What role does communication play in the life of an essay. Importance of communication in my life

What role does communication play in the life of an essay.  Importance of communication in my life

Abstract on the topic:


Nizhny Novgorod 2010

    1. Communication in the broad sense of the word, types of communication, the role of communication;

    2. Technique and methods of communication;

    3. The concept of communication skills;

1. Communication in the broad sense of the word, types of communication, the role of communication.

Have you ever thought about the role of communication in our life? Why do we communicate? Why do we need communication so much? Let's find it out...

Communication in the broad sense of the word is the process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities, including the exchange of information and the development of a common strategy for interaction, mutual perception and attempts to influence each other.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to the wide opportunities for learning, a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and quality. Through active communication with developed personalities, he himself turns into a personality. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, he would be doomed to remain a half-animal until the end of his life, only outwardly resembling a person. This is evidenced by numerous facts described in the literature and showing that, being deprived of communication with their own kind, the human individual, even if he, as an organism, is completely preserved, nevertheless remains a biological being in his mental development. As an example, we can cite the conditions of people who are occasionally found among animals and who for a long period, especially in childhood, lived in isolation from civilized people or, already as adults, as a result of an accident, found themselves alone, isolated from their own kind for a long time ( e.g. after a shipwreck).

Of particular importance for the mental development of a person is

his interactions with adults in the early stages of life. At this time, he acquires all his human, mental and behavioral qualities almost exclusively through communication, since until the beginning of schooling, and even more definitely before the onset of adolescence, he is deprived of the ability to self-educate and self-educate.

Mental development of a person begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that occurs in his life and thanks to which a person receives the information necessary for his individual development. So, business communication forms and develops his abilities, serves as a means of acquiring knowledge and skills. In it, a person improves the ability to interact with people, developing the business and organizational qualities necessary for this.

Personal communication forms a person as a person, gives him the opportunity to acquire certain character traits, interests, habits, inclinations, learn the norms and forms of moral behavior, determine the goals of life and choose the means of their implementation. Diverse in content, goals and means, communication also performs a specific function in the mental development of the individual. For example, material communication allows a person to receive objects of material and spiritual culture necessary for a normal life, which act as a condition for individual development.

Conditional communication creates a state of readiness for learning, formulates the attitudes necessary to optimize other types of communication. Thus, it indirectly contributes to the individual intellectual and personal development of a person. Motivational communication serves as a source of additional energy for a person, a kind of “recharging” him. By acquiring new interests, motives and goals of activity as a result of such communication, a person increases his psychoenergetic potential, which develops him. activity

communication, which can be defined as an interpersonal exchange of actions, operations, skills and abilities, has a direct developmental effect for the individual, as it improves and enriches his own activity.

Biological communication serves the organism's self-preservation as the most important condition for the maintenance and development of its vital functions. Social communication serves the social needs of people and is a factor contributing to the development of forms public life: groups, collectives, organizations, nations, states, the human world as a whole. Direct communication is necessary for a person in order to learn and educate as a result of the widespread use in practice of the simplest and most effective means and methods of learning given to him from birth: conditioned reflex, verbal and non-verbal. Mediated communication helps to master the means of communication and improve on the basis of their ability to self-educate and self-educate a person, as well as to consciously manage communication itself.

Non-verbal communication contributes to the development and improvement of a person's communication capabilities, as a result of which he becomes more capable of interpersonal contacts and opens up wider opportunities for development. As for verbal communication and its role in the mental development of the individual, it is difficult to overestimate it. It is associated with the assimilation of speech, and it, as you know, underlies the entire development of a person, both intellectual and personally personal.

2. Technique and methods of communication.

available means of communication. This can be learned, but to a much lesser extent than the technique and methods of communication. The means of communication is understood as the way in which a person realizes a certain content and goals of communication. They depend on a person's culture, level of development, upbringing and education. When we talk about the development of a person's abilities, skills and communication skills, we primarily mean the technique and means of communication.

Communication technique is a way of pre-setting a person to communicate with people, his behavior in the process of communication, preferred means of communication, including verbal and non-verbal.

Before entering into communication with another person, it is necessary to determine your interests, correlate them with the interests of a communication partner, evaluate him as a person, choose the most appropriate technique and methods of communication. Then, already in the process of communication, it is necessary to control its course and results, to be able to correctly complete the act of communication, leaving the partner with an appropriate, favorable or unfavorable, impression of himself and making sure that in the future he has or does not have (if there is no such desire ) the desire to continue communication.

On the initial stage communication, his technique includes such elements as the adoption of a certain facial expression, posture, choice initial words and the tone of statements, movements and gestures that attract the attention of the partner of actions aimed at his presetting, at a certain perception of the reported (transmitted information).

