 4. Systematically clean the tongue of plaque to avoid infection in the body. 1. Wash your ears regularly with soap and clean with a tightly rolled cotton wool. 2. Do not pick your ears with matches, pins or other sharp objects. 3. Rest more often in the forest, in the meadow, by the river, in the silence. 4. If you feel pain in your ear or debris gets into it, consult a doctor. You need to protect yourself from colds. Keep your nose clean. If you have a runny nose, then it is necessary to treat it. You definitely need to toughen up. Do not put small objects into your nose. Use a personal handkerchief. The skin must be kept clean. Wash your body 1-2 times a week with soap and a washcloth. Be sure to wash your hands, face, neck, legs and armpits. Wash your face with either cold or hot water. Wear clean underwear. Keep nails clean and trimmed. Try not to injure, burn, or freeze the skin.

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The more you train your brain, the more it grows. The brain of a newborn has a mass of 400 g, that of a student in grades 1-4 is about 1300 g, and that of an adult is about 1450 grams. Signals are transmitted along sensory nerves at a speed of 30 km/h. 3. The average number of thoughts that run through our heads every day is 70,000. This is interesting.

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Blood connects the entire body together, making the work of all human organs dependent on each other. It is also called the “mirror of the body” because a blood test can be used to judge a person’s health. Blood makes up 7% of body weight. With a weight of 40 kg, there are 3 liters of blood in the body. Blood vessels: - the aorta has a diameter of 30-40 mm, - large arteries - 10 mm, - small arteries - 0.1-0.2 mm, - capillaries - 0.005 mm, - veins - 25 mm. This is interesting

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This is interesting. On average, the heart of an adult beats 72 times per minute, 100,000 times a day. A healthy heart pumps 7,600 liters of blood through almost 100,000 kilometers of blood vessels per day. The heart is a powerful pump that continuously pumps blood. This hollow muscular organ is divided into 2 halves by a septum; the size of a clenched fist, weighs from 250 to 350 grams.

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How to draw a poster on the theme “Save the air” in 3rd grade on the world around us? A question that arises in children and their parents when studying the topic of air pollution and its protection.

We have put together a selection of posters, pictures, and drawings for those who need to come up with and draw a poster on this topic themselves.

Additional information for creating a poster “Take care of the air” in grade 3 on the subject “The World Around You”

Main sources of air pollution.

Currently, the main contribution to air pollution in Russia is made by the following industries:

Thermal power engineering (thermal and nuclear power plants, industrial and municipal boiler houses, etc.),

Ferrous metallurgy, oil production and petrochemical enterprises,

Motor transport (sources of such pollutants are cars, aircraft and ships, trains)

Enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy and production of building materials.

How do people protect urban air?

People plant trees in the city. Have you noticed that poplars often grow along city streets and in parks? These tall, slender trees release large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. In addition, poplars perfectly purify polluted air. Why do poplars purify the air so well? Thanks to their long, thin petiole, poplar leaves are very mobile; they capture dust well, which is easily washed off by rain or flies off their smooth leaf surface. Poplars and other trees are planted along highways.

In large cities there are factories and factories, from whose chimneys toxic gases, soot and dust are emitted into the atmosphere. How to clean such air? Many enterprises install special filters, through which the air is purified. Particles of soot and dust are deposited on the filter, and toxic gases are captured by special installations.

They are switching to the production of environmentally friendly types of energy, using the power of wind, sunlight, and water flows. And thermal power plants should be closed as an obsolete type of production.

To save air, we need to stop deforestation and thoughtless use of minerals.

" was created to help primary school teachers, heads of the Moscow Region, and methodologists.
Interactive poster - visual educational material of a new generation. It allows the teacher to increase the level of visualization of educational material, enhance the positive motivation and quality of student learning, and helps conduct lessons at a high informational and emotional-aesthetic level.
High-quality graphic material, as well as semantic and subject connections between individual elements of interactive posters reflect a holistic picture of the topic being studied. The interactive capabilities of posters and the presence of control buttons optimize the assimilation of a large amount of information received.
Some posters contain sound files that reproduce the voices and sounds of animals, birds, and insects. When working with the disc, students can not only become familiar with the diversity of the animal world, the peculiarities of living conditions, structure, nutrition and reproduction of forest and sea inhabitants, but also enjoy listening to the voices of the rarest breeds of the kingdom of animals and birds.
The disk materials contain 800 slides on 17 main topics of the "World around us" course in elementary school; They are universal in nature and can be used regardless of what programs are being taught.

