Timur and his team, in short. The work "Timur and his team" in a brief retelling Timur and his team shortened version

Timur and his team, in short.  Work

Colonel Alexandrov has been at the front for three months. He sends a telegram to his daughters in Moscow, inviting them to spend the rest of the summer at the dacha.

The eldest, eighteen-year-old Olga, goes there with her things, leaving thirteen-year-old Zhenya to clean the apartment. Olga is studying to become an engineer, plays music, sings, she is a strict, serious girl. At the dacha, Olga meets a young engineer Georgy Garayev. She waits until late for Zhenya, but her sister is still not there.

And at this time Zhenya, having arrived at the dacha village, in search of mail to send a telegram to his father, accidentally enters someone’s empty dacha, and the dog does not let her back out. Zhenya falls asleep. Waking up the next morning, he sees that the dog is gone, and next to him is an encouraging note from an unknown Timur. Having discovered a fake revolver, Zhenya plays with it. A blank shot that breaks a mirror frightens her; she runs, forgetting the key to her Moscow apartment and a telegram in the house. Zhenya comes to her sister and already anticipates her anger, but suddenly some girl brings her a key and a receipt for a telegram sent with a note from the same Timur.

Zhenya climbs into an old barn located in the depths of the garden. There she finds the steering wheel and begins to turn it. And there are rope wires coming from the steering wheel. Zhenya, without knowing it, is giving signals to someone! The barn is filled with many boys. They want to beat Zhenya, who unceremoniously invaded their headquarters. But the commander stops them. This is the same Timur (he is the nephew of Georgy Garayev). He invites Zhenya to stay and listen to what the guys are doing. It turns out that they help people, and especially take care of the families of Red Army soldiers. But they do all this in secret from adults. The boys decide to “take special care” of Mishka Kvakin and his gang, who climb into other people’s gardens and steal apples.

Olga thinks that Timur is a hooligan and forbids Zhenya to hang out with him. Zhenya cannot explain anything: this would mean divulging the secret.

Early in the morning, the guys from Timur’s team fill the old milkmaid’s barrel with water. Then they put firewood in the woodpile for another old woman - the grandmother of the lively girl Nyurka, and find her the missing goat. And Zhenya plays with the little daughter of Lieutenant Pavlov, who was recently killed at the border.

The Timurites draw up an ultimatum to Mishka Kvakin. They order him to appear with his assistant, the Figure, and bring a list of gang members. Geika and Kolya Kolokolchikov deliver an ultimatum. And when they come for an answer, the Kvakinians lock them in the old chapel.

Georgy Garayev gives Olga a ride on a motorcycle. He, like Olga, is engaged in singing: he plays an old partisan in the opera. His “severe and scary” makeup will frighten anyone, and the joker Georgy often uses this (he owned the fake revolver).

Timur's men manage to free Geika and Kolya and lock up the Figure in their place. They ambush the Kvakin gang, lock everyone in a booth on the market square and hang a poster on the booth that the “prisoners” are apple thieves.

There is a noisy celebration in the park. George was asked to sing. Olga agreed to accompany him on the accordion. After the performance, Olga runs into Timur and Zhenya walking in the park. The angry older sister accuses Timur of turning Zhenya against her, and she is also angry with George: why didn’t he admit earlier that Timur is his nephew? Georgy, in turn, forbids Timur to communicate with Zhenya.

Olga leaves for Moscow to teach Zhenya a lesson. There she receives a telegram: her father will be in Moscow at night. He only comes for three hours to see his daughters.

And an acquaintance, the widow of Lieutenant Pavlov, comes to Zhenya’s dacha. She urgently needs to go to Moscow to meet her mother, and she leaves her little daughter with Zhenya for the night. The girl falls asleep, and Zhenya goes off to play volleyball. Meanwhile, telegrams arrive from father and Olga. Zhenya notices the telegrams only late in the evening. But she has no one to leave the girl with, and the last train has already left. Then Zhenya sends a signal to Timur and tells him about his trouble. Timur instructs Kolya Kolokolchikov to guard the sleeping girl - to do this he has to tell Kolya’s grandfather everything. He approves of the boys' actions. Timur himself takes Zhenya to the city on a motorcycle (there is no one to ask permission, his uncle is in Moscow).