Facial expression should correspond to three points: the purpose of the message, the desired result of communication and the demonstrated attitude towards the partner. The posture taken, as well as facial expression, also serves as a means of demonstrating a certain relationship either to the communication partner or to the content of what is being reported. Sometimes the subject

communication consciously controls the posture in order to facilitate or, on the contrary, complicate the act of communication. For example, talking with an interlocutor face-to-face from a close distance facilitates communication and indicates a friendly attitude towards him, and talking, looking away, standing half-turned or with his back and at a considerable distance from the interlocutor, usually makes communication difficult and indicates an unfriendly attitude towards him. Note that the posture and facial expression can be controlled consciously and formed unconsciously and, in addition to the will and desire of the person himself, demonstrate his attitude to the content of the conversation or to the interlocutor.

The choice of initial words and tone, initiating the act of communication, also has a certain impression on the partner. For example, a formal tone means that the communication partner is not in the mood to establish a friendly personal relationship. The same purpose is served by an underlined appeal to “You” to a familiar person. On the contrary, the initial appeal to “you” and the transition to a friendly, informal tone of communication are a sign of a benevolent attitude, the partner’s readiness to establish informal personal relationships. Approximately the same is evidenced by the presence or absence of a friendly smile on the face at the initial moment of communication.

The first gestures that attract the attention of a communication partner, as well as facial expressions (facial expressions), are often involuntary, so communicating people, in order to hide their state or attitude towards a partner, turn their eyes aside and hide their hands. In the same situations, difficulties often arise in choosing the first words, slips of the tongue, speech errors, and difficulties are often encountered, the nature of which was much and interestingly discussed by 3. Freud.

In the process of communication, some other types of technology are used and

conversation techniques based on the use of so-called feedback. In communication, it is understood as the technique and methods of obtaining information about a communication partner used by interlocutors to correct their own behavior in the process of communication.

Feedback includes conscious control of communicative actions, observation of the partner and assessment of his reactions, subsequent change in accordance with this own behavior. Feedback involves the ability to see yourself from the outside and correctly judge how the partner perceives himself in communication. Inexperienced interlocutors most often forget about feedback and do not know how to use it.

The feedback mechanism involves the partner's ability to correlate their reactions with the assessments of their own actions and draw a conclusion about what caused the interlocutor's certain reaction to the words spoken. The feedback also includes corrections that the communicating person makes to his own behavior, depending on how he perceives and evaluates the partner's actions. The ability to use feedback in communication is one of the most important moments in the process of communication and in the structure of a person's communicative abilities.

    The concept of communication skills.

Communication skills are the skills and abilities to communicate with people, on which its success depends. People of different ages, education, culture, different levels of psychological development, having different life and professional experience, differ from each other in communication skills. Educated and cultured people have more pronounced communicative abilities than uneducated and uncultured people. People whose professions involve not only frequent and intense communication, but also

performance in communication of certain roles (actors, doctors, teachers, politicians, leaders), often have more developed communication skills than representatives of other professions.

The techniques and methods of communication used in practice have age-specific features. So, in children they are different from adults, and preschoolers communicate with surrounding adults and peers differently than older students do. Receptions and techniques of communication of older people, as a rule, differ from communication of young people.

Children are more impulsive and direct in communication, their technique is dominated by non-verbal means. Feedback is poorly developed in children, and communication itself is often overly emotional. With age, these features of communication gradually disappear and it becomes more balanced, verbal, rational, expressively economical. Feedback is also improving.

The professionalism of communication is manifested at the stage of pre-setting in the choice of the tone of the statement and in specific reactions to the actions of the communication partner. Actors have a playful (in the sense of acting) style of communicating with others, as they get used to the frequent performance of different roles and often get used to them, as if continuing to play in real human relationships. Teachers and leaders, due to the established undemocratic traditions in the sphere of business and pedagogical communication, are often characterized by an arrogant, mentoring tone. Doctors, especially psychotherapists, usually show increased attention and sympathy in dealing with people.

So, communication is the most important and integral part of our life. So live, have fun, develop and communicate!

List of used literature:

For the preparation of this work, materials from the site http://www.shpori4all.narod.ru were used.

human (3)Abstract >> Psychology

And the people around human. Feelings perform in life and activities human, in his communication motivating with other people role. In a relationship...

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Chair " Applied psychology»


in the discipline "Psychology"

on the topic: “The role of communication in human life”


Student group SC1-1

Ivanova A.O.

Scientific adviser:

Orlova Elena Alexandrovna

Moscow, 2011

What is the role of communication in human life? What do we understand by this concept?

Communication- a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person who transmits information is called the communicator, and the person who receives it is called the recipient. The content of communication is information that is transmitted from one living being to another. The purpose of communication answers the question: “For the sake of what does a being enter into an act of communication?”. This may be information about the internal (emotional, etc.) state of the subject, about the situation in the external environment. The content of information is most diverse if the subjects of communication are people.

