How to learn to be sociable. How to learn to be sociable and talkative? Psychological techniques during a conversation

How to learn to be sociable.  How to learn to be sociable and talkative?  Psychological techniques during a conversation

Modern world often unfair and cruel. People who are insecure and closed often remain outsiders. The problem of communication is especially problematic in youth. Guys and girls cannot find friends, defend their opinions, they are not interesting to their peers. How to become more sociable? You need to develop communication skills, fight your own complexes and insecurities. At first glance, such a task seems impossible. But if you approach the matter responsibly, perform special exercises and use the advice of psychologists, you can see the result in a couple of weeks - the interest and recognition of others.

Why am I so uncommunicative?

Many explain their lack of sociability by banal complexes or insecurity. In fact, the problem is always deeper. Sometimes it’s not easy to understand yourself. It’s not very pleasant to remember, much less admit, any negative facts. But it is extremely important to do this, otherwise all classes will resemble fighting with windmills. Most often, unsociability hides:

What to do?

How to become a sociable and talkative person, the soul of any company? First of all, you need to get rid of uncertainty and start opening up to people, accepting yourself as you are.

There are no ideal people; everyone has positive and negative traits. There are some things that a person can fix, but there are some things that he can’t. You need to work on yourself, improve yourself, but do not avoid communicating with people.


In our age, there are many methods and exercises for developing communication skills. If funds allow, it is better to go to group classes. But you can learn something on your own. We offer 3 exercises that will help you become a sociable person:

Author's advice. When I was 15 years old, I dreamed of becoming a sociable, talkative girl, but I didn’t know how. I was tight and embarrassed all the time. The change of environment helped me. My parents and I went to the seaside and I met one girl, and then her whole group. I just asked where I could go here. Then the conversation started naturally. After staying at sea for 2 weeks, I gained a lot of communication experience and realized that I can be an interesting and cheerful conversationalist. Therefore, I can advise you to just start talking to people, put aside your fear, and then it’s a matter of practice.

Becoming sociable is not so difficult; all you need to do is start talking to others. It’s much harder to not be considered boring or annoying. To earn a reputation as an interesting, sociable and cheerful person, you need to listen to the advice of psychologists:

Finally, I would like to give one more small, but very important piece of advice. A sociable person makes no effort to start a conversation. He doesn't need any templates or rules. He enjoys communication. Therefore, all you need is to want to share your opinion, useful and not so useful information with people. Good luck!

Irina, Vladivostok

Communication skills are an excellent ability that helps us achieve our desired goals in life, exchange information and find new friends. Sociable people are more successful and are always surrounded interesting people. However, not everyone manages to be open and talkative. We are all unique and each of us may have our own reasons for this. Often this is an internal tension that you need to learn to cope with. This is what this article will discuss.

Most people around the world share the opinion that in order to be liked, a person must be sociable and outgoing. IN social environment These are the people who deserve more interest in themselves. They behave naturally and create an opinion of themselves as an honest person. It's hard to evaluate someone without knowing who they really are, isn't it? This explains why people are attracted to sincere personalities.

Skills interpersonal communication, the social skills we use in our lives are necessary for many reasons. For example, to maintain positive relationships with other people (an approach related to the need for approval and recognition). Communication is also key element professional competence, which help the employee find himself in the labor market, and the organization gain and maintain a competitive advantage. The list of advantages also includes:

  • Social adaptation.
  • Ability to establish contact with other people.
  • Skill to work in team.
  • Ability to create delegation of authority (take on leadership responsibilities).
  • Resolve conflicts.
  • Remain the “soul” of the company.
  • Finding a soul mate and so on.

Many doors in life are open to confident and sociable people. But what to do if a person does not have the appropriate temperament and finds it difficult to start and maintain conversations, especially with strangers?

What prevents you from being sociable?

All people are different, but a common feature that becomes an insurmountable barrier to communication is modesty and shyness. This feature is present in most people. They experience a feeling of embarrassment, awkwardness or fear of possible judgment from the outside. Some have a problem with terrible shyness precisely in the case of contact with the opposite sex, while others are simply afraid to talk to their colleague.

Often such people can cope quite well in certain situations or with a certain group of people, for example, with someone at work or with their household. The problem may arise when it comes to the person they like. They may also experience a lot of stress associated with a possible meeting or conversation. As a result, they refuse any activities that could lead to such contacts. For example, refusing social events that will be attended a large number of of people.

Interesting to know! Shy people, as a rule, have good intellectual abilities and a good sense of humor. Therefore, when the right approach they can always be the center of attention.