The father is upset that he never got to see Zhenya. And when it was already approaching three, Zhenya and Timur suddenly appeared. The minutes fly by quickly - Colonel Alexandrov needs to go to the front.

Georgy does not find either his nephew or a motorcycle at the dacha and decides to send Timur home to his mother, but then Timur comes, and with him Zhenya and Olga. They explain everything.

Georgy receives a summons. In the uniform of a captain of tank forces, he comes to Olga to say goodbye. Zhenya transmits the “general call sign”, all the boys from Timurov’s team come running. Everyone goes together to see George off. Olga plays the accordion. Georgy is leaving. Olga says to the saddened Timur: “You always thought about people, and they will repay you in kind.”

Gaidar wrote the story “Timur and His Team” in 1940. In the work, the author touches on the themes of mercy, morality, nobility, friendship and helping one's neighbor, regardless of his age and status. On our website you can read a summary of “Timur and his team”. The central character of the story, the kind, fair, determined boy Timur, became the prototype for many subsequent heroes of children's literature, an example of a teenager with strong leadership qualities.

Main characters of the story

Main characters:

  • Timur is a “tall, dark-haired” boy of 13 years old; together with his team of guys, he helped people whose relatives had gone to the Red Army.
  • Zhenya Alexandrova, a 13-year-old girl, became friends with Timur and helped him.
  • Olga Alexandrova was an 18-year-old girl who could play the accordion; I was worried about my sister Zhenya.
  • Georgy Garayev, Timur’s uncle, a mechanical engineer at an automobile plant, played and sang in the factory opera in his free time.

Other characters:

  • Mishka Kvakin is the leader of a “gang of hooligans.”
  • Colonel Alexandrov is the father of Olya and Zhenya.
  • Widow and little daughter of Lieutenant Pavlov.

“Timur and his team” very briefly

A. “Timur and his team” reader’s diary:

The events in the book take place during wartime. Sisters, eighteen-year-old Olga and thirteen-year-old Zhenya, at the request of their front-line father, go to the dacha to spend the remaining summer days there. On the very first day, circumstances bring the sisters together with a boy named Timur.

Zhenya meets a boy while examining an old barn. In an abandoned building, the girl discovers the headquarters of the “Timurites” detachment - a small detachment of guys led by Timur. The boys voluntarily and secretly provide assistance to people living in the village, and especially to those whose relatives are fighting at the front.

In addition, the guys are waging their own little war here in the village, and are fighting a gang of hooligans robbing other people's gardens. Zhenya decides to join Timur and his team, but Olga, having accidentally seen the boy in the company of the local hooligan Mishka Kvakin, forbids her sister to be friends with Timur.

Olga became friends with Georgiy Garayev, who is Timur’s uncle. He is a tanker, educated, and sings. At a party in the park, Olga learns about the family connection between Timur and George and accuses the boy of turning Zhenya against her. Children are not allowed to communicate.

At this time, Timur's people are trying to defeat the hooligans. They set up an ambush and expose Mishka Kvakin's gang, locking them in a booth in the square.

One day Olga leaves for Moscow, and leaves Zhenya at the dacha for edification. But in the capital, the girl receives a telegram from her father: he will come to see his daughters for only three hours. Zhenya cannot come, because she finds out about her father’s arrival late in the evening, when the trains no longer run, and besides, she has a neighbor’s little daughter left in her care. Timur comes to his friend’s aid: he asks the guys to look after the baby, and he takes Zhenya to Moscow on a motorcycle.

Read also: The story “The Fate of the Drummer” by Gaidar was written in 1938. In his work, the writer raises the theme of friendship, loyalty, honor. For a reading diary and better preparation for a literature lesson, we recommend reading on our website. This is a story about an ordinary boy who has experienced many serious trials in his life.