Means of communication: ways of encoding, transmitting, processing and deciphering information that is transmitted in the process of communication from one being to another. Encoding information is a way of transmitting it. Information between people can be transmitted using the senses, speech and other sign systems, writing, technical means of recording and storing information. One of the basic principles of modern life is the maintenance of normal relations between people and the desire to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can be earned only with respect for courtesy and restraint. Therefore, nothing is valued by the people around us as dearly as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, disrespect for the personality of another person. In society, modesty and restraint of a person, the ability to control one's actions, to communicate carefully and tactfully with other people are considered good manners.


I'm sure everyone will say: "Yes, of course." But what form does this communication take? Most often it is just a conversation, an exchange of information. At the same time, everyone knows that the concept of COMMUNICATION is much broader than our usual: “Hello! - Bye!". Although speech plays a huge role in people's communication, everyone knows very well that people, for example, lovers, do not need words to express their feelings and thoughts.

It is enough for them to see each other. Also, facial expressions of interlocutors are of great importance in communication between people. Have you ever had to communicate with someone with the help of glances, gestures? Of course I had to! But if you understood each other, then this understanding was the result of a very difficult work. So what does it take to communicate properly? It is necessary, first of all, to respect the interlocutor, to listen to him with possible attention, without interrupting and allowing him to speak, not to “noise” the communication channels. It is also necessary to look appropriately so that there is no disagreement, try to say only what we think, so as not to introduce dissociation.

All these, if not universal ways of communication, then at least They will help you communicate better and find a common language with people.

We must not forget what our great compatriot Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov wrote 230 years ago:

"... When the prepared parts for the construction of some colossus lie especially and some of the actions determined by themselves do not mutually communicate to each other, then their entire existence is vain and useless. Similarly, if each member of the human race could not explain his concepts to another, then we were not only deprived of this trend, which is consonant with common affairs, which is controlled by the combination of our thoughts, but it would be, if we were not worse than wild animals ... "

It is impossible to imagine the development of a person, the very existence of an individual as a person, his connection with society outside of communication with other people. K. Marx and F. Engels noted in this regard: "... the real spiritual wealth individual depends entirely on the richness of his actual relationships ... ". Historical experience and everyday practice indicate that complete isolation a person from society, withdrawing him from communication with other people, leads to a complete loss of the human personality, its social qualities and properties.

Communication includes all the variety of spiritual and material forms of human life and is his urgent need. It's no secret, writes the Polish psychologist E. Melibruda, that "interpersonal relationships matter to us no less than the air we breathe." The irresistible attraction of communication for a person is well expressed in famous saying French writer A. de Saint-Exupery: "The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication." But how often do we think about the need to analyze the processes of our communication?

As you know, the need for communication is determined, ultimately, by the need for the joint participation of people in the production of material goods. As for the sphere of spiritual life, here the central place is occupied by the need of the individual to acquire social experience, to become familiar with cultural values, to master the principles and norms of behavior in society and a particular social environment, and all this is impossible without contacts with other people.

Interest in the problem of communication has its roots in the distant past. Communication, the processes of interaction between people, their relationships, the issues that a person faces when coming into contact with other people, have always attracted close attention. Psychologist and sociologist I.S. Cohn writes that "people invariably regard genuine friendship as rare and tend to relegate its flowering to the past." This kind of longing for real friendship, for the sincerity of communication in the past, is exaggerated. Indeed, in our time one can observe many manifestations of the true friendship of people, their sincerity and self-sacrifice. A striking example is the manifestations of friendship in hard years Great Patriotic War. But even now it is difficult to imagine a person who does not have friendly feelings for close people, for comrades in the profession, in common inclinations, interests, aspirations.

It may seem that with the concept of communication, well known to everyone, there are no special problems. Everyone seems to know what communication is. This word is associated with habitual ideas about the contacts and relationships of people with each other, about meeting friends and strangers, about personal relationships that arise on the basis of professional, amateur, creative and other common interests.

The elementary function of communication is to achieve a relationship, and to begin with, at the most external, preliminary, formal level. It would seem that it could be easier! A smile, a handshake, an approving nod, a welcome gesture... But already at this simplest level, the most unforeseen and annoying misunderstandings are possible. Russians, British, Americans use a handshake as a greeting gesture. The Laplanders rub their noses. Samoans sniff each other. Latin Americans embrace, French kiss each other on the cheek.

Entering into contacts with other people, we are far from always aware that we are using signs - units of a conditional code, a language that has come down to us from ancient times, a communicative tool that has been created for thousands of years by huge creative teams - peoples and races. Elementary languages, like the language of salutatory gestures, vary not only from one national culture to another, but also within the national culture itself from one professional, class or sex and age group to another, and even from family to family. From this it is clear how universal this source of mutual understanding or, on the contrary, misunderstanding of people is. But if this is the case in the sphere of the most elementary communication skills, then how great is the possibility of mutual misunderstanding, lurking in the semantic plane of human communication, which includes a range of complex psychological, moral, cultural and ideological motives, a fusion of thoughts, moods and feelings that one a person exchanges in the process of communication with others!