The consequence of this state of affairs is, of course, the absence of intimate relationships. Because shyness is a tightly connected thread with one's self-esteem. People underestimate their positive sides, and sometimes do not notice them at all. They are highly focused on their shortcomings. Many situations may be replayed in their head in a bad “color”. For example, “If I am short, then no woman finds me attractive” or “If I have a mole on my cheek, then few people will like me,” and so on. Of course, such conclusions are often false.

Often driving force There may also be physical reasons for shyness (stuttering, lameness, etc.). Some people with similar problems are so afraid of criticism and ridicule that they withdraw even more into themselves.

Where do confidence problems come from?

Lack of confidence often stems from childhood. As a child, a person underestimated himself, often harbored a grudge, or his parents were too demanding. He had not learned to make decisions on his own and was not ready to believe in himself. When our inner beliefs are like this, we unconsciously begin to perceive ourselves as a loser/loser. In our internal monologue, we constantly reproach, demand, condemn, insult.

Of course, these thoughts arise automatically in us, and we don’t even take them into account. That's why the first step to being sociable and sociable is self-confidence. Self-doubt is the enemy of healthy communication. The moment fear of others' assessment appears, the desire for any contact, much less conversation, disappears.

Often shy people are confident that, due to their complexes, habits and low degree of sociability, they will never become different and simply “give up.” However, I will hasten to correct them - they are wrong.

How to become more sociable?

The first step is to stop criticizing both yourself and the people around you. Research conducted by scientists has shown that antisocial people tend to criticize not only their own personality, but also everyone else. In turn, successful, sociable people pay more attention to the best qualities of character or appearance.

Learn to improvise

People who lack self-confidence tend to be more relaxed when everything is planned. So when they do something new, they want to know every step down to the smallest detail. They want to be in control so they don't risk being unprepared and failing. But in reality, no matter how well you prepare for something, you will never be able to predict the entire course of events.

Note! You need to learn to be flexible, improvise and take advantage of opportunities that arise, rather than be afraid of them.

The more we strive to stick to a certain script, the more uncertainty will arise if something goes wrong.

Freedom and self-confidence is the ability to improvise! Take “confusion” in plans as a challenge, as a unique opportunity in your life to get something new. When we are flexible, we will not only be more confident, but we will also be able to achieve much more success in different areas of our lives.

Practice and practice again

One of the most important steps in building self-confidence is action. Training and more training! If we remain at the level of affirmations and visualization without doing anything, we are unlikely to be able to make any big changes in our lives. Start with small steps. Try talking to a store clerk or ask a passerby something. Feel free to speak your mind and don't be afraid to share your ideas.

Try to show yourself something new every day, get out of your comfort zone.

Be beautiful

Buy new clothes that will make you feel more beautiful, get a new haircut. Do something that makes you feel different. You don't have to dress like a model or wear expensive designer clothes. When you take care of yourself and your appearance and know that you look good, it makes you feel more confident and at the same time confident in the eyes of the people around you.

Love yourself

Last but not least, to be confident, you should value yourself. This is not selfishness! Remember that people will love you if you love yourself. Learn to say “No” to people and places that don’t suit you and don’t allow you to do things that are a waste of time.

Every time you make a choice, ask yourself: “Does this make me feel respected or humiliating?” By following this rule with patience and persistence, you will become more confident and trust your skills and strengths.

The “10 Steps to Successful Communication” course created by famous psychologist Alexander Sviyash.

Exercises for Confidence

Visualization exercises to gradually increase confidence were developed by successful British scientist Paul McKenna. He managed to achieve truly impressive achievements in the field of self-improvement. Below is one of his works.

  1. Imagine yourself standing in front of yourself, but with a little more confidence. Close your eyes and imagine what you would look like if you were more confident and happy with yourself. What would your body position be, how would you speak, what would your voice sound like and what would you say?
  2. Now imagine merging with a more confident version of yourself. Look into her eyes, feel her and immerse yourself in a feeling of greater confidence.
  3. When you feel a little more confident and brave, imagine that there is another, even more confident version, with more self-belief, ambition, charm and inner peace.
  4. Look what your face is like and internal state what your body is like and the way you speak. Try to retain the memory of these sensations in order to gradually translate them into reality.

Do this exercise every morning before leaving the house. Visualize and be sure that progress will be obvious!

How to get rid of shyness (video)

From the video you will learn effective techniques to develop self-confidence.

In conclusion, it is important to note that the key to success is not only the constant practice of communication skills, but also a love for this process. Stop being shy and you will notice how easy it is to enjoy talking with other people!

If you crave communication and gravitate towards large groups of people, dream of making more friends, but have difficulty communicating and cannot overcome your shyness, and also feel awkward in a large group of people, then this article is for you. Here you will find some tips on how you can become more talkative and sociable.