A short retelling of “Timur and his team”

Colonel Alexandrov has been at the front for three months. He sends a telegram to his daughters in Moscow, inviting them to spend the rest of the summer at the dacha.

The eldest, eighteen-year-old Olga, goes there with her things, leaving thirteen-year-old Zhenya to clean the apartment. Olga is studying to become an engineer, plays music, sings, she is a strict, serious girl. At the dacha, Olga meets a young engineer Georgy Garayev. She waits until late for Zhenya, but her sister is still not there.

And at this time Zhenya, having arrived at the dacha village, in search of mail to send a telegram to his father, accidentally enters someone’s empty dacha, and the dog does not let her back out. Zhenya falls asleep. Waking up the next morning, he sees that the dog is gone, and next to him is an encouraging note from an unknown Timur.

Having discovered a fake revolver, Zhenya plays with it. A blank shot that breaks a mirror frightens her; she runs, forgetting the key to her Moscow apartment and a telegram in the house. Zhenya comes to her sister and already anticipates her anger, but suddenly some girl brings her a key and a receipt for a telegram sent with a note from the same Timur.

Zhenya climbs into an old barn located in the depths of the garden. There she finds the steering wheel and begins to turn it. And there are rope wires coming from the steering wheel. Zhenya, without knowing it, is giving signals to someone! The barn is filled with many boys. They want to beat Zhenya, who unceremoniously invaded their headquarters. But the commander stops them.

This is the same Timur (he is the nephew of Georgy Garayev). He invites Zhenya to stay and listen to what the guys are doing. It turns out that they help people, and especially take care of the families of Red Army soldiers. But they do all this in secret from adults. The boys decide to “take special care” of Mishka Kvakin and his gang, who climb into other people’s gardens and steal apples.

Olga thinks that Timur is a hooligan and forbids Zhenya to hang out with him. Zhenya cannot explain anything: this would mean divulging the secret.

Early in the morning, the guys from Timur’s team fill the old milkmaid’s barrel with water. Then they put firewood in the woodpile for another old woman - the grandmother of the lively girl Nyurka, and find her the missing goat. And Zhenya plays with the little daughter of Lieutenant Pavlov, who was recently killed at the border.

The Timurites draw up an ultimatum to Mishka Kvakin. They order him to appear with his assistant, the Figure, and bring a list of gang members. Geika and Kolya Kolokolchikov deliver an ultimatum. And when they come for an answer, the Kvakinians lock them in the old chapel.

Georgy Garayev gives Olga a ride on a motorcycle. He, like Olga, is engaged in singing: he plays an old partisan in the opera. His “severe and scary” makeup will frighten anyone, and the joker Georgy often uses this (he owned the fake revolver).

Timur's men manage to free Geika and Kolya and lock up the Figure in their place. They ambush the Kvakin gang, lock everyone in a booth on the market square and hang a poster on the booth that the “prisoners” are apple thieves.

There is a noisy celebration in the park. George was asked to sing. Olga agreed to accompany him on the accordion. After the performance, Olga runs into Timur and Zhenya walking in the park. The angry older sister accuses Timur of turning Zhenya against her, and she is also angry with George: why didn’t he admit earlier that Timur is his nephew? Georgy, in turn, forbids Timur to communicate with Zhenya.

Olga leaves for Moscow to teach Zhenya a lesson. There she receives a telegram: her father will be in Moscow at night. He only comes for three hours to see his daughters.

And an acquaintance, the widow of Lieutenant Pavlov, comes to Zhenya’s dacha. She urgently needs to go to Moscow to meet her mother, and she leaves her little daughter with Zhenya for the night. The girl falls asleep, and Zhenya goes off to play volleyball. Meanwhile, telegrams arrive from father and Olga. Zhenya notices the telegrams only late in the evening. But she has no one to leave the girl with, and the last train has already left.

Then Zhenya sends a signal to Timur and tells him about his trouble. Timur instructs Kolya Kolokolchikov to guard the sleeping girl - to do this he has to tell Kolya’s grandfather everything. He approves of the boys' actions. Timur himself takes Zhenya to the city on a motorcycle (there is no one to ask permission, his uncle is in Moscow).