Needs modern society, its spiritual and material spheres make the problem of communication extremely relevant. Without the appropriate development of forms of communication, such areas of human activity as upbringing, education, health care, science, art, politics, ideology, etc. are practically impossible.

What is the starting point of any communication that gives rise to mutual understanding or, on the contrary, misunderstanding, rejection? Maybe it's a meeting, a handshake, a greeting, an acquaintance? Everything seems to be clear. To enter into communication, people first need to see each other, meet. How else?

We see that the role of communication in human life is enormous! It is impossible to imagine a day without communication. It is necessary for a person like air!

List of used literature:

1. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., Aspect Press, 1996

2. Andreeva G.M. Communication and optimization of joint activities. Moscow State University, 1987

3. Voikunsky A.E. I say, we say...: Essays on human communication. - M.: Knowledge, 1990

4. Leontiev A.N. Activity, consciousness, personality. - M., 197

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Communication is a complex process of establishing contacts between individuals and entire groups. Without communication human society just won't exist. From the very appearance of the first man, it has become the cause and guarantee of the emergence of society and civilization. Modern people they cannot do without communication in any area of ​​their life and activity, regardless of whether a person loves loneliness or company, whether he is an extrovert or an introvert. Let's try together to find the reasons for this unique phenomenon as sociability, and answer the question why a person needs communication.

The role of communication in human life

The answer to the question of why a person needs communication is brought to us by the history of primitive society. It was from communication, which was carried out by the first people through gestures, that human speech developed, concepts and designations of objects appeared, and later writing. It was thanks to communication that society, human society, appeared, and peculiar rules of communication between people were established.

Why is communication needed?

A person's need for communication is determined by his natural life and constant presence in society, whether it be a family, a team of employees, a school or student class. If a person were deprived of the opportunity to communicate from birth, he would never be able to grow up as a social person, civilized and culturally developed, would resemble a person only externally.

This is proved by numerous cases of the so-called "Mowgli people", deprived of human communication in early childhood or immediately at birth. All body systems developed in such individuals quite normally, but the psyche was very delayed in development, or even completely stopped due to lack of experience in communicating with people. It is for this reason that we understand why a person needs to communicate with other people. communication art attention empathy

The art of communicating with people

It would seem that if communication is quite natural for all people, then each of us should contact freely and be able to do it. However, some sometimes have a fear of communicating with people or, in other words, social phobia. This fear usually occurs during adolescence, the most difficult in a person's life. If the first conscious entry into society is negative, then in the future a person will have problems in communicating with people.

Communication skills are acquired with age, and the most important thing here is to master this art. The most ancient commandments of communication can help with this:

1. Communicate with a person, do it in the best way, in your opinion.

2. Show respect for the person you are talking to.

3. Trust whoever you communicate with.

With people we know, as a rule, we do not have any problems in communication, we know well how they react to certain words, remarks, news. But when talking with strangers, you should always do it with positive side, do not show any negativity, always be friendly. Speak with a smile, but try to keep your words and phrases appropriate. Look the person in the eye with a clear and friendly look, show sincere interest and attention to the interlocutor. If you can’t get over yourself and do all of the above for one reason or another, it’s better to just avoid communication with

******** The existence of many different definitions of the concept of "communication" is associated with different views of scientists on this problem. In a brief psychological dictionary, it is proposed to define communication as “a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing conflicts between people, which includes the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy and interaction, the perception and understanding of another person.” A.A. Bodalev proposes to consider communication as "the interaction of people, the content of which is the exchange of information using various means of communication to establish relationships between people." A.A. Leontiev understands communication not as an interindividual, but as a social phenomenon”, the subject of which “should not be considered in isolation”. The point of view of A.A. Leontiev on “communication as a kind of activity” is supported by other authors, for example, V.N. Panferov.

Communication- communication between people, during which there is a psychological contact, manifested in the exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual experience, mutual understanding.

The problem of communication is also considered in the works of philosophers (B.D. Parygin, L.P. Buevoy, M.S. Kagan, V.S. Korobeinikov, etc.)

Based on this abundance of views on the problem of communication, it must be considered from the philosophical, sociological and psychological sides.

The philosophical approach is based on the fact that it is the social concept that justifies communication as a way to carry out internal evolution. social structure society, group in the dialectical interaction of the individual and society.

With the psychological approach, communication is defined as a specific form of activity and as an independent process of interaction necessary for the implementation of other types of personality activity. Psychologists note the presence of the main need for a person - in communication, as important factor self-formation of personality.

Communication is characterized by: content, functions and means.

The content of communication can be different:

transmission of information

perception of each other

mutual evaluation of each other by partners

Interaction of partners

interaction of partners

· activity management, etc.

Communication functions are allocated in accordance with the content of communication.