Detailed description

Real CD“Interactive posters for the course “The World around us”. 1–4 grades" series "Information and computer technologies"intended for primary school teachers, heads of educational institutions, methodologists.

The electronic manual will help the primary school class teacher provide visualization of objects and phenomena studied in the initial course “The World around us” in the process of introducing students to a holistic picture of the world and forming an evaluative, emotional attitude towards it.

Interactive poster– visual educational material of a new generation. It allows the teacher to increase the level of visualization of educational material, enhance positive motivation and quality of learning for students, and helps conduct lessons at a high aesthetic and emotional level using a large amount of visual material. High-quality graphic material, as well as semantic and subject connections between individual elements of interactive posters, make it possible to form a holistic picture of the topic being studied. The structure and interactivity of the posters make it easier for students to assimilate a large amount of information received, and also provide the opportunity to return to any stage using control buttons.

The use of interactive posters in a teacher’s pedagogical practice is all the more relevant when a number of schools the necessary set of tables, reproductions, and illustrations is missing. Multi-level interactive posters will easily help solve the problem of providing visibility in lessons about the world around us.

Using interactive postersWhen studying the surrounding world at the stage of primary general education, the following is aimed:

– to develop the ability to observe, characterize, analyze, generalize objects of the surrounding world, reason, solve creative problems;

– mastering knowledge about the surrounding world, the unity and differences of the natural and social, about man and his place in nature and society;

– nurturing a positive, emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around us, ecological and spiritual-moral culture, patriotic feelings, the need to participate in creative activities in nature and society, to maintain and improve health.

The use of interactive posters in lessons allows us to intensify the educational process and organize various types of student activities:

1) information and educational;

2) educational and game;

3) independent.

The disc materials contain 800 slides on 17 main topics of the “World around us” course in elementary school. In content Each poster lays the foundation for primary school students to master a certain amount of knowledge and skills in accordance with the content lines of the curriculum"The world" in grades 1–4:

- “What surrounds us”;

– “Living inhabitants of the planet”;

- "Seasons";

– “Planets of the Solar System”;

– “Shapes of the earth’s surface”;

– “The Earth is our common home”;

- "Parts of the world";

– “Ecological system”;

– “Living participants in the cycle of substances”;

- “Man and his structure.”

Each interactive poster, in accordance with the specifics of its content, contributes to the formation of both subject skills and universal learning actions in students. Some posters contain sound files that reproduce the voices and sounds of animals, birds, and insects. When working with the disc, students can not only become familiar with the diversity of the animal world, the peculiarities of living conditions, structure, nutrition and reproduction of forest and sea inhabitants, but also enjoy listening to the voices of the rarest breeds of the kingdom of animals and birds.

The use of these posters is universal; they can be used regardless of what programs are being taught.

Procedure for working with interactive posters

Moving through the slides is done using control buttons.

On the menu slides, the headings have hyperlinks that allow you to go to the desired slide with information.

To return to the slide menu, use the button.

Finish work with the poster using the button.

The publishing house “Teacher” expresses gratitude to the author E. N. Karysheva for the materials provided from her work experience.


  1. To develop students’ interest in the lessons of “The World around us”; improve educational level; carry out environmental education.
  2. To form students’ ability to perceive a holistic picture of the world and respect for nature.
  3. Create conditions for the development and implementation of students’ cognitive and creative abilities to study nature.
  4. Create conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Develop the ability to work independently and present the results of individual activities.

Event plan:

  1. Opening of the week. Opening of the exhibition “Nature – a source of creative inspiration”.
  2. Olympiad “Nature Experts” for grades 3 – 4.
  3. Protection of individual projects.
  4. Intellectual and ecological game “Forest – a priceless gift of nature.”
  5. Results of the week. Closing.