The father is upset that he never got to see Zhenya. And when it was already approaching three, Zhenya and Timur suddenly appeared. The minutes fly by quickly - Colonel Alexandrov needs to go to the front.

Georgy does not find either his nephew or a motorcycle at the dacha and decides to send Timur home to his mother, but then Timur comes, and with him Zhenya and Olga. They explain everything.

Georgy receives a summons. In the uniform of a captain of tank forces, he comes to Olga to say goodbye. Zhenya transmits the “general call sign”, all the boys from Timurov’s team come running. Everyone goes together to see George off. Olga plays the accordion. Georgy is leaving. Olga says to the saddened Timur: “You always thought about people, and they will repay you in kind.”

Gaidar first published the story “Chuk and Gek” in 1939. Literary historians note in the work the signs of a traditional Christmas story. You can read it on our website. The proposed retelling is suitable for a reader's diary, preparation for a literature lesson.

The plot of “Timur and his team” with quotes

“Timur and his team” summary with quotes from the work:

“For three months now, the commander of the armored division, Colonel Alexandrov, has not been home. He was probably at the front." The man sent a telegram to his daughters Olya and Zhenya to spend the rest of the holidays at a dacha near Moscow.

Olga left first. In the evening she took out an accordion, a gift from her father, and began to play. Suddenly she noticed a young man drying her off. He admitted that he was also “a bit of an artist” and introduced himself as Georgiy Garayev. Georgy accompanied Olga to the station - Zhenya was supposed to arrive by the evening train. However, the girl never arrived.

Zhenya did not have time to send a telegram to her father from Moscow, so when she arrived in the village, she began looking for mail. The girl got lost and, trying to find out the way, went into the nearest house (it was Garayev's dacha). Suddenly a red dog appeared and began to growl at Zhenya, not letting him leave the house. The girl had to stay here until the evening, and she fell asleep. When she woke up, there was a note on the table: “Girl, when you leave, slam the door tightly.”

Below was the signature: “Timur.” In the next room, Zhenya saw a fake revolver and accidentally fired. There was a crash in the room, the mirror broke, she quickly ran away, forgetting the telegram and key on the table. As soon as Zhenya arrived at the dacha and, seeing an angry Olga, began to tell the story of what had happened, an unfamiliar girl brought the key she had forgotten and a receipt stating that the telegram had already been sent.

While walking, Zhenya climbed into the attic of the barn, from where “thin rope wires ran in all directions.” Inside “stuck out a large wheel that looked like a steering wheel,” above which hung a homemade telephone. Imagining that she was the captain, Zhenya turned the wheel and suddenly “the rope wires began to tremble and hum.” The boys came running at the signal. The last one to appear in the attic was a boy who introduced himself as Timur.

Timur said that in the village there is a whole “gang” of hooligans led by Mishka Kvakin, who are destroying local gardens. Timur’s company, on the contrary, helps people whose relatives went to the Red Army. The boys draw a special sign on their fences - a star, which means that “from now on, this house is under their protection and protection.”

A telegram arrived from Zhenya and Olga’s father: one of these days he will be passing through Moscow for a few hours.

Timur's company helped the villagers stack logs, calm the children, find a runaway goat, and they did this secretly, until the owners themselves saw. On Timur's advice, Zhenya began to play with a little girl, whose father, Lieutenant Pavlov, had recently died at the border. The girl's mother was very grateful that her baby was being entertained.

Timur’s team taught Kvakin’s “gang” a lesson - the guys locked the hooligans in a booth on the market square, to which they attached a note: “There are people sitting here who cowardly rob the gardens of civilians at night.”

While riding Olga on a motorcycle, Georgy shared that he was playing an old disabled man, a former partisan, in the opera - that’s why his neighbors saw him in old man’s makeup and with a fake revolver (from which Zhenya accidentally shot).

At night, Timur brought a bouquet of flowers (Zhenya picked it) to the house of a little girl, the daughter of Lieutenant Pavlov, and made a swing in their garden.