There are several classifications of communication functions. V. N. Panferov identifies six of them:

Communicative (implementation of the relationship of people at the level of individual, group and social interaction)

· informational(exchange of information between people)

· cognitive(comprehension of meanings based on representations of imagination and fantasy)

· emotive(manifestation of an individual's emotional connection with reality)

· conative(management and correction of mutual positions)

· creative(development of people and the formation of new relationships between them)

Other sources distinguish four main functions of communication:

instrumental (communication acts as a social mechanization of management and transmission of information necessary to perform a certain action)

· syndicated(communication is a means of bringing people together)

· self-expression(communication acts as a form of mutual understanding, psychological context)

· translational(transfer of specific methods of activity, assessments)

And additional:

· expressive(mutual understanding of experiences and emotional states)

· social control i (regulations of behavior and activities)

· socialization(formation of interaction skills in society in accordance with accepted norms and rules), etc.

Communication suffers if at least one of the listed functions is impaired or absent, therefore, when analyzing real communication processes, it is useful to first diagnose the representation of these functions, and then take measures to correct them.

Structure of communication

The concept of "communication" is complex, therefore it is necessary to designate its structure. In the psychological literature, when characterizing the structure of communication, they usually distinguish its three interconnected aspects: communicative, interactive and perceptual.

Communicative side

The communicative side of communication is the exchange of information between people. Understanding a person by a person is connected with the establishment and preservation of communication.

Sources of information in communication:

signals directly from another person;

signals from their own sexor-perceptual systems;

information about the results of activities;

information from internal experience;

information about the likely future.

Depending on the requirements of the moment, different sources of information and their different content come to the fore.

A person must be able to somehow distinguish “good” information from “bad” information. How does this happen? An interesting explanation was offered by psychologist B. F. Porshnev. He came to the conclusion that speech is a way of suggestion, or suggestion, but there is “there is also a counter psychological activity called counter-suggestion, counter-suggestion, which contains methods of protection against the action of speech.”

B. F. Porshnev singled out 3 types of countersuggestion: avoidance, authority and misunderstanding. Avoidance means avoiding contact with a partner (a person is inattentive, does not listen, does not look at the interlocutor, finds a reason to be distracted). Avoidance is manifested not only by avoiding communication with another person, but also by avoiding certain situations. For example, people who don't want to be influenced by their opinion or decision simply don't show up for meetings or appointments. The action of authority lies in the fact that, having divided all people into authoritative ones, a person trusts only the first and refuses to trust the second. You can find many reasons for assigning authority to a particular person (status, superiority in parameters, attractiveness in specific situations, etc.). The reasons are determined by their own history and core values. The effectiveness of communication will depend on the nature of the formation of ideas about the authority of the interlocutor. Sometimes dangerous information can also come from people we generally trust. In a quiet case, we can defend ourselves with a kind of misunderstanding of the message itself.

It is important for almost all people to be listened to and heard. For all who are interested in effective communication, it is important to be able to pursue psychological barriers, i.e. be able to manage attention.

There is a whole group of techniques to attract attention:

reception" neutral phrase". At the beginning of communication, a phrase is pronounced that is not related to the main topic, but has meaning and value for all those present.

reception "z" attractions”- the speaker at first speaks very quietly, very incomprehensibly, unintelligibly, which makes others listen.

reception making eye contact- staring at a person, we attract his attention; by moving away from the gaze, we show that we do not want to communicate. But in communication it is important not only to attract attention, but also to support it.

The first group of techniques for maintaining attention is "isolation" techniques (isolate communication from external factors - noise, lighting, conversation, or be able to isolate itself from internal factors - instead of listening, pondering its remarks or simply waiting for the end of speech to enter into talking to yourself).

The second group of techniques is associated with “imposing a rhythm”. A person's attention is constantly fluctuating, therefore, by changing the characteristics of voice and speech, we do not allow the interlocutor to relax and miss necessary information.

And, finally, the third group of maintenance techniques is accentuation techniques. You can draw attention to the necessary information using certain words (“please pay attention to ...”, “it is important to note that ...”, etc.) or by contrasting with the surrounding background.

Interactive side

For a correct understanding of the communication process, it is important to imagine the actions of your partner, which are carried out in certain situations. The second side of communication is interactive, which consists in organizing interaction between individuals, i.e. exchange not only knowledge, but also actions.

One of possible ways understanding the situation of communication is the perception of positions relative to each other. The approach to situation analysis depending on positions was developed by E. Bern in line with transactional analysis and his followers (T. Harris, M. James and D. Jonjeval, etc.). base states: child, adult or parent. The state of the child is the actualization of attitudes and behavior developed in childhood (emotionality, mobility, playfulness or depression, etc.). The state of an adult is turned to reality (mindfulness, maximum orientation towards a partner). A parent is such a state of the EGO, the feelings and attitudes of which are related to the role of a parent (criticality, condescension, arrogance, concern, etc.). The success of communication depends on whether the ego states of the communicants correspond to each other. Thus, such pairs of ego-states as “child-child”, “adult-adult”, “parent-child” are favorable for communication. For success in communication, all other combinations of ego-states must be reduced to the above.