Before the opening of the subject week on the world around us, students received assignments:

  1. Prepare crafts from natural materials.
  2. Pupils of 1st - 2nd grades make drawings, and students of 3rd - 4th grades make posters on the topic “Take care of our common home.”
  3. Get ready to defend your projects “I am a researcher” in the “Nature” category.
  4. Answer the questions of the quiz “About green forests and forest wonders.”


“About green forests and forest wonders.”

For students in grades 1-4.

  1. Why do the lower branches of pine die, but not those of spruce? (Pine is a light-loving tree)
  2. Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden - blooms in summer)
  3. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (Photo hunt)
  4. Name the most voracious predator on the planet? (Dragonfly, because per day it eats several times more food than it weighs)
  5. What birds in the spring mutter “I’ll buy a robe, sell a fur coat”? (Mowers, black grouse - males, the words are similar in imitation of his song - muttering)
  6. What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal to us? (Bird's nests are clearly visible)
  7. Are baby bunnies born sighted or blind? (Sighted)
  8. Who calls the cuckoo, the male or the female? (Male)
  9. What animal grows teeth every day? (All rodents)
  10. Do mosquitoes have teeth? (Yes – 22)
  11. Which animal has 2 monuments? (to the frog)
  12. Are there rhinoceroses in our forests? (Yes, rhinoceros beetle)
  13. What animal runs like a wolf, climbs like a cat, and looks like a bear? (Wolverine)
  14. Herb for 99 diseases? (St. John's wort)
  15. Multi-colored mushrooms? (Russula)
  16. Is a tree a symbol of our Motherland? (Birch)
  17. What is the name of a squirrel's nest? (Gaino)
  18. What cubs are born “naked”, and after a few hours they have a covering? (Ezhata)
  19. What insects clap their hands? (Mosquitoes, moths)
  20. Which plants are predators for insects? (Sundew)
  21. The name of which plant tells where it lives? (Plantain)

A week on the world around us.

1 day: Opening of the week.

Opening of the exhibition “Nature – a source of creative inspiration”

Scenario for opening a subject week on the world around us.


Look, my young friend, what is around:
The sky is light blue, the sun is shining golden,
The wind plays with the leaves, a cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass, mountains, air and foliage,

(Music sounds, Nature appears).


I am Nature. I am a great master. Eternal master of life.
I can, man, reward you for complicity - everything is in my power.
You and I are rolling along the same road - not an hour apart, not a day.
And you cannot be above me, just as you cannot be outside of me!

Leading: You and I are part of nature. We study it in lessons about the world around us and at extracurricular activities. Let's go with you to the forest.


The forest is not just for our amusement,
He is the wealth of our country.
All the trees, berries, herbs in it
For our benefit, friends, nurtured.

Leading: Yes, in the forest, wherever you look, there are miracles everywhere. Even adults encounter the unknown, mysterious, and amazing on forest paths. And the guys! Every step is a new miracle for them.

I wonder if you met an old man in the forest?
There is an old man in the world, an old man - Lesovichok,
He wears a multi-colored cap made of variegated leaves.
Birch bark boots, painted trousers
He himself is in a green yoke, a staff in his hand.
As if he walks along narrow paths, wanders along the blades of grass,
Old man - Lesovichok, multi-colored cap.
Every day, both in the rain and in the heat, he guards the forest world.

(Music sounds, an old man appears - Lesovichok).

Old Man - Lesovichok: Hello guys, do you recognize me?

Yes, I’m an old man – Lesovichok, but you won’t immediately understand who I am,
On unknown paths in the forest you will find me.
My house is in the depths of the forest, I listen to the forest with you.
The sun pours down on the trees and flowers from above.
I guard the dense forest and my friends are with me:
Squirrels, hedgehogs, moles, be my friend too!

(Music sounds, the Wise Owl appears).

Wise Owl: Hello guys. Do you recognize me? I am the Wise Owl.

There is just a temple, there is a temple of science,
And there is also a temple of nature - with forests,
Reaching out our hands towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open to us in hot and cold weather.
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate his shrines!

(Music sounds, the Forest Fairy appears).