In honor of the anniversary of the Reds' victory near Khasan, there was a concert and celebration in the park. Georgy asked Olga to accompany him during his performance. While walking after the concert, Olga and Georgy met Timur and Zhenya. Garayev admitted that Timur is his nephew.

Upset, Olga left for Moscow that same day - the girl thought that Timur was one of the local hooligans and had a bad influence on Zhenya. Georgy forbade Timur to go to Olga and Zhenya’s dacha, otherwise he would send the boy to his mother.

In Moscow, Olga spent the whole day with a friend and only in the evening she discovered a telegram from her father. The widow of Lieutenant Pavlov asked Zhenya, who was in the village, to look after her daughter - the woman needed to leave. While the girl was walking, she received two telegrams, but she only noticed them at night. Father reported that he would be in Moscow from 12 to 3 am. Zhenya realized that she wouldn’t make it in time - the last train to Moscow had already left, and she called Timur.

Timur asked one of the boys to babysit the baby, took Georgiy’s motorcycle and took Zhenya to Moscow. They managed to arrive half an hour before Colonel Alexandrov had to leave.

“In the morning, having found neither Timur nor a motorcycle at home, Georgy, who returned from work, immediately decided to send Timur home to his mother.” A Red Army soldier came to Garayev and delivered a summons. Olga, Zhenya and Timur returned from Moscow. Georgy wanted to punish his nephew, but Olga explained everything to him. Having gathered, Georgy came out to Olga in the uniform of a tank captain.

Zhenya gave a signal from the attic, and at least 50 guys came running to see George off to the army. After George was escorted out and the train departed, Timur was “excited, but strengthened.” The boy said that his mother would come for him tomorrow. Olga was sure that Timur would not disappear: “You always thought about people, and they will repay you in kind.”

This is interesting: The story “The Blue Cup,” written by Gaidar in 1936, is an instructive story about relationships within a family. Only sincere love, kindness and the desire to compromise can strengthen a family and make it more friendly. On our website you can read for a reading diary or preparation for a literature lesson.

Video summary Timur and his team Gaidar

Arkady Gaidar's story “Timur and His Team” has been translated into 75 languages ​​and republished many times. After the publication of the work in the USSR, a whole movement of “Timurovites” began - guys who helped the elderly and people who suffered losses during the Great Patriotic War. A. Gaidar's story teaches children kindness, responsiveness, and respect for older people.

Colonel Alexandrov has been serving at the front for three months. He left two daughters in Moscow: the eldest Olga is eighteen years old, and the youngest Zhenya is thirteen. The father sends a telegram from the front in which he invites his daughters to spend the summer at the dacha. Olga, having collected her things, goes to the dacha village, and Zhenya must clean up the house and then also come to the dacha.

Olga is a very serious and responsible girl, she is studying to become an engineer, sings and plays music.

Arriving at the dacha, Olga meets a young man, engineer Georgy Garayev. In the evening until late at night she waits for her sister, but Zhenya never appears.

Zhenya, having arrived at the dacha village, wanted to send a telegram to her father, but in search of mail she wandered into someone’s empty dacha, and the dog did not let her out of there. The girl fell asleep, and in the morning the dog was no longer there, there was only a note from the mysterious Timur. She hurried to her sister, having forgotten the key to their Moscow apartment and a telegram at the dacha. But some girl came to her, brought a key and a receipt for the telegram sent, which was accompanied by another note from Timur.

Zhenya accidentally discovers the secret headquarters of Timur's team in an old barn. She accidentally gives the gathering signal, and when the boys came running and saw Zhenya, she was saved from their anger only by the appearance of Timur himself (the nephew of that same Garayev). He allowed the girl to stay and listen to what they were doing. It turned out that the team of boys provides assistance to people in need, especially the families of Red Army soldiers, but does this in secret from adults. After consulting, Timur’s men decide to deal with Mishka Kvakin’s gang, which is stealing apples from the orchards.