Do you really want to become more talkative?

Perhaps before you start developing your communication skills, making yourself a more talkative and sociable person, you should understand yourself and understand why you are no longer a talkative person and whether you really want to become one. The fact is that the reason for taciturnity may be your mindset - it’s just who you are.

You probably know that people are divided into yes types - extroverts and introverts, if the first of these two types are sociable in themselves and, so to speak, open and directed towards external world- to interact with people around them, then the latter, on the contrary, are more closed and directed inward, towards their inner experiences, thoughts, dreams and aspirations.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to understand yourself and understand the reasons for your reticence. So, if the reason is that you are an introvert and do not gravitate towards socializing, but at the same time you want to change, then you should learn more about how to become an extrovert and whether it is possible. If the reason for your reticence is that you simply do not have developed communication skills and the presence of internal clamps that interfere free communication, the following tips on how to become more social will help more.

How to become more talkative and sociable:

Take care of your appearance. Your appearance affects not only how other people perceive you, but also how you feel about yourself, so it's important to keep this in mind whenever you're planning to go out in public. And here you have three directions for development:

  • Taking care of your own body. Everything is simple here - taking care of the health and cleanliness of the body, going to a cosmetologist, hairdresser, gym, if you need to lose extra pounds or increase muscle mass, for men, among other things, regular shaving or beard care.
  • Neat and stylish clothes. Neatness and cleanliness of clothing is what you should think about first. Well, don’t forget about style. Find out more about how the company you want to join dresses in order to comply with their dress code and not feel like a black sheep.
  • Working with your attitude. This is probably the most important thing - because if you don’t feel confident and relaxed in your own body, you won’t be able to feel confident and become more talkative in society.

Expand your social circle gradually. The larger the group, the more stress you may experience, which can make it harder for you to strike up conversations with other people. Therefore, choose small companies to develop your communication skills, gradually joining larger and larger companies.

Dating skills:

Get rid of unnecessary thoughts. If you want to talk to a stranger, then don’t think about how you will approach him or what you will talk about. The longer you think about it, the harder it will be for you to decide to come up and speak.

Choose light "objects". If you want to meet someone to develop your communication skills, choose people to meet who look and act friendly. You should not deliberately complicate your task by choosing to meet someone who is likely to refuse communication.

Develop templates. To begin with, you can develop or find ready-made template phrases for dating so that you do not have difficulties with the approach. But in general it all comes down to the following formula, which can be used in different orders:

  • Greetings
  • Performance
  • Starting phrase (usually related to a situation or circumstance).

Like friends. Don't think that you don't know the person you want to talk to that will make you feel uncomfortable, instead think that you are old friends to make you feel more comfortable in their presence.

Practice the approaches. The more often you meet other people, the more easily this will happen for you. You will be more free to talk to strangers and experience less fear.

Psychological techniques during a conversation:

Learn to read body language. Reading body language will allow you to better understand your interlocutor, including his mood, what he likes, and what makes him bored. Pay attention to the following common signals:

  • Closed to communication, enslaved (legs or arms crossed, body turned away from you, eyes roaming around).
  • Open to communication, relaxed (relaxed posture, arms and legs are positioned randomly, in a position comfortable for the interlocutor, body and face are turned towards you, looking into your eyes).

Don't think about what to talk about. The more you think about what you will say, the fewer ideas come to your mind. Just talk about everything that comes to mind, and try to note for yourself what interests your interlocutor more.

Attention outward. Try to distract yourself from your inner experiences and sensations that you usually experience when you are in the company of other people. Draw your attention to the interlocutor, to the environment, when your thoughts return to signs of your excitement.

Talk more than usual. Whenever you meet friends or are in the company of other people, try to talk a little more than you usually do.

Be polite. Politeness is one of the most important qualities of a sociable person, primarily because polite people are more pleasant to communicate with, which means that they are more likely to want to communicate with you further or longer.

General tips on how to become a talkative person.

Decide on the purpose of communication. Do you know exactly why you want to become more talkative? Maybe you want to achieve some financial goals with the help of other people, or just make more friends, or do you just enjoy communication? Having a clear goal will help you develop your sociability.

Create a plan. Think carefully about how you are going to become more sociable, what you are going to do for this, what events to attend, what courses to sign up for, where and when you want to train your communication skills.

Develop your communication skills. The better your communication skills, the more freely you will communicate with other people, and, accordingly, the more motivation you will have to become more talkative. The skills you need include:

  • Speech skills. Diction, voice and so on.
  • Self confidence. This will make you feel more relaxed.
  • Memory and knowledge. The better your memory is developed, the more interesting communication will be for you and for your interlocutors.