Forest Fairy:

Hello guys, hello friends!
On this beautiful day, I’m glad to see you!
I am glad to welcome dear guests.
I want to meet you as soon as possible.
Everyone calls me the Forest Fairy.
I love jokes, laughter, and I recognize your names right away.
Come on, together - 1 - 2 - 3 - say your name!
I am very glad to meet you,
I want to invite you for a walk in the forest, friends.
Make noise, make noise, green forest!
I know your majestic noise,
And your peace and the shine of heaven
Over your curly head.
Since childhood I have become accustomed to understanding
Your silence is mute
And your mysterious tongue
Like something close and dear.

(Music sounds, Leshy and Kikimora appear).

Goblin: Hello, here we are, did you know?


When you walk along a forest path,
Questions overtake you in a crowd.


One “why” rushes between the trees,
Flying on the heels of an unknown bird.
Another - a bee climbed into a flower,
And the third is to jump into a stream like a frog.


“What” scurries like a mouse under the leaves in holes.

“Why” sits on a green leaf,
“Where” flew astride a beetle.
“Why” climbed onto a stump after the lizard...
Question after question, and so on every day.


Let's go, friends, along the forest path
Look for answers under the green tent.

Leading: This is how many guests came to us for the subject week. They didn’t just come, but each with their own task. Now they will introduce us to them.
Goblin: Kikimora and I are waiting for you tomorrow at the subject Olympiad on the surrounding world “Nature Experts”.
Wise Owl: On Wednesday you will come to visit me, where you will defend your research projects on the topic “Nature”.
Forest Fairy: On Thursday we will have an intellectual-ecological game “Forest - a priceless gift of nature”, the participants of which will be the winners of the quiz “About green forests and forest wonders”.

Lesovichok: During the week I will have an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Nature is a source of creative inspiration”, where you will see many interesting works and an exhibition of drawings and posters that you have prepared for this week. Come, choose the best works. And on Friday, to close the week, we will reward the best of the best.

Leading: Very good. This concludes our meeting. We wish you success!

Day 2: Olympiad “Nature Experts” for grades 3-4.

The best students in the subject were previously selected in the classes, and they took part in the Olympiad.

Olympic tasks:

1. Read the story and highlight the mistakes.

In winter in the forest.

Beautiful in the forest in winter. Fresh and frosty. The sun is shining brightly high in the sky. The trees have put on fluffy white coats. Somewhere in the depths of the forest, a cuckoo crowed, a bat flew silently, and a woodpecker was heard knocking. The fiery tail of a fox flashed in the bushes. She is in search of food: deep under the snow there is a mouse hole. The fox, busy mouseing, does not notice the hare, which is very nearby gnawing the bark of a young Christmas tree. Quiet all around. All you can hear is the chirping of a crow. She informs everyone that a person is approaching.

2. Emphasize the correctly constructed power supply circuit.

A) plant litter – earthworms – foxes – moles;
B) earthworms – plant litter – moles – foxes;
C) plant litter – moles – earthworms – foxes;
D) plant litter – earthworms – moles – foxes.

3. Collect as many animal names as possible from letters(letters can only be used once in a word): I V R E O Y N L S K T A.

4. Answer the questions.

A) The name of which poisonous forest plant is associated with the name of a bird? Beast?
B) What does “legs feed the wolf” mean?
Q) How many legs does a spider have?
D) Which beetles are named after the month in which they were born?
D) Which plant is called water beauty?

5. Connect with lines.

6. Write down the names of the trees (at least three in each group) that grow.

In deciduous forests_______
In coniferous forests______

7. Read the telegram, write down its text. Answer the question “Why?”

8. Place the letters in the cells, including the letter “H”, so that you can read the names of the trees.

9. Read, write and explain the meaning.

Day 3: Protection of research projects.

Our city annually hosts the City Competition of Research Projects for junior schoolchildren “I am a Researcher”. Children can choose any topic and perform in different categories. To select the best projects, our gymnasium hosts a school tour, which coincides with a subject week around the world around us, and we listen to children who have prepared works and projects in the “Nature” category.

Project topics the guys choose different ones, for example:

How to distinguish a toad from a frog.
- How a rainbow appears.
- Why is the Earth round?
- Where and when did dinosaurs live?
- How wind is formed.
- The influence of plants in the house on a person’s well-being and mood.