Olga does not know that Timur is Garayev’s nephew; she considered him a hooligan and forbade Zhenya to communicate with him. Zhenya could not divulge the secret and explain everything to her sister. Whenever possible, she helped the Timurites, for example, she played with the little daughter of the deceased lieutenant Pavlov.

Olga communicates with Garayev, they have a lot in common, he also sings, plays an old partisan in the opera (he even has a fake pistol). Garayev takes Olga for rides on a motorcycle, jokes a lot, and has a kind and mischievous character. When it was revealed that Timur was his nephew and Zhenya did not end his friendship with the boy, Olga became very angry. She left for Moscow, leaving Zhenya alone. But a telegram arrived from their father, in which he said that he was coming to Moscow for only three hours to see his daughters.

The widow of Lieutenant Pavlov asked Zhenya to be with her little daughter, because she urgently needed to go to Moscow. Zhenya agreed, but in the evening she discovered a telegram from Olga about her father. There is no one to leave the girl with, the last train has left, and Zhenya calls Timur for help. He quickly solves this problem: Kolya Kolokolchikov is entrusted with guarding the sleeping girl, and Timur himself takes Zhenya on a motorcycle to Moscow. After seeing their father, Olga, Zhenya and Timur return to the holiday village and explain everything to Garayev.

Soon Garayev receives a summons and is escorted to the front. Olga cheers up the sad Timur and says that his care for people will definitely return him good.

I have prepared a retelling for you nadezhda84

Timur and his team

Colonel Alexandrov has been at the front for three months. He sends a telegram to his daughters in Moscow, inviting them to spend the rest of the summer at the dacha.

The eldest, eighteen-year-old Olga, goes there with her things, leaving thirteen-year-old Zhenya to clean the apartment. Olga is studying to become an engineer, plays music, sings, she is a strict, serious girl. At the dacha, Olga meets a young engineer Georgy Garayev. She waits until late for Zhenya, but her sister is still not there.

And at this time Zhenya, having arrived at the dacha village, in search of mail to send a telegram to his father, accidentally enters someone’s empty dacha, and the dog does not let her back out. Zhenya falls asleep. Waking up the next morning, he sees that the dog is gone, and next to him is an encouraging note from an unknown Timur. Having discovered a fake revolver, Zhenya plays with it. A blank shot that breaks a mirror frightens her; she runs, forgetting the key to her Moscow apartment and a telegram in the house. Zhenya comes to her sister and already anticipates her anger, but suddenly some girl brings her a key and a receipt for a telegram sent with a note from the same Timur.

Zhenya climbs into an old barn located in the depths of the garden. There she finds the steering wheel and begins to turn it. And there are rope wires coming from the steering wheel. Zhenya, without knowing it, is giving signals to someone! The barn is filled with many boys. They want to beat Zhenya, who unceremoniously invaded their headquarters. But the commander stops them. This is the same Timur (he is the nephew of Georgy Garayev). He invites Zhenya to stay and listen to what the guys are doing. It turns out that they help people, and especially take care of the families of Red Army soldiers. But they do all this in secret from adults. The boys decide to “take special care” of Mishka Kvakin and his gang, who climb into other people’s gardens and steal apples.

Olga thinks that Timur is a hooligan and forbids Zhenya to hang out with him. Zhenya cannot explain anything: this would mean divulging the secret.

Early in the morning, the guys from Timur’s team fill the old milkmaid’s barrel with water. Then they put firewood in the woodpile for another old woman - the grandmother of the lively girl Nyurka, and find her the missing goat. And Zhenya plays with the little daughter of Lieutenant Pavlov, who was recently killed at the border.

The Timurites draw up an ultimatum to Mishka Kvakin. They order him to appear with his assistant, the Figure, and bring a list of gang members. Geika and Kolya Kolokolchikov deliver an ultimatum. And when they come for an answer, the Kvakinians lock them in the old chapel.

Georgy Garayev gives Olga a ride on a motorcycle. He, like Olga, is engaged in singing: he plays an old partisan in the opera. His “severe and scary” makeup will frighten anyone, and the joker Georgy often uses this (he owned the fake revolver).