Perceptual side

The third important aspect of communication is perceptual. It means the process of perception of each other by partners in communication and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis. From the point of view of perception, it is important to correctly form the first impression. Psychologists have discovered that the image of another person can be built according to different typical schemes. The scheme of perception is often used according to the type of reassessment of the qualities of people. When meeting with a person who surpasses us in an important partner, we evaluate him more positively. And if we are dealing with a person whom we surpass, then we underestimate him. At the same time, it should be known that superiority is fixed in one parameter, and underestimation occurs in several parameters. This error in perception has its name, the superiority factor.

An equally important parameter in the perception of another person is whether we like this person outwardly or not. If we like a person outwardly, then we tend to consider him more intelligent, interesting, etc. This error in perception is associated with an overestimation or underestimation of a person’s properties and is called attraction factor.

The next diagram is related to the so-called "attitude towards us" factor. Those people who treat us well seem to us better than those who treat us badly.

When forming first impressions, these perceptual patterns of people are called the halo effect. halo effect It manifests itself in the fact that during the formation of the first impression, a general positive impression of a person leads to a reassessment of an unknown person. It follows that our first impression is always wrong. But it's not. Special studies show that an adult with communication experience is able to accurately determine the characteristics of a partner, this accuracy occurs only in neutral situations. In real life, there is always a certain percentage of errors.

With long-term communication, the results of the first impression continue to act. In constant communication, a deeper and more objective understanding of the partner becomes important. It is known that the ability to adequately perceive other individuals in different people various. Why? Some believe that it depends on life experience (but there are young people who can see in a partner and understand what is happening to him, etc.)

Psychological studies show that the entire appearance (a person's face, his gestures, facial expressions, gaits, manner of standing, sitting) carries information about his emotional states, about his attitude towards others, about his attitude towards himself.

In order to understand a partner in communication, not only knowledge and experience are needed - you need a focus on him (the desire to understand what he thinks about, why he is going through, etc.) The mechanism of this type of perception of another is empathy. It is based on the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to feel his condition and position, and to take all this into account in one's behavior.

It is important in communication to take into account the ways and mechanisms of building interaction. How does a person explain the behavior of other people in practice? A whole trend has emerged in psychology: the study of the processes and results of causal attribution (attribution of causes) of behavior. When does causal attribution occur? When difficulties arise in joint activities. For example, an employee is having a job. And it can interpret the reason for being late in different ways - this is due to attribution (you can see the reason for being late in the circumstances, i.e. motivate by external attribution; you can look for the reason in yourself, i.e. motivate by internal attribution). Important in understanding the essence of communication is the question of the means and mechanisms of influence of participants in communication on each other.

Means of communication

Language is the main means of communication. "Language is a system of signs that serves as a means of human communication." A sign is any material object (object, phenomenon, event). The total content that is embedded in a sign is called its meaning. Assimilation of the meanings of signs, ways of organizing them to convey a message, people learn to speak a particular language.

All signs are divided as follows:

intentional - specially produced to convey information

· non-intentional-- unintentionally giving out this information.

Signs of emotions can act as non-intentional signs (trembling hands give out excitement), pronunciation features, accent can become an indicator of the place of origin, social environment person. These signs speak about the person himself, so it is important to learn how to notice them and correctly decipher them.

The main mechanisms of knowing another person in the process of communication are: identification, empathy and reflection.

Identification means the simple fact that one of the ways to understand another person is to become like him. In a situation of interaction, people often use this technique, when an assumption about the internal state of a partner is based on an attempt to put oneself in his place.

Empathy is the ability to comprehend the emotional state of another person. A person can identify himself with a communication partner, accept. The process of understanding each other is complicated by the phenomenon of reflection. This is not just knowing or understanding a partner, but knowing how a partner understands me, a kind of process of mirror relationships with each other.

Communication includes certain ways of influencing partners on each other. These include: infection, suggestion, persuasion and imitation.

Infection is an unconscious susceptibility to certain mental states. It manifests itself through the transmission of a certain emotional state (for example, “sickness” in stadiums during sports)

Suggestion- this is a purposeful unreasoned impact of one person on another. Suggestion is an emotional-volitional influence. Suggestion depends on age, on fatigue. The decisive condition for effective suggestion is the authority of the suggester.

Belief- a reasoned impact on the consciousness of the individual.

Imitation- with it, the behavioral features of another person are reproduced, i.e. we are talking about the assimilation of the proposed patterns of behavior.

Types and levels of communication

In the scientific literature, the following types of communication are distinguished:

· “ Mask contact”- formal communication, when there is no desire to understand the interlocutor, the usual masks are used (politeness, modesty, indifference, etc., a set of facial expressions, gestures that allow you to hide true emotions, attitude towards the interlocutor).