The guys perform and defend their projects before the commission, which determines the winners, sending them to the regional competition.

Day 4: Intellectual and ecological game “Forest – a priceless gift of nature.”

The guys who won the quiz “About green forests and forest wonders” take part in this game.

Form:"Finest Hour"

Goals and objectives:

  1. Develop the cognitive interests of younger schoolchildren.
  2. Reveal the environmental problem, instill in children a caring attitude towards forestry.
  3. To promote a sense of kindness, empathy, and involvement in all living and beautiful things that surround us.


The place where the game takes place turns into a forest (drawings of trees, herbs, flowers, birds, forest animals, insects, the sun, clouds, mushrooms are attached to the walls).

Posters: “The forest is our wealth!”, “The fate of nature is our destiny.”

Posters with tasks.

Signal number cards.

Musical arrangement.

Progress of the game

Leading. Today we will conduct an intellectual-ecological game “Finest Hour”, but this game is not quite ordinary, it will take place on the edge of a forest.

1 student.

Hello, forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about in the leaves on a dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering at dawn, covered in dew, like silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness: what kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, don’t hide it: you can see that we are our own!

Leading. A wonderful writer and great lover of nature, Mikhail Prishvin, wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests and mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.” Our state cares about nature and does a lot to protect it: it plants new forests, organizes nature reserves, and preserves many species of animals and plants from complete destruction. Man owes a lot to nature and the forest. Why is the forest so dear to us? (Student statements)

Leading. Let's summarize: Why are we friends with the forest, why do people need it?
2 student. The forest is our wealth!
3 student. The forest is the green outfit of our Earth. Where there is a forest, the air is always clean.
4 student. The forest is a home for animals and birds.
5 student. The forest is our friend: by retaining moisture, it helps people grow a good harvest.
6 student. The forest is a storehouse that generously gives away its gifts: nuts, berries, mushrooms.

Leading. Let's listen to the sounds of the forest (a recording with the voices of birds, forest noises is turned on). Isn’t it true, the creations of nature are beautiful! Let's think together: will nature be worse if, while collecting nuts, we break a few branches? Or will we pick 2-3 beautiful flowers? Or will we catch an extraordinary butterfly? (children's answers)

Leading. Yes, nature will be worse off. Every wasted twig, every plucked flower, every caught butterfly is a small wound inflicted on nature. And if you inflict one wound, another - your comrade, 3, 4, 5 - someone else - will the same happen to her? Let's think: how to behave in nature? (children name the rules of behavior in nature)

Leading. You know how to behave in the temple of nature, but you also need to know nature itself.

7 student.

When you walk along a forest path, questions overtake you in a crowd.
One “Why” rushes through the trees, flies on the heels of an unknown bird,
Another one climbed into a flower like a bee, and the third one jumped into a stream like a frog.
“What” sneaks like a mouse under the leaves in holes,
“Who” is looking for a hidden rustle in the bushes,
“Why” sits on a green leaf, “Where” - flew astride a beetle,
“Why” followed the lizard up the stump, question after question, and so on all day.
Let's go, friends, along the forest path to look for answers under the green tent.

Leading. Let's start the game. Now we will conduct the qualifying round. Everyone participates in the qualifying round. For each correct answer, you receive a token, 6 students who received the most tokens go to 1 round, i.e. become participants in the game. Be careful.

Qualifying round questions:

At what time of day do beavers build their homes? (At night)
- Who can drink with their feet? (Frog)
- What mushrooms does a hedgehog eat? (Doesn't eat)
- What does “feet feed the wolf” mean? (The wolf runs after its prey)
- What bird can hiss like a snake? (Windows, spinner)
- Who sees with their ears? (Bat)
- Who hears with their feet? (Grasshopper)
- Which cow do the ants milk? (Aphid)
- What mushroom is called the beast of prey? (Fox)
- A herb that even the blind can recognize by touch? (Nettle)
-What flower blooms without leaves? (Mother-stepmother)

Leading. Let's summarize the results of the qualifying round. Count the tokens. Who has more tokens? We invite the winners of the qualifying round to continue the game (winners come out).