Study body language. Many people understand body language intuitively, but learning to read it consciously will give you a greater advantage in maintaining effective communication.

Celebrate your progress. As with any goal, you need to track your progress towards becoming more talkative. Every time you finish the day, make notes about your possible mistakes, and at the end of the week, month, or any other period of time, evaluate how great your achievements are and how you can speed up your progress towards your goal.

Well, that’s basically all the advice that will certainly help you become talkative. Keep in mind that if your desire to become more talkative is contrary to your inner nature as a person who prefers solitude, you will find it difficult to achieve this goal, primarily because you may lack the motivation to do so. However, if you are determined and enthusiastic to become a talkative person, nothing can stop you. Good luck to you!

Stop being afraid of being rejected. This fear is the reason that many people are afraid to communicate. They are afraid that if they try they will fail, so they do nothing - a fundamentally wrong approach! No doubt, sometimes this happens. Needless to say, we have all had the opportunity once or twice to start a conversation with a person who turned out to be rude or uncommunicative. However, don't let this fear stop you from saying hello to people or even trying to strike up small conversations with people you don't know well. Believe me, most people, if given a chance, will show their best side. Those who do not show themselves in this way... well, they are not worth communicating with.

  • Yes, you won't know for sure until you try. However, keep in mind: if you are refused, then you have not lost anything. But if you were not rejected, then you may have found a new friend! As you can see, the pros outweigh the cons, so what's the point of being afraid to take the first step?
  • We are all rejected. Everyone. To each. And this is good, it helps us grow up and get stronger. It's how you handle rejection that matters, not how well you try to avoid it.
  • Take a deep breath, relax, and remind yourself that you have nothing to lose if the other person refuses to communicate with you. And what is there to make a tragedy out of? Believe me, even if the situation seems like the end of the world, in fact it is not anything serious.
  • Watch your body language. Start becoming more outgoing by appearing more friendly. You need to appear more approachable. If you stand straight, even with your arms crossed over your chest, and are not afraid to look people in the eyes, then they will want to talk to you. But if you sit with your head glued to your smartphone or looking at the pattern of your own sweater, you are unlikely to attract anyone’s attention. So, remember: the more positive and open you appear, the higher the chances that people will think you want to communicate and want to talk to you.

    • Note that you may appear averse to communicating at the level of body language and not even know it! It is quite natural for shy people to sort of “hide” from others. However, all this can be fixed - start working on not seeming like a person who dreams of being left alone, but as a person looking for communication, and everything will work out.
    • Even an attempt to smile counts. If people see that you are trying to be friendly, they will be much more likely to want to chat with you!
  • Start conversations about nothing. However, “talking about nothing” is always much more than just “about nothing.” Even if it seems to you that you are almost allergic to such conversations, understand - these are the basics, and only from them can you move on to communication on a more... thorough level. Of course, you may want to talk about more complex matters, but first you still have to learn how to talk about everyday things. Believe me, talking about nothing is a great way to get to know people better. Here are some tips on this matter:

    • Perhaps talking about the weather is not the most exciting topic. However, the weather theme can be used to transition into something more interesting. If someone complains that because of the rain they had to stay at home all weekend, ask what that person did over the weekend - what they watched, what they listened to, what they read.
    • If a person is wearing unusual jewelry, compliment that fashionista's taste. Who knows, you might even learn the story behind this piece of jewelry. Maybe this story will develop into a conversation about, say, a grandmother who bought that jewelry at one time, or about that trip, during which that jewelry was bought (who knows, maybe the jewelry was bought in the city you are talking about dream for your entire adult life)!
    • When communicating over trifles, try not to ask “yes” or “no” questions, as they seem to cut off the conversation. Ask questions that can be answered in detail. A question like “Did you have a good weekend?” - this is not very successful. A question like “What did you do over the weekend?” much better.
    • At first, you should avoid asking personal questions. Use simple themes- hobbies, sports, favorite bands, pets. Wait for the person to open up to you.
  • Be interested, not interesting. You may feel like the only way to be sociable is to seem like that cool guy everyone wants to hang out with. We won’t argue, it won’t hurt, but we also note that people are much more willing to communicate with those who are interested in themselves! And even though you can and should share some information about yourself, the main emphasis in communication should be on asking questions of others, in order to show interest in them, and try to learn more about them. Here are examples of what you can ask.