· Primitive communication- when they evaluate another person as a necessary or interfering object. If a person is needed, then they actively come into contact with him, if he interferes, they push him away. When they get what they want, they lose further interest in the interlocutor and do not hide it.

· Formally Role-playing communication is such communication when both the content and the means of communication are regulated. Instead of knowing the partner's personality, they manage with knowledge of his social role.

· Business conversation takes into account the characteristics of the personality of the partner, his character, age, but the interests of the case are more significant.

· Spiritual, interpersonal communication is possible when each participant has the image of the interlocutor, knows his personal characteristics, can anticipate his reactions, takes into account the interests and beliefs of the partner.

· manipulative communication is aimed at extracting benefits from the interlocutor, using different techniques (flattery, deceit, demonstration of kindness, etc.) depending on the characteristics of the interlocutor's personality.

· Secular fellowship- it is characterized by non-objectivity (people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases). This communication is closed, since the point of view of people on a particular issue does not matter and does not determine the nature of communications.

Entering into communication, a person enters into an infinite number of relationships, i.e. communication takes place at different levels.

There are several points of view on the existence of levels of communication.

American psychologist E.T. Shostrom believes that there are two main levels and two types of communication - manipulation and actualization. Manipulation is an attitude and treatment of people as things. Actualization is the recognition of the independence of the other and his right to be different; it is natural; fullness of personal, emotional life at the moment.

Soviet researcher V.N. Sagatovsky defines four levels of communication:

level of manipulation.

· Level " reflexive game” means that the interlocutors, in general, recognize that each of them has their own goals and plans for relationships, but strive to “beat” the partner in communication and show the failure of his plans.

· Level of legal communication. Here the main thing is the coordination of behavior on the basis of norms and rules that must be fulfilled by partners.

· Level of moral communication. At this level, interaction occurs on the basis of the unity of internal, spiritual principles. The American psychologist E.Bern believes that there are six main ways to communicate “zero communication” - withdrawal into oneself: for example, a silent line at the doctor's office, passengers on the subway. No one speaks during such communication, but everyone looks at each other (cute - unattractive, who it is, etc.)

rituals- these are the norms of communication formed by society (greet, thank, say goodbye, etc.)

Work Everyone knows what fruitful working communication is.

Entertainment- in this version of communication there is also a lot of formalization. Everyone knows what tone is adopted for meetings with loved ones, which one is for communication in an unfamiliar company.

Games- this is a repetitive communication on two levels, when a person depicts one thing, in fact he means something completely different, for example, a conversation between a doctor and a patient.

Proximity-- this highest level communication. A person turns to another "with all the powers of the soul." E. Bern believes that intimacy can be one-sided (“blindness of feelings”). In this way, modern man Aspiring to learn to understand himself and others, he must know what communication is, its structure (device), in order to take into account the difference in levels in communication, the mismatch of positions and be able to reorient in the course of interaction, “hear” the other, find a “common language” with him.

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We wrote this essay on a psychology class in college. And today I accidentally dug out a double notebook sheet in a cage with text in each line.

Communication plays a big role in my life, I would say that communication with my friends keeps my desire to live alive.

I communicate in a company in which men dominate in quantity and importance, so the nature of communication in our group is specific, and the attitude towards girls is special.

As a result of communication with friends (for the most part, I communicate with them, even more than with my family), I acquire connections in various fields of activity. Among my friends and acquaintances there are artists, professional photographers, musicians, designers in various fields, programmers and so on. From my friends I can get financial, moral, physical support, protection, inspiration and direction of my ideas.

Since I began to communicate with my current friends, I have changed a lot morally, psychologically. I had the strength to resist the negative manifestations of people in relation to me, and this ability was developed in me by some close people intentionally, through suggestion, support, examples. Feelings and emotions that were practically lost during my coexistence with people who were negatively disposed towards me in the past began to appear in me again.

The warmth and love that surrounded me rehabilitated me as a person. Over time, I began to appreciate in people openness, sociability, a spark of talent, to adequately perceive the manifestation of kindness to me.

And since I am a girl, I am valued as a rarity in our company, with whom, moreover, you can consult about other girls, chat with me "like a man" without hiding, knowing that I will understand and keep a secret. I know that even with just a warm smile I can help one of my friends, and this is very important for me!

In the process of communication, I establish and maintain personal relationships with people. I have positive feelings for some (it is not difficult to maintain such a relationship, since it is always mutual. If a person does not have positive feelings for me, then I, too, but already for good attitude a person will be dear to me.), a small amount of negative feelings is mixed with others, but I will never show it. If I feel open hostility towards me, then I strive to reduce relations with such a person to zero.

It is very important for me that many of my friends call me not Alena, but Alyonka or even Alyonushka. My friends helped me understand myself, find the strength to make important decisions, understand who I am, why I exist, find some psychological stability, for which I am very grateful to them.