8 student.

Make noise, make noise, green forest! I know your majestic noise,
And your peace, and the shine of heaven above your curly head.
Since childhood, I have become accustomed to understanding your mute silence,
And your mysterious language is like something close, dear.

Leading. The Russian forest is many-sided and beautiful! Almost 300 species of trees, shrubs, and herbs can be found in the forest. The importance of the forest is enormous; the more actively people invade the forest environment, the more our green friend needs protection. Caring for the forest should become the norm of behavior for every person. Today, while playing, we will remember what plants are found in our area and what role they play in our life. The first round of our game is called “Plants of our region”. The questions that will be asked are devoted to plants that grow in our region in the forest. Having chosen the correct answer, pick up the card with the correct number ( a poster is posted).


What wood is a piano made from? (From spruce)
- What kind of wood is used to make skis? (Birch)
-Which tree blooms first? (Alder)
- What kind of wood are matches made of? (From aspen)
- What plant heals wounds? (Plantain)

Leading. Let's summarize the results of the 1st round (the results are summed up, 1 participant who scored fewer points is eliminated from the game). We have 5 participants and we are starting the 2nd round.

9 student.

What are we planting when we plant forests? The thicket where the badger and the fox roam,
A thicket where a squirrel hides baby squirrels, a thicket where spotted woodpeckers knock.

Leading. We can meet many animals in the forest, but there would be even more of them if people did not interfere in their lives. Many animal species are listed in the Red Book. Who knows what the Red Book is?

(Children's statements).

Leading. Yes, the Red Book is a book in which rare species of plants and animals are listed. It is called so because the color red is a danger signal. The Red Book was established by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1966. It is stored in the Swiss city of Morges. It contains data about all plants and animals that urgently need human care and protection. Otherwise, they may disappear from the face of the Earth, just as, for example, the sea cow disappeared. Animals from our country are also included in the International Red Book. For example, in the Amur region the Amur tiger, red wolf, cranes - white and black, Atlantic walrus and others are protected. However, it is impossible to record all types of rare animals and plants in this book, so many countries began to compile their own Red Books. In March 1974, the Red Book was established in our country (a poster is hung up).

Leading. Some animals have not yet been included in the Red Book, but they must be treated with care. The second round of our game is called “Wild Animals of Our Forests”. The questions you will be asked are about wild animals. Having chosen the correct answer, pick up the card with the correct number.

Questions for round 2:

The cubs of which animal are called deciduous animals? (Hare)
- Which predator's footprint is similar to a human one? (Bear)
- Who runs with their hind legs forward? (Hare)
- What animal can easily run through swamps? (Elk)
- Bloodthirsty predator of our forests? (Wolf)
- Which cubs are born “naked”? (Ezhata)

Leading. Let's summarize the results of round 2 After the 2nd round we have 4 participants left, for them – the 3rd round “Birds” (the phonogram of the song “By the Road of Lapwing” is played, a poster is hung on the board).

Questions for round 3:

Which bird skillfully imitates the voices of many birds? (Starling)
-Which bird has the longest tongue? (For a woodpecker - 15 cm)
- What bird makes its nests in cliffs above the river? (Martin)
-Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift)

Leading. Let's summarize the results of the 3rd round (results are summed up, 1 participant is eliminated). After the 3rd round, we have 3 participants left, for them the 4th round is “Logical chains”.

10 student The forest is not only for our amusement, it is the wealth of our country.
All the trees in it, berries, herbs, are grown for our benefit, friends.
Take care of every bush, guys, where you will see a simple sprout,
An oak tree can grow three times the size of a tree, a birch tree or a thick raspberry tree.

Leading. We know that a lot of mushrooms grow in the forest. Some mushrooms prefer to grow in deciduous forests, some prefer to grow in coniferous forests (a poster is hung on the board).

Leading. Which of these mushrooms grows in deciduous forests? (Ryzhik)

Summing up the results of the 4th round, we see that we have 2 participants in the super game.

11 student.

Look, my young friend, what is around?
Field, river and grass, mountains, air and foliage.
Birds, animals and forests, thunder, fog and dew,
Man and the season are all about nature!