Timur's men manage to free Geika and Kolya and lock up the Figure in their place. They ambush the Kvakin gang, lock everyone in a booth on the market square and hang a poster on the booth that the “prisoners” are apple thieves.

There is a noisy celebration in the park. George was asked to sing. Olga agreed to accompany him on the accordion. After the performance, Olga runs into Timur and Zhenya walking in the park. The angry older sister accuses Timur of turning Zhenya against her, and she is also angry with George: why didn’t he admit earlier that Timur is his nephew? Georgy, in turn, forbids Timur to communicate with Zhenya.

Olga leaves for Moscow to teach Zhenya a lesson. There she receives a telegram: her father will be in Moscow at night. He only comes for three hours to see his daughters.

And an acquaintance, the widow of Lieutenant Pavlov, comes to Zhenya’s dacha. She urgently needs to go to Moscow to meet her mother, and she leaves her little daughter with Zhenya for the night. The girl falls asleep, and Zhenya goes off to play volleyball. Meanwhile, telegrams arrive from father and Olga. Zhenya notices the telegrams only late in the evening. But she has no one to leave the girl with, and the last train has already left. Then Zhenya sends a signal to Timur and tells him about his trouble. Timur instructs Kolya Kolokolchikov to guard the sleeping girl - to do this he has to tell Kolya’s grandfather everything. He approves of the boys' actions. Timur himself takes Zhenya to the city on a motorcycle (there is no one to ask permission, his uncle is in Moscow).

The father is upset that he never got to see Zhenya. And when it was already approaching three, Zhenya and Timur suddenly appeared. The minutes fly by quickly - Colonel Alexandrov needs to go to the front.

Georgy does not find either his nephew or a motorcycle at the dacha and decides to send Timur home to his mother, but then Timur comes, and with him Zhenya and Olga. They explain everything.

Georgy receives a summons. In the uniform of a captain of tank forces, he comes to Olga to say goodbye. Zhenya transmits the “general call sign”, all the boys from Timurov’s team come running. Everyone goes together to see George off. Olga plays the accordion. Georgy is leaving. Olga says to the saddened Timur: “You always thought about people, and they will repay you in kind.”

Genre: short story

pages 112



Arkady Gaidar lived in the Russian Empire, in the city of Lvov.

Main characters:



Olga (Zhenya's sister)

Doctor Kolokolchikov


Mishka Kvakin



Georgy Garayev (Timur's uncle)

Alexandrov (father of Zhenya and Olga)


1)Meeting of Timur and Kvakin
2) Races at the gate
3)Scenes with the woodpile
4) Delivery of an ultimatum
5) Receiving a response to an ultimatum
6) Capturing the gang
7) Arrest of the gang
8) Conversation between Timur, Figure and Kvakin


The main characters of Gaidar's story "Timur and His Team" are a group of boys and 2 daughters of a Soviet military leader, Zhenya and Olga. They move to a holiday village, where the youngest Zhenya discovers that on their site in an abandoned barn there is a meeting place for the boys of the village, whose activities well organized by the leader Timur Garayev. It turned out that they were not busy with the usual entertainment for boys, hooliganism, but helping the relatives of those who were drafted into the Red Army.
Zhenya gets involved in the activities of the “organization”. Her older sister Olga believes that she got involved with hooligans and in every possible way forbids Zhenya to communicate with Timur and his team. Olga, meanwhile, begins to befriend the “engineer” Georgy, who in fact turned out to be a tanker and Timur’s uncle.
Timurites provide assistance to the relatives of those who served in the army, protecting their gardens from thieves, carrying water, and searching for missing pets. They decide to give a decisive battle to a gang of hooligans who are robbing residents’ gardens. Attempts to resolve the issue peacefully were unsuccessful and Timur’s men defeated the hooligans in hand-to-hand combat. The hooligans were captured and locked in a booth in the central square of the village.
The story “Timur and His Team” ends with Timur taking Zhenya to meet his father on his uncle’s motorcycle. Olga understands that Timur is not a hooligan at all, and Zhenya is also doing useful things.