    • What are their favorite bands, teams, movies and TV shows.
    • What are their hobbies and interests?
    • Where, if they traveled, did they like best.
    • Do they have pets?
    • Do they like the place where they live?
    • How did some event in their life go?
    • What are their plans for the future?
  • Meet new people in a friendly manner. Yes, those who have certain problems with communication often find it difficult to get rid of skepticism, mistrust and even fear towards new acquaintances. Such people often feel that new acquaintances will not give them anything on a personal level, that they are not needed, that it is better to stay in their comfort zone. Here it’s worth thinking about the fact that you’re probably worth getting to know. Remember that you yourself are for someone - new person. You shouldn’t expect bad things from people until they convince you of the pointlessness of such an attitude; try to learn to expect something good from people and believe in them. If, when meeting people, you see them not as enemies, but as friends, then you will immediately take several steps towards becoming sociable.

    • If you are standing among a group of your acquaintances and see a new face, take the first step and introduce yourself, and do not pretend to be a shy person. Everyone will be impressed by your initiative.
    • If you see a person who doesn’t know anyone here yet, take a step towards him and help him get comfortable. Believe me, this gesture of kindness on your part will not go unnoticed.
  • Learn to read people. Yes, you can read them. Yes, almost like books. By the way, you can learn a lot of interesting things this way. Learn to understand all non-verbal gestures, body language, learn to read emotions in your face and posture. And if someone tells you that he is doing great, but that person’s eyes literally scream the opposite - give him a helping hand, lend him your shoulder! This will not be forgotten.

    • To learn how to communicate with people, you need to learn to hear what they are really trying to tell you. For example, if one person in a group is looking around, he may be bored, or uncomfortable, or need help.
    • If you are talking to someone who keeps checking their watch or shifting from foot to foot, chances are that person is in a hurry or is already late. In this case, it would be quite normal to say goodbye and promise to talk later.
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    There is an opinion that it is impossible to teach a person to communicate. Like, the ability to talk with people is some kind of genetically inherent ability: either it’s given or it’s not given. But in last years psychologists actively refute this stereotype and boldly declare: communication is exactly the same skill as dancing, singing or cooking. And just like in developing any skill, there are certain exercises to practice.

    We are in website Today we have collected for you 8 unusual exercises that can make even the shyest introvert talkative. These are not just exercises to improve speech, but a whole range of activities that help you learn to think during a conversation and build an exciting dialogue.

    1. Retelling

    For what: You learn to think and speak at the same time. The connection between thinking and speech is strengthened.

    How to do it: Open your favorite blog, find any article, select 2-3 paragraphs from it. Read them and retell them out loud to yourself. Then - the next few paragraphs, and so on until the end of the article.

    Exercise duration: Depends on the length of the article. You need to retell 1 article per day.

    2. Continuation of someone else's thought

    For what: You learn to look for non-standard solutions and develop flexibility of thinking.

    How to do it: Turn on the TV or any video on the Internet. Listen to the speaker for 30 seconds, then turn off the sound and develop his idea for 30 seconds.

    Exercise duration: 5–10 minutes a day.

    3. The mystery of Lewis Carroll

    For what: Break your own stereotypes, habits of thinking in a certain way.

    How to do it: The riddle that Carroll came up with is: “How is a raven like a table?” The exercise is built on its basis. It is advisable to do it together, so as not to juggle more “convenient” items. One calls any word, the other calls any other word, between them you insert a question: “How are they similar?” It turns out something like “How is a closet like a rabbit?” Sit and look for options.

    Exercise duration: It's worth starting with 10 pairs.

    4. Lecture to anyone about anything

    For what: By retrieving non-applicable information from your memory, you train your memory. Make your thinking process more flexible.

    How to do it: The exercise is performed together. You choose any object from those that surround you and tell your interlocutor about it. How did he appear? Why is it important on a human scale? What is it used for here in this room? With regular practice, you'll soon be able to give an hour-long lecture about an eraser, a chair, or a cabinet door.

    Exercise duration: Start with 5 minutes.

    5. Dialogue with the mirror

    For what: You observe yourself from the outside, learn to speak coherently about your thoughts, and establish contact with yourself.

    How to do it: The task is to look at yourself in the mirror, fish out any thought from your mind and develop it out loud. That is, you go to the mirror, start thinking and talking about what you think. Move smoothly from thought to thought, connecting them with each other. After some time, you will begin to have a coherent and sincere story about what is running through your head.

    Exercise duration: 10 minutes a couple of times a week.

    6. Talking with your mouth full

    For what: Instant improvement of diction before a speech.

    How to do it: There are different options here. You can put a regular spoon on your tongue or a handful of nuts behind your cheeks and try to pronounce the words as clearly as possible.

    Exercise duration: 7–10 minutes is enough.