Leading. You and I are part of nature. We study it in lessons about the world around us. In the super game, you will create as many words as possible in 3 minutes using the letters of the word “natural history”.

(The word is hung up, the guys write down the words on pieces of paper).

Leading. Time is up, let's hear from the participants (children take turns reading the wordsA). We see the winner, congratulate him (awarding).

(The soundtrack of the song “Don’t tease dogs” plays).

Day 5: Results of the week. Closing.

All the guys gather in the assembly hall, which is decorated. Music is playing

Nature: Hello guys. Our subject week on the world around us has ended. A lot of interesting things happened this week, a lot of discoveries, but there is still so much unknown and unexplored ahead. Today we will summarize our work. I give the floor to Kikimore and Leshy.

Goblin: The guys took part in the “Nature Experts” Olympiad. Here are the winners (awarding, presenting gifts)


We would like to say goodbye to you.
Protect the green forest, don’t offend anyone,
Don't destroy the trees, save the flowers in the forest!

Nature: Thank you. Let's listen to the Wise Owl.

Wise Owl: You know that we listened to the projects and work of the guys on research activities. We learned so many interesting things, what wonderful researchers study at your gymnasium. I say to everyone: thank you! But as always, there are winners in competitions. (awarding).

And I also wanted to tell everyone:
You, my friend, don’t let us down!
Promise to be truthful and kind!
Don't hurt either the bird or the cricket,
Don't buy a butterfly net!
Love flowers, forests, open spaces of fields -
Everything that is called your homeland.

Nature: Thank you. I give the floor to the Forest Fairy.

Forest Fairy: Almost all the children took part in the quiz “About green forests and forest wonders”, the winners of this quiz took part in the intellectual and ecological game “Forest - an invaluable gift of nature”. Here is the winner of this game (awarding).

Everything we need is given to us year after year by nature itself,
And that’s why we all can’t live without water,
Without plants and animals, without beautiful high mountains,
Man cannot live without forests, fields and rivers.
So let's save our earthly natural home!

Nature: Thank you. Let's listen to Lesovich.

Lesovichok: How difficult was it for me and the commission members who chose the best crafts, drawings, and posters? But we made it through and here are the winners (awarding in various categories).


So our meeting has come to an end.
You, man, loving nature,
At least sometimes feel sorry for her.
On pleasure trips
Don't trample its fields.
In the station bustle of the century
Hurry to evaluate it:
She is your long-time good doctor,
She is the ally of the soul.
Don't burn her recklessly,
And don’t exhaust it to the bottom,
And remember the simple truth:
There are many of us, but she is one!

(senior preschool age)

I present to your attention the release of the monthly educational wall newspaper "Lyuboznayka" - both for kindergarten children and for home creativity.

Theme of the issue is OCTOBER.

(Attention! There is a typo in the newspaper issue, it should be No. 2)

An inquisitive girl is a little girl who strives to learn more about the world around her, she is interested in everything and she will definitely tell everything that she has learned.

The wall newspaper is placed on 8 sheets, which must be printed and glued together or all glued to whatman paper. The wall newspaper is presented in black and white for children to color on their own, and after coloring it will look as shown in the color sample.

The curious woman will show you all her knowledge and skills in several sections:

Section 1 "Guys about animals." In this section, Curious will tell you about the animals of our planet that she managed to meet when she traveled around the world. In this issue you will meet wild dogs, namely the Arctic fox, fox and wolf.

Section 2 "Riddles". In this section, riddles will await you, and you can color the answers yourself.

Section 3. In this section you will learn that drawing letters is very easy and even fun!

Section 4 "Our fairy tale". In this issue you can come up with your own fairy tale. To do this, you will only need to answer a few questions.

Section 5 "Fun Math". In this section, Curiosity has prepared wonderful mathematical tasks for you.

Section 6 "Obedient pencil". This time we will draw leaf fall. Let's see which way the leaves fall.

Section 7 "Labyrinth". This time two different exciting labyrinths await you.

Section 8 "Maintenance". Pochemuchka invites you to the forest to pick mushrooms. Try to collect a basket of mushrooms yourself!

When you color the entire wall newspaper, it will be very beautiful.

Good luck to you and your kids!