Communication ennobles and uplifts,
in society, a person involuntarily, without any pretense
keeps himself otherwise than alone.
Ludwig Feuerbach

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to the wide opportunities for learning, a person acquires all his higher cognitive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities, he himself turns into a personality. If from birth a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, he would be doomed to remain a semi-animal until the end of his life, only outwardly, anatomically and physiologically resembling a person. This is evidenced by numerous; the facts described in the literature and showing that, being deprived of communication with their own kind, the human individual, even if he, as an organism, is completely preserved, nevertheless remains a biological being in his mental development. As an example, we can cite the conditions of people who are occasionally found among animals and who for a long period, especially in childhood, lived in isolation from civilized people or, already as adults, as a result of an accident, found themselves alone, isolated for a long time from their own kind. (for example, after a shipwreck).

Of particular importance for the mental development of the child is his communication with adults in the early stages of development. At this time, he acquires all his human, mental and behavioral qualities almost exclusively through communication, since until the beginning of schooling, and even more definitely before the onset of adolescence, he is deprived of the ability to self-educate and self-educate. The mental development of a child begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that arises in ontogenesis and thanks to which the infant receives the information necessary for his individual development.

Not a single person can do without communication with other people, which is provided to him by family, friends, colleagues at work. To make communication more effective, a speech was created, without which no one can do social work, which helps in many existing professions, for example, lawyers, teachers, politicians, journalists and so on.

Any conversation is the interaction of two people: the listener and the speaker. However, the peculiarity of good communication lies in the fact that roles are constantly changing in a conversation, and a successful conversation is based on the fact that two people need common topics and knowledge of the language.

The human personality develops during communication, education, upbringing. According to experts, communication is as necessary for a person as air.

In the process of communication, a person's personality is formed. Not all people are equally educated, so more educated and erudite people influence their interlocutors, help them become more developed and civilized. Another thing is if the person listening is not receptive to these arguments. Human personality is formed not only in the process of communication with people. There are examples when children were brought up by wolves or monkeys. Such people live according to the laws of animals - the strongest survive. Their perception of information from the outside is greatly distorted, everything that does not concern the issues of survival passes by from consciousness. It is very difficult, almost impossible for them to adapt to human society.

Since communication is an integral part of people's lives, it undoubtedly has a huge impact on the perception of life. In addition, there are many ways to influence a person, for example, hypnosis, blackmail, suggestion. Communication with your own kind is a necessity. Through communication, people gain knowledge. Even just reading a book, people communicate with its author through the printed word, they learn what the writer wanted to say. In addition, in order to receive some knowledge, a person needs to share it. Again, this can only happen through communication, be it printed word or oral speech. If an individual does not receive the dose of communication he needs, then this leads to a deterioration in his mental state, he is deprived of the necessary dose of information, becomes isolated in himself. It is not uncommon for lonely people to suffer from a mental disorder of a split personality, as if 2, and sometimes more consciousnesses of a person lived in one body. Precisely because any socially adapted person must express his thoughts and feelings to someone, there are various ways of communication. The most common - verbal - communication with the help of words. It is the daily communication that is the most important in human life. But there is also festive communication, when people communicate with each other only a few times a year at various celebrations. In addition, the monologue is the essence of another way of communication. Any printed word can be attributed to communication with the help of a monologue.

To adapt in society, you need to be able not only to talk about yourself, but also to listen to others. Your circle of acquaintances will change over time depending on how emotionally mature you are.

What is communication? This is a joint activity of people, the result of human actions. Throughout life, we meet new people, establish new connections. Also, communication can be considered as a goal, a result, that is, getting pleasure and information from communication. Although you can communicate simply to “kill” time and not get any benefit.

We share our joys and sorrows with people close to us, they support us, console us, and can give practical advice. Thus, without communication, without society, a person would simply turn into an animal, since the grain of spirituality and morality would not be laid in him.

There are many interpretations of "communication":

Kind of activity
. information receipt form
. a special form of human activity
. formation process interpersonal relationships
. exchange of joys, feelings, experiences
. any joint activity of people
. satisfying a need for another person

Almost any form of human activity is associated with communication (school, work, play, entertainment). Even communication with oneself presupposes the presence of an imaginary partner, there is a dialogue, a script and arguments of an internal conversation. Spiritually developed people always have a deep inner life.

When meeting new people, we always evaluate their character, preferences, thus forming our attitude towards them. You can become friends, or you can hate each other for the rest of your life.

Communication plays a huge role in human life, the development of our psyche and our abilities is very dependent on society. However, there is a theory that a person by himself, and society is just an episode of his life, and he is not so dependent on society.

But in fact, society helps to reveal our character traits. It gives us the norms of morality and morality, traditions, values, it helps a person to realize himself, find friends, love, allows a person to be what he wants to be.

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